Treasure Bible Study Guide

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Treasure ISSN# 8960038) Volume 10 • Number 4

Can You See?

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Elizabeth Hodges Managing editor Phyllis York

WNAC Board Amy Johnson, Illinois Pam Hackett, South Carolina Jonda Patton, Kentucky Sarah Sargent, Ohio Tracy Payne, Oklahoma LeeAnn Wilfong, Missouri Khristi Shores, Oklahoma Jessica Edwards, Tennessee Katie Postlewaite, South Carolina

Contributors Amy Johnson, Illinois Sarah Sargent, Ohio April Tummins, Tennessee Anna Fox, Tennessee Tina Tolbert, Tennessee

TREASURE (ISSN# 8960038) is produced quarterly by Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc. 5233 Mount View Road, Antioch, TN 370132306. Copyright privileges reserved. 2021 Member of the Evangelical Press Association.

Studies October Focus


November Trust The Process

December Can You See?

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Feature Articles Survivor


Convention Recap


Inquiries Mail questions or comments to Treasure, P.O Box 5002, Antioch, TN 370115002; or online at and through Facebook: Women Nationally Active for Christ.

In Every Issue 4 5 36

Amy’s Tidbits Behind the Scenes Thirtysomethings

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by Amy Johnson As 2021 comes into view in the rearview mirror, our studies on 20/20 Vision are ending. Each month focused on some aspect of eye care and paralleled our focus on the Lord Jesus. Have you been challenged? We realized to be able to see clearly, we must fix our eyes on Jesus. Every person we meet is someone God has sent our way. We also recognized to get a clear vision, we must draw close to God. When we lift our eyes, not only do we gain a broader perspective, but we are reminded we are not alone. Sometimes our vision becomes cloudy and may require a little “I” surgery to help keep our eyes on Jesus. Correct vision should motivate us to show grace to everyone around us. We’ve been encouraged to focus on Jesus because the secret of peace lies in our focus. We need to look through the eyes of love seeing the needs of others near and far. As we continue the process of having a focused and balanced vision to see the world as God does, our worldview widens. To wrap up our studies this quarter, we will look at when our vision has changed. Just as physical vision requires therapy, we must develop and practice spiritual disciplines to improve our spiritual vision. Is there such a thing as perfect vision? We must continually be transforming our sight to see as He does. May we be disciplined to learn and listen as we gain balance and focus. I pray these studies have helped and challenged you to have a clearer vision of who Jesus is and how He wants to use you in His Kingdom Work. As Elizabeth Hodges stated, “We (FWB Women’s Ministry) have a rich heritage, and our future is bright.” May you continue to lean into God and His Word and hold fast to the fact, God Knows!

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If you look on our family’s fridge, the first thing you’ll see is a giant dry erase calendar that is color-coded and crammed full of assorted activities. How can a homeschooled, church-planting family of four (five at the end of September) have so much going on? Honestly, it’s strategic on our part because God has given us an excellent opportunity to minister to our community through youth sports. The average week for us looks something like this: homeschool on Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 2:00; two tackle football practices and a baseball practice most evenings; two tackle football games on Saturday morning and a baseball game on Saturday evening. Church on Sunday morning and a baseball game or practice on Sunday afternoon. Oh, did I forget to mention a weekly small group meeting and a private discipleship group for Amanda and me? The church staff meets weekly on Monday mornings and I have a theology mentoring session on Tuesday mornings and pastoral counseling sessions at various times throughout the week. If you’re sane (unlike us), the logical question is, “WHY?” The simple answer is, “Drayton, who was baptized a couple of weeks ago; Wesley and Scarlet, who are attending church faithfully for the first time in their young lives. Cheri is finally learning what it is to be in a Christian community; Mike and Dom grew up Catholic and now have many questions. The 22 players on the Lancaster Legends football team who probably only pray once a week, but it’s with Coach Tim in the end zone before a game.” And the whole Continued on page 32 OCT-DEC 2021

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One day this past autumn, all my plans for the day fell apart early in the morning. With the kids loaded in the back seat of the SUV, I let out a heavy sigh of frustration. My plans had gone awry. Breaking the noisy silence, my eight-year-old son asked, “Momma, when’s Thanksgiving?” The question seemed random at first. But then my heart smiled as I answered, “Every day is thanks-giving day.” Then, to reiterate the message God was sending me, my three-year-old son started singing, “He [God] has done great things, He has done great things! He’s so good to me.” God had other plans for me that day. With a cleared schedule, we took an unplanned drive in the countryside, enjoying the stunning rays of the sun shining on the hills and meadows. It was as if God gave me a new set of eyes. As the children and I sang His praises in the car that day, I saw so much beauty, and as our praise to God increased, we experienced increasing joy. Had my circumstances changed? No. But my focus had. And that made all the difference. OCT-DEC 2021

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This experience is hardly unique. All of us have schedules that are frequently interrupted and changed. But perhaps you are going through something devastating right now—far more painful than having a schedule interrupted. Maybe it’s a pending divorce, death of a loved one, addiction, loss of health or job, strained relationships, rebellious children, or financial hardship. Regardless of the issue, our focus has everything to do with our response to circumstances we face. When we commit to praise God during our struggle, our vision and perspective radically change. We are transformed into joyful beneficiaries of God’s goodness and, in turn, overflow with generosity and love toward others. We can learn a lot from the example of a particular impoverished woman in the Bible who had endured a painful loss and still served God with all she had.

