9.1. Model: Model the car and the baseball as particles.
Solve: (a) The momentum p = mv = (1500 kg)(10 m /s) = 1.5 Ă— 10 4 kg m /s . (b) The momentum p = mv = (0.2 kg)( 40 m /s) = 8.0 kg m /s .
9.2. Model: Model the bicycle and its rider as a particle. Also model the car as a particle. Solve:
From the definition of momentum,
pcar = pbicycle ⇒ mcar v car = mbicycle vbicycle ⇒ vbicycle =
1500 kg mcar v car = (5.0 m /s) = 75.0 m /s mbicycle 100 kg
Assess: This is a very high speed (≈168 mph). This problem shows the importance of mass in comparing two momenta.
9.3. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex9.3. Solve:
The impulse is defined in Equation 9.6 as
Jx =
Fx (t ) dt = area under the Fx(t) curve between ti and tf
⇒ 6.0 N s =
1 2
( Fmax )(8 ms) ⇒ Fmax = 1500 N
9.4. Model: Model the rubber ball and the steel ball as particles, and their interaction as a collision. Solve: When objects collide, Newton’s third law tells us that the forces between the objects are equal and opposite. The time of contact is the same for each object. Therefore, the impulse on each will be the same.
9.5. Model: The particle is subjected to an impulsive force. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex9.5. Solve: Using Equation 9.5, the impulse is the area under the curve. From 0 s to 2 ms the impulse is
∫ Fdt = (−500 N)(2 × 10 s) = −0.5 N s 1 2
From 2 ms to 8 ms the impulse is
∫ Fdt = (+2000 N)(8 ms − 2 ms) = +6.0 N s 1 2
From 8 ms to 10 ms the impulse is
∫ Fdt = (−500 N)(10 ms − 8 ms) = −0.5 N s 1 2
Thus, from 0 s to 10 ms the impulse is ( −0.5 + 6.0 − 0.5) N s = 5.0 N s.
9.6. Model: Model the object as a particle and the interaction as a collision. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex9.6. Solve: The object is initially moving to the right (positive momentum) and ends up moving to the left (negative momentum). Using the impulse-momentum theorem pfx = pix + J x ,
−2 kg m /s = +6 kg m /s + J x ⇒ J x = −8 kg m /s = −8 N s Since J x = Favg ∆t , we have
Favg ∆t = −8 N s ⇒ Favg =
r The force is F = (800 N, left ).
−8 N s = −800 N 10 ms
9.7. Model: Model the object as a particle and the interaction with the force as a collision. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex9.7. Solve: (a) Using the equations tf
pfx = pix + Jx
J x = ∫ Fx (t ) dt = area under force curve ti
⇒ vfx = (1.0 m /s) +
1 (area under the force curve) 2.0 kg
= (1.0 m /s) +
1 (1.0 N s) = 1.5 m /s 2.0 kg
(b) Likewise,
1 vfx = (1.0 m /s) + (area under the force curve) 2.0 kg 1 = (1.0 m /s) + ( −1.0 N s) = 0.5 m /s 2.0 kg Assess: For an object with positive velocity, a negative impulse slows an object, whereas a positive impulse increases an object’s speed. The opposite is true for an object with negative velocity.
9.8. Model: Use the particle model for the sled, the model of kinetic friction, and the impulse-momentum theorem. Visualize:
Note that the force of kinetic friction fk imparts a negative impulse to the sled. Solve: Using ∆p x = J x , we have tf
pfx − pix = ∫ Fx (t ) dt = − fk ∫ dt = − fk ∆t ⇒ mvfx − mvix = − µ k n∆t = − µ k mg∆t We have used the model of kinetic friction fk = µkn, where µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction and n is the normal (contact) force by the surface. The force of kinetic friction is independent of time and was therefore taken out of the impulse integral. Thus,
∆t =
1 1 vix − vfx ) = (8.0 m/s − 5.0 m/s) = 1.22 s ( µk g (0.25)(9.8 m/s 2 )
9.9. Model: Use the particle model for the falling object and the impulse-momentum theorem. Visualize:
Note that the object is acted on by the gravitational force, whose magnitude is mg. Solve: Using the impulse-momentum theorem, tf
pfy − piy = J y = ∫ Fy (t ) dt ⇒ mvfy − mviy = − mg∆t ti
⇒ ∆t =
viy − vfy g
−5.5 m/s − ( −10.4 m/s) = 0.50 s 9.8 m/s 2
Assess: Since Fy = − mg is independent of time, we have taken it out of the impulse integral.
9.10. Model: Model the tennis ball as a particle, and its interaction with the wall as a collision. Visualize:
The force increases to Fmax during the first two ms, stays at Fmax for two ms, and then decreases to zero during the last two ms. The graph shows that Fx is positive, so the force acts to the right. Solve: Using the impulse-momentum theorem pfx = pix + J x , 6 ms
(0.06 kg)(32 m /s) = (0.06 kg)(−32 m /s) + ∫
Fx (t ) dt
The impulse is 6 ms
1 1 ∫ F (t ) dx = area under force curve = 2 F (0.002 s) + F (0.002 s) + 2 F (0.002 s) = (0.004 s)F max
⇒ Fmax =
(0.06 kg)(32 m /s) + (0.06 kg)(32 m /s) = 960 N 0.004 s
9.11. Model: Model the glider cart as a particle, and its interaction with the spring as a collision. Visualize:
Using the impulse-momentum theorem pfx − pix = ∫ Fdt ,
(0.6 kg)(3 m /s) − (0.6 kg)(−3 m /s) = area under force curve = 12 (36 N)( ∆t ) ⇒∆t = 0.20 s
9.12. Model: Choose skydiver + glider to be the system. Visualize:
Note that there are no external forces along the x-direction, implying conservation of momentum along the xdirection. Solve: The momentum conservation equation pfx = pix is
(680 kg − 60kg)(vG ) x + (60 kg)(vD ) x = (680 kg)(30 m/s) Immediately after release, the skydiver’s horizontal velocity is still (vD ) x = 30 m/s . Thus
(620 kg)(vG ) x + (60 kg)(30 m/s) = (680 kg)(30 m/s) ⇒ (vG ) x
= 30 m/s
Assess: The skydiver’s motion in the vertical direction has no influence on the glider’s horizontal motion.
9.13. Model: Choose car + gravel to be the system. Visualize:
Solve: There are no external forces on the car + gravel system, so the horizontal momentum is conserved. This means pfx = pix. Hence,
(10,000 kg + 4,000 kg)vfx = (10,000 kg)(2.0 m /s) + (4,000 kg)(0.0 m /s) ⇒ vfx
= 1.43 m /s
9.14. Model: Choose car + rainwater to be the system. Visualize:
There are no external horizontal forces on the car + water system, so the horizontal momentum is conserved. Solve: Conservation of momentum is pfx = pix. Hence,
(mcar + mwater )(20 m/s) = (mcar )(22 m/s) + (mwater )(0 m/s) ⇒ (5,000 kg + mwater )(20 m/s) = (5,000 kg)(22 m/s) ⇒ mwater = 500 kg
9.15. Model: We will define our system to be archer+arrow. The force of the archer (A) on the arrow (a) is equal to the force of the arrow on the archer. These are internal forces within the system. The archer r is standing on r frictionless ice, and the normal force by ice on the system balances the weight force. Thus Fext = 0 on the system, and momentum is conserved. Visualize:
The initial momentum pix of the system is zero, because the archer and the arrow are at rest. The final moment pfx must also be zero. Solve: We have MAvA + mava = 0 kg m/s. Therefore, − ma va −(0.1 kg)(100 m/s) vA = = − 0.20 m/s = 50 kg mA The archer’s recoil speed is 0.20 m/s. Assess: It is the total final momentum that is zero, although the individual momenta are nonzero. Since the arrow has forward momentum, the archer will have backward momentum.
9.16. Model: We will define our system to be Bob+rock. Bob’s (B) force on the rock (R) is equal to the rock’s force on Bob. These are internal forces within the r system. Bob is standing on frictionless ice, and the normal force r by ice on the system balances the weight. Fext = 0 on the system, and thus momentum is conserved. Visualize:
The initial momentum pix of the system is zero because Bob and the rock are at rest. Thus pfx = 0 kg m/s. Solve: We have mBvB + mRvR = 0 kg m/s. Hence,
vB = −
0.5 kg mR vR = − (30 m /s) = −0.20 m /s mB 75 kg
Bob’s recoil speed is 0.20 m/s. Assess: Since the rock has forward momentum, Bob’s momentum is backward. This makes the total momentum zero.
