Onevisayasenewslettervol6issue30 20160729 r6

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Vol 6

Issue 30


Workshop for media on reportage of children held in Cebu CEBU CITY, July 27 (PIA) – Media practitioners from around the country recently gathered here for a three-day seminar-workshop on improving reportage of children. The workshop was hosted by Plan International Philippines in cooperation with the Philippine Press Institute and Kapisanan ng mga Broadkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP). With the theme ―Upping the Ante on Children Reporting‖, the workshop aimed to help deepen media's understanding of the concepts of child protection and positive and non-violent discipline for children.

ATM: PIA-6 Operations Officer Jaime Cabag Jr. delivers a talk on development communication and development thrusts of the government during the campus journalism seminar-workshop in Sugarland Hotel, Bacolod CCC urges LGUs City, Negros Occidental. This is the first leg for the series of trainings for 2016. Samuel D. Candido

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


Responders show off their skills during an Office of Civil Defense 7 sponsored Regional Rescue Olympics for various disaster response teams within the region held recently in Cebu city. (PIA7/OCD7)

July 25 - 31, 2016

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

This is part of Plan International's initiative called the Collective Action to Promote Non-Violent and Protective Society for Children. The project's goals are to contribute to the protection of children from all forms of violence and to enhance the capacity of civil society and government to implement policies and strengthen programs prohibiting corporal punishment and bullying. It is expected that after the seminar-workshop, the media will contribute to realizing the vision of a "protective and non-violent society for children." (rmn/zmpc/ PIA7-Cebu)

to have climate change action plan

BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, July 26 (PIA) --The Climate Change Commission has urged all Local Government Units to have a Local Climate Change Action Plan by the end of 2017. In a statement by the commission, it has said that the capacity of LGUs to respond or adapt to climate change and to reduce the risk of weather-related disasters should be heightened and strengthened so as to protect the poor who are the most affected from climate change. In almost 1,700 LGUs, only 160 have a Local Climate Change Action Plan. Aside from it is mandated by law, LGUs have a moral obligation to come up with a climate change plan since the lack of action plan in relation to climate and disaster risk is a sin against society and a type of injustice against the poor as well as the most

vulnerable sectors of society. Aside from this, if a Local Government Unit has a climate change plan, the said LGU shall have an access to the ₱ 1 B People‘s Survival Fund which will be used for their adaptation initiatives. Last week, the Department of the Interior and Local Government- Eastern Samar has urged LGUs as well to submit a La Niña Preparedness Plan. Based on the record, 17 out of 22 municipalities in Eastern Samar have already submitted their plans of action for La Niña. The City of Borongan and the Provincial Government of Eastern Samar have already submitted their La Niña Preparedness Plan as well. (SDC/PIA-E. Samar)

S & T, innovation can address poverty – DOST

Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, July 25 (PIA6) --- Science, technology, and innovation are absolutely necessary in addressing poverty and other societal problems, said the Department of Science and Technology More on Region 7, pages 4-5. (DOST)-6. In the opening ceremony for the National Science and Also CLICK Here… Technology Week (NSTW) held Monday, July 25 at SM City Iloilo, DOST-6 Regional Director Rowen Gelonga said EASTERN VISAYAS that science, technology and innovation are the drivers of economic and social development. ―A nation can never progress unless we understand and embrace science, unless we harness scientific knowledge to develop technologies, and unless we further improve our technologies and apply these as innovation,‖ he said. He said that the agency has implemented programs and projects to uplift life conditions particularly in the countryside. ―Micro enterprises located in barangays away Hand-over ceremony of donated equipment from the Japan International Cooperation from the city have products that comply to quality Agency (JICA) to the National Maritime standards, with improved shelf life, with packaging Polytechnic (NMP). (‪#‪pia8 ldl/gtt) that does not only conform to government regulations and market requirements but also able to compete head-to-head with packaging of products made by multi-national companies,‖ he said. He also said that the agency will further l e ve l-up supp ort wi th m icro , smal l, an d medium enterprises in partnership with other government agencies. ―We have Food Innovation Centers, product packaging centers, technology business incubators, and More on Region 8, pages 6-7. other facilities intended to enhance the competitiveness of Also CLICK Here... business and industry particularly the countryside,‖ he

added. The NSTW 2016 is a big-ticket event which featured simultaneous celebrations and openings of all Science Community (SC) exhibitions particularly in Bicutan SC, Quezon SC, Manila SC, Los Baños SC, as well as DOST regional offices including Western Visayas. NSTW highlights the capability of local science and technology experts and inspire the youth and other sectors in believing that Filipinos can do it and that local technology works. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo)

DOST-6 Regional Director Rowen Gelonga and DOST Balik Scientist Dr. Doralyn Dalisay lead the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the exhibits of the 2016 National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) opening ceremony held July 25 at SM City Iloilo. (LTP/ PIA-Iloilo)



Panay River Basin project still a priority Typhoon “Ondoy”. Photo by

By Jemin B. Guillermo

ROXAS CITY, Capiz, July 25 (PIA6) – The Panay River Basin Integrated Development Project is one big project that can address the perennial flooding problem in Capiz.


