One Visayas e-Newsletter Vol 5 Issue 43

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Vol 5

Issue 43


Mona Grieser, Chief of Party of the USAID Be Secure Project, discusses the elements of good water demand management (WDM) during a forum on WDM organized by USAID held held Thursday, Oct. 29 at Richmonde Hotel, Iloilo City. (PIA 6 Iloilo).

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


Officers of the 302nd Infantry Brigade (IB) of the Philippine Army led by its executive officer John Oliver Gabun distributed 130 boxes of Vitameal food packs to beneficiaries of their feeding program in the province at their headquarters in Tanjay City on Oct. 27,2015. The food packs are intended for poor and malnourished children aged 2 to 13 years old as well as for pregnant and lactating women. The Army’s feeding program is conducted in cooperation with Bethesda Ministries International which supplies Vitameals and Oriental Negros Children's Advocacy Network. (PIA7-NegOr)

More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…


‎ ILG-8 director Pedro Noval and info officer D Myles Colasito (standing) updates the media practitioners on the status of implementation of RAY 1 & 2 projects in East Visayas - school buildings, civic centers, public markets, brgy halls, day care centers, among others. DILG reported that 92% of Yolanda-damaged public buildings have been restored. As of Oct 2015, the following have already been completed: 134 of 145 municipal halls, civic centers and public markets.

More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...

Oct. 26 - Nov. 1, 2015

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

#InfoTourismAdventureRace set in Siquijor Ferliza Calizar-Contratista CEBU CITY, October 22 (PIA) – Information and Tourism Officers in Central Visayas are invited to the #InfoTourismAdventureRace in time for the 22nd RADIO7 Convention on October 28-30 at the Coco Grove Beach Resort in San Juan, Siquijor with the theme "Bridging Information and Tourism Through Social Media." Philippine Information Agency (PIA-7) regional director Minerva Newman said this is a not an ordinary convention of the Regional Association of Development Information Officers (RADIO) because "we also invited the various tourism officers of the local government units in Central Visayas to join the event via an eco-adventure challenge to showcase the sensations of Siquijor." RADIO 7 is an umbrella organization of the Cebu Association of City And Municipal Public Information Officers (CAOCAMPIO), Association of Negros Oriental Public Information Officers (ANOPIO), Association of United Development Information Officers (Bohol), Siquijor Association of Information Disseminators (SAID) and Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO). Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) secretary and spokesperson Herminio ―Sonny‖ Coloma will give his keynote address regarding the theme while Bohol is invited to present its Tourism Roadmap to Recovery after the October 23 Earthquake. On the second day, the #InfoTourismAdventureRace starts from the resort in San Juan to the various race-pitstops covering every town in Siquijor highlighting the tourism lure of each challenge. Facilitating and coordinating the entire adventure race is Vince Escario, Bantayan Communications Consultant.

The participants are divided into 10 teams to do the various challenges featuring the uniquness of the island. Part of the team's task is to gather details and information about the province, the various features in the race and to blog or write and posts these in social media sites. A blogger is part of the team that will mentor the the group on how to promote these tourism features in social media by making a blog and or presentation of the team's adventure in 'Sensational Siquijor.' Fastest Team and Best Blog are given some prizes during the last day of the convention while officers of RADIO will conduct its annual meeting and election of new set of officers on the opening day of the event. The 22nd RADIO7 Convention is hosted by the Siquijor Association of Information Disseminators(SAID) with Larena town information officer, Lydith Tan as president. (mbcn/fcc/PIA7-Cebu)

The 1st #InfotourismAdventureRace in Siquijor kicks off today with the opening program led by PIA Central Visayas RD Minerva Bc Newman who talks about legitimization of the Information Officer position. Siquijor is this year's host of the Regional Association of Development Information Officers (RADIO) Convention dubbed #SensationalSiquijor. The event is also participated in by Cebu Blogging Community (CBC) bloggers. (FCC)

SoLeyte LGU to benefit from PNoy’s Kalsada Program MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte October 23 (PIA) The Province of Southern Leyte will have more chances of concreted roads along the provincial road network, if not all, with the expected windfall infra projects to be funded by the Aquino administration in three years. During the Action Center Kapihan ha PIA held Tuesday, Provincial Engineering Services Office Assistant Provincial Engineer Brigido Eway said that ‖ the Provincial Engineering Services Office has already completed the surveys and preparation of plans for the infrastructure programs which are underway. He said the provincial government of Southern Leyte will be recipient with a hefty Php1000M infra funds every year from 2016 until 2018 from the national infrastructure program of President Benigno Aquino III thru the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) dubbed as Kalsada program, although he elaborated that

other provinces will benefit the same national infra projects. Under the said program, the provincial government will provide for the ten percent counterpart of the national funds, Eway added. Engr. Eway disclosed that the provincial roads along San Rafael - Nonok Norte, all of Maasin City and Poblacion - Himakilo-Libas, all of Bontoc will be given the priority with the said national infra program and hopefully to be implemented by next year. Both road networks measures at 4 kilometer each in length, he added. He is hopeful that there will be better provincial roads connecting the municipalities as an offshoot of the national infra program and ultimately, spell out more access in bringing more agricultural products to the market. (mmp/esg/PIA8 SoLeyte)

