Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders - October 2018

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders October 2018

Luxembourg: Joint Action on Health Inequalities Conference More on Page 4


Welcome to the October issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on the Luxembourg: Joint Action on Health Inequalities Conference and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 4 In Focus - Within Wales 7 Opportunities 9

The IHCC has a new website!

Our E-bulletin is making space for this new resource, the best place to stay updated on a range of topics related to work within and beyond borders, such as:





Working Internationally If you would like to find out more about Welsh, UK, European, or International organisations involved or supporting international work, please visit the Services section. Would you like to promote your international work? Go to Get Involved and find out how to submit a project, an event or a news item to the

IHCC website.

Continue reading to find out what’s ‘In Focus Beyond and Within Wales’

InBeyond Focus Wales

Luxembourg: Joint Action on Health Inequalities Conference On 21-22 June, The European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis launched the first meeting of the Joint Action on Health Inequalities ‘’Health Equity in Europe’’ in Luxembourg. The Commissioner spoke to the broad and ambitious scope of this Joint Action, describing the Joint Action as a key forum in promoting greater equity in health outcomes and reducing inter-country differences and the involvement of almost all Member States. With its focus on the socio-economic determinants of health and lifestyle-related health inequalities, including a specific focus on migrants and vulnerable groups, the Joint Action has 4 specific objectives: • Contribute to the planning and development of policies to tackle health inequalities at European, national, regional and local level. • Implement actions that provide the best opportunity to tackle health inequalities in participating Member States. • Strengthen a cooperative approach in tackling HI and facilitate exchange and learning among Member States. • Facilitate transferability of good practices. Dr Gill Richardson and Cathy Weatherup attended the JAHEE meeting as the representatives from Public Health Wales. Wales has committed to participating in the Joint Action on Health Equity Europe (JAHEE) Programme at a meeting in Luxemburg.

JAHEE, a 3 year programme with a €3.125 million budget, coordinated by the Instituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome (Italy), represents an opportunity for participating countries to jointly address health inequalities and the underlying social determinants of health across Europe. The launch was attended by 49 public health experts from 25 EU (European Union) countries along with invited experts from Norway, Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. The primary objective of the project is to improve the health and well-being of European citizens and achieve greater equity in health outcomes across all countries and groups across society by examining the socio-economic determinates of health and lifestyle related health inequalities. The project will also focus its efforts on migrants as poor health and a lack of access to health services are often a barrier to greater integration. Wales, the only UK (United Kingdom) nation to participate, was represented by a joint team of Public Health Wales’ Cathy Weatherup and Gill Richardson from the Policy, Research and International Development Ddivision and Welsh Government’s Rhodri Wyn Jones. As the UK representatives, the team will disseminate any messages and products from the Joint Action to the other UK countries using existing networks. Both colleagues will support the general programme and country assessments, and Gill will be working with colleagues from across Europe, led by Norway, to examine ways of reducing the inequalities in the health of international migrants. Meanwhile, Cathy will be working with a group, led by Finnish colleagues, to focus on governance and systems related to health policy to ensure that health and equity are considered in all policies across the local, regional, national and European levels. Wales is leading the way in this field through the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, it is expected that we will influence and shape the emerging work using our existing experience as a guide. The Joint Action links to work at World Health Organization (WHO) Europe which monitors and tracks health inequalities across the region. The Action will use a variety of data sources to help identify and tackle health inequalities throughout Europe including the World Health Organization (WHO) European Health Report released on 12 September 2018. More information on the new Joint Action to tackle health inequalities in Europe is available via the European Commission’s website. Keywords: WHO European Region, Health Inequalities, Policy, Migrants

THET Annual Conference 2018 Two days, 360 delegates and 89 speakers discussing the challenges in global health, and the innovative and inspiring ways health partnerships are working to tackle these. The United Kingdom’s (UK) biggest health partnership event gathered ministers, leading practitioners and experts from around the world. Eminent speakers included, the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, Dr Catherine Calderwood; the Director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, Professor the Lord Darzi; and a video message from the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Best practice, innovation and the ethics of volunteering were in the spotlight, as the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship Project was announced, a commitment from the UK government as part of the wider work of the Fleming Fund.

The launch of the Students in Health Partnerships Toolkit provided another fantastic highlight. (English Only)

The panel ‘How are the nations of the UK supporting health partnerships?’ focused on the different approaches that Wales, Scotland and England had taken to enable NHS staff to engage in global health activity, including health partnerships.

The Republic of Ireland enriched the discussion as well. Dr Mariana Dyakova, International Health Lead at Public Health Wales, highlighted the innovative and enabling legislation, strategic and policy context in Wales. She emphasized the key role of the International Health Coordination Centre (IHCC) in supporting global health work across the NHS in Wales and its unique commitment the Charter for International Health Partnerships. The Conference was closed by Professor Sir Eldryd Parry, THET’s Founder, and Lord Nigel Crisp, Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Global Health, discussing the barriers and great advances they have experienced whilst working to bring about equitable health services around the world.

For more information, please visit the THET website. Keywords: Policy,Global, Global health, Global/ International

In Focus Within Wales This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales.

Public Health Wales Launches Brexit Hub Public Health Wales’ Policy Team has launched a Brexit Health Hub resource as a guide to current discussions and considerations of the potential policy implications for of leaving the (European Union) EU. Following the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union in June 2016, the Policy Team has maintained a weekly ‘reading list’ of guidance, research and Parliamentary reports linked to Brexit, health and the wider determinants of health. Comprised of over 1000 points of reference and growing weekly, the Policy Team has developed thematic webpages to help inform public health professionals about the key issues linked to population health and the UK’s future relationship with Europe, and the world. The bilingual pages cover a range of topics including health care services, research, the environment, communities, agriculture and transport. Commenting on the webpages, Dr. Sumina Azam, Consultant in Public Health, Policy Division, said: “Whilst the Brexit negotiations are still in UK leaving the European Union are vast, determinants lens. By developing the Brexit updated on the latest evidence and information of practice.”

progress, the potential implications of the particularly when viewed through a wider Health Hub, we hope to keep professionals regarding these possible impacts on their areas

The Public Health Wales Brexit Reading List is shared weekly with colleagues within the organisation, and also amongst professionals within the UK and Ireland through the UK Public Health Network. The Brexit Health Hub is hosted on the Public Health Network Cymru website, the network for professionals working on public health matters in Wales. Keywords: Policy, Health Professionals

Opportunities For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 or more information on funding opportunities.

Funding Vaccines for diarrhoeal diseases or lower respiratory tract infections grant European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Keywords: funding, immunisation Deadline:30 October 2018 For more information, please visit the EDCTP website. Australian Aid’s Direct Aid Program - Sri Lanka and the Maldives 2018 Australian High Commission , Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Keywords: funding, communities Deadline: 31 October 2018 Further information can be found on the Australian High Commission website.

Joint Gender Fund Irish Embassy, Ford Foundation and RAITH Foundation Keywords: gender, funding Deadline: 26 October 2018 Please visit the Hilanganisa Institute for Development in Southern Africa website for further information.

Training Health Economics for Public Health Practice & Research Two day short course Locataion: Bangor University, Wales Date: 8–10 April 2019 Keywords: public health, professional development For more information and information on how to register, please visit the Bangor University website.

Contact Us Email Telephone 02920 104 459 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Capital Quarter 2 Tyndall Way Cardiff CF10 4BZ Website Twitter @IHCCWales

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