Onevisayasenewslettervol6issue44 20161104 r6

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Vol 6


Lecture on climate change and disaster risk reduction concept and principles for officials and community leaders of barangays Natividad, San Ramon and San Esteban, all in Pilar, Capiz, Nov. 3. The 4-day contingency planning, early warning system for protocol, ICS establishment and BDRRM and climate change adaptation planning programme was organized by the Save the Children organization. (PIA)

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


In recognition of his outstanding service and commitment to the promotion of mental health, Atty. Antonio Ramas Uypitching Sr. receives a plaque of appreciation from the Board Chair Dr. Betsy Joy Tan and Vice-Chair Glynda Descuatan of the Philippine Mental Health Association Inc. Negros Oriental Chapter in Dumaguete City. (PIA7NEGOR)

Oct. 31 - Nov. 6, 2016

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

Issue 44

Let‘s make resilient gov‘t buildings, says Commissioner Fabia By Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. ILOILO CITY, Nov. 2 (PIA6) – Commissioner Jose A. Fabia of the Commission on Audit (COA) Office of the Commissioner I hoped that all government buildings would be built to be resilient against calamities especially typhoons and flooding. In COA, Fabia said, we are in the process of redoing and improving all of our facilities, especially those ravaged by typhoons as in their building in Tacloban, and hopefully all government agencies including those audited by the Commission will do the same. There is no reason not to plan ahead, in making our buildings resilient against calamities, said Fabia,who was here recently to grace the ground breaking of the COA Region 6 multi-purpose building–covered court project in Pavia, Iloilo. Their building in Tacloban was not a pleasant sight to look when they first went there after typhoon Yolanda, but it has been totally rebuilt since then, better than before, Commissioner Fabia shared. They saw the devastation in Region 2 wherein the COA building was destroyed and the next thing to do is how to rebuild it into a typhoon-resilient one. Let‘s make sure that all government buildings are typhoon, flood, calamity proof as much as possible. With Fabia to groundbreak the multi-purpose facility were Commissioner Isabel D. Agito of the Office of the Commissioner II, Assistant

Commissioners Elizabeth S. Zosa and Sabiniano G. Cabatuan, Directors from COA Central, host Regional Director Evelyn P. Reyes, Pavia Mayor Michael Gorriceta, former COA-6 Regional Director Dominador Tersol, and other guests. (JSC/PIA6)

COA Commissioner Jose A. Fabia stresses the importance of building a climate resilient facility during the Ground Breaking Ceremony of the COA Multi-Purpose Building/Covered Court held in Pavia, Iloilo, October 26, 2016. Together with him gracing the event are Commissioner Isabel Agito, Assistant Commissioner Elizabeth Zosa, Assistant Commissioner Sabiniano Cabatuan and COA VI Director Evelyn Reyes. (PIA 6/EJB)

ASSIST-BI test to screen drug ‗surrenders‘ for intervention Rey Anthony H. Chiu CORTES, Bohol, Nov. 3 (PIA)—How does Bohol determine who among the 32,319 drug personalities who surrendered merit the necessary intervention? Capitol Executive Assistant for Health Services Dr. Cesar Tomas Lopez said determination as to who deserves to be prioritized for rehabilitation is done through a screening test called Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test-Brief Intervention (ASSIST-BI). A pencil and paper test with an eight-point questionnaire, ASSIST-BI also screens for all psychoactive substances other than alcohol and tobacco. Giving the update during the joint Provincial Anti Drug Abuse Council (PADAC) and the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) meeting October 25 in Maribojoc, Dr. Lopez explained that the tool helps local governments trim the number of drug personalities who surrendered to get down to those most needing immediate intervention. This is also in light of the fact that not all local government units have the instituted facility to cater for drug personalities who surrendered, much less the capacity to put up rehabilitation programs. ―The tool, which is recommended by the World Health Organization, is designed to be used in primary health care settings where hazardous and harmful substances‘ use among clients may go undetected, or become worse,‖ he bared. He said it is just a brief pencil and paper test that a drug personality can complete in five to ten minutes, can reveal risks category from low, moderate to high.

This would also help health authorities devise a fitting intervention, he continued. By intervention, he means no treatment necessary and the patient is sent home; brief intervention where a patient is placed in a productive detoxification regimen or referred to a specialist assessment and treatment. With only a single drug rehabilitation center operating in Bohol and another one planned for construction in the near future, the use of ASSIST-BI would be a critical tool to pick out those needing the intervention, Lopez cited. This, too, as Capitol opened at the Oakbrook Building the first Community based Center for Drug Education and Counseling in Bohol weeks back. The center is now manned by professionals: doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses and social workers, Lopez reported. Seeing the immediate need to know how many of those who showed themselves to police stations are needing direct intervention or treatment, Capitol cascaded the Community based Center for Drug Education and Counseling concept for 7-man teams in each town who will run local rehabilitation programs, according to Governor Edgar Chatto. Not necessarily health professionals, the seven from the towns managing their respective rehabilitation programs only need to be involved in primary health and social welfare care, Capitol said. The same teams would be using the screening tool to get to those needing the most immediate treatment or intervention, PADAC member and Health Officer Dr. Reymoses Cabagnot said. (rmnrac/PIA-7/ Bohol)

More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…


PRESSCON. DAR Secretary Rafael V. Mariano together with DAR-8 Regional Director Shiela B. Enciso answer questions from media during the press conference led by PIA 8 OIC Regional Director Alicia E. Nicart held at Biliran Garden Resort function hall, Lomboy, Calumpang, Naval, Biliran, November 5, 2016. (rvictoria/ PIA Biliran)

More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...

