Vol 5
Issue 51
Press conference with DAR 6 Director Stephen Leonidas, Iloilo PARO Enrique Paderes and PIA 6 Director Janet Mesa at Madison Plaza Hotel, Iloilo City, December 22.
More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…
Cebu Blogging Community Core Leader Mary Tinio Narvasa talks on Blogging 101: A Platform for Government Communications during CAOCAMPIO‟ s Year End Program Accomplishment Review and 2015 Communication Planning. (vvv/PIA Cebu)
December 21 - 27, 2015
Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8
Three WV establishments get Bagwis award Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, December 21 (PIA) --The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-6 awarded three establishments in Western Visayas for upholding the rights of consumers while practicing responsible business where consumers get the best value for their money. Bagwis Award, formerly known as DTI Certified Establishment, is awarded to commercial establishments that promote and foster the highest level of business ethics and upholds a fair and honest marketplace through voluntary self-regulation and service excellence. Silver Bagwis Seals were conferred to Isuzu Iloilo Corporation in Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Metro Pacific Construction Supply in Iloilo City, and Ponce Automobile Corporation (Nissan Bacolod) in Bacolod City. One component for the establishment is the setting up of a sustainable Consumer Welfare Desk (CWD) or an equivalent customer relations office at the mall that will provide information to consumers and serve as a venue for the speedy resolution of consumer complaints. DTI-6 OIC-Regional Director Rebecca M. Rascon noted that business establishments have been starting to upgrade themselves in order to provide a conducive and favorable environment to the consumers. Currently, there are already 11 bronze awards, eight silver awards, and four gold awards issued by DTI-6 to business establishments in the region, aside from the 25 gold awards to corporate/commercial establishments here that were issued by the head office. The program is open to all commercial establishments falling under the following categories: Category I – Supermarkets; Category II - Department Stores and Specialty Stores; Category III - Appliance Centers; Category IV - Hardware Stores; and Category V - DTI Accredited Service and Repair Shops. The award is classified into bronze, silver and gold. For the bronze seal, establishments must comply
with Fair Trade Laws (FTLs) such as the Consumer Act, Price Act, Price Tag and install the Consumer Welfare Desks or an equivalent customer relations office inside the mall. The silver seal involves additional criteria to meet such as compliance with social responsibilities that include sound purchasing policy, good working relationship with the government by participating in the national or local government programs such as price stabilization and livelihood programs. For the gold seal, establishments must meet the additional requirement of ISO 9001/Quality Management System (QMS) compliance. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo)
Representatives from Ponce Automobile Corporation-Nissan Bacolod (2nd from left), Metro Pacific Construction Supply (3rd and 4th from left), and Isuzu Iloilo Corporation (1st and 2nd from right) show their Bagwis Seals award bestowed by the Department of Trade and Industry-6 during an awarding ceremony held Dec. 18, at DTI-6 Regional Office. The award is given to commercial establishments that uphold the rights of consumers while practicing responsible business. Also in the photo is DTI-6 Regional Director Rebecca Rascon (1st from right). (LTP/PIA-Iloilo)
PRDP PSO Visayas OKs P16-M worth of livelihood projects in EV
TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, December 23 - Many farmers and fisherfolk associations in the region will surely benefit from the enterprise sub- projects recently approved for funding under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP). DA RFO 8‟s Regional Executive Director Leo P. Caneda said, “Our farmers and fishers have waited for this. More on Region 7, pages 4-5. We need to source out more funds to provide capitalization for the much-needed investments that Also CLICK Here… would open up livelihood opportunities, especially as the region is still under the rehab phase after the typhoon Yolanda.” EASTERN VISAYAS He said that the project (PRDP) has liberalized its requirements under the I-REAP Small Livelihood Project (SLP), which is meant to provide livelihood assistance for the farmers and fisherfolk