9.17. Model: We will define our system to be Dan+skateboard. Visualize:
The system has nonzero initial momentum pix. As Dan (D) jumps backward off the gliding skateboard (S), the skateboard will move forward in such a way thatrthe final total momentum of the system pfx is equal to pix. This r conservation of momentum occurs because Fext = 0 on the system. Solve: We have mS (vfx )S + mD (vfx ) D = ( mS + mD )vix . Hence,
(5.0 kg)(8.0 m/s) + (50 kg)(vfx )D = (5.0 kg + 50 kg)(4.0 m/s) ⇒ (vfx )D = 3.6 m/s
9.18. Model: We will define our system to be bird+bug. This is the case of an inelastic collision because the bird and bug move together after the collision. Horizontal momentum is conserved because there are no external forces acting on the system during the collision. Visualize:
The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
(m1 + m2 )vfx = m1 (vix )1 + m2 (vix )2 ⇒ (300 g + 10 g)vfx = (300 g)(6.0 m /s) + (10 g)(−30 m /s) ⇒ vfx = 4.84 m /s Assess: We left masses in grams, rather than convert to kilograms, because the mass units cancel out from both sides of the equation. Note that (vix)2 is negative.
9.19. Model: The two cars are not an isolated system because of external frictional forces. But during the collision friction is not going to be significant. Within the impulse approximation, the momentum of the Cadillac+Volkswagen system will be conserved in the collision. Visualize:
The momentum conservation equation pfx = pix is
(mC + mVW )vfx = mC (vix )C + mVW (vix )VW ⇒ 0 kg mph = (2000 kg)(1.0 mph ) + (1000 kg)(vix ) VW ⇒ (vix ) VW = −2.0 mph
You need a speed of 2.0 mph.
9.20. Model: Because of external friction and drag forces, the car and the blob of sticky clay are not exactly an isolated system. But during the collision, friction and drag are not going to be significant. The momentum of the system will be conserved in the collision, within the impulse approximation. Visualize:
The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
(mC + mB )(vf ) x = mB (vix )B + mC (vix )C ⇒ 0 kg m/s = (10 kg)(vix ) B + (1500 kg)( −2.0 m/s) ⇒ (vix ) B = 300 m/s Assess: This speed of the blob is around 600 mph which is very large. However, we must point out that a very large speed is expected in order to stop a car with only 10 kg of clay.
9.21. Model: Visualize:
This problem deals with the conservation of momentum in two dimensions in an inelastic collision.
r r The conservation of momentum equation pbefore = pafter is
( )
m1 (vix )1 + m2 (vix )2 = ( m1 + m2 )vfx
m1 viy
( ) = (m
+ m2 viy
+ m2 )vfy
Substituting in the given values,
(.02 kg)(3.0 m /s) + 0 kg m /s = (.02 kg + .03 kg)vf cosθ 0 kg m /s + (.03 kg)(2.0 m /s) = (.02 kg + .03 kg)vf sin θ
⇒ vf cosθ = 1.2 m /s ⇒ vf =
(1.2 m /s)2 + (1.2 m /s)2
The ball of clay moves 45° north of east at 1.7 m/s.
vf sin θ = 1.2 m /s v = 1.7 m /s θ = tan −1 y = tan −1 (1) = 45° vx
9.22. Model: We assume that the momentum is conserved in the collision. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex9.22. Solve: The conservation of momentum equation yields
( pfx )1 + ( pfx )2 = ( pix )1 + ( pix )2 ⇒ ( pfx )1 + 0 kg m/s = 2 kg m/s − 4 kg m/s ⇒ ( pfx )1 = −2 kg m/s
(p ) + (p ) = (p ) + (p ) fy 1
fy 2
iy 1
iy 2
( )
⇒ pfy
( )
− 1 kg m /s = 2 kg m /s + 1 kg m /s ⇒ pfy
Thus, the final momentum of particle 1 is −2iˆ + 4 jˆ kg m /s .
= 4 kg m/s
9.23. Model: The moon is treated as a particle.
Solve: A particle moving in a circular orbit of radius r with velocity v has an angular momentum L = mvr. The period of the moon is T = 27.3 days = 2.36 × 106 s. The radius of the orbit r = 3.84 × 108 m. The mass of the moon m = 7.36 × 1022 kg. Using v = 2πr T , we can write
2 2π 2 2π m2 3.84 × 10 8 m ) = 2.89 × 10 34 kg r = 7.36 × 10 22 kg ( 6 T 2.36 × 10 sec s
9.24. Model: Model the puck as a particle. Visualize:
The angular momentum is
L = mvr = 3.0 kg m 2 /s = (0.2 kg)v (0.5 m) ⇒ v = 30 m /s r The force that keeps the puck in circular motion is the tension T in the string. Thus,
mv 2 (0.2 kg)(30 m/s) = 360 N = r 0.5 m Assess: A tension of 360 N in the string whose farthest end has a puck moving at approximately 60 mph is reasonable. 2
9.25. Model: Model the ball as a particle. We will also use constant-acceleration kinematic equations.
(a) The momentum just after throwing is p0 x = p0 cos 30° = mv0 cos 30° = (0.050 kg)(25 m /s) cos 30° = 1.083 kg m /s
p0 y = p0 sin 30° = mv0 sin 30° = (0.050 kg)(25 m /s) sin 30° = 0.625 kg m /s
The momentum at the top is
p1 x = mv1 x = mv0 x = 1.083 kg m / s Just before hitting the ground, the momentum is p2 x = mv2 x = mv0 x = 1.083 kg m /s
p1y = mv1y = 0 kg m / s
p2 y = mv2 y = − mv0 y = −0.625 kg m /s
(b) px is constant because no forces act on the ball in the x-direction. Mathematically,
Fx =
dpx = 0 N ⇒ px = constant dt
(c) The change in the y-component of the momentum during the ball’s flight is ∆py = –0.625 kg m/s − 0.625 kg m/s = –1.250 kg m/s From kinematics, the time to reach the top is obtained as follows:
v1y = v0 y + a y (t1 − t 0 ) ⇒ t1 =
− v0 y ay
−(12.5 m/s) = 1.276 s −9.8 m/s 2
The time of flight is thus ∆t = 2t1 = 2(1.276 s) = 2.552 s . Multiplying this time by –mg, the y-component of the weight, yields –1.25 kg m/s. This follows from the impulse-momentum theorem: ∆py = − mg∆t
9.26. Model: Model the rocket as a particle, and use the impulse-momentum theorem. The only force acting on the rocket is due to its own thrust. Visualize: Please refer to Figure P9.26. Solve: (a) The impulse is
J x = ∫ Fx dt = area of the Fx(t) graph between t = 0 s and t = 30 s =
1 2
(1000 N)(30 s) = 15,000 N s
(b) From the impulse-momentum theorem, pfx = pix + 15,000 Ns. That is, the momentum or velocity increases as long as Jx increases. When Jx increases no more, the speed will be a maximum. This happens at t = 30 s. At this time, mvfx = mvix + 15,000 N s ⇒ ( 425 kg)vfx = ( 425 kg)(75 m /s) + 15,000 N s ⇒ vfx = 110.3 m /s
9.27. Model: Let the system be ball + racket. During the collision of the ball and racket, momentum is conserved because all external interactions are insignificantly small. Visualize:
(a) The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mR (vfx ) R + mB (vfx ) B = mR (vix ) R + mB (vix ) B
(1.0 kg)(vfx ) R + (0.06 kg)(40 m/s) = (1.0 kg)(10 m/s) + (0.06 kg)(−20 m/s) ⇒ (vfx ) R = 6.4 m/s (b) The impulse on the ball is calculated from ( pfx ) B = ( pix ) B + J x as follows:
(0.06 kg)(40 m /s) = (0.06 kg)(−20 m /s) + J x ⇒ J x ⇒ Favg =
= 3.6 N s = ∫ Fdt = Favg ∆t
3.6 Ns = 360 N 10 ms
Let us now compare this force with the ball’s weight wB = mB g = (0.06 kg) 9.8 m/s 2 = 0.588 N . Thus, Favg = 612 wB. Assess: This is a significant force and is reasonable because the impulse due to this force changes the direction as well as the speed of the ball from approximately 45 mph to 90 mph.