DPWH 6 all set for Undas Lilibeth A. French ILOILO CITY, PIA6 (Oct. 26) - - The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in Western Visayas has started their preparations for the anticipated volume of people that would flock to the different public and private cemeteries in the observance of Undas or All Saints Day and All Souls Day on November 1 and 2. DPWH 6 Director Edilberto Tayao issued a memorandum directing all the District Engineers of its 15 District Engineering Offices to activate a composite team including an anchorman who will aid the travelling public on strategic locations within their respective areas of jurisdictions, particularly roads leading to public and private

cemeteries from October 30 to November 3. According to a DPWH 6 report, the DEOs were further instructed to ensure that all national highways are thoroughly maintained and always kept in good condition for safer travel and ensure the uninterrupted transport flow in their respective district concerned. It was also emphasized in the memorandum that traffic service maintenance particularly provision of informative/regulatory warning signs or traffic advisory, should also be vigorously undertaken. Tayao also instructed the DEOs to submit a situational report every 6 hours to monitor the flow of traffic and determine what areas need more attention. (JCM/LAF/PIA6-Iloilo)



SOPA highlights health services' accomplishments By Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, October 28 (PIA) --- The Iloilo provincial government highlighted its many accomplishments in the delivery of health services in the province.


overnor Arthur Defensor, Sr., in his recent State of the Province Address (SOPA), said that his brand of ―reform and change‖ as a model of good governance has paved way for the successful delivery of health services to the people of this province. ―Our hospitals are now self-sufficient and earning. We were able to do this by improving and upgrading our facilities, using not only local funds but also foreign donations under our hospital enhancement program,‖ he said. He said that provincial hospitals registered an excess of P116-million over their personal services expenditures and unutilized advances by the end of 2014. ―As of July 2015, our hospitals registered a 77 percent increase in income or P240.3 million compared to the July 2015 figures which was P136-million, which is an

increase of P104.3-million over a 12-month period,‖ he shared. He said that the Hospital Management Office also turned over P116-million to the provincial government from the income of the district hospitals which will be reinvested not only to upgrade facilities and equipment but also to capacitate our personnel. Under the Hospital Efficiency Assurance through Reform and Transformation (HEART) Program, district hospitals are continuously being upgraded to serve people better, especially the poor. He said that P44.8-million fund from the budget of the province rehabilitated three hospitals namely the Ramon Duremdes District Hospital in Dumangas, the Aleosan District Hospital in Alimodian, and the Don Valerio Palmares Sr. District Hospital in Passi City. The DOH also provided a P58-million

fund assistance to improve facilities at the Aleosan District Hospital, the Don Valerio Palmares Sr. District Hospital, the Sara District Hospital, the Dr. Ricardo Y. Ladrido Memorial District Hospital in Lambunao and the Federico Roman Tirador Sr. District Hospital in Janiuay. The provincial government also took a P300-million loan from the Land Bank of the Philippines to upgrade and renovate the Iloilo Provincial Hospital in Pototan, the Pedro Trono District Hospital in Guimbal, the Ramon Tabian District Hospital in Cabatuan and the Sara District Hospital. The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) also gave a grant of P300-million which was used to construct new buildings for Aleosan District Hospitals, the Jesus Colmenares District Hospital in Balasan, and the Ricardo Provido District Hospital in Calinog. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo)

Infected banana, citrus plants denied entry to NegOcc Carlson B. Alelis NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, October 29 (PIA6) – The Bureau of Plant Industry – Plant Quarantine Services here is blocking the entry of citrus and banana planting materials from Metro Manila and Davao City, respectively, to the province because of plant diseases.


lant Quarantine Officer John Calumpiano said the BPI-PQS is prohibiting and intercepting the planting materials under quarantine, namely citrus that has huanglongbin disease and bananas that have fusarium wilt disease. Citrus planting materials in the country affected by huanglongbin, among others, are kalamansi, lemon and orange. The planting materials affected by huanglongbin and fusarium are denied entry to avoid affecting citrus and banana plants in the province.

