The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Fall 2024

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Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends,

From the Latin word “lux” at the center of our crest to the gleam of the golden arrows our founders pinned in their hair, light has always been part of Pi Beta Phi’s identity. Light illuminates and inspires; uplifts and encourages; brings clarity and removes doubt. That’s why, to me, “creating a bright future” perfectly describes our Foundation’s commitment to support Pi Phi’s mission. Just as light brightens everything it touches, the work of our Foundation impacts each member, our sisterhood as a whole and the communities where we live and serve others.

My role as a Trustee gives me the ongoing opportunity to witness that impact firsthand. Whether it’s a collegian newly empowered through a Leading with Values ® seminar, a chapter officer who grows in confidence during College Weekend, an educator who can share the world with a child through the gift of a book or an alumna pursuing academic dreams with the support of a scholarship, the light of our

Foundation is a beacon of goodness that shines into the lives of so many.

As a Foundation donor, you are the source of that light—and the impact we celebrate within these pages is made possible through your loyalty and generosity to Pi Phi. With every gift, you enrich our member experience, sustain our essential programs and help our Foundation shine with greater warmth and radiance. In turn, every light within our sisterhood and our communities shines more brightly because of you.

Our dedicated Foundation volunteer leaders and staff reflect the light of your generosity, magnifying its power and expanding its reach.

We carefully manage and steward the resources you entrust to us to ensure both immediate impact and long-term growth. As our landscape evolves, these Pi Phi leaders engage in intentional work to evaluate trends, determine priorities and position our Foundation to best respond to challenges and opportunities. While we can’t predict the future, we have confidence that your partnership will continue to light the way forward for our sisterhood.

As we work together to accomplish even more for our sisters and our dear Pi Beta Phi, there’s no limit to how brilliantly our collective light can shine. With the necessary resources, expertise, involvement and vision, we have the power to create a future that’s even brighter than our past—a future where every sister shines to her full potential.

In Pi Phi,

Just as light brightens everything it touches, the work of our Foundation impacts each member, our sisterhood as a whole and the communities where we live and serve others.

Creating a Bright Future

Since 1867, Pi Beta Phi has helped women find their purpose in the world. More than 157 years after our founding, women still cherish the meaning at the heart of our sisterhood—authentic connections and lifelong friendships, avenues for personal and professional growth and opportunities to make an impact in the world.

Creating a bright future for every Pi Phi requires the engagement and steadfast support of all members of our sisterhood. As Pi Phis, we can accomplish anything when working together, and that belief shines through in the work made possible through your loyalty to Pi Beta Phi Foundation.

Whether you’re a monthly donor, a member of the Evelyn Peters Kyle Society or made your first gift this year, Pi Phi’s future is already shining brighter because of you. The power of your support is reflected in the perseverance of the Pi Phis who receive Foundation scholarships, the inspiration of the learners who discover a love of reading, the spirit of the chapter and alumnae club officers who

realize their capacity to lead and the gratitude of the sisters who receive emergency assistance grants. We’re honored to share some of their stories within this report.


Leadership development is a cornerstone of Pi Beta Phi—a testament to our core values and our aspiration to empower future generations of leaders. By offering intentional, purposeful events and programming, our leadership development programs set the stage for understanding and living Pi Beta Phi values, fulfilling leadership potential and serving our communities.

“I never viewed myself as a leader until I joined Pi Phi, but the women in my chapter helped me discover my potential and encouraged me to apply for a leadership role. That decision was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Becoming a Pi Phi leader transformed me into the strong, confident person I am today and helped me realize my love for leadership and empowering others.

From left: Leadership Development Consultants California Zeta PARIS PAZ , Michigan Beta TESS KLYGIS and Olivia.

“Leadership development is instrumental in helping collegiate women transition to their professional lives by helping them gain skills like organization, communication and delegation. Attending College Weekend taught me that being a leader is about more than just oneself—and you don’t have to do everything alone, because there are so many Pi Phis who are there to help and want you to succeed.

“For many members, College Weekend is the first glimpse into the bigger picture of Pi Phi beyond their chapter. I hope our future leadership

events will be more accessible to all collegians—they provide opportunities to network with fellow leaders and inspire Pi Phis to be the best leaders they can be.”