9.28. Model: Model the ball as a particle that is subjected to an impulse when it is in contact with the floor. We will also use constant-acceleration kinematic equations. Visualize:
To find the ball’s velocity just before and after it hits the floor:
v12y = v02y + 2 a y ( y1 − y0 ) = 0 m 2 /s 2 + 2( −9.8 m /s 2 )(0 − 2.0 m ) ⇒ v1y = −6.261 m /s
v32y = v22y + 2 a y ( y3 − y2 ) ⇒ 0 m 2 /s 2 = v22y + 2( −9.8 m /s 2 )(1.5 m − 0 m ) ⇒ v2 y = 5.422 422 m /s The force exerted by the floor on the ball can be found from the impulse-momentum theorem:
mv2 y = mv1y + ∫ Fdt = mv1y + area under the force curve
⇒ (0.2 kg)(5.422 m / s) = −(0.2 kg)(6.261 m / s) + 12 Fmax (5 × 10 −3 s) ⇒ Fmax = 935 N Assess: A force of 935 N exerted by the floor is reasonable.
9.29. Model: Model the rubber ball as a particle that is subjected to an impulsive force when it comes in contact with the floor. We will also use constant-acceleration kinematic equations and the impulse-momentum theorem. Visualize:
Solve: (a) To find the magnitude and direction of the impulse that the floor exerts on the ball, we use the impulsemomentum theorem:
pfy = piy + J y ⇒ J y = p2 y − p1y = m v2 y − v1y
Let us now find v1y and v2y by using kinematics. For the falling and rebounding ball,
v12y = v02y + 2 a y ( y1 − y0 ) = 0 m 2 /s 2 + 2( −9.8 m /s 2 )(0 m − 1.8 m ) ⇒ v1y = −5.940 m /s
v32y = v22y + 2 a y ( y3 − y2 ) ⇒ 0 m 2 /s 2 = v22y + 2( −9.8 m /s 2 )(1.2 m − 0 m ) ⇒ v2 y = 4.850 m / s Going back to the impulse-momentum equation, we find
J y = (0.040 kg) 4.850 m/s − ( −5.940 m/s) = 0.432 N s The impulse is 0.432 N s upward. (b) As the ball compresses, the force of contact increases and the ball slows to vy = 0 m/s. Then in decompression the ball is accelerated upward. To a good approximation, the force due to the floor as a function of time is shown in the figure. (c) For a rubber ball, ∆t is likely in the range 5 to 10 ms. For 10 ms,
J y = Favg ∆t = 0.432 N s ⇒ Favg ≈ 40 N The force is ≈80 N if ∆t = 5 ms. Altogether, 40 to 80 N is a reasonable estimate.
9.30. Model: Model the cart as a particle rolling down a frictionless ramp. The cart is subjected to an impulsive force when it comes in contact with a rubber block at the bottom of the ramp. We will use the impulse-momentum theorem and the constant-acceleration kinematic equations. Visualize:
From the free-body diagram on the cart, Newton’s second law “before the collision” is
∑ ( F)
= w sin θ = ma x ⇒ a x =
mg sin θ g = g sin 30° = m 2
Using this acceleration, we can find the cart’s speed just before its contact with the rubber block:
v12x = v02x + 2 a x ( x1 − x 0 ) = 0 m 2 /s 2 + 2 ( 12 g)(1.0 m − 0 m ) ⇒ v1 x = 3.130 m /s Now we can use the impulse-momentum theorem to obtain the velocity just after the collision:
mv2 x = mv1 x + ∫ Fx dt = mv1 x + area under the force graph
⇒ (0.5 kg)v2 x = (0.5 kg)(3.130 m/s) −
1 2
(200 N)(26.7 × 10 −3 s) ⇒ v2 x = −2.21 m /s
Note that the given force graph is positive, but in this coordinate system the impulse of the force is to the left up the slope. That is the reason to put a minus sign while evaluating the ∫ Fx dt integral. We can once again use a kinematic equation to find how far the cart will roll back up the ramp:
v32x = v22x + 2 a x ( x3 − x 2 ) ⇒ (0 m/s) = ( −2.21 m/s) + 2( − 12 g)( x3 − x 2 ) ⇒ ( x3 − x 2 ) = 0.50 m 2
9.31. Model: Use the particle model for the ball of clay (C) and the 1.0 kg block (B). The two objects are a system and it is a case of a perfectly inelastic collision. Since no significant external forces act on the system in the x-direction during the collision, momentum is conserved along the x-direction. Visualize:
(a) The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
(1.0 kg + 0.02 kg)vfx = (0.02 kg)(30 m /s) + (1.0 kg)(0 m /s) ⇒ vfx
= 0.588 m /s
The impulse of the ball of clay on the block is calculated as follows:
( pfx )B = ( pix )B + ( J x )B ⇒ ( J x )B = mB (vfx )B − mB (vix )B = (1.0 kg)(vfx ) − 0 N s = 0.588 N s (b) The impulse of the block on the ball of clay is calculated as follows:
( pfx )C = ( pix )C + ( J x )C ⇒ ( J x )C = mC vfx − mC (vix )C = (0.02 kg)(0.588 m /s) − (0.02 kg)(30 m /s) = − 0.588 N s (c) Yes, (Jx)B = − (Jx)C. Assess: During the collision, the ball of clay and the block exert equal and opposite forces on each other for the same time. Impulse is therefore also equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
9.32. Model: Model the train cars as particles. Since the train cars stick together, we are dealing with perfectly inelastic collisions. Momentum is conserved in the collisions of this problem. Visualize:
In the collision between the three-car train and the single car:
mv1 x + (3m)v2 x = 4 mv3 x ⇒ v1 x + 3v2 x = 4v3 x ⇒ ( 4.0 m /s) + 3(2.0 m /s) = 4v3 x ⇒ v3 x = 2.5 m /s In the collision between the four-car train and the stationary car:
(4 m)v3 x + m v4 x = (5m)v5 x ⇒ 4v3 x + 0 m /s = 5v5 x ⇒ v5 x =
4 v3 x = (0.8)(2.5 m /s) = 2.0 m /s 5
9.33. Model: Model the earth (E) and the asteroid (A) as particles. Earth+asteroid is our system. Since the two stick together during the collision, this is a case of a perfectly inelastic collision. Momentum is conserved in the collision since no significant external force acts on the system. Visualize:
(a) The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mA (vix ) A + mE (vix ) E = ( mA + mE )vfx ⇒ (1.0 × 1013 kg)( 4 × 10 4 m s) + 0 kg m / s = (1.0 × 1013 kg + 5.98 × 10 24 kg)vfx ⇒ vfx = 6.7 × 10 −8 m / s (b) The speed of the earth going around the sun is
vE =
11 2πr 2π (1.50 × 10 m ) = = 3.0 × 10 4 m / s T 3.15 × 10 7 s
Hence, vfx vE = 2 × 10 −12 = 2 × 10 −10%. Assess: The earth’s recoil speed is insignificant compared to its orbital speed because of its large mass.
9.34. Model: Model the skaters as particles. The two skaters, one traveling north (N) and the other traveling west (W), are a system. Since the two skaters hold together after the “collision,” this is a case of a perfectly inelastic collision in two dimensions. Momentum is conserved since no significant external force in the x-y plane acts on the system in the “collision.” Visualize:
(a) The x-component of the conservation of momentum is
(mN + mW )vfx = mN (vix )N + mW (vix ) W ⇒ (75 kg + 60 kg)v
= 0 kg m / s + (60 kg)( −3.5 m / s) ⇒ vfx = −1.556 m / s
The y-component of the conservation of momentum is
(mN + mW )vfy = mN (viy )N + mW (viy ) W ⇒ (75 kg + 60 kg)v ⇒ vfy = 1.389 m / s ⇒ vf =
(vfx )2 + (vfy )
= (75 kg)(2.5 m / s) + 0 kg m / s 2
= 2.085 m / s
The time to glide to the edge of the rink is
radius of the rink 25 m = 12.0 s = 2.085 m / s vf (b) The location is θ = tan −1 vfy vfx = 41.8° north of west. Assess: A time of 12.0 s in covering a distance of 25 m at a speed of ≈2 m/s is reasonable.
