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Balance Through Boundaries

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No Better Reason

No Better Reason

Dear Sisters,

I’m a big believer in the value of setting boundaries; I set them for myself, for those with whom I work, for my children and for my time. This approach not only simplifies my packed schedule — balancing work, motherhood, volunteerism and social responsibilities — but it also eases my mind and makes expectations realistic and attainable.

When I’m presented with a new opportunity, my priority is to ensure that I don’t commit to anything I can’t give my all to, or to anything that will hinder my ability to fulfill my current promises. This approach helps me stave off the threat of burning myself out. Balancing a busy schedule can take its toll, and I know that if I stretch myself too thin, I’ll not only let down those I’m trying to help, but also myself. In order to avoid overloading myself, I’ve found I need to be fully aware of what I’m taking on and the responsibilities that come along with it.

Setting boundaries helps me navigate both life’s challenges and opportunities. Being able to fully dedicate my attention to a commitment has allowed me to forge strong bonds with those I serve alongside — including my Pi Phi sisters. In turn, my Pi Phi sisters have become my biggest support system and have helped me to process, unwind and decompress in the midst of hard times.

We can only be at our best if we prioritize taking care of ourselves and surrounding ourselves with friends who will allow us to do so. I’ve always found my Pi Phi friends are my best support. My network of Pi Phis keeps growing for that reason — these friends help me be better (and they make life so much more enjoyable.)

I hope as you read this issue of The Arrow, you’ll think about how your sisters in the wine and silver blue can help see you through.

In Pi Phi,


President Fraternity Housing Corporation Board of Directors

Wisconsin Alpha University of Wisconsin, Madison

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