OLIVIA CASTLE , Ohio Epsilon

In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, gifts to Chapter Leadership Education Expendable (CLEE) funds provided $44,221.48 in grant support to help collegians participate in leadership development opportunities. CLEEs are designed to support leadership initiatives and may be used to help cover travel and registration expenses for events such as College Weekend and Leadership Institute, easing financial burdens for chapters and members.

Your generosity enables Pi Phi to continue supporting collegians on their leadership journey, encouraging them to pursue their goals and develop the necessary skills to become confident leaders.

Scan the QR code to learn more about CLEE funds and how your gifts support sisters like Olivia.


The core value of Personal and Intellectual Growth serves as a reminder of our shared commitment to education. Whether pursuing undergraduate degrees as collegians or continuing education as alumnae, Pi Beta Phi Foundation scholarships enable our sisters to achieve even their most ambitious academic dreams.

“When I learned I was selected for the Adrianna Bachan Memorial Scholarship, I was profoundly honored and grateful. Experiencing reciprocal love and support from Pi Phi only amplified my appreciation for and connection to our sisterhood. My twin brother, older sister and I are attending college at the same time, and my parents have made significant sacrifices to support our education—so I am committed to helping in any way I can. Receiving this award was incredibly meaningful as it affirmed my worth and demonstrated I was on the right path.

Above: Pi Beta Phi Foundation Executive Director JILL MACKEY CARREL , Indiana Gamma, signs 106 scholarship checks.

“I think it’s important for Pi Phi to continue offering scholarships because higher education is undeniably costly, making it crucial to support individuals on their academic journey. Since financial situations vary greatly, any assistance can make a significant difference. As a donor, your gifts continue to inspire, motivate and turn dreams into reality.”

For the 2024-2025 academic year, Pi Phi awarded $317,846 in scholarships to 106 collegiate and alumnae sisters—a testament to how we live our values. Each award is made possible through the generosity of Foundation donors. Your gifts empower our sisters to reach their full potential while lessening their financial burden. Scan the QR code to learn more about scholarships and how your support empowers sisters like Macie.


Pi Phi’s literacy story began more than 100 years ago with the establishment of a school for the children of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Today, our belief in the power of reading shines through Read > Lead > Achieve ®, the philanthropic effort encompassing Pi Phi’s literacy work. Your gifts fund initiatives like Champions are Readers ®, literacy grants and Fraternity Day of Service (FDS) Signature Events— and inspire a lifelong love of reading in children across North America.

“Our mission is to bridge the gaps in literacy access and support. Thanks to our connection with

Pi Beta Phi Foundation, we have so many heartwarming stories to share as we work to bring books to children. Whether we’re meeting the literary needs of a rural community, providing books to support teachers and

Above, from left: Region Six Team members, Collegiate Regional Director MOLLY HARRIS-STEVENS , Mississippi Beta and Alumnae Engagement Director ALICIA MIDDLETON STEPHENS , North Carolina Alpha, at the Austin, Texas, FDS Signature Event.

their students, or celebrating family literacy with a fun story time and book giveaway, the Page Coach program will keep inspiring children to discover the joy of reading and the power of a literate mind!”

Kids Need to Read Executive

Director and literacy grant recipient Jessica Payne

During the last fiscal year, your gifts to our Foundation furthered Pi Phi’s ongoing commitment to literacy. We awarded $100,000 in FDS500 grants—now Pi Beta Phi Literacy Grants—to educators and community partners, who in turn were able to purchase 20,472 books and 2,000 units of school supplies for the children and families they serve. Our 2024 FDS Signature Event book distributions shared more than 50,000 new books with schools and literacy-focused organizations in Austin, Texas and Honolulu following the devastating wildfires in Maui—and helped us surpass the milestone of distributing one million books at Signature Events. And, through chapter and alumnae club fundraising, our Foundation

provided $58,985 in Local Impact Grants to expand our philanthropic reach in local communities.


Much like its namesake, the Emma Harper Turner (EHT) Fund embodies the bonds of Sincere Friendship cherished by Pi Phis. Gifts to our Foundation provide one-time emergency grants to collegians and alumnae facing unexpected financial crisis. Supporting the EHT Fund is more than making a donation—it’s a way to live the values and sisterhood at the heart of Pi Beta Phi.