9.35. Model: This problem deals with a case that is the opposite of a collision. The two ice skaters, heavier and lighter, will be modeled as particles. The skaters (or particles) move apart after pushing off against each other. During the “explosion,” the total momentum of the system is conserved. Visualize:
The initial momentum is zero. Thus the conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mH (vfx ) H + mL (vfx ) L = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (75 kg)(vfx ) H + (50 kg)(vfx ) L = 0 kg m / s Using the observation that the heavier skater takes 20 s to cover a distance of 30 m, we find (vfx ) H = 30 m 20 s = 1.5 m / s . Thus,
(75 kg)(1.5 m / s) + (50 kg)(vfx ) L = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (vfx ) L = −2.25 m / s Thus, the time for the lighter skater to reach the edge is
30 m
(vfx )L
30 m = 13.3 s 2.25 m / s
Assess: Conservation of momentum leads to a higher speed for the lighter skater, and hence a shorter time to reach the edge of the ice rink.
9.36. Model: This problem deals with a case that is the opposite of a collision. Our system is comprised of three coconut pieces that are modeled as particles. During the blow up or “explosion,” the total momentum of the system is conserved in the x-direction and the y-direction. Visualize:
The initial momentum is zero. From pfx = pix, we get
+ m1 (vfx )1 + m3 (vf )3 cosθ = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (vf )3 cosθ =
− m1 (vfx )1 m3
From pfx = pix, we get
( )
+ m2 vfy
+ m3 (vf )3 sin θ = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (vf )3 sin θ =
⇒ ( vf ) 3 =
( )
− m2 vfy
(10 m / s)2 + (10 m / s)2 = 14.1 m / s
− m( −20 m / s) = 10 m / s 2m
− m( −20 m / s) = 10 m / s 2m
θ = tan −1 (1) = 45°
9.37. Model: The billiard balls will be modeled as particles. The two balls, m1 (moving east) and m2 (moving west), together are our system. This is an isolated system because any frictional force during the brief collision period is going to be insignificant. Within the impulse approximation, the momentum of our system will be conserved in the collision. Visualize:
Note that m1 = m2 = m. Solve: The equation pfx = pix yields: m1 (vfx )1 + m2 (vfx ) 2 = m1 (vix )1 + m2 (vix ) 2 ⇒ m1 (vf )1 cosθ + 0 kg m / s = m1 (vix )1 + m2 (vix ) 2
⇒ (vf )1 cosθ = (vix )1 + (vix ) 2 = 2.0 m / s − 1.0 m / s = 1.0 m / s The equation pfy = piy yields:
( )
( )
+ m1 vfy sin θ + m2 vfy 1
⇒ (vf )1 =
= −1.41 m / s
(1.0 m / s)2 + (−1.41 m / s)2 = 1.73 m / s 1.41 m / s θ = tan −1 = 54.7° 1.0 m / s
The angle is below +x axis.
( )
= 0 kg m / s ⇒ (vf )1 sin θ = − vfy
9.38. Model: This is a two part problem. First, we have an inelastic collision between the wood block and the bullet. The bullet and the wood block are an isolated system. Since any external force acting during the collision is not going to be significant, the momentum of the system will be conserved. The second part involves the dynamics of the block+bullet sliding on the wood table. We treat the block and the bullet as particles. Visualize:
The equation pfx = pix gives
(mB + mW )vfx = mB (vix )B + mW (vix ) W
⇒ (0.01 kg + 10 kg)vfx = (0.01 kg)(vix ) B + (10.0 kg)(0 m / s) ⇒ vfx =
1 (vix )B 1001
From the model of kinetic friction,
f k = − µ k n = − µ k ( m B + m W ) g = ( m B + m W )a x ⇒ a x = − µ k g
Using the kinematic equation v12x = v22x + 2 a x ( x1 − x 0 ) ,
1 v12x = v22x − 2 µ k g( x1 − x 0 ) ⇒ 0 m 2 s 2 = vf2x − 2 µ k g x1 ⇒ (v )2 = 2 µ k g x1 1001 ix B
⇒ (vix ) B = 1001 2 µ k g x1 = 1001 2(0.2)(9.8 m / s 2 )(0.05 m ) = 443 m/s Assess: The bullet’s speed is reasonable (≈900 mph).
9.39. Model: This is a two-part problem. First, we have an inelastic collision between Fred (F) and Brutus (B). Fred and Brutus are an isolated system. The momentum of the system during collision is conserved since no significant external force acts on the system. The second part involves the dynamics of the Fred+Brutus system sliding on the ground. Visualize:
Note that the collision is head-on and therefore one-dimensional. Solve: The equation pfx = pix is
(mF + mB )vfx = mF (vix )F + mB (vix )B ⇒ (60 kg + 120 kg)vfx = (60 kg)(−6.0 m / s) + (120 kg)(4.0 m / s) ⇒ vfx = 0.667 m / s
The positive value indicates that the motion is in the direction of Brutus. The model of kinetic friction yields:
f k = − µ k n = − µ k ( m F + m B ) g = ( m F + m B )a x ⇒ a x = − µ k g Using the kinematic equation v12x = v02x + 2 a x ( x1 − x 0 ) , we get
v12x = v02x − 2 µ k g x1 ⇒ 0 m 2 s 2 = vf2x − 2(0.30)(9.8 m / s 2 ) x1
⇒ 0 m 2 s 2 = (0.667 m / s) − (5.88 m / s 2 ) x1 ⇒ x1 = 7.57 cm 2
They slide 7.57 cm in the direction Brutus was running. Assess: After the collision, Fred and Brutus slide with a small speed but with a good amount of kinetic friction. A stopping distance of 7.57 cm is reasonable.
9.40. Model: Model the package and the rocket as particles. This is a two-part problem. First we have an inelastic collision between the rocket (R) and the package (P). During the collision, momentum is conserved since no significant external force acts on the rocket and the package. However, as soon as the package+rocket system leaves the cliff they become a projectile motion problem. Visualize:
Solve: The minimum velocity after collision that the package+rocket must have to reach the explorer is v0x, which can be found as follows:
y1 = y0 + v0 y (t1 − t 0 ) + 12 a y (t1 − t 0 ) ⇒ −200 m = 0 m + 0 m + 2
1 2
(−9.8 m / s )t 2
2 1
⇒ t1 = 6.389 s
With this time, we can now find v0x using x1 = x 0 + v0 x (t1 − t 0 ) + 12 a x (t1 − t 0 ) . We obtain 2
30 m = 0 m + v0 x (6.389 s) + 0 m ⇒ v0 x = 4.696 m / s = vfx We now use the momentum conservation equation pfx = pix which can be written
(mR + mP )vfx = mR (vix )R + mP (vix ) P ⇒ (1.0 kg + 5.0 kg)( 4.696 m / s) = (1.0 kg)(vix ) R + (5.0 kg)(0 m / s) ⇒ (vix ) R = 28.2 m / s
9.41. Model: This is a two-part problem. First, we have an explosion that creates two particles. The momentum of the system, comprised of two fragments, is conserved in the explosion. Second, we will use kinematic equations and the model of kinetic friction to find the displacement of the lighter fragment. Visualize:
The initial momentum is zero. Using momentum conservation pfx = pix during the explosion,
mH (v1 x ) H + mL (v1 x ) L = mH (v0 x ) H + mL (v0 x ) L ⇒ 7m(v1 x ) H + m(v1 x ) L = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (v1 x ) H = −( 17 )(v1 x ) L Because mH slides to x2H = −8.2 m before stopping, we have f k = µ k nH = µ k w H = µ k m H g = m H a H ⇒ a H = µ k g Using kinematics,
(v2 x )2H = (v1x )2H + 2aH ( x2H − x1H ) ⇒ 0
m 2 s 2 = ( 17 ) (v1 x ) L + 2 µ k g( −8.2 m − 0 m ) ⇒ (v1 x ) L = −88.74 µ k m / s 2
How far does mL slide? Using the information obtained above in the following kinematic equation,
(v2 x )2L = (v1x )2L + 2aL ( x2L − x1L ) ⇒ 0
m 2 s 2 = µ k (88.74) − 2 µ k gx 2L ⇒ x 2L = 402 m 2
Assess: Note that aH is positive, but aL is negative, and both are equal in magnitude to µkg. Also, x2H is negative but x2L is positive.