whose livelihood were affected by calamities. “So far, Region 8 has availed much of the project funds under the SLP compared to other regions in the country. This simply indicates our need for such kind of funding assistance,” he intoned. The newly-approved 15 sub -projects under the SLP were submitted by proponent groups from the Share-A-Love Program in Cooperation with municipalities of Silago, Maasin, and Malitbog, in Southern Philippine National Police with Psupt. Carlito Leyte; Basey, Calbiga, and Sta. Rita, in Samar; San Policarpo D. Abriz @ PNP Quadrangle, Catbalogan City and Quinapondan, Eastern Samar; Allen and San Jose, December 21, 2015. (PIA 8) Northern Samar; Alang- alang and Isabel, Leyte, and; Tacloban City. Technical review for the other 32 proposed small livelihood projects by some experts from the Regional Project Coordination Office-8 and the Project Support Office for Visayas undertaken from December 9 -11, 2015, at the Leyte Park Resort Hotel, in Tacloban City. More on Region 8, pages 6-7. These proposed SLPs submitted were from the local Also CLICK Here... government units of Albuera, Hilongos, Tanauan,
Palompon, Mayorga, Barugo, San Isidro and, Ormoc City, in Leyte; San Ricardo, Padre Burgos, Macrohon, Maasin, Tomas Oppus, Anahawan, Hinunangan, San Juan, Limasawa, Pintuyan, San Francisco, in Southern Leyte; Biliran, Almeria and Naval in Biliran; San Sebastian, Gandara, Basey, and Motiong, Samar; Mondragon, Catarman and Allen, Northern Samar, and Guiuan, Eastern Samar. The livelihood sub- projects proposed ranges from livestock and poultry production, high value crops, organic fertilizers, and root crops production as well as, aqua culture and fisheries. Director Caneda expressed optimism that these sub -projects will be funded before the year ends. “We need to be able to catch –up and submit these proposals with endorsement from the Regional Project Advisory Board to possibly get the No Objection Letter (NOL) before the end of December 2015,” Director Caneda said. Under the PRDP, a NOL when issued either by the Project Support, the National Project Coordination Office or the World Bank, depending on the amount involved for any proposed sub-project positively signals that it is approved for funding and that, correspondingly, procurement of the needed items may already proceed in order to start off with its implementation. “The total funding assistance which could be availed of for each sub -project proposed under the SLP reaches up to a million pesos. The required equity from the proponent group comprises 20 percent of the total cost of the proposed enterprise sub –project which could be in -cash or in –kind,” he added. (DA-8/PIA-8)
DOT-6 launches ―Operation WaterF’all‖ project Merry Christmas
Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, December 21 (PIA) --- The Department of Tourism (DOT)-6 launched a project that will help promote water conservation among tourism facilities, commercial facilities, government offices and households.
he project dubbed as “Operation WaterF‟all” or “water for all” aims to contribute to the over-all water sufficiency especially in the region‟s tourism destinations. This advocacy campaign is a project of the Regional Ecotourism Committee (REC) chaired by DOT-6. The promo will run from November 2015 to April 2016 and is open to all residences, households, government offices, tourism establishments, and other
commercial businesses in Western Visayas that can show proof of reduced water bill. Photocopied water bills and original copies for two months showing proof of reduced water bill should be presented to DOT-6 Information Counter at Bonifacio Drive, Iloilo City for verification. This will serve as entry for the raffle draw. Resident, government offices, tourism establishments or other commercial businesses may submit as many entries as these are qualified.
One hundred (100) raffle winners will be drawn on May 2016 to receive gift packs, “Operation WaterF‟all Hero” t-shirts and certificates of appreciation from DOT-6. One surprise grand prize will also be drawn. All participating entries will receive a certificate of appreciation as “Operation WaterF‟all Hero”. Raffle winners will be notified by phone call and announcements via top radio stations in Iloilo City with regionwide reach. (JCM/LTP/DOT/PIA-Iloilo)
ERC grants TAREC compliance certificate Elsa Subong ILOILO CITY, Dec. 21 (PIA)—The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has granted Trans Asia Renewable Energy Corporation (TAREC) its Certificate of Compliance (COC), for its 54MW San Lorenzo Wind Farm Project in Guimaras.
