English for meetings 1 piaggio

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Business English for Meetings


Could we meet next week?

2. brainstorming C 3. kick-off D

1. E progress

meeting 4. team F

6. shareholder B 5. board A

a.People who work in the same department have this type of meeting regularly. b.This is a meeting of a company’s most senior managers. c. If you need new ideas, you have this type of meeting. d.This is a meeting for a company’s investors. e.At this type of meeting, you talk about what has been accomplished on a project. f. This type of meeting is held at the beginning of a project.

Which sentence can be used? 1. To arrange a meeting? 2. To discuss the length of a meeting? 3. To arrange the time of a meeting? 4. To say that a suggested time for a meeting is not convenient? 5. To confirm the time of a meeting?

Sentence scrambles

Look at the words and put them in the correct order to make a sentence.

fine would Yes, that be

like to you when meet would 40 Seconds

at Thursday how 11:30 about morning 40 Seconds

would for be next Tuesday you how 40 Seconds

to forward you I look then meeting 40 Seconds

Asking for a meeting • Could we schedule a time to meet next week? • I’d like to schedule a meeting as soon as possible. • Can we meet and go over this together? • Perhaps we could meet and go over the details in person?

Suggesting a meeting time • How about Monday at nine? • How about sometime after lunch? • Could we meet next week? • Can I suggest 7:30 on Thursday evening? • Would half past five suit you?

Saying that you aren’t able to attend

• Sorry, I can’t make it then. • I’m afraid I have another appointment then. • I’m a bit tied up then. How about another time?

Saying that you can attend • Sounds good. • Yes, that works for me. • Yes, that would be fine. • Certainly, I look forward to meeting with you.

Confirming the day and time

• See you on Monday at seven. • So, I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at four.

Informal • It was nice to speak to you today. • Thanks for agreeing to meet with me later on. • Just to confirm the date and time of our meeting: • Give me a call if you have any questions before the meeting. • -From Dr. Grayson

Formal / informal • It was a pleasure to speak with you today. • I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for agreeing to meet with me.

• It was nice to speak to you today • Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.

Formal / informal • I would like to confirm the date and time of our meeting: • Should you have any questions in advance of our meeting, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

• Just to confirm the date and time of our meeting: • Give me a call if you have any questions before the meeting.

Formal / informal

• I very much look forward to meeting you. • Yours sincerely

• Looking forward to seeing you then.

• Regards

Email Etiquette-Top 10 1. P ro fe ss io n a li sm co u n ts! 2. Titl e in th e su b j e ct li n e 3. ‘ N e e d to k no w’ r u le 4. K e e p it to b ri e f 5. C on te n t s h ou l d be cl e a n 6. U se sp e ll ch e ck 7. B e ca re fu l n o t to ‘ R ep l y to A l l’ 8. Avo id co u rte s y m e ss ag e s 9. D on ’ t cl og th e s ys te m 10. Ta lk in g to p e o p le i s sti ll o ka y!

Email Use Guidelines • Ensure your hotel name is on the email letterhead • When an email is addressed to several people – assume the message is written to the people in the “To:” field. • “CC” field is only for people’s information • “BCC” is not to be used unless absolutely necessary as it does not build trust.

Replying • Determine if an email requires a response before replying to it • Make sure to include the original message on a reply or forward if you have added recipients • When using ‘Reply with History’ or ‘Forward’ remove attachments and logos which are no longer needed

Attachments • Type text messages directly into an email • Text attachments should be limited to contracts or other specialized documents • This will ensure that the recipient can read your message easily • They may not hav e the program or ability to read your attachment

E-mail Guidelines Use the following plain text format to list your contact information:

Example: Wa r m r e g a r d s

Nikita Thakur Reservations Manager S o f i t e l P l a z a H o t e l , Ye n P h u Ta y H o , Hanoi 84320 Vietnam Direct Line: +91 22 6662 7343 Direct Fax: +91 22 6662 7344 E m a i l : m a i l t o : n i k i t a . t h a k u r @ a c c o r. c o m

E-mail Guidelines • Whenever you send an e-mail message, please : • “Sign” the message with your name , although there is no need to repeat your contact information each time you send a message to the same person. • Include the word “mailto:” in your e-mail address to create a hyperlink that allows other people to connect to your address without retyping it. • Phone number format appropriate to our country: + 91 (22) 6662 7343

Six Rules of Email • Concise – don’t use unnecessary words

• Correct – accurate, no mistakes

• Complete – all necessary information

• Clear – easy to understand

• Coherent – ensure others can understand what you mean

• Careful – tone, context, vocabulary

To: anna.evans@dbd.com From: tuan.nguyen@piaggio.com Subject: Arrangements for meeting with sales team Hi Anna, I’ve just arrange a meeting with Ian Sweeney in sales for Monday at 2 p.m. Can you take care of the preparation, please?



Could you _______ a meeting circulate room and ________ Ian and me the room number? Also, can you _________ the agenda to Ian and the reserve consultants? And we’ll need AV, can you _______ a projector and order speakers for us? Don’t forget to ______ some coffee and biscuits.


Finally, can you _______ the meeting, take please? The discussion is important so I’ll need you to ______ the minutes. Thanks for your help. Best wishes Tuan

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