Calumpiano clarified that they are intercepting planting materials and not fresh fruits. The PQS coordinates with the Philippine Ports Authority, maritime groups and shipping companies to make sure that these planting materials under quarantine will not enter the ports of Negros Occidental. Infected planting materials are stopped at the port of exits through PSQ and in coordination with the Customs immigration Quarantine Services and its quarantine

officers. As to avoid hampering the agricultural industry, the PQS allows the entry of citrus and banana planting materials that are grown in laboratories. Meanwhile, Calumpiano urged local transporters to process the necessary permits because the PQS is strict when it comes to stopping the entry and the spreading of plants that are infected with diseases that can affect the various plant and fruit industries. (JCM/CBA/PIA6-Negros Occidental)

DTI holds consumer awareness seminar Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) - - The Department of Trade and Industry conducted a Consumer Awareness Seminar for Consumer Organizations on Thursday at the University of Antique, Sibalom.


articipating Consumer Organizations (COs) include ACC Students Advocate Club of Advance Central College, ENACTUS Action Us of the University of Antique – Tibiao campus, SidSan Students Advocate Club of Sido San Juan National High School, JMS Students Advocate Club of UA-Main campus, Senior Citizens Association- Sibalom Chapter and Senior Citizen of San Jose de Buenavista (KMMSJdBA). These COs are active partners of DTI in the implementation of consumer welfare

advocacy programs said Glen Fernando of DTI Antique. DTI encouraged the organization of consumer groups to serves as watchdog and advocates of consumer rights and responsibilities. Engr. Lynna Joy Cardinal, Information Officer of DTI Antique explained the following Consumer Rights namely Right to basic needs, to choose, to safety, to be informed, to redress, to environmental health, right to representation and right to consumer education.

Also discussed were the salient features of Product Standards Law by Fernando and the Joint DTI-DA Admin Order No. 10-02, Series of 2010 which covers the Discounts for Senior Citizens. DTI also facilitated the formulation of the action plan for 2016 of the said Consumer organizations. The activity was made possible through the all-out support of the faculty and staff of the University of Antique. (JCM/DTI/PSM/ PIA6 Antique)



Guimaras steps up efforts to increase tourists By: Elsa S. Subong ILOILO CITY, Oct. 28(PIA) — The province of Guimaras is targeting to increase the number of tourists by 25 percent this year.


uimaras Governor Samuel Gumarin province. said they had more than 15 percent Banking on the help of national and only in 2014, hence the target is a big foreign institutions, Gumarin said they plan leap. to pave all provincial, municipal and barangay The Department of Tourism-6 noted roads in the island. that of the 73,833 tourist arrivals in 2014, ―We need about P1.2 billion to pave 2,854 were foreigners. existing road networks and open other Gumarin said he is determined to make areas accessible to transport. the province the Agri-Ecotourism Capital of Guimaras boasts of must-visit the Philippines, and he wanted to begin with tourist destinations, like the white sand the improvement of road networks in the beaches, mango orchards, organic farms,

marine protective areas and delicacies like its world-renowned mangoes, and other products of the Trappist Monks. The latest attraction is the Wind Turbine in San Lorenzo, which generates renewable energy from 27 turbines. The 2014 tourist arrivals in Guimaras, generated a total of P1,374,392 in tourist receipts, according to the DOT-6. (JCM/ ESS/PIA-Iloilo)

Total shellfish ban up in Pilar waters Jemin B. Guillermo ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Oct. 28 (PIA) – The harvesting, transporting, selling and eating of all types of shellfish are banned in Pilar, Capiz.


his, after the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has issued Shellfish Advisory No. 17 dated October 23,2015 that declares the coastal waters and shellfish of Pilar town positive of paralytic shellfish poison. Mayor Gideon Ike Patricio said he has already issued an Executive Order regarding the total ban of shellfish in their area. He said that he has also recommended to their Sangguniang Bayan to put the town under the state of calamity as the livelihood of the residents in their 11 coastal barangays are affected by the occurrence of the red tide toxin. ―By putting the town under the state of

calamity, we can utilize our calamity fund particularly for the livelihood assistance of our affected residents,‖ he said. Patricio said that he has also directed their Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office to conduct mobile public address announcements or ―recorida‖ in all their barangays to create awareness of their people regarding thereto. ―We have also alerted our Bantay Dagat, barangay officials especially in the coastal areas and the Philippine National Police to ensure that the directive for the total ban is strictly implemented,‖ Patricio added. He said that the Rural Health Unit of Pilar is also on alert to cater to possible

paralytic shellfish poisoning cases. So far, two minors from the town are being confined at the Roxas Memorial Provincial Hospital for suspected paralytic shellfish poisoning. Earlier, Capiz Governor Victor Tanco issued Executive Order No. 014, series of 2015 that directs for the lifting of Executive Oder No. 11 dated September 11,2015 on the total ban in the gathering or harvesting, transporting or marketing of all kinds of shellfish in the entire province of Capiz after the Sapian Bay, covering Sapian and Ivisan, was found positive of red tide toxin and which toxicity level went beyond the regulatory limit set by BFAR. (JCM/JBG/PIA6

Dengue cases in Aklan continue to drop Sheila Q. Patoza KALIBO, AKLAN, Oct. 25 (PIA6) – Dengue cases in Aklan continue to drop, according to the Aklan Provincial Epidemiology Surveillance and Response Unit.