n a media release, TAREC said the COC entitles TAREC to recognize its Feed-in Tariff at an approved rate of P7.40, with a retro-active period starting December 27, 2014, for a guaranteed period of 20 years, until December 26, 2034. Francisco L. Viray, president and CEO of Trans-Asia, said that the issuance is a positive development for Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Development corporation, as they can fully recognize generation revenues from the wind turbine generators. “We are committed to promoting clean and sustainable energy, and can move ahead
to expand projects as our contribution to addressing climate change,” Viray said. Trans-Asia, the energy arm of the PHINMA Group, said that iy had a net income of P397 million consolidated net income as of September 2015, five times higher than the Php59 million net income posted during the same period the previous year. Danielle Del Rosario, Trans-Asia assistant vice-president for Corporate Affairs, said the net income was l a r g e ly d r i v e n b y a n i n c re a s e in generation revenue in the amount of
Php1.02 billion for the nine months period, a 41 percent increase in revenue from Php723 million in the previous period. “Contributing to this significant increase has been the successful operations of TAREC,” Del Rosario added. Meanwhile, Danilo L. Panes, TAREC vice president, said they are pleased with the outcome of the wind farm, which supplements the energy requirements of Panay, reducing the island‟s reliance on power from Negros.(JCM/ESS/ PIA-Iloilo)
Spiritual formation, valuing, part of agrarian beneficiaries' training Elsa Subong ILOILO CITY, Dec. 23(PIA)—Amidst the benefits that many agrarian reform beneficiaries are availing of now, there should be a spiritual disposition on how they should deal with their lives.
h e D e p a r t m e n t o f Agrarian Reform-6 is pushing for a spiritual dimension to the support services, institutional and infrastructure development and land distribution functions of the department. Stephen Leonidas, DAR-6 director said in a press briefing, that they find it important for the agrarian reform beneficiaries to learn to take care of the benefits they are reaping from the agrarian reform program. “Often, when people have improved incomes, they also learn to engage in vices,
which in the end are sure to defeat them,” Leonidas said. “That is why we are proposing that before land distribution and support services, beneficiaries should first have spiritual formation on the value of resources they have” Leonidas added. This aspect of formation is proposed to be undertaken with the social action centers in different provinces. “For Iloilo we have identified the Jaro Archdiocesan Social Action Center (JASAC),” Leonidas said. He said that agrarian reform beneficiaries who have practiced
w h a t th e p ro g ra m h a s t a u g h t them, have now increased incomes, purchased added farm equipment and most of all, paid their loans 100 percent and on time. DAR-6 is aiming to step up support services even beyond the change of administration in 2016, and balance it with land distribution, so that the Agrarian Reform Communities will have common facilities. “But again, we push for spiritual development to go with all aspects of agrarian reform,” Leonidas said.(JCM/ESS/ PIA-Iloilo).
Merry Christmas
More police visibility during Holidays, festival in Antique Pilar S. Mabaquiao
SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) - - The Antique Province Police Office (APPO) has deployed more police patrols to ensure peace and order in celebration of Christmas, New Year and Binirayan Festival.
