Onevisayasenewslettervol6issue13 20160401 r6

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Vol 6

Issue 13


PIA-10 Regional Director Thelma Oliver receives tokens from PIA DG Jose Mari Oquiñena and PIA Praise Committee during a tribute for her held March 31at Raymen Beach Resort, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. (PIA6)

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


AGIO-PIA7 Forum on Women's Month. Cherry Lim of Sun Star Cebu & the assistant executive director of the Cebu Citizens Press Council says women dominate the print media as all editors-in-chief of the 3 print dailies & 2 tabloids are women while KBP-Cebu Legal Counsel Atty. Cynthia Barte says women's role in society has significantly changed with the times. DSWD7 PIO Lea Quintana, on the other hand, says the media sector is critical in achieving women empowerment as it is also used as a venue to elevate women issues and concerns. (PIA-7)

March 28 - April 3, 2016

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

Public urged to support implementation of NGP Juju M. Empuerto CEBU CITY (PIA) -- The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) 7 urged the public to support the implementation of the National Greening Program (NGP) in this region as it would benefit the agricultural sector in improving the water yield of watersheds. Improving the water yield would ensure the supply of water to irrigate farmlands, said DENR-7 Planning Officer Eddie Llamedo. ―Under the NGP, the government seeks to improve the vegetative cover of watersheds that could supply much of the freshwater requirement of this region,‖ said DENR-7 Regional Director Dr. Isabelo Montejo. DENR has invested significant resources to purchase geo-tagging equipment and train forestry personnel on the use of the technology that utilizes GPS and web-based mapping to allow real-time monitoring of NGP locations, especially on getting accurate count of trees planted and their conditions. ―DENR Secretary Ramon Paje has noted that accurate maps of planted areas and their accessibility were two major elements lacking in past government reforestation programs,‖ said Montejo.

Geo-tagging would also help in monitoring seedling growth and mortalities for replacement with new seedlings in NGP sites. According to Llamedo, from 2011 to 2015, some 1,351,803 hectares of the NGP sites, or 90.12 percent of the 1.5-million hectare target from 2011 to June 2016, have been planted and has generated more than 3.058 jobs. In Central Visayas, about 80,747.06 hectares have been covered as of December 2015 with 227,923 jobs. Of the number, at least 29,408.63 hectares have been reforested in Cebu; Bohol with 16,213.54 hectares; Negros Oriental, 33,951.53 hectares; and Siquijor with 1,173.36 hectares. With this, at least 1,614,941.20 tons of carbon dioxide is projected to be absorbed by the various plantations annually. Apart from being a reforestation initiative, the NGP is also seen as a climate change mitigation strategy as it seeks to enhance the country’s forest stock to absorb carbon dioxide, which is largely blamed for global warming, as well as means to reduce poverty, provide alternative livelihood activities for marginalized upland and lowland households and promote biodiversity conservation. (rmn/jsme/PIA7-Cebu with DENR7 report)

Deped-8, partners to ensure success of Senior High Consuelo B. Alarcon TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, March 29 (PIA)— Educators, partner agencies and other stakeholders in Eastern Visayas converged Monday at the Department of Education (Deped) Complex, Government Center, Palo Leyte to ensure the success of the implementation of the Senior High School Program come June 2016. This is part of the government’s commitment to UN sustainable development’s goal to ensure an inclusive, quality education and promote a life-long learning opportunities for all. DepEd regional director Luisa Bautista-Yu made assurance of the region’s readiness of the full implementation of the senior high school this coming school year. However, she called on all partners agencies and stakeholders to work together and be united in such endeavor. ―The output of our planning today shall be instrumental to the success of our advocacy for quality basic education,‖ Yu further said.

The official also emphasized that educating the youth is not only the responsibility of the Department of Education. Hence, each must put into action the commitment of each partner to ensure that youths have acquired skills and knowledge needed to promote sustainable development. The K to 12 is one of the major educational reforms implemented by the present administration. Five years ago, Deped was bombarded with many criticisms by many sectors relative to the K to 12 pprogram. Petitions to dismiss the implementation were also lodged but with the latest decision of the Supreme Court dismissing the petitions, the education sector is determined to implement the program in order to cope with the ASEAN integration and the changing world. Latest data from DepEd regional office 8 revealed that a total of 68, 447 senior high schools have already registered in 361 public schools and 124 private schools during the early registration enrolment for the school year 2016-2017. (ajc/ PIA-8)