estern Visayas National Economic and Development Authority Director Ro-Ann Bacal said the project is one of the priorities of their office that needs to be pursued in the province, stressing that a Korean group has already expressed interest to fund the project. Bacal, during the recent NEDA executive briefing here, said that the conduct of the feasibility study by the National Irrigation Administration, which is the lead agency for the project is ongoing. She explained that there are a lot of technicalities that must be considered in the said project knowing that the magnitude of the project is so big and huge funding is also required. The feasibility study, she said, will put in

place the plan and will ensure the success in the implementation of such project. On the other hand, Capiz Governor Antonio Del Rosario disclosed that his administration is prioritizing two projects in the province, namely the completion of the Roxas Memorial Provincial Hospital and the Panay River Basin Integrated Development Project. Del Rosario pointed out that Capiz farmers are losing not less than P100 million annually due to the flooding that affects mostly the lowland areas here. The governor stressed that there is a need to fast track the implementation of said project. He also said that livelihood will be given to those people, especially the Indigenous

People, who will be affected by the implementation of said project in the area. Record from the National Irrigation Administration noted that the Panay River Basin drains an area of approximately 2,181 square kilometers, having a length of about 152 kilometers along its mainstream. The basin is located on the northeastern part of the Panay Island in the Western Visayas Region and encompasses almost the entire province of Capiz, with small parts lying within the provinces of Iloilo and Aklan. The basin is bounded on the south by the province of Iloilo and on the west by the Panay highlands which separate it from the province of Antique. The north western boundary is the Aklan province and in the north is Sapian Bay, NIA said. (JCM/JBG/PIA6)

3 Aklan towns get P1.7M BuB funds By Venus G. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, July 27 (PIA6) -- Three local government units (LGUs) in Aklan – Kalibo, Nabas and Libacao, were recently awarded a total of P1.7 million worth Bottom Up Budgeting (BUB) funds from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) here.


he BUB funds are intended to help promote and develop the food industry of Nabas, fiber and food industries of Kalibo, and Libacao‘s handicraft industry. The municipality of Nabas received P500,000.00 while Kalibo town got P700,000.00, and Libacao, P500,000.00. Mayor James Solanoy of Nabas together with some department heads, Mayor William Lachica of Kalibo and Mayor Charito Navarosa received the BUB funds respectively from DTI-Aklan through OIC Provincial Director Ma. Carmen Iturralde.

The fund for Nabas, according to DTI-Aklan, will be used to finance activities in support of Nabas‘ food industry through skills training on fish, Meat and Banana Processing, training on packaging and labeling, and market development activities and exposure trip. For Kalibo, the BUB fund will be used for the activities under the YAMAN PINOY project which includes benchmarking mission on fiber-based items and food products, product development and workshop with focus on updating designs and projects, skills training of siopao and siomai making, values formation and basic management training and food sanitation and hygiene training.

On the other hand, Libacao town will be using the fund to finance the training programs and marketing assistance on basic entrepreneurship, abaca slippers-making, abaca macramé making, Ban ban craft-making and woodcraft making to support the handicrafts and woodcrafts livelihood in Libacao. DTI-Aklan said that through these projects, Aklan‘s potential and existing entrepreneurs could gain integrated support to achieve sustained production capacity, employment generation and additional income, enhanced product quality and establish market for their business. (JCM/VGV DTI-PIA6 Aklan)

200 US scholarships open for Pinoys By Lorenzo O. Lambatin, Jr. NEGROS OCC., July 25 (PIA6) — The Philippine-California Advanced Research institutes (PCARI) in partnership with the CHED and DOST is looking for applicants to its scholarship program in the United States.


CARI will conduct a forum on August 4 at the Nature‘s Restaurant to campaign for its scholarship offerings with 200 slots open to Filipinos across the country. PCARl is a research and development partnership of the US and Philippine government approved in 2013 with CHED as the government implementing agency a press release from institute said. The project is a new approach to enhance the skills and expertise of faculty, students, and staff of Philippine universities through scholarships, trainings, and research partnerships with top-notch research

universities in California, USA, in the priority areas of Information Infrastructure Development (IID), and Health innovation and Translational Medicine (HITM), it further said. ―The objective of this Project is to develop the critical mass of scientists, technologists and innovators in Philippine HEIs capable of generating and translating technologies into innovations that will address societal problems.‖ Scholars under this project will have an opportunity to interact with the elite researchers of the University of California and will be part of the top talents in the country who are active in fundamental and applied research relevant to the country‘s

socio-economic development and the long-term competitiveness of the Philippines. Qualifications include: Filipino citizen; not more than 45 years old: degree in relevant disciplines: and research proposal aligned with PCARI priority areas. Among the privileges of successful applicants are tuition and other school fees, transportation allowance, living allowance/ stipend and dissemination/conference attendance grant. They will also receive book allowance, travel/medical insurance, application and other fees, thesis/ dissertation/ special project grant and startup/research grant for IIID degree programs. (JCM/Lljr-PIA6)


