9th asef journalists' colloquium

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1SagattJaranng Wgnapang Jaulabas'

1!\epartment of jflJlreign ~ffair5



02 July 2012;

Dear Director General Oquifiena, I am pleased to inform you that the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) is inviting journalists from ASEIV1 countries to participate in the 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium which will be held in New Delhi, India from 09-11 November 2013. The 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium will gather 15 practicing journalists and experts from Asia and Europe for a closed-door, informal meeting to discuss challenges of the media in reporting on sustainable development particularly the looming end of the MDGs in 2015 and its intended successor, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The forum will also focus on energy, green growth and economy and poverty reduction. The Colloquium will be held in conjunction with the upcoming Foreign Ministers' Meeting from 11-12 November 2013 in India.

11th ASEM

Interested journalists are invited to submit their applications to participate' in the forum on or before 12 August 2013. More information can be found in http://bit.iy/10MHles. Attached are materials on the Call for Application, for your reference. PIA's assistance interested parties .



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is kindly requested






Attachments: As stated.

HON. JOSE MARl OC1UINENA Director General Philippine Information Agency Visayas Avenue, Diliman Quezon City Fax: 920-43:36


in disseminating

this information





Sincerely yours,


l ittp.n aa-mgo .mau. yahoo, com/ neo/ Jaunclf/."Od~_'·S ""7



Call for Application

9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium 9-11 November 2013


New Delhi, India

The Asia-Europe Fouudation (ASI:F) is pleased to announce the launch of its CalJ for Applications for the 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium, which will take place ill New Delhi, India from 9-11 November 2013.

The ASEF Journalists' Colloquium, now on its 9th edition since 1998, will bring together some 15 practicing and experienced journalists and experts from Asia and Europe.

Participants will gather for a closed.-door, informal meeting to discuss challenges for the media in reporting on sustainable development, in particular the looming expiry of the MDGs in 2015, and its intended successor, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),' as well as the areas of energy, green growth and economy, and poverty reduction.

Interested journalists from ASEM countries are invited to submit their applications to participate in the Colloquium. Deadline for application is Monday, 12 August 2013. More information can be found http://bit.lY/lOMHles .

• ASEF Contact Person for fLU·therinformation: Theresa Ann CUA (Ms.) ! Project Officer, Public Affairs I Administrator, Foundatiou (ASEF) 31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119595 T: +(65) 6874 9718 I F: +(65) 6872 1135 IE: theresa.cua@asef.org www.asef.org I aserninfoboard.org

ASEM InfoBoard


Asia-Europe r



24 ~~~~013




INVITATION TO APPLY ASEF welcomes applications from journalists to participate in the 9th ASEF Journalists' be held in New Delhi (Gurgaon), India from 9-11 November 2013.

COlloquium, which will

Travel from the participant's residence to and from New Delhi, hotel accommodations will be covered by the organisers. Limitations apply. (See Annex2)

and conference


The colloquium will be held ln conjunction with the upcoming 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Foreign Ministers' Meeting (11-12 November 2013) in India. (www.aseminfoboard.org) Participants covering the ASEM FMM on 12 November will be eligible for an additional night's stay.



The ASEF Journalists' Colloquium, now on its 9th edition since 1998, will gather some 15 practicing journalists and experts from Asia and Europe for a closed-door, informal meeting to discuss important of common concern and its related media challenges.

issues '

The 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium will focus on the challenges for the media in reporting on sustainable development, in particular the looming expiry of the MDGs in 2015 and its intended successor, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the areas of energy, green growth and economy, and poverty reduction. The Colloquium will feature presentations from experts and media alike, followed by an in-depth discussion with the participants. Participants will be expected to: •

Contribute to the discussions by providing their own national and regional perspectives, approaches and experiences on reporting on the specific issues outlined in the programme (see Annex 3) Contribute towards the formulation of a "Guide to the Issues" publication planned as the outcome to the discussions which will be shared made available to a wider audience as a tool for improved reporting.