Hospital opens TB satellite treatment center Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 3 (PIA) - The Eastern Samar Provincial Hospital (ESPH) has formally opened last October 20, 2016 its Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis-Satellite Treatment Center (PMDT-STC), located inside the ESPH compound, Borongan City. According to STC physician Dr. Rodel Delgado, the PMDT Center will now be the one to cure patients with tuberculosis which is worse than the ordinary case. Meaning, according to Delgado, that these patients cannot be treated anymore with the medicine given by the Rural Health Units or hospitals. He further said that many patients with drug-resistant TB had been treated since 2015, though the center and its facilities was opened recently through the help of Department of Health, Provincial Government of Eastern Samar, Philippine Business for Social Progress, and Global Fund. Delgado further disclosed that it is the mandate of the DOH to stop TB nationwide and challenged the province to help treat drug-resistant TB patients in order to stop the increase in it numbers and to help cure them. The good news according to him is that the number of TB cases in the nation is decreasing where up to 288 per 100,000 persons have been reported to be having TB but the number of drug-resistant TB cases is increasing. Some reasons pointed out for the increase of drug-resistant TB cases is the improper medication, some patients don‘t continue their medication while others are not monitored whether their taking

medicines are being followed. Treatment of drug-resistant TB is not to be taken lightly, Delgado said. In RHUs the treatment of the TB case regular is from 6-8 months. But in the PMDT Center, the treatment of drug-resistant TB is 18-24 months. The PMDT Center has a screening, Delgado said. The sputum of the patient is examined in order to know what kind of TB case he/she has. This is through a machine called Gene Expert. Results can be obtained in two hours and if the patient is diagnosed to have a drug-resistant TB, the patient will be given medicines until he/she is cured. Delgado also disclosed that the treatment of drug-resistant TB is expensive outside the center. Up to ₱ 200, 000 is needed where aside from the medicines which cannot be easily bought in pharmacies, the medicines can only be obtained at the PMDT Center. That‘s why this is a great help to patients since this is a free treatment. Aside from medicines, laboratory examinations are also free and the help doesn‘t stop there since the patient will also be given financial assistance — especially the ones who are far from the facilities. And in order to avail of the program of the PMDT Center, patients need tto go to the RHUs or hospitals to get a referral. It is important, according to Delgado, if TB is indeed the case of the patient and he/she needs to be referred to the center. Aside from ESPH and RHUs there are two hospitals in the province which gives services for the treatment of TB and which to get a referral, the Albino Duran Memorial Hospital in Balangiga and Felipe Abrego Memorial Hospital in Guiuan. (ajc/SDC/PIA-E. Samar)

2 DA-6 cites cassava yield





By Elsa S. Subong ILOILO CITY, Nov. 3 (PIA6) — There are interventions for the cassava industry in Western Visayas and the farmers‘ production level has increased, according to the Department of Agriculture (DA).


r. Candido Damo, national consultant on cassava production, said that farmers are benefiting from the technical interventions from government and the private sectors. ―The area of production remained the same but the level of production has increased,‖ Damo said. ―Cassava has a high potential in the industry since other crops are vulnerable compared to it,‖ he added. Damo said stakeholders and agricultural extension workers in local government units should promote new technologies to help farmers increase their yield.

He further said that the DA-6 Corn and Cassava Program should also strategize and propose new interventions to be included in the 2018 plans and budget. The cassava industry ranks 5th among the country‘s major crops following palay, coconut, corn, and sugarcane, but it has contributed P14.8 billion to the economy based on the 2014 current price, the highest among other crops. The Bureau of Agricultural Statistics has recorded a total of 2.7 metric tons of cassava production with 6.8 percent growth, in the country in 2015. Western Visayas ranks 9th among the top producing regions and contributes about three

percent to the total volume of cassava production in the country. Besides being a major staple food in the country, cassava is also used as animal and aqua feeds ingredients, food mixtures, textiles and pharmaceutical products. The DA‘s intervention programs for the cassava industry includes trainings on technology transfer, continuous development of high yielding variety planting materials, strengthening of insect and disease monitoring and surveillance and provision of post harvest facilities and equipment, like cassava chipper and grater granted to farmers‘ associations in the region. (JCM/ESS/ PIA-Iloilo)

Iloilo to open more teen centers By Leonard T. Pineda I ILOILO CITY, Nov. 2 (PIA6) --- The Iloilo provincial government will open 10 more teen centers in the province next year to avert more young people from engaging in risky behaviors.


overnor Arthur Defensor, Sr. said that these school-based multi-purpose teen centers have helped the youth in the province become more responsible citizens. ―Nakatukod naman kita sang 42 ka mga school-based multi-purpose teen centers sa bug-os nga probinsya (We have established 42 school-based multi-purpose teen centers in the whole province),‖ he said. He said that eight more teen centers will be

inaugurated before the end of the year. This initiative under the Provincial Population Office has contributed to the significant reduction on the number of teenagers engaging in risky behaviors such as drinking, illegal drug use, and teenage pregnancy. The governor also said that they are strengthening the ―Iskolar sang Iloilo Program‖ which will soon include persons with disabilities (PWDs) and members of the

indigenous communities. Last school year, the scholarship program has produced 23 graduates. Of these graduates, one graduated as summa cum laude, one magna cum laude, and 10 cum laude. The Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office has also implemented a skills training program for young people who are members of the Pag-asa Youth Association of the Philippines. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo).

