The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022

The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

A Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends, As we collectively embark on another year of what was once called “unprecedented times,” the idea of adopting a new normal has taken on renewed meaning. Many events can prompt the need for adjustments—starting a new job, relocating, growing your family, illness—but what’s prompted the need for our Foundation’s new normal is multifaceted. Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted the immediate and long-term landscape, but there’s more to it than that one, albeit major, factor. The way we connect and keep in touch with one another has irrevocably changed. Even before lockdowns and social distancing, we’ve seen communication innovations offer a wealth of opportunities to remain connected from great distances, both physical and societal. While there are advantages and disadvantages associated with any such advancement, I’m personally optimistic about the opportunities for virtual engagement from a philanthropic perspective. From my home in New York City, I attend virtual Trustee board meetings with sisters in different cities, states and time zones as we discuss and plan for the future of our Foundation. Between my responsibilities as a sales manager for Gartner, serving our Foundation and giving of my time to other philanthropic and social endeavors, the opportunities afforded by virtual engagement make it possible for me to keep up with these crucial priorities while maintaining a manageable schedule. Not only does this accommodate a functional working dynamic, but it also means I can build and foster relationships with sisters, friends and donors from the comfort of my home—and theirs. As an organization of more than 200,000 living members, Pi Beta Phi is a sisterhood with tremendous reach. For our Foundation, engaging virtually is not only a necessary adjustment, but also a new normal; one that will endure. These opportunities to connect extend to every sister and friend, and it’s our sincere hope you will remain engaged with our sisterhood through these new avenues. The pivotal work of Pi Beta Phi Foundation is possible only through the support of every sister and friend, every year. Regardless of the challenges, adjustments and opportunities which arose over recent years, the work we do together remains as vital and essential as ever to our sisters and communities. Your Foundation believes in the power of sisterhood and in what we can accomplish together, no matter the circumstances and unknowns that lie ahead. May this belief in Pi Beta Phi ring true for you as well; together, we will navigate whatsoever things we face, and we will do so from wherever we may be. In Pi Phi,

Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta Trustee, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Board of Trustees To connect with Kathleen, email

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Gratitude for Every Gift and Every Sister


Evelyn Peters Kyle Society


Points of Interest



The Bow

Gratitude for Every Gift and Every Sister The work accomplished by your Foundation is only possible because of the generosity of spirit and Lifelong Commitment shown by sisters and friends of Pi Beta Phi. Without your support, our Foundation’s critical work—supporting literacy, leadership development, scholarships, emergency assistance programs and operational needs—would not be sustainable. We strive to recognize and show our gratitude for all who support this work; no matter the size or frequency of giving, you are making a difference. For that, we are forever grateful. Whether you make recurring donations or recently supported your Foundation for the first time by sending a virtual wine carnation, giving at any capacity has the power to make a difference in every area that matters most to our sisterhood. The generosity and enthusiastic support shown by Pi Phis is unmatched. The choice to give back to Pi Phi is a personal and meaningful one, often accompanied by a reflection shared with our Foundation leadership or a fellow Pi Phi sister.

West Virginia Alpha WENDI SILCOTT MACKAY and her daughter Ontario Gamma GILLIAN MACKAY.

Through Halo Heaven and virtual wine carnations, Pi Phis have

Through Halo Heaven at the 2021 Convention, West Virginia

cherished the opportunity to send messages of appreciation

Alpha WENDI SILCOTT MACKAY sent halos and tributes to

and Sincere Friendship alongside their gifts to our Foundation.

many Pi Phis, including lifelong friends, her fellow Alumnae

Your sincere love for each other and our Fraternity is a

Advisory Committee (AAC) members and the Chapter President

rejuvenating force through even the most difficult times, as

with whom she served as AAC Chair. Her messages rang

these messages demonstrate.

through as particularly poignant as the Fraternity gathered for the first-ever virtual Convention. In spite of the challenges

Read more for a small sample of the heartfelt, compassionate

that accompanied such a change, Wendi’s messages of loving

messages shared by Pi Phis over the last year. All messages are

support show that Pi Phi Love perseveres through it all.

shared with the permission of both the sender and recipient. Pi Beta Phi Foundation does not share tribute messages without

To the 2021 West Virginia Alpha Chapter President NATALIE

the express permission of all parties.