And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had (Luke 21:1-4).

Let us look at the facts: What was she? Where was she? What was she doing? How much did she give? To whom was she giving? Scripture tells us she was a widow. She had endured the loss of her spouse. She was acquainted with grief. Scripture also states she was very poor, which means she was probably living day to day on the charity of others to provide for her needs. But she gave the last of her money to the work of God. When she was first married, I am sure she did not envision the grief she would later have to endure. Like us, she probably had high hopes and dreams. Perhaps she thought her husband would take care of her for the rest of her life. I doubt she desired to be widowed and poor. To the eyes of those who are not familiar with God’s kingdom order, it would seem unlikely she could find any joy 8 treasure

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OCTOBER STUDY at all. How could she possibly be joyful in her grief and poverty? The answer is both profound and simple: she praised God with all she had. She praised God by her faithfulness in worship and her charity—giving all she had to the ministry of the temple and the worship of the Lord. She emptied herself to be full. She desired to give back to Him out of the blessings she had received. And though the amount she gave was monetarily minuscule, her obedience was enormous. Based on where she was, what she was doing, and how much she gave, this woman was blessed indeed.

Application: What does Malachi 3:10 teach us about those who give to the Lord?

What does Proverbs 11:25 say happens to a generous person?

According to Psalm 87:7, all our blessings come from what source?

There is much to take away from this story. Jesus Christ paid attention to the widow’s sacrifice. And because of her obedience, she ultimately was comforted, satisfied, honored, and blessed. How do we know this is true? Because God makes good on His promises. Obedience is the path to joy. The widow could have chosen to stay inside her home rather than go to the temple. She could have isolated herself instead of gathering with other worshippers. She could have given way to insecurity and hoarded what she had rather than giving to and relying upon God to provide for her. We have similar choices in our lives, too. When going through hardship, we can either choose to stay inside, isolated, and insecure or keep going, gathering, and giving. Rewards follow action. There’s no ideal place to serve God except the place where He has set you down. Worship where you are. Instead of running away or giving way to despair, determine to serve God regardless of where you are, trusting in His direction and OCT-DEC 2021

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design for your life. We don’t know why we’ve been placed where and when we are. But we know Who has placed us there, and His way is perfect and is for our good.

Write Romans 8:28 here:

Through the Lens of Praise We can take away from the widow’s example that no matter how difficult the trial, we can still offer God all we are and all we have. Our emotions have much to do with the way we think and feel. You and I were created to be instruments of praise. Worship from your lips ushers you into God’s presence and brings great peace (Psalm 119:165). There is not an end to the things that can draw our attention away from God. But God does not want us focusing on those things because He knows His joy, not our circumstances, is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). That is why our command is to bring “into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). And to think on “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9). To be certain, the joy we have in Christ goes deeper than our grief, its light penetrates our darkest hour, and it abides with and in us when the feelings of happiness fade. Because the Holy Spirit indwells the believer, joy is an ever-present fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It is a wellspring from which to draw, and it will never 10 treasure

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OCTOBER STUDY run dry no matter how bleak the circumstance.

What are all the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23?

When we praise Him, we invite His joy, peace, and strength to fill us. Invite Him into your circumstances in every area of your life. Praising Him is the key to keeping your focus on Him regardless of what you may be facing.

Seeing Trials From God’s Perspective Even when you are living and working for the Lord, storms will come. But remember, in the darkest of circumstances and the lowest of emotional valleys, God is working behind the scenes to bring about redemption and beauty and to draw you to Himself, accomplishing His purpose. Recently, Lois Evans, co-founder of the Urban Alternative and the wife of evangelist Dr. Tony Evans, passed away. During the eulogy, their son Jonathan shared this truth in regards to God’s answer to his prayer for healing for his dying mother: “She was either going to be healed or she was going to be healed. She was either going to live or she was going to live, either she was going to be well taken care of or she was going to be well taken care of. Victory belongs to Me [God].” There will be prayers not answered in the way you want them to be. But when we follow Christ, we have victory in Him in every area of our lives. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things __________________ for, the evidence of things not ____________. And verse 6 says, “without ___________________ it is impossible to please him: for he that _______________ to God must believe that he is, and that he is a _____________ of them that diligently _____________ him." OCT-DEC 2021

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We want to know that through all of life’s hurts and disappointments, God is there orchestrating the events for our good and His glory. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most beloved verses because we all want our lives to matter. It says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward ______________, saith

the Lord, thoughts of ________________, and not of ______________, to give you an expected end.” Another verse that brings us strength in trials is Isaiah 40:31, which says: “But they that _____________ upon the Lord shall ________________ their strength; they shall _________________ up with wings as eagles; they shall _______________, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

The Mind’s Eye

What does it mean to “raise my Ebenezer”? The phrase comes from 1 Samuel 7:12. The prophet Samuel raised a stone as a monument and said, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” It serves us well to remember God’s goodness. When we walk through the valley, though, it is hard to remember those former blessings and even harder, with a broken heart, to see His current provision. I encourage you to start using what I call a 'Joy Jar.' It is a simple glass jar you probably have around the house. This past Christmas season, I gifted 'Joy Jars' to many friends and family members with an ample amount of square, blank papers tied together. Many of them are in a season where it is hard to keep focused on the daily mercies God gives. It was for that very reason this daily exercise is important. The exercise is to write down at least one blessing or joy experienced every day and place it in the jar. According to Lamentations 3:23, there is always something to write. What does Lamentations 3:23 say about the Lord’s mercies?

