0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
kirsty@physioinaction.co.uk https://physioinaction.co.uk/
Are You a Good Candidate for A Sports Massage?
0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
kirsty@physioinaction.co.uk https://physioinaction.co.uk/
The term sports massage can send a lot of people off the track. You can benefit from it even if you aren't a sportsperson. Additionally, this is not a traditional massage; it has immense medical benefits. If you fall under any of the following categories, you shouldn't miss out on getting sports therapy in Sutton, Coldfield.
For Athletes and Sportspersons You can get a sports massage before or immediately after a sports event. You can also get it in between events. Helps you to be lighter, more flexible and increase your range of motion. Aids in injury prevention, pain reduction and recovery. 0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
kirsty@physioinaction.co.uk https://physioinaction.co.uk/
0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
For People Who Have an Active Lifestyle
Helps in relieving stiff muscles from running. Can be used to treat conditions like a pulled hamstring or a tender knee. Heals muscular and joint injuries effectively.
0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
kirsty@physioinaction.co.uk https://physioinaction.co.uk/
An amazing cure if you have pain arising due to postural issues. Treats headaches, migraine and back pain. Eases out sore muscles or stiff muscles which might be caused due to excess stress or strain during extended periods of work.
For Everyone
0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
kirsty@physioinaction.co.uk https://physioinaction.co.uk/
If you are suffering from or might be prone to any of these conditions, getting a sports massage is highly advisable. Physio in Action is the best place you can have the best sports therapy in Sutton, Coldfield.
CONTACT US 0121 354 8877 | 07900 197 462
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Have a great day! https://physioinaction.co.uk/