Onevisayasenewslettervol6issue22 20160603 r6

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Vol 6


Tree Planting: Mario A. Derequito, DepEd Undersecretary for Partnership and External Linkages plants a tree during his visit to Belison National School in line with the Brigada Eskwela Monitoring. Belison National school was a Champion in 2015 National Brigada Eskwela Best Implementer-Exceptional School Category. The activity also coincided with the 1st day of Environment Month - June 2016. (LGU Belison/PIA6 Antique)

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


Volunteers joined the DepEd and education stakeholders at the Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School in preparing the schools for the opening of classes next week. DepED has devised a system of picking the best Brigada Eskwela as national schools maintenance program, which also awards winners. (PIABohol)

More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…


U.S. ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg (right) poses at the marker of the new ten-classroom building during the turn over held at the Palo National High School, Palo, Leyte. With him are (from left) PIA-8 regional director Alicia Nicart, Eden Dadap of DepEd, and Leyte governor Leopoldo Dominico Petilla. (Raul S. Tiozon, Jr./PIA-8)

More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...

May 30 - June 5, 2016

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

Issue 22

DA-7 steps up campaign on diversified farming By Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, May 24 (PIA) – The Department of Agriculture (DA-7) intensified their massive campaign on diversification in the farming system. DA-7 Regional Technical Director Joel Elumba said during the Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) – Philippine Information Agency (PIA-7) forum that they urge the farmers to apply diversified farming as an alternative in their livelihood so they will not be heavily affected if any calamity will hit their areas. ―Most of the farmers apply the mono-cropping agricultural practice which is a practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land,‖ he said. Elumba explained that farmers should learn to practice diversified farming to produce variety of crops or animals, or both, on one farm for them to survive in their livelihood. DA-7 officials also urged the municipal agriculturists to encourage the farmers to be prepared in times of

calamities and to listen to weather forecasts. On the other hand, DA-7 is still monitoring, evaluating, and consolidating reports of damage on the effects of El Niño in the four provinces in Region 7. DA-7 recently received P21M from their national office to cater areas that affected by the long drought. This budget is allocated for procurement of seeds such as rice, corn, and other vegetable crops, veterinary drugs and biologic support, and rehabilitation of farming facilities such as procurement of water pumps. In Region 7, there are 14 municipalities that was hit by El Niño: six from Cebu, four in Bohol, and four in Negros Oriental. DA-7 will implement some projects to mitigate the La Niña phenomenon reported to hit the country middle this year or last week of June. (rmn/hfg/PIA-7/AGIO-7 Forum)

EU diplomat, UNDP official inaugurate Biliran evacuation centers By Consuelo B. Alarcon CABUCGAYAN, Biliran, June 1 (PIA) –European Union (EU) Ambassador Franz Jessen and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Director Titon Mitra led on Tuesday the formal turnover of newly-built evacuation centers to Yolanda affected communities in the province of Biliran. The construction of climate-resilient evacuation centers in the municipalities of Cabucgayan and Biliran, both in Biliran province, is part of the EU’s package of assistance to Yolanda-affected families in order for them to recover from the devastation. EU Ambassador Franz Jessen expressed optimism that the project does not end with infrastracture but should be sustained with community effort and cooperation. ―I hope to be able to say at the end of the project that we did not just build evacuation centers or resettlement houses, but we have built strong, united and empowered communities, ― the EU official said. Jessen also said they do not wish for the day to come when the center will be used for evacuation. Instead, they prefer that the center will be utilized to the fullest for

more pro-active community-driven capacity-building activities that will benefit everyone. Of the 11 community evacuation centers implemented by UNDP Project Recovery, six have been completed in the provinces of Biliran, Leyte and Eastern Samar. The total European Union assistance to Yolanda affected communities to be implemented until July 2017 has reached Php500 million.(ajc/cba)

European Union ambassador to the Philippines, his Excellency Franz Jessen (center) with Cabucgayan mayor Gemma Adobo and UNDP country director Titon Mitra cuts the ribbon during the turn-over ceremony of the Community Evacuation Center held in Cabucgayan, Biliran province, May 31. (Raul S. Tiozon, Jr./PIA-8)

Alcala cites landmark accomplishments in WV By Elsa S. Subong ILOILO CITY, June 2 (PIA6)—Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala cited the positive changes attained in agriculture during his term, particularly in agriculture and the fishery sectors which were given importance. He said at a forum he attended, May 27 that the farmers and the fisher folk were sent to technical workshops and seminars that helped them learn advance science and technologies. In a DA-6 press release, Alcala said that the department has implemented projects highlighting the Aquino administration’s priority in food production. ―For the first time, all provinces have seed buffer stocking to prepare for any shortage on rice and seeds during calamities,‖ Alcala said. He particularly cited the 20 Farmer Service Provider (FSP) groups in the region, which were given modern farm machinery, urging them to maintain these and set aside funds for the purchase of more. Alcala further asked the farmers to continue the practice of multi-cropping and those who plant rice and vegetables should also raise native chicken and swine in their backyard.