Typhoon “Yolanda” Photo by


IPPO: no let up vs. illegal By Elsa S. Subong

ILOILO CITY, July 29 (PIA6) — Iloilo Police Provincial Director Augustus Alba said there is no let up in their drive against illegal gambling.


his in the wake of issues that as the police are on their toes in running after drug suspects, illegal gamblers have also intensified their operations in various towns and villages in the province. ―Illegal gambling is a violation of laws and those who go against the law should be arrested,‖ Alba said in media interviews. He added that from the very start he has ordered that no

i l l e g a l a c t iv it ie s , in c lu d in g i l le g a l number games should be spared from police operations. ―I have ordered that police chiefs should not accept bribe or payola from gamblers,‖ Alba further said. There are reports that newly-organized gambling groups are operating in Iloilo, and Director Alba said he is validating these reports. Whether this is true or not, Alba said he is pursuing these illegal activities

and the persons involved as the Police Regional Office and Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor has ordered him to go against all forms of illegal gambling. Defensor has ordered, through Provincial Administrator Raul Banias, that these illegal activities be stamped out, as they have observed a resurgence of illegal activities in the midst of animated campaign against illegal drugs. (JSC/ESS/PIA6 Iloilo)

Disability Committee monitors compliance with Accessibility Law By Lilibeth French ILOILO CITY, July 26 (PIA6) -- The Regional Committee on Disability Affairs (RCDA) in Western Visayas conducted on July 25 an audit on how accessible to Persons With Disabilities are some eight agencies and establishments in this city.


udith Tanate-Barredo, Focal Person for PWDs of the Department of Social Welfare and Development 6 (DSWD 6) said the RCDA team inspected the DSWD Regional Office 6, Alternative Learning School and Molo (Yusay) Mansion in Molo district; and Iloilo Business Hotel in Smallville Complex; SEDA Hotel in Atria and SM City Iloilo in Mandurriao district. Also included in the inspection were Richmond Hotel and McDonalds at the Iloilo Business Park. Barredo said the accessibility audit aimed at monitoring the compliance of the said establishments with Accessibility Law or Batas Pambansa Blg. 344, An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by

Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions, Establishments and Public Utilities to install Facilities and Other Devices for persons with disabilities. ―The activity also culminated the celebration of the 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week in the region this year. It was just one of the many initiatives of the Committee to help improve the accessibility of our PWDs in order for them to have access and full participation for equal opportunities available for them in an inclusive societies,‖ said Barredo. The RCDA team included the following in their monitoring the minimum requirements provided near and at the ground floor level of

the establishments under BP 344. These requirements include provision of barrier-free facilities and features, such as ramps and railings, parking lots, wahsroom and toilet and accessible entrances, corridors and lobbies; stairs; and elevators. Barredo said the RCDA team will discuss the audit result and forward the recommendations to the management of the establishments for necessary actions. The RCDA monitoring team led by DSWD 6 and DPWH 6 was composed of representatives of DOH, DENR, PhilHealth, TESDA, NAPC, PIA and Iloilo City Social Welfare and Development Office. Some media representatives also joined the team. (JCM/ LAF/PIA6-Iloilo)

PS/ICC certification needed by suppliers for bidding By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, July 25 (PIA6 ) - - The Department of Trade and Industry emphasized to the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the agencies and local government units that suppliers/bidders should be required of the PS (Philippine Standard) or ICC (Import Commodity Clearance) certification.


elisa Judith Degala, Chief Trade Development Division DTI6 said that BAC must include in the specification of products that such must be BPS (Bureau of Philippine Standard) certified and BPS/ICC certificate is required for Mandatory Products. ―This is to ensure their compliance to Standards Law,‖ she said. Engr. Lynna Joy Cardinal, Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist of DTI Antique said the Orientation on Fair Trade Laws (FTL) with the members of BAC of the different LGUs and contractors accredited by Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) hopes to enhance their awareness on different FTL.

Discussed during the orientation are Standards Law, Business Name Registration, Accreditation of Service and Repair Shops, PCAB accreditation, Warranty and ―No Return no Exchange‖ Prohibition. Degala with Rhea Jocsing all of DTI 6 were the resource speakers in partnership with Cardinal and Glen Fernando of DTI Antique. Jocsing said that mandatory products are manufactured based on the Philippine National Standards. Mandatory products include building construction, mechanical products, electrical products and wiring devices, home appliances, chemical and other consumer

products. All mandatory products must bear product certification marks, BPS and ICC marks/stickers. The said products are subjected to testing by the BPS in accredited laboratories before it is given certification. Manufacture, distribution and sale or offer for sale of mandatory products without valid BPS license and the required mark is prohibited, said Jocsing. With the active participation of BAC and Contractors, DTI counts on the compliance of business establishments to Fair Trade Laws so that the rights of consumers be protected. (JCM/PSM/PIA6 Antique)



LGUs urged to try Bayawan's healthy foods for feeding programs Typhoon “Ondoy”. Photo by

Roi Anthoni B. Lomotan

DUMAGUETE CITY, July 27 (PIA) – The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) here is encouraging local government units in the province to avail of the nutritious food products produced by the DOST-assisted facility in Bayawan City.


