The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Summer 2022

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Summer 2022

The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

A Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends, You’ve probably heard Pi Beta Phi use the phrase “participate, donate, advocate” to encourage members to find a niche within our Fraternity’s literacy work. It’s a strong, tangible call to action: we can volunteer our time, share our financial resources and champion literacy within our communities. During my time on the Board of Trustees, I’ve come to think about the “participate, donate, advocate” approach as a way Pi Phis can become involved with our Foundation. Whether serving on a committee, supporting the Friendship Fund or sharing the exciting, Foundationsupported work happening within our Fraternity, each one of us has something to bring to the table. No matter our background, skills or past involvement, our Foundation offers an opportunity to contribute and stay connected to our sisterhood. The invitation to serve as a Trustee was my own opportunity to reengage with Pi Phi. Though I loved my collegiate experience and stayed close with friends from my chapter, I wasn’t sure how to become involved after graduation beyond membership in my local alumnae club. That’s when ANDREA ARMSTRONG SHULTZ—a past Foundation Executive Director and a friend from Virginia Eta—reached out for my help. She explained that our Foundation needed volunteers with a background in finance and investments and asked if she could recommend me to serve as a Trustee. The opportunity to support the strategic and business functions of our Foundation was a natural fit, and I’d be able to leverage my volunteer experience from several boards and my professional experience in corporate governance, policy and best practices to serve our Fraternity. Stepping into the experience with fresh eyes empowered me to ask critical questions and throw out new ideas. A short time into my tenure, I led the Investment Committee through a proposal review for a new investment manager in support of the SHINE THROUGH campaign. While our investments had performed well, we wanted to ensure we were providing the best possible stewardship for our donors. Being part of an effort that will make such a significant and lasting impact for Pi Phi is one of my proudest achievements. Serving our Foundation has been especially meaningful to me because my work supports our entire sisterhood—and my story shows it’s not just the most involved members who can make a difference. Even if you feel disconnected or don’t think you have the “right” background, your individual expertise and skills may be exactly what’s needed; all it takes is a willingness to raise your hand. If Pi Phi holds a place of meaning for you, I invite you to give back in a way that feels fulfilling to you—as a donor, an advocate for Pi Phi or a volunteer. Together, we’ll ensure current and future members continue to experience the leadership opportunities and Sincere Friendships we’ve all found in Pi Beta Phi. In Pi Phi,

Jennifer Hazelton, Virginia Eta Outgoing Trustee, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Board of Trustees

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Building Confident Leaders


The Unending Impact of a Supportive Sisterhood


Service and Sisterhood: Volunteering with Pi Beta Phi


Points of Interest



The Bow

Building Confident Leaders

“My biggest takeaway is my deeper knowledge in being a servant

Building confident leaders has been a focus of Pi Beta Phi

responsibilities work together to help me be an effective,

since our earliest days. When collegians become members of

honest and trustworthy leader.”

our Fraternity, they are encouraged and empowered to lead

-Virtual College Weekend 2022 Attendee

within their chapter, campus and greater community. Over the years, and through the support of Pi Beta Phi Foundation, the Fraternity has created several opportunities for leadership programming and events—all with the goal of developing and supporting our collegiate members. Our young leaders thrive on the support and empowerment

leader along with an inclusive leader, and how these two

“I am feeling extra inspired to reevaluate my role and how I can improve my chapter through my efforts as Vice President Community Relations. I have gained lots of amazing new ideas from the women in my breakout group and hope to be able to utilize what I learned efficiently.” -Virtual College Weekend 2022 Attendee

provided through membership in Pi Beta Phi, and these leadership opportunities would not be possible without support to the Leadership Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Below we’ve shared a few of Pi Phi’s leadership programs and events alongside reactions from members who experienced them firsthand. Keep reading to learn how your gifts support the next generation of Pi Phi leaders.

Above: Florida Beta HARPER WHITTEN SPENCER visits the Florida Epsilon Chapter for a Critical Conversations.

CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS Critical Conversations® is Pi Beta Phi's risk prevention education programming which educates members on topics such as Above: Chapter officers participate in a group discussion while in the Risk Management track of College Weekend 2020.

alcohol and substance use, mental health, sexual assault, bullying, personal safety and accountability through the lens of Pi Phi's core values. The program is offered to chapters once


per academic year and provides a variety of tools and resources

At Pi Phi’s annual College Weekend, newly installed chapter

to address the unique needs of each of our chapters and

officers strengthen their leadership skills while meeting Pi Phi

members. By the end of the conversation, chapter members are

leaders from campuses across North America. Chapter officers

empowered to cultivate a culture of care and awareness around

are given the resources to be successful in their role along

health and safety.

with best practices and procedures for the year ahead. At the end of the event, members leave with a better understanding of servant leadership and the confidence to execute the responsibilities of their chapter officer role.

“I am appreciative of how this program was conducted. Our facilitator did an excellent job of establishing a welcoming and inclusive environment, which was a key part in getting people to participate.

Summer 2022

This program was incredibly valuable and relevant to our chapter and exceeded my expectations. I learned things and left with helpful steps for personal and chapter-wide improvement.” -Every Act of Yours Critical Conversations Participant “This was a very helpful seminar/discussion. Our facilitator asked very thought-provoking questions and I enjoyed hearing many opinions from my sisters.” -Discovering Sincere Friendship Critical Conversations Participant

PI BETA PHI LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Through Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute, collegiate members explore their leadership capabilities and drive change. The fourday experience provides young leaders with the tools to make a change in themselves, their campuses and their communities— all while connecting with Pi Phis who will inspire and challenge

YOU MADE AN IMPACT FOR PI PHI GIVING DAY In the days following Pi Phi Giving Day, additional gifts were made and received by donors who intended to participate in this annual fundraising experience. We have been overwhelmed with the response this year from sisters and friends of Pi Beta Phi who are generously supporting our Foundation to empower the leaders of tomorrow, provide new books to more children and support members through emergency grants and scholarships—as well as provide support for Pi Phi’s areas of greatest need. The donor count rose from 855 to 878 and the contributions received increased from $225,018.67 to $245,118.67.

them. After attending this event, members are able to identify

Thank you for your generous support and for celebrating

their strengths and develop a plan to serve the world as

what Pi Phi has given you through gifts to Pi Phi Giving Day.

confident women leaders. Although we weren't able to host Leadership Institute in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we're excited to bring this event back to a new group of

such a short period of time, but I left with a new confidence that I

collegians and help them lead in our ever-changing world.

can do whatever I desire to do. I can turn any vision into a reality by breaking it down into small steps. I recommend this to everyone.”

“This leadership experience will impact your life. I left feeling

-Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute 2018 Attendee

more empowered than I knew was even possible. That feeling and motivation didn’t fade, either. I have the same “Make the Impossible the Inevitable” mindset now that I had as I boarded the plane to return home. I have been able to share this experience with some of my Florida Alpha sisters as a member of the chapter’s Executive Council and one-on-one with others.” -Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute 2016 Attendee

Because of generous sisters and friends of Pi Phi, we can ensure today’s collegians receive the same leadership development and growth shared by the members above—and maybe even shared by you. The leadership programming and events listed are supported by our Foundation through gifts to the Leadership Fund. When you give to our Foundation, you empower young

“I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have attended this

Pi Phis—helping them find and use their voices. Learn more and

event. Not only have I met 13 new sisters that I became close with in

make your gift at

Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute attendees expand their leadership skills during a small group session.


The Bow

The Unending Impact of a Supportive Sisterhood The impact of Pi Beta Phi is one of commitment, loyalty and

While in school at Pennsylvania State University, Marianne

Sincere Friendships. The love and care we show one another

experienced the tragic loss of her mother to cancer. At only 20

as sisters extend beyond the bounds of our chapter facilities,

years old, Marianne was coping with profound grief and loss,

reunion gatherings or virtual connections. The power of Pi Phi

while fearing she may have to resign from Pi Phi or leave

sustains us in all we do, and that power has the potential to

school altogether without the financial means needed to

impact the lives and priorities of those beyond our sisterhood.