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OCTOBER STUDY Whether you started 2021 on the mountain top, or in the valley, or somewhere in between, I pray Romans 15:13 for you as you seek the Lord and follow Him: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” May this great hymn of the faith be an encouragement to keep your eyes firmly fixed on the Lord. The Solid Rock My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ Name. When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay. When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh may I then in Him be found, Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. (Lyrics by Edward Mote, 1834)

About the Writer: April Tummins lives in Dickson, Tennessee, with her husband Philip and two sons Grant and Oliver. She serves as worship leader and Sunday School teacher at United Free Will Baptist Church. Professionally, she enjoys serving others as a volunteer coordinator for a local hospice organization.

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If you have ever attended a Shine event, you know we don’t shy away from difficult topics. Before we get started, take a couple deep breaths and try to lower your blood pressure as much as possible. We will be talking about a topic that is a parent’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, it is too often a parent’s reality. reports that “according to 2019 statistics from the CDC, 8.9 % of high school students surveyed attempted suicide and 18.8 % of high school students ‘seriously considered’ attempting suicide.” Suicide and self-harm are more than just a topic for a popular Netflix show. Sarah Sargent did a Q & A with a suicide attempt survivor. If statistics are right, your child or at least one of their closest five friends has self-harmed in the last twelve months. Ashley is in her mid 20’s and just recently graduated with her degree in childhood education. When she was in high school, she attempted to take her life. God intervened and miraculously changed her. Now she is an advocate for mental health issues and a warrior for Jesus Christ. Continued on page 33 14 treasure

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Vision therapy is a combination of exercises to strengthen both eyes to work together. It is individualized to each patient’s specific needs. Office visits are required, but practice at home is a must. An individual who does everything prescribed experiences success. However, if an individual returns to using only one eye, the problem reoccurs with more significant damage. Like vision therapy, our spiritual life must be practiced with both eyes every day. Faithful attendance and involvement in a local church is a must. However, daily practice creates spiritual discipline. Practice—the prescription for spiritual health. In 1 John 3:6-7, John wrote that anyone who abides in Christ cannot continue living a sinful lifestyle. In contrast, the unbeliever continues to sin and proves he does not have fellowship with Christ. John admonishes his followers not to be deceived by false teaching. Simply, do not be led astray nor wander off the path. John then instructs the believers to practice righteousness which is right living (1 John 3:7b). OCT-DEC 2021

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The perfect, sinless Christ defined one way to live right as listening to the Holy Spirit. Scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit abides within the believer. According to Strong’s Concordance, 'abide' means to stay in a given place or dwell. The Holy Spirit is at home within a child of God and will decipher truth

right is wrong and wrong is right. The only way to stay on track is to know God’s Word. In Genesis 3:3, while talking to the crafty serpent, Eve said, “but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it lest you die (ESV).” However, that is

Know Scripture well enough to know how to live and then live that way.

as He resides there. As you practice right living, listening to the Holy Spirit keeps you from being deceived by false teachings and philosophies. Webster's dictionary defines the word 'practice' as train by repeated exercises, carry out, apply, or habit. Daily practice of spiritual discipline is spending time in God’s Word; seeking wisdom and guidance from God; dwelling in His presence; seeking His direction; and sitting in silence waiting for Him to speak. When we are abiding in Christ, our heart and mind will be seeking truth. When walking with Christ, knowing truth is foundational. It is easy to be led astray in a politically correct society where 16 treasure

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not what God told Adam! God’s only command was they should not eat the fruit (Genesis 2:16). Just like vision therapy, the daily practice of right living is necessary for spiritual health. My pastor made the following, convicting statement, “All believers have the opportunity to know all truth. God is the mark, and anything less is sin. We should live a life higher than the law. He wants us to practice spiritual disciplines and please Him. Know Scripture well enough to know how to live and then live that way.” 'Steadfast' should be the description of a spiritual life. It means unwavering, loyal, faithful, devoted, steady, and constant. Scripture uses this word about

NOVEMBER STUDY 100 times. Just as vision therapy is specific to a patient’s needs, a relationship with Christ should be individualized and specific. As you practice right living,

be constant in prayer, faithful in reading and memorizing Scripture, devoted to practicing His Word, and unwavering in defending the faith.

Spiritual Assessment: 1. Are you practicing spiritual vision therapy daily? 2. What does spiritual discipline look like in your life? 3. Does steadfastness define your walk with Christ?