OST-Negros Oriental Provincial Director Roslyn Tambago, in a recent forum with the Association of Negros Oriental Public Information Officers (ANOPIO), said that DOST has helped establish a food processing facility in Barangay Nangka, Bayawan City in collaboration with the Nangka Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Farmer‘s Association (NABEFA) and the city agriculture office. The facility produces rice-mongo food complementary food blends and snack curls rich with essential nutrients. She said the Bayawan City government is already using this for their nutrition and feeding

program in schools. The projects is in line with the department's technology transfer strategy under the DOST-Package for the Improvement of Nutrition of Young Children (DOST-PINOY) program. Based on the latest National Nutrition Survey conducted in 2013, results show that from the age group 0 to 5 years old, around 20 percent are underweight, 30 percent are underweight or stunted, while 8 percent are thin or wasted. Tambago said these food blends are adopted in 15 areas nationwide and it has gained favorable results with 15 percent reduction in the underweight prevalence among 60 to 35 month old children in

four provinces in the country. Interested LGUs may coordinate with NABEFA Production Manager Jill Dela Cruz through 0905-849-8363 or Bayawan City Agriculture Office via telephone numbers 531-0513 or 430-0184. In the same forum, DOST also invited college students to apply for its Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program. DOST-Negros Oriental Project Assistant Kriszel Joy Gaitan announced in a briefing with members of the Association of Negros Oriental Public Information Officers (ANOPIO) that the application for the scholarship program is now open. (rmn/ral/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

DTI-7 cites major breakthroughs in MSME dev't Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, July 25 (PIA) -- The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-7) reported 10 major breakthroughs during the opening of the 11th Regional Sandugo Trade Expo at the Island City Mall in Tagbilaran City Bohol on July 20.


TI Regional Director Asteria Caberte highlighted the government's Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Plan which facilitated the breakthroughs in Central Visayas. Caberte, who hails from Bohol and is consequently the regional director for the Negros Island Region, added that that plans help put premium on job generation and bring food o the table. In DTI 7, the regional director added that the streamlining of business regulatory requirements put up in the Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS) has reduced cost of doing business by streamlining bureaucratic processes and pushed for transparency in transactions. In Central Visayas, Caberte reported that 132 local governments have already adopted the BPLS and quickly added that further improvements can still be made. In local government partnerships, DTI has launched 16 Negosyo Centers offering usiness registrations, information, advisory, trainings and

seminars. She also disclosed that 12 more Negosyo Centers are up within the second semester of the year, although DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez has ordered the immediate establishment of such centers in all major cities and first and 2nd class municipalities here. In productivity and competitiveness as well as production efficiency, DTI 7 reports 94 Shared Service facilities currently established until 2016. The SSF are common service facilities to give MSMEs the technology and equipment to leapfrog the products development and production which require equipment and technology. She also pointed out the Bottom-Up Budgeting, for which DTI has seen 25 completed projects and 17 more ongoing, including community identifies SSF and Negosyo Centers, plus trainings. DTI also hailed the government's micro-financing program which gave access to entrepreneurs, which also made available, with DTI assistance, some P109 million worth of loans in the region.

Also, a program called Travel Retail Immersion Program has helped selected MSMEs in the region with their product development via a design consultant. The region has developed 55 new product collections now market-tested at the Mactan International Airport, she added. As to consumer rights and protection, DTI has provided Timbangan ng Bayan to protect consumers from unfair trade practices relative to weights. She also cited the Bagwis Awards program for stores that adhere established service and product standards in the region. DTI's roving academy has also brought to SME programs and services via product design, pricing, packaging, labeling, and food safety rendered by partner government agencies. DTI in Central Visayas has consistently encouraged LGUs to regularly track data and benchmark performance against other LGUs, cities as a basis for competitiveness scoring on economic dynamism, government efficiency and infrastructure. (rmn/rac/PIA-7/Bohol)

Siquijor marks high compliance with 4Ps conditions Rizalie Anding Calibo SIQUIJOR, July 25 (PIA) -- Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries here marked high in their compliance conditionality of the anti-poverty program.


