Vol 6
PIA Deputy Director-General Gelo Villar encourages more than 300 campus paper advisers, editors and writers to reach for their dream during the 2016 College Press Conference and Awards held in Iloilo City, November 25. (PIA6/EJB)
More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…
Nov. 21 - 27, 2016
Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8
Issue 47
DENR official cites importance of water management By Elsa S. Subong ILOILO CITY, Nov. 23 (PIA6) – No development can ever take place without water, an official of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources said. DENR Undersecretary for Field Operations Isabelo R. Montejo said that agencies and local government units need to facilitate investments that would allow them to manage water. “Based on rainfall data, we only use about 50 percent of our rain water and surface water,” Montejo said. Montejo was guest during the River Basin Organization Summit conducted here recently. The participants came from national government units, academe, youth and civil society and particularly LGUs located in the river basins in Panay. These river basins are the Jalaur Watershed River Basin, the Iloilo-Batiano River Basins and the Pan-ay Watershed River Basin. “Iloilo is advanced in water management as it has now put in place the master plans for the three major river basins in Panay,” Montejo said. “With that it is already poised to welcome investors to utilize the full potentials of the three river basins,” he added. The investment summit presented to the potential investors the available resources within and around the three river basins, and aimed at tapping such investment potentials, addressing job generations.
On the other hand, DENR-6 Director Jim Sampulna said the investment summit is actually tapping the business potentials for stakeholders in the areas concerned so that they will also benefit from these. “The completion of the master plans for the three river basins is a way for us to balance development and environmental protection,” Sampulna said. Montejo, meanwhile, said that despite concerns on water scarcity in the areas, there is no water shortage. “There is rather a need to improve on the science of rainwater harvesting to fully benefit from this water source,” Montejo said. (ESS/PIA-Iloilo)
DENR Undersecretary for Montejo. (PIA File photo)
DILG capacitates CSOs on climate change Rizalie Calibo
PIA Cebu with Information Center Ma n a g e r R a c h e l l e N e s s i a tu r n e d over #FOI materials to the Provincial Information Office of #Cebu Capitol. Along with the tarpaulins are posters that Capitol PIO will put up in strategic areas in the province. To support the promotion of FOI, Capitol Provincial Information Officer Jason Monteclar (far left) pledged to reproduce the materials to put it up in more areas around Cebu. Photo also shows Jethro Malvin Calibo of Capitol PIO. #PartnerForChange (vvv/PIA Cebu)
SIQUIJOR, Nov. 25 (PIA) -- The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) conducted a series of capacity development trainings for civil society organizations (CSOs) in Siquijor province. The event centered on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Maritess Boca, municipal local government operations officer of Larena, said the training aimed to provide the CSOs in the province with significant skills like proper techniques on how to respond in times of disasters or emergencies. CSOs will be oriented on different hazards within their respective communities/ baragangays and provided with a deeper learning on what is climate change. They will also be capacitated on their responsibilities/ roles in combating the effects of climate change and be equipped with the Basic Knowledge on First Aid and Basic Life
Support (BLS) particularly on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Topics discussed were the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System; Philippine and Local Disaster Situation (Geological Hazards in the Barangay); Natural and Human Induced Hazard; Legal Basis on Climate Change; Management of Evacuation Center; Disaster Relief Operations and Warehousing; Geological Hazards (Earthquake and Volcanic Hazard); Emergency Rescue Transfer(ERT); First Aid and Basic Life Support; and Rope Rescue Techniques. Participants of the training were from the different sectors representing women, elderly, farmers, fisher folks, youth leaders, and the churches. The training was funded under the Bottoms-up Budgeting (BUB). (rmn/rac/PIA7-Siquijor w/ reports from I.A.Abatayo)
KOICA, UNDP continue to shower ‗Yolanda‘ stricken areas with disaster resilient infras More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…
POWER FOR THE POOR: Benson Mindajao and Alan Ferrer of SOLECO take turns telling the cable TV audience during Action Center Kapihan sa PIA taping today about programs so the poor can avail electricity connection at no expense through the DOE and NEA. (mmp)
More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...
