2 minute read
In Her Words
Apollonia "Apple" Gallegos - New Mexico Alpha
WHAT DOES A TYPICAL DAY IN THE OFFICE LOOK LIKE? I am the Senior Managing Director of Experiences on Teach For America’s national recruitment team. I plan large-scale events and programs for college students across the nation. Until recently, I traveled quite a bit and didn’t really have a typical workday. Since March, my work has moved to be virtual and at home. My days are now filled with Zoom calls planning online experiences and making fresh lunches from my garden.
WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I started my career in the classroom as a third-grade teacher. Through teaching, I recognized that every social justice issue impacting our nation stems from, and is rooted in, education. I deeply believe educational inequity is a contributor to the systemic issues and problems we see playing out in our country right now. What I love about my work is exposing college students to issues of inequity that intersect with education, while creating opportunities for students to make immediate impact. This summer, I created and ran a virtual fellowship connecting university students with teachers who had big ideas but needed additional support. Together, the university students and teachers executed projects that are now impacting thousands of K-12 students. My background in education is a strong backbone for the work I am launching surrounding female empowerment.
BEST ADVICE YOU’VE EVER RECEIVED? My grandmother told me something early on in my career when I was struggling with work-life balance, “People will take what you are willing to give.” The more I gave of my time, the more people would take of my time. I learned to practice boundaries and be clear when requests are a “need to have” versus a “nice to have.”
HOW DO YOU MEASURE PERSONAL SUCCESS? Happiness, enrichment, love, learning and positively contributing to society.
HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH STRESS? I am a verbal processor, so talking things out. Also, a daily yoga practice is important to my overall stress management. And, ensuring that I do one thing for myself each day, like listen to my favorite podcast while I walk on the beach.
WHAT DO YOU DO TO BALANCE YOUR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL COMMITMENTS? Time is like money. Where you spend the most time equates to a higher value. Just like having a reserve for monetary savings is important, it is important to have a reserve of your time. Doing a weekly assessment of where my time went and how it aligned or did not align with my values helps me to adjust for the week ahead.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PI PHI MEMORY? Big Sis reveal! I loved finding out my big and I loved surprising my little.
“PI BETA PHI HAS TAUGHT ME …” Connection. Moving to different states, I have always felt connected to my new home once I meet some Pi Phis in the area.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Life isn't about perfection. There is no rule book. Life has many different chapters, and every chapter deserves celebrating.” — Reese Witherspoon
FAVORITE WORD (AND WHY): Philomath. It means a lover of learning. When I discovered this as one of my top five strengths in one of those personality tests, a lot clicked for me!