n her report during the 2nd Quarter Provincial Convergence Meeting recently, Social Welfare Officer III and Provincial 4Ps Coordinator Jessabel Tabares said beneficiaries in the province have a high compliance on Education, Health and Family Development Sessions (FDS) with the average rates of 98.07 percent, 99.46 percent, and 99.20 percent, respectively from the six municipalities based on its June 2015 to March 2016 data. Siquijor town posted the highest compliance rate of 98.87 percent on education followed by Larena with 98.72 percent, Maria with 98.40 percent, San Juan with 98.12 percent, Enrique Villanueva with 97.15 percent, and Lazi with 97.13 percent. The towns of Enrique Villanueva and Larena posted the highest rates in the province with 100

percent on health, followed by Lazi, 99.91 percent; Siquijor, 99.80 percent; San Juan, 98.80 percent; and Maria, 98.26 percent. Lazi town is highest on Family Development Sessions compliance with 99.57 percent, followed by San Juan with 99.40 percent, Larena with 99.16 percent; Enrique Villanueva with 99.07 percent, and Siquijor with 98.93 percent. Tabares said the high compliance rate is achieved due to the convergent efforts of both the field officers and the stakeholders coupled with proper peer management of the beneficiaries themselves. She said some beneficiaries‘ non-compliance are due to update and behavioural issues. Meanwhile, President Rodrigo R. Duterte in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) said he has

directed the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to provide rice subsidies to the poorest families every month. To strengthen the delivery of social of services, the government will intensify its protection programs so it can use its resources and expertise to make a dent in the country‘s poverty levels, said Pres. Duterte. ―What we want is genuinely to reduce the vulnerabilities of our people, build resiliency and empower individuals, and families and communities,‖ the President said, citing that the beneficiaries of 4Ps shall be made to become independent and self-reliant after they have graduated from the program. ―But the aim is to present it with other forms of assistance, so that they can stand on their own two feet,‖ Pres. Duterte said. (rmn/rac/PIA7-Siquijor)


Typhoon “Yolanda” Photo by

GSIS reduces docu retirement process

5 requirements


Fayette C. Riñen CEBU, July 26 (PIA) -- Those who are set to retire from government service will no longer face a tedious process of submitting a number of documents to be able to process their claims for retirement benefits.


ilma Fuentes, branch manager of GSIS-Cebu, said imminent retirees should notify their office one to three months in advance before their scheduled retirement and reconcile their records to avoid hitches by the time of application. Fuentes said they have already reduced the number of documentary requirements needed in filing for retirement claims since two years ago. ―What we only require are two documents which are the filled-up application form and the ‗Declaration of No Pending Case‘ certificate duly notarized or sign by the head of the agency,‖ said Fuentes during the forum of the Association of Government Information Officers- Philippine Information Agency (AGIO-PIA7) that highlighted the priority programs and services of the state pension fund. In his first State-of-the-Nation Address, President Rodrigo Duterte ordered all government agencies to streamline documentary requirements

and lessen processing time to 72 hours as part of efficient public service doing away with public inconvenience. Fuentes said even before the president‘s call, GSIS has already implemented reforms to ensure that its members are not given a difficult time in processing their retirement benefits. Unlike in previous years, GSIS required clearance from the Civil Service Commission and the Ombudsman as well as an admin clearance from the agency as part of the requirements for submission in processing retirement benefits. But for the retirement process, Fuentes said this is given a 90-day maximum period to resolve a pending case if the member faces one. And if the case is not resolved within 90 days, Fuentes said the agency is duty bound to release the retirement benefits of the member. Fuentes however said that a member who already received his retirement benefits and later found guilty is required to return the money. Failure to return the full amount of retirement

benefits received would incur interest while the case would then be elevated to the GSIS Legal Division in Manila, said Fuentes. Death of the member, on the other hand, will not remove the obligation to return the money by the surviving spouse or heir, said Fuentes. Meanwhile, GSIS in Cebu recently launched the Electronic GSIS Member Online (eGSISMO). GSIS Cebu Branch Manager Vilma Fuentes explained during the recent Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) – Philippine Information Agency (PIA) 7 Forum that this online facility will allow GSIS members to view their service records and statement loan accounts through this web-based facility. "Members may access eGSISMO anytime, anywhere thru their cellphone, computer or tablet as long as it has WiFi. No need anymore for the members to go to the GSIS office," said Fuentes. Members may go to http:// and register prior to accessing the facility. (rmn/fcr/PIA7 with HFG report)

NOTC creates resolution to preserve cultural heritage Leandria P. Pagunsan NEGROS ORIENTAL, July 27 (PIA) -- The Negros Oriental Tourism Council (NOTC) recently passed a resolution for the conservation and preservation of historical structures in the province in line with with Republic Act 10066 or National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009.


nder the resolution, old structures existing 50 years and above such as bridges, churches, bell towers, houses, furniture and fixtures, habitat for animals, musical instruments, artifacts and workmanship in Negros Oriental with impact on historical, cultural and environmental values will be conserved and preserved. In a recent council meeting, Dr. Nichol Elman, NOTC co-chariman, discussed on the significance of preserving Negros Oriental's cultural heritage for future generations to appreciate the structure's legacies and its historical value. Elman said the resolution will include a motion for the governor to enter into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts

(NCCA) for possible funding of this project. He also suggested for Silliman University's Philippine Historical Society forge a MOA with the provincial government for them to handle the mapping of structures and historical artifacts in the different municipalities. Meanwhile, council member Atty. Francel Martinez said that promotion of cultural tourism such as dances, engineering, old workmanship, and raw materials are rarely found in Negros Oriental such as the old assembly hall and marine laboratory in Silliman University, the Cathedral Church and Bell Tower, among others. Martinez said the Cathedral Church and bell tower are symbols of old workmanship where huge lime stones were precision fit in building the

structures. However, he lamented that the church is now covered with cement and tiles when the structure was refurbished. Martinez also pointed out the Locomotive in Central Azucarera de Bais along railway tracks of sugar plantation as cultural attraction in Bais City years back. Bais City then showcased a farm or day tour with a ride on the locomotive around the farm and feast on spanish foods after the tour, but it was not sustained. Martinez cited the important role of government in preserving, maintaining, and marketing of cultural tourism as one of the major drivers in economic development. (rmn/lpp/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

Cebu holds Metrowide EQ drill Amor Y. Saludar CEBU, July 26 (PIA) --- The Department of Health (DOH-7) together with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD-7) conducted the ―Shake Rattle and Role‖ Cebu Metrowide Earthquake drill on July 22, 2016 at the DOH -7 regional office compound in Cebu City.


he drill aimed to assess the preparedness and capability of the medical sector in saving their own lives and other people's lives during disasters like earthquake. Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (RDRRMC-7) Chairperson and OCD-7 Regional Director Olivia Luces said that unlike the June 22 ―Pagyanig 2016‖, the Cebu Metrowide ―Shake Ratlle and Role‖ started the maiden exercise in the medical sector. Luces said that in their assessment, DOH-7 personnel have demonstrated awareness of incident management system (IMS) in responding to emergencies. OCD-7 Assistant Regional Director Verniel

Balaba added that they also saw in the drill the execution of management while designate officials of the commanded center performed their respective responsibility. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG-7) Disaster Focal Person Wille Jean Cabanag also commended the performance of DOH-7 particularly in the set up and manning of the IMS. DOH 7 Regional Director Jaime Bernadas said that the drill is in line with the department's campaign on disaster preparedness. Bernadas added that DOH is willing to do the drill regularly, and suggested to involve other agencies in the exercise as well.

Meanwhile, all active and inactive seafarers are invited to join the 2016 National Reintegration Center for OFWs (NRCO) and Integrated Seafarers of the Philippines (ISP) Business Plan Competition, said NRCO-7 Regional Coordinator Dexter Paro. In a report to DOLE-7 Regional Director Exequiel Sarcauga, Paro said the business plan competition aims to foster development of new businesses in the countryside or in the hometowns of the seafarers and their families. ―With this activity, we hope to raise awareness among seafarers to invest as social entrepreneurs using their talents, skills, and knowledge gained from working overseas,‖ he said. (rmn/ays/PIA-7)



ZOA helps 1,000 farmers in Eastern Samar Typhoon “Ondoy”. Photo by

Samuel Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, July 26 (PIA) ---- Many farmers — who were left poverty-stricken after the onslaught of super typhoon Yolanda in November 08, 2013 — were given hope by ZOA Netherlands.


n the accomplishment report given in July 20, 2016 at the Eastern Samar Provincial Capitol Gym as a part of closing their two-year mission in the province, up to 1,058 farmers in 13 barangays from Giporlos, Quinapondan, Gen. McArthur, Hernani, Balangiga, Balangkayan, and San Julian, received aid from the said NGO through relief goods, shelter pojects, and livelihood programs. According to ZOA Eastern Samar Provincial Manager Ms. Reabeth Sagaoinit, all in all, they were able to distribute 26 kilos of rice to every beneficiary— that reached up to more than a thousand— and almost 900 houses through the shelter program, as well as the more than a thousand farm tool kits and farm inputs in every farming season. They had also given training for the

beneficiaries to learn of proper farming and business management and as well as the selling of their products. Aside from these, ZOA also gave training on disaster risk reduction in order for their beneficiaries to survive and continue to make a living in times of calamity. According to Sagaoinit, ZOA had also become a bridge of the farmers to government agencies and other non-government organizations for additional aid. In the said occasion were testimonies from the selected beneficiaries of housing and livelihood program giving their word of thanks. According to Chairperson Anna Lorenza Andaya of Barangay Bunakan, San-Julian, Eastern Samar, she was happy when ZOA informed her that her barangay was one of the recipients of their program which was able to help them rise from

calamity. Because of this, one of their residents — who is a beneficiary of the program as well — Mr. Alfredo Andaya, now earns 60,000 in every cropping season of planting bitter gourd. Meanwhile, Barangay Bunakan Councilor Mr. Oscar Camaysi was able to buy two carabaos just from planting bitter gourd after he was taught by the ZOA. In her final message, Mrs. Ida Cabaluna, ZOA Country Representative, said that they are hoping that the beneficiaries will sustain their programs implemented for total rise from poverty among farmers. She also thanked the Eastern Samar Provincial Government which helped to ensure that the implementation of the programs of ZOA in Eastern Samar will be successful. (SDC/ PIA-E. Samar)

DPWH8 bares accomplishments for 1st half of 2016 Consuelo B. Alarcon TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, July 26 (PIA) – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) bared the 36.85 percent accomplishment of its infrastructure program for calendar year 2016 as against the target which is 37.38 percent.