ith the celebration of Christmas and Binirayan Festival this month, huge number of people, tourists and Antiquenos alike are expected in the province and the town of San Jose in particular, that could cause traffic congestion, while some criminal elements could take advantage of the situation to commit crimes and other lawless activities. PSSupt. Edgardo Ordaniel, Provincial Director APPO in a press conference emphasized that the deployment of police patrols will be maximized in places where people frequently gathered such as church, public market, mall, major thoroughfares,
park, terminal among others. “We have to ensure police visibility through street patrols, check points and immediate response to call for police assistance to avert any illegal or criminal acts, he said. The PNP is also on the lookout against illegal drugs that could also proliferate this season. Included in the close watch are also vital installations such power lines, cell sites, public buildings, ports and national roads and bridges which are also part of the nautical highway of buses (RORO) going to others parts of the country, said SPO3 Ria May
Dela Cruz, Information Officer of PNP Antique. Police assistance centers were established in malls , public market and terminals, said Dela Cruz. The PNP will also actively take part in the inspection of fire cracker zones in different municipalities to ensure prohibited firecrackers are not sold in the market. Ordaniel likewise reminded everyone to secure their houses before going out or leaving for a long vacation. The Antique PNP remains on full alert in line with this year‟s Oplan Ligtas Kapaskuhan 2015. (JCM/PSM/PIA6Antique)
NIR to hold first Athletic Associations meet By Easter Anne D. Doza NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Dec. 21 (PIA6) - - Negros Occidental is set to host many firsts on February 2016, the First Negros Island Region Athletic Associations Meet which was unanimously decided by the first Negros Island Region Sports Council during its first meeting at the Nature’s Village Resort in Talisay City.
he meeting was presided by DepEd Regional Director Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma of Region VI and was witnessed by Director Juliet A. Jeruta, PhD of DepEd Region VII and incoming NIR DepEd Regional Director Gilbert T. Sadsad. The Schools Division Superintendents, Assistant Schools Division Superintendents and Division Sports Coordinators from the six Divisions in Negros Oriental and the ten Divisions in Negros Occidental were also in attendance. The NIRAA Meet is set on February 8-12, 2016 at the Panaad Park and Stadium in Barangay Mansilingan, Bacolod City. The decision was reached despite some
apprehensions as to the viability of holding NIRAA in 2016 considering the time and budgetary constraints. Angel Verdeflor, Executive Assistant IV and Provincial Sports Coordinator of Negros Occidental who represented Governor Alfredo G. Marañon, Jr. in the meeting said that the Governor is determined to have NIRAA starting next year so that the newly-created region will be represented in the 2016 Palarong Pambansa. Verdeflor added that the two Negros provinces must closely work hand-in-hand to make a formidable team that will compete in the national meet. Meanwhile, Director Sadsad said that he
is looking forward to the full cooperation of all the Schools Divisions from both provinces in order to make the First NIRAA a success. A total of seven delegations composed of six Division delegations from the Oriental and one Provincial delegation from the Occidental will see action in the different sports events during the Regional meet comes February. Winners from this Meet will compose the official delegation of NIR to the 2016 Palaro in Legaspi City, Albay. For more information, concerned parties may contact School Governance and Operations Division at 7070-126.*(JCM/EAD -PIA6/DepEd Negros Occidental)
DTI to launch 1st Go Negosyo Center in Capiz Alex Lumaque ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Dec. 21 (PIA6) – The 1st Negosyo Center in the province will open on Dec. 22 at the Ground Floor of the new Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Provincial Office at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Avenue in Pueblo de Panay here.
This will be one of the more than 135 Negosyo Centers put up to date all over the country,” said DTI provincial director Ermelinda Pollentes. The establishment of the Center is pursuant to Republic Act No. 10644 or the “Go Negosyo Act” sponsored by Sen.
Benigno A. Aquino to take charge in promoting ease of doing business within its jurisdiction. It will also facilitate access to services for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) such as business registration assistance, business advisory services,
business information, advocacy monitoring and evaluation. The initiative is in line with DTI Provincial Office‟s recognition of the M SM E s e c to r ‟s c o n t ri b u t io n to economic growth and job creation. (JCM/ AAL/PIA6 Capiz)
GK makes Christmas merrier for 121 families in Hernani
Merry Christmas
SAMUEL D. CANDIDO BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, December 23 (PIA) --- Some 121 families in Brgy. Carmen, Hernani, Eastern Samar will have a merrier Christmas this year as they received their new homes with the help of Gawad Kalinga (GK) Community Development Foundation, Inc. and the Local Government Unit of Hernani.