continue pursuing her education. While this was the early

Growing up, Lauren McDermott Powelson heard about the power of Pi Beta Phi from her beloved aunt, Pennsylvania Epsilon MARIANNE MCDERMOTT HART. Marianne had a special connection to Lauren as her godmother. Without

1970s—prior to the establishment of Pi Beta Phi Foundation— Marianne approached a chapter Advisor to find a way to remain in Pi Phi and in school, and her sisterhood made sure she was able to do so.

children of her own, Marianne doted on Lauren and helped

“I’m not sure how she did it, but her Advisor helped find extra

show her values and the joys of life while imparting knowledge

money to make it possible for Marianne to pay her tuition and

based on her own lived experiences. Some of those experiences

her dues to stay in Pi Phi,” Lauren says. “That meant so much

were positive, but others marked periods of loss and grief in the

to her and helped her stay in school after losing her mother. It

elder McDermott’s life.

was both a show of financial and emotional assistance from her

Marianne as a collegian at Pennsylvania State University, photographed by a Pi Phi sister.

sisterhood while she dealt with her grief at such a young age.” Having heard about the care Marianne’s Pi Phi sisters extended to her at a time of need, Lauren was inspired to make a gift to Pi Beta Phi Foundation in Marianne’s name after her passing earlier this year. Even with multiple giving opportunities—from leadership development to emergency grant funds—Lauren knew the kind of gift she wanted to make to honor her aunt’s legacy and pay homage to her own experience in college. The Marianne McDermott Hart Scholarship will first be awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year and is restricted to collegians from the Pennsylvania Epsilon Chapter. “I chose to establish a scholarship because it’s what Marianne received, and also so it could carry her legacy forward,” Lauren says. “Choosing to benefit the Penn State chapter was driven by the fact that my sorority chapter had scholarships specific to us, but Pennsylvania Epsilon didn’t currently have that opportunity. Now hopefully someone from that chapter will receive a scholarship every year, and Marianne is the reason for it.” Lauren, an alumna of Phi Sigma Sigma from Temple University, says that as a fellow sorority woman, she knows the value of scholarships as both tools to help students and opportunities to honor the memory of a loved one. Her hope is for Pennsylvania Epsilon members to come to know there are others working toward their academic achievement, cheering them on and

Summer 2022

Lauren says Marianne’s most lasting legacy is her generous spirit and ability to brighten anyone’s day, no matter the circumstance. She not only passed along her commitment to caring for others, but also a love of travel, a desire to learn and passion for the arts. After college, Marianne moved west and became “a real California girl” for most of her life. Lauren says it was hard for Marianne to stay in Pennsylvania after the loss of her mother and she dove into building a full, meaningful life in California with her husband, Gary. Reflecting on her aunt’s life and the impact she had on those around her, Lauren is moved by the positive force Marianne was in the lives of those she loved. Her generosity in choosing to give back to Marianne’s sisterhood shows the shared values between them, both as individuals and as sorority women. From left: Lauren's sister Taryn, Marianne and Lauren in Venice Beach, California.

providing support for them to reach their full potential. By establishing the scholarship in Marianne’s name, Lauren also hopes her aunt’s memory will live on as a force for good and serve as an opportunity for others to join her in supporting the scholarship fund and giving back to Pennsylvania Epsilon while also honoring Marianne’s memory. “I hope my kids and family members help carry this forward after I’m gone so Marianne’s legacy can live on,” Lauren says. “We named the scholarship for Marianne because—even though the gift is coming from me—it isn’t about me; this is really

While Marianne was always trying to uplift those around her, Lauren’s hope in supporting Pi Phi is that—together—they can benefit the lives of Pi Phis for years to come. “She always brightened my day, and now we can do the same for others,” she says. “Something I’ve learned is that you can’t take anything with you when you go and there are so many ways to be generous with what you have.” Lauren’s gift in honor of Marianne is a token of that generosity of spirit, as is every gift made to support our sisters and communities through Pi Beta Phi Foundation. To learn how you can sustain essential programs including scholarships and grants, visit

Marianne giving back to Pi Phi and it’s her way of showing love and care for the sisterhood that was there for her when she needed it most.”