―Iloilo has already overtaken other areas in the production of native chicken and swine,‖ Alcala said. The secretary also said that with the necessary preparations for the onslaught of the El Niño, the predicted 972,000 metric tons damage in rice production was reduced to only about 235,000 metric tons as of May 15. Although records showed that DA failed to achieve 100 percent rice sufficiency in 2013, the country has achieved the highest production of rice in 2014 with 18.98 million metric tons. White corn consumption, on the other hand, has improved from seven kilograms per capita consumption in 2010 to 10.72 kilograms per capita to 2015. The department is pushing for the continued production of white corn nationwide since it is one of the Philippines’ food staples. Reinstated DA Regional Field Office-6 Director Larry Nacionales said he thanked Sec. Alcala for bringing significant number of agri-fishery projects in Western Visayas which had helped in attaining 4.9 percent increase in the Gross Regional Domestic Product last year. (JCM/ ESS/PIA-Iloilo)



WV tourism a booming sunshine industry

June 12—Philippine Independence Day

ILOILO CITY, June 3 (PIA6) — After the success of its latest events, the Fiestas in the City year 14, various Philippine Business Missions and the Seatrade Cruise Asia, the Department of Tourism said there is booming tourism future for Western Visayas.


OT-6 Director Helen Catalbas said there is more to come for the tourism industry of the region. The recently concluded Fiestas in the City dubbed ―Lagaw Ta!‖ Western Visayas, which ran for a week at SM City-Iloilo, showcased the region’s gastronomic delights, products and tourism destinations. Among the highlights of the Fiestas were the Western Visayas Travel and Trade Fair, Awarding of the Opearation Water F’All Heroes. Cooking demo by Ilonggo chefs and parade if Western Visayas Festivals and Sagala of Festival Queens. Western Visayas also joined the Seatrade Cruise Asia in Busan, Ko-

rea, 4th China Cruise Summit in Qingdao, china and Tourism Sales Missions in Malaysia and Singapore. ―This business mission is among the many business missions yet that the region will join this 2016,‖ Catalbas said, adding to it the different international media, bloggers and travel agents coming in to promote Western Visayas in their respective countries. The DOT-6 also hosted and assisted activities which included the familiarization trips of Australian Travel Agents, media from Taiwan, group of Apl de ApinBoracay island, Asian Traveler shoot in Capiz and Iloilo for their ―Incredible Journey‖ issue and the

familiarization and gastronomic experience of Singaporean bloggers in Guimaras. ―I am convinced that Western Visayas’ presence in numerous local and international tourism events will intensify the region’s promotional campaign ―Experience Western Visayas First,‖ Catalbas added. ―Region VI has already created a stir in the international market and we will continue to grab every opportunity to further promote our tourism products and services,‖ Catalbas said, adding that it is now for the tourism-related and tourism-oriented establishments to enhance and upgrade their services. (JCM/ESS/PIA-Iloilo)

Brigada promotes community participation for better education By Carlson B. Alelis NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, May 31 (PIA6) – The Department of Education (DepEd) – Negros Island Region is promoting community cooperation to provide better quality education to students through the nationwide Brigada Eskwela activity from May 30 to June 4.


epEd – NIR Regional Director Gilbert Sadsad said everybody in the community must be involved in teaching the children aside from their teachers in school. ―Ang gusto talaga nating makita sa Brigada Eskwela is that every parent, every member of the community maging aware, ma-absorb at ma -imbibe yung value na tumutulong sa paaralan (What we really want to see in the Brigada Eskwela is that every parent, every member of the community must be aware, must absorb

and imbibe the value of helping the school.),‖ he said. ―Because it’s a basic principle, that it takes the whole community to educate the child,‖ Sadsad added. Brigada Eskwela, also known as the Bayanihan Para Sa Paaralan, is a nationwide voluntary effort of teachers, parents, students, community members, and other organizations to do minor repairs and clean-ups on their schools in preparation for the start of the school year.