9.42. Model: We will model the two fragments of the rocket after the explosion as particles. We assume the explosion separates the two parts in a vertical manner. This is a three-part problem. In the first part, we will use kinematic equations to find the vertical position where the rocket breaks into two pieces. In the second part, we will apply conservation of momentum to the system (that is, the two fragments) in the explosion. In the third part, we will again use kinematic equations to find the velocity of the heavier fragment just after the explosion. Visualize:
The rocket accelerates for 2.0 s from rest, so
v1y = v0 y + a y (t1 − t 0 ) = 0 m / s + (10 m / s 2 )(2 s − 0 s) = 20 m / s y1 = y0 + v0 y (t1 − t 0 ) + 12 a y (t1 − t 0 ) = 0 m + 0 m + 2
1 2
(10 m / s )(2 s) 2
= 20 m
At the explosion the equation pfy = piy is
( )
m L v2 y
( ) = (m
+ m H v2 y
( )
+ mH )v1y ⇒ (500 kg) v2 y
( )
+ (1000 kg) v2 y
= (1500 kg)(20 m / s)
To find (v2y)H we must first find (v2y)L, the velocity after the explosion of the upper section. Using kinematics,
(v ) = (v ) 2
3y L
2y L
( )
+ 2( −9.8 m / s 2 )( y3L − y2L ) ⇒ v2 y
= 2(9.8 m / s 2 )(530 m − 20 m ) = 99.98 m / s
Now, going back to the momentum conservation equation we get
(500 kg)(99.98 m / s) + (1000 kg)(v2 y )H = (1500 kg)(20 m / s) ⇒ (v2 y )H = −20.0 m / s The negative sign indicates downward motion.
9.43. Model: Let the system be bullet + target. No external horizontal forces act on this system, so the horizontal momentum is conserved. Model the bullet and the target as particles. Since the target is much more massive than the bullet, it is reasonable to assume that the target undergoes no significant motion during the brief interval in which the bullet passes through. Visualize:
Solve: (a) By assuming that the target has negligible motion during the interval in which the bullet passes through, the time is that needed to slow from 1200 m/s to 900 m/s in a distance of 30 cm. We’ll use kinematics to first find the acceleration, then the time.
(v1 x ) B2 = (v0 x ) B2 + 2 a x ∆x ⇒ ax =
⇒ ∆t =
(v1 x ) B2 − (v0 x ) B2 (900 m / s) 2 − (1200 m / s) 2 = = −1.05 × 10 6 m / s 2 2 ∆x 2(0.30 m) (v1 x ) B = (v0 x ) B + a x ∆t (v1 x ) B − (v0 x ) B 900 m / s − 1200 m / s = 2.86 × 10 −4 s = 286 µs = −1.05 × 10 6 m / s 2 ax
The average force on the bullet is Favg = m|ax| = 26,200 N. (b) Now we can use the conservation of momentum equation p1x = p0x to find mT (v1 x ) T + mB (v1 x ) B = mT (v0 x ) T + mB (v0 x ) B = 0 + mB (v0 x ) B
⇒ (v1 x ) T =
mB (v0 x ) B − mB (v1 x ) B 0.025 kg = ((1200 m / s) − (900 m / s) ) = 0.0214 m / s 350 kg mT
9.44. Model: Model the two blocks (A and B) and the bullet (L) as particles. This is a two-part problem. First, we have a collision between the bullet and the first block (A). Momentum is conserved since no external force acts on the system (bullet+block A). The second part of the problem involves a perfectly inelastic collision between the bullet and block B. Momentum is again conserved for this system (bullet+block B). Visualize:
For the first collision the equation pfx = pix is
mL (v1 x ) L + mA (v1 x ) A = mL (v0 x ) L + mA (v0 x ) A ⇒ (0.01 kg)(v1 x ) L + (0.500 kg)(6 m / s) = (0.01 kg)( 400 m / s) + 0 kg m / s ⇒ (v1 x ) L = 100 m / s The bullet emerges from the first block at 100 m/s. For the second collision the equation pfx = pix is
(mL + mB )v2 x = mL (v1x )L ⇒ (0.01 kg + 0.5 kg )v2 x = (0.01 kg)(100 m / s) ⇒ v2 x = 1.96 m / s
9.45. Model: Model Brian (B) along with his wooden skis as a particle. The “collision” between Brian and Ashley lasts for a short time, and during this time no significant external forces act on the Brian+Ashley system. Within the impulse approximation, we can then assume momentum conservation for our system. After finding the velocity of the system immediately after the collision, we will apply constant-acceleration kinematic equations and the model of kinetic friction to find the final speed at the bottom of the slope. Visualize:
Brian skiing down for 100 m:
(v1x )2B = (v0 x )B + 2ax ( x1B − x0B ) = 0 2
m 2 s 2 + 2 a x (100 m − 0 m ) ⇒ (v1 x ) B =
(200 m)a x
To obtain ax, we apply Newton’s second law to Brian in the x and y directions as follows:
∑(F )
on B x
= wB sin θ − fk = mB a x
∑(F )
on B y
= n − wB cosθ = 0 N ⇒ n = w cosθ
From the model of kinetic friction, fk = µ k n = µ k wB cosθ . The x-equation thus becomes
wB sin θ − µ k wB cosθ = mB a x
⇒ a x = g(sin θ − µ k cosθ ) = (9.8 m / s 2 )[sin 20° − (0.06) cos 20°] = 2.799 m / s 2 Using this value of ax, (v1 x ) B =
of momentum equation pfx = pix is
(200 m)(2.799 m / s 2 ) = 23.66 m / s . In the collision with Ashley the conservation
(mB + mA )v2 x = mB (v1x )B ⇒ v2 x = m m+Bm (v1x )B = 80 kg80+kg50 kg (23.66 m / s) = 14.56 m / s B
Brian+Ashley skiing down the slope:
v32x = v22x + 2 a x ( x3 − x 2 ) = (14.56 m/ s) + 2(2.799 m / s 2 )(100 m ) ⇒ v3 x = 27.8 m / s 2
That is, Brian+Ashley arrive at the bottom of the slope with a speed of 27.8 m/s. Note that we have used the same value of ax in the first and the last parts of this problem. This is because ax is independent of mass. Assess: A speed of approximately 60 mph on a ski-slope of 200 m length and 20° slope is reasonable.
9.46. Model: Model the spy plane (P) and the rocket (R) as particles. The plane and the rocket undergo a perfectly inelastic collision. During the brief collision time, momentum for the plane+rocket system will be conserved because no significant external forces act on this system during the collision. After finding the velocity of the system immediately after the collision, we will apply projectile equations to find where the system will hit the ground. Visualize:
For the collision we have pfx = pix and pfy = piy. This means the magnitude of the final momentum is
pf = ⇒ vf =
( pfx )2 + ( pfy )
1 + 575 kg) 1280 kg (
( pix )2 + ( piy )
⇒ ( mR + mP )vf =
[ m (v ) ] + [ m (v ) ]
ix R
[(1280 kg)(725 m / s)] + [(575 kg)(450 m / s)] 2
iy P
= 519.4 m / s
(575 kg)( 450 m / s) p θ = tan −1 fy = tan −1 = 15.6° north of east pfx (1280 kg)(725 m / s) We call this direction the x′ axis in the x-y plane. Let us now look at the falling plane+rocket system in the x′-z plane where z is the vertical axis perpendicular to the x-y plane. We have z0 = 2700 m z1 = 0 m x 0′ = 0 m t 0 = 0 s
v0 z = 0 m / s
v0 x ′ = 519.4 m / s
Using the kinematic equation z1 = z0 + v0 z (t1 − t 0 ) + 12 az (t1 − t 0 ) , we can find the time to fall: 2
0 m = 2700 m + 0 m +
1 2
(−9.8 m / s )t 2
2 1
⇒ t1 = 23.47 s
In this time t1, the wreckage travels horizontally to
x1′ = x 0′ + v0 x ′ (t1 − t 0 ) = 0 m + (519.4 m / s)(23.47 s) = 12,192 m = 12.2 km
The enmeshed plane+rocket system lands 12.2 km from the collision point at an angle of 15.6° north of east.