DIEHL, Wendi wrote, “I am incredibly proud of you and how you lead

SISTERS SUPPORTING SISTERS On Giving Tuesday—November 30, 2021—mere weeks after her Initiation into the Mississippi Beta Chapter, NELLANI SULLIVAN sent a virtual wine carnation to the outgoing

the West Virginia Alpha Chapter. You are destined for great things!” To Indiana Delta SHELLY NOBLE SHANNON, “To my best friend and our more than 30 years of love, friendship and laughter. Love you!”

Chapter President CASSIDY GRACE PORTER, “Thank you for

To West Virginia Alpha NANCY ANDERSON VEST, with whom

all you have done for the chapter! You have been a wonderful role

Wendi served on the chapter’s AAC, “Thank you for being on AAC,

model to a hopeful future Pi Phi president.”

supporting the chapter and for being a true friend and sister!”

Spring 2022

Alberta Alpha JESSICA SPARKS serves as her chapter’s AAC Operations Advisor and shared a tribute to the outgoing Vice President Operations HANNAH BACON at the end of her term. Jessica said, “Hannah, congratulations on a fantastic year of growth and leadership as Vice President Operations! I look forward to continuing to hear of your leadership and the friendship you share throughout your new alumnae experience with Pi Beta Phi! Ring Ching!”

Every Sister, Every Year, Every Gift

Every gift to the Friendship Fund helps our Foundation fulfill Pi Phi’s mission, supporting every sister, every year. These unrestricted gifts allow your Foundation to

On Giving Tuesday, Arizona Alpha PAM MORRIS SAMUELS

respond to Pi Phi’s most urgent needs—maintaining

sent a virtual wine carnation to recognize her decades of Sincere

essential support for the leadership, literacy,

Friendship with Arizona Alpha PATRICIA BUTLER WINTHER,

scholarship and emergency assistance programs that

saying, “On this "Giving Tuesday," I thank you for over 60 years of

empower our sisters—and other issues that arise in an

friendship. And it all started because of Pi Beta Phi! Love, Pam.”

ever-shifting world. Your support of the Friendship Fund is essential to the sustainability and longevity of the work of our


Foundation, and of Pi Beta Phi. Without your support to

LOGAN RENTZ exchanged virtual wine carnations on Giving

the Friendship Fund, we would not be able to dedicate

Tuesday, each showing their appreciation for the Sincere

the time and operational resources required to advance

Friendship which has endured for more than 60 years. Judith

the work behind our endeavors and inspire more

wrote, “Susan, a gift to "little sis" that has more memories than just

Pi Phis and friends to give.

Pi Phi; our Clintonville beginnings, Siote, family connections. All keeping us in touch though miles apart for so many years. Pi Phi

Support to the Friendship Fund remains at a 50%

Love, Judy.”

decrease compared to giving before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; this drastically affects our

Susan replied with her own wine carnation in tribute to Judith,

Foundation’s capacity to fulfill Pi Phi’s mission. Every

saying, “We have known each other for about 60 years, and it has

gift, no matter the size, can help bridge the gap and

been my pleasure to be your friend. I'm glad that we were able to

ensure the future of Pi Beta Phi is strong.

attend alumnae club meetings together when I lived in Columbus and particularly glad that our friendship has continued.”

As we all work toward a new normal, we will continue to engage with sisters and friends of Pi Phi through every avenue possible. You can learn more about the Friendship Fund through a virtual visit with your Foundation. Staff members and volunteers can share more about the impact every gift can make and discuss the giving opportunities that best fit your philanthropic goals. To schedule your virtual visit, call our Foundation at (636) 256-1357 or email If you’d like to make a gift today, visit


The Bow

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members Pi Beta Phi wishes to thank the following donors who have made gifts of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2021, and February 15, 2022. You make a difference for every Pi Phi by supporting leadership development, scholarships, reading initiatives, housing, heritage and grants for sisters in need. Thank you for your loyalty, leadership and Lifelong Commitment to Pi Beta Phi! To join these sisters and friends of Pi Phi as a member of the Evelyn Peters Kyle Society this year, make your gift by June 30, 2022. Sharon Abeyta-Levey New Mexico Beta