The theme for this year’s event is ―Tayo Para sa Paaralang Ligtas, Maayos at Handa Mula Kindergarten Hanggang Senior High School.‖ With the start of the clean-up activities, Sadsad urged the parents and guardians to enroll their children early and not wait for June 13, the first day of classes. ―Let’s enroll our students early so that the school officials can also plan out their schedule,‖ he said. (JCM/CBA-PIA6 Negros Occidental)

Antique communities urged to protect biodiversity corridor By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, May 31 (PIA6) - - Ruth Martinez of the Philippine German Forest and Climate Protection (ForClim) Project Panay urged communities to take an active role in the protection of biodiversity corridors that connects wildlife population.


iodiversity corridors serves as a highway for the movement of population of wildlife, thus we need to rehabilitate the fragmented forest so they could freely move from one location to another, Particularly referred to were the barangays surrounding Sibalom Natural park, Cental Panay Mountain Ranges and Northwest Panay Peninsula which serves a habitat of endemic species of flora and fauna, birds and other animals such as Panay Warty Pig, Visayan Spotted deer among others. Martinez said that though, we could not restore all but at least we could have

biodiversity corridor to serve as refuge of the wildlife population safe from hunting. On the other hand, Mirza Samillano, Chief Technical Services Division, Dept of Environment and Natural Resources said that in grassland areas within the forest identified as strict protection zone, these could not be planted with trees for it serves as natural grassland for grazing of pigs, deer and other animals. Samillano further said that establishment and protection of biodiversity corridors is stipulated in the Provincial Physical Framework Plan of the Provincial Government of Antique. To heighten public awareness on the

protection of biodiversity corridors, ForClim in partnership with Antique Mountain Bikers Association Inc. (AMBA) under the leadership pf Dr. Earl Autajay will launch the 3rd Autajay Aningalan Ascent Mountain Bike Race on June 5. Rallying on the theme ―Race, Restore and Reconnect‖ the event also hopes to raise funds for the establishments of a Biodiversity corridors between the isolated Sibalom Natural Park and the large contiguous Central Panay Mountain Range. The biking event intends to gather 70-80 bike enthusiasts from Panay and other parts of the country making Antique the next biking destination. (JCM/PSM/PIA6Antique)



DENR sets activities for Environment Month June 12—Philippine Independence Day

By Venus G. Villanueva

KALIBO, Aklan, June 1 (PIA6) -- The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) here has a line-up of activities in celebration of the World Environment Day (WED) on June 5, and for Environment Month this month of June.


ENR-Aklan Chief Information Officer Arren Rubi said during the meeting of the Aklan Public Information Officers Association (APIOA) here recently that some of these activities include radio program guestings at some of Aklan’s local radio stations, tree planting/tree growing activities on June 25, National Arbor Day, celebration of the 29th anniversary of the creation of the DENR, Awarding of Partners in the protection of the en on June 30, and the conduct of search for the Best Nursery maintained by various People’s Organizations (POs) throughout the province.

The nurseries maintained by the POs provide the seedlings used by the DENR for the National Greening Program (NGP) in the province. The DENR will also be distributing land titles under its Handog Titulo program, and will be focusing on its Anti-Illegal Logging Campaign in the province with the help of its enforcement partners like the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every 5th of June to raise

global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet earth. Theme for WED is ―Go Wild for Life‖ as dubbed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). June is also declared as Philippine Environment Month, with the DENR as the primary focal agency to implement different activities. Theme for Environment Month of this year is ―Go Wild for Life, Combat Biodiversity Loss#GreenEnvironmentGawingForever‖. (JCM/VGV-PIA6 Aklan)

Capiz cops ready for opening of classes By Jemin B. Guillermo ROXAS CITY, Capiz, June 1 (PIA6) – The Philippine National Police is all set with its security plan for the opening of classes.


apiz PNP Information Officer Donna Asmod said that the police here will create the Task Force ―Ligtas Balik-Eskwela 2016‖ to ensure maximum security coverage in the province in view of the opening of classes in June. Per directive from Capiz police Provincial Director Robert Rodriguez, police personnel will be deployed in school premises both in the public and private schools in the province, she said. She said that every police station has their

respective security plan for the Ligtas Balik Eskwela 2016. Part of Rodriguez’ directive is the establishment of police assistance desk especially in big institutions in Roxas City, particularly in Colegio De La Purisima Concepcion, Capiz State University-Roxas City main campus, Filamer Christian University, Loctugan Elementary School and Pres. Manuel Roxas Memorial School, among others. Police visibility and presence through mobile and foot patrol will likewise be

intensified especially in major routes leading to the private and public schools here as well as in big malls, transport terminals, airport, sea port and other areas of convergence. On the other hand, Rodriguez urged the public, especially the students, to be vigilant and be conscious of their safety particularly against pick pocketing, drug trafficking and other street crimes. Police personnel will also be conducting symposia on crime prevention in schools during the opening of classes. (JCM/JBG/PIA6)