PIA08 TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, Nov. 23 (PIA) – Help continues to reach “Yolanda” stricken communities of Basey town, Samar and in other parts of Region 08. Today, Mayor Igmedio Junji Ponferrada was all smiles as two big infrastructure projects were turned over to him by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and United Nations Development Fund (UNDP). A more or less four-hectare Ecological Park worth P14M is expected to help the community and other nearby barangays recycle their wastes and dispose them properly. While other local government units are hard-up in complying with RA 9003 or in putting up one sanitary landfill of this kind, Basey was luckier to have been granted with this favour from two donor organizations. Asked how he was able to win the hearts of the two international non-government organization, Mayor Ponferrada said “trust”. “I think it is trust and our good working relationship”, the lawyer mayor said. “Perhaps they saw in my people the willingness to rise from the devastation when we all worked together in the “Yolanda” aftermath, how we worked together to clear our communities with piles of debris”, he added. The 4-hectare land area where sits the Sanitary Landfill is Basey’s counterpart to the UNDP-KOICA project. Mayor Ponferrada informed that his LGU has not fully paid the full
cost of the land acquisition but he is certain they will come to terms with the land owner. It has a Material Recovery Facility where wastes are finally segregated, biodegradable wastes are separated for composting, and recyclable materials for reclamation to junkshops and residual waste for landfilling. For UNDP, Community Director Titon Mitra expressed his appreciation to the local officials of Basey, for their cooperation and positive response to their suggestions and proposals. UNDP and KOICA likewise granted the Basey Manpower Training Center more or less costing P15M. TESDA Regional Director informed that “Yolanda” pressed to the ground the previous skills training facility and she is glad as well, that the two organizations rebuilt the two-storey facility that is expected to train welders and plumbers. While the previous semi-concrete building had trained about 600 out-of-school youths, more are expected to be trained in welding carpentry, small engine and electrical installation. After “Yolanda”, thousands in the region turned out jobless and had no houses, but with both NGOs and government assistance, as the Duterte administration puts it in its major agenda, more local government units will continue to recover and build better and more resilient people and structures. (PIA-08)
Ombudsman WV launches GAD desk By Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. ILOILO CITY, Nov. 22 (PIA6) – The Office of the Ombudsman in the Visayas – Region 6 launched the Gender Information Desk and Children‘s Nook at its office here, Nov. 22 to highlight its commitment to gender-responsive public assistance.
ssistant Ombudsman Jennifer Jardin Manalili, who is also the Ombudsman Gender and Development Focal Point System, said the launching underscores the Ombudsman’s aspiration to mainstream GAD into their plans and programs and strengthens its resolve to take another bold step in the shared quest for a more gender-responsive public assistance function. “Each and every launching brings the Ombudsman closer to that aspiration,” stressed Manalili. The Region 6 desk is the third such facility
established in the Visayas and one of the pioneers in the country, after the first desk in Cebu followed by the one in Tacloban. Similar desks will also be opened soon in Cagayan de Oro City, Ombudsman central office, and other areas of Luzon. The establishment of the desk, according to Manalili, is a way of saying to the public, “Come to us, we will help you with your gender concerns and problems”. The desk will now be an integral part of the Ombudsman public assistance function alongside its other mandate especially on
corruption prevention. Manalili led the launching of the desk together with Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Paul Elmer Clemente, Acting Assistant Ombudsman for the Visayas Karla Juris Tanco, Region 6 Director Pio Dargantes, and Directors Bienvenida Gruta and Julita Calderon. The event was witnessed by representatives from the local governments of Iloilo province and city and other government agencies and institutions. (JCM/JSC/PIA6)
‗Adopt the Estero Project‘ to involve communities By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, Nov. 23 (PIA6) - - Communities around the ―Adopt the Estero Project‖ in the towns of Sibalom and San Jose are urged to take part in the cleanup drive.
osephine Maguad Senior Environment and Management Specialist of the Antique Environment and Management Bureau (EMB) said they are encouraging the communities along irrigation canals in Poblacion, Sibalom to initiate the segregation of waste and proper garbage disposal in their homes so it will not end up in irrigation canals. Another EMS official Rizza Daphet C. Catague stressed that residents have a big role in cleaning up the esteros by way of segregating waste at the source (households and establishments) and properly dispose of them. Proper waste disposal also clears the downstream and shorelines of garbage and
eventually prevent further damage to the marine resources, In San Jose the Adopt Estero project is at Bagumbayan Creek covering Barangays 5, 8, and Malaiba San Jose. Business Establishments and households are also encouraged to implement the Solid Waste ordinance of the town to prevent littering of garbage along the creek. In Sibalom, the National Irrigation Administration has collaborated with the local officials to assist them in transferring illegal settlers along irrigation canals. Engr. Lalaine Selerio of NIA said the illegal settlers have caused a lot of damage to irrigation facilities aside from the fact that they
also deter the maintenance activities because their houses are erected on top of the canals owned by the irrigation system. The residents also obstruct the flow of irrigation water to the farmlands as they build illegal structures, pig pens and throw their garbage along waterways. On November 26, stakeholders of “Adopt Estero project” in Sibalom and San Jose will conduct a cleanup drive. Local officials and residents along Poblacion of Sibalom near the Sibalom San Jose Irrigation System facilities are enjoined to participate as well those adjacent to Bagumbayan Creek in San Jose. (JCM/PSM/ PIA6Antique)
Beneficiaries of 4Ps avail jobs By Venus V. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, Nov. 25 (PIA6) -- Fifty-three (53) children of 4Ps beneficiaries went home happy after having been hired on the spot (HOTS) during the recent HANAPBUHAY Job Caravan held here at the ABL Sports Complex.
