Public Health Network Cymru Annual Report 2015/16

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016

Contents Introduction


Objectives For 2015 / 2016


Advisory Group

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Membership Website




Good Practice Toolkit And Database

Conferences, Seminars and Events

Future Plans


Further Information

Introduction Public Health Network Cymru is a platform for practitioners, researchers and policy makers from all sectors and settings in Wales. It is also a place for learning, sharing and engaging in key public health topics and issues. Public Health Wales has coordinated national public health networks for the topics of physical activity and nutrition, mental health promotion and sexual health for a number of years. An external evaluation conducted in 2009, looking at the work of these Networks, identified that the networks were well subscribed, influential at both strategic and individual level and highly valued. A subsequent evaluation conducted in 2013 reiterated the value of these professional networks. The Health Improvement Review included some reference to the Networks and proposed that their scope be reconsidered, with some concerns expressed that a focus on a small number of priority issues, whilst valuable, was not sustainable across the spectrum of public health issues that require similar consideration. Public Health Network Cymru has been developed as the next step in the evolution of the public health networks, merging and developing the four existing Networks into one all encompassing service, offering a ‘one stop shop’ for practitioners working in allpublic health improvement topics,settings and life-stages in Wales.

Objectives for 2015 / 2016 Public Health Network Cymru aims to create a network of interest for all those working on public health issues in Wales with quality timely advice, information and support. Its objectives are as follows: To provide and maintain a dynamic, engaging and attractive web portal that provides instant access to comprehensive public health information, current and emerging news items, video feeds, research and evidence briefings and communities of interest. To help inform and support public health policy development and best public health practice through a range of quarterly topical events including seminars and conferences. To promote and support good public health practice through the development and dissemination of a downloadable online good practice toolkit and database. To respond in a timely manner to new and emerging public health issues with interactive forums and the opportunity to participate in online communities. The remit of the network includes: Providing support and guidance to the wider public health workforce. Organising and promoting regional and national events on themed public health topics. Producing and disseminating e-bulletins to registered members of the network. Developing and maintaining a series of databases to support practitioners in their ongoing public health development. Promoting and supporting good practice in public health initiatives

Advisory Group An Advisory Group has been established to oversee and guide the work of Public Health Network Cymru. The multi-disciplinary group will represent the Network’s members, and aims to encourage people to work more collaboratively in Wales. It consists of representatives from across sectors, disciplines and geographies that have a role to play in improving the health of the population in Wales. ‘Terms of reference’ are in place for the members of the group and were agreed and ratified at the inaugural meeting on 24 March 2016. Recognising the vast potential scope of topics covered by the network a ‘virtual’ reference group has also been established which provides access to a wide range of professionals and expertise across Wales who can help address and advise on specific queries that members and the co-ordinators may need assistance with.

Membership Public Health Network Cymru was launched in May 2015. Since then the number of registered members of the network continues to increase with 758 members on 31st March 2016. Registered members of the Network receive up to date information on Public Health activity across Wales. This includes e-bulletins, access to members only features on the website, invitations to conferences and seminars run by Public Health Network Cymru, and the opportunity to inform future seminar and conferences. There are a large range of professionals registered with the network including Community Workers, Environment Professionals, Ward Managers, Project Managers, Directors, Occupational Therapists, Public Health Practitioners and Teachers from all sectors and parts of Wales and beyond.

Website Since its launch in May 2015 the website continues to evolve, with the addition of new topic pages, news and events added on a daily basis, an extensive service and resource directory and the following interactive functions: A Good Practice toolkit and database which provides information and resources for practitioners An online forum, where issues related to sugar, workplace health and physical activity have been discussed so far The addition of videos to many of the topic pages. The final phase of development will see the establishment of a number of embedded affiliate sites including the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, the International Health Co-ordination Centre, the Research & Development Collaborative and the National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research. The continued development of the website will enable communication and increase advocacy support for health improving policy, as well as a multi-agency system approach.

Good Practice

Toolkit and Database The Public Health Wales Good Practice Scheme was established in 2010 to support the four public health networks that were in existence at that time in delivering their commitment to promote good practice. Engagement in the scheme was slow with only 18 projects submitted. An evaluation conducted in 2012 highlighted a number of obstacles including lack of awareness, a perceived complicated application process and concerns over the credibility of the scheme. It was therefore decided to replace the Scheme with a self-assessment toolkit which provides projects with an evidence-based framework that can be used to quality assure the development and delivery of new and existing projects. After completion of the toolkit, projects are then added to a Shared Practice database so that projects throughout Wales can share learning and highlight their work. A number of factsheets will be available to assist people in the completion of the toolkit. These factsheets will include an introduction to aims and objectives, evaluation of projects and engaging with stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Conferences, Seminars and Events

As Public Health Network Cymru is in its first year there have been no conferences to date. However we are already planning for the first conference to be held in the autumn of 2016. The Network has coordinated and delivered several events since its launch in May 2015. These include: The establishment of the Public Health Wales seminar series that has so far included: Prudent Healthcare (Cardiff) Prison Health (Wrexham) Food Poverty (Cardiff) The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Cardiff) Stakeholder Engagement Events in 8 Health Board areas – May 2015 In addition we have contributed to a range of other events including: Let’s Get Physical Event – Hafal – July 2015 All Together Now – Hafal – October 2015 Healthy Working Wales Employer Engagement and Awards Event – October 2015 Welsh Public Health Conference – November 2015 Public Health Wales ‘Research in Wales’ Seminar – November 2015 Making Every Contact Count – November 2015 Supporting Joint Commissioning for Sustainable Integrated Health & Social Care Services – November 2015 Communities Health Development Network – December 2015 Charter for International Health Partnerships celebration event – December 2015 Wales Exercise Medicine Symposium – January 2016

Future Plans With the network now firmly established and developing rapidly and a new multi-functional and comprehensive website in place, the focus in the coming year will be to optimise the opportunities to engage and support the network members, partners and stakeholders ensuring they are able to shape and use the resources that the network has to offer. To that end the network team will be out “on the road� again in May and June with events across Wales. These will aim to identify local champions and seek advice on how the network can support local practitioners to articulate important public health issues; share good practice; establish effective communications across the network and enhance knowledge, evidence and practice from local to international level. The team are also keen to meet agencies and groups of professionals from all sectors to both promote the network and more importantly, to explore how the network might support them in delivering their services and will look to attend team meetings etc. to explore opportunities and potential synergies. The network will continue to facilitate, support and deliver seminars, workshops and an annual conference To ensure events are of optimal value to the network, members are being invited to inform topics for future seminars and a poll has been initiated using the network Facebook & Twitter accounts.

Further Information Further information on all aspects of the network including a simple free online registration process can be found at the network website at: (English) or (Welsh) Or by emailing In addition there are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram & You Tube accounts. All the network team members are happy to take enquiries and address concerns. The team include: Marie Griffiths: Cath Evans: Becky Winslade: Sarah James:

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