“... it isn’t about me; this is really Marianne giving back to Pi Phi and it’s her way of showing love and care for the sisterhood that was there for her when she needed it most.”


The Bow

Service and Sisterhood: Volunteering with Pi Beta Phi Foundation Pi Beta Phi is a sisterhood which depends on the Lifelong

about their experiences. I really enjoy supporting others—

Commitment of all members. Each of you plays an integral

sisters, chapters and communities—which probably explains

role in the future of our organization, and your support of

why I work for a credit union as opposed to another kind of

Pi Beta Phi and our Foundation is valued and appreciated. While

financial institution,” she says. “It’s about the people for me,

every member contributes to our success in big and small ways,

and this really is the best volunteer role I could hold.”

some go above and beyond in their service to our sisterhood by volunteering with the organization. For Foundation volunteers, the opportunities are wide and unique—whether you have an interest in stewardship, scholarship, leadership development or another facet of our Foundation, there is an opportunity available to you.

Oregon Gamma KELLEE CASEBEER, Foundation Development Committee member For Kellee Casebeer, service to our sisterhood extends far and

Hear from a few dedicated volunteers below as they reflect on

wide. Throughout her time serving the Southlake Area, Texas,

why they serve, how they got started and what they’ve gained

Alumnae Club and the Texas Epsilon Chapter, Kellee always

by giving back to our sisterhood.

made it known that her “Pi Phi dream job” was yet to come— serving on the Emma Harper Turner Fund Committee for our Foundation. “I was fortunate enough to have that dream come

Alberta Alpha KRISTA SEARLE, Foundation Stewardship Committee member

true, and it was truly one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities I've ever experienced,” she says. “When my term on the committee was complete, I realized I could not stop

Krista Searle’s involvement with our Foundation came almost

volunteering for our Foundation for two reasons—I love what

by happenstance. “I filled out a volunteer form on the website

our Foundation does for Pi Phi and I love the staff and other

after randomly sitting next to a Foundation Board of Trustees

volunteers so much that not having regular interaction with

member at Convention,” she says. “I found the opportunity to

them would create too much of a void in my life. I reached out

connect with others beyond the local level very attractive.”

to the staff and said I wanted to continue volunteering.”

With a professional background in banking and degrees in

In terms of what skills she brings to the table, Kellee’s story is

political science and education, Krista says she often relies on

especially unique. “I am a perfect example of a non-traditional

this skill set as a Foundation volunteer. “I think my skill set

skill set in the Pi Phi volunteer arena,” she says. “I am a

transfers in that I love to chat and meet other sisters and hear

retired Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with expertise in White Collar Crime Investigations. As an investigator, success comes from observation, asking a lot of questions and finding a balance between common-sense logic and creative thinking. As anyone engaged with the Foundation will tell you, I ask a lot of questions!”


Summer 2022

During her time with the Emma Harper Turner Fund Committee, Kellee says that inquisitive, investigative nature helped her realize the opportunity to modify the grant application. The changes to the application have provided clarity not only to applicants, but also provided valuable information to the committee members receiving grant applications, a step toward a more efficient and accessible process for our sisters in the direst need. “That’s one of the best parts of Pi Beta Phi,” Kellee says. “The diversity in our perspective, experiences and expertise contributes to an excellent end product.”

Alabama Beta JAMIE BURKE, Foundation Stewardship Committee member Jamie Burke was drawn to serve our Foundation both because of her commitment to our sisterhood and from a sister herself, past Board of Trustees President KATHY WAGER SPRAGUE, Alabama Gamma. The two connected while Jamie was a collegian and Kathy served on the Region Four Team. As Jamie’s career developed, her skill set was an ideal match for our Foundation. “I work in higher education fundraising, so I found the opportunity to align my personal and professional interests attractive,” Jamie says. “I have been granted the opportunity to speak to alumnae across the country and collegians in my own city to thank them for their support of Pi Phi. Relationships are paramount, and helping a donor discover how their 'why' fits with a funding opportunity within the organization is the best part of the job.” Jamie’s own “why” extends to why she gives her time, talent and

Alabama Betas Jamie Burke and past Chapter President CATHLEEN DAVIS celebrate the chapter's Outstanding Sorority Award from The University of Alabama in 2017.