PIA officials hold management conference in Iloilo Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. ILOILO CITY, April 1 (PIA6) – Top officials and directors of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), an office under the More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), convened March 29 – 31 here for their Management Also CLICK Here… Conference. Regional Director Atty. Ma. Janet C. Mesa of the host PIA Region said this marks the first time that the EASTERN VISAYAS Agency headed by Director General Jose Mari Oquinena held its quarterly activity in Iloilo, although it was the second in Western Visayas with the first one held in Aklan in 2005. Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Herminio ―Sonny‖ Coloma joined the conference on opening day wherein he laid down the next steps that could be done in public information as a component of development. Tackled at the conference were management concerns Private Evardone's mom was emotional as she and status of programs and projects of the office pursuant to hands her son rosary beads during the gradu- its mission to provide for a free flow of accurate, timely and ation of 172 candidate soldiers at the 8th ID relevant information that contributes to socio-economic cap. development. Mesa said the officials of the government’s public information arm also took time out to see for themselves the strides of progress that the province and city of Iloilo have made as exemplified by influx of investments, rise of More on Region 8, pages 6-7. new business centers and establishments, and varied new public infrastructures. They toured Also CLICK Here... of major spots including the Iloilo City Center,

ICON, Esplanade and other new developments along the Sen. Benigno S. Aquino Avenue here, as well as visit and experience Iloilo’s rich cultural heritage with a dinner at Casa Real and a drive through other landmarks. From Iloilo, the officials visited the island province of Guimaras to enjoy its rustic and beautiful ambience and tourism attractions. The information office had held before a national management meeting in Iloilo City way back in 1976 when it was still called the Department of Public Information. (JCM/JSC -PIA6)

PCOO Secretary Sonny Coloma, Jr. speaks before the regional and staff directors of the Philippine Information Agency during the 1st of the 3-day Management Conference held in Iloilo City, March 29. (PIA 6)



2015 1st sem. poverty incidence drops By Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, March 28 (PIA6) --- The poverty incidence rate in Western Visayas went down, for the first semester of 2015, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).


SA data showed that poverty incidence rate is at 30.5 percent which is lower than the 31.7 percent recorded in the same period in 2012. PSA defined poverty incidence as the proportion of families/individuals with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the total number of families/individuals. Poverty threshold is the minimum income/ expenditure required for a family/individual to meet the basic food and non-food requirements. According to the PSA report, the per

capital poverty threshold in Western Visayas is P10,738. Aklan’s per capita poverty threshold is P10,804; Antique is at P10,747; Capiz, P10,509; Guimaras, P11,401; Iloilo, P11,111; and Negros Occidental, P10,503. Poverty incidence among population in Aklan for the first semester of 2015 is recorded at 26.1 percent; Antique is 36.7 percent; Capiz, 25.6 percent; Guimaras, 20.8 percent; Iloilo, 26.6 percent; and Negros Occidental 35.8 percent. In the national scale, poverty incidence among Filipinos in the first semester of 2015

was estimated at 26.3 percent. During the same period in 2012, poverty incidence among Filipinos was recorded at 27.9 percent. The per capital poverty threshold for the whole country is P10,969. PSA said the decline in the poverty incidence rate can be attributed to factors including the creation of more jobs during the period and the low inflation or the rise in prices of goods and services. Another factor is the success of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), which is the government’s flagship program for poverty reduction. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo).

PH-US ‗Balikatan‘ 2016 focuses on humanitarian aid By Jemin B. Guillermo ROXAS CITY, Capiz, March 30 (PIA6) – Humanitarian civic assistance and conduct of training will be the focus of this year‘s joint Balikatan exercises of the Philippines and the United States of Amercia.


pokesperson Lt. Col. Ray Tiongson of the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division disclosed that many communities in Panay Island will be the target beneficiaries of the various humanitarian assistance activities of said event. He said that the Balikatan 2016 which is set on April 4 to 16 will be centered on a variety of missions to include humanitarian assistance, maritime law enforcement and environmental protection. The 3ID together with its counterpart from the U.S. Armed Forces will conduct Humanitarian Civic Assistance projects that include Engineering Civic Action Program (ENCAP) and Cooperative Health Engagement activities barangay Jaena Norte in Jamindan

town and San Nicolas, Tapaz town, both in the province of Capiz as well as in barangay Matangharon in Dingle, Iloilo. The preliminary work on three different elementary school buildings in the three ENCAP sites started on March 29, while the military medical personnel of both countries in partnership with the local community-based health workers will conduct medical first aid training in the same areas in the coming days. Tiongson said that the other Balikatan 2016 events within the area of 3ID include the training on basic first responders, disaster mental health, and hygiene and nutrition in the Jamindan town as well as conduct of Civil-Military Operations Exchange training at Camp Peralta, also in the municipality of