4. God is the mark; anything less is sin—in what areas are you not hitting the mark?

Spiritual Discipline—affects the people around you. Abiding in Christ, reaching the mark, and practicing spiritual truths—being steadfast will affect not only your life but also the lives of those around you. Imagine being blind and getting behind the wheel of a car. What possible catastrophes would likely happen? Now imagine having a child in the car with you. Does the scenario seem worse? You may be saying, “I would never do such a thing!” But the truth of the matter is–you are! If you are not practicing spiritual disciplines, you are driving blind with a child in the back seat. The people around you are eternally affected, especially if

you are 'discipling' others while not being disciplined yourself. What were your answers to the spiritual assessment above? To not be driving blind, you must be actively growing, learning, and practicing God’s Word. God’s Word requires His followers to disciple others (Matthew 28:19a). Older (meaning spiritually mature) women are to be models for younger women. What are they to model— how to obey God’s Word, love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, and be good wives (Titus 2:3-5). Friend, we must be spiritually mature to answer the command OCT-DEC 2021

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of discipleship. When women are practicing spiritual disciplines, Titus 2 will be evident. That chapter also challenges us to live wisely so no one can criticize God’s message. Learn to live a God-filled, God-honoring life by turning against godlessness. Women have a unique ability to communicate and see

another viewpoint. Yet, we often allow emotions to dictate actions. Titus 2:2 mentions being sober-minded. This means spiritually mature women should be examples, instructing spiritually immature women to control their desires, passions, reactions, and tongues. It is a great responsibility to live what you teach.

Spiritual Assessment: 1. Are you a spiritually mature or immature believer?

2. Do your actions match what you teach?

3. Does family time, me time, or vacation time interfere with your dedication to the local church? 4. Ask God to search your heart and show you His truth.

Read Titus 2 and journal the concepts you find. Below is my list from a recent study of this passage: • Duty to husband and children. • Character. • Discreet in judgments. • Self-controlled in affections and behaviors. • Discreet and chaste; work well together. • Meek with a cheerful spirit and temper. Do not be sullen or bitter. • Love husbands and be obedient to them. Where there is true biblical love, this will not be a difficult command. • Do not be false teachers and gossips. When there are areas of struggle, this list can feel exhausting, or even defeating, However, just like vision therapy, we must practice and be disciplined. Create an 20 treasure

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intimate relationship with Jesus that is intentional and authentic. Live a life that is relational, not merely following a set of rules. Remember, Christ makes His

NOVEMBER STUDY home in a true believer. Mentoring is messy and inconvenient. Mentoring does not mean you always have it together. It means you are practicing spiritual discipline as you teach others to do the same. When you mess up, point the correction back to the redeeming love of

Christ. Then both the mentor and mentee can learn from the situation. We are not perfect, and we will mess up. Matthew 28:19-20 clearly states we must make disciples and train them to obey ALL God has commanded. This command is given to each one of us.

Obey—even when it is uncomfortable. When God tells us to do something, He expects us to obey Him fully. No excuses. Begin practicing spiritual discipline by studying these passages to learn what God is teaching you. Ask yourself three questions about each passage: What am I learning about God? What am I learning about people? What does this passage teach about obedience? Read Joshua 3:1-7. When God gives a command, it is part of His plan. We serve a God who is organized and strategic. He is not a God of chaos. He requires obedience from us. We are to obey even if it does not make sense or seems harsh. This passage seems like an impossible task to follow, but God had a plan. Read Deuteronomy 11:13-21. We are to love the Lord and serve Him with all of our heart and soul. Not part of our heart, but all. Obedience is an act of faithfulness. Our love of God should surpass our desires and plans. By not obeying, we are forcing God to use other people. He will accomplish His plan with or without us. He invites us to join Him in His work. We must adjust our lives and obey. Nothing in our life should contradict the teachings of Christ. God’s Word should be the foundation of our homes, as well as being consistently modeled and taught to our children. OCT-DEC 2021

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Read Acts 8:1-8. God wants us to spread His word to everyone, no matter the earthly cost. He empowers us to share the gospel. Read Luke 17:12-19. Thanksgiving in our hearts is obeying the words of Jesus. If you never get up, you will never do what Jesus has called you to do. Read 2 Chronicles 19:9 and 20:12b. Serving God requires obedience with our whole heart. During this time period, it was often stated they did right in the eyes of the Lord, BUT not with their whole heart. Why? The high places of idols were left standing. Jehoshaphat’s prayer should be ours, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12b). Spiritual Assessment: Is there an idol in your life you won’t tear down?

Until we are willing to adjust our lives, we hinder our maturity and example to spiritually immature women. Our only purpose on earth is to serve God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. Nothing should get in the way of that. One day my husband asked me, “If money were not an issue, what would you like to do?” I replied, “I want to help people.” I did not realize the significance of this initial response. I had been struggling with my identity since marriage. What does ministry look like for me now? Both brothers answered the call to preach and 22 treasure

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were serving in their respective churches. I struggled to let go of my identity as 'the preacher’s kid' while finding my place as a unit with my husband. I spent time searching and praying but wasn’t getting a clear direction. My husband found his role as a worship leader. My lack of musical talent hindered my ability to serve with him. I felt untrained and unqualified to do much. Searching for my new identity as a young wife and finding my place as a mentor to young women led me to a convicting and lifechanging journey. My husband and I agreed to