Congress highlights importance of SWM, other environment practices By Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. ILOILO CITY, June 2 (PIA6) – The importance of compliance by local government units with the law on ecological solid waste management was emphasized by Atty. Jonathan P. Bulos, Environmental Management Bureau-6 Regional Director, at the Environmental Congress held June 2 here.


he 15-year old law or Republic Act No. 9003, which had Senator Loren Legarda as principal author, mandates, among others, the proper management and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practice in ecological solid waste management (SWM). It excludes incineration as a waste management method. LGUs have been mandated to prepare their respective 10-year plans consistent with the national framework and shall also be primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this Act within their respective jurisdictions. Bulos revealed that LGUs are strictly monitored with respect to their compliance with the law and can face charges before the Office of the Ombudsman for environmental

offenses which include the open dumping of wastes instead of storing them in sanitary landfill as required by the law. Also being highlighted in the activities of EMB-6 for the month are the value of biodiversity of wildlife and flora which can be adversely affected by illegal trading, destruction of their habitats, degradation of forests, intrusion of people into their habitats, and global warming. Likewise, we are highlighting the importance of sharing the road with ordinary people who use bicycles to go to and return home from their places of work such as carpenters and other ordinary people, said Bulos. Through today’s congress, successful LGUs shared their best practices in solid waste management including San Carlos City of Negros Occidental in Negros Island Region,

which presented the program pursued by the city government and its positive results including income earned from sale of recyclables and vermiculture generated compost materials and the ban on the use of plastic bags. The first-day congress was attended by LGU environment and natural resources officers, Information Officers and the media in Western Visayas with the academe and business sector as attendees in the June 3 leg of the congress. It carries the theme, ―Combat Biodiversity Loss, Beat Climate Change‖. The congress seeks to enhance public awareness and consciousness of climate change and its impacts, promote individual and collective action in carbon emission reduction, and recognize SWM best practices. (JCM/JSC-PIA6)



‗AmBisyonNatin 2040‘ presented in multisectoral forum June 12—Philippine Independence Day

By Jennifer C. Tilos

NEGROS ORIENTAL, May 26 (PIA) – ‗Majority of Filipinos want a ―comfortable and simple life‖ by 2040, according to the AmBisyonNatin2040 survey results presented by National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) in its first regional public forum at Silliman University, Dumaguete City. EDA-7 and concurrent Negros Island presidents. has 10 million Overseas Filipino Workers Region (NIR) Regional Director Efren Seventy-nine percent Filipinos aspire for a (OFWs) sending $20 billion a year and yet this Carreon said AmBisyon2040 is a simple and comfortable life described as having goes only for food, clothing, shopping, and long-term vision program which is designed for medium-sized home, having enough earning to buying and not converted to business. development planning that may be used support everyday needs, owning at least one ―Even if we are now number one fastest throughout administrations for the next 24 car, capacity to provide their children college growing economy with 6.9% in Asia, we are years. Speaking before a hundred stakeholders education and going on local trips for vacation. still lagging behind in terms of jobs generations from the youth, academe, business, local The survey also disclosed that many and employment,‖ expressed Du. government units, non government and civil Filipinos prefer to work in the country rather Du said that one-fourth of the population society organizations, and media, Carreon said than abroad 24 years from now. or 27% is still in the poverty line, thus, the that "participatory planning on development is However, Negros Oriental Chamber of chamber discouraged consumption economy critical in achieving the vision and aspirations of Commerce Inc. (NOCCI) President Ed Du only but focus more on investors that create the Filipinos." cited that Philippines is lagging behind other more jobs here. He cited bringing in business NEDA is looking at the development ASEAN countries because the Philippines is processing outsources (BPOs) like SPI and directions, said Carreon, hoping the vision will consumption-driven, unlike Malaysia, China, Qualfon which provided more than 9,000 jobs serve as basis for the next four medium term Singapore, Japan, among others, that are in Negros Oriental. (rmn/jct/PIA7-Negros development plans of the country’s four investment-driven. Du said the Philippines Oriental)