Maria Barkman Black Colorado Alpha

Lynn Aldridge Carswell Georgia Alpha

Leslie Willard Dunsworth Arizona Beta

Kelli Barnes Adams Georgia Alpha

Barbie Ann Blake California Gamma

Lou Ann Montgomery Carter Oklahoma Alpha

Kim Barger Durand Oregon Alpha

Jill Klabzuba Ahrens Washington Gamma

Dody Intveld Boat Iowa Gamma

Jennifer Rosa Case Indiana Gamma

Lynne Johnson Durham Mississippi Beta

Anne O'Connell Albrecht Missouri Alpha

Demory Schwarzbauer Boeneke Florida Beta

Kellee A. Casebeer Oregon Gamma

Jayme Lawson Durkee Missouri Beta

Sharron Marshall Alexander Mississippi Beta

Mary Lou Iglehart Bookhout Texas Beta

Karen Shelton Chevalier California Delta

Laura Olmstead Durmon Arkansas Alpha

Jennifer Johnson Allen Oklahoma Beta

Rick and Roberta Boyd Bragan West Virginia Gamma

Nancy McElmurray Chunka Georgia Alpha

Mary Beth Rhyne Dykes Alabama Gamma

Gwen O'Neal Anderson Mississippi Beta

Kim Bratton

Trudy Hartzell Clark Maryland Beta

Shawn Eagleburger

Amanda Reid Austin Michigan Alpha Lori Keller Austin Georgia Alpha Kay Cross Baker Indiana Zeta Susan Weber Baker Oregon Gamma Peggy Batson Ballard Georgia Alpha Jessica Charron Banks Georgia Alpha Sheri Parker Bankston Mississippi Beta Patti Root Bash Indiana Beta Mary Cendana Batto New York Epsilon Wendy Reynolds Beard Mississippi Beta Barbara Snead Beasley Georgia Alpha Liz Ann Beatty Louisiana Beta Trena Stewart Becker Oregon Beta Fran DeSimone Becque New York Alpha Elizabeth Boswell Belcher Georgia Alpha Oriana Rebecca Bertucci Ontario Gamma Diane M. Bielman California Eta Sandra Boschee Bishop North Dakota Alpha

Caton Metzler Bredar Illinois Beta-Delta Nancy Sissell Bridges Mississippi Beta Kara Kessinger Brittingham Missouri Alpha Ann Warmack Brookshire Texas Beta Sally Hewell Brown Texas Delta Becky Bihr Brown Missouri Alpha Marcia Mendenhall Brown* Indiana Beta Kara Damm Bryan Iowa Zeta Kerry Jane Bryan Wisconsin Alpha Betty Lou Olson Bukowski* Illinois Epsilon Jamie Rachelle Burke Alabama Beta Martha Posey Burke Oklahoma Beta Stacey Ford Butterfield Oklahoma Beta Susan Butterfly-Ebert Arizona Alpha Donna Lynn Butterworth Virginia Eta Erin Hoffman Cambern Oklahoma Beta Nancy Stasiak Carden Mississippi Beta Jill Mackey Carrel Indiana Gamma

Mary Teaster Cochran Georgia Alpha Jamie Latture Collier Mississippi Beta Melissa Malone Colvin Virginia Theta Anne Smith Conkin Alabama Beta Julie Polk Connelly Oklahoma Beta Laura Hauck Covington Georgia Alpha Ann Tollefson Crampton Kansas Beta Nancy Almand Crim Texas Delta Corry McPherson Crowe Georgia Alpha Jamie Feist Daniels Montana Alpha Lynne Stevenson Davis Missouri Alpha Schabahn Straughan Day Oregon Beta Mandy Boreing Dillard Arkansas Alpha

Julia Buckingham Edelmann New Mexico Alpha Michele Wilding Eichermueller Oregon Delta Kelly Pace Eichler Arkansas Alpha Emory McGinnis Eison Mississippi Beta Dana Morton Emery California Alpha Julie McKittrick Engelbrecht Missouri Alpha Ann Nicolay Erickson Kansas Beta Heather Marie Estrella California Iota Gayle Etienne California Delta Jill Ingvalson Fischer Minnesota Alpha JoAnn Young Ford Florida Delta Frances Shields Foster Texas Beta Lori Ann Franklin Ohio Theta

Doris Schnekloth Dittmer Iowa Gamma

Kourtney Nicole Maray Frechette Indiana Gamma

Kathy Kontor Dougherty Texas Epsilon

Karin Daniel Frye Alabama Gamma

Millie Cullom Downs Georgia Alpha

Nancy Logan Gasho-Fromm Georgia Alpha

Joan Todd Duncan Georgia Alpha

Cindy Kralis Georgas Indiana Delta

Joanne Flowers Duncan South Carolina Alpha

Jane McNeill George Ohio Alpha

It is with great respect and sisterly love we acknowledge the members indicated with an asterisk have passed away.

