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Engage 2021

GOLF OUTING ANNUAL GOLF OUTING YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Wednesday evening kicked off with delicious food and drinks 18TH ANNUAL AUGUST 5 10AM REGISTRATION AUGUST 5 10AM REGISTRATION 11AM SHOTGUN START THE BOG GOLF OUTINGand great company at the Engagement Party reception. Then busses loaded up and headed off to The Turn, which was the perfect place to get together, make new connections and practice your swing or fastball. The new complex had something for everyone – no one wanted to leave! 11AM SHOTGUN START 3121 COUNTY ROAD I At the Annual Meeting, the membership elected two new SAUKVILLE, WI 53080 THE BOG 3121 COUNTY ROAD I SAUKVILLE, WI 53080 COST $150 COST $150 Includes golf cart, box lunch, two drink tickets, reception, hors d’oeuvres directors to the Board. Congratulations to Mike Endres of Endres Insurance Agency in Cross Plains, and Tracy Sabol of Robertson Ryan & Associates in Waukesha. PIA’s new officers were selected, as well. We congratulate President Ryan Butzke, AUGUST 5 10AM REGISTRATION 11AM SHOTGUN START Includes golf cart, box lunch, two drink tickets, reception, hors d’oeuvres MAJOR SPONSORCIC, CISR; Vice-President Steve Clements, CPIA; Treasurer Lacey Endres, CIC and Secretary Jon Strom! THE BOG 3121 COUNTY ROAD I MAJOR SPONSOR The annual award winners were also announced. Brian MacGillis, CPIA, of MacGillis Insurance Agency, was SAUKVILLE, WI 53080 COST $150 PLATINUM SPONSORS Includes golf cart, box lunch, two drink tickets, reception, hors d’oeuvres
2021 was a giant success! named the recipient of the Ron Von Haden Agent of the Year Award. Sean Paterson, CIC, of Robertson Ryan & Associates was named the recipient of the Stony Steinbach Achievement Award. Casey Flood, of Society Insurance, was named Company Representative of the Year. Attendees participated in educational seminars in the morning and in the afternoon, experienced PIA’s new (Re) Connect Trade show. The new layout was a hit and agents got to meet with various exhibitors, play PIA Poker and even meet and get photos with Jordy Nelson! Engage 2021’s finale was the keynote speech by best-selling author Weldon Long. Weldon’s speech taught attendees that changing your mindset can really change your life, no matter your starting point.

PLATINUM SPONSORS MAJOR SPONSOR Thanks to all who attended and to our generous sponsors for helping us bring our convention back better than ever!
Scholarships totaling up to $25,000 will be given away thanks to our generous sponsors.

Scholarships totaling up to $25,000 will be given away
thanks to our generous sponsors. REGISTER TODAY!WWW.PIAW.ORG/PIA-EVENTS/YPC-GOLF-OUTING/ INFO@PIAW.ORG • 1-800-261-7429
Scholarships totaling up to $25,000 will be given away thanks to our generous sponsors.

2021-2022 PIAW Board Members and Officers (Left to Right) – Bob Wolfgram, Tracy Sabol, Julie Ulset, CPIA (Past President), Ann Linstroth, CISR, PWCAM, Steve Clements, CPIA (Vice President), Mike Endres, Lacey Endres, CIC (Treasurer), Ryan Butzke, CIC, CISR (President), Jeff Glass, CPIA (Liaison), Tracy Oestreich, CIC, CPIA, AU, CPIW (PIA National Director), Jon Strom (Secretary), Michael Winstanley. (Not Pictured: Mitchell Tarras)

Nicholas Oleniczak, CISR, “Outstanding CSR of the Year” with team members from M3 Insurance

April Tarras representing the 1752 Club, presents Brian MacGillis, CPIA, with the Ron Von Haden Agent of the Year Award.

Casey Flood, CIC, AIC, PIA’s Company Representative of the Year, stands with his Society Insurance team members.

Past President Sean Paterson, CIC, was named the 2021 recipient of the Stony Steinbach Achievement Award and was presented a plaque to commemorate his service to the PIA Board of Directors.