“Supporting these grants is about living our values and honoring the promises we made to our organization and each other. One of the hallmarks of Sincere Friendship is being there for one another, no matter what. EHT Fund grants allow us to do just that—offering help to our Pi Phi sisters when they need it most.

“Serving on the EHT committee, you see the challenges some of our sisters are facing—losing a home, experiencing a devastating accident or receiving a lifechanging diagnosis. In the midst

of these challenges, Pi Phis are there to try to make life a little easier with grants through the EHT Fund.”

Through your gifts, our Foundation supported 18 sisters with confidential EHT Fund grants totaling more than $66,041 last fiscal year. Your generosity extends a lifeline to Pi Phis in need, helping our sisters find hope when they need it most.

Colorado Alpha KATELYN WISEHEART MAYER and her family received an EHT Disaster Relief Fund grant after they lost their home in the devastating Maui wildfires last year. The EHT Fund grant helped Katelyn and her family as they navigated the challenging road ahead—from helping with their mortgage and renting a temporary space, to ensuring their children can continue school and have basic necessities.

Following a Founders’ Day Luncheon in Galesburg on April 26, 1941, 150 Pi Phis—accompanied by a police escort—drove 16 miles to visit Holt House.

From left: Illinois Alpha LOIS BARNES KRITZER , then-Grand President AMY BURNHAM ONKEN , Illinois Epsilon, Illinois Epsilon MIRIAM WILLIAMS , Illinois Delta HARRIETTE HELEN AVERY MACCLYMENT and Illinois Beta-Delta VIRGINIA PARSONS ROBERTS were among the first visitors to Holt House after Pi Phi purchased and restored the property.


The bonds of Pi Beta Phi sisterhood began to take shape almost 160 years ago, as 12 women pledged lifelong friendship and loyalty to one another. Today, the legacies of our founders are interwoven with the generations of sisters who have followed in their hallowed footsteps. Donor support not only helps to preserve our past—whether at Holt House, within our archives or among the friendships that bring our sisterhood to life—but also prepares us for our shared future.

“Celebrating our heritage means recognizing the legacy of sisterhood each of us has inherited from our founders. Whenever I have the opportunity to visit Holt House, I am reminded of our founders’ remarkable bravery and vision. They created a true movement—a means for women to advance in leadership and academic pursuits with the support of Sincere Friendship.

“Just as we share in our founders’ legacy, we share the responsibility of ensuring the Pi Phi experience continues for generations to come. Each of us has the power to leave our own lasting legacy for Pi Phi by giving to our Foundation. I choose to direct my gifts to endowed funds so that they can be invested and allocated—whether that means preserving our past, caring for our present or planning for our future. Through my contributions, I’m paying forward what Pi Phi has given me.”

During the past fiscal year, your gifts funded critical maintenance and operations at Holt House, as well as ongoing preservation work in the Fraternity archives.


From traditional chapter houses to suites, lodges and campus gathering spaces, Pi Phi’s chapter facilities are the places our sisters call home. Our housing experience offers a venue for collegians to create lifelong friendships and find a true sense of belonging. Your gifts in support of housing ensure more members have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find their home in Pi Phi.

“Pi Phi facilities are more than just a place to live—they are the setting of fond memories, life lessons and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. There is a dataproven connection between the member experience and the housing experience. By investing in the spaces our members call home, we directly invest in their well-being and success.

“Donations to our Foundation alleviate the financial pressures our chapters and collegians

face—jumpstarting facility improvements, reducing room and board costs and even offsetting utility expenses through Chapter House Improvement Program (CHIP) Funds. By providing essential funding for renovations, safety upgrades and ongoing maintenance, donor support allows chapters to focus their resources on fostering positive member experiences rather than rising housing costs.

“Our goal is to create facilities that enhance the success of any Pi Phi chapter. Partnering with our Foundation in this work gives us the financial strength to plan for both long- and short-term housing needs and ensure every member has access to a premier housing experience.”

Pi Beta Phi Fraternity and Fraternity Housing

Corporation Executive Director Shawn Eagleburger

Your support last fiscal year helped us direct $2,914,089 to chapters through CHIP Funds and Educational Area Grant Programs— special funds with a direct goal of sustaining and enhancing Pi Phi’s housing experience.