Covenant for holistic program on children's issues signed By Ferliza C. Contratista CEBU CITY, May 30 (PIA) — A covenant for the enforcement of a unified and wholistic approach to the issues of Children at Risk (CAR) and Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) was signed May 30 by over 20 private and public stakeholders in the city. he covenant already includes the leaders of Cebu City. the rescued children. Reintegration will also holding of a monthly rescue operation Otida said she was already able to present happen in these shelters. CLB will assist for CAR and CICL in different areas of the draft to Acting City Mayor Margot Osmena in the legal aspect of the child and once he or the city. who will be replaced by her husband, elected she is reintegrated, and there will be close Another unique factor with the covenant Mayor Tomas Osmena, in July. There are three monitoring by DSWD. ―This is the first time is the inclusion of parents of affected children. parts of the plan dubbed as ―Cebu City’s that more representatives, organizations are According to the covenant, statistics Operation sa Gugma‖,namely: Prevention, pledging their support for the same cause, show that minor offenders and minor Diversion or Intervention, and Reintegration. happy to include the parents into the system,‖ victims are increasing in number, prompting Don Bosco Boys Home, Zonta Club , according to Police Superintendent Artemio stakeholders to address the situation. CLB, PIA Cebu , CPO, LAW Inc, Pink Room Recabo, who spoke in behalf of CCPO director Police Inspector Arieza Otida, chief of Center, DILAAB Foundation, WCPD-CCPO, Police Senior Superintendent Benjamin Santos. Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) Family Juvenile Justice Welfare Council, Task Force It was noted that 90 percent of the Gender Juvenile Section (FGJS), said the for Street Children and Rotary Club of Cebu rescued children have problems in the family covenant already drafts the unified and will facilitate in the different Prevention, and most of them turn into CICL if not given wholistic plan which is presented to incoming Intervention, and Diversion Programs for the proper intervention. (rmn/fcc/PIA7-Cebu)


Bohol pilots special senior high tracks By Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, May 27 (PIA) – At least three special courses under the four different tracks which the Department of Education (DepEd) implements in Bohol high schools starting June 13 are open for takers.


iloted for Bohol high schools offering senior high school courses are tourism, agriculture under the Technology and Vocational Livelihood strand, and sports, said Bohol DepEd Division Superintendent Dr. Wilfreda Bongalos. The specialized courses are now piloted in three schools here, in addition to the senior high school strands like General Academic, Arts and Design, Sports and Technology, and Vocational Livelihood readied in several of 129 public high schools and 54 private secondary high schools. The Special Tourism course is now ready to be offered in Panglao at the Lourdes High

School where a facility has been built last year, Bongalos reported at the Provincial Peace and Order Council Meeting held May 23. Moreover, in San Pascual Ubay, she said agriculture is now a part of the specialization for senior high schools. This course is offered under the Technology Vocational Livelihood track, where most TESDA courses like Home Economics, Agri-Fishery, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communications Technology are offered. Earlier, the Regional Development Council has appropriated funds for an agricultural training center at San Pascual in

Ubay town. The government has been pushing for the training center, which is now the pilot school for agriculture here. In Tubigon, the local public high school is also offering Sports strand which has nine subjects under it. Sports subjects include Safety and First Aid, Human Movement, Coaching, Sports Officiating, and Sports Leadership. Meanwhile, Bongalos said all is set for the June 13 opening of schools, which also officially signals the start of senior high schools when the K to 12 pioneers who completed junior high schools last year finally reach Grade 11. (rmn/rac/PIA7-Bohol)



NegOr all set for opening of senior HS June 12—Philippine Independence Day

By Leandria P. Pagunsan

DUMAGUETE CITY, May 30 (PIA) — The Department of Education (DepEd) division in the city is all set for the opening of Senior High School (SHS) in three public schools, namely: Dumaguete High School, Junob National High School, and Dumaguete Science High School.