he HANAPBUHAY Job Caravan was especially held by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 6 for its Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), together with the Provincial Government of Aklan through its Public Employment Service Office (PESO) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The job caravan targeted to give jobs to more or less 400 children of Aklanon Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries who underwent training from technical vocational schools accredited by the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA), but the total number of applicants who went to the job fair reached 1,204. Besides the 53 applicants hired on the spot, 668 were also found qualified for various job vacancies offered by 23 local and overseas recruitment agencies from Manila, Iloilo, Boracay Island, and Kalibo - 14 local and 9 overseas. Those hired on the spot will be working as Fixed Assets and Supplies Assistant, baggers, cashiers, baggers, sales and stock clerks for SM Savemore Kalibo; grasscutters for Greatwall Manpower and Gen. Services,and Customer Service Representatives for ePerformax Contact Centers (local); while for
overseas positions, hirees will work as Household Service Workers in the Middle East through Jenerick International Manpower Services, Inc. Prior to the interviews, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Home Development Mutual Fund (PAG-Ibig Fund), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth), Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Social Security System (SSS) and TESDA briefed the applicants on their respective functions and services for information of the jobseekers. (JCM/VGV PIA6 Aklan)
WESTERN VISAYAS Women employees AVAWC leave
3 entitled
By Lilibeth A. French ILOILO CITY, Nov. 24 (PIA6) - - Women employees in the government service regardless of employment status who are victims of violence as defined in Republic Act No. 9262 are entitled to ten days leave with pay.
a. Gilda Salazar, Gender and Development Focal Person of the Civil Service Commission – Iloilo disclosed this in a Forum on GAD attended by Information Officers of the different national government agencies on November 22 in this city. Salazar said a woman employee whose child is a victim of violence as defined in RA No. 9262 otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Law (AVAWC) and whose age is below eighteen or above eighteen but unable to take care of himself/herself are also entitled to the same leave benefit. Under the law, the application for leave shall be filed whenever practicable before the actual leave of absence or immediately upon the woman employee’s return from such leave. In filing for the ten-day leave, women-victims are required to submit the following supporting documents: Certification issued by the Punong Barangay/Kagawad or Prosecutor or the Clerk of Court; Barangay Protection Order (TPO/BPO) obtained from the barangay; Temporary Permanent Protection Order (TPO/PPO) obtained from the court; Police report specifying
the details of the occurrence of violence on the victim and a medical certificate. Salazar cautioned officials who deny the application for leave of a woman employee who is a victim of VAWC, despite submission of the supporting documents, because they shall be held liable for conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service. The Forum on GAD was conducted by the Philippine Information Agency 6, two days before the observance of the annual 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women commence on November 25. Guided by the theme “VAW-free community starts with Me”, the Regional Inter-agency Committee against Trafficking, Child Pornography and Violence Against Women and their Children (RIACAT-CP-VAWC) in Western Visayas has also prepared various activities for this year’s observance. The activities will officially kick off with a caravan starting at the Lapuz Jetti Port passing Parola Port Terminal, Ceres Terminal going to Iloilo International Airport in Cabatuan on November 25. This will be followed by a visit at
Western Visayas Medical Center’s Women and Children Protection Unit in Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Hinun-anon Natuhoy sa Tawhanon nga Kinamatarong of the Commission on Human Rights at Sarabia Manor Hotel at 1 P.M. and a short program & photo exhibit on VAW of the UGSAD at SM City which will start at 3 P.M.. Other activities include a film showing at the UPV Cinematheque on November 29 at 2 P.M.; Public Forum on VAW at ISAT-University Gym on December 6 at 9 A.M.; and a Forum for Barangay VAW Desk Officers on VAW Desk Functionality on December 9 at 8 A.M.. Two fora will culminate the observance here on December 12. These are the International Day Against Trafficking Forum on Anti-Trafficking, Child Pornography and Brgy. VAW Functionality of the Iloilo City Social Welfare and Development Office to be held at Sarabia Manor Hotel and the Forum entitled “Beyond the Private Sphere: Impacts of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on Personhood and Social Development” of the Regional Gender and Development Committee VI at the NEDA 6 in Fort San Pedro. (JCM/laf/ PIA6-Iloilo)
Police: Stop illegal drug activities By Jemin B. Guillermo ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Nov. 24 (PIA6) – Top police officials have urged those who are still engaged in illegal drug activities to put an end to it.
olice Regional Office 6 Director Jose Gentiles appealed to individuals who are still doing illegal activities, particularly in the use or sale of illegal drugs to stop it or else the police will run after them. “Better stop your illegal drug activities now as your days are numbered,” he said. Gentiles also called on the surrenderers not to go back to their drug activities.