9.47. Model: Model the bullet and the vehicle as particles, and use the impulse-momentum theorem to find the impulse provided to the vehicle by bullet(s). Because the final speed of the vehicle is small compared to the bullet speed, and the mass of the bullet is so much smaller than the mass of the vehicle, we will assume that each bullet exerts the same impulse on the vehicle. Visualize:
Solve: For one bullet, the impulse-momentum theorem ∆px = Jx allows us to find that the impulse exerted on the bullet by the vehicle’s sail is
( J x ) B = mB ( ∆v) B = (0.020 kg)(( −200 m / s) − ( 400 m / s) ) = −12.0 kg m / s From Newton’s third law, the impulse that the bullet exerts on the vehicle is (Jx)V = –(Jx)B = +12.0 kg m/s. A second use of the impulse momentum theorem allows us to find the vehicle’s increase in velocity due to one bullet:
( ∆v) V =
( J x ) V 12.0 kg m / s = = 0.120 m / s 100 kg mV
This increase in velocity is independent of the vehicle’s speed, so as long as the impulse per bullet stays essentially constant (which it does because the bullet speeds are so much larger than the vehicle speed), the number of impacts needed to increase the vehicle speed to 12 m/s is
N bullets =
12 m / s = 100 bullets 0.12 m / s per bullet
To reach this speed in 20 s requires the bullets to be fired at a rate of 5 bullets per second.
9.48. Model: Choose the system to be cannon + ball. There are no significant external horizontal forces during the brief interval in which the cannon fires, so within the impulse approximation the horizontal momentum is conserved. We’ll ignore the very small mass loss of the exploding gunpowder. Visualize:
Solve: The statement that the ball travels at 200 m/s relative to the cannon can be written (v1x)B = (v1x)C + 200 m/s. That is, the ball’s speed is 200 m/s more than the cannon’s speed. The initial momentum is zero, so the conservation of momentum equation p1x = p0x is
p1 x = mC (v1 x ) C + mB (v1 x ) B = mC (v1 x ) C + mB ((v1 x ) C + 200 m / s ) = 0 kg m / s ⇒ (v1 x ) C = −
mB 10 kg (200 m / s ) = − (200 m / s ) = −3.9 m / s 510 kg mC + m B
That is, the cannon recoils to the left (negative sign) at 3.9 m/s. Thus the cannonball’s speed relative to the ground is (v1x)B = –3.9 m/s + 200 m/s = 196 m/s.
9.49. Model: This is an isolated system, so momentum r is conserved in the explosion. Momentum is a vector
quantity, so the direction of the initial velocity vector v1 establishes the direction of the momentum vector. The final momentum vector, after the explosion, must still point in the +x-direction. The two known pieces continue to move along this line and have no y-components of momentum. The missing third piece cannot have a y-component of momentum if momentum is to be conserved, so it must move along the x-axis – either straight forward or straight backward. We can use conservation laws to find out. Visualize:
From the conservation of mass, the mass of piece 3 is
m3 = mtotal − m1 − m2 = 7.0 × 10 5 kg To conserve momentum along the x-axis, we require
= mtotal vi ] = [ pf = p1f + p2f + p3f = m1v1f + m2 v2f + p3f ]
⇒ p3f = mtotal vi − m1v1f − m2 v2f = +1.02 × 1013 kg m / s Because p3f > 0, the third piece moves in the +x-direction, that is, straight forward. Because we know the mass m3, we can find the velocity of the third piece as follows:
v3f =
p3f 1.02 × 1013 kg m / s = = 1.46 × 10 7 m / s 7.0 × 10 5 kg m3
9.50. Model: Model the proton (P) and the gold atom (G) as particles. The two constitute our system, and momentum is conserved in the collision between the proton and the gold atom. Visualize:
The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mG (vfx ) G + mP (vfx ) P = mP (vix ) P + mG (vix ) G ⇒ (197 u)(vfx ) G + (1 u)( −0.90 × 5.0 × 10 7 m / s) = (1 u)(5.0 × 10 7 m / s) + 0 u m / s ⇒ (vfx ) G = 4.82 × 10 5 m / s
9.51. Model: Model the proton (P) and the target nucleus (T) as particles. The proton and the target nucleus make our system and in the collision between them momentum is conserved. This is due to the impulse approximation because the collision lasts a very short time and the external forces acting on the system during this time are not significant. Visualize:
The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
( )
mT (vfx ) T + mP v fx
= mT (vix ) T + mP (vix ) P
⇒ mT 3.12 × 10 5 m / s + (1 u)( −0.75 × 2.5 × 10 6 m / s) = 0 u m / s + (1 u)(2.5 × 10 6 m / s) ⇒ mT = 14 u Assess: This is the mass of the nucleus of a nitrogen atom.
9.52. Model: This problem deals with a case that is the opposite of a collision. It is a case of an “explosion” in which a 214Po nucleus (P) decays into an alpha-particle (A) and a daughter nucleus (N). During the “explosion” or decay, the total momentum of the system is conserved. Visualize:
Solve: Conservation of mass requires the daughter nucleus to have mass mN = 214 u – 4 u = 210 u. The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mN (vfx ) N + mA (vfx ) A = ( mN + mA )vP ⇒ (210 u)(vfx ) N + ( 4 u)( −1.92 × 10 7 m / s) = 0 u m / s ⇒ (vfx ) N = 3.66 × 10 5 m / s
9.53. Model: The neutron’s decay is an “explosion” of the neutron into several pieces. The neutron is an isolated system, so its momentum should be conserved. The observed decay products, the electron and proton, move in opposite directions. Visualize:
(a) The initial momentum is pix = 0 kg m/s. The final momentum pfx = me ve + mp vp is
2.73 × 10 −23 kg m / s − 1.67 × 10 −22 kg m / s = −1.40 × 10 −22 kg m / s No, momentum does not seem to be conserved. (b) and (c) If the neutrino is needed to conserve momentum, then pe + p p + pneutrino = 0 kg m / s . This requires
pneutrino = − pe + p p = +1.40 × 10 −22 kg m / s The neutrino must “carry away” 1.40 × 10
− 22
kg m/s of momentum in the same direction as the electron.
9.54. Model: Model the two balls of clay as particles. Our system comprises these two balls. Momentum is conserved in the perfectly inelastic collision. Visualize:
The x-component of the final momentum is pfx = pix = m1 (vix )1 + m2 (vix ) 2
= (0.020 kg)(2.0 m / s) − (0.030 kg)(1.0 m / s) cos 30° = 0.0140 kg m / s The y-component of the final momentum is
( )
pfy = piy = m1 viy
( )
+ m2 viy
= (0.02 kg)(0 m / s) − (0.03 kg)(1.0 m / s) sin 30° = −0.0150 kg m / s
⇒ pf =
(0.014 kg m / s)2 + (−0.015 kg m / s)2
= 0.0205 kg m / s
Since pf = ( m1 + m2 )vf = 0.0205 kg m / s , the final speed is
vf =
0.0205 kg m / s
(0.02 + 0.03) kg
= 0.410 m / s
and the direction is
θ = tan −1
pfy pfx
= tan −1
0.015 = 47.0° south of east 0.014
9.55. Model: Model the three balls of clay as particle 1 (moving north), particle 2 (moving west), and particle 3 (moving southeast). The three stick together during their collision, which is perfectly inelastic. The momentum of the system is conserved. Visualize:
The three initial momenta are r r pi1 = m1vi1 = (0.02 kg)(2 m / s) jˆ = 0.04 jˆ kg m / s
r r pi2 = m2 vi2 = (0.03 kg) −3 m / s iˆ = −0.09iˆ kg m / s
] (
r r pi3 = m3 vi3 = (0.04 kg) ( 4 m / s) cos 45°iˆ − ( 4 m / s) sin 45° jˆ = 0.113iˆ − 0.113 jˆ kg m / s r r r r Since pf = pi = pi1 + pi2 + pi3 , we have r r (m1 + m2 + m3 )vf = 0.023iˆ − 0.073 jˆ kg m / s ⇒ vf = 0.256iˆ − 0.811 jˆ m / s
⇒ vf =
(0.256 m / s)2 + (−0.811 m / s)2 = 0.850 m / s
θ = tan −1
vfy vfx
= tan −1
0.811 = 72.5° below +x 0.256
9.56. Model: Model the truck (T) and the two cars (C and C′) as particles. The three forming our system stick together during their collision, which is perfectly inelastic. Since no significant external forces act on the system during the brief collision time, the momentum of the system is conserved. Visualize:
The three momenta are
r r piT = mT viT = (2100 kg)(2 m / s)iˆ = 4200iˆ kg m / s r r piC = mC viC = (1200 kg)(5 m / s) jˆ = 6000 jˆ kg m / s r r piC′ = mC′ viC′ = (1500 kg)(10 m / s)iˆ = 15,000iˆ kg m / s
r r r r r pf = pi = piT + piC + piC′ = 19,200iˆ + 6000 jˆ kg m / s
⇒ pf = ( mT + mC + mC′ )vf = ⇒ vf = 4.19 m / s
(19, 200 kg m / s)2 + (6000 kg m / s)2
θ = tan −1
py px
= tan −1
6000 = 17.4° above +x 19, 200
Assess: A speed of 4.19 m/s for the entangled three vehicles is reasonable since the individual speeds of the cars and the truck before entanglement were of the same order of magnitude.
