Pictoguard Improves Internet Reputations

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Pictoguard Improves Internet Reputations Many people today are finding themselves in a situation where a Google search of their name yields unfriendly, unfavorable results. These people are eager to find out how to remove personal information from Google, but just aren’t sure where to begin. Even though the Internet is a couple of decades old (as we know it), it’s still a vast ocean of murkiness and obscurity that can sometimes do more harm than good. When setting out to remove content from Google search, it’s best to contact the professionals. Pictoguard, with thousands of such removals under their belt, has the expertise and the background to get the job done.

The old saying, “Bad news travels like wildfire, while good news never gets past the door,” applies to the Internet as well. The first thing Pictoguard does is, they make sure the “bad news,” in other words; the inappropriate or outdated images or text doesn’t go viral. Their first priority is to remove content from Google search that is impairing the client’s reputation. Once this content is removed, after two to three months (including Google thumbnail images), proper, or “good” images and content is placed on the internet on Google-friendly (optimized) websites. Meanwhile, Pictoguard continually monitors the internet for any negativity regarding the client that might crop up, and as soon as it does, they go into action and remove it.

Pictoguard’s staff is proficient in many languages including Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, French, Italian, and perhaps most importantly, Russian. This knowledge allows Pictoguard the ability to communicate not just with domestic webhosts and ISP’s, but international ones as well, ensuring their qualifications to remove content from Google search, as part of their ongoing campaign to improve their client’s online reputation. How to remove personal information from Google isn’t just about improving celebrity’s reputations; it’s also about catering to the needs of the every man (and woman). The internet is large enough to hold data and information (and misinformation) on everyone on the planet, dead and alive, and business people, socialites, students, even stay-at-home moms are not immune. Pictoguard realizes that most everyone’s online reputation can be improved, and is committed to achieving that goal through their clients.

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