ased on the records of APESRU, dengue cases in the province reached 825 from January 1 to October 19 this year, showing a decrease of 41.45% compared to last year of the same period with 1, 409 cases. The town of Kalibo recorded the most number of dengue cases with 218, followed by Numancia with 101 cases, Malay with 72 and New Washington with 58 cases. The municipality of Banga listed 53 cases; Balete with 38; Malinao with 37; Ibajay with 31; Madalag and Nabas with 29 each; and Tangalan with 27. Both Altavas and Makato have 22 cases each; Libacao with 20 cases; Batan with 19; Buruanga with 18, Lezo with 16 and; 15 cases from two nearby provinces. Among the age group, 11 to 20 years

old recorded the highest number of cases with 291; followed by 1 to 10 years old with 256 cases; 21 to 30 years old with 157; 31 to 40 years old 53; 51 years old and above with 31; 41 to 50 years old 25; and 12 from less than one year old. Records also showed that males were more susceptible with 430 cases recorded than females with 395 cases. Among the Disease Reporting Units in the province, the Dr. Rafael S. Tumbukon Memorial Hospital (DRSTMH) reported the most with 375 cases. The Provincial Health Office here continues to monitor closely the dengue cases, according to Dr. Cornelio Cuachon Jr., Provincial Health Officer I. ―With the data we received from APESRU, we able to monitor provinces up

to the barangay levels with dengue cases and we were able to coordinate with the respective LGUs to act on the matter,‖ Cuachon Jr. said. He also said that Rural Sanitary Inspectors will be visiting regularly the barangays with cluster cases of dengue, or barangays having two or more dengue cases in the past four consecutive weeks. ―PHO is not complacent with the decreasing state of dengue cases in Aklan, because dengue has its trends, for two to three years, a decreasing pattern will happen but in the fourth year, the trend to increase is likely possible, and PHO here keeps on campaigning in lowering or eliminating dengue cases in Aklan,‖ Cuachon added. (JSC/SQP-PIA6 Aklan)



iHOME embarks on house build for poor BY JENNIFER C. TILOS DUMAGUETE CITY, Oct. 23 (PIA) -- The iHome Metro Dumaguete called on generous corporate business institutions and individuals to sponsor a house or donate materials or cash for the construction of 10 low-cost houses for the poor family-applicants in an iHome House Blitz 2015 on Nov. 7-14 at Barangay Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City.


ntegrated Home of Mass Endeavor or iHome-Metro Dumaguete Inc. formerly Habitat for Humanity, chair Greg Uymatiao Jr. said the week-long home building blitz will gather about 150 worker-volunteers who will do the construction of the10 houses. Uymatiao said the house blitz build aims to build simple, decent and affordable houses in partnership with poor families in need. However, Uymatiao has requested business institutions to participate in the noble activity as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR). He added donors and volunteers are still needed to assist and share its carpentry and

masonry skills, laying hollow blocks for walling, among others including to bring their own provisions. ―Corporations, local businesses, schools, faith-based groups and other organizations can sponsor a house and change lives and strengthen communities,‖ iHome board of trustees member Engr. Jose Quiambao said. So far, Engr. Quiambao revealed the donors who committed to donate a house each are Bian Yek, RUSI, Aldea Homes, Katrina Perdices (daughter of late Mayor Agustin Perdices), Engr. Greg Uymatiao Jr., and Lee Super Plaza. According to Engr. Uymatiao 25 years later,

iHome in partnership with Dumaguete City government and assistance of local and international donors has built more than 902 houses in 10 major sites in Dumaguete City. ―iHome will continue to build houses to fulfill its mission and vision to provide homes to the homeless and build 2,000 houses by year 2020,‖ added Uymatiao. Initially the iHome will build 10 houses in a 7,200 square meters lot in Bajumpandan 5. The iHome hopes to mobilize volunteers and supporters to raise funds, build homes, and advocate the cause to share the vision of Dumaguete where everyone has a decent place to live. (mbcn/jct/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

ISO provides standards for emergency management, incident response Amor Saludar CENTRAL VISAYAS, October 26 (PIA) --- The International Standards Organization published a standard for emergency management and incident response to minimize the impact of disasters, terrorist attacks, and other major incidents.