NOVEMBER STUDY host youth group events and Bible studies in our home. We built relationships over Oreos and Dr. Pepper. This led me to mentor a student who has been through more life than anyone should have to experience. The Lord gently placed her in my life and began preparing my heart for the 'ministry' He called me to do. Another girl called, “Can we meet? I need to speak with a counselor.” Initially, I thought I

ing room holding a shattered 14-year-old girl in my arms was like staring at my reflection. Years ago I was that devastated teenager who experience dsignificant loss. My family loved and supported me, but that event tore my world apart. After years of refinement and work, I am now thankful for what I experienced. My brokenness and healing has given me empathy, connection, and perspective

True discipleship is uncomfortable, timeconsuming, exhausting, and frustrating—but crucial.

am untrained and unqualified. We met, and everything seemed normal, but little did I know the journey we would take. My mentors equipped me with the resources I needed to speak truth. As they were speaking truth to my heart, I was speaking truth to her. The command in Titus 2 was full circle in my life. Through broken words and sobbing, the voice on the other end of the phone begged, “Please come; it’s my mom; I need you.” My heart sank. The Lord crossed our paths for this moment. Standing in the ICU wait-

with the young women in my life. Before I ever realized it, He was preparing my heart to be obedient in mentoring. Discipling spiritually immature believers can be hurtful, burdensome, and discouraging, BUT God requires obedience and faithfulness. True discipleship is uncomfortable, time-consuming, exhausting, and frustrating—but crucial. Discipling is a commitment that cannot become relaxed or complacent. It must be a priority. When we become relaxed in discipling, we stop OCT-DEC 2021

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practicing the truths of what God teaches us. Discipleship requires dedication and perseverance. Be prepared. Mentoring young women with no biblical background will take you on interesting, uncomfortable, and shocking twists and turns. It will be okay; you will be okay. Take the ride and guide them through. Spiritual Assessment: 1. How will they know if they are not taught? 2. Are you obedient to the call? 3. Find your link to someone’s story. Obedience to the doctor and practice is required to have clear vision physically. Salvation is immediate, while spiritual healthiness is a process of practice that should be never-ending.

Self Relection 1. What does your spiritual practice look like? 2. Who is your mentor? 3. Who are you mentoring? 4. Are you obedient? Ask the Lord to provide a mentor while revealing whom you should mentor. Do not miss the call of discipleship that God has commanded. You will not regret being obedient. About the Writer: Anna Fox and her husband Levi live in Smyrna, Tennessee, where she oversees the nursery ministry at The Grove Free Will Baptist Church. Anna uses her difficult, life expriences as ways to mentor young women whom God puts in her life. Anna is also the convention registrar and digital church directory coordinator for the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

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Can You See? About a year ago, a friend of mine underwent eye surgery. She had surgery first in one eye and a few months later in the other eye. During this process, I tried to help her with some logistics: rides to and from the doctor, prescription pick up, dispensing eye drops. I was the official eye-patch 'puller-offer-er'! It was not long after the first eye procedure she noticed the benefits of the surgery. She had very little to no complications and noticed vision improvement almost immediately. The second eye, however, was not so trouble-free. Although her complications were not severe, they were evident and required more attention and action than the first eye. During the weeks that led into months following the second surgery, when she expressed concern to her doctor, he always reminded her, “Be patient. Sometimes these things take time. Continue with the treatment plan, and one day your healing will be complete.”

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She followed his advice and put her efforts into the attention and action prescribed. After all, she underwent the procedures and endured the difficulties for a reason: better vision.

OH SAY, CAN YOU SEE? As believers, better vision should be one of our perpetual goals also. We know the Bible teaches that we are to be transformed people (Romans 12:2). This transformation shapes our sight, view of life, the world, and truth in our thinking and, in turn, how we live. Our sight shifts and becomes more in line with God’s eternal perspective. However, the influences, attractions, and worries of this temporary life often supersede this goal of better vision. We can see this happen in Mark 8 when it becomes obvious to Jesus His disciples do not see

what He sees at all. Here He speaks to them as One with all power and no limitations. They respond by way of earthly concerns and limited abilities, so He asks them, “You have eyes, can’t you see?” Just like the disciples, we are often blinded by earthly/temporary matters that both paralyze our actions and inhibit us from seeing beyond them. As humans, we naturally see life from this perspective. However, we are to give attention and action to correcting and improving our sight, so we are fully transformed and begin to see as He does.

Application: What earthly/temporary matter keeps you from having better spiritual vision?

FIRST THINGS FIRST AND SECOND THINGS SECOND To make this improvement, it is important, first of all, to understand the purpose of sight. The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that sight is not 26 treasure

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for the purpose of “walking.” In other words, what we see should not determine how we live. It should not be our guiding factor when making deci-

NOVEMBER STUDY sions; it should not dictate how we respond to circumstances; it should not have any bearing on how we treat others; and it should not determine our steps. We cannot rely on it for understanding. What we see is not stable or reliable enough to offer us clarity and direction. Sight does not have enough

the blind,” in Job 29:15. Secondly, we need to recognize our sight needs our steadfast care. It can become weak and draw us toward matters of insignificance. Proverbs 4 (NLT) warns us to not only diligently “keep” our hearts or guard our hearts, but it also alerts us to continue to “look straight ahead

...these things 'crowd out God’s message from our hearts.' (Mark 4:19).