He also expressed confidence that the police will achieve their target on the drive against drug menace by the end of this year. Gentiles together with Capiz Police Director Samuel Nacion led the launching of the Sikad Kontra Droga bicycle ride advocacy against dangerous drugs in the province. The 40-kilometer bicycle ride was joined by more than 300 cyclists to include the
members of the police, Philippine Army, cyclist groups, firemen, local government units, national government agencies, drug surrenderors and other civic and non-government organizations. Gentiles likewise lauded the support and active participation of the various stakeholders here, noting that it is in Capiz that has the most number of participants to the activity in Western Visayas so far. (JCM/JBG/PIA6-Capiz)
Negros organic fest nets P5.5M sales By Lorenzo Lambatin Jr. NEGROS OCC., Nov. 22 ( PIA6) -- The five-day 11th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival generated a total gross sales amounting to P5.5 million held at the spacious Negros First Cyber Centre Parking Area in Bacolod City on November 15-19, a press release from the capitol said. t was participated in by 315 exhibitors drop estimated at 26.8 percent in the total transferring the venue to the Negros First coming from the different towns and sales of organic products according to the local Cyber Centre Parking Area because it was cities of the Negros Island Region. organic exhibitors. very spacious and safe for customers. Sales generated from fresh herbs, New products at organic event Gov. Alfredo G. Marañon, Jr. thanked the organic vegetables, local delicacies, grains, pushed sales up in the amount of P2,511,200.00 local organic producers and exhibitors for fruits, fresh milk, juices, eggs, plants, animals, due to the booked orders of equipment like participating in the 11th Negros Island Organic indigenous materials, processed food tractors, rice reapers, cultivators from Farmers Festival and at the same time, advised and farm inputs registered a total of Supertrade and some healthy products from organizers to conduct massive and aggressive P3,059,209.40. Izumio. promotion to attract more people to patronize Although, the total sales surpassed last The Provincial Government received locally-grown organic products. (Capitol News/ year’s sales of P4.2M, there was a notable positive comments from several buyers for JCM/Lljr-PIA6
3 LGUs cited as top anti drug abuse councils in Cebu Ferliza Calizar-Contratista CEBU CITY, Nov. 24 (PIA) - The cities of Danao, Carcar and Bogo are leading the rest of the local government units (LGUs) in Cebu in their campaign against illegal drugs.
n the first recognition since President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the campaign against illegal drugs to go full swing, the Cebu Provincial Government recognized the efforts of the LGUs from the city down to the barangay level. The recognition also extends to their respective local police stations. The campaign Sugbo Kontra Droga (Sukod), however, started two years ago and implemented by the Cebu Provincial Anti Drug Abuse Council (CPADAC). The Top Performing City Anti Drug Abuse Councils are, namely: Danao City which received
a plaque and P500,00 cash; Carcar City with a plaque and P300,000 cash; and Bogo City was given P300,000. Following closely are cities of Naga and Talisay with plaques of recognition. Also awarded yesterday were best performing municipalities and barangays through their respective Anti Drug Abuse Councils under Sukod. Their city police stations were also given separate citations. Best Performing Police Station went to Danao City with P300,000, followed by Bogo City with P200,00 and Talisay City with P100,000.
Carcar and Naga cities followed respectively. The Top Performing Municipal Anti Drug Abuse Councils are Consolacion, Balamban, Liloan, Dalaguete, Asturias, Badian, Aloguinsan, San Remigio, Argao, Moalboal, San Francisco, Barili, Minglanilla, Madridejos, and Alcoy. Consolacion, Balamban and Liloan received P300,000, P200,000 and P100,000 respectively. Giving the awards were Cebu Governor Hilario Davide III and CPADAC chair Provincial Board Member Ivy Durano Meca. (rmn/fcc/ PIA7-Cebu)
LGUs urged to comply with Ecological Solid Waste programs Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, Nov. 21 (PIA) – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) urged local government units (LGUs) to comply with the Solid Waste Management programs in their respective areas.