n a press release, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) announced that ISO 22320:2011, Societal security – Emergency management – Requirements for incident response will help save lives, mitigate harm and damage, and ensure continuity of basic services such as health, rescue services, water and food supplies, and electricity and fuel delivery. ―Any response following an incident might include the participation of both public and private organizations working at international, regional or national levels. Harmonized international guidance is needed to coordinate efforts and ensure effective action. ISO 22320 is a valuable tool that all types of organizations can use to improve their capabilities in handling incident response in any crisis," said Prof. ErnstPeter Döbbeling, convener of the working group that developed the standard. In the website, ISO 22320 outlines global best practice for establishing

command and control organizational structures and procedures, decision support, traceability and information management. For ISO, interoperability amongst involved organizations is essential for successful incident response. The standard also helps ensure timely, relevant and accurate operational information by specifying processes, systems of work, data capture and management. It also establishes a foundation for coordination and cooperation, ensuring that all relevant parties are on the same page during a disaster, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings and ensuring a more effective use of the combined resources. Prof. Döbbeling adds, ―In addition to its many benefits, we hope that the information and communication requirements outlined in the standard can promote the development of innovative technical solutions enabling maximal

interoperability for communication, which in an emergency can be a the key element for success or failure.‖ The standard encourages community participation in the development and implementation of incident response measures, to ensure a response that is appropriate to the needs of the affected population as well as culturally acceptable. ISO 22320:2011, Societal security – Emergency management – Requirements for incident response, was developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 223,Societal security. ISO 22320:2011 is available at the ISO national member institutes (DTI-Bureau of Philippine Standards is the Philippines’ member institute). For more information, concerned parties may call the Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) Standards Data Centre at 751.4736. (rmn/ays/ PIA7/with reports from DTI7)

PA distributes vitameal food packs to NegOr beneficiaries Roi Anthoni B. Lomotan TANJAY CITY, Negros Oriental, Oct. 28 (PIA) – Officers of the 302nd Infantry Brigade (IB) of the Philippine Army yesterday distributed 130 boxes of Vitameal food packs to beneficiaries of their feeding program in the province.


he food packs are intended for poor and soup so that those who will be eating Vitameals malnourished children aged 2 to 13 years will enjoy eating it. old as well as for pregnant and lactating Aside from this, he also discussed the women. BHW's and social worker’s roles in monitoring A Vitameal food pack contains barley, the condition of the beneficiaries of the feeding lentil, and rice and carries 25 essential vitamins program. and minerals. Each of them were given monitoring sheets Recipients of these food packs are the which they will fill out every feeding session to Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) of Barangay check if a child or a pregnant or lactating mother Hagtu and Barangay Arebasore of Mabinay, BHWs continuously attends the feeding session. of Barangays 3 and 4 in the municipality of Meanwhile, Capt. Calulot disclosed that the Siaton, and social workers from Little Children of Army’s feeding program is part of their strategy in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. addressing problems of insurgency in the Captain Eric Calulot, an officer of the 302nd province. IB, briefed recipients of the food package on how ―We want to show the people the sincerity to cook Vitameal. in delivering government services,‖ he added. He said the food packs can be incorporated He explained that the Army’s program is in other food recipes like spaghetti or macaroni targeting impoverished barangays in the province

since insurgency quickly spreads in poor communities. Capt. Calulot elaborated that the army role’s is to turn over vitameal foodpacks to barangay captains who will then give to BHWs who will conduct feeding programs in their own community. The feeding program is intended for a period of six months but for the meantime, the supply they gave is good for a one-month feeding program. However, Capt. Calulot assured that they will replenish supplies once recipient barangays request for another batch of food packs. The Army’s feeding program is conducted in cooperation with Bethesda Ministries International which supplies Vitameals and Oriental Negros Children's Advocacy Network. (rmn/ral/PIA7-Negros Oriental)



Siquijor summit to help develop new products in Bohol Rey Anthony Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, October 26 (PIA) -- With Bohol engrossed in innovating ecotourism and wholesome family adventure activities, local information and tourism officers embark on a trip to nearby Siquijor to experience a "sensational" tourism marketing strategy which could be adopted for Bohol towns.


n the 22nd Regional Association of Development Information Officers (RADIO) Convention on October 28 to 30, the gathering also bills as the 2nd Information and Tourism Summit in the Central Visayas. Information and tourism officers would be joining various tourism and information promotion activities, explained Hazel Gloria of the RADIO secretariat and Philippine Information Agency-7. RADIO is an umbrella organization of all information officers from local government units (LGU) and national government agencies (NGA) public information officers (PIO) in the Central Visayas.

Here, information and tourism officers will be immersed in innovative adventure races to physically beat their personal bests, be in community immersions, and be threaded by blogging activities during the two-day convention to showcase writing and information gathering feats, she added. Now picking "Sensational Siquijor" as the convention banner activity, information and tourism officers will get to see and experience outdoor tours mingled with exciting activities including swimming, paddling, running, cooking food, preparing local medicines, planting trees, and baking local bread as teammates gather information about the visited sites and post them to blog sites, explained Vince Escario, this year's

RADIO event organizer. Organized by the Philippine Information Agency and supported by the tourism department, this year's Sensational Siquijor will bring the information officers all over the mystical island province in a day of races, information gathering adventure, and sheer fun, assured Minerva Newman, PIA regional Director. "At a time when Bohol is looking at the opening and operation of the new Bohol Airport in Panglao, Boholanos need to find creative solutions to develop more of its products and craft ways to sell them for tourism, and inputs from the three day event in Siquijor would definitely help," according to PIA Bohol, in its call to participants. (rmn/rac/PIA-7/Bohol)

