The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi - Fall 2021

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Angels in Your Path Sometimes our path in life is clear, straight and illuminated; at other times, it can meander, winding through shadowy twists and turns. Then there are the crossroads — the pivotal, unforeseen moments that can impact the course of our path entirely. Just ask Louisiana Beta CAROL CALKINS, whose chance encounters in an introductory accounting class changed the trajectory of her career — one that would ultimately lead her to achieve state and local tax (SALT) partner status at a Big Four accounting firm. Carol’s experiences have inspired her to give back to others, both in mentoring relationships with other professionals and as a donor to Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Carol was one of a handful of women, and the only member of Pi Beta Phi, enrolled in the accounting program at Louisiana State University (LSU) in the late 1960s. She was pursuing a general business degree, trusting her own ability but unsure where she would find work following graduation. That plan changed when her accounting instructor, a visiting professor from another college, asked her to stay after class one day.

“The professor said, ‘Miss Calkins, I believe there is a place for women in accounting,’” Carol recalled. “Back then, there were no career counselors or official mentors; there were maybe three women in the entire accounting program. But I decided to switch my major because he believed in me. He gave me the confidence to go into accounting, which gave me so many more opportunities in life. My story would have been very different otherwise.” As she began her job search, the confidence Carol’s professor had expressed was not shared by many of the hiring managers she faced. “When I started interviewing, it was incredibly difficult,” she said. “In one instance, I’d scored higher [on an exam] than other applicants, but the interviewer actually told me the boss wanted a man for the job.” Frustrated, Carol decided to take the Louisiana civil service exam — and another person from her introductory auditing class would prove to be influential. “Besides me, there was one other woman in the class,” Carol shared. “She was older and sat in the back of the room, auditing the course. Talk about God putting angels in your path!” The woman, Shirley McNamara, happened to be the head of technical accounting for the Louisiana Department of Revenue (DOR). Shirley remembered Carol from the class at LSU and hired her as a revenue agent for the state. The two women developed a strong mentoring relationship that continued for years and made a lasting impact on Carol’s life. When Shirley accepted a new role as Louisana's Secretary of Revenue, she asked Carol to take her place at the Louisiana DOR satellite office in Dallas, Texas. “Shirley was a perfect example of a woman helping another woman in our field,” said Carol. “She was obviously way up there, but she reached down to help someone else succeed.” In Dallas, Carol gained valuable experience supervising state and local taxation that she would bring to her future leadership roles at accounting firm Price Waterhouse (now PwC). Two decades of persistence, hard work and expertise were rewarded in 1991, when Carol made history as the first woman to be named SALT partner at an accounting firm — a monumental achievement made more so as a woman leading in a predominately male field.

Louisiana Beta CAROL CALKINS


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