n December 12, 2015, the said institutions officially turned-over 121 row housing units led by Fr. Ben Niebres, former President, Ateneo de Manila University (AMU) and (GK) National Board of Director, Fr. Cesar Marin, Treasurer, Jesuits of the Philippines, Mr. Jose Emilio Oquinana, Movement Building – National Coordinator and witnessed by Hon. Edgar C. Boco, Municipal Mayor, Hon. Wilmar S. Candido, Municipal Vice-Mayor, Hon. Paciano C. Orocay, Jr. ABC Pres. and Engr. Eddie Mulig, Construction Engineer. Engr. Mulig said that one unit costs P155,000.00, is loftable and with a land area of 4 x 6 square meters with sala, dining, kitchen and comfort room. Mulig said further that there is still 99 housing units to be built which will complete the 220 housing units for the said GK Village, that
started already on December 14, 2015 and is hoped will be completed on May 2015. During the turn-over ceremony, Fr. Ben Niebres told the beneficiaries that their dream to have a house is the first step towards a bright future for their children, while their mission is Education. He challenged the beneficiaries to give priority, the education of their children. Meanwhile, in his message, Fr. Cesar Marin, emphasized that the housing project marks a fresh start for the community. “The GK will not only bring positive changes in the community but will also serve as a symbol of a new beginning for residents of Carmen.” He pointed out on the three (3) most important things: “Walang Iwanan”. 1.) continue to pray for the donors, 2.) take care of this site and 3.) continue for the Bayanihan Challenge.
Mayor Boco thanked the GK for providing the beneficiaries a shelter they can now call their own. He also added that the project serves as an early Christmas gift to the families in Brgy. Carmen who have been long dreaming of a permanent house. He reminded the beneficiaries the do‟s and don‟ts in the GK Village and to take good care of their houses as their own. Meanwhile, Mr. Jose Emilio Oquinana said that in order to cultivate a sense of ownership and appreciation for the housing among beneficiaries, GK makes sure that they provide a minimum of 1,000 man-hours in sweat equity before each unit is awarded to a family. He further said that sweat equity is important as it gives the beneficiaries a sense of pride and will encourage them to take good care of the homes that they worked so hard to build. (aen/PIA-E. Samar)
Completion of Limasawa circumferential road eyed in 2016 MARCELO M. PEDALINO MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Dec. 23 – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is determined to complete next year the P112 million circumferential road in the historic island town of Limasawa, Southern Leyte.
o make this happen, the Southern Leyte District Engineering Office (SLDEO) has already bid out the P44.1 million for the concreting of the remaining 1.637 kilometers of unpaved road. The entire road stretch has been tagged by the DPWH and Department of Tourism (DOT) as priority under the tourism infrastructure project. District Engineer Ma. Margarita C. Junia said paving the rural road network reaffirms the government‟s commitment to link all villages in the historic town to prop up the local economy. The DPWH started the concreting project in 2013 with an outlay of P36 million for 1.23
kilometer. For 2014, the project got a P32 million funding for 1.1 kilometer. The road links the six villages of the town - San Agustin, San Bernardo, Triana, Magallanes, Cabulihan, and Lugsongan. “The completion of concreting is part of the preparation for the 500th commemoration of the First Mass anniversary onMarch 31, 2021,” Junia said. Limasawa, a sixth class town, is the site of the national shrine where the First Catholic Mass in the Philippines and Asia was celebrated on March 31, 1521, in which a Sinugdan Festival is held annually on this date to commemorate the event. It has a population of only 6,000
inhabitants, making it the smallest town in the province, both in population and area. Aside from its rich history, the town is also endowed with natural wonders. The island is surrounded with clear blue water and white sand beaches. Last month, an earthen jar so tiny it can fit by one‟s hand was discovered, and experts believed the ancient pot survived underground for 1,200 years. The artifact contained markings in “baybayin,” the oldest system of writing in Filipino, and according to experts who examined it the inscription read “Mazaua.” (PIA8-South Leyte with reports from DPWH-Southern Leyte)
DENR8 calls candidates to stop nailing ads on trees TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, Dec. 21 (PIA) – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Eastern Visayas has called all candidates running for public office to stop adorning trees with iron-nailed campaign ads.