Jamindan. ―The implementation of a joint rapid-reaction force in the vicinity of the province of Antique as part of the distributed operations, demonstrating the partnered capability in rapid response is set on April 11 to 14,‖ he said. Tiongson said that the formal opening ceremony of this year’s ―Balikatan‖ Exercise will be on April 4 at Camp Peralta, Jamindan town while the closing ceremony will take place at Matangharon Elementary School in Dingle, Iloilo on April 16. The Task Force Commander for BK16 in Panay is Brig. Gen. Dinoh Dolina, the Assistant Division Commander of 3ID, he said. (JCM/ DPAO/JBG-PIA)

NGCP assures brownout-free polls By Elsa S. Subong ILOILO CITY, March 31 (PIA6) — There are measures being undertaken to ensure that a transmission-related brownout will not happen during the May 9 elections, according to the National Grid Corporation (NGCP).

We have been implementing maintenance activities and scheduled power interruptions in Panay since February this year,‖ Michelle Visera, NGCP corporate communications officer said in a media release. Visera said that their transformers, line hardware and other equipment have already underwent maintenance. ―We have also secured vegetation in critical areas which could cause power

interruption during the elections,‖ she added. ―There will no longer be maintenance activities one week before and after the elections,‖ Visera said. The NGCP, according to Visera, will be implementing double manning in the sub-stations and linemen will be dispatched before and during elections day to immediately respond to the power interruptions. It is also coordinating with various electric cooperatives and concerned

agencies in the region to ensure reliable power supply. As to security of transmission lines in critical areas, the NGCP has tapped the support of the police and the military to keep vigilant on possible eventualities. Other agencies which have been tapped to help secure NGCP transmission lines, other than the AFP and the PNP, are the DPWH, DOE, DENR, and National Electrification Administration. (JCM/ESS/PIA-Iloilo)



BIR Antique sets P724 M goal for 2016 By Vicente W. Villavert SAN JOSE, Antique, March 29 (PIA6) - - The Revenue District Office No. 73 (RDO Antique is aiming for a P724,487,000.00 tax collection goal for the year 2016. DO 73 Officer-in-Charge Helen development and progress of our country,‖ Balasa said that she has high hopes to Balasa said. achieve the tax goals this year by The RDO 73 will enhance its revenue strengthening their tax awareness campaign generation tax mapping activities through and enforcement of tax laws. close monitoring of withholding taxes at the ―We would like to encourage our local government units, monitoring of the taxpayers to settle their obligations because issuances of receipts from business the taxes they pay will help the government establishments, among others. For the month implement various programs towards the of January 2016, the RDO 73 head reported


73) of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in that their target tax collection goal is P62,000,439.00 and ―we were able to collect P62.7 million or one percent increase achievement in the January tax target,‖Balasa said. The RDO 73 Officer in Charge reminded the taxpayers that the deadline for the filing of income tax returns is on April 15, 2016.(JCM/ VWV/PIA Antique)

3 more Negosyo Centers in Aklan up By Venus G. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, March 28 (PIA6) -- Three more Negosyo Centers are set to be established this year in the province of Aklan.


hese three Negosyo Centers, once established in the province, will bring to four the number of centers of this kind in Aklan, with the first one currently housed at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Provincial Office which was officially opened last year. The Negosyo Center is a one-stop shop for services that cater to the entrepreneurs’ need in processing requirements to establish a business, and in accessing information essential for their growth. The three Negosyo Centers to be established will be located in Altavas, Ibajay and Malay. In Altavas, local officials have verbally approved the establishment of the Negosyo Center and NegoCart to be placed either at the Altavas Public Market or at the Ground Floor of the Municipal Hall.

Targeted date of launching is before end of May this year, according to DTI-Aklan OIC Provincial Director Ma. Carmen Iturralde. For Ibajay, the proposed location of the Center is at the Municipal Tourism Office, targeted to be launched before end of June 2016, as verbally agreed by local officials led by Mayor Ma. Lourdes Miraflores. On the part of LGU-Malay, Mayor John Yap expressed his desire to establish a Negosyo Center but he gave no commitment on the target date and location. According to DTI-Aklan, Mayor Yap emphasized the importance of having a structure for the Negosyo Center and not just a simple space to lodge the center to make it more presentable and provide effective service to target clients. The first Negosyo Center in Aklan is a joint project of DTI-Aklan, Office of Senator