Children‘s Month highlights education for kids By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, Nov. 4 (PIA6) - - The focus of this year‘s celebration of Children‘s Month is on Education as it pursues the theme ―Isulong: Kalidad na Edukasyon Para sa lahat ng Bata.‖


t is also in consonance with the Sustainable Development Goal which also focused on attaining Education for All children, said Juliana Cepe, Provincial Planning and Devt Coordinator and also co-chair of the Child Friendly Movement Team. While we give emphasis on education, others rights to development, survival, protection and participation are equally important, said Cepe. The Provincial Child Friendly Movement (CFM) team with Governor Rhodora Cadiao and SP Member Egidio Elio leading the group is set to launch the month-long celebration on November 7 at EBJ Freedom Park, San Jose. The celebration will also highlight the presentation of the State of the Children‘s Report which the governor will deliver before local officials, parents, employees of the government and private groups, children and other child‘s right duty bearers on November 24 at Robinson

Place San Jose. The Provincial Government will also honor exemplary children during the culmination program. Representatives from DepEd Antique will also be the guest of Philippine Information Agency radio program ―PIA News Service‖ in a local station on Nov 9 to discuss the initiatives and accomplishments of DepEd Antique in fulfilling children‘s rights to Education. Other activities include launching of social media account of the CFM team, zumba for kids symposium in schools on PNP‘s ―Good Touch, Bad Touch‖ Child abuse prevention campaign and gender and development sensitivity training in various communities. At the national scene, the Council for the Welfare of Children has launched One Million Lapis Campaign in support to Child‘s right to Education especially for children whose situations have impeded their chances to go to

school. ‖Lapis‖ is a symbolic representation of the child‘s need to express ones ideas and feelings, be empowered through learning, in recognition of the importance of writing skills and materials. Target to complete the One Million Lapis was on October 28, 2016 while the official announcement will be on November 5, 2016 during the kick-off celebration of the 2016 National Children‘s Month. (CWC website) Observance of the National Children‘s Month in November is by virtue of Republic Act 10661‖National Children‘s Month Act‖ series of 2015. This is also in commemoration of the adoption of the United Nations Assembly on the Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989 which the Philippine Government is signatory to this international treaty. (JCM/PSM/PIA6Antique)



Bacolod only LGU to win FLARE IT award By Lorenzo Lambatin Jr. BACOLOD CITY, Nov. 3 (PIA6) -- Bacolod City is the first LGU in the country to receive one of the only six awards during the 1st FLARE Awards organized by the Information Technology-Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) at the Marriott Hotel in Pasay City, last week.


ouncilor Em Ang and former councilor Jocelle Batapa-Sigue, executive director of the Bacolod-Negros Occidental Federation for Information and Communications Technology (BNeFIT), received the "Crystal Flare for Beacon Award" for Bacolod, a press release from the Bacolod PIO said. Ang said Bacolod was one of only six individuals and institutions recognized for making key contributions to the accomplishment of the Information Technology-Business Process Management (IT-BPM) Roadmap 2012-2016, and was the only LGU that was given such recognition for being a game changer in the IT-BPM industry. The 1st FLARE Awards was attended by about 400 industry leaders and partners, Ang added.

IBPAP said Bacolod City has been recognized as the Center for Excellence for the IT-BPM in the country in 2015. Bacolod is also included in the Tholons International Top 100 Cities in the World, it cited. Sigue said the city was also cited for coming up with innovative programs to develop thousands of IT-BPO jobs. We are now being considered as model for other cities in the country, she said. "The Bacolod experience has served as a 'beacon' to other cities, since as a past president of the National ICT Confederation of the Philippines (NICP) , I have been going around to help build ICT councils these past three years sharing Bacolod's multi-stakeholder model," Sigue said. Former senator Juan Edgardo Angara, who served as one of the panel members during the

International IT-BPM Summit prior to the awards night, lauded the Negros First CyberCentre as an ICT-BPO hub worthy to be replicated by other provinces, Sigue added. The Flare Awards was aimed at recognizing institutions and individuals who have supported the ICT industry through the years. Other awardees were: Sapphire Flare for Brilliance - Commissioner Monchito Ibrahim of the newly created Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT); Crystal Flare for Sparkler (Individual) - Dr. Patricia Licuanan; Crystal Flare for Sparkler (Institution) - Asia Pacific College; Crystal Flare for Kindler - Dr. Lilia De Lima, former director general of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority; and Azure Flare for Industry Luminary - former senator Edgardo Angara. (Bacolod PIO /JCM/LLJR-PIA )

Kalibo gets P11M Yolanda rehab assistance By Venus G. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, Nov. 6 (PIA6) -- The municipality of Kalibo recently received from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) a total of P11 million under the Rehabilitation Assistance for Yolanda (RAY) program, just days before the anniversary of Typhoon Yolanda on November 8 which wreaked much destruction to the province of Aklan and killed a number of Aklanons too.


alibo mayor William Lachica, who shared this good news to his constituents during the recent Monday Flag-Raising ceremony, said the fund will be used to repair or rehabilitate barangays halls of Bakhaw Sur, Linabuan Norte, Mobo, Nalook, New Buswang, Pook and Tigayon which were destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda. The respective barangays will be given

