WASTE TIPS use reusable bags
do not waste food
use mesh bags for food
Urząd Miasta i Gminy Piaseczno ul. Kościuszki 5, 05-500 Piaseczno
BULKY WASTE (furniture, carpets, large toys, bicycles, etc.) – should be handed over as part of the public collection in accordance with the schedule or directly to the Selective Waste Collection Point (PSZOK) located in Piaseczno at ul. Techniczna 6. Bulky waste should be put out in front of the property or the bin shelter. More information is available at www.odpady.piaseczno.eu WASTE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT – please deliver directly to the Selective Waste Collection Point or make an appointment for free collection of this waste from your house/flat by contacting PP.H.U. POLBLUME at tel. (22) 756-96-61 or by e-mail: polblume@polblume.pl.
compost bio-waste
carry your own cup and limit your use of disposable cups
leave clothes that are no longer needed in the appropriate special container
try to repair broken items instead of throwing them away
buy previously owned products
use a water filter and do not buy bottled water
Do you have CDs/DVDs, VHS cassettes that you don't know what to do with? You can throw this waste into Municipal Electrical Waste Points (MPEs). At the MPE you can also leave used batteries, light bulbs, ink toner cartridges, and mobile phones. LOCATIONS: · at the railway station in Piaseczno, · opposite Primary School No 5 on Szkolna Street – in Piaseczno (marketplace), · by the Piaseczno Municipal Office building – ul. Kościuszki 5 · in Józefosław park on Ogrodowa Street · at the marketplace in Zalesie Górne (on the corner of Pionierów and Koralowych Dębów) · at Primary School No 3 in Piaseczno (on the corner of Główna and Północna) · at Primary School No 1 – ul. Aleja Kalin 30 (bus bay)
USED BATTERIES – should be placed in the special containers located in the following buildings: Piaseczno Town and Municipality Office, Sports and Recreation Centre in Piaseczno, Cultural Centre in Piaseczno, schools or retail outlets who collect such waste, or directly to the Selective Waste Collection Point. EXPIRED MEDICINES AND MERCURY THERMOMETERS – should be placed in the specialised containers available in pharmacies or directly to the Selective Waste Collection Point. HAZARDOUS WASTE AND THEIR PACKAGING (paints, solvents, agents and chemical reagents, etc.) – should be sent directly to the Selective Waste Collection Point. USED TYRES –tyres from passenger cars only should be sent directly to Selective Waste Collection Point. CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION AND REPAIR WASTE – waste created from carrying out works that require an appropriate permit should be collected in individually ordered containers and transferred at your own expense for collection and utilisation. However, waste from minor repairs, after prior segregation, can be delivered to the Selective Waste Collection Point (max. 1,000 kg per year per property in single family housing and 500 kg per unit in multi-family housing). MEDICAL WASTE (used syringes, needles, etc.) – should be collected at their place of origin in appropriate sealed bags and containers and, when full, should be reported to the Waste Management Department at tel. (22) 701 75 37.
PRINCIPLES OF WASTE SEGREGATION Wydział Gospodarki Odpadami Urzędu Miasta i Gminy Piaseczno ul. Świętojańska 5A, 05-500 Piaseczno www.odpady.piaseczno.eu e-mail: go@piaseczno.eu
hotline: 22 / 70 17 537
cut grass leaves
potted flowers along with potting soil
school and office paper
rotten fruit and vegetables
DO NOT THROW IN: remains of meat and bones, raw meat, animal excrement, cat litter and sand, contaminated sawdust from animals, ash from the stove or fireplace, cigarettes and cigarette butts, sand, stones, plastic waste, foil, metal, expired medicines, nappies, sanitary napkin and hygienic waste.
plastic bags
plastic bottles, packaging for cosmetics and cleaning products
toothpaste tubes
aluminium foil packaging
food packaging
plastic flowerpots
cosmetic glass packaging
paper rolls and paper core polystyrene packaging
paper packaging and cartons peelings, skins, and cores
meat and bone scraps
fish and seafood
paper towels
rubber and latex
glass drink bottles
books and notebooks
teabags and coffee grounds eggshells
magazines, catalogues
broken twigs from trees and shrubs
hygiene products
small broken toys
crushed beverage cans receipts
printing clippings, paper sacks
DO NOT THROW IN: greasy and soiled paper (e.g., butter, margarine, and quark wrappers), fax paper, wallpaper, hygiene waste (e.g., swabs, sanitary napkins, nappies).
tin cans, metal boxes
Tetra Pak packaging
glass food jars (without lids)
cigarette butts
coffee, sweets, chips packaging
DO NOT THROW IN: bottles and packaging of food and car oils, grease packaging, building polystyrene, rubber, bottles and containers with any contents, paint cans, batteries, aerosol p ackaging, packaging of weedkillers or insecticides, household appliances and audiovisual equipment.
table glass, crystals, faience and porcelain
DO NOT THROW IN: porcelain and ceramics, flowerpots, light bulbs, neon, fluorescent and mercury vapour lamps, reflectors, insulators, spectacle glass, heat resistant glass, window glass, faience, TV screens and lamps, mirrors, car glasses, medicine packaging and thermometers.
DO NOT THROW IN: bulky waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment, used batteries and accumulators, expired medicines and mercury thermometers, hazardous waste and packaging (paints, solvents, etc.), used tyres, construction, demolition and renovation waste, medical waste (used syringes, needles, etc.), 4kitchen and green waste.