Paolo Benigno Aquino IV, Provincial Government of Aklan, Municipal Government of Kalibo, Aklan Provincial Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Council (PSMEDC) and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry-Aklan Chapter. The establishment of the centers is contained in a provision in the Go Negosyo Act or Republic Act 10644. The DTI has been given the key responsibilities and challenges of establishing Negosyo Centers in all provinces, cities, and municipalities in the country. Aklan’s first Negosyo Center is also the first to be established in Western Visayas, and has been able to serve 5,307 clients as of this time, and hosted 33 livelihood trainings with 450 participants. (JSC/VGV-PIA6 Aklan)

Social media leads to green turtle killers By Easter Anne D. Doza NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, March 28 (PIA6) - - A vigilant social media – Facebook user post led to the identification and eventual filing of complaint to the suspects who slaughtered a Green Turtle.


he FB user posted four photos of the suspects slaughtering the turtle on March 18, in Barangay San Isidro, Calatrava town that went viral. This prompted the operative from Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office – Community Environment and Natural Resources Office Cadiz to conduct an in-depth investigation to know the whereabouts and exact location of the offenders. With the aid of social media, the DENR operatives and the Philippine National Police and barangay officials identified the suspects to

be Jolito Dela Torre and alias Sitoy Caraca, both residents of Barangay Ermita, Sipaway Island of San Carlos City, the release from DENR-CENRO said. CENR Officer Edgardo Rostata of DENR Cadiz City filed a complaint against the suspects for violation of Section 27 (a) of RA 9147, otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. ―Killing and destroying wildlife species is illegal in accordance RA 9147, plus the fact that the marine specie is considered endangered in accordance with the CITES Conservation Statusm,‖ Rostata in the release said.

DENR-NIR Legal Division lawyer Cheryll Rose Librero assisted in the case by building documentation and gathering of evidence. PENR Officer Andres Untal added that the case is considered isolated considering that this is the first case filed under the jurisdiction of CENRO Cadiz City for the said offense. Meanwhile, CENRO Cadiz City is intensifying efforts in addressing this similar concern and have informed the respective local government units and Bantay Dagat teams of the incident and to keep monitoring for similar incident.*(JCM/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)



12 Yolanda-hit barangays issued ZOD certificates Ferliza Calizar-Contratista CEBU CITY, March 30 (PIA) – Twelve out of 15 barangays targeted in two typhoon Yolanda-affected towns are now declared as ―zero open defecation‖ (ZOD) barangays.


n yesterday's Kapihan sa PIA, Edgar Morbos of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) Philippines said that 12 barangays of the 15 target in Bantayan and Daanbantayan towns have been declared as ZOD. Morbos, who heads IRW Philippines' Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program, said there are three requirements prior to the issuance of the ZOD certification. First, all households in the barangay should already be using toilets. It can be solely for the family or shared for as long as they no

longer openly defecate in grasslands or open areas. Second, Morbos said, is the availability of soap and water nearby. ―This means that these are available not beyond one minute walk from the toilet,‖ Morbos said. And the third requirement is the proper disposal of adult and children’s diapers. Since the start of the WASH program, Morbos said they had already distributed 1,152 low-cost toilets to these well-performing families in the barangays.

―But giving the toilets is traditional approach,. We go for behavioral change, that they should clean and wash their hands to be healthy and then use the toilets,‖ he said. Part of the recommendation is the inclusion of water and sanitation in the Comprehensive Development Plan of the local government unit. The other programs of IRW in the Yolanda-affected areas include shelter assistance, infrastructure rehabilitation, disaster risk reduction activities, cash for work and livelihood opportunities. (rmn/fcc/PIA7-Cebu)