Service to our sisterhood is an opportunity for every Pi Phi to live their Lifelong Commitment. No matter your background, you can contribute in meaningful ways to sustaining Pi Beta Phi for generations to come. As the needs of our members and chapters increase, so does the need for passionate, dedicated volunteers to assist Pi Phi in our essential work. For members like Krista, Kellee, Jamie and many more, volunteering with Pi Phi and our Foundation gives members the opportunity to practice and grow their skills, while contributing to our collective success.

treasure to support our sisterhood. Her driving force is just that: her sisters. Whether from her chapter or those she’s met through service, Jamie says staying involved with Pi Phi means fostering Sincere Friendships and empowering one another to reach their full potential as Pi Phis. “I've seen so many women re-engage with Pi Phi simply because someone asked them,” she says. “Speak up when you recognize the talents in others. Reach out and connect them with opportunities to volunteer. There are so many opportunities to stay engaged and volunteer with Pi Phi in ways that fit your interests, skills and time.”

You can join this network of more than 2,700 volunteers and contribute to the success of our sisterhood. As a supporter of our Foundation, you have already given back generously to Pi Phi. If you’d like to expand your service, there’s an opportunity for you —we would love to count you among our number of dedicated volunteers. Our Foundation is especially interested in hearing from sisters with backgrounds in development and fundraising, nonprofit management, finance and marketing. Learn more and share your interest at


1154 Town & Country Commons Drive Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Shared Vision of Pi Beta Phi To be recognized as a premier organization for women by providing lifelong enrichment to its members and contributing to the betterment of society.

Mission Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood.

Board of Trustees President Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta

Join us for the 2022 President's Reception

Vice President Finance Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta

As a way to recognize and honor your support to our Foundation this year, we invite you

Vice President Development Terre McFillen Hall, Ohio Alpha

event, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with Pi Phi donors and learn how your gifts

Secretary Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta Trustees Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta Jennifer Windell Hazelton, Virginia Eta Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta Ex-Officio Greer Horne, Virginia Zeta Brenda Balkunas Wirth, Wisconsin Alpha

to attend the President’s Reception on September 29 at 7 p.m. CDT. During this virtual made a difference for our members and communities during the last year. All donors who make a gift before the end of the fiscal year—June 30, 2022—will be invited to attend. Learn more and register at

September is Read > Lead > Achieve® Month As Pi Phi’s philanthropic effort, Read > Lead > Achieve inspires a lifelong love of reading. The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation plays a critical role in the success of Read > Lead > Achieve programs and initiatives. During the month of September, we ask every sister and friend of Pi Phi to be ONE who will participate, donate and advocate for literacy. Stay tuned to our social media channels this fall for stories from members, helpful literacy resources and new opportunities to support The Literacy Fund at


Pi Beta Phi Foundation.

Executive Director Hallee Winnie, Michigan Gamma Director of Advancement Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma Director of Operations & Programs Betsy West McCune, Missouri Alpha Director of Finance & Administration Kim Sherman Development and Engagement Manager Emily Karcher, Maryland Gamma Development and Engagement Manager Megan Schwedtmann Operations and Programs Manager Mary Beth Unger Roy, Missouri Alpha

Stay Connected! foundation





@PiBetaPhi @PiBetaPhiHQ

Thank You for Serving Our Sisterhood We extend our most sincere gratitude to Virginia Eta JENNIFER HAZELTON as she ends her service to the Foundation Board of Trustees on June 30. Jen has served on the Board since 2016, in addition to serving on several Foundation committees including the Foundation Investment Committee, Finance Committee, Audit Committee and Stewardship Committee. Her leadership will continue to leave an impact for generations of sisters to come.

Save the Date for Convention: July 7-10, 2023 For more than 155 years, Pi Phis have cherished lifelong, meaningful bonds—a flame of friendship which always shines bright. Next summer, in the Valley of the Sun, we’ll come together to celebrate our shining sisterhood and look toward the future. Mark your calendars to join us in Phoenix for Convention 2023! As the event nears, you can find more information at

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