Spring 2022

Barbara Gabriel George Oklahoma Beta

Mary Morns Holman Arizona Alpha

Kathryn Kakenmaster Kinne Illinois Theta

Barbara Witzeman McCoy Illinois Eta

Candi Parks Gershuni Georgia Alpha

Joanne Hunt Hook Missouri Alpha

Caitlin Pierce Kissee Missouri Gamma

Pennee Few McCoy Georgia Alpha

Bruce Gibbs

Jessica Manning Hooper Washington Beta

Jane Moening Kleinsasser Minnesota Alpha

Ann Weaver McDonald Texas Beta

Mary Ann Behlen Hruska Nebraska Beta

Diane J. Klepper Kansas Alpha

John McKelvey

Jean Kolb Hubbard Illinois Eta

Becky Schwartz Knutson Minnesota Alpha

Betty Staggs Huckabay Oklahoma Alpha

Wende Robinson Kotouc Minnesota Alpha

Bimi Lane Huebner New Mexico Beta

Susan Crane Kyle Indiana Beta

Jamie Osgard Huizinga Washington Beta

Whittnee Cox La Chapelle Washington Gamma

Bunny A. Hultman Michigan Gamma

Nancy Doerner Latta Michigan Gamma

Beth Suttle Hunger Georgia Alpha

Heather Henricks Lenkin Arizona Alpha

Leah Ann Hurley Mississippi Beta

Margo Wilton Lesser California Gamma

Sharlotte Jeffcoat Hyde Texas Gamma

Diane Malloy Lighthall Colorado Beta

Linda Noel Ibsen Colorado Beta

Janice Worthington Lisko Oklahoma Beta

Sharon McCloy Jacob Ohio Alpha

Katie Allison Little Georgia Alpha

Sandra McCracken Jacobsen Washington Alpha

Vaneesa Williams Little Georgia Alpha

Leslie Dotson Jaggers Georgia Alpha

Carol Malesardi Litwak Pennsylvania Beta

Antoinette Terrell James Mississippi Beta

Kaye Bailey Loughmiller Oregon Beta

Janet Jones Jenkins New Mexico Beta

Ken Love

Jo Anne Craver Murdock Texas Gamma

Leisa Ebeling Lowrey Ohio Eta

Margot Kral-Hasty Nelson Kansas Alpha

Shannon Kimbrough Luce New Mexico Alpha

Lynn Louise Newman Arkansas Alpha

Nell Williams Luce South Dakota Alpha

Jessi Bevan Nill Indiana Gamma

Matilda Kroell Lynch Georgia Alpha

Raleigh Elizabeth Noland Georgia Alpha

Leslie Magnus New Jersey Alpha

Kim OBrien Ohio Zeta

Peggy Claire Malone Georgia Alpha

Erin Elizabeth Orem Georgia Alpha

Sharon Ann Malone Texas Epsilon

Honey Henderson Owens Mississippi Beta

Toni Martinovich California Eta

Phillip Owens

Judy Walker Gibbs Louisiana Beta Kari Erickson Gill Minnesota Alpha Amy Shuart Gingrich Virginia Zeta Katie Wallis Goetzmann New York Alpha Kelley Golden Tennessee Gamma Janet Wickham Gregory Michigan Beta Connie Stuart Grimes Kansas Alpha Jill Grossman Indiana Beta Kendall Shiffler Guinn Mississippi Beta Karen Anne Gunther Ohio Epsilon Jennifer Hirsekorn Haislip Georgia Alpha Teresa McFillen Hall Ohio Alpha Adele French Hamilton Georgia Alpha Melanie Fentriss Hanebaum Oklahoma Beta Richard Hankins Dana Hart Ohio Eta Margaret Steele Harvey New York Alpha Georgia Williams Hatcher Georgia Alpha Jennifer Windell Hazelton Virginia Eta Deborah Ann Healy Georgia Alpha Jennye Wilson Heidelberg Mississippi Beta Sis McLemore Henry Georgia Alpha Jane Thiem Hill Illinois Zeta Anne Busch Hills Arizona Alpha Amy Graham Hobbs Georgia Alpha Elizabeth Lang Hoelzer* Illinois Theta Faye Cardwell Hollingsworth Mississippi Alpha