APPLICATION PROCESS Eligibility Applicants must be: •

a citizen of an ASEM member country-:

currently working as a journalist

able to conduct the colloquium




media, online media, freelance

in English (no translation

are all eligible)

services will be provided)

ReqUIrements Interested journalists

1 The

are requested to submit the following:

An accomplished

• •

An updated CV A short, up to 200-word profile (in English) summarizing achievements, and interest in covering environmental issues



Samples (pDF and links (if available)) of up to 5 most recent and relevant published

Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) brings together 49 member states (Australia, Austria, Bangladesh,



Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Philippines,


Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, tile Netherlands,


Belgium, Brunei Oarussalam,

Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia,



India, Ireland, Italy, Japan,

New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the

Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,

Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam)

24 June 2013


Deadline for applications is 12 August 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be notified during the last week of August 2013. The list of successful applicants will be published no later than 6 September



CONTACT For further inquiries, please contact (theresa .cuE1@E1sef.org)

Ms Theresa CUA, Public Affairs






31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119595

T: +6568749700

E: info@asef.org

w: www.asef.org

24 JU.!l(;l2013

Annex 1- p.1/2





This application must be submitted in English by email to illfo~.Qsef.org by 12 August 2013 together with the other requirements listed in the Call for Applications. Send this completed form with the subject [JS6] Application - NAME. Please save the completed form in PDF format and the file size is not larger than 1 MB. Please pay careful attention to completing this application form and ensure all information is accurate.

2. 3. 4.

Basic Information Salutation

..-I ----- -------

Last Name


Media Organisation


Email Address -Web/Slog/Social



Country of Citizenship


Mobile Number Media

- ---

-------- ---







I路 i.1~ll\Ij,:路J'-l!e



PLh".' '\



JII )l'l'ltt' II 11'\a.I~':':.d~


Summary Profile

Career Highlights

--(Not more than 201) words)

\B,'Sl il quantifiable terms)

- - - - Publications -- ----- - - ---

Outreach Others







- --- .-------



---- - ----- ---




- ------- -

-- ---

24 June_ZP13 Annex 1 - p.2/2

Working Experience Period of Employment t· ;-y:trt


(VYYY) .- Media Organisation




i 2 3 ('

Educational Background Duration of Course (YYYY) k'...;t


\, .•...•



Academic institution

I To '1





Sample Storie; Date

-2i _... 3 .4 5

Course or Qualifications

111 II ~;,l

- up to





By submitting this application, I: have read and understood the Call for Applications and limitations for Subsidy and am agreeable to all conditions laid out; ensure that all information listed is correct to the best of my knowledge; understand that any rnisrepresentation may lead to later disqualification; am interested to learn more e.bout ASEFand would like an invitation to subscribe to future updates.

- END-

__ \

- ,

24 June ~013

Annex 2 /'

LIMITATIONS OF SUBSIDY 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium

Travel involves economy airfare, expenses related to visa procurement, from New Delhi airport to the conference hotel.

Travel subsidy is capped at the following amounts depending over this cap will be borne by the participant. o o o o

From From From From

Euro oe and Russia: Asia Australia New Zealand

Travel expenses wi.l be reimbursed accepted after the conference.

airport transfers

on the participant's

only to and

origin. Any amount

SG $1800 SG $600 SG $2000 SG $1800 only after the complete financial


have been

Accommodation •

Accommodation arrangements will be made directly by ASEF. All participants will be accommodated on a single room basis only. Any upgrades to doubles or suites will be borne by the participant.

Accommodation SL bsidy will involve strictly room cost only and related taxes. All miscellaneous expenses, such as but not limited to, laundry, phone calls, room service, business center use, etc. will be borne by the participant.

Only participants covering the 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers' night's stay on 12 !\Jovember.

• •

All conference meals listed in the programme (Annex 2) will be provided by the organisers, All other meals not in the programme will be borne by the participants.