power, knowledge, or strength to provide those things for us. As this Scripture teaches, sight is not to take the place of faith; what we see is not an adequate substitute for faith. Faith, believing, and living truth, are how we should walk, live, and experience life. Faith, not sight, is the mandate which provides our direction and the path we are to walk. The purpose of sight then is to lead us to a higher, deeper relationship with Him and a greater knowledge of Him and His message. We then grow in our understanding of Him and can guide others to Him as Job acknowledges, “I was eyes for

and fix your eyes.” We are to be paying attention to what is demanding our attention. One of Jesus’ lessons in the parable of the sower and the seed in Mark 4 pertains to this warning. He provides a list of concerns that could easily divert our attention away from truth, away from eternal matters. In verse 19, Jesus says, (1) worries of this life, (2) deceitfulness (or lure) of wealth, and (3) desires for other things “choke” the truth. One paraphrase puts it this way, these things 'crowd out God’s message from our hearts.' When we are looking at these things, we can quickly become obsessed with fixing, changOCT-DEC 2021

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ing, moving, removing, getbe things you could not buy. ting, keeping, making, buying, Rich people with more money posting, comparing, envying, than they could ever spend canconsuming, fighting, winning, not purchase a security system spending, or owning them. Bethat will eliminate all threats of cause our natural self leans todanger. They cannot purchase ward worldly matters, we must contentment, joy, or peace. actively combat those tendenThey will not avoid all the pains cies by a fixed and intentional of life. People they love will die. focus on Him. They, too, will one day die. The Bible Also, money, provides whether we antidotes for have a lot or Do you want your all three of only a very neighbors surrendered these consmall amount, to a lustful spirit or to cerns. First has an unthe Holy Spirit? of all, Peter canny ability encourages to pull at our us to “cast heartstrings all your care and lure us into (anxiety) on Him for He cares for loving it. If we love something, you” (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus says in we willingly pay a hefty price Matthew 11:28-30 that we can for it: self-sacrifice, undivided give Him our heaviest burden, attention, complete devotion. and by doing so, we can again Love is consuming. That is why see Him: the knowledge of Him, Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10) warns the hope of Him, the power of believers that loving money can Him, the peace of Him, and the lead to erring from the faith and promise of Him. cause many sorrows. The second concern adThe writer of Hebrews 13:5 dressed in Mark 4 is the deceit tells believers that contentment of money. Money can look like isn’t found in money or things a viable solution for lots of difbut instead comes from the ficulties. It can appear to have promise of God that says, “I will the power it simply does not never leave you; I will never forpossess. The reality is, money sake you.” Read that again; God has limits. If you could put all says to us, “I will never leave the money in the world in your you; I will never forsake you.” bank account, there would still This promise, this relationship 28 treasure

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DECEMBER STUDY cannot be bought. When it either seems like everything is going our way or when we encounter a need that money can’t buy, this promise needs to be the truth we allow to sustain us. This promise needs to be where we are looking and what we see. The third threat from Mark 4 to “choke” truth is lust or desire for other things. According to Galatians 5, when we yield to the desires of lust, the manifestations can include adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, wrath, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and other such behaviors. Compare this list to that of the

characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. What a contrast! Do you want your neighbors surrendered to a lustful spirit or to the Holy Spirit? Which do you want guiding your community leaders or government officials? Which do you want your boss to follow? Which do you want at your Thanksgiving table? Which do you want to show up at your next church business meeting? To which do you allow control? Look where the finishing line is for both of these choices. They end up in entirely different places, yet they both begin at where they set their sight.

Application: What are the three threats from Mark 4 that chokes truth? Which threat has you blinded to truth?

TREATMENT OPTIONS When we detect poor vision, we must be mindful of how we treat it. As with other physical illnesses, we sometimes decide we are simply going to suffer through. Perhaps we don’t like the treatment options, so we choose not to apply any of

them. We may think the “price” of poor sight is less costly than the “price” of treatment. Naaman comes to mind when thinking about this option. In 2 Kings 5 we discover he was diagnosed with leprosy. He then learns of a prophet who may be OCT-DEC 2021

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able to cure him. Lord. We know where that led Naaman travels to this prophthem: 40 long years of wanderet and takes what he believes ing and worry. Not many days will bring about his healing and after the Israelites witnessed good health: money and posthe miracle of the parting of the sessions. After all, that’s what Red Sea (Exodus 15), they bepeople do who see money as gan 40 years of complaints and a problem solver. Instead, the criticisms to the God who, many prophet tells Naaman his cure times over, had saved their lives. would be Doesn’t found in that make an act of you wonder rther fa u yo ke ta humility how they ill “Sin w ep ke , go to t and subviewed the than you wan ant w u yo an th mission. miracle er you long e or m u yo st Naaman’s that kept to stay, and co pay.” to t an w distaste them from u yo than for the definite cure enslavecaused ment and him to angrily walk away from suffering? Did they see the Omnithe treatment (2 Kings 5:11). science of God, the Omnipotence It is obvious this choice was of God, and the Omnipresence of only going to lead to more sufGod? Instead of seeing God, they fering and potentially cost him focused on the things they didn’t his life. Why was he willing to like. Instead of surrendering, they do this? Because he viewed the chose suffering. “price” (humility and surrender) Another treatment option we as too costly. When sight is fixed sometimes choose is self-medon self, humility and surrender ication with home remedies. are not allowed their rightful Instead of heeding the advice of place, and then sight on Christ educated, trained professionals, is lost. we use our own limited, flawed, The actions of the Israelinadequate knowledge to treat ites provide another example our infirmities. The Bible clearly of choosing this option. They states in Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) that had an attitude of doubt and we are not to “lean on your own distrust when it came to total understanding” because doing surrender and confidence in the so means we are attempting to 30 treasure