P300,000 each, while P2,900,000.00 will be allocated for the rehabilitation to repair and rehabilitate the comfort room and rooftop of the Kalibo Pastrana Park stage. Lachica thanked Secretary Ismael Sueno for releasing the fund. In the same opportunity, Lachica revealed that the municipality is about to start development of a portion of the Magsaysay Park Building, which has an appropriated fund of

P10 million. He also told the group, composed of municipal government officials and employees, that the DILG recently congratulated the people of Kalibo for bagging the 2016 Seal of Good Local Governance. The award was garnered by Kalibo, together with 6 other towns in Aklan – Banga, Batan, Buruanga, Ibajay, Malay and Tangalan, and the province of Aklan. (JSC/VGV/PIA6 Aklan)

Tree planting marks 3rd Yolanda anniversary By Alex A. Lumaque ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Nov. 4 (PIA6) – A tree planting activity marks the 3rd year commemoration of super typhoon Yolanda by the members of the Capiz Association of Government Public Information Officers, Inc. (CAGPIO) on Nov. 9 in Barangay Lagdungan in Tapaz town.


he greening initiative was unanimously approved by the CAGPIO members during its October 26 meeting that planned out activities of the group for the remaining months of 2016. ‗It will form part of the association‘s team building activity in order to strengthen networking and camaraderie among the Public Information Officers of different national government agencies and local government units,‖ said Philippine Information Agency Capiz Information Center manager and CAGPIO con-

sultant Jemin B. Guillermo. The tree planting will be complemented with a lecture on Bomb and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness and Security by the Philippine Army‘s 1st Explosives and Ordnance Disposal Platoon. Tapaz mayor Roberto Palomar has been invited to grace the activity. The upcoming CAGPIO activity is in collaboration with the 61st Infantry Batallion thru its commanding officer Lt. Col. Leornardo I. Peña.

In 2014, a tree planting activity was also conducted by the CAGPIO members at the Meditation Hills in Sitio Bangkal, Brgy. Maninang in Sapi-an town to mark the supertyphoon‘s 1st anniversary. It was in response to a Sangguniang Panlalawigan resolution which called for the conduct of meaningful anti-climate change activities to increase public awareness on the environmental issue. The supertyphoon‘s 1st anniversary, Nov. 8, 2014, was declared as ―Thanksgiving Day‖ in the province. (JCM/AAL/PIA6 Capiz)



Bohol province, 7 LGUs earn 2016 Seal of Good Governance Rey Anthony H. Chiu CORTES, Bohol, Nov. 2 (PIA) — Bohol and seven of its towns barged into the country‘s model local governments in the field of good governance by getting conferred with the coveted Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) recently.


his was earlier announced by Governor Edgar Chatto during the recent Provincial Peace and Order Council and Provincial Anti Drug Abuse Council joint meeting in Maribojoc. Bohol took the award this year along with Cebu Province in Region 7, the only two in the region and of the 43 provinces handed the recognition this year. According to Gov Chatto, Bohol‘s 2016 feat is a repeat of 2015 when 41 provinces across the country and all Central Visayan provinces received the recognition. In 2015, for the 41 provinces awarded, Bohol and all provinces of Region 7 earned both their SGLG accolades. Moreover, seven of Bohol towns capped this year‘s SGLG, two towns less than last year when there were 9 which proved their local governance superiority.

The seven Bohol towns with the 2016 SGLG are Alicia, Corella, Duero, Maribojoc, Talibon, Tubigon and Trinidad. The other Central Visayan town which achieved the 2016 SGLG is Medellin of Cebu, while the only city with the SGLG in the region is Mandaue City, records from the DILG showed. The seven Bohol towns with the 2016 SGLG are just some of the 212 towns while Mandaue City is among the 51 cities with the SGLG merit. An award given by the Department of Interior and Local Government DILG), the SLGH originated from the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH) program in 2010. And to provide a greater challenge to local governments to continue good governance practices while providing better services, the DILG launched the SLGH in 2014, with more parameters. The introduction of the SGLG allows the local

governments to sustain the practice of accountability and transparency in Good Financial Housekeeping, to prepare for the challenges posed by disasters (Disaster Preparedness), and are sensitive to the needs of vulnerable and marginalized sectors of the society (Social Protection), according to the DILG. Recently, DILG ruled that for an LGU to be conferred the Seal, they must adhere to performance criteria on any of the following areas: good financial housekeeping, disaster preparedness, social protection for the basic sector, business-friendliness and competitiveness, environmental management, and law and order and public safety. LGUs meeting the minimum criteria shall not only be conferred with the SGLG, but will also entitle them to a package of incentives, such as the Performance Challenge Fund and access to other national performance-based programs, according to DILG Bohol. (rmn/rac/PIA-7/Bohol)

DSWD-7 distributes social pension to senior citizens Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, Oct. 29 (PIA) – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 7 is now distributing Social Pension to Indigent Senior Citizens at P500 per month.


