The Picton Gazette July 28, 2016

Page 1


HERITAGE Fund offers $10,000 in grants for three projects 3




Volume 186, Week 30


JULY 28, 2016


Glenwood geese receive new pondside home


Dukes’ Burnie earns place on NHL draft watch list

Canada’s longest publishing non-daily newspaper, proudly serving Prince Edward County since 1830

Rodeo riders met with rousing response

Public consultations slated for next month

Fans fill grandstand at fairgrounds for first show Saturday