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DECEMBER STUDY direct our path. Big mistake. David (2 Samuel 11) gives us an example of what it looks like when we rely on our wits to correct problems we have created. Logic, reason, and truth seem to fade away when we look inwardly for answers. Our senses tell us to hide the sin, cover up the sin, deny the truth, and rely on our schemes and limited powers to try and eliminate the sin. David’s story illustrates this common saying: “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” When we try to 'fix' ourselves, we have taken our eyes off God and, in essence, dismissed Him. David paid the price of trying to treat his blindness for the rest of his life.

Application: How are you trying to 'fix' yourself? What do you need to do to improve your spiritual vision?

TREATMENT PRESCRIBED Rejecting the recommended treatment doesn’t work. Selfprescribed treatment doesn’t work. However, a perfect treatment plan has already been constructed for us. Again, in the parable from Mark 4, Jesus clearly presents the plan for perfect sight when He says we are to hear the Word, receive the Word, and bring forth fruit (v. 20). In John 3, Nicodemus provides an example of someone who spent his life looking for perfect sight and not finding it. He hoped to find it in either his position, wealth, respect,

education, fame, or authority. After being in the presence of Christ, he recognized, even after accomplishing all those things, he still could not see. Unfortunately, for many of us, we have set as our personal life goals the same priorities as Nicodemus. They won’t lead us to perfect sight either. Do you ever feel defeated, discouraged, unavailable, useless, or empty? Are you allowing your worries and anxieties, the false promises of money, or our culture’s influence of having more and getting more to OCT-DEC 2021

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skew your sight? Jesus gives us an invitation saying, “If any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink,” (John 7:37). Maybe your sight has been affected by your lack of truly hearing the Word and truly receiving the Word. Perhaps you need to increase how often you are drinking the Living Water. Do you try to drink enough on Sunday to last the rest of the week? Are you trying to get by with a glimpse at His Word from time to time or a quick half-hearted prayer? Are you thirsty for truth? In His message to the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord describes it as evil when His people neglect His Living Waters and build for themselves wells that can’t hold water (Jeremiah 2:13). Lack of Living Water halts the trans-

formation process, the way to perfect sight. A year later, my friend’s prognosis is great. Little by little, step by step, after following the proper treatment plan, her sight has been amazingly restored. Our vision can also become perfect by following His treatment plan. We need Him. We need to be in His Word. We need to spend time with Him daily. After all, can you remember a day when Satan didn’t show up? Jesus so lovingly invites us to have an intimate relationship with Him. When we accept that invitation, and we drink from the Living Well, we can say as the one He healed said, “One thing I know,…I was blind and now I see” (John 9:25).

About the Writer: Tina Tolbert lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She is a member of Cofer's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church where she serves as a substitute Sunday School teacher, a "Grow Group" studies teacher, and a nursery staff worker. Tina has taught at the collegiate level since 1993 and at Welch College in Nashville since 1999. Continued from page 5.

time I’m on a field or a diamond coaching, Amanda is sitting on the sidelines building meaningful relationships with the moms. Youth sports is a phenomenal mission field in every community. I can’t remember who taught me this, but I well remember the lesson: “Keep doing the hobbies you enjoy, just find someone who doesn’t know Jesus and invite them to do it with you.” Many people are being reached in bass boats, on baseball diamonds, around scrapbooking tables, and plenty of other places. The fields are ripe for harvest, but the budding plants are not growing in our sanctuaries. 32 treasure

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continued from page 14 Sarah: What have you learned from surviving a suicide attempt? Ashley: There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It was such a dark place and I felt so alone. Immediately after, my family took me to church. I met people who loved me with no expectations. They loved me because God’s love lived in and poured out of them. Through them I learned God loved me. Sarah: What’s one thing you would tell a teen girl that is struggling with suicidal thoughts? Ashley: The biggest thing I would say is seek help immediately. I know you feel so alone, and it feels so dark. You may feel like you’ll be judged because of your thoughts but the reality is there is hope. There is an end to that, and you just have to seek help to find that hope. Sarah: To girls struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, and loneliness, where can she look in the Bible to find comfort from experiences of people struggling with these same issues? Ashley: Elijah, Job, Naomi, and David are a few. I think you first should understand that struggling with these mental illnesses doesn’t mean you are a bad Christian. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). There is a difference in being depressed and not having joy. I can be depressed but still have joy because I have Jesus and He comforts me. Sarah: If they have concerns about a friend or family member’s safety, what should they do? Ashley: I know you will think you are breaking someone’s trust, but you should tell someone immediately. This is someone’s life. Someone you care about and love. It’s better to have them mad at you and get them help than to do nothing so you don’t hurt their feelings. Confronting them yourself may not be the best. However, telling an adult that could get them help could save their life. Ashley's favorite Bible verse: “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 ESV). Sarah: What’s one thing you would tell a parent or a youth leader who believes they have a kid struggling with suicidal thoughts? Ashley: You must do something! The risk of losing them outweighs OCT-DEC 2021