Sharon Jett Texas Delta Linda Roberts Jinneman Texas Epsilon Mary Jane Buchele Johnson Illinois Eta Gina Garrison Jones Nebraska Beta Tamara Hayes Joslin New Mexico Beta Annie Elizabeth Jurgensmeyer Missouri Alpha Amy McGregor Jurgensmeyer Missouri Alpha Elizabeth Goold Kahf California Nu Amy Bader Keirle Georgia Alpha Megan Fahrmeier Kelley Mississippi Beta Jana Penk Kieper Minnesota Alpha

Lisa Nicole Masters Georgia Alpha Shannon Fenlon Mather Minnesota Alpha Michelle Gampper Maxwell Missouri Alpha Susan Hadley Maynor Mississippi Beta

Sonnet Goodenough McKinnon New Mexico Alpha Elizabeth Spiller McLaughlin Mississippi Beta Mary Foster McPhie Illinois Theta Janet Smith Meeks Mississippi Beta Kathleen Ann Meriano New York Eta Jill Jensen Meynen Illinois Iota Heather Wilson Miller New Mexico Beta Marjorie Lyman Miller D.C. Alpha Susan Consalus Miller Missouri Alpha Adrienne Hiscox Mitchell* Kansas Alpha Bitsy Urvan Montgomery Georgia Alpha Margy Harm Moorhead Indiana Gamma Sarah (Sis) Mullis South Carolina Alpha

Anne Oehler Palmer Ohio Epsilon Nancy Tuck Parkerson Georgia Alpha Cheri Raber Patterson Illinois Theta Sally Hogsette Patton Georgia Alpha

