The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi - Summer 2020, Special COVID-19 Issue

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DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION IN PI BETA PHI There are no images of Black sisters in this issue of The Arrow. This is a problem. The stories you’ll read on the following pages focus on the crisis presented by a pandemic. As you will see, our Fraternity has decided to focus on the opportunities created when rethinking how we function. As a sisterhood, when even the simple things seem impossible, it becomes even more important to come together. However, COVID-19 is not the only organization-altering challenge needing our collective attention. In the final days of production for this issue, illustrations of racism became more vivid for all the world. Pi Beta Phi had a choice. The Fraternity had to decide if addressing diversity, equity and inclusion was to continue as a hopeful practice or a visible, bold part of our sisterhood. Again, the focus turned to opportunity — opportunity that would not exist if we stayed silent. On June 5, the Fraternity issued a statement committing our sisterhood to actively fight racism. As a society of educated women who have pledged to use their influence for the betterment of society, it was time. Thousands of members called on their Fraternity to step up. A series of action items were shared with the membership to begin the work. You can read about our commitment at Having and appreciating a membership that reflects the diversity our sisterhood deserves will take work. It will take intention. The next issue of The Arrow will include a focus on our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and the opportunities ahead. We will do better.



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