SWD-7 Social Welfare Officer IV Artemia Degamo said during the Association of G ov e rn m en t In f or m a t i on O ff i c e rs (AGIO) - Philippine Information Agency (PIA) – 7 Forum that Social Pension is the monthly stipend of P500 received by the Indigent Senior Citizens under the provision under Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9994 otherwise known as the ―Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.‖ The Senior Citizens who can receive the stipend are those 60 years old and above, without permanent source of income or support from the families or

relatives and those without pension from the GSIS, SSS or AFPMBAI and other private insurance company in order to improve their living condition, continued Degamo. As of now, there 67,667 senior citizens in Region 7 (excluding Negros Island Region) who will receive the social pension. According to Degamo, in 2011 only 11,402 beneficiaries received the social pension and it keeps increasing every year since it started five years ago. Only senior citizens aged 77 and above could

qualify as beneficiaries before and now, all those who reached 60 years old can avail of the pension. The pension is transferred to the beneficiaries in three ways: through pay-out, fund transfer to the local government units (LGU), or door-to-door delivery. For this year, Degamo said they are targeting to enroll around 102,000 indigent senior citizens who are all in the wait list. For next year, she said they are proposing a P1.2-billion budget for the social pension program that would benefit the 170,000 beneficiaries. (rmn/hfg/ AGIO-PIA7 Forum)

Consultations in CV for wage hike petitions set Juju M. Empuerto CEBU CITY, Oct. 30 (PIA) --- The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE-7) and the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB-7) scheduled a series of wage consultations and public hearing in Central Visayas.


ccording to DOLE-7 Regional Director Exequiel Sarcauga, who is at the same time acting as the Chairman of Board, the wage consultations will tackle the petitions for minimum wage increase filed before the office of RTWPB-7. He added that there are three wage hike petitions which will be subjected to public consultations. The first petitioner is the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) seeking for a P161 across-the -board daily wage increase in Region 7. The Sentro or Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL), the second petitioner, sought for a P140 across -the-board daily wage increase. The Philippine Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Workers‘ Union (PACIWU-TUCP) also filed for a wage increase of P101.34, P90.61, and P86.87 per day for all workers in the private sector of Negros Island Region (NIR). According to Board Secretary Grace Carreon, Negros Oriental is still under the jurisdiction of RTWPB -7 up to present. She added that all interested parties who might wish to oppose the aforesaid petitions may file their

oppositions before the Board prior to the scheduled date of the Regional Public Hearing. ―Concerned parties may request that before the date of the Public Hearing, they be furnished with copies of the petitions by the petitioners,‖ she said, adding that any interested party may examine the petitions and other pertinent records filed at the office of RTWPB during the usual business hours. The first wage consultation will be on November 9 at Sarrosa International Hotel & Residential Suites, Mabolo, Cebu City. On November 16, another wage consultation will be conducted in Bogo City, which will be followed by the same event scheduled to take place on 25 November in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. The last leg of the series of wage consultations be in Dumaguete City on 2 December 2016. Apart from the wage hike petitions, also to be discussed during the public consultations is the wage rate of domestic helpers or Kasambahay in the Region. Based on a survey, the current average wage rate

of domestic helpers in Region 7 is at P2,500. When all wage consultations are done, Sarcauga said the board and other stakeholders involved will convene again on December 9 for the Regional Public Hearing at Sarrosa International Hotel & Residential Suites, Mabolo, Cebu City. The public hearing, he said, aims to ensure that the respective ideas, rejoinders, issues, and concerns of different sectors could be put in place. ―It targets to ensure broad participation of stakeholders and other parties affected by wage adjustment. It also helps generate data on the views or position of stakeholders on petitions for such move,‖ Director Sarcauga clarified. Currently, the Wage Board is composed of the following: Sarcauga as Chairman; Director Efren Carreon of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-7) and Director Asteria Caberte of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-7) as Vice-Chairmen; Atty. Ernesto Carreon and Mr. Jose Tomongha as Labor Representatives; and Atty. Hidelito Pascual and Philip Tan as Management Representatives. (rmn/jsme/PIA7-Cebu/DOLE-7)



Mandaue SLP Job Fair yields 172 HOTS Juju M. Empuerto CEBU CITY, Oct. 29 (PIA) --- In the recent job fair conducted by the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-7), a total of 172 of the 557 applicants were hired on the spot held at the Insular Square, North Road Basak, Mandaue City.


ccording to DSWD Listahanan Information Officer Kerwin Macopia, the job fair was held in partnership with the Mandaue City Government and the Department of Education (DepEd). Fifty-seven hired applicants were partner-beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. SLP will help the hired partner-beneficiaries through pre-employment assistance fund (PEAF). Through this fund, the hired partner-beneficiaries

will be assisted in complying with the pre-requisite requirements. The participating companies and agencies during the job fair were the Easy Gas, Cebu Mitsumi Inc., Monde Nissin Corp., SM Supermarket, SM Hypermarket, Metro Gaisano, Lamonte Sales Merchandising, Dunkin Donuts, Eperformax, Gaisano Grandmall Mandaue, Gaisano Grandmall Mactan, The Results, Acabar, Outsource It, Cebu Workactive Manpower Services, and Rafi Micro-Finance, Inc. SLP is a community-based capacity building

program that increases the economic opportunities of the families through the different modalities that it offers such as skills training, seed capital fund, pre-employment assistance fund, and the cash for building livelihood assets. It is implemented through the Community-Driven Enterprise Development Approach which equips program participants to actively contribute to production and labor markets by looking at available resources and accessible markets. (rmn/jsme/PIA7-Cebu/ DSWD-7)