DENR-7 earmarks P20M to protect Tanon Strait Juju M. Empuerto CEBU CITY, March 28 (PIA) -- Nearly P20 million have been earmarked by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-7) through the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) of Tañon Strait Protected Seascape (TSPS) to protect and manage one of the country‘s protected seascapes. We are allocating a sizeable amount of P 2 . 4 7 0 million, the a c t i v i t i e s and other stakeholders. budget for 2016 to pursue major are, namely: provision of financial assistance to Montejo added TSPS has been regarded as programs and projects related to the local government units or people’s an important migration corridor for whales, protected area management; nature organizations for the implementation of coastal dolphins, and other marine mammals, making it conservation, rehabilitation and protection; and resources management-related projects; a preferred destination for whale-watchers, establishment of protected area facilities and monitoring and patrolling; and information, conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts. amenities in TSPS,‖ said DENR-7 Regional education and communication. TSPS, which lies between the islands of Director and PAMB TSPS Chair Dr. Isabelo The biggest chunk goes to the Negros and Cebu and covers 521,018 hectares Montejo in a statement. establishment of protected area facilities and and borders 677 kilometers, is among the Under the protected area management amenities with a total budget of P15.640 country’s top 10 major fishing grounds where with a budget of P1.7 million, the activities are million for the operationalization of a about 26,000 fishers operate. survey, mapping and assessment of marine protected area office (PAO), capability TSPS was declared a protected protected areas, inventory of coastal marine building, and procurement of office equipment, seascape by virtue of Presidential resources users, operationalization of TSPS motorcycles, and patrol boats. Proclamation 1234 signed by then President PAMB, and coordination meetings with The work and financial plan was presented Fidel V. Ramos last May 27, 1998 in recognition other law enforcement authorities and other during the second general assembly of TSPS of its extraordinary abundance and diverse stakeholders. PAMB last March 10 in Cebu City which was assemblage of dolphins, whales and other Also, for nature conservation, attended by at least 285 members including 14 marine species. (rmn/jsme/PIA7-Cebu/DENR rehabilitation, and protection with a budget of mayors, 203 barangays, local government units, -7)

'Media play role in women empowerment' Amor Y. Saludar Cebu, March 30 (PIA) --- Professional experts in their field and government representatives agreed that positive change and progress in the status of women is also attributed to media.


n a recent Association of Government Information Officer - Philippine Information Agency (AGIO-PIA 7) forum on the ―Role of Media in Women Empowerment‖, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-7) regional information officer Leah Quintana, Cebu Citizen Press Council assistant executive director Cherry Lim, and Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas legal counsel Atty. Cynthia Barte all agreed that there are many powerful women who now stand for their rights. Atty. Barte said that issues involving women are now fewer compared to previous

years. ― G e n d e r - r e l a t e d p r ob le m s a r e experienced before and after, but lesser at present. Women before are treated mediocre, but now women are empowered," Barte said. She added that women have already exercised a better position in terms of media exposure. Leah Quintana also noted the changes in the status of women at present, acknowledging the role of media in it. ―At present women have changed and media is also influential to the status of women now, because media raises issues affecting women and helps women express themselves,

their issues, concerns, needs and rights," Quitana stressed. Cherry Lim also expressed changes in the status of women who are members of media. ―When we talked about media there is a big change. In the past, all media outlets are male-dominated but now, five print media outlets have Editors-in-Chief who are women,‖ Lim declared. Also seen is the positive thinking of women now towards education, and how it could help them. ―Statistically, there are many women who are educated,‖ Barte noted. (rmn/ays/PIA-7/ AGIO-7)


Nat‘l bets urged security an agenda

5 to



Fayette C. Riñen CEBU, March 30 (PIA) -- As Metro Cebu‘s supply for water from its surface water source now yielding negative production, Cebuanos are urged to ask national candidates for their agenda on water security.


harmaine Rodriguez Kara, public affairs department head of the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD), said water demand is increasing in Cebu and that its reservoir, the Buhisan Dam, has dried up producing zero water output because of the El Niño. ―Since the first week of March, the Buhisan Dam has produced zero yield,‖ said Kara during a forum of the Association of Government Information Officers-Philippine Information Agency (AGIO-PIA7) that tackled on the annual observance of March as Water Month. The Buhisan Dam usually produces 7,000 cubic meters of water daily for Metro Cebu but because of the El Niño, the water in the reservoir gradually fell to critical levels until it

reached zero yield, said Kara. Kara said the dry spell has largely affected the surface water sources of the MCWD but its groundwater source is not significantly affected. PAGASA-Visayas Chief Engr. Oscar Tabada on the other hand, warned that Cebu will have deficit in rainwater between 21 to 60 percent, and around April to May drought is likely to occur as rainwater deficit will be over 60 percent. MCWD meanwhile, covers 43 percent of the franchise areas in Cebu while daily water needs constitute about 225,000 cubic meters a day of which 35,000 cubic meters is sourced from the Luyang River in Carmen. As drought is anticipated due to the dry spell, Kara said the MCWD starting April will

be seeking additional 5,000 cubic meters daily from the Cebu-Manila Development Corp. which is supplying the water piped from Carmen. Since the MCWD will now be sourcing additional water from a private water utility company starting April, this will mean a slight adjustment in the water rate bill, said Kara. ―Water is a security issue. And since it’s election time, we appeal to the public to demand from candidates in the national level to prioritize water security as part of their agenda,‖ said Kara. Kara said it is time to ask candidates on their plan for Metro Cebu which includes proposal to construct water dams. (rmn/fcr/ PIA7)