Scan the QR code to learn how your support for housing ensures our chapters can maintain the competitive living and learning environments so vital to our future.


Pi Beta Phi Foundation is uniquely dedicated to helping our sisterhood fulfill its mission—promoting friendship, developing women of intellect and integrity, cultivating leadership potential and enriching lives through community service. Gifts to the Friendship Fund are one of the most powerful ways to ensure the Foundation meets the critical needs of our organization and sustains a premier member experience. Your support paves the way for a bright future for every Pi Phi sister.

“Giving is deeply personal. Many women feel a profound connection to their philanthropy and where they invest their time, talent and treasure. When someone asks, ‘How can I help?’ I often encourage them to give to the Friendship Fund. The Friendship Fund empowers Pi Beta Phi Foundation to allocate resources where they are needed most at that moment, whether that’s addressing operational needs or responding to additional requests from the Fraternity.

“The Foundation exists to serve Pi Phi, and by contributing to the

Friendship Fund, you’re directly investing in the future of our sisterhood. Pi Phi is strong, but maintaining our strength requires financial health and security. Your gifts reflect your ongoing love for Pi Phi—the experience you had as a collegian and the experience you have as an alumna. By supporting the Foundation and its greatest needs, you’re helping to create more life-changing opportunities for women and empowering the next generation of leaders.”

Your gifts to the Friendship Fund totaled $1,344,255 last fiscal year, helping provide the resources to prepare members to lead, award scholarships, fund our literacy work, care for our sisters, manage investments, share our gratitude— and so much more.

Scan the QR code to learn more about the Friendship Fund and other ways you can help ensure Pi Phi’s ongoing success.

Points of Interest


Powered by Salesforce, BetaBase is Pi Beta Phi’s new member portal designed to give you the best member experience.

With its advanced platform, BetaBase is your new hub for membership and giving information. You can easily fulfill your annual alumnae dues commitment, access your personal giving history and make gifts to Pi Beta Phi Foundation, all in one place.

Through its intuitive tools and features, navigating BetaBase is a breeze—simply create an account and start exploring! We are confident that BetaBase will enhance Pi Beta Phi’s capabilities and strengthen our sisterhood.

If you haven’t yet created an account or need assistance, scan the QR code or visit to learn more and find additional resources.


On December 3, 2024, join us in celebrating GivingTuesday—a global movement of gratitude, generosity and giving back—by sending Pi Phi Love to a sister who makes a difference in your life with a wine carnation from Pi Beta Phi Foundation!

Wine carnation honorees receive a personalized message letting them know you supported our Foundation in their honor. Each $5 wine carnation gift benefits

the Friendship Fund, helping our Foundation respond to Pi Phi's most urgent needs—maintaining essential support for the leadership, literacy, scholarship and emergency assistance programs that empower our sisters.

Mark your calendar for December 3—or join the movement early by honoring a special sister with a wine carnation today!

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Save the date for our favorite day of the year—Pi Phi Giving Day! Held on Pi Day—March 14—Pi Phi Giving Day is a one-day philanthropic event that inspires our members to celebrate what Pi Phi has given each of us by making a gift to our Foundation. Gifts on Pi Phi Giving Day benefit the Friendship Fund, directly supporting Pi Phi’s member programs and ensuring our Foundation is able to meet additional needs each year. Thanks

to the strength of our sisterhood and our commitment to giving back, we raised over $215,000 on Pi Phi Giving Day 2024—with your support, we can make an even greater impact next year. Mark your calendar for March 14, 2025, and plan to join us for a day filled with fun, friendship and giving back to our sisterhood.

Scan the QR code to learn more!

Board of Trustees

President Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta

Town & Country Commons Drive


Town & Country, Missouri 63017


Kim Barger Durand, Oregon Alpha

Vice President Development

Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta

Vice President Finance

Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta


Michael Bettin, Utah Alpha

Connell Sullivan Branan, California Gamma

Heafitz, Illinois Zeta

Alison Veit

Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha

Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta


Ana Mancebo Miller, Texas Beta

Alisa Brooks Rudlang, Minnesota Alpha

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You can ensure an even brighter future for our sisterhood. Your gifts to the Friendship Fund help Pi Phi prepare members to lead, award scholarships, fund our literacy work, care for our sisters—and so much more. Make a gift today at or scan the QR code.

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