NegOr allocates P10M for Women’s Crisis Center BY JENNIFER C. TILOS NEGROS ORIENTAL, Oct. 27 (PIA) -- The province has set aside some P10 million for the construction of a Women's Crisis Center (WCC) to address the persisting increase of domestic violence against women and children cases in Negros Oriental.


his was disclosed by Governor Roel Degamo in a groundbreaking ceremony yesterday to officials and members of the Provincial Commission of Women, Visayan Forum Foundation Inc. (VFFI), Gender Watch on Violence against Exploitation (G-WAVE) and some local and national agencies. Degamo said the WCC is the province’s response to one of the major problems on trafficking of persons and violence against women and children, particularly on the lack of facilities to secure and prepare the victims for successful prosecution. It has been noted that victims are often discouraged from seeking justice as they keep going back and forth to the court without a place

to stay in. With the construction of the center, the governor said the victims also will no longer be subjected to constant pressure and threats from offenders, as it will serve as a safe shelter for them. ―This two-storey center accommodates abused women and children or trafficking survivors who will also be given counseling and taught livelihood and life skills for them to become self-reliant,‖ said Degamo. Under Republic Act 9262, the local government units (LGUs) are mandated to provide abused women and their children temporary shelters, provide counseling, psychosocial services and/or recovery,

rehabilitation programs, and livelihood assistance. Degamo cited that the construction of the facility is a sign that Negros Oriental is serious in efforts to create a change in ending domestic violence, trafficking in persons, and other forms of abuses committed against the vulnerable sector of society. According to Gender and Development (GAD) provincial focal person Josefina Columna, the province has set 1% of GAD Fund or P5 million annually to provide anti-VAWC programs and services. The province vowed to support the implementation of RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women which grants women, especially those in the marginalized sector, the full enjoyment of their rights. (rmn/jct/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

PAGASA Bohol: Brace for intensified El Nino starting Nov to June Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, October 27 (PIA) -- Brace for an intensified El Nino, warns the state weather bureau through its local station in Bohol.


peaking at the Kapihan sa PIA which tackled the forecasted long dry season that country is set to experience starting next month, Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Bohol Officer in Charge Leonardo Samar said that scientists have noticed the increase in surface water temperature or sea surface temperatures (SST) at the central equatorial Pacific. The public is reminded to start conserving water and its prudent use, plant drought resistant crops, and be ready with measures needed to cope with the long dry season. El Nino is a warm phase of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and is often associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific and this refers to the cycle of warm and cold temperatures, as measured by SST. El Niño is accompanied by high air pressure in the western Pacific and low air pressure in the eastern Pacific. The cool phase of ENSO is called La Nina,

with SST in the eastern Pacific below average and air pressures high in the eastern and low in western Pacific. While the El Nino is a natural global phenomenon occurring in 7 to10 years interval, it usually occurs toward Christmas, thus the name, sources said. Samar revealed that the international weather center have tracked the long droughts associated with the ENSO in the past years and noted a trending increase in SST since 1957 to 1958. In 1972 to 1973, El Nino experts tracked an increase in SST at 2.1 degrees, the first time the sea surface temperature breached 2, according to Samar. By 1997 to 1998, however, the central pacific temperatures reached 2.4 degrees, which was the strongest ever. called the 1997-98 as the big El Niño when it killed as many as 1,200 people and damaged $33 billion properties worldwide. This year, 2015-2016, experts have noticed

2.3 degrees increase in SST this early, and warns of a "Godzilla" El Nino brewing in the Pacific. In Bohol, where agriculture is basically what preoccupies people, a strong El Nino means below normal rainfall beginning October to as far as June of next year. Worst forecasts are for January and March in 2016, where experts see a way below normal rainfall compared to the already below normal rains in the other months. PAGASA called for people to be conservative in water usage, especially in irrigations and houses. Department of Agriculture urged farmers to disrupt rice planting if only to introduce drought-resistant crops in a bid to adapt to the rainless season threatening. Moreover, Bohol has been set to implement cloud seeding operations, under the condition that the operation would maximize the effects of artificial rain to the farms and the province's dams and water impounding systems. (rmn/rac/PIA-7/ Bohol)



DSWD-8 Exemplary Pantawid Child awardee out CONSUELO B. ALARCON TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, Oct 23 (PIA) – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 8, through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program will conduct this year’s Search for Exemplary Pantawid Pamilya Children on October 30, 2015 in this city.


