reference and assured her I would be available to support her until she was ready to go on her own.
Collaboration is Key for First Official Meeting
Have a Cheerful Attitude I always try to remember that Toastmasters is a volunteer organization. Even though there are lots of professional development benefits
Our club meets on Saturday mornings. That
to having a leadership role, it’s a year-long
means the first of July falls only two days prior
commitment for most clubs. The fact that
to the first official meeting. This would create
Ann took on this role says a lot about her and
a jam in permission turnover and leave the
I am her biggest cheerleader because of her
new leadership a tiny amount of time to build
dedication to our club. I guarantee she will
club excitement and advertise the meeting.
have both challenges and successes during her
We decided to collaborate on the outgoing
VPPR journey. My hope is her year is as fun and
message and work with the design tool Canva.
meaningful as my own.
By combining our efforts, a last minute rush was avoided and tips were shared ahead of time.