Office Buildings for a Post-Covid-19 World

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A special thank you to Doug Alvine and Brian Hadfield of Alvine Engineering (Engineering); Douglas Mass of Cosentini Associates (Engineering); Herb Smith of Persohn/Hahn Associates (Elevator Consulting, Design, and Inspection); and Quentin Thomas of Quentin Thomas Associates (Lighting Design). These experts in their fields provided helpful insights, direction, and resources. An additional thank you to Ellen Miller for her efforts in reviewing and editing this document.


This document intends to highlight potential concerns and design solutions within the built environment related to COVID-19. The information shared within this document does not constitute medical or public health recommendations. The ideas and information shared are based on current findings and subject to edits or changes as new information and findings become available. Please refer to the cited works and governing health institutes/agencies for more information and directives.






Understanding the Virus

The Continued Need for Offices

How the Built Environment Should Respond

What is COVID-19? How Does the Virus Spread?

Challenges of Working from Home The Future Role of the Office

Combating COVID-19 Goals and Approach




Air Quality

Arrival and Amenity Spaces

Vertical Transportation

Ventilation Air Filtration and Treatment Humidity

Parking Arrival Experience Amenity Spaces

Stairs Elevators




Restrooms and Plumbing Fixtures


About Pickard Chilton

Fixtures and Accessories Configuration



SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, is one of many types of coronaviruses. These viruses derive their name from the Latin root corona, meaning crown. This references the spiky, crown-like proteins the viruses use to attach and latch onto host cells.1 The severity of symptoms and illness caused by coronaviruses vary widely by type. Some common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, cause the common cold.2 Other coronaviruses have caused more serious outbreaks in the past, most notably the SARSCoV (or SARS) outbreak in East Asia in 2002-2003 and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak in 2012. COVID-19 is believed to primarily spread through respiratory droplets (around 5-10 microns in diameter) from contagious individuals. Exposure to these droplets occurs through close person-to-person contact. Infected individuals expel these respiratory droplets when exhaling, speaking, singing, coughing, and sneezing. Droplets travel some distance before settling out of the air. While the distance these droplets can travel depends on several factors, initial COVID-specific

research and previous guidance suggest most of these droplets do not travel more than 6 feet during normal human respiratory activity. This is the reasoning behind social distancing guidelines of 6 feet by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It should be noted that other public health institutions across the world have issued their own physical separation guidelines ranging from 1-2 meters (3.28-6.56 feet). The virus also can spread through droplets that have aerosolized or landed on surfaces. Aerosolized virus can remain viable in the air for hours and travel further distances. Based on initial research, the virus can remain viable for hours or even days on surfaces, depending on the surface material, surface texture, and environmental conditions. Scientists haven’t determined what viral concentrations on surfaces are required for infection. Generally, infection from surfaces can occur when an individual touches a contaminated surface and subsequently touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. This can be prevented by regular cleaning of surfaces and diligent handwashing.







Viable virus no longer present

Stainless Steel














Based on data presented in Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARSCoV-1 (New England Journal of Medicine, 2020) and Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and its inactivation with biocidal agents (Journal of Hospital Infection, 2020)

6’ 12’ 18’ 24’

Droplets Aerosolized Droplets Contaminated Surfaces

Based on data presented in Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2020)



The COVID-19 pandemic forced the global workforce to try remote working on an unprecedented scale. Observers, managers, and workers alike were surprised this change did not negatively impact productivity across the board. Some companies indicated they would embrace permanent remote working in the future. In May, Twitter became one of the first companies to announce intentions to allow employees to work remotely forever if they so choose. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared his expectation that half of Facebook’s workforce will work remotely within ten years. These announcements led some to prematurely declare that the workplace would become obsolete. Data and workplace survey results tell a more complex and complete story. In an April 2020 survey of remote workers, Eagle Hill Consulting found that: • 45% of employees felt less productive • 50% of employees felt less connected to colleagues • 31% of employees felt less empowered to bring new ideas forward to managers3 These results hint at some the disadvantages associated with full-time remote working. Remote communication makes it harder for employees to collaborate and innovate together. It is more difficult for senior employees to mentor, evaluate, and train newer colleagues. In a survey by Isometrics and Global Workplace Analytics, only 51% of individuals expressed satisfaction with mentoring and managing while working remotely, compared with 81% while working in an office.4 Company cultures and identities are more difficult to maintain. Remote work can leave employees feeling socially