embers of the Regional Selection Committee will choose the Exemplary Child from among the six (6) provincial nominees. DSWD assistant regional director for operations Restituto Macuto said, the activity aims to recognize exemplary Pantawid children who serve as excellent examples in the households, schools and

communities. Criteria for judging are the following: Kilos at Ugali (behavior and Practice) which is 20%; Talent which is equivalent to 20%; Talino at Talas ng Isip(Intelligence and Wit)-20%; Pakikihalok sa komunidad at Eskwela (Community and School Participation)-20% and Tindig at Pormang Kaya ko ang Pagbabago (Kaya ko ang Pagbabago Presence and

Appearance)-20%. The regional competition is one of the highlights of the 2015 Regional Pantawid Pamilya Children Congress on October 30-31, 2015 at Milka Hotel, this city. The winning child will serve as the official nominee of the Field Office for the national competition.(DSWD8/ajc/PIA8)

More MD scholars in SoLeyte sign MOA By Marcelo M. Pedalino MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Oct. 29 (PIA) -- Seven more college students who are taking up Doctor of Medicine courses in three Cebu-based universities affixed their signatures to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Wednesday, October 28, inside the conference room of the Governor’s office.


ut of the seven, five were physically present accompanied by their parents, while two were represented by their parents for they are still having classes, and with this addition the number of medical scholars supported by the provincial government increased to nine with the first two signatories last week. Among those who personally signed the MOA were Karell Ann Lamban, 23, from Liloan, first year at the University of Cebu; Rhea Charisma Serdan, 21, Maasin City, first year, UC; Lester Clerigo, 21, San Ricardo, first year, UC; Frances Oscar Gaviola, 23, Maasin City first year, UC; and Lanie Mae Goldie, 25, San Ricardo, studying at Cebu Doctors College of Medicine. Represented by their parents were Dianne Marie Diano, 31, third year, UV-Gullas College of Medicine, and Lesgard John Gonzalez, 24, Cebu Doctors, the two living in

this city. On Tuesday last week, the two pioneer signatories, both schooling at UV-Gullas, were Retchie Jacob Madrona, 25, from Macrohon, and Paula Elisha Cutamora, 24, from this city. Engr. Jesse Quilantang, Provincial Administrator who acted as the presiding officer, said the province expected a maximum of twenty-five takers of the scholarship offer meant as an enduring solution to the scarcity of practicing doctors as envisioned by Gov. Roger Mercado. Gov. Mercado was unable to come due to some series of engagements earlier in the day that took a mild toll on his health prompting him to rest, but he gave the go-signal to move on with the MOA signing, Quilantang said. The other signatories of the MOA, all members of the Hospital Enterprise Board that comprised the scholarship committee, included Dr. Adelaida Asperin, Dr. Zenaida Abiera,

Henry Madula the Manager of Philhealth provincial office, Sil Toledo, Cecilia Verano of Maasin Maternity and Children Hospital, and Board Member Atty. Abelardo Almario. The scholars and their parents all expressed their deep thanks to the provincial government for coming up with the idea of a scholarship program, for this can definitely help a lot in defraying necessary expenses, and they all shared one thing in common: a desire to serve the people as stated in the MOA the moment their dreams turn into reality. For his part in a brief talk, Board Member Almario challenged the students not to succumb to problems, or concerns, that may crop up along the way, in their lives, studies, and anything in between, telling them to always seek divine guidance. ―Take this opportunity as an inspiration,‖ Alm ario r ightfu lly ad vis ed . (mmp , PIA8-Southern Leyte)

OWWA-8 scholar is CPA board passer TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, October 29 - Overseas Workers Welfare Administration bears another pride as Jake Andrew Inabangan, an Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP) scholar passed the October 2015 CPA Board Exam.


fter graduating BS Accountancy at St. Paul’s School of Business and Law, he immediately took a review at St. Paul’s for five months and went to Manila to continue his review at CPAR (CPA Review School of the Philippines) for the upcoming CPA Board Exam. Jake is a son of Mr. Ceferino A. Inabangan, a seafearer who is currently working at Monsoon Maritime Services Private Limited. Mr. Inabangan is an ―active‖ member of OWWA enabling Jake to take the qualifying exam for EDSP last 2008.

EDSP is a scholarship offered to qualified dependents of OFWs consisting of a maximum of P60,000 per school year, leading to a four-to -five year baccalaureate course in any college or university. Throughout his college years, Jake was an active member of ISKOWWA, an organization for OWWA scholars that provide them with different activities and trainings that enable them to become improved individuals. Jake is thankful for the support he received from OWWA while he was still studying.