s of June 2016, the top performer is Biliran District Engineering Office with 76.97 percent. DPWH OIC regional director Edgar B. Tabacon said Biliran DEO has 66 infrastracture projects, 52 of which are completed while ten are still ongoing. With this development, Director Tabacon has commended all engineers and field workers in their

efforts to complete the road projects to become accessible to the public. Meanwhile, four projects haven‘t started yet due to the delayed delivery of materials for the projects. Projects which have not started include the repair of national bridges in the provinces amounting to Php12 million. In addition, Antonieta R. Lim, DPWH-8 public

information officer said some policy instructions tackled during the 6th monthly coordination meeting were the following: performance will be based on disbursements made against obligations and allocations, all implementing offices must check their proposed projects for 2017 and the succeeding years to avoid future modifications which is considered one cause of delay in the implementation. (ajc/DPWH8/PIA8)

Feature: Change is coming Rodrigo S. Victoria NAVAL, Biliran, July 26 (PIA) - ―Change is coming‖ is a famous line nowadays popularized by no less than President Rodrigo Roa Duterte during his campaign and even used as guidepost this early of his presidency.


ut for Ian Ang Caneja, there is truth to the President‘s statement as change is really coming in his life after almost 28 years of living with illegal drugs. ―It‘s 360 degrees turn-around‖ Caneja confessed while talking with him in his newly opened sari-sari store and barbecue stand beside his house, one night. Caneja who turned 40 years old on July 2 this year happily admitted that there‘s a significant change in his life even in just a few days he totally abandoned ―the hell‖ he lived with illegal drugs. ―I gained not only few kilos in weight but more circle of friends,‖ he recounted just a few days after he finally cut his ties with shabu. Caneja, who had been put behind bars twice for violations of RA 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act, said that he already started to jog early in the morning such that his acquaintances before and even close associates in illegal drugs practice would greet him and say ―that‘s good‖. He recalled how illegal drugs ruined his life starting at age 12 where he already engaged in illegal drugs. ―I was in prison for two years in my first

offense of using illegal drugs and another three years in my second offense,‖ Caneja recounted how hard life was, while serving his sentence in jail. However, he thanked his family for their unwavering support, his Mom Rosalyn and Dad Tootsie, sister Coleen, and relatives while he was still inside the prison cell of the Biliran provincial jail. He also narrated his fear at first on the Oplan Tokhang of the Philippine National Police (PNP) where policemen have knocked the door of his residence on June 30 this year prompting him to evade from police authorities as his previous experience already taught him a lesson. But finally, he voluntarily surrendered together with 21 other personalities involved in illegal drug activities in Naval town, the first batch, to police authorities in Naval in July 1, this year. From his negative past, he now veers towards a positive direction in his life with the able help of his Mom who gave him financial assistance to start a sari-sari store including a barbecue stand. At first his Mom was in doubt of his intention

and only gave him a little amount of money to purchase goods he wanted to sell in his little store that he opened in July 18, he vividly recalled. ―I remember only buying initially a P90-worth of packed sugar and salt being sold at P1 a piece in my store‖ Caneja said, with a little giggle as he gained only P10. He recalled how happy he was to gain even only P1 on the goods he sold but at least it was earned through legal means. That night of July 20 where we talked for almost an hour was a big revelation for a person hiding in the shadow of death for almost three decades has unmasked himself and showed the other side of himself, a reformed man willing to bury his past and much willing to make a change of his future. ―Maybe it‘s true that life begins at 40 and here I am embracing change,‖ he jokingly said. He realized how important God is, in his life where he just set aside for so long a time as he mentioned about going back in the loving arms of God several times in our conversation. For Ian Ang Caneja, change has come. (FJ/ rvictoria/PIA Biliran)


Typhoon “Yolanda” Photo by


Church-based effort for surrendering drug personalities gains ground Marcelo Pedalino

MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, July 25 (PIA) -- A multi-sectoral undertaking that attempts to re-integrate drug dependents who turned themselves to the police into the mainstream of society has taken shape here.


he idea, led by the private sector and fully backed by the Catholic Church, was a direct response to the clamored demand of the times, in which everyone was overwhelmed by the sheer number of underground personalities who surfaced in less than a month into the Duterte presidency. In this city alone, some 814 guys, males and females, young and old, had been fully documented as illicit drug users, pushers as of last count, said the new City Deputy Chief of Police, P/Sr. Insp. Gracela Sabas, during the brainstorming session at the parish center of the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish (OLAP) Sunday night. Earlier, in his opening message, Rev. Msgr. Oscar Cadayuna rallied all those present to do something and answer the question on ―what‘s next‖ for the surrenderees, saying this involved the concerted effort of all the sectors.