and professionally isolated. Before COVID-19, remote workers received fewer raises, bonuses, promotions, and recognitions. Reduced signs of appreciation can leave remote workers feeling undervalued, encouraging them to seek out new employers. Considering these disadvantages, it appears physical office space is still needed by most employers to support collaboration, innovation, growth, and company culture. Worker preferences seem to corroborate the continued need for physical office spaces. When asked by one survey the number of days they would prefer to work from home in the future, respondents averaged no more than 2.5 days per week, regardless of generation.4 The millennial and Generation Z respondents were among the generations who preferred greater time spent in an office. When weighting for future workforce makeups by generation, respondents preferred to work at an office an average of around 3 days per week. Employers and employees alike still see the need and value of coming together in a common office for many functions. As CBRE Research recently predicted, “The function of the office will shift away from traditional work processes and oversight to more collaborative, educational and social needs of a growing hybrid workforce. This is not much different from the evolution of the office before COVID-19, where the workplace was seen as a primary facilitator of collaboration, innovation and productivity.”5




4.7% Gen Z


Gen X




Based on projections by NGA Human Resources


Weighted 2025 Workforce



Gen Z




Gen X






From Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey Report by Global Workplace Analytics. Weighted 2025 workforce based on projections by NGA Human Resources



The built environment can play a critical role in combating COVID-19 and fostering healthier societies and individuals. On average, American adults spend up to 87% of their lives indoors.6 A significant portion of this time is spent at the workplace. The design of our workplaces can help combat COVID-19 in various ways. Several overarching principles should guide these efforts. First, we should design our buildings to support healthier environments. Some elements can be designed to directly support strategies to combat COVID-19 and similarly spread illnesses. The office building can support social distancing, improve indoor air quality, and strive to create a touchless environment where possible. Equally important, the office building can make occupants feel safer and reduce their anxieties related to crowds and touchpoints. Buildings also should support general health and well-being. Good overall health does not guarantee smooth recoveries for those exposed to COVID-19 or any other illness, but it does improve the odds. More importantly, by designing for

overall health, we can create buildings that improve the well-being of occupants even in a post-COVID-19 world. As writer Kim Tingley observed, “Architecture has to mediate between the perceived needs of the moment versus the unknowable needs of the future; between the immediate needs of our bodies and the desire to create something that will outlast generations.”7 With a post-COVID future in mind, office design solutions should aim to do more than address the current pandemic. Design solutions also should improve functionality, promote healthy lifestyles, and enhance occupant experiences. Where possible, buildings should be flexible and able to adapt to future challenges. The following sections provide greater detail on how office building design can specifically respond to these goals and foster healthier environments and lifestyles for all of us.

RIGHT Entry serves as both a hub and embodiment of company values and achievements for Eaton Center in Beachwood, OH (Credit: Pickard Chilton, D. Sundberg/Esto)



No HVAC systems can be designed to prevent person-toperson transmission of COVID-19. Similarly, no building can be engineered to fully eliminate risk of aerosol transmission. However, buildings and systems can be designed to reduce the concentrations of bacterial, viral, and other harmful particles in the air. Improving the indoor air environment in office buildings can potentially reduce the spread of COVID-19. This can be achieved through improved ventilation, air treatment, and humidification control.