uring the Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) – Philippine Information Agency (PIA) 7, DENR-EMB 7 Supervising Environmental Management Specialist Engr. Marco Adrew Silveron said Republic Act (RA) 9003 also known as the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000” took effect in 2001 and the LGUs are mandated to implement the law. “DENR-EMB will provide technical assistance to all LGUs in order for them to follow the implementation of RA 9003 and to protect the people and environment," said Silveron. “We are closely monitoring with the LGUs especially with the issues on dumpsite operations which is prohibited based on the law and they are encouraged to look for alternatives in order to
properly manage the solid waste,” he added. RA 9003 will provide an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms, declaring certain prohibited acts. All LGUs are mandated to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program which shall ensure protection of public health and environment; utilize environmentally sound methods; set targets and guidelines for solid waste avoidance and reduction; ensure proper segregation, collection, transport and storage of solid waste. Silveron revelead that only 30% of the LGUs in the region complied with the Solid Waste Management programs namely: creation of disposal sites; segregation at source which is the
process of separating solid waste produced namely recyclable, residual, biodegradable and special waste; project plans and the construction of Materials Recovery Facility which is an area where collected waste materials are stored until they are sold to recyclers or processed for composting. Many of the LGUs are not able to comply due to lack of budget or lack of priority due to assigned personnel handling other various responsibilities. With this, DENR-EMB strengthened their campaign to help the LGUs. “Discipline should start from us especially to the young children. Let us be part of the solution but not to be part of the problem,” said Silveron. (rmn/hfg/AGIO-PIA7 Forum)
Siquijor intensifies drive against trafficking Rizalie Anding Calibo SIQUIJOR, Nov. 24 (PIA) -- The Interg-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT-7) through the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor here has intensified the information campaign on R.A. 9208 or the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003.
A 9 2 0 8 i s a l a w penalizing human trafficking, sex tourism, sex slavery, and child prostitution. Regional State Procutor Fernando Gubalane said that Siquijor, being one of the top ten tourist destinations in the country, should create a provincial anti-trafficking council that monitors its six towns particularly San Juan that is known to be the island’s tourist capital. “The council will help prevent cases of trafficking in the island,” he said as he calls for strong coordination and convergence among the Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of the Interiopr and Local Government (DILG), local government units (LGUs) and the media. He added that trafficking in persons is a
serious and major problem in the country and the world and cited the significant roles of the various government partner agencies. Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Ullysses Andora also pointed out that trafficking in persons is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the world and stressed that it is high time the province should know and study about the law. Earlier IACAT reports revealed that the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT), with Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II as chairperson led government agencies, NGOs, members of civil society and faith-based organizations in strengthening the country’s commitment in fighting human trafficking. Aguirre reiterated that one of President Rodrigo Duterte’s marching orders to the Department of Justice is to prioritize the
prosecution of heinous crimes, one of which is trafficking in persons. “We have to realize that the crime of human trafficking is a close second to the drug trade in terms of being the most lucrative organized transnational crime,” he said. Aguirre added that the reason for its high profit-low risk nature is that unlike the drug trade where its products can be consumed, human beings used as commodity can easily be re-used and abused repeatedly. In the recent State of the Nation Address, President Duterte showed his contempt against human traffickers and illegal recruiters who prey on Filipinos. To deal with this, he declared his intention to intensify the government’s war on this form of abuse. (rmn/rac/PIA7-Siquijor/ with reports from IAAbatayo)
Cebu City mayor inks EO protecting shark, ray species Rachelle Nessia CEBU CITY, Nov. 22 (PIA) -- Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña signed on November 15 an executive order towards the protection of shark and ray species.
his after hundreds of Cebuanos, advocates, non-government organizations, and fisherfolk joined the festive shark parade in November 15 calling for the city’s commitment to protect shark species. With Osmeña's move, the whole island of Cebu now has local ordinances that seek to protect sharks, according to a press statement from Greenpeace. Cebu LGUs, along with environmentalists, scientists and interest groups, are now calling for the protection of sharks and other marine species at a national level through the creation of interconnected ocean sanctuaries. “The decision of Mayor Tomas Osmeña is important as it turns the whole of Cebu into a shark and ray sanctuary. This is a very welcome development, as we just concluded the country’s 2ndShark Summit, where an agreement was made toward the protection of all shark and ray species. But our gains in Cebu and the implementation of the CITES listing will only work if we take this to the national level. The Philippine Government needs to hasten the revision and passage of Senate Bill 905[1] that seeks to protect all shark and ray species found within the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone[2]” said Vince Cinches, Oceans Campaigner of Greenpeace Southeast Asia and co-founder of Save Sharks Network of the Philippines (SSNP). The 2nd Shark Summit, led by Save Philippine Seas, Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines, and Greenpeace on November 10 and 11 in Dumaguete, builds on the successful listing of thresher, mobula and silky sharks for protection under Appendix II