Listening him speak were heads of national agencies like the DTI, TESDA, who were always referred every time livelihood training and short-term courses propped up; the academe, such as representatives from the STI, College of Maasin, and Maasin City Colleg, as well as the business sector, led by the Southern Leyte Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Also around were the health and medical personnel, communications groups, a dance and events organizers‘ group, and an NGO, Edmund rice foundation, among others. The project, patterned after a tested template of the Gawad Kalinga, called for establishing a community care center that basically functions as a sanctuary for social and spiritual healing, in an environment of acceptance, caring, and sharing. Dr. Jerome Paler, provincial GK head, challenged those present to commit themselves in

this task, a challenge readily accepted in the light of the disturbing phenomenon now becoming a crisis. But on top of the to-do list, as generally agreed, was to enlist a detailed profile of individual users/pushers to determine the degree of substance abuse, and the corresponding withdrawal syndrome. The involvement of the local government units of the city and province will be next in line as the structure will begin to firm up, Paler said. A known user and pusher, Dodong (not his real name), shared his dark experiences with the banned drug and his agonizing struggle to live a life of full recovery -- he is now selling dishwashing liquid and toilet bowl cleaners. Dodong‘s testimony added force to bring home the point: there is hope for drug dependents. (mmp/PIA8-Southern Leyte)

DepEd-08 unveils inclusive education for OS kids, youth By PIA 08 TACLOBAN CITY, LEYTE, July 25 (PIA) – Education for all, giving equal right and opportunity for all school-aged children who are not inside the classrooms to acquire quality education.


his is the recent program-initiative of the Department of Education, Regional Office 08 in partnership with the United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF). DepEd was set to launch the Inclusive Learning Intervention and Strategies for Out-of-School Children and Youth on July 27 as part of the efforts to advance inclusive education in the region. It is also dubbed ―Projet IncluEd8‖ which will highlight a Regional Summit, expecting a gathering of government agencies and other stakeholders. The summit is aimed to serve as an avenue for Inclusive Education advocates and stakeholders to converge about the status of OOSCY in Eastern

Visayas. They are expected to share best practices and effective interventions and strategies, in order to find unified ways to respond to challenges in addressing issues relating to OOSCY. A UNICEF report indicates the basic barriers to education which include child labor, poverty, school distances, rural location, conflict, violence, early marriage, disasters, gender discrimination, early pregnancy and many more. The Geneva Conference on the Rights of the Child (CRC) put the primodial and basic rights of every child to be born, to have an education and a family and community that will love him and nurture

his total development. It is with this principle that DepEd8 and UNICEF work hand in hand to include every deserving individual to the basic right to education. The program therefore, is designed further, to address the pressing concerns on OOSCY and eventually provide long term solutions to end exclusion of children through effective inclusive learning interventions and strategies that will provide the OOSC an equal opportunity for quality basic education. The Regional Summit will be held at the Ormoc City Superdome, Ormoc City. (PIA-08)

Strong links among EV rescue groups important - OCD 8 chief Rodrigo S. Victoria NAVAL, Biliran, July 26 (PIA) - The top official of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) in Eastern Visayas Region stressed two important things to the different rescue groups in the region during the closing ceremonies of the three-day 2016 Regional Rescue Jamboree (RRJ) held in Biliran province in July 20-22, 2016.


r. Edgar L. Posadas, OCD 8 acting regional director, in his message during the closing ceremony of the RRJ emphasized the importance and the necessity in strengthening ―coordination and cooperation‖ among disaster response groups and volunteers in Region 8. ―We must remember that sometimes the impact of a disaster is beyond the capacities and capabilities of one response team in the affected area,‖ Posadas said. He hopes, the objectives in strengthening coordination and cooperation among the different rescue groups in the region will be achieved. The OCD 8 chief also told the participating rescue groups to make full use of what they learned during the three-day jamboree.

―Our instructors and trainers have enhanced your knowledge and skills,‖ he said, emphasizing continuity in their endeavor for them to make a mark in the history of the regional disaster risk reduction management council in the region. Posadas urged the different rescue groups in the region to fulfill their respective functions in the attainment of OCD‘s vision in the region for a resilient, safer and secured Eastern Visayas through an empowered citizenry. The three-day RRJ was participated in by Saint Bernard rescue team, Tacloban rescue unit, Palompon rescue unit, Southern Leyte provincial disaster rescue team, PDRRMO Northern Samar, Maasin City emergency response team, Jaro emergency response team, Gandara emergency rescue unit, Dulag emergency response and rescue

unit, Calbayog emergency response team, Catbalogan City search and rescue team, Ormoc City rescue Unit, 803rd Infantry Division (ID), Philippine Army (PA), 802nd ID,PA, 8th ID,PA emergency response company, and 546th Engineering Construction Battalion.53 EBDE, PA. The resource persons of the three-day RRJ were: May Ann I. Soliva-Sta. Lucia, medical officer III,DOH VI; Marlyn W. Convocar, director IV, DOH VI; Manuel F. Quirino, medical center chief II, Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center; Myrna C. Cabotaje, regional director IV, DOH Region I,; Robin Carlo M. Elepongga, research and planning officer, CDRRMO of Olongapo City; and Olongapo City Mayor Rolen C. Paulino, chairperson, Olongapo CDRRMO. (rvictoria/PA Biliran)

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