PIA Cebu holds young writers workshop Ferliza Calizar-Contratista CEBU CITY, March 31 (PIA) – The Young Writers Club of Tanke National High School underwent their first writing workshop conducted by Philippine Information Agency (PIA-Cebu). or two days, 30 members of the in order to erase the negative association of by PIA Cebu Information Officer 1 Ferliza Young Writers Club under their the place. Contratista. The students had their writing adviser Caren Jaduca experienced for "I hope that through this workshop, you pieces reviewed by the lecturers. the first time lessons on improving writing will help make this barangay become beautiful," By the end of the second day, a simple skills other than those they learned from their he said. culmination program took place as they school lessons. The students first learned the principles in received their certificates of participation. Lecturing on topics a b o u t writing through Clear and Effective Writing Tanke in Talisay City has been in the communications, journalism, and media from PIA Regional Director Minerva Newman watch list of the Philippine National Police relations is part of the services of PIA to and then News Writing by PIA Cebu Infocen identified to be a trading and drop-off point of capacitate the community. Manager Rachelle Nessia on the first day. drug supply nearest to Cebu City. Tanke National High School On the second day, they were introduced Originally, it was a fishing village visited by Principal Fermo Resgonia challenged the to the world of storytelling with Creative city residents for fresh seafoods. (rmn/fcc/PIA7 students to get the most out of the workshop Writing again by Newman and Feature Writing -Cebu)


PVO stresses importance of responsible pet ownership Roi Anthoni B. Lomotan NEGROS ORIENTAL, April 1 (PIA) – In line with the culmination of National Rabies Awareness Month in March, the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) here is stressing the importance of responsible pet ownership in rabies prevention.


VO officer Erlinda Vilan explained in a briefing with members of Association of Negros Oriental Public Information Officers (ANOPIO) today that the animal resistance to rabies virus is weak during summer season, which is why it is important for pet owners to take care of their pets and have them vaccinated annually. Vilan encouraged the public to go to the city veterinary offices or municipal agriculture offices in their localities for pet vaccination, deworming, and mineral supplementation. R.A. 9482 also urges people to be responsible pet owners by providing their pet dogs with proper grooming, adequate food and clean shelter to prevent their dogs from

acquiring rabies virus. The official also said pet owners should register their pets for proper documentation. There are Bantay Rabies Task Force in some barangays and pet owners can also go to them to register their pets. Meanwhile, PVO has vaccinated 6,909 dogs between January to February this year. There are two positive cases of animal rabies recorded during the first two months of the year in Bais City and Sibulan town, Vilan said. However, Vilan said the number of rabies cases in Negros Oriental continues to decrease from 12 cases in 2014 to four cases in 2015.

Aside from this, PVO was also able to vaccinate 8,606 animals last year. Vilan said the PVO continues to intensify its rabies eradication program in the province through its rabies caravan activities in different cities and municipalities in the province which include free clinic, free spay and neuter, animal welfare missions, seminars and symposium for pet owners. She underscored that PVO will continue to conduct mass vaccination ―Our campaign for rabies eradication is continuous. We conduct mass vaccination activities in different places so we can provide service to many people,‖ she concluded. (rmn/ ral/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

6 DOH announces Kalusugan 2016






Rebcca G. Cadavos MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, March 31 (PIA) – The Department of Health (DOH) has announced the 2016 Search for Bayani ng Kalusugan to honor individuals and organizations who have contributed their time, effort and part of their life in serving the Filipino people through health programs of the government.


OH Secretary Janette Loreto-Garin in her recent visit to Southern Leyte said that the health department launched the first Bayani ng Kalusugan where the nominees being recommended should be in line with the objectives of Universal Health Care (UHC) and based on the accomplishments from July 2010 up to April of 2016. Nomination period will start on February

16 until April 15 of 2016 while nomination forms can be availed at DOH Bayani ng Kalusugan website or can be secured at DOH Offices, it was learned. Sec. Garin who was in Southern Leyte to conduct the ceremonial distribution of Tamang Serbisyo para sa Kalusugan ng Pamilya (TSeKaP) packages to Barangay Health Stations in the province said that there will be a total of 20 winners to be awarded during the DOH

Bayani ng Kalusugan awarding ceremony by June this year to be held in Metro Manila. She added that a P200,000 cash prize will be given to individual nominees and P400,000 for the non -government o r g a n i z a t i o n s o r g r ou p c a t e g or y winner. Transportation fare and hotel accommodation for 3 days will also be awarded to the winners, it was learned further. (rgc/ PIA8-SoLeyte)