Meeting will be eligible for an additional



9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium Asia, Europe and the Post-2015 Development Agenda


9-11 November 2013 I Gurgaon/New Delhi, India in conjunction with the 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting, 11-12 November 2013 in New Delhi, India

Millennium Development Coals (MDGs), which were agreed upon at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, are set to expire in ~~015. During the recently concluded Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, UN member states agreed to develop Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which takes into account the impact of development on the environment, to replace or to continue the MDGs. Green Economy was heralded as the way forward, encompassing sustainable growth and consumption, renewable energy, and inclusive social development. However, perspectives among developing and developed countries, diverge on priorities, and the means of implementation. The 9th ASEF Journalists' Colloquium will focus on the on-going debate on sustainable development, the looming expiry of the MDGs in 2015 and its intended successor, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The colloquium will specifically examine the areas of poverty reduction, water-food-energy security questions, green growth and economy, and the discussions within Asia and Europe. The meeting environment Europe, how an interested

will gather good-quality and experienced journalists, as well as development, energy and experts to discuss how these issues are viewed in different countries across Asia and they are reported in the media, and explore the role of the media in bringing the stories to and wide: p.iblic.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 'f 1. To take stock of recent trends in global environmental and energy policies, examining regional iSSUE:Sand possibilities for shared ground between Asia and Europe 2. To enable journaiists to discuss media issues in covering and the post-2015 Development Agenda, particularly focused on environment, energy, and green growth issues with peers from Asia and Europe: what aspects are important? 3. To examine the role of the media in promoting an informed public debate 4. To allow journalists from prominent European and Asian media to interact with each other, thereby establishing channels for increasing mutual understanding ISSUES TO BE DISC JSSEIJ • How much did media coverage differ in various countries on the results from l~io+20? What are the different points of interest for different countries? What are the points of divergence and what are the points of convergence? • }low do the media in different countries understand "green economy"? How does the public in various countries perceive "green economy" and how much of it is influenced by the media? • The role of the media in raising awareness on Sustainable Development • What issues on sustainable development does the media find interesting? What do they report on? What don't they report on, and why? • Crisis reportlng: Lessons from reporting on the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster PARTICIPANTS Up to 25 journalists or section editors of major print or broadcast media, academics and experts concerned with onergy, environmental, green growth, foreign policy, and business issues from Asia and Europe.

FACILITATOR 1-2 subject matter experts, preferably fromthe media, will be engaged to be responsible for a smooth moderation of the discussions; a facilitator will also contribute towards the development of the programme. OUTCOME A media-targeted handbook "Guide to the Issues" will be produced that presents the issues in a condensed form, and outlines various Asia-Europe perspectives on common issues (Sustainable Development, Poverty Reduction, Energy and Green Growth) for a better and holistic reporting. ABOUT THE ASEF JOURNALISTS' COLLOQUIUM The ASEF Journalists' Colloquium, now in its 9th edition, has been successfully run and organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) since 1998. The colloquium gathers practicing journalists, professionals and experts for a closed-door, informal meeting to discuss specific thematic fields. Participants are encouraged to openly share their perspectives on the issues and experiences on reporting.


The ASEF Journalists' Colloquium has been held in various countries across Asia and Europe: Singapore, Indonesia (twice), Cyprus, China, the Netherlands, Korea, and Spain. The 9th edition will be held in New Delhi, India in conjunction with the upcoming 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting. I' ABOUT THE ORGANISERS Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) furthers understanding, fosters relationships and facilitates cooperation among the people and institutions of Asia and Europe. ASEF enhances dialogue, enables exchanges and encourages collaboration across the fields of governance, economy, sustainable development, public health, culture, and education. Founded in 1997, ASEF is a not-far-profit, intergovernmental organisation located in Singapore. It is the only permanently established institution of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). Together with about 700 partner organisations ASEF has run more than 600 projects, mainly conferences, seminars and workshops. Over 17,000 Asians and Europeans have participated in its activities and it has reached wider audiences through networks and web-portals, exhibitions and lectures. For more information, please visit www.asef.org The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEMl is an intergovernmental forum for dialogue and cooperation established in 1996 to deepen relations between Asia and Europe, which addresses political, economic and socio-cultural issues of common concern. ASEMbrings together 49 member states (29 European and 20 Asian countries), the European Commission and the ASEANSecretariat, The 51 ASEM Members are Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Nethertauds. New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam, the European Union and the ASEANSecretariat. For more information, please visit www.aseminfoboarcl.org



PREVIEW PROGRAMMEl *Further coordination with the MEA of India on programme integration with the 11th ASEM FMM (i.e. attendance of Opening: Ceremony, press conference, media interaction at SOM) Da}'O

All day



Welcome Dinner

Arrival and Check in

Welcome remarks by host Day 1 07:00

Breakfast at hotel




Welcome Remarks Amb ZHANG Van (tbc) Executive Director, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Representative, Representative,