of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES). The listing doubled to 20% the proportion of sharks targeted by the fin trade that are now regulated internationally, this also means that the species are automatically protected in the Philippines under Section 102 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Fisheries Code. Bimbo Fernandez, executive assistant of the Office of the Mayor on Special Concerns and former Undersecretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government, said that “despite Cebu being a highly urbanized city, the local government always put the protection of key marine habitats within our jurisdiction as a priority, and we strongly believe that market intervention is crucial to the overall efforts of protecting sharks, rays and the marine environment, and we call on our national counterparts to legislate a bill to sustainably manage shark and ray species, so that all our efforts will not go down the drain. Cebu City agrees that we need to go beyond protecting species listed in CITES.” Greenpeace said Cebu City hosts the biggest fish market in the region where catch from other parts of the country are being landed. "Cebu is the only province in the Philippines that bans the catching, selling, possession and trading of all shark species and its derivatives," said Greenpeace in a statement. Cebu also hosts the country’s first and, currently, only shark and ray sanctuary. Monad Shoal, near the Island of Malapascua in Cebu’s Daanbantayan Municipality, is the only place in the world where thresher sharks could be viewed with certainty on a daily basis. Threshers have become the main feature of the
SCUBA dive tourism industry in Malapascua, which accounts for most of Daanbantayan’s economy, securing the livelihood of many in the municipality and its neighboring communities. “We, from the municipal fishing communities welcome this decision, as our livelihood and food is heavily dependent on the health of the seas, we haven’t seen them for years and we admit to hunting them down for food, as we are being robbed of the most important species everytime commercial fishing operators cast their nets down in our waters. If we protect these sharks, we are also protecting our fishing grounds and the future of our community,” said Teody Navea of Sanlakas, which represent fisherfolk from various coastal communities in Cebu.” “For us in the scientific community, the decision of Cebu City Government is historical as Shark and Ray Science points to an unprecedented decline of these species. In the Philippines, despite progress made in science, there is a dearth of knowledge in shark and ray species diversity, habitat, biology and threats. Interestingly, new species are being discovered during expeditions and market surveys. Rare species are even documented in Philippine waters, such as the megamouth shark - the country having the third highest number of reports worldwide, and the critically endangered sawfish. We need to have science to inform in the best possible ways for shark management. We need to move forward as a country together if we want to reverse this trend, if there are problems along the way, we can always fix it,” said Dr. Alessandro Ponzo of the Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines. (rmn/PIA7-Cebu/with reports from Greenpeace)
D‘gte City to increase beneficiaries of hunger mitigation program By Roi Lomotan DUMAGUETE CITY, Nov. 24 (PIA) – The City Government of Dumaguete aims to increase the number of indigent families in the city to be covered by their hunger mitigation program this year.
rom 12,000 recipients in previous years, the city government aims to raise the figure to 30,500 beneficiaries. Dumaguete City Mayor Felipe Remollo disclosed he already asked and secured the approval of the City Council to allocate P7.05 million for the hunger mitigation programs of the city government. From said amount, P6 million will be set aside for the Pamaskong Handog program which will benefit 20, 000 indigent families while P1.05
million will go to Share-a-meal Program which will benefit 10, 500 poor children. Mayor Remollo explained he was able to raise said amount by giving up P3 million in the intelligence fund and diverting it for the impoverished families and children, therefore also increasing the number of beneficiaries of the program. A scheme will also be implemented to ensure an orderly and efficient distribution of goods and food packs so they will reach intended
beneficiaries. To prevent incidents of some well-to-do families and children availing the program, Remollo has instructed the City Social Welfare Office to ensure that only the poorest residents will be listed and that the concerned barangay captains and social workers will certify that they belong to the city’s impoverished families. (rmn/ral/PIA7-Negros Oriental/with reports from Dems Demecillo, PIO Dumaguete City)
Siquijor inmates join correctional consciousness week observance Rizalie Calibo SIQIJOR, Nov. 25 (PIA) -- Ninety-five inmates of the Siquijor Provincial Jail attended the Information Dissemination Campaign aimed at promoting awareness about the plight of prisoners and detainees conducted recently by the Parole and Probation Administration (PPA) office here.
he activity is in line with the observance of the National Correctional Consciousness Week (NACOCOW) of the Parole and Probation Administration. It is mandated by Presidential Proclamation No. 551, series of 1995 that NACOCO is celebrated every last week of October. During the information campaign, Senior
Probation and Parole Officer (SPPO) Antonette Baldonado discussed topics on the existence and various services of PPA-Siquijor. VPA Eduardo Abatayo shared his insights on God’s love and life purpose to inspire the inmates and detainees that there still awaits a bright future for them. SPPO Baldonado together with the Volunteer Probation Assistants (VPAs) conducted
the activity. Meanwhile, Provincial Jail Warden Neal Rosaroso said that the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) has also prepared activities for the NACOCOW observance like Macho Gay, Sportsfest and awarding for the outstanding service providers of BJMP. (rmn/rac/ PIA7-Siquijor/with reports from I.Acabo-Abatayo)
Trained welders to be deployed to Hanjin, Subic Ninfa Iluminada B. Quirante CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, Nov. 23 (PIA) — Some 25 Matuginao youth who graduated from Shielded Metal Arc Welding will soon be leaving for Hanjin Subic.