ENR regional director Leonardo Sibbaluca made the call as he emphasized the two laws of the country -the Republic Act 3571 and Presidential Decree 953 which promote the policy of the government to protect and conserve trees in public areas to help preserve a healthful climate. “Let us protect our trees. They not only provide aesthetic value to our
surroundings, but also absorb greenhouse gases that cause global warming leading to climate change. A tree is a living thing,inflicting harm such as nailing campaign materials impairs its structure and makes it prone to fungi, diseases and harmful insects which eventually leads to its death,” Sibbaluca said. The call also addresses to all commercial
establishments which make trees a favorite spot for their ads. Prior to this, Leyte province has declared a “no nailing of posters on trees” zone through an ordinance enacted by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. DENR‟s call to stop nailing advertisements on trees has been intensified as the election period nears.(DENR-8/PIA-8/cba/ajc)
Merry Christmas
Police play Santa Claus to 300 Samar kids NINFA B. QUIRANTE
CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, December 23 (PIA) — The police force in Catbalogan City played Santa Claus to some 300 children in the city and 50 senior citizens on December 21, 2015.
he police force worked with Share -A-Love, a group of citizens drawn together to share blessings to the less fortunate. Aside from receiving gifts from the Police Santa Claus, the children and the elderly also
played parlor games and experienced „Christmas Party‟ in the police headquarters. Chief of Police Psupt Carlito Abriz shared that ,‟this time of year is the most appropriate time to show our love and care,” he told PIA in a phone interview.
In November, during the Children‟s Month, Abriz and his men had Pulis sa Bata‟y May Malasakit project where they had feeding, gift giving and entertainment through games. (NBQ/PIA 8-Samar)
Biliran holds lead-off activity for separate PRC chapter MARY LAILANI P. TUPAZ NAVAL, Biliran, December 23 (PIA) - Under the Philiipine Red Cross (PRC)-Leyte Chapter, the province of Biliran held its lead off activity in joining the PRC-Million Volunteer Run3 (MVR3) introducing the principle of volunteerism among Biliranons as it prepares for a separate chapter.
ver 300 participants from the different national government agencies, local government units, non-government organizations, and private establishments registered on its maiden step. The five-kilometer fund run started at 5:00 o‟clock in the morning of December 13, (Sunday) at the Biliran provincial capitol grounds in Brgy. Calumpang, Naval to P. Inocentes and Castin Streets to Brgy. Atipolo Higway as its turning point and back to the capitol grounds. Sangguniang Panlalawagian Member Gerard Espina shot the ceremonial start gun to signal the start of the fund run. To draw more participants and awareness of PRC‟s entry in Biliran province, the PRC-MVR3 steering committee held a raffle for all registered participants and awarded winning participants in the competitions. Winners in the fastest male finisher category were Dov Weinman (US Peace Corps
Volunteer) – 1st Place; Lorenzo Daniela – 2nd Place; and Arianne Rosales – 3rd Place. For the fastest female category, the winners were Ariana Nelsen (US Peace Corps Volunteer) – 1st Place; Elaine Paghubasan – 2nd Place; and Darlene Zafra – 3rd Place. Both Weinman and Nelsen donated their cash prizes to the Philippine Red Cross-Leyte Chapter. The oldest male finisher was Vic Bracamonte from Biliran, Biliran, and Lolita Darantinao of Naval as the oldest female finisher. Randrew James Joson Guevarra, 12 years old, was awarded the youngest male finisher while the youngest female finisher was awarded to Janea Tupaz Pequeno, 5 years old, both of Naval, Biliran. Philippine National Police (PNP) Regional Office 8 OIC Regional Director Cedric Train joined Biliran in the nationwide simultaneous PRC -MVR3 and Jennylind Daya representing
PRC-Leyte Chapter. Flordeliza Trani, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer and Board of Director of PRC-Leyte, who also leads the Biliran PRC-MVR3 steering committee thanked all those who registered, volunteered and donated in the activity. She also encouraged other kind-hearted individuals who have not joined in the lead off activity to share their time, talent, and treasure in the coming years especially when Biliran becomes a separate and independent PRC chapter. The Red Cross organization is a worl dwi de in st it ut i on shari n g equ al duties and responsibilities in helping communities and people in emergency situations regardless of race, nationality, religious beliefs, or political opinions, that they may be given access to care, food, shelter and hope in the spirit of volunteerism and generosity of donors. (fj/PIA 8 Biliran)
OWWA-8 celebrates OFW Family Day TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, December 23 - The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, Regional Welfare Office 8, brought Christmas cheers again to OFW families as it held rethe ―OFW Family Day‖ in the region with the theme, "Ang Diwa ng Pasko sa Puso ng OFW, Nananatili, Nasaan Pa Man."