Ventilation Increased ventilation helps dilute concentrations of harmful contaminants in the air, including viral matter. Studies have demonstrated how quickly ventilation can reduce viral concentrations. In one published study , measured quantities of droplets were dispersed in a room to replicate the effects of coughing. Droplet concentrations were measured over time under three different ventilation conditions: no ventilation, mechanical ventilation, and mechanical ventilation supported by an open door and window. Droplet concentrations were halved in 5 minutes for the room with no ventilation. By comparison, concentrations were halved in 1.4 minutes in the mechanically ventilated scenario. In the mechanical plus natural ventilation scenario, concentrations were halved in 30 seconds, or 35% of time of the next best scenario.8 This study clearly demonstrates the potential positive impacts of increased ventilation. In typical modern office buildings, air is replaced in spaces at a rate around one air change per hour, or ACH. Effective ventilation rates can be increased by increasing the percentage of outside air in supplied air. Outside air typically is mixed with return air to help maintain interior temperatures and conserve energy. Depending on climate and the type of HVAC system used, doubling the amount of outside air mixed in can lead to energy use increases of 20% or more.9 These increases and their potential impacts on the environment, operational costs, energy code compliance, and building skin design should be considered by building design teams. Other operation changes can help remove contaminated air. Demand control ventilation settings can be disabled, preventing ventilation rates from decreasing when occupancy loads decrease. Ventilation operations can be extended beyond normal hours of occupancy. Night purges, the removal of contaminated and/or warm air during unoccupied

hours, also can be considered. This also can reduce daytime cooling energy demands for buildings in warm climates.10 Effective ventilation rates also can be improved by reducing the volume of a space. Installing ceilings instead of leaving building structure and systems exposed is one way to do this. Depending on type of mechanical system, ceilings also can provide locations for additional return grilles. These might allow for mechanical systems to pull in return air closer to the source.11 However, additional research and studies are required. Adding ceilings has major aesthetic, experiential, and spatial implications. These impacts should be evaluated holistically by the design team. With COVID-19, natural ventilation has received renewed attention within the office market. The viability of natural ventilation at a building-wide scale is dependent on many factors. Climate is one of the driving factors. Mediterranean climates, like those found in parts of southern Europe and California, offer significant potential for natural ventilation. Consistently hot and humid conditions, like those found in Southeast Asia, offer little to no potential for natural ventilation.12 Exterior air quality is another critical factor. In areas with high levels of particulate contaminants and gaseous air pollutants, natural ventilation may be detrimental to occupant health. (Mechanical systems are better equipped to filter out pollutants than façade openings are.) Building codes and fire separation requirements also may restrict the use of façade openings for natural ventilation. Design teams must carefully consider these factors and others when evaluating the viability of natural ventilation on a building-wide scale. Natural ventilation also may merit consideration for some individual spaces. Operable windows and walls may be beneficial in retail, dining, fitness, conference, and other amenity spaces. Operable walls also can improve access to adjacent terraces and green spaces.

Air Filtration and Treatment Indoor air quality and occupant health can be improved by killing and/or removing infectious particles from the air. Several strategies for air treatment exist. In the era of COVID-19, filtration and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation have received increased attention.

11 Mechanical filters can remove infectious particles in addition to dust, dirt, and other contaminants in the air. Filters generally are composed of porous membranes and fibers. Some also have static electrical charges applied to increase particle removal. Filters are rated based on the percentages of particles they can remove from air passing through. These ratings commonly are indicated by the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV. Generally, filters with a rating of MERV 13 or higher are effective at capturing airborne viruses.13 Filters have an impact on mechanical system design and energy use. Filters with a higher rating generally cause greater drops in air pressure as air moves through the filter. Mechanical systems should be designed to accommodate this pressure drop. As filtration levels are increased, mechanical systems may need to increase in size and power. This can lead to increases in the floor space and energy required to support mechanical systems. Improved filtration can reach a point of diminishing returns. In one study, the impacts of filters with various MERV ratings on the spread of influenza were modeled. Based on the study findings, there were insignificant reductions in infection risk when upgrading filters beyond MERV 13 or 14 ratings.14 Additional studies on the effectiveness of various filters in combating COVID-19 specifically are required. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (also referred to as UVGI and UV-C disinfection) involves using ultraviolet light to inactivate harmful organisms. The most effective wavelength is in the UV-C range, or 220-300 nm. UV-C light has shorter wavelengths than the UV-A and UV-B light that individuals typically are exposed to in sunlight. With its shorter wavelength, UV-C radiation has difficultly penetrating and damaging the deeper layers of the skin. However, it still can

