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Faith in Culture

Faith in Culture

Tidbits From Amy


Several months ago, I started following several “minimalist” groups on social media. If you’ve been to my house or seen my garage, minimalist is not the word that would come to your mind. For years, I’ve taken pride in saying, “Yes, I have that.”

But now that we’re officially empty nesters starting a new phase in life, I find myself questioning everything. Will I use that whole box of whatchamacallits and thingamajigs? Do I need stickers, stamps, and holiday decor? When things sit in one spot for months, I question whether they are worthy of the space they fill. You’ve probably heard that life is about change, and nothing ever stays the same. In this new stage, with many things changing, I cling to Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

Many of the minimalist posts share encouraging sayings or quotes meant to prompt forward thinking and provide motivation to do and be better. Often, relative Scripture comes to mind. For example, when I read “Sometimes it’s very hard to move on, but once you move on, you’ll realize it was the best decision you’ve ever made” or “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations,” my mind immediately goes to Proverbs 3: 5-7 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the Lord, and depart from evil.” In every stage of life, we must trust the Lord and lean on Him for wisdom and understanding, knowing He intends better for us than we could imagine. I must focus on God, flee from evil, wait and allow God to direct me as He works for my good and His glory.

In a November post, “Be More With Less,” the writer noted: “We don’t remove clutter, reject busyness and reduce stress to have a simple life. We do it to have a life. Not a beautifully organized life or a completely calm life. Not a perfect life, or one where we know all the answers, but a life that we have room for…a life we can enjoy and a life we create.”

I think we all would agree life is busy. We get caught up in doing, being, and going. Sometimes, we fail to wait, renew, and walk. Isaiah 40:31 reminds those who “wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Psalm 46:10 urges “Be still, and know that I am God.”

If we remove the clutter in our lives, both literally and in our time, it will allow for space. Space to be filled with Christ. Space to be still. Space to wait, to sit at His feet. As we are filled with Christ, He will overflow from us into others as we live our lives more intentionally in and for Him.

Starting a new year prompts evaluation. It’s a time to look back at where you’ve been and forward to where you want to go. Do you need to sit at His feet? Create margin in your life to allow Him to use you. Perhaps you have already prepared and just need to step out, to be His hands and feet. The world needs to see more of Jesus. How can He use you today? Tomorrow? The day after?

About the Colunnist:

Amy is an aspiring minimalist who started with a yard sale and stalled at cleaning out the sock drawer. Currently serving as the WNAC Board chair, Amy enjoys participating in children’s and women’s ministry. Traveling, enjoying God’s beautiful creation, and spending time with family and friends are favorite pastimes.

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