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Trends in accelerating outpatient migration hospital leaders should know
6 PE GI Journal June 2022
Highlighting Current Trends
Lambiasi identifies the following as some of the most significant and more recent outpatient surgical trends and developments. Price transparency laws and penalties. Many hospitals have yet to comply with hospital price transparency requirements. assessed 1,000 accredited hospitals and found that just slightly more than 14% were complying with the transparency rule, according to a February 2022 report. This figure is likely to increase in the coming years, in part because Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) penalties for noncompliance with requirements have increased. The penalty for a full year of noncompliance currently ranges from $109,500 to about $2 million. “As more prices are published, those consumers interested in shopping for their care and understanding where their copay or deductible may be lower will have more information upon which
or many years, there has been a steady migration of cases and procedures out of the hospital environment and into outpatient facilities like GI centers and other ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). Contributing factors have included the development of more advanced clinical technology, improved anesthetics and physicians becoming more comfortable with minimally invasive approaches to care. But over the past few years, there have been several developments that have accelerated and are likely to further hasten this migration, says Ralph Lambiasi, Vice President of Partnership Development for PE GI Solutions. “Hospital and health system leaders—particularly those tasked with overseeing their organization’s outpatient strategy—need to understand these trends so they can better assess the impact on their strategy and formulate a plan to remain competitive in the outpatient space,” he explains.