Continued on next page


The Bow

Lynn Ridge Peacher Oklahoma Beta

Rachael Rouprich Schuler Indiana Delta

Cheryl Brown Sykes North Carolina Alpha

Carol Inge Warren North Carolina Beta

Marilyn Wiegand Pecsok* Indiana Epsilon

Kelly Wellner Schuna Minnesota Alpha

Phyllis Schafer Tabor* Illinois Theta

Lisa Guengerich Way Kansas Beta

Audrey Miller Pennings Arkansas Alpha

Sande Elisabeth Schweier Oregon Gamma

Mary Rakow Tanner Maryland Beta

Beth Williston Webb Mississippi Beta

Kelly Zudycki Perry Illinois Zeta

Lisa Gamel Scott Colorado Alpha

Mary Loy Tatum Oklahoma Beta

Kristy Lynn Weber Missouri Alpha

Christina Nguyen Pham California Eta

Joan Velie Semmer Minnesota Alpha

Patricia Wade Temple Virginia Gamma

Staci Moss Wekenborg Oklahoma Beta

Marilyn White Picciano Georgia Alpha

Morgan Riley Sexton Kentucky Gamma

Kim Gatlin Thomas Texas Delta

Carol Crane Wells Alabama Gamma

Bobbie Bliss Pittman Wisconsin Beta

Karen Ski Seykowski Indiana Theta

Sally Rahe Thomas Oklahoma Alpha

Elizabeth Jordan Westerfield Mississippi Gamma

Jenn Plagman-Galvin Iowa Gamma

Paula Pace Shepherd Texas Epsilon

Melanie Merrill Thompson Kansas Beta

Diane Carlson White Georgia Alpha

Jan Turner Polk Oklahoma Beta

Betsy Beese Sheridan Texas Gamma

Michel Thompson Oklahoma Beta

Betsy Baldwin Whitney Ohio Delta

Lura Jane Powell Maryland Beta

Sarah Catherine Shoaf North Carolina Gamma

Karen Sulley Thorn Nebraska Beta

Sally Sewell Wightman Oklahoma Alpha

Wendy Labreche Pratt Massachusetts Beta

Sally Minning Shoemaker Arizona Beta

Danielle Melisa Thorsen Virginia Zeta

Alinda Hill Wikert Texas Alpha

Susan Bernadette Promes Missouri Beta

Cosette Fidler Shrader Wyoming Alpha

Mary Alice Classen Tinari North Carolina Beta

Ann Wear Wiley Iowa Gamma

Shannon Rainosek-Hurley New Mexico Alpha

Susie Elling Shuler Minnesota Alpha

Kim Kimmy Tomczak Washington Alpha

Natalie McCollum Wilks Arkansas Alpha

Markie Cook Rankin Missouri Alpha

Marcia Shurley Georgia Alpha

Anita Tracy Maryland Beta

Ruth Dunlap Will Ohio Beta

Eileen Norcross Rauschert Illinois Zeta

John D. Shurley

Deanne Trent Pennsylvania Zeta

Juli Holmes Willeman Iowa Beta

Pam Joy Turbeville Arizona Alpha

Janet Dubuisson Williams Mississippi Beta

Alissa Rose Turnipseed D.C. Alpha

Shaughnessey Miller Winkelhake Colorado Delta

Laurie Renny Reich Wisconsin Alpha Ann Rettie Iowa Zeta Korinne Hague Rice Montana Alpha Dee Rippetoe Richardson Oklahoma Beta Tina Lynn Rivard Pennsylvania Theta Pamela Ludlow Robinson Georgia Alpha Lisa Rede Roman New Mexico Beta Jane Landreth Russell Arizona Alpha Tate Russell Mississippi Beta Celia Ann Mills Saterbak Alabama Alpha Carol Jones Saunders Pennsylvania Gamma Jill Lanman Schneider Alabama Gamma Mary Kahlenberg Schroeder Illinois Epsilon Marla Battle Schroeder Montana Alpha

Peggy Bookhout Sisson Oklahoma Alpha Cissy Whetsel Smucker Colorado Beta Dorothy Goodson Snowden Tennessee Beta Elizabeth Transou Solberg Missouri Alpha Beth Seidelhuber Sordi California Kappa Amy & Jeff Southerland South Dakota Alpha Ann Trieschmann Spikes Arkansas Alpha Kathy Wager Sprague Alabama Gamma Susan Hansen Stannard Kansas Beta Cheryl Bartlett Stephens Missouri Alpha Ann McDaniel Stinson Nebraska Beta Gretchen Dawn Stockdale Missouri Alpha Betsy Campbell Stone Washington Gamma Marla Helms Storm Missouri Gamma Cindy Rice Svec Kansas Beta

Ginger Rector Uehling Wisconsin Beta Angie Killian Underwood Illinois Iota Valerie Jean Uyeda California Theta

Hallee Winnie Michigan Gamma Sue Schedler Winterringer Oklahoma Beta Marguerite and Gene Witter

Heather Donovan Van Ningen Iowa Eta

Michelle Drouse Woodhouse California Eta

Stephanie Adair Vickery South Carolina Alpha

Marla Neelly Wulf Kansas Beta

Gail Cox Vonderheide Indiana Zeta

Kimberly Ross Wurst Georgia Alpha

Ashleigh Johnson Waits Georgia Alpha

Paige Schroeder Yost Missouri Alpha

Ann Marie Gokee Walsh Georgia Alpha

Anonymous Colorado Gamma

Lisa Beliles Walsh Missouri Alpha

Anonymous Mississippi Beta

Susan Carol Waltman Georgia Alpha

Anonymous Wisconsin Gamma

Debbie Sun Wang New York Zeta

Anonymous Arkansas Beta

Adelaide Cobb Ward* Kansas Alpha

It is with great respect and sisterly love we acknowledge the members indicated with an asterisk have passed away.

Spring 2022

Points of Interest PI PHIS MADE AN IMPACT Every year in early March, Pi Phis participate in literacy-related service in their communities to recognize Fraternity Day of Service. As part of the celebration, Pi Phi originally selected three communities with tremendous need—Nashville, Tennessee, Lansing, Michigan, and Los Angeles—to host Fraternity Day of Service Signature Events this year. Although we couldn't safely conduct in-person Signature Events in Michigan and L.A., Pi Phi remained committed to serving these areas by providing new, age-appropriate books to children in all three locations. With only 29% of third-grade students in Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) reading at grade level, the Nashville community places a heavy emphasis on literacy support. After MNPS and the Nashville Public Library faced budgetary cuts to their literacy organizations with more than 20,000 books.

