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Local Impact Grants: Expanding Pi Phi's Impact on Literacy

As Pi Beta Phi commemorated a century of commitment to literacy service in 2012, we started and concluded the celebration with two bold initiatives. In 2011, Pi Beta Phi announced the creation of our philanthropic effort, Read > Lead > Achieve ® , which encompasses all Pi Phi literacy and reading programs. Two years later, at Convention 2013, Pi Beta Phi launched a successful campaign to impact one million lives through Read > Lead > Achieve programs in just four years.

Pi Phi leaders wanted to strengthen the relationship among large-scale Read > Lead > Achieve efforts, financial support from The Literacy Fund and the local literacy work being done by chapters and alumnae clubs. At the 2013 Convention, Pi Phi announced the Local Impact Grants program to foster that critical connection.

“Chapters and clubs wanted to support Pi Phi’s literacy work, as well as literacy-focused organizations within their local communities,” said BETSY WEST MCCUNE, Missouri Alpha, Director of Operations and Programs at Pi Beta Phi Foundation. “The Local Impact Grants program was specifically created to help our members make an impact at both levels.”

MALLARY GOAD, Mississippi Beta, works with Cullen, a student at Lafayette Elementary School in Oxford, Mississippi. This year, the Mississippi Beta Chapter secured grants for two local programs that focus on increasing childhood literacy rates in Mississippi. "Our chapter has a phenomenal relationship with both programs," said Mallary. "The number of children we've been able to impact is just amazing. We work so hard to start our kids off on a better foot and promote a love for literacy."

As chapters and clubs fundraise for The Literacy Fund, the Local Impact Grants program gives them the opportunity to direct 25 percent of their gifts to a local nonprofit organization with a mission or special program focused on literacy. Pi Phi then matches that 25 percent, dollar for dollar. To nominate a grant recipient, a chapter or club simply completes Foundation giving forms available online in the Resource Library.

Five years after its launch, the program is approaching an inspiring milestone. In that time, Pi Phis have provided nearly half a million dollars ($490,195.04, to be exact) in grants to organizations across North America. The program gives Pi Phis an opportunity to advocate for literacy first-hand and strengthen the future of their own communities. Developing relationships with local organizations gives members a tangible way to translate their passion for literacy work into meaningful impact on a local level and make a positive difference for children in cities and towns across the United States and Canada.

“Read > Lead > Achieve is unique in that our programs are able to reach every community where our members live,” said McCune. “By nominating local organizations to receive grants, our members are growing and expanding Pi Phi’s impact in innovative ways, and truly moving the needle towards reducing the illiteracy issues so prevalent in our society.”

Northern Virginia Alumnae Club members TERRE MCFILLEN HALL, Ohio Alpha, and CAROLINE CHAPMAN BROUSSARD, Louisiana Beta, help students select summer reading books at Hybla Valley Elementary School in Fairfax County, Virginia. Club members secured an FDS500 Grant and Local Impact Grants to benefit the Title One school. "To truly support literacy efforts where most needed within our community, we began a partnership with Hybla Valley," Terre said. "We saw firsthand the difference this effort makes in the lives of local children. It really reinforces the importance of the Fraternity's commitment to literacy."

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