9.57. Model: The 14C atom undergoes an “explosion” and decays into a nucleus, an electron, and a neutrino. Momentum is conserved in the process of “explosion” or decay. Visualize:
r r The conservation of momentum equation pf = pi = 0 kg m/s is r r r r r r r r pe + p n + p N = 0 N ⇒ p N = − ( pe + p n ) = − m e v e − m n v n
= −(9.11 × 10 −31 kg)(5 × 10 7 m / s)iˆ − (8.0 × 10 −24 kg m / s) jˆ = − 45.55 × 10 −24 iˆ + 8.0 × 10 −24 jˆ kg m / s ⇒ pN = m N v N =
(45.55 × 10 ) + (8.0 × 10 ) −24 2
kg m / s
⇒ 2.34 × 10 −26 kg vN = 4.62 × 10 −23 kg m / s ⇒ vN = 1.97 × 10 3 m / s
9.58. Model: The angular momentum of a particle in circular motion is conserved if there is no net tangential force on the particle. In the present case, the block of dry ice is treated as a particle. In the absence of external r forces, including that of friction, angular momentum L is conserved. Visualize:
We have Lf = Li . This means
m0 vf r = m0 vi r ⇒ vf = 2vi = 2(2.0 m / s) = 4.0 m / s 2 Assess: An increase in speed to 4.0 m/s (from 2.0 m/s) is reasonable as half the dry ice disappears.
9.59. Model: Because there’s no friction or other tangential forces, the angular momentum of the block + rod system is conserved. Visualize:
Solve: The rod is massless, so the angular momentum is entirely that of a mass in circular motion. The conservation of angular momentum equation Lf = Li is 2
2 r 30 cm 50 rpm = 4.5 rpm mvf rf = mvi ri ⇒ (rf ω f )rf = (riω i )ri ⇒ ω f = i ω i = ( ) 100 cm rf Assess: An angular speed of 4.5 rpm is reasonable, since the angular speed varies inversely as the square of the object’s distance from the rotation axis.
9.60. Model: The heavier person (H) and the lighter person (L) are our system. The board they are standing on is essentially massless. The angular momentum of the system is constant because no external tangential force acts on the system. Visualize: Please refer to Figure P9.60. Solve: The initial angular momentum is zero. The conservation of angular momentum equation Lf = Li = 0 kg m2/s is
LH + LL = 0 kg m 2 / s ⇒ LH = − LL That is, the angular momenta of the two people must be equal but opposite to keep the total angular momentum r zero. The angular momentum of a particle in circular motion is L = mrvt, where vt is the tangential component of v . The lighter person’s jump causes him to move counterclockwise around the fulcrum. Thus, according to the signs that we established for circular motion in Chapter 7, vL = –1.5 m/s. Consequently, LH = − LL ⇒ mH rH (vt ) H = − mL rL (vt ) L
mL rL (50 kg)(2.4 m) ( vt ) L = − ( −1.5 m/ s) = +1.5 m / s (75 kg)(1.6 m) mH rH The positive value for vt indicates that the heavier person moves clockwise around the fulcrum, or vertically upward. So just after the lighter person jumps, the heavier person is moving upward at 1.5 m/s. Assess: You might think the heavier person would fall downward. But in order to jump, the lighter person must kick his side of the board downward. That lifts the heavier person. The fact that the speeds are equal is a consequence of the fact that the initial balance requires mHrH = mLrL. ⇒ ( vt ) H = −
9.61. Model: Model the puck and the 200 g weights as particles. The puck is in circular motion and the forces acting on the puck are its weight downward, the radial tension in the string, and a normal force upward. There is no tangential force acting on the puck, and thus the angular momentum of the puck is conserved. Visualize:
Solve: (a) For the puck to move in a circle, the force causing the centripetal acceleration is provided by the two 200 g weights. Thus,
(0.40 kg)(9.8 m / s 2 ) = mpuck
vi2 vi 2 = (0.010 kg) ⇒ vi = 2.80 m / s ri (0.020 m)
(b) The conservation of angular momentum equation Lf = Li implies
mpuck vf rf = mpuck vi ri ⇒ vf rf = vi ri = (2.8 m / s)(0.20 m ) = 0.56 m 2 / s Now for the new weight to cause circular motion
mpuck vf2 rf
= (0.20 kg)(9.8 m / s 2 ) ⇒ rf =
mpuck vf2 1.96 kg m / s 2
vf2 19.6 m / s 2
Substituting this expression into the conservation of angular momentum equation, we have
vf2 vf = 0.56 m 2 / s ⇒ vf3 = 10.976 m 3 / s 3 ⇒ vf = 2.22 m / s 2 19.6 m / s Now we can obtain rf as
vf2 (2.22 m / s) = 0.252 m = 25.2 cm = 19.6 m / s 2 19.6 m / s 2 2
rf =
9.62. (a) A 100 g ball traveling to the left at 30 m/s is batted back to the right at 40 m/s. The force curve for the force of the bat on the ball can be modeled as a triangle with a maximum force of 1400 N. How long is the ball in contact with the bat? (b)
(c) The solution is ∆t = 0.010 s = 10 ms.
9.63. (a) A 200 g ball of clay traveling to the right overtakes and collides with a 400 g ball of clay traveling to the right at 3.0 m/s. The balls stick and move forward at 4.0 m/s. What was the speed of the 200 g ball of clay? (b)
(c) The solution is (vix ) 2 = 6.0 m / s .
9.64. (a) A 2000 kg auto traveling east at 5.0 m/s suffers a head-on collision with a small 1000 kg auto traveling west at 4.0 m/s. They lock bumpers and stick together after the collision. What will be the speed and direction of the combined wreckage after the collision? (b)
(c) The solution is vfx = 2.0 m / s along +x direction.
9.65. (a) A 150 g spring-loaded toy is sliding across a frictionless floor at 1.0 m/s. It suddenly explodes into two pieces. One piece, which has twice the mass of the second piece, continues to slide in the forward direction at 7.5 m/s. What is the speed and direction of the second piece? (b)
(c) The solution is (vfx)1 = –12 m/s. The minus sign tells us that the second piece moves backward at 12 m/s.
9.66. Model: This is a three-part problem. In the first part, the shell, treated as a particle, is launched as a projectile and reaches its highest point. We will use constant-acceleration kinematic equations for this part. The shell, which is our system, then explodes at the highest point. During this brief explosion time, momentum is conserved. In the third part, we will again use the kinematic equations to find the horizontal distance between the landing of the lighter fragment and the origin. Visualize:
The initial velocity is
v0 x = v cosθ = (125 m / s) cos 55° = 71.7 m / s v0 y = v sin θ = (125 m / s) sin 55° = 102.4 m / s At the highest point, v1 y = 0 m/s and v1 x = 71.7 m / s . The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mL (v1 x ) L + mH (v1 x ) H = ( mL + mH )v1 x The heavier particle falls straight down, so (v1x)H = 0 m/s. Thus,
(15 kg)(v1x ) L + 0 kg m s = (15 kg + 60 kg)(71.7 m / s) ⇒ (v1x ) L = 358 m / s That is, the velocity of the smaller fragment immediately after the explosion is 358 m/s and this velocity is in the horizontal x-direction. Note that (v1y)L = 0 m/s. To find x2, we will first find the displacement x1 − x0 and then x2 − x1. For x1 − x0,
v1y = v0 y + a y (t1 − t 0 ) ⇒ 0 m s = (102.4 m / s) + ( −9.8 m / s 2 )(t1 − 0 s) ⇒ t1 = 10.45 s x1 = x 0 + v0 x (t1 − t 0 ) + 12 a x (t1 − t 0 ) ⇒ x1 − x 0 = (71.7 m / s)(10.45 s) + 0 m = 749 m 2
For x2 − x1:
x 2 = x1 + (v1 x ) L (t2 − t1 ) + 12 a x (t2 − t1 ) ⇒ x 2 − x1 = (358 m / s)(10.45 s) + 0 m = 3741 m 2
⇒ x 2 = ( x 2 − x1 ) + ( x1 − x 0 ) = 3741 m + 749 m = 4490 m Assess: Note that the time of ascent to the highest point is equal to the time of descent to the ground, that is, t1 – t0 = t2 – t1.