Partner 1 Partner 2


Introduction NN

to Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speech Dr Rajendra PACHAURI (tbc) Director-General, TERI Chief, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


Introductory Remarks / Overview of Colloquium - grounc rules, expectations, outcomes NN, Moderator/Facilitator


Session 1: The Future of Sustainable



Taking Stock of Achievements on MDGs Situationer: Main takeaways from, developments after Rio+:20 What does this mean for sustainable development? Introduction to three main subtopics: poverty alleviation, energy, green growth Speakers: Mr Brlce LALONDE (tbc) Executive Coordinator of Rio+20 Special Advisor on Sustainable Development, UN Global Compact Mr Surendra SHRESTA (tbc) . Director, Strategic Resource MObilization/Special Initiatives, UNEP Ms Fiona HARVEY (tbc) Environment Correspondent, The Guardian 1 All

timings subject to change



Open discussion: What media coverage did various countries have on the results from F:io+20? What were the different points of interest for different countries? What were points of divergence and points of convergence? Summary of Discussion NN, Moderator


Coffee BI"eak



:2: Poverty Reduction

The Panacea for Poverty? Developing green modes of production and consumption towards improving quality of life, uplifting poverty Best practices of green growth across Asia and Europe and its effects ordevelopment indexes / quality of life Speakers: 1 government representative (15 min) Mr Abhijit BANERJEE (tbc) (15 min) Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mr Jonathan GLENNIE (tbc) (15 min) Contributor, Poverty Matters Blog, The Guardian Overseas Development Institute 12:00

Open discussion How is poverty portrayed across Asia and Europe? What are t-ie stereotypes? Summary of Discussion NN, Moderator


Lunch Break


Session 3: Water. Food and Energy: the Security Nexus Non-traditional Security Water, food and energy and the future of international

security cooperation

The Future of Energy post-Fukushima f Impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident on energy policies across Asia and Europe Diversification of energy sources: Moving towards renewables? Access to energy resources: how is energy distributed, and who gets access? Speakers: 1 energy industry expert/ representative (15 min) Ms Hiroko KONO (tbc) (15 min) Senior Writer, Yomiuri Shimbun Mr Eric KEMP-BENEDICT (tbc) (15 min) Asia Centre Director, Swedish Environmental Institute European media representative (15 min) More suggestions: Mr Peter GLOVER, Independent (Politics, Government, Climate Change and Energy) Mr Simon TAY, SIIA (Energy and Environment) Mr Warr,en FERNANDEZ, Editor, Straits Times (former Shell Head of Global



Open dlscusslon Crisis reporting: Lessons from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster Does energy journalism affect public perception and if so, how? Are there biases for or against energy producers? Summary of Discussion NN, Moderator


Coffee break


Session ;3: Green Growth Green Economy: Towards Sustainable Development or New Protectionism? No globally-agreed definition of green economy What are the diverging interests/views on green economy? What are the points of convergence? What are the main issues or concerns against this concept? Speakers: 1 government speaker (15 mins) Representative from GGGI Korea (15 min) Mr Frederic BOBIN (tbc) 15 min India Correspondent, Le Monde


Open discussion: How does the public in various countries view "green economy"? How do the media understand "green growth"? How much weight do the media give to it? The role of the media to promote "green economy" Summary of Discussion NN, Moderator


Dinner/Interaction session with ASEM SOM to be arranged with Indian MEA End of Day 1

Day 2




Summary of Day 1 NN, Macerator/Facilitator



Conclud ing Session Recommendations for Paper


Coffee break


Press Briefing

11thASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting: ASEM: Bridge to Partnership for Growth and Development. Speakers: 1 representative, India MEA (15 min) 1 representative, European SOM (15 min)





Concluding remarks ASEF Representative Partners' Representatives


End of JC9 Lunch After lunch, media representatives ASEM FMM (tbc)


or subject-related

may proceed to the Media Centre of the 11th


Notes (

The programme

schedule is subject to changes.

Tile schedule may change to accommodate potential synergies with tile ASEM FMM programme possible (i.e. attendance

in Opening Ceremony, Press Conference,

Dinner interactions).



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