cause skin damage with prolonged exposure. Additionally, eyes are very susceptible to damage from UV-C light. Human exposure should be avoided. UVGI does not instantaneously inactivate airborne viral particles. Early tests suggest more than 3 seconds of exposure may be required in order to kill more than 90% of COVID-19 viral particles.15 In order for UVGI to be more effective within mechanical systems, it should be applied where air is moving the slowest. Installing UVGI lamps within air handling units may be one effective strategy. UVGI also can be used to prevent the growth of mold and other harmful microbes on cooling coils and other mechanical components. Upper room UVGI is another application. This entails installing UVGI lamps on the upper portions of walls and aiming them at the upper volumes of air within a space. These lamps then continuously disinfect large volumes of air above occupants. The effectiveness of these systems can be increased with the aid of low velocity ceiling fans or other air mixing strategies. Upper room UVGI can result in high “equivalent” air changes per hour in terms of air disinfection.16 One study indicated equivalent air changes up to 24 times greater than typical office environments may be possible.17 Upper room UVGI is most effective at the scale of a room. While it may not be effective in large open office floorplates, it may be effective in conference rooms and other defined spaces with multiple users or occupants. Ultraviolet light can accelerate the degradation of exposed materials and finishes. UVGI treatments only inactivate viral and other particles in the air and do not remove them. As a result, UVGI systems should be paired with improved filtration to ensure that viral particles are removed.

Upper Room UVGI Installation (from IES Committee Report Cr-2-20-V1)


Low Intensity

High Intensity

Low Intensity



UV Luminaire 6’




0’ 0’
















Mites Allergic Rhinitis & Asthma Employee Productivity Employee Sleep Quality Learning RELATIVE HUMIDITY %












Based on representations from the Sterling Chart and the Taylor Chart

Humidity Indoor relative humidity impacts viral transmission in several ways. The membranes in our nasal passages play a critical role in our bodies’ defense systems, trapping potentially infectious particulates. Minimum relative humidity levels of 30% appear to be necessary for the membranes to function well. Relative humidity also impacts how long viral particles can remain airborne. When larger viral droplets are expelled in a room with low relative humidity, they lose their moisture to the surrounding environment. This makes the droplets smaller and lighter, allowing them to travel longer and further in the air before settling. Some viruses also remain viable in the air for longer periods in low humidity environments. These tendencies have been documented in several studies using influenza viruses.19, 20 These studies suggest indoor relative humidity levels of 4060% are ideal for reducing viral spread. Relative humidity levels in this range also have other positive impacts on occupant health and performance. By comparison, many office buildings see indoor relative humidity levels of 20% or less during winter months.

Increasing and maintaining interior relative humidity levels in this desired range requires several design considerations. Additional equipment to generate and distribute steam needs to be integrated within mechanical systems. These systems create additional energy demands. With increased humidity, condensation issues should be considered. If unaddressed in design, condensation can occur on glass surfaces. Condensation also can occur within wall assemblies. When condensation occurs on the warm side of the air barrier, it can cause mold, mildew, corrosion, and off-gassing of harmful fumes.21 This can have negative impacts on building performance, building longevity, and occupant health. In order to address these issues, the design of mechanical systems and building enclosure should be considered. In certain conditions, perimeter air diffusers may prevent condensation on large interior glass surfaces. Double skin glass facades also may work well for office building (and other) applications. These systems also can reduce overall building energy usage.