Grand Vice President Alumnae GREER HORNE, Virginia Theta, with Breana Wilkins, a Nashville Public Schools librarian and FDS recipient.

In Lansing, approximately 50% of third grade students are not


meeting literacy standards. Although challenges presented by

Join sisters and friends on April 28, 2022—Pi Beta Phi's Founders'

the pandemic required the Lansing event to transition to

Day—to celebrate and care for our sisterhood on Pi Phi Giving

a virtual format, Pi Phi plans to put 20,000 books into

Day. After April 1, visit to make a gift to the

the hands of children through schools and organizations

Friendship Fund and use #PiPhiGivingDay on social media to

across Michigan.

help spread the word and share why you support Pi Beta Phi!

With the second-largest school district in America and a large


population of unhoused students, Los Angeles was selected as a

Hosted by Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Halo

Signature Event host to provide at-risk students with access to

Happenings events provide members with the opportunity

books. After also transitioning to a virtual format, local schools

to gather, hear from Pi Phi leaders and learn how gifts to our

and organizations are registering to receive and distribute

Foundation are helping to make a difference for our sisterhood.

20,000 books to children in the community.

All Pi Phi sisters and friends are invited to join as we celebrate

programs, our sisters stepped in to provide more than 65

fun and friendship in the following cities: Gifts to The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation are critical to the success of Pi Phi’s literacy initiatives—providing full financial support for all Read > Lead > Achieve® programs, including Fraternity Day of Service Signature Events. Because of your support, children in Michigan, Los Angeles and Nashville will receive more than 60,000 books.

• • • • •

Charleston, South Carolina Chicago Detroit New York City/Northern New Jersey Omaha, Nebraska

More details, including dates, will be available in late spring. Learn more at


1154 Town & Country Commons Drive Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Shared Vision of Pi Beta Phi To be recognized as a premier organization for women by providing lifelong enrichment to its members and contributing to the betterment of society.

Mission Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood.

Board of Trustees President Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta Vice President Finance Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta


Vice President Development Terre McFillen Hall, Ohio Alpha

Every year, Pi Phi chapters and alumnae clubs demonstrate the strength of their

Secretary Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta

Phi Foundation. In 2021, still facing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, many

Trustees Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta Jennifer Windell Hazelton, Virginia Eta Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta Ex-Officio Greer Horne, Virginia Zeta Brenda Balkunas Wirth, Wisconsin Alpha

commitment to Philanthropic Service to Others through their financial support of Pi Beta chapters and clubs had to re-envision or adapt their fundraising and philanthropy events. Whether pivoting to a new fundraising platform or adapting traditional events to a virtual or socially distanced format, members were eager to continue their philanthropic efforts, and—despite the challenges—our chapters and alumnae clubs collectively raised $634,896.37 for Pi Beta Phi Foundation. We extend our deepest thanks to every Pi Phi chapter and club and congratulate the top 10 chapters and alumnae clubs listed below. Top 10 Chapters

Top 10 Alumnae Clubs


Florida Beta

Northern Virginia Alumnae Club

Executive Director Hallee Winnie, Michigan Gamma

Arkansas Alpha

Dallas, Texas, Alumnae Club

Louisiana Beta

Houston, Texas, Alumnae Club

Director of Advancement Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma

Oklahoma Beta

Nashville, Tennessee, Alumnae Club

Director of Operations & Programs Betsy West McCune, Missouri Alpha

Texas Eta

Colorado Springs, Colorado, Alumnae Club

Nevada Alpha

Greater Kansas City Alumnae Club

Arizona Beta

Phoenix, Arizona, Alumnae Club

Florida Epsilon

St. Louis, Missouri, Alumnae Club

Virginia Epsilon

Fort Worth, Texas, Alumnae Club

Georgia Alpha

Palm Springs-Desert Cities, California, Alumnae Club

Director of Finance & Administration Kim Sherman Development and Engagement Manager Emily Karcher, Maryland Gamma Development and Engagement Manager Megan Schwedtmann Operations and Programs Manager Mary Beth Unger Roy, Missouri Alpha

Stay connected all year long!







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