r. Evangel Luminarias, city schools division superintendent, said that Dumaguete High School has 182 enrollees whil 189 for Science High School, and 82 for Taclobo National High School. The number of enrollees are expected to rise as enrollment is still ongoing. Luminarias said Dumaguete City DepEd Division is in full swing for the opening of SHS with the creation of 18 new classrooms, six for each identified public high school offering the SHS program. In preparation also for opening of grade 12 next year, DepEd will build starting this year additional nine classrooms for Science High School, nine for Taclobo National High School, while PAGCOR will sponsor additional 18 classrooms for Dumaguete City High School. Qualified teachers assigned to handle Grade 11 have already been trained and

facilities are already in place, according to Luminarias. In a related development , Karla Panesa, Adopt-A-School Program Coordinator of division of Negros Oriental, said in a recent Kapihan sa PIA that a total of 535 schools from Kindergarten to Grade 11 will be participating in the Brigada Eskwela starting May 30 up to June 4. Brigada Eskwela is anchored on the theme: ―Tayo Para sa Paaralang Ligtas, Maayos at Handa Mula sa Kindergarten Hanggang SHS‖ Panesa said the community, parents,Philippine National Police, and other stakeholders will be joining Brigada Eskwela especially in preparing the classrooms for the official start of classes on June 13. Meanwhile, Renato Juanillo, SHS coordinator of DepEd Negros Oriental division, revealed that 108 out of the 112 pub-

lic high schools are now ready for SHS. The four other schools did not offer SHS because they have no grade 10 completers yet, said Juanillo. The national budget of P12 billion for SHS will include the voucher program. Juanillo said that grade 10 completers from the public schools will be given a subsidy of P17,500 if they decide to pursue Grade 11 in any private schools, colleges or university. The voucher will be paid directly to the school. However, grade 10 completers from private schools who are Education Service Contract (ESC) beneficiaries can avail of 80% of the entire amount which is P14,000 while grade10 completers from private schools who are not ESC grantees can apply online at for the same 80% subsidy from the government. (rmn/lpp/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

Bohol priority area for geo-hazard assessment, mapping By Elvira C. Bongosia TAGBILARAN CITY, May 27 (PIA) -- The province of Bohol is a priority target area in 2016 for the geo-hazard assessment and mapping program of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) from May to June 2016.


GB-DENR teams are conducting a karst subsidence hazard assessment and mapping in the province. It aims to delineate critical zones for sinkhole collapse.

Results will be provided to local government units concerned and affected communities. Gov. Edgar Chatto yesterday met the survey teams from MGB led by Ma. Elena Lupo, Region 7 supervising

geologist. The MGB survey team comprises geologists from MGB-DENR offices in Regions CAR, 1, and Regions 6 to 12. (rmn/ecb/PIA7-Bohol)

Bohol adopts JTF Dagon as anti-crime group By Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, May 27 (PIA) -- Faced with the nagging problem of criminality, the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) here tapped the help from "outside forces" in keeping Bohol communities crime-free.


POC Chairman and Bohol Gov. Edgar Chatto issued Executive Order No. 01, series 2016 creating Joint Task Force Dagon (JTF Dagon) in its meeting on May 23 to address the need to intensify the peace and security efforts of the province as well as sustain its economic development. JTF Dagon, a Cebuano term which means amulet, is historically Boholano which local hero Francisco Dagohoy used to win the century-old war against the Spanish oppression. JTF Dagon is an anti-crime group that uses nine task groups, each responsible for overseeing strategies and plans to drive crimes off Bohol communities by adopting

proactive steps and strengthened information dissemination, explained Chatto during his Friday weekly Kita ug ang Gobernador radio program. JTF is thriving on teamwork and partnership with private and business stakeholders in reducing crime rates and increasing crime solution efficiency, said Provincial Administrator Alfonso Damalerio who has been personally handling the initial meetings of the task force. JTF Dagon serves as community-based crime prevention monitoring and coordinating mechanism to eliminate criminalities and illegal activities by strengthening Bohol's disaster risk reduction and management programs as well as as coordination and collaboration among

PPOC agency-members in the joint security operations, Damalerio said. Aside from an advisory council which sits along with intelligence group, operations, information, legal and finance and logistics, JTF Dagon is comprised of task forces: disaster response, anti criminality, internal security, anti-illegal drugs, maritime security, environmental protection, traffic, anti-smuggling, and tourism security. The advisory group assesses and evaluates crisis situation reports, recommends action to the chairman, provides guidance, helps analyze JTF operational systems and strategizes to plan, and assist enforcement agencies during emergency management. (rmn/rac/PIA-7/ Bohol)



US continues help in Yolanda recovery effort June 12—Philippine Independence Day

Aurora J. Casimpan TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 01 (PIA) – United States Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg has announced that the United States government will continue to extend assistance to Eastern Visayas until the region totally recover from the impact of Super typhoon Yolanda.