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any kind of broken relationship or anything like that. So certainly, pray about the right way to ask but confront it immediately. Look for warning signs. Sarah: What are some of these warning signs? Ashley: 1. Changes to their sleep patterns. 2. If they don’t like the things they used to like. 3. Nothing seems to bring them joy. 4. They stop hanging out with their friends. 5. Another big one is how they wear their clothes. Sarah: How do you think social media and all of that contributes to mental illness, depression, and suicide? Ashley: It has a major impact! Adults need to be very careful what their kids are viewing. What content are they seeing? Not just social media, Tik Tok, or Instagram, but TV shows, movies, videos, etc. It puts those ideas in their heads. Things are almost amplified. Also, people can just be mean. On social media people are worse. There are bullies everywhere hiding behind the screen and some of them are adults. That makes this very scary. Sarah: How can a parent really help a child press into God during their dark times? Ashley: It starts by living the example. Seeing your parents press into God during their dark times will teach you to do it as well. It also helps if you are vulnerable with them. Let them know you also struggle with things, but this is what God has done in your life. You can share what Bible stories and verses have brought you encouragement during your rough times. Everyone struggles with deep sadness. It may not be on the same level as your teen but show them this is okay and normal. Reassure your teen you will do whatever is possible to help them. It starts with a conversation. Get them around people who will pray with and for them. Get them involved in activities where they can open up. Be around people who can help them on a mental health level as well as a spiritual level. If I had to guess, you feel a bit overwhelmed, and you desperately want more information. You want to get into the minds of your teens and need resources to help. I want to end with things to help you do both. 34 treasure

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Discussion questions to use with your teen: • What’s something you wish I knew about your mental health? • How can you better help those who have mental health struggles? Do you know what to do if a friend tells you they’re considering self-harm or suicide? • How do your friends talk about mental health issues? Do you have someone besides me that you can talk to if you’re struggling? • How can I best help you press into God during your dark times? Resources: • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 to speak with a certified listener or go to to chat online. • Suicide Awareness Voices of Education ( • Mental Health Ministries ( • Christianity Today ( 'Top 10 Resources for Mental Health Ministry' by Amy Simpson •Axis ( • A parent’s guide to Suicide and Self Harm • A parent’s guide to Depression & Anxiety • Suicide Video Kit About the Writer: Sarah Sargent is a third-generation leader in FWB Women's Ministries. From an early age, she has been active at all levels of the ministry. Sarah serves on the WNAC board, a team member of Shine, and president of the women's ministry at Reynoldsburg Free Will Baptist Church and vice president for Ohio Free Will Baptist Women's Ministries.

NEW! FROM RANDALL HOUSE From your pen to your child's heart About You, About Me provides five sections from curiosities to milestones, drawing readers in as they learn from your memories, insights, and encouragement. Your kids and grandkids will revisit these pages often, creating a legacy of faith. To see a sample, go to OCT-DEC 2021

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thirtysomethings by Sarah Sargent

Think for a moment about a time when you came to a fork in the road—a decision needed to be made. Did you make a list of pros and cons or consult advice from friends and family? Did you research how your life would look depending on the choices before you? Did you talk to people who made similar decisions? Did you pray and seek God’s guidance and search your Bible for verses to clarify the right choice? I can think of two very distinct moments in my life when I stood at that fork in the road. Both times I did many of the things I mentioned above. I made lists, sought advice, and researched, but that’s where the similarities stop. The first time, I never prayed about it. I assumed because doors were opening, and things seemed to line up with my goals, surely this was God's path for me. I arrogantly assumed my ways were His ways. Looking back, I can see how I took Psalm 37:4 out of context. I made my choice, and to this day, I live with the regrets and consequences of never asking for God’s direction. The next time I faced a life-altering choice, I handled it much better. Doors were opening, things were lining up with my goals, and people I admired encouraged the path I desperately wanted to take. But this time, I prayed alot about it. Especially when He wasn’t giving me the answer I wanted, He was saying 'no' and I had to be obedient. In the first scenario, choosing a college, I didn’t include Him in the process. I ultimately was able to experience a portion of my dreams, but I live with the effects of knowing I did not allow Him to lead me where He could have used me more. When I graduated, I wrote Proverbs 3:5-6 on my graduation cap. Having His 'no' in the second scenario, I am now relying on the promises of those verses daily and sometimes hourly. I may not get to experience my path, but I would much prefer the peace of knowing I am following God’s will. Are you at a crossroads? Pray and ask God to lead you. You won’t regret it! 36 treasure

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Adversity—Daniel with Maggie Donaldson (Japan) Testimony–Emily Petty (IL) Discussion

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Personal Failures—David with Maggie Donaldson Testimony–Hannah Osborn (KY) Discussion

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Barrenness—Moses with Maggie Donaldson Testimony–Callie Milling (MO) Discussion

Join us for this premier event! 38 treasure

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