RIGHT Double skin facades are one design solution that can help support increased interior relative humidity levels. Skin proposal for World Health Organization Headquarters Expansion. (Credit: Pickard Chilton)



Parking Several small changes to parking garage experiences should be considered. License plate readers, parking payment phone apps, and other touchless payment and entry systems may simultaneously reassure patrons and improve functionality and throughput. Elevator lobbies in parking garages can be designed to make users feel more at ease. Queuing areas should be generous enough to allow waiting passengers to practice social distancing. Elevator lobby doorways can be configured to allow for dedicated entries and exits from the lobby. In some instances, it may be beneficial to eliminate parking elevator lobby walls. Half-height walls or other traffic protection elements should still be incorporated. In some garages, it may be advantageous to place parking elevator lobbies near the perimeter and utilize natural ventilation. (For additional elevator-related strategies, see the Vertical Transportation section.) Some building managers and companies may wish to perform daily health screenings for all workers and visitors. In buildings where a small percentage of the population arrives by car, it may be feasible to conduct these screenings at entry gates. Adequate space should be allocated for queuing and safe maneuvering of attendants and health monitors. In buildings

Inviting, accessible and gracious bike parking Above: 609 Main in Houston, TX. (Credit: Pickard Chilton)

where most people arrive by car, it’s more realistic to screen individuals after they have parked and exited the garage. With concerns about social distancing on public transit, many workers are expected to explore alternate modes of commuting. Cycling is one alternate poised to see a major expansion. In many cities throughout the United States and Europe, local authorities have expanded protected bike lanes and networks. While some of these expansions were initially temporary, many local leaders and users have expressed interest in making them permanent. Office buildings should support these commute changes by expanding bicycle parking and associated locker rooms and storage facilities. Where possible, these facilities should be designed to have gracious access points and high visibility to aid with social distancing. Hand-washing and hand-sanitizing stations outside of locker rooms should be added for convenience. Some riders also may appreciate small UV-disinfectant lockers for helmets, sunglasses, bicycle gloves, and other personal items. In some markets, it may be necessary for office buildings to provide additional exterior space for bike-share and/ or scooter-share parking. Nearby hand-sanitizing stations should be considered.


Covered exterior spaces can support many activities and functions Above: 2+U/Qualtrics Tower in Seattle, WA. (Credit: Pickard Chilton, B. Benschneider)

Arrival Experience Designing the arrival experience for COVID-19 begins at the exterior of the building. The exterior space should be flexible enough to support several functions. Some building managers and companies may wish to conduct temperature checks and other health screenings of employees and visitors. In amenable climates, a covered exterior space near the main entrance and separate from the public sidewalk may be suitable for screenings. In milder climates, outdoor public spaces also can be used for informal meetings with employee vendors, clients, and guests. To support these functions, appropriate furniture and electrical outlet access should be provided. Entrances should be designed to reduce touchpoints, contamination, and user anxiety. Vestibules and entries should be equipped with walk-off mats or grates. Walk-off mats likely have minimal or no direct effect on the spread of COVID 19. However, they can help improve indoor air quality and improve occupant health by trapping dust, dirt, and other contaminants. Automatic sliding doors, automatic revolving doors, and swing doors with touchless actuators can help create a touch-free entry experience. Width and number of openings also should be carefully considered. Wider openings and revolving doors (when used) may make occupants and visitors feel more comfortable. Where possible, pairs of entries should be included. Within each pair, each door opening (or sequence of door openings in a vestibule) can be assigned a

specific direction of travel. These directions of travel may be reinforced by thoughtful signage or other design cues. Separate entries for guests (or different major tenant groups) also may be considered. Some building users may be uncomfortable using an entry shared by outside guests. Guest-assigned entrances can be paired with assigned security desks. These (and all) security desks should be designed to reinforce social distancing in an unobtrusive way. Deeper desks and counters can help maintain distances between staff and guests. Elevator lobby access also should be considered. When security turnstiles are required, optical turnstiles should be considered to minimize surface contact. Some operational systems can allow occupants and guests to scan in with smart phones in place of security cards or temporary badges, further minimizing contact. Adequate space should be provided for queuing at security turnstiles and within elevator lobbies. Queuing space should be flexible and easily adapted to modified configurations or alternate uses when needs change. To aid with queuing and circulation, designers may consider elevator lobbies with access at both ends, when possible. One end can be used for ingress while the other is used for egress. This can help occupants maintain oneway circulation patterns within the elevator lobby. One-way circulation through the lobby will help occupants maintain social distance at times when large numbers of people are boarding and debarking from elevators at the same time, like lunchtime.