he US envoy said this Friday, May 27, when he visited Palo town to lead in the turn-over of a ten classroom school building to the officials and students of the Palo National High School located in Brgy. Cavite West, of the town. The donated classrooms is part of the 310 classrooms committed by the US government to areas in Leyte, Samar, and Tacloban City. He said the US government will continue to help Leyte and Samar in its recovery efforts on top of the $ 143 million given to the

national government for the rehabilitation of areas hit by Yolanda. Goldberg also visited Eastern Samar last May 19 for the turn-over of the US-funded $ 214 million road upgrading project linking impoverished towns of the two Samar provinces. The completed US-funded road development project covering 222 kilometers traverses the towns of Paranas in Samar; Taft, Sulat, San Julian, Maydolong Borongan City, Llorente, Hernani, Gen. MacArthur,

Quinapondan, Salcedo, Mercedes and Guiuan in Eastern Samar. The Ambassador led in the turn-over of the project to the Department of Public Works and Highways, Road Board, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and peoples’ organization for the maintenance of the roads and bridges. The new road is expected to boost the economy and hasten services in the Samar provinces. (AJC/PIA8)

PNP8 cites San Poli MPS for buy-bust Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, June 1, 2016 (PIA) --- Elements of the San Policarpo Municipal Police Station (MPS) was recognized once again by the Philippine National Police- Regional Office 08 in line with their successful campaign against illegal drugs.


NP-RO 08 Director Police Chief Superintendent Erwin Villacorte himself gave the "Medalya Ng Papuri" to San Poli MPS Chief Police Senior Inspector Rommel Cesista after the Flag Raising Ceremony at the Camp Ruperto Kangleon, Palo, Leyte last May 23, 2016. Cesista had led the buy-bust operation launched in Brgy. Japunan which led to the arrest of an alleged drug dealer named Norberto Moratal after the police were able to confiscate shabu, drug paraphernalia, and ₱ 2,680.00 — alleged to be a profit from his

transaction — from him. Aside from these, the police were also able to confiscate a loaded caliber .38 pistol from the suspect. According to Regional Director Villacorte, this commendation medal was given to the policemen of San Policarpo due to their commendable performance during the buy-bust operation which led to the arrest of the target suspect. This is a proof of the commitment to service of the elements of San Poli MPS who were able to give honor not just for themselves but to the whole PNP organization

as well. Aside from Police Senior Inspector Cesista, the following police officers also received the same recognition: Senior Police Officer 03 Erwin Moslares, Senior Police Officer 02 Ronald Montallana, Senior Police Officer 01 Allan Ladic, Police Officer 03 Ryan Alcantara, Police Officer 03 Julie Ortiguesa, Police Officer 02 Alvin Erbandone, Police Officer 01 Jundel Cular, Police Officer 01, Lolito Garciano, Police Officer 01 Mickey Tomenio, and Police Officer 01 Mario Mugar (SDC-PIA/E. Samar)

Calbayog schools welcome 45K students Ninfa Quirante CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, May 26 (PIA) — Calbayog schools are ready to welcome some 45 thousand students on June 13, 2016.


his was announced by Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Raul Agban, during the Oplan Balik-Eskwela convergence meeting. One agendum was the readiness of its partners to offer services for the smooth opening of classes. The police promised police visibility and immediate assistance where P/C Inspector Elmer Vargara also announced the police hotline which is 0905 4254 511. Department of Public Works and Highways Representative Joanna Calagos announced that of the 39 school buildings, 21 have been completed and are ready by then.

Some though still needs finishing touches but the DepEd said it can always make provisions for the absence of some facilities. ―These buildings are climate change resilient,‖ said Calagos. She added that new designs after the onslaught of typhoon Yolanda are better, stronger and more resilient to strong typhoons. The trade and industry department representative also committed to strictly enforce the suggested retail price for goods especially school supplies. They also conduct Diskwento Caravans for great savings. The only am radio, PBS-Radyo ng Bayan-DYOG offered the airwaves for

announcements on the opening of classes and beyond especially that Pag-asa has announced that after the long dry spell, La Nina will f ollow. Agban said that the class opening on June 13 is a historic one as this is the first year of the Senior High School. He also announced that the Voucher Program amounts to Php 17, 500.00 a year and will be released twice a year. This is for those who will enroll in the private schools as it is free in the public schools. DepEd will also conduct Visita Escuela in barangay San Jose on June 2 to check on the school’s preparedness for the June 13 opening of classes. (NBQ/PIA8-Samar)