n their graduation rites on Tuesday, TESDA Prime Regis said that the skills they learned will be enhanced in the giant industry. Some of them were farmers, others out of school but their most common denominator is that they belong to poor families. Vice Mayor Carmelle dela Cruz said that the LGU partnered with TESDA to train them so that their families will be a little different from the rest.
Matuginao is a small, remote farming town where there are very few job opportunities for unskilled people. “Kay magpaki Manila man kamo, sine nga training, mayda na kamo maipapakita nga skills nga makaka trabaho na kamo didto,” (Since you dream of working in Manila, you now have skills to be employed.) she said in her message PIA learned that Matuginao LGU transported the young men to Catbalogan City, rented a boarding house for them,
gave them food allowance of P150.00 a day, while TESDA through the Perpetual Help Training Institute gave them the training skills for 33 days and gave them an allowance of P60.00 a day. “Amon na gud la Maam, pagkugi ngan pagtrabaho,” (Ours was to work diligently.) said Julian Castanares. The new trainees are now looking beyond the mountains of Matuginao to help their poor families better their quality of life. (ajc/nbq/PIA-Samar)
Cebu-Calbayog flight now opens with Cebu Pacific Ninfa B Quirante CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, Nov. 22 (PIA) — Passengers for Cebu from Samar need not endure the two to four hour van ride to Tacloban to fly to Cebu, they can now enjoy the Calbayog –Cebu flight through the Cebu Pacific flights for Cebu. n November 19, a Saturday, Cebu now up by the three with a total of 36 them Aida Reyes was awarded a round trip Pacific set off its maiden flight to domestic cities being served. ticket for being the first to check in. Cebu. Rep Edgar Mary Sarmiento With this further expansion, more and “CEB remains committed in offering the took the flight from Cebu to Calbayog City. more travelers now have easier access to most convenient choices for passengers at Four times weekly (Tuesday, Thursday, the already wide (and continually-growing) the lowest fares possible. Saturday and Sunday) Cebu Pacific will fly network Cebu Pacific. With these additional routes in and out between Cebu and Calbayog using the ATR The lowest all-in year-round fare, of the Queen City of the South, more guests 72-500 aircraft. one-way for Cebu to Calbayog is Php 1,983, can now easily explore the Visayas region. The airlines recently launched two Cebu to Ormoc is Php 1,647 and Cebu to At the same time, locals can now more routes to the Visayan region, one for Roxas is Php 2,039. connect not only to Cebu and Manila, but to Ormoc and for Roxas City, the third of Dr. Nestor Cailo, physician from Sta international destinations as well. which is Calbayog. Margarita joined the bunch of those who Rest assured, we will continue to Tourism Regional Director Karen took the maiden flight. He only paid the persist in expanding our horizons and Tiopes said that the Calbayog-Cebu flight promo price, he said at P1,400.00 round trip promote trade and tourism in the can bring in more tourists to Calbayog as it to Calbayog. destinations we operate in,” says Alexander offers fresh new tourists destination. Three girlfriends who work at Samar Lao, Cebgo President and CEO. (ajc/nbq/PIA With these new destinations, CEB is Capitol are going to Simala, Cebu, one of 8-Samar)
North Samar to organize anti-drug abuse council Teresita B. Cardenas CATARMAN, Northern Samar, Nov. 17 (PIA) – The Province of Northern Samar will organize its anti-drug abuse council to strengthen its commitment to fight illegal drug abuse in the province.
overnor Jose L. Ong Jr. in an Executive Order 01-11 said the council will serve as a focal point through which various organizations and individuals work together cooperatively in the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs on drug abuse prevention. The Executive Order states that the council will also provide for an effective
mechanism for the coordination of existing services and programs and this might be developed in the immediate future to eliminate illegal drugs. Further, the council is tasked to conduct an intensive information campaign in all schools throughout the province so that students and pupils will be informed on the ill-effects of the use of prohibited drugs.
