Donut worry, be happy!
Size 9x9x4 cm WBYH024
You are the sprinkles on my Donut.
Size 10x10x4 cm WB19021
Eat, drink and be merry!
Size 11.5x3.5x11 cm WB79089
You are a beautiful cupcake, in a world full of muffins.
Size 7x7x8 cm WB19026
Size 10x8x3 cm WBYH072
Size 10x6x4.5 cm WB19125
Just dare to bacon.
- Santa Claus-
Size 14.5x5x2.5 cm WBYH044AB
Une baguette pour moi, une baguette pour toi. -St. Claus-
Size 4x2.5x11.5 cm WB79087
a balanced diet is a christmas cookie, in each hand.
Size 5x2.5x12 cm WB79086
We Elves try to
stick to the four main food groups
candy canes, candy corns
and syrup.
-Buddy the elf-
Size 11.5x3x3 cm WBYH008
Size 5x3.5x12 cm WB79121B
if you were ice cream, you would be my
Size 11.5x6.5x2.5 cm WBYH037BR
Christmas calories
do not count!
Size 11.5x6.5x2.5 cm WBYH037BR
Pia Design is a Nor wegian company in design, branding, production and sales. We are located in M ysen, Nor way, where we have our headquarters. We also have branch offices in Sweden, as well as in China. We have provided the Scandinavian market with our services, concepts and products since 1996. As our company name clearly express, we have our own design team. Fu r t h e r p ro d u c t i o n w i t h we l l - p ro ve n p ro d u c e r s, where we are constantly in place to check the quality and shipment of the production line. Our specialty is to save your time and to offer the best possibility of great concepts or single products into your business. We are always present to our customers and create a safe business process. This is Pia Design.
#to be continued