DOST-8 inaugurates new building June 12—Philippine Independence Day

Consuelo Alarcon

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 1(PIA) — The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in the region has inaugurated Monday the reconstructed DOST regional office 8 with Secretary Mario G. Montejo as guest speaker.


he building, amounting to Php31 million was funded by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) under the Yolanda rehabilitation and recovery program of the government. In his speech, Secretary Montejo said more than two years since Yolanda devastated many parts of Eastern Visayas including the DOST building, the people were able to build back better despite the enormous damage of the super typhoon. The official, a proud ―Waray‖ believes that said great calamity has also brought out the

best of the Waraynon. He rec a lled tha t we e ks and even months after the devastation the situation remained unconducive for working but DOST-8 ensures that it continued its services to the people despite all the daily challenges and the limited resources. He also lauded the DOST-8 as it has managed to endure all the hardships caused by the disastrous super typhoon. Meanwhile, DOST 8 regional director Edgardo Esperancilla thanked Montejo for being instrumental in making the construction

of the building possible. The DOST-8 science and technology complex now houses the new DOST regional office 8 building, the provincial science and technology center for Leyte, the science and technology resource center, the science and technology multi-purpose cooperative, and the regional standards and testing laboratory. The new building is also envisioned to house the state of the art conference facilities, the management information center and the information communication technology (ICT) in Eastern Visayas.(ajc/cba)

EVisayas expects palay output to drop with La Niña By Aurora J. Casimpan TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 2 (PIA) – Contingency plans are in place which include stockpiling and distribution of water-resistant palay seed variety that can withstand stress due to floods to be triggered by the expected La Nina phenomenon, according to Leo Cañeda, regional director, Department of Agriculture Director here.


he said palay seed variety will be distributed to farmers in areas that would be affected by La Niña. Director Cañeda has declared the probable damage on rice production spawned by the heavy rains of La Niña. The expected phenomenon, the opposite of El Niño, is projected to affect palay

production in Eastern Visayas by about 200,000 metric tons involving 55,000 hectares of rice farms across the region. Earlier, state weather agency, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Administration (Pagasa) declared that the country will be affected by La Niña which started in May and will end on

November, this year. It was learned that the palay harvest in the region declined, reaching only to 955,000 metric tons as production was affected by the El Niño phenomenon, a prolonged dry spell. The region hit its rice sufficiency index at 88%, a 3% drop from the previous 94%. (AJC/ PIA8)

NGCP: Keep away from power transmission lines Marcelo M. Pedalino MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, May 31 (PIA) -- People living in barangays where the high voltage electricity wires of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) traverse should realize the great danger in getting near these lines that can prove fatal.


his was stressed by Betty Martinez, corporate communications officer of NGCP in the Visayas, the guest during the Action Center Kapihan sa PIA Cable TV program last week. Right after the cable TV guesting, Martinez also visited radio station dydm and guested at the Bantay Tawo public affairs program anchored by Monching Buyser to air a similar message. Her concern proved timely in the light of a deadly accident reportedly outside the fenced perimeter of the NGCP sub-station in barangay Tam-is, this city, in which a 51-year old wood gatherer was electrocuted when the long timber he was about to put on his shoulder nearly made contact with the live, high tension wire. Martinez said the strong voltage acted like

magnet in a diameter distance of a meter or so der transmission structures as these may cause of the live wire. power interruptions in the area. In other words the wood and the wires did not actually touched each other since the lines did not trip, or no brownout when it happened Sunday, May 22. The case is still under investigation by the NGCP, Martinez said, adding that the power firm has always warned residents in the area to always keep a safe distance from their power transmission lines. For safety measures, Martinez reiterated these simple reminders for the concerned people to always bear in mind: 1. Do not fly kites near transmission lines or climb transmission structures. 2.

3. Do not put or install television (TV) antennas near or under transmission lines. 4. Do not plant transmission structures.



5. Do not park your vehicle near or under transmission lines. 6. Do not carry long sticks or any object that might reach or come in contact with the power transmission lines.

7. Do not build houses or any structure under the transmission lines. (mmp, Do not build grass fires near or un- PIA8-Southern Leyte)

One Visayas e-newsletter is published weekly by the Visayas Regional Cluster of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) comprising Region 6, 7 and 8. Its main editorial office is located at PIA Region 6, Iloilo City. One Visayas e-newsletter is part of the online news and information dissemination services of PIA and is powered by For inquiries and suggestions, call Tel. Nos. (033) 3378719/3377301 or e-mail

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