Seventh ASEAN QUIZ regional tilt set Aurora J. Casimpan TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, March 31 (PIA) – The Department of Education in Eastern Visayas through its Curriculum and Learning Management Division held the Seventh ASEAN QUIZ Regional Competition in March 23 at the Leyte Division Conference Hall in Candahug, Palo, Leyte.


ompetitors of the activity were representatives of the 13 school divisions coming from the cities of Baybay, Ormoc, Maasin, Tacloban, Borongan, Catbalogan, and Calbayog and the provinces of Leyte, Southern Leyte, Biliran, Samar, Eastern Samar, and Northern Samar. Participants were all students in the secondary level and came from the public schools of the 13 school divisions of the region. The Quiz were of two segments namely, Segment 1: The True or False part with 25

questions; the Multiple Choice part with 15 questions; and Segment 2: The Fill-in the Blanks or Completion with 20 questions. Declared winners in the competition were the contestants from Baybay City, Ormoc City and Maasin City. The three winners will represent the region in the Seventh ASEAN Quiz National Competition, Philippines to be held on April 5-8, 2016 at the PTV Broadcast Center, Visayas Avenue, Quezon City. The ASEAN Quiz is a continuing project of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

(ASEAN) Committee on Culture and Information aimed to foster the spirit of healthy competition among ASEAN youth in a friendly quiz on ASEAN cultural, political, economic and social in formation. The top three winners in the National Competition will represent the country in the Seventh ASEAN Quiz Regional Competition to be hosted by Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR) between September and October 2016. (ajc/ PIA-8)

BFP-Naval includes schoolers in fire prevention campaign Mary Lailani Pitao-Tupaz NAVAL, Biliran, March 23 (PIA) --- Aside from the year-round inspection of all establishments, and fire and earthquake drills to ensure safety in the community, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) stationed in the capital town of Naval holds special activities in celebration of Fire Prevention Month this March.


hese special activities include an open house experience, fire and earthquake drills, and fire safety lectures under ―Berong Bombero sa Paaralan‖, distribution of fire safety materials, testing of fire hydrants, and fire drills and lectures in government offices and establishments, said SFO2 David Victor Francis Casas, chief of the Fire Safety Enforcement Section at BFP-Naval, in a Kapihan at Pulong-Pulong ng Bayan held recently over Radyo Natin-Naval. Though regular fire drills and earthquake drills help improve firemen’s capability in fire fighting and rescue operations, students and employees and other building occupants need to be equipped with knowledge on how to avoid fire and to keep themselves safe in case of fire. Same drills and lectures were taught to

pupils and students in both elementary and secondary schools in Naval to equip them with the basics in emergency situation and to make them partners in making a fire safe community, Casas added. For her part, FO1 Cyrill Salceda -Rosales, Information Officer-designate of BFP -Naval, informed in the same forum that fire and earthquake drills were conducted to pupils at Lico Elementary School; Agpangi Elementary School; Sitio Eden Elementary School in Brgy. Capiñahan, and Naval Central Elementary School. Fire safety lectures were likewise conducted to students of the Cathedral School of La Naval; Limpiado Lightbringer Learning Center and Naval Central School. Day care pupils from Brgy. P. I. Garcia and Brgy. Smo. Rosario, Grades 3 and 4 pupils from

the Cathedral School of La Naval and Limpiado Lightbringer Learning Center were invited to an open house experience at BFP-Naval to be acquainted with firefighters and their fire fighting equipments, Rosales added. She reminded the general public to unplug all household appliances not in use before going to sleep or when leaving the house and to keep matches away from children’s reach to be safe from fire and to save life. Meanwhile, a spot report of BFP-Naval recorded a fire at Brgy. Calumpang with fire call at 12:45 on March 18 affecting five houses. The celebration of the Fire Prevention Month this year is centered on the theme ― Kaalaman at Pagtutulungan ng Sambayanan, Kaligtasan sa Sunog ay Makakamtan‖. (fj/mlt/ PIA8 Biliran)



172 soldiers complete Samar jungle training CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, March 29 (PIA) - Some 172 candidate soldiers trained in the jungle of Samar graduated yesterday.


elatives and friends witnessed the simple yet fitting ceremony for the brave souls at the 8th Infantry Division Headquarters in Catbalogan City. Major General Jet Velarmino, 8th ID Commander served as the Guest of Honor in the closing ceremonies with the entrustment of firearms, distribution of certificates and awarding of honors to the young men coming from all over the country who train for six months.