6 Bohol towns record negative population growth Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, Nov. 2 (PIA) — Six Bohol towns recorded negative average annual population growth rates from 2000 to 2015, data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN) showed.


ensus of Population refers to the complete process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing, publishing, and disseminating data about the population in the country and entails the listing and recording of the characteristics of each as of a specified time and within a specified territory. Roughly interpreted, a town which experiences a negative average annual population growth rate did not have an increase in population in the last years of censuses. If the date of reckoning of the town‘s population would be pegged between the shorter term of five years or between 2010 to 2015, the number of towns recording negative average annual population growth rates would jump to nine. Averages from longer span of time (2000 to 2015 censuses) revealed that the towns of Mabini, Candijay, Sierra Bullones, San Isidro, Loon, and Anda each posted negative growth rates. Mabini posted -0.02, Candijay and Sierra Bullones had -0.20, San Isidro had -0.27, Loon -0.32 and Anda -0.53 average annual population growth rates

between 2000-2015. At a shorter span, between 2010-2015, Dimiao posted the biggest reduction in average population growth rate with -1.03, followed by San Isidro at 0.81, Mabini at -0.69, Anda at -0.51, Loboc at -0.38, Valencia at -0.32, Antequera and Danao which had -0.07 and Catigbian which posted -0.01. Based on its Vital Statistics Report, Bohol posts a crude birth rate of 26.31 per 1,000 population and a crude death rate of 8.25 per thousand of population, while it picks a 1.85% annual growth rate in 2000, PSA stated in a press report. Cognizant of the implications of a negative population growth rate, PSA Bohol under Provincial Statisticians Jessamyne Anne Alcazaren admits they had to revalidate if only to ascertain the post census data. Having gone through the tedious re-validation, PSA said they found four possible explanations for the decrease in the latest POPCEN. Speaking at the Kapihan sa PIA, Alcazaren said one such factor could be the timing of the census.

PSA said the information on the count of the population were collected with 12:01 a.m. of August 1, 2015 as the census reference time and date. This, being in the mid-semester will find students and working population still in the major urban centers making them possibly listed in their temporary residence. Consequently, with working and schooling people off the towns, they would not be in the count. Census-taking in the Philippines also follows a de jure concept where a person is counted in the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. Citizens of foreign countries having their usual place of residence in the Philippines or foreign visitors who have stayed or expected to stay for at least a year from the time of their arrival in the country are included in the enumeration, PSA explained. PSA Bohol authorities also noted that there has been the problem of out-migration owing to the lack of work opportunities in the towns. (rac/PIA-7/ Bohol)

AGIO-7 members visit Alegria organic farm Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, Oct. 29 (PIA) – Members of the Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) in Region 7 visited the Sustainable Agriculture Techno-Demo Farm in Alegria, Cebu.


his two-day activity led by the association‘s President Dr. Eddie Llamedo of the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-7) in cooperation with the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI-7) of the Department of Agriculture, and Philippine Information Agency (PIA-7). The visit aims for the government information officers to learn and in turn communicate the essence of urban farming to their respective agencies and apply the gains of their learning in government offices that have ample space and in respective households to create a revolution in urban organic farming. Agricultural Training Institute IO Jun Oliver gave a lecture on Nature Farming Technology System which is a basic agricultural natural farming that is sustainable. Natural Farming makes all inputs from natural

materials, observes the law of the nature and respects the rights of crops and livestock. Natural Farming heals the soil slashed by chemicals, herbicide, and machines. Part of the visit was the tour in the organic farm where the members are taught on how to raise organic swine and other animals. There was also a hands-on activity on how to prepare Fermented Plant/Fruit Juice which is an organic fertilizer for plants and gardens. St. Peter of Academy of Alegria Foundation, Inc. (SPAAFI) personnel also discussed the Integrated Diversified Organic Farming System that is being practiced in their farm. The farm is strategically structured in distinct components that are designed to maximize one another. A nutrient recycling system generates a virtuous

closed loop process on the farm, and biodiversity is intensified to multiply key ecological functions and processes within and among the components such as natural pest management and optimal use of sunlight, rainfall and soil fertility. Organic farming is a technique which involves cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in natural ways and make use of pesticides and fertilizers if they are considered natural and avoids the use of various petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides. This process involves the use of biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance thereby minimizing pollution and wastage. With this organic farming, the local government unit (LGU) of Alegria, Cebu was awarded as the Most Outstanding Organic Municipality in Region 7. (rmn/hfg/ PIA-7)



5,000 cops, BPATs deployed in EVisayas for ‗Undas‘ PRO8/PIA8 CAMP RUPERTO KANGLEON, PALO, Leyte, Nov. 1 (PIA) – The Police Regional Office 8 (PRO-8) here has deployed a total of 4,977 peacekeeping officers comprising of 3,197 policemen and 1,780 members of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs) throughout the region to ensure a peaceful and secure observance of All Souls Day and All Saints Day.


ajor places of convergence being secured are the cemeteries, bus terminals, seaports, airports, tourist destinations, malls, vital installations and other major thoroughfares. The deployed police personnel are supported by force multipliers like BPATs and other non-government organizations as partners in manning checkpoints and other similar security measures. PRO-8 is currently monitoring the security situation regionwide thru its Regional Tactical

Operation Center at the regional headquarters, observing maximum utilization of cellular phones and using Very High Frequency (VHF) and High Frequency (HF) radios and internet as command and control tools. PNP personnel, in coordination with other government agencies, also joined in the operation of public assistance desks, such as that of the Department of Public Works and Highways, to provide immediate response to travelers who will encounter road-related problems.