Amenity Spaces Amenities provided by office buildings need to adapt to better address the needs and concerns of users in a post COVID-19 world. One amenity expected to see increased demand is outdoor space. Tenants will likely demand additional private and shared outdoor terraces and balconies. These outdoor spaces should be configured to support a variety of uses. Employees may increasingly look to use outdoor spaces for dining, casual meetings, fitness classes, and a variety of social activities.

Many companies may wish to reduce the number of guests who come to their spaces. This may lead to increased demand for shared guest meeting spaces. When possible, these spaces should be near dedicated guest entrances and require minimal travel by guests within the building. On larger sites and campuses, individual guest meeting pavilions may be desirable. Adequately sized circulation, air quality measures, and frequent cleaning schedules can make workers more comfortable using common meeting spaces.

Outdoor space is not suitable for all larger group activities. Workers will continue to desire to collaborate and meet in groups of several or more people. However, many smaller companies and tenants may not have large enough conference spaces to support social distancing for groups of this size. They may increasingly rely on shared large conference spaces within a building to host these kinds of meetings and events.

While not traditionally viewed as an amenity, delivery spaces can be designed to improve employee experiences. Some companies may be hesitant about visiting shared mail counters or allowing mailroom staff to access their space. Many companies and employees may prefer access to assigned delivery lockers with built-in UV sanitizing lights. ABOVE Multifunctional roof terrace at CalPERS Headquarters in Sacremnto, CA (Credit: Pickard Chilton, P. Aaron/Esto) RIGHT Inviting, multifunctional outdoor amenity spaces at 609 Main in Houston, TX (Credit: Pickard Chilton, J. Aker)




Stairs Elevator demands can be reduced by encouraging occupants to use stairs. Stairs offer an excellent alternative for trips down to the ground level or between adjacent floors. To encourage stair usage and create a safe, anxiety-free experience, several design elements should be considered.

distance between themselves and others. Both ventilation and visibility also can be aided by incorporating exterior stairs where function, climate, and code requirements allow. Exterior stairs can range from partially screened stairwells to fully exposed stair runs. Parking garages and podiums often offer great opportunities for exterior stairs.

Open doorways are one of the most beneficial. For firerated stairwells, hold open doors can be used. In case of a fire, the hold open hardware releases. In addition to reducing touchpoints, open doors improve air circulation within a stair. Since those infected with COVID-19 and similarly spread illnesses tend to expel larger concentrations of infectious droplets when engaged in physical activity, like stair climbing, ventilation within stairwells is a critical consideration. Open doors also improve visibility within the stair. Users feel safer using a stair when they can be seen by others on nearby floors. Improved visual connections between a stairwell and floor also helps users see those entering and exiting a stair. Users can then better manage and maintain social

To better allow for social distancing within stairs, larger door openings and landings should be considered. These can better handle occupants entering and exiting the stair. Additionally, larger landings can provide waiting areas for slower moving climbers looking to allow others to pass. In some jurisdictions, larger landings can be used to provide code-required areas of refuge for less-abled occupants in the case of a fire. In taller multi-tenant buildings, larger landings may allow for the installation of internal security gates between floors occupied by different tenants. These gates are designed to allow all building occupants to pass through when descending the stairs, while requiring key card access when climbing.

19 Improved wayfinding and visual connections also should be considered in stair design. These improvements can make navigating easier for occupants and encourage stair use. Additionally, they can be used to identify and assign directionality in stairs. Specific stairs can be assigned single directions of travel during typical, non-emergency operations. Stair collisions are minimized while social distancing is more easily maintained. Visual cues can range from improved signage to supergraphics to glass walls providing views to office or exterior spaces. These stair enhancements will still improve office life in a post-COVID-19 world. Encouraging stair use is of benefit to occupants and businesses alike. Welcoming stairs, when paired with atriums or other common areas, can encourage communication and collaboration between employees located on different floors. Counterintuitively, encouraging stair use can help maximize employee time. On average, taking the stairs in place of elevators is faster for journeys of less than seven floors.23 Replacing elevator rides with stair trips also can reduce energy usage and associated costs. Elevators account for 3-8% of commercial buildings’ energy consumption.24 Some modeling studies suggest that in a prototypical eight-story commercial office building, replacing 25% of all elevator trips can reduce elevator-associated energy usage by 6-11%.23 In a post-COVID-19 world, positive general health impacts may be the greatest benefits associated with increased stair use. •

