2022 Installation Edition: Los Angeles Medicine Magazine

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O M E R D E E N , M D, FA C G , A G A F

The word that always comes to mind permanent solution. when talking about medicine and To give a real-time example of LACMA’s impact on the physician and overreach, the Los Angeles City Council patient experience is “change.” To most, minimum wage hike ordinance to $25 the word means “to make or become per hour for certain workers at private different.” I subscribe to a different hospitals, medical practices, hospital-based definition: “to move from one to facilities, and dialysis clinics completely another.” For too long, change has been excludes workers who do the exact same brought to us as physicians, delivered by job at other facilities such as nursing policymakers, regulators, and those with homes, medical centers, and more. little or no knowledge or appreciation Gun-related injuries and death are the for what we do, whom we care for, and leading cause of death in children. Buffalo, the impact we make on communities Uvalde, and Highland Park continue to every day. My fundamental goal is to haunt us all, but as I wrote this, more continue the great work of the many shootings occurred in Indiana, Alabama, presidents before me, in lockstep with and Dallas. It is exciting that LACMA is our staff and leadership, to respond to the working nationally and locally to be part of rapidly-changing medical marketplace and the solution as we continue to see how gun solve real problems. violence exacerbates One of the moral injury and constant problems is physician health. We For too long, change how physicians are will highlight these has been thrust upon us overlooked when it significant issues at comes to real, fair, and the first ever Southern as physicians, delivered equitable payment California Physician by... those with little reform. Medi-Cal rates Well Being Symposium are abysmal, and as in February 2023! The or no knowledge or practice costs escalate recent Supreme Court appreciation for what tied to increases in decision to overturn we do, whom we care labor, supplies, office Roe vs. Wade and space, technology, reproductive rights for, and the impact malpractice insurance, and impacts on we make on our and administrative patients and physicians costs (not to mention communities every day. will continue to be at inflation factors), the forefront of my physicians will take tenure as we address the hit, so many will health equity, access to leave medicine, change locations, or care, and implicit bias in medicine. adjust their patient care missions at the Finally, another key issue we will look detriment of the underserved. Therefore, to impact is member retention and new I am excited to join Dr. Hector Flores and member recruitment. The good news his leadership on this issue. Hector, Dr. is that LACMA’s member retention is Kenneth Sim with Allied Pacific IPA, and over 90%. The challenge is attracting our CEO Gustavo Friederichsen are part nonmembers amid an uncertain economy. of the LA Safety Net Coalition, led by LA We will do more to make our case to them, Care CEO John Baackes, as they tackle the to listen and engage them as never before. Medi-Cal payment problem. The coalition To younger physicians, social issues such as is delving into the unpredictable and aging the aforementioned gun violence, climate workforce, constant regulatory burdens change, health equity, and leadership and unfunded mandates, and increasing development resonate. To older, more social needs of Medi-Cal patients as the established physicians, we need to hear Medi-Cal fee for service schedule has not their angst when it comes to market changed since 1969, which is untenable. disruption, bad policy, and payer issues. While Proposition 56 was a win for patients I look forward to working with each of and providers, the augmented payments you, learning from you, hearing you, and do not keep with inflation, and tobacco jointly taking LACMA where it needs to be, tax revenue is dwindling, so we need a the most trusted partner for all physicians. 2 L O S A N G E L E S M E D I C I N E | I N S TA L L AT I O N 2 0 2 2

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