Police visibility is also observed to prevent or discourage bad elements from doing crimes. PRO-8 encourages the general public to support the police force in its campaign against criminality and provide relevant information immediately to the nearest police stations or through social media (Twitter - @Pro8Pcrd or Facebook Page - Pulis ha Rehiyon Otso) or through the following numbers: Dial 117 or text 2920; RTOC 09173114794/09478907155 and Isumbong Mo Kay Tsip 09178475757. (ldl/PRO-8/PIA-8)

ESamar LGUs strictly implement PO No. 4, s. 1998 Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 2 (PIA) - Various Local Government Units (LGUs) of Eastern Samar — including the operatives of the Eastern Samar Provincial Police Office — now strictly implement Provincial Ordinance No. 04 Series of 1998, which calls for preserving coconuts and formed coco lumbers providing penalty thereof, as a result on the ban on coco lumber transportation outside the province starting October 15, 2016.


his was the statement of Eastern Samar Sannguniang Panlalawigan Secretary Mr. Franklin Robedizo in an interview with DYES Radyo Ng Bayan last October 25, 2016. According to him, the basis of the ordinance was Republic Act 8048 as amended by R.A. 10593 for the preservation of coconuts. However, Robedizo said that the onslaught of super Typhoon Yolanda and Typhoon Ruby, many coconut trees were destroyed that‘s why the ordinance was not implemented. The Philippine Coconut Authority-Eastern Samar has given permits to cut the fallen trees so that the owners who were affected by the typhoon could still use it. But the bad news, according to Robedizo, the permission to cut coconut trees has gone overboard since coconut trees which are still

erect or unaffected by typhoons and the ones which have not reached the age of sixty are cut. This provincial situation is alarming since it is happening on the streets in broad daylight. Bundles of coco lumber are ready to be transported outside the province. This only proves that the cutting of coconut trees is already rampant. Thus, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan urged — through Eastern Samar Provincial Vice- Governor Marcelo Ferdinand Picardal — to ask the PCA as to why the cutting of coconut trees is already out of control. The inquiry of Vice-Governor Picardal and PCA -Eastern Samar OIC-District Manager Romeo Floroteo resulted in the strict implementation of Provincial Ordinance No. 04 Series of 1998. The said ordinance, according to Robedizo,

does not forbid the cutting of coconut trees. The guidelines should be followed though such as the prescribed age — coconut trees aged 60 and above can already be cut, during typhoons — fallen coconut trees have a permission to be cut, when there is a reclassification of a land from agricultural to residential according to Urban Development, and when the coconut tree has a disease, the PCA permits to cut it. In line with this, coconut lumbers are not allowed to be transported outside the province. The Sangguniang Panlalawigan reminds Estehanons to help implement the said ordinance through letting the authorities know if they can observe that it is still being violated. (ajc/SDC/PIA-E. Samar)

MPS-Guiuan reports low crime incidence Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 3 (PIA) - An officer of the Municipal Police Station (MPS), Guiuan, Eastern Samar is proud of the low crime incidence in the municipality — in line with the government‘s heightened campaign against illegal drugs.


ccording to police chief, Chief Inspector Cirilo Nicart Jr., Municipal Police Office, he is happy to disclose to the public that only 72 crimes occured from January-September 2016. Nicart further said that this is more than 60% lower compared to the crimes reported during the same time frame in 2015. He said that the Project: Double Barrel and other anti-criminality campaigns of the Philippine National Police had been a great help in lowering criminality in the municipality. The simultaneous arrest of illegal drug personalities in Guiuan had greatly helped in achieving peace and order as well.

Nicart further disclosed that last October 05, 2016, during the celebration of the Guiuan Fiesta, the Guiuan MPS recorded zero crime incidence. In the middle of the heightened alert against illegal drugs, he disclosed that the decrease in the supply of illegal drugs can now be felt — particularly shabu. The price of shabu continues to increase as well. Before, most items confiscated during drug operations were shabu — now it is mostly marijuana. But it also alarming for the authorities since information states that it is just comes from within the province. In 2011, Guiuan MPS authorities uprooted

marijuana in Giporlos — which is believed to be the source of illegal drugs of students in the southern part of the province. Nicart assured that the anti-illegal drug campaign in Guiuan is sustained and he further mentioned that 11 barangays have been rid of the influence and effects of illegal drugs. As of now, under the Project: Double Barrel, the Guiuan MPS has four alleged illegal drug pushers who have been arrested while 187 users are undergoing local drug rehabilitation and in October 20, 2016, said users attended an orientation by the Department of Agriculture for a possible livelihood program. (ajc/SDC/PIA-E. Samar)



First school-based TB clinic opened in DepEd - EVisayas Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 2 (PIA) - Dr. Ramir Uytico, regional director, Department of Education in Eastern Visayas led the opening of the DepEd-Eastern Samar Tuberculosis- DOTS clinic recently at the DepEd Eastern Samar Divistion.


he said clinic — launched through the initiative of DepEd-Eastern Samar Schools Division Superintendent Mr. Bernardo Adina DepEd-Eastern Samar Medical Officer Dr. Jennifer Picardal — is the very first TB clinic of the DepEd in the Philippines. According to Dr. Picardal, through this clinic — located inside the Eastern Samar Provincial Capitol Compound, the DepEd-Eastern Samar will now be the one responsible to treat students and DepEd-Eastern Samar employees who are diagnosed with TB.