Climbing just eight flights of stairs a day lowers average early mortality risk by 33%.25 • Seven minutes’ stair climbing a day can halve the risk of heart attack over 10 years.26 • Just two minutes’ extra stair climbing a day is enough to stop average middle age weight gain.27

Elevators With multiple touch points and closed, confined spaces, elevators can be a major source of anxiety and concern for occupants in today’s pandemic environment. Several design and operational decisions can help reduce the number of touchpoints during elevator usage. Elevator call buttons are one area of concern for which several solutions exist. One operational solution is set elevators to stop at every floor, eliminating the need to press buttons. Frequent door openings also can help ventilate cab interiors. This solution is better suited to low-rise buildings or elevators that serve a small number of floors. This operational strategy also might work well for parking garage elevators at the end of the workday. A more versatile option is to incorporate destination dispatch systems. Already present in many newer Class

A office buildings, these systems are designed to optimize elevator function by collecting call requests, grouping riders by destination floor, and assigning rider groups to specific cabs. Often, these systems use digital display systems. These systems can be configured to use security badges or other devices to recognize passengers and their typical destinations. Accompanying smart phone applications can be used to place elevator calls without touching common displays. Some elevator manufacturers are working on incorporating facial recognition and voice activated technologies. Other companies have introduced holographic keypads to be used with elevator controls and other digital displays. Destination dispatch systems also reduce the number of buttons (and potential touchpoints) inside of elevator cabs. A few key buttons, like those to close or open the elevator doors, are still needed within the cab. To make riders feel safer using these buttons, some simple steps can be taken. Copper-based antimicrobial adhesive films can be applied to buttons (and other high-touch surfaces). While COVID-19 can survive on copper surfaces for a few hours, these adhesive films still can help keep buttons cleaner and quickly kill other harmful microbes.22 (These films are still under development and require further testing and peer-reviewed studies.) Building managers also can provide elevator riders with reusable push-sticks to reduce contact with buttons. For many users, elevator crowding and air quality are larger concerns. Elevators in office buildings are typically designed to carry a maximum of 16-19 passengers. If 6-foot social distance recommendations are observed, these same elevators can only hold 1-2 passengers. In some locations, authorities have recommended that elevators carry a maximum of 4 passengers per trip. Some have pointed out that riding an elevator for less than a minute with reduced social distancing from others may be safer than prolonged waiting in a lobby near others. Experts believe that longer exposure to infected individuals (and the droplets they expel) increases the chance of contracting COVID-19. Improved air quality and ventilation can reduce the risks associated with elevator use. Ventilation and exhaust rates can be increased within elevators, reducing the presence of infectious droplets and aerosols. Most elevator ventilation systems exhaust air and pull in new air from the elevator shaft. For increased ventilation to be effective, droplets and aerosols should be neutralized and removed from the air source. Exhausted air should be treated using UV lights and/ or HEPA (high-efficiency) filters. This prevents viral particles from being exhausted from one elevator cab only to be pulled in by another. Keeping doors open when elevators are not in use also can aid in ventilation. However, this can lead to stack effect concerns in certain climatic conditions.