The class topnotcher is Private Virgil Magabo, 22 years old, from Barangay Pang-oy, San Juan, Southern Leyte who got a total average of 93.75%. Private Laurence Caras ranked second with 91.7% and Private Jayson Castillo was third with 91.4%. Castillo also received the Bernardo Carpio Award for topping the non-academic subjects with 97.3%. All 172 new breed of soldiers were trained in the mountains and forest of Samar.

Velarmino in his commencement message urged the new enlisted elements to live up with the highest standard of competence, discipline and the core values of the Philippine Army. ―As professional and transformed soldiers, together let us all uphold and protect the citizens’ right with respect to human dignity and diversity, we must be ready to serve our country and our people!‖ (PIA 8-Samar with 8th ID DPAO Capt Ian Andres Fabellon)

13th Lamiraw Workshop now open for applications CALBAYOG CITY, Samar, March 29 (PIA) -- The 13th Lamiraw Creative Writing Workshop is now accepting applications for a 3-day writing fellowship on April 27-29, 2016 at Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU), Calbayog City, Samar.


anelists invited in said workshop are Prof. Allan Popa of the Ateneo de Manila University, Mr. Jerry Gracio of the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino, Prof. Voltaire Oyzon of the Leyte Normal University, Ms. Yvonne Esperas of the Philippine Science High School – Eastern Visayas Campus and Mr. Harold Mercurio of the Northwest Samar State University. Ten (10) slots at stake: 5 for Waray, 2 for Sebuano, 1 for Inabaknon, 1 for Filipino and 1 for English. Slots are preferably for applicants coming from Eastern Visayas. Interested

individuals are required to submit any of the following: 1 short story /2 flash fiction/1 maikling kwento/1 sugilanon, 1 essay/1 sanaysay/1 gumalaysay or 5 poems/5 siday/5 balak/5 tula. Works written in Sebuano, Waray and Inabaknon must accompany a translation in Filipino or English. Submit entries in MS Word format, Times New Roman, Font 12 on April 20, 2016. Works (along with the official application form) could be emailed to and

Fellows who will qualify in the selection process will avail of themselves free board and lodging, workshop materials and proportional transportation allowance. This activity is jointly funded by Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU), National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), Katig Writers Network Inc., Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) and other sponsors. For inquiry, please contact Mr. Harold L. Mercurio, workshop director, at 09167569693 or email at haroldmercu (PHLM/NWSSU/PIA-8)

DOH turns over TSeKap packages to 5 ILH Zones Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, March 30 (PIA) --- The Department of Health-Provincial DOH Office, led by Provincial DOH Officer Dr. Jean Marie A. Egargo; and the Provincial Government of Eastern Samar, represented by Provincial Governor‘s Office Chief of Staff Mr. Berlindo Capon, turned over and distributed Tamang SErbisyo sa KAlusugan ng Pamilya (TSeKap) equipment packages to five Inter-Local Health Zones (ILHZ) in Eastern Samar in March 21, 2016 at the Eastern Samar Provincial Capitol Gymnasium, Borongan City.


urned over and distributed were 148 equipment packages or kits to five Inter-Local Health Zones (ILHZs), namely: Oras, Taft, Borongan, Guiuan, and Balangiga. The event was witnessed by DOH-Regional Office 08 Director Dr. Minerva P. Molon and DOH-Central Office representative Mr. Raul Alamis. The equipment packages include: 1 storage box, 1 dressing set, 1 unit glucometer, 1 set glucometer (APEX BIO AUTOCODE), 2 units Nebulizer, and 1 unit stethoscope. Egargo disclosed that DOH’s goal is to have a better health care outcome by means of improving their services and a responsive local health system.

She said that in order to have better services, the DOH has expanded its Rural Health Units (RHUs) and Barangay Health Stations (BHS). In fact, a lying-in clinic is in every RHU and BHS in every municipality in addition to regular services. This year, there is a Barangay Health Station in Brgy. Barobo, Llorente and one RHU building that was turned-over as well in Llorente, E. Samar. This is in cooperation with PLAN Philippines, Barangay Council of Llorente, and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Llorente. Meanwhile, Dr. Egargo reported that in 2014, the number one of death in Eastern Samar was hypertension and the DOH has to

improve screening and reporting so that the people will know the real situation in Eastern Samar. ―And with the increasing problem of lifestyle-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes, there is the demand to equip the RHUs and BHS — that’s why we need these gadgets,‖ Egargo said. The distribution of the gadgets is part of the Kalusugang Pangkalahatan or Universal Health Care — the current thrust of the Aquino administration — in order to bridge the gap and reduce barriers to health care, reduce social exclusion, and work towards universal coverage of delivering health services to the Filipino people. (SDC/PIA-E. Samar).

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