They will assure the treatment of their patient since this will monitor it. Picardal said that one of the factors that slows down the treatment of TB is the patient does not continue with the treatment with the belief that they are already cured once they notice that they are already feeling better and they already feel lazy about their frequent check-up in hospitals or clinics. She assured that this will not happen since they will be able to attend to them and monitor them, and take care of them. In order for the clinic operation to be

viable and the treatment of TB to be free, Dr. Picardal further said that they are now asking for an accreditation from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation wherein PhilHealth Vice President for the Visayas Atty. Walter Bacareza led the inspection of the said clinic on the same day. He further said that they are also requesting for a mobile clinic and laboratory through the help of PhilHealth and DepEd Central Office with the purpose to widen the health services of the Health Section of Deped-Eastern Samar. (ajc/SDC-PIA8-E.Samar)

Kalag-Kalag 2016 in So. Leyte orderly and peaceful -- PNP Marcelo M. Pedalino MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Nov. 3 (PIA) -- The traditional observance in honoring the dead and the Saints the past two days anywhere in this province went smoothly, according to feedbacks gathered from various Philippine National Police (PNP) field units.


n this city, there were no untoward events as people flocked to public and private cemeteries in the city proper and the outskirts to remember their departed loved ones, Monching Buyser reported over dydm this morning, quoting police sources. All Saints Day and All Souls Day, on November 1 and 2, respectively, are often treated as festive occasions where families gather and spend time in the grave of their dearly departed, bringing flowers, candles, even food, and offering prayers.

In some past observance, the rituals which should have been a proper time for meditation, became noisy with drinking sprees and videoke singing, sometimes spawning unruly violence, and so authorities moved to contain the drift and return to the solemn practices. Police put up assistance and monitoring centers right within cemeteries, supported by barangay tanods, always keeping an eye on rowdy individuals, checking entry of bladed materials as part of routine security coverage, resulting in more spirituality in the

gravesites. Meanwhile, Police Sr. Supt. Warren De Leon, PNP Provincial Director, together with Police C/Insp. Juanito Bajar, inspected the established police assistance desks (PADs) in public and private cemeteries in the towns of Silago, Hinundayan, Anahawan, and San Juan, among others. The activity was part of Oplan ―Ligtas Undas‖ 2016, and was carried out to check on cops detailed as duty officers and other PNP personnel manning the outposts, a post from the SLPPO facebook account reported. (ajc/mmp/PIA8-Southern Leyte)

DepEd RD meets Eastern Samar school, local officials Samuel Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 2 (PIA) - Department of Education (DepEd) Regional Office 08 Director Dr. Ramir Uytico could not contain his joy, praises, and thanks during the Special Conference recently at the Eastern Samar Division Office here.


side from the officials of the DepEd - Eastern Samar Division and DepEd-Borongan City Division, led by Schools Division Superintendents Mr. Bernardo Adina and Mrs. Judith Boco, respectively, and principals, the said occasion was also attended by the local leaders of the province, led by Acting Governor Marcelo Ferdinand Picardal and municipal and city mayor warmly welcomed the new regional director in his first visit in the province. The said officials also expressed their continued support to the programs of DepEd. Dr. Uytico said that the occasion only proves that local chief executives and the community is a partner in education. The conference also reminds that it is the primary role of the DepEd to mold the minds, hands, and heart of the youth. However, he is sad to note that nowadays, most children do not know how to appreciate the

good things in life and this boomerang back to the department. In order to develop these three aspects in the youth, Uytico emphasized that it is important for a principal to have good character for if he/she lacks this, he/she does not have a place in DepEd. It is also important for a principal to be competent, with exact skills in order to give proper service and the determination to be always ready to help and to have a heart that understands his/her teachers. This should be inculcated in the minds of every school head since the schools should not just be student-friendly, it should also be teacher-friendly as well wherein teachers should be monitored and be taken care of. In line with this, Uytico assured the attendees of the said conference that his administration will always plan and implement programs for the benefit of region 08. One of these plans is to have a regional

banner project wherein every division will have its own project based on what the school and students need. He also mandated every division to implement a Human Resource Information and Development (HRID) which will monitor the benefits of teachers through having a database it‘s just one click away in the computer, employees will know if they are eligible for a Loyalty Pay, Step Increment, among other benefits and its processing will be hastened. In closing, Uytico appealed to all schools heads to sincerely do their job and to love their teachers and students, and to respect the superintendents and other officials of the division since, according to him, a human being is fleeting in this world and whatever you have done will give the people an idea as to how you will be remembered. (ajc/SDC/PIA-E. Samar)

One Visayas e-newsletter is published weekly by the Visayas Regional Cluster of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) comprising Region 6, 7 and 8. Its main editorial office is located at PIA Region 6, Iloilo City. One Visayas e-newsletter is part of the online news and information dissemination services of PIA and is powered by For inquiries and suggestions, call Tel. Nos. (033) 3378719/3377301 or e-mail

Ms. Minerva BC Newman Regional Director, PIA 7

Editorial Consultants Atty. Ma. Janet C. Mesa, Ph. D. Regional Director, PIA6

Ms. Alicia E. Nicart Regional Director, PIA8

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