The council would help ensure community peace and harmony in addressing problems on illegal drugs since its increasing use has significantly contributed to the incidence of heinous crimes. The creation of the council is a strong manifestation of the Governor in the effort of waging war against illegal drugs in the province.(pia8northsamar)
DOE intensifies electrification among the poor HHs in SoLeyte Erna S. Gorne SOGOD, Southern Leyte Nov. 21 (PIA) – The Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative (SOLECO) in partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE) has recommended for the inclusion of thousands of poor households in the province for electrification.
ccording to SOLECO MDO Allan Ferrer during the quarterly meeting the Multi Sectoral Electrification Advisory Council (MSEAC), the Natiowide Intensification of Household Electrification (NIHE) program initiated by DOE aims to bring electricity to those households that do not have the financial capability to acquire electrical materials. He said the program will cover for the acquisition of kilowatt meter, service drop wire and house wiring in the total amount of
P3,750.00 for every household. It was further reported that even with the available secondary lines in the neighborhood still thousands of households in the province remain without electric power due to financial constraints, Ferrer said. The national government hopes to attain an electrification percentage of 90% of all households across the country by next year, he added. He said that Eastern Visayas has the
lowest percentage of 85% households energized, so far. The program will prioritize those unserved households which usually resorted to flying connections hence they are prone to fire incidents, he added. Earlier, SOLECO collaborated with the National Electrification Administration (NEA) to bring power to unserved sitios and barangays where at least 20 households are located, it was learned. (ajc/esg/PIA8 SoLeyte)
Swimmer crosses Bohol-Maasin seas for clean seas, tourism campaign Marcelo M. Pedalino MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Nov. 21 (PIA) -- The seawaters that divide this city and Bohol province, a distance of about 17 kilometers, became the stage used by a noted Filipino aquaman to advance his advocacies on clean seas and tourism.
ngemar Macarine, a lawyer by profession, successfully conquered the said seawaters, known as the Canigao Channel, in an epic, first-of-a-kind swim Sunday, November 20, 2016, finishing the punishing feat in six hours and 37 minutes. The swim was over by Sunday noon, from barangay Tugas, President Carlos Garcia town at the Bohol side, to barangay Guadalupe, a coastal barangay, in this city, according to a facebook post by
Ric Obedencio shared by Inquirer correspondent Jani Arnaiz. In the first ten kilometers from take-off, Macarine, a native of Surigao and an election officer at the Comelec, Tubigon, Bohol office, struggled against big waves, and the next seven kilometers against strong current, the day’s weather a mix of a partially sunny and cloudy sky. A triathlon athlete with the alias Pinoy Aquaman, also conquered other seas
surrounding Bohol and Cebu, but it was the first time he extended his reach for this city through open water sea swim to further his cause, especially to promote tourism for Ubay and call attention for clean seas. He said he was grateful to Mayor Costan Reyes of Ubay, Bohol, and Cong. Aris Aumentado for the support, including a 20-man standby, emergency crew that followed him in a motorboat. (ajc/mmp/ PIA8-Southern Leyte)
Naval Mayor bares MASA MASID hotlines, calls for cooperation Rodrigo S. Victoria NAVAL, Biliran, Nov. 21 (PIA) – The local chief executive, this town, bared hotlines for public use in the government‘s campaign against criminality, corruption and illegal drugs.
aval Mayor Gerard Roger M. Espina announced in his message during the launching of Mamamayang Ayaw Sa Anomaliya -Mamamayang Ayaw Sa Ilegal na Droga (MASA MASID) in Naval, Monday, November 21, two cellular phone hotlines that will be officially used by the public to report any activities in the community related to criminality, corruption and illegal drugs. “You can call or send your message to 09208785903 and 09172003170 for any abuses that will be done by government
officials and employees including any activity related to criminality and illegal drugs in the community,” Mayor Espina told barangay volunteers and church leaders who attended the launching held at the Naval Gymnasium. However, Mayor Espina warned the public not to use the two hotline numbers for prank calls and irrelevant text messages so as not to defeat the purpose. “LGU-Naval will act on the messages and calls through these two hotlines within 24 hours,” the young local chief executive vowed to address immediately on concerns
relative to criminality, corruption and illegal drugs. He also said that he wanted Naval to be a drug-free town under his watch despite the big challenge he is facing on the illegal drug problem of the town. Mayor Espina also urged the cooperation of the people in the 26 barangays and the leaders of the different religious groups who volunteered to be part of the government’s drive and effort to curb if not eliminate the society’s menace on criminality, corruption and illegal drugs. (ajc/ FJ/rvictoria/PIA Biliran)
One Visayas e-newsletter is published weekly by the Visayas Regional Cluster of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) comprising Region 6, 7 and 8. Its main editorial office is located at PIA Region 6, Iloilo City. One Visayas e-newsletter is part of the online news and information dissemination services of PIA and is powered by www.issuu.com. For inquiries and suggestions, call Tel. Nos. (033) 3378719/3377301 or e-mail piaamo6@yahoo.com.
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