―I am truly grateful to OWWA for providing assistance to those students who really want to achieve their dreams. I am lucky that I am one of them.‖ Jake said during an interview with OWWA. Moreover, Jake is currently in Manila applying for his dream job as an auditor at SGV. OWWA continues to mold and uphold the well-being of every member-OFW by providing services that would help them realize dreams they have for themselves and for their love ones. (OWWA-8)



Increase in dengue suspects in Biliran noted Mary Lailani Pitao-Tupaz NAVAL, Biliran, September 23 – As per record from the Biliran Provincial Hospital, an increase of 34 suspected dengue cases or 47.8% was noted from January to October this year compared to the same period in 2014. heriza Ballescas, newly designated Biliran technical team massively campaigns all over the mature her eggs. Provincial Vector Control Program province of Biliran the Aksyon Barangay Rio Rosales, Biliran Provincial Nutrition Coordinator said during an episode of Kontra Dengue or ABKD to eliminate the Coordinator, urged the Biliranons during the Kapihan at Pulong-Pulong ng Bayan hosted by most important vector of dengue virus which is Kapihan forum to include in their diet plenty of PIA-Biliran live over Radyo Natin-Naval, these the Aedes aegypti mosquito or the yellow fruits and vegetables to boost their immune suspected cases at the Biliran Provincial fever mosquito. system and resistance to the dengue virus and Hospital (BPH) were referred to city hospitals Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can spread any other forms of viruses. of more advance facilities like the Elisa machine dengue fever, chikungunya, and yellow fever Ballescas and Rosales as members of the and dengue rapid test for confirmation. viruses, and other diseases. Biliran Provincial Health Office technical staff, Biliran Provincial Hospital does not have These can be can be recognized by white encourage the public to visit their office for the necessary facilities to test and confirm markings on its legs. They are usually attracted more informative materials on the prevention suspected dengue cases, Ballescas added. to chemical compounds emitted by mammals and control of dengue virus in their respective The Biliran Provincial Health Office and only female mosquitoes bite for blood to abode. (PIA8 Biliran)


Eastern Samar PNP passes compliance evaluation Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY. Eastern Samar, Oct. 23 (PIA) -- The Eastern Samar Provincial Police Office passed the tough compliance evaluation of the Philippine National Police Performance Governance System (PNP-PGS) with flying colors.


he ESPPO was evaluated by the Philippine National Police Region 8 last October 9-10, 2015 through the audit team led by Police Superintendent Brigido Onay, Deputy Regional Director for Directorial Staff. The audit team conducted an inspection of the Municipal Police Stations (MPS) under the ESPPO, random interviewed the Police Non-Commissioned Officers and members of the Provincial Advisory Council, and made a thorough inspection of ESPPO’s records. From these, the audit team rated the accomplishments of the ESPPO from the alignment of budget to resources, cascading of

strategy to individual level, collation of emerging best practices, formation of the Project Steering Committee (PSC), implementation of communication plan, and review of dashboard accomplishment. All these accomplishments had a passing rate and it prompted the audit team to recommend the ESPPO to the revalida — the final stage of the evaluation— this October 29, 2015 at PNP Region 8. This is not the first time that the Eastern Samar Provincial Police Office passed the PGS compliance evaluation. During the administration of then Provincial Director Allan Cuevillas who is now the Deputy

Director for Regional Operation of PNP Region 8— not only did the ESPPO passed the compliance evaluation of the PGS, it has been an awardee of the prestigious Silver Eagle award as well. In line with this, ESPPO Provincial Director Romeo Campomanes is confident that the ESPPO will maintain its good standing in the Performance Governance System (PGS). The Performance Governance System is implemented all throughout the PNP in line with the PATROL PLAN 2030 to give a capable, efficient, and trustworthy service to the Filipino people. (SDC-PIA/E. Samar)

DPWH- SoLeyte bids out P272 M infra projects Erna S. Gorne MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte October 23 (PIA) - Twenty six out of 96 infrastructure projects worth P272.22 Million has been bid out last week by Department of Public Works and Highways- Southern Leyte District Engineering Office, according to the SLDEO Press Release (PR) dated October 16.


he press release said that Assistant District Engineer Allan Eway reported that 26 infra projects have already gone through the bidding prcess, however, the awarding of contract will be done by January 2016 yet. He disclosed that of the 26 bid out projects, 21 are bridges and five are roads. That DPWH -SLDEO aims to complete the bidding process within this quarter so that implementation of public infractructure projects can proceed on the early part of 2016, the press release further reported.

That the conduct of early bidding activities is in support to the administration;s goal of sustaining the country's strong economic growth through public infrastructure spending and development, Eway further quoted. According to the PR, the proposed 2016 infrastructure projects as based in the National Expenditure Program, the district office is tasked to implement infra projects worth P1.45 Billion. The budget will cover Php160.6 Million for rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of national highways, Php209.21 Million

improvements and widening of national roads, construction of missing gaps, off-carriageway improvement and Php596.97 M for construction and maintenance of bridges along national highways. Also listed are P27.29 Million for construction and maintenance of flood mitigation structures and drainage systems, P320 Million for improvement of access road leading to tourist destinations, and P 90 Million construction and repair of various infrastructure including local projects, the PR added. (mmp/with reports from DPWH-SLDEO, esg/PIA8 SoLeyte

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