Restroom fixtures and accessories can play a crucial role in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Automatic fixtures can reduce touchpoints, reduce germ spread, and reinforce good hygiene practices. Faucets can encourage users to wash their hands long enough by being programmed to run for at least 20 seconds, or by using flashing lights or other visual cues. Paper towel dispensers should be installed in place of air dryers wherever possible. When improperly washed hands are dried using air dryers, microbes are blown around, contaminating the dryer, nearby surfaces, and user clothing. Some studies have suggested this spread also leads to greater surface contamination in spaces outside of restrooms.28 The standard lidless toilets commonly found in office restrooms should be reevaluated. Viable virus particles have been found in the fecal matter of COVID-19 patients. While viral matter in feces may be capable of causing COVID-19, experts believe this risk is low based on previous outbreaks of related coronaviruses, like SARS.29 However, fecal-oral transmission is a major means of transmission for many other viruses and bacteria. Recent modeling suggests 40-60% of aerosolized particles generated while flushing may be propelled above the toilet seat. These aerosols can last in the air for up to a minute.30 Toilet lids could help contain and prevent this. Using slow-close toilet lid models could allow users to lower lids with minimal (and possibly even hands-free) contact. Over time, toilet manufacturers may be able to adapt touchless flush sensors to only initiate flushing when lids are closed. Toilet lids also allow for the opportunity to incorporate toilet seat UV-disinfecting lights. These seat-sanitizing lights already are common in parts of Asia. Typical flush urinals also can promote unhealthy conditions in restroom environments. Urine generally is free of illness-causing microbes. However, the water used to flush conventional urinals creates a moist environment conducive to bacteria and virus growth. Waterless urinals can be a more sanitary (and environmentally friendly) option. Dr. Charles Gerba and other experts have suggested waterless urinals “would result in a significant improvement in public restroom hygiene.” 31 These fixture and accessory considerations should be paired with improved ventilation, air quality, and cleaning measures. Restroom exhaust levels should be increased beyond minimum requirements. Restrooms’ small footprints may make them

good candidates for upper-room UVGI systems. To aid with surface cleaning, overhead UV disinfecting lights may be considered. These can be used to disinfect restrooms and supplement manual cleaning when restrooms are unoccupied after business hours. Some buildings also may be able to temporarily close restrooms for UV cleaning several times a day on a staggered schedule. Changes to restroom layouts also should be considered. First, circulation and flow should be designed to minimize touchpoints and aid in social distancing. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. In restrooms that span the full width of the building core, having access points at both ends offers several benefits. Multiple doorways allow for one-way circulation within restrooms. Users can enter at the water closet end and exit at the lavatory end. Push doors can swing in the direction of travel and reinforce flow patterns. When doors are equipped with kick plates, foot pedals, and/or forearm push hardware, this layout can reduce touchpoints. Open doorways like those found in airport restrooms also are effective at reducing touchpoints. Even with these modifications, traditional multi-fixture restrooms have several disadvantages. Office users may worry about the inability to maintain social distance from coworkers using the adjacent stall or sink. These concerns may be magnified when users from different company departments or tenant groups use common restrooms, exposing themselves to contact with individuals they normally do not interact with. Individual restrooms address these concerns and offer several additional advantages. They can be cleaned multiple times a day on a staggered schedule, avoiding inconveniences for users. With additional developments in disinfecting UV light technologies, it may be possible to clean individual restrooms between uses. Even with enhanced cleaning protocols, individual restrooms also should aim to minimize touch points. Automated doors, kick plates, foot pedals, and/or forearm hardware should be incorporated to allow users to exit the individual restroom without contaminating their hands. The individual restroom also maximizes flexibility and inclusivity. It is easier to add or remove individual restrooms than it is to modify typical communal restrooms in response to office population changes. Individual restrooms better serve and adapt to various gender population distributions.



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Pickard Chilton has distinguished itself as one of the most highly regarded international architecture studios. Applying a potent mix of idealism and pragmatism, creativity and rigor, the principals and their talented teams work closely with clients to meet aspirations that are both deeply felt and objectively measurable. The New Haven, Connecticut-based, 50-person studio, founded in 1997, provides design services to public and private sector clients in North and South America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The studio is large enough to be entrusted with highly competitive projects of landmark scale yet small enough to offer visionary clients the gratifying experience of shared engagement in the realization of their ambitious goals. All aspects of the studio’s work are animated by the belief in the transformative power of research-driven design to deliver high-performance buildings that create measurable value for clients, produce an engaging and productive workplace and build better communities.

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