9.67. Model: The cart+man (C+M) is our system. It is an isolated system, and momentum is conserved. Visualize:
The conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
mM (vfx ) M + mC (vfx ) C = mM (vix ) M + mC (vix ) C Note that (vf)M and (vfx)C are the final velocities of the man and the cart relative to the ground. What is given in this problem is the velocity of the man relative to the moving cart. The man’s velocity relative to the ground is
(vfx )M = (vfx )C − 10 m / s With this form for (vfx)M, we rewrite the momentum conservation equation as
[ ⇒ (70 kg)[(v
] − 10 m / s] + (1000 kg)(v
mM (vfx ) C − 10 m / s + mC (vfx ) C = mM (5 m / s) + mC (5 m / s)
fx C
fx C
= (1000 kg + 70 kg)(5 m / s)
⇒ (vfx ) C [1000 kg + 70 kg] = (1070 kg)(5 m / s) + (70 kg)(10 m / s) ⇒ (vfx ) C = 5.65 m / s
9.68. Model: Model Ann and cart as particles. The initial momentum is pi = 0 kg m/s in a coordinate system attached to the ground. As Ann begins running to the right, the cart will have to recoil to the left to conserve momentum. Visualize:
Solve: The difficulty with this problem is that we are given Ann’s velocity of 5.0 m/s relative to the cart. If the cart is also moving with velocity vcart, then Ann’s velocity relative to the ground is not 5.0 m/s. Using the Galilean transformation equation for velocity, Ann’s velocity relative to the ground is
(vfx )Ann = (vfx )cart + 5.0 m/s Now, the momentum conservation equation pix = pfx is
0 kg m / s = mAnn (vfx ) Ann + mcart (vfx ) cart ⇒ 0 kg m / s = (50 kg) (vfx ) cart + 5.0 m / s + (500 kg)(vfx ) cart ⇒ (vfx ) cart = −0.45 m/s
Using the recoil velocity (vfx)cart relative to the ground, we find Ann’s velocity relative to the ground to be (vfx)Ann = 5.00 m/s − 0.45 m/s = 4.55 m/s The distance Ann runs relative to the ground is ∆x = (vfx)Ann∆t, where ∆t is the time it takes to reach the end of the cart. Relative to the cart, which is 15 m long, Ann’s velocity is 5 m/s. Thus ∆t = (15 m ) (5 m / s) = 3.00 s . Her distance over the ground during this interval is
∆x = (vfx ) Ann ∆t = ( 4.55 m /s)(3.00 s) = 13.6 m
9.69. Model: The projectile+wood ball are our system. In the collision, momentum is conserved. Visualize:
The momentum conservation equation pfx = pix is
(mP + mB )vfx = mP (vix ) P + mB (vix )B ⇒ (1.0 kg + 20 kg)vfx = (1.0 kg)(vix ) P + 0 kg m/s ⇒ (vix ) P = 21vfx We therefore need to determine vfx. Newton’s second law for circular motion is
T − w = T − ( m P + mB )g =
(mP + mB )vf2x r
Using Tmax = 400 N, this equation gives
400 N − (1.0 kg + 20 kg)(9.8 m /s) =
(1.0 kg + 20 kg)vf2x 2.0 m
⇒ (vfx ) max = 4.30 m/s
Going back to the momentum conservation equation,
(vix ) P = 21vfx = (21)(4.30 m /s) = 90.3 m /s That is, the largest speed this projectile can have without causing the cable to break is 90.3 m/s.
9.70. Model: This is an “explosion” problem and momentum is conserved. The two-stage rocket is our system. Visualize:
Relative to the ground, the conservation of momentum equation pfx = pix is
m1 (vfx )1 + m2 (vfx ) 2 = ( m1 + m2 )v1 x ⇒ 3 m 2 (vfx )1 + m2 (vfx ) 2 = ( 4 m 2 )(1200 m/s) ⇒ 3(vfx )1 + (vfx ) 2 = 4800 kg m/s The fact that the first stage is pushed backward at 35 m/s relative to the second can be written
(vfx )1 = −35 m/s + (vfx )2 Substituting this form of (vfx)1 in the conservation of momentum equation,
3 −35 m /s + (vfx ) 2 + (vfx ) 2 = 4800 kg m /s ⇒ (vfx ) 2 = 1226 m/s
9.71. Model: Let the system be rocket + bullet. This is an isolated system, so momentum is conserved.
Visualize: The fact that the bullet’s velocity relative to the rocket is 139,000 can be written (vf)B = (vf)R + 139,000 m/s.
Solve: Consider the firing of one bullet when the rocket has mass M and velocity vi. The conservation of momentum equation pf = pi is
( M − 5kg)vf + (5 kg)(vf + 139, 000 m / s) = Mvi 5 kg (139, 000 m / s) M The rocket starts with mass M = 2000 kg, which is much larger than 5 kg. If only a few bullets are needed, M will not change significantly as the rocket slows. If we assume that M remains constant at 2000 kg, the loss of speed per bullet is ∆v = –347.5 m/s = –1250 km/h. Thus exactly 8 bullets will reduce the speed by 10,000 km/h, from 25,000 km/h to 15,000 km/h. If you’re not sure that treating M as a constant is valid, you can calculate ∆v for each bullet and reduce M by 5 kg after each shot. The loss of mass causes ∆v to increase slightly for each bullet. An eight-step calculation then finds that 8 bullets will slow the rocket to 14,900 km/h. Seven bullets wouldn’t be enough, and 9 would slow the rocket far too much. ⇒ ∆v = vf − vi = −
Solve: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, how far would the chair slide if it was struck with a bullet from my client’s gun? We know the bullet’s velocity as it leaves the gun is 450 m/s. The bullet travels only a small distance to the chair, so we will neglect any speed loss due to air resistance. The bullet and chair can be considered an isolated system during the brief interval of the collision. The bullet embedded itself in the chair, so this was a perfectly inelastic collision. Momentum conservation allows us to calculate the velocity of the chair immediately after the collision as follows:
pix = pfx ⇒ mB (vi ) B = ( mB + mC )vf ⇒ vf =
mB ( vi ) B m B + mC
(450 m /s)(0.010 kg) = 0.225 m /s 20.01 kg
This is the velocity immediately after the collision when the chair starts to slide but before it covers any distance. For the purpose of the problem in dynamics, call this the initial velocity v0 . The free-body diagram of the chair shows three forces. Newton’s second law applied to the chair (with the embedded bullet) is
ax = a =
( Fnet ) x mtot
µ n − fk =− k mtot mtot
a y = 0 m /s 2 =
( Fnet ) y mtot
n − mtot g mtot
where we’ve used the friction model in the x-equation. The y-equation yields n = mtot g, and the x-equation yields a = − µ k g = −1.96 m /s 2 . We know the coefficient of kinetic friction because it is a wood chair sliding on a wood floor. Finally, we have to determine the stopping distance of the chair. The motion of the chair ends with v1 = 0 m/s after sliding a distance ∆x, so
v02 (0.225 m /s) = 0.013 m = 1.3 cm =− 2a 2( −1.96 m /s 2 ) 2
v12 = 0 m 2 /s 2 = v02 + 2 a∆x ⇒ ∆x = −
If the bullet lost any speed in the air before hitting the chair, the sliding distance would be even less. So you can see that the most the chair could slide if it had been struck by a bullet from my client’s gun, would be 1.3 cm. But in actuality, the chair slid 3 cm, more than twice as far. The murder weapon, ladies and gentlemen, was a much more powerful gun than the one possessed by my client. I rest my case.