he “OFW Family Day,” is an annual traditional program of OWWA and it is one of the agency‟s activities to welcome the vacationing OFWs. The activity for this year‟s family day was participated by 1,518 OFWs and beneficiaries from all over the region. Regional Director Norma C. Del Rosario welcomed the participants with her warm message, greeted the participants a “Merry Christmas and prompted them to enjoy the day for it was prepared for them to unwind and to have a good time.”
The search for the best OFC choir also added joy to the activity. From the 13 competing choir group, Padre Burgos OFWs and Beneficiaries Association won the search. Raffle prizes also highlighted the activity where the crowd cheered delightfully for major prizes such as one unit refrigerator and two units washing machines. Mr. Asuncion Olino, Ms. Raquel Lobrigo and Ms. Asela Galanga were the lucky winners of the Refrigerator and two washing machines respectively.
All participants went home with happy faces for they received door prizes prepared for them by OWWA RWO 8 as an early Christmas present. A Santa Claus was also present during the event with Christmas presents to the children of OFWs. OFW Family Day celebration is a grand undertaking of OWWA RWO 8 to enjoin all OFW Family Circles/OFW organizations to gather and celebrate the occasion in partnership with the agency‟s identified stakeholders and sponsors. (OWWA/PIA-8)
One Visayas e-newsletter is published weekly by the Visayas Regional Cluster of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) comprising Region 6, 7 and 8. Its main editorial office is located at PIA Region 6, Iloilo City. One Visayas e-newsletter is part of the online news and information dissemination services of PIA and is powered by www.issuu.com. For inquiries and suggestions, call Tel. Nos. (033) 3378719/3377301 or e-mail piaamo6@yahoo.com.
Ms. Minerva BC Newman Regional Director, PIA 7
Editorial Consultants Atty. Ma. Janet C. Mesa, Ph. D. Regional Director, PIA6
Ms. Alicia E. Nicart Regional Director, PIA8
Managing Editor Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. Contributors All PIA Information Officers of Regions 6, 7 & 8 Production and Layout Edson J. BaĂąares Lynnor C. Regalado Regional Offices: PIA 6, 2/F RC Building, Rizal St., Iloilo City, Iloilo 5000, Tel. Nos. (033) 337-8719/3377301/509-0993, Fax No. (033) 337-8719/509-0993, e-mail: r6_pia@yahoo.com/ piaamo6@yahoo.com PIA 7, Room 304, 3/F Machay Bldg., Garardo Avenue, Cebu City, Cebu 6000, Telefax No. (032) 232-4062/232-4126, e-mail: pia7_cebu@yahoo.com.ph/r7_pia@yahoo.com PIA 8, Childrenâ€&#x;s Park Compound, Sen. Enage St., Tacloban City, Leyte 6500, Tel. No. (053) 325-5124, Telefax No. (053) 321-2029, e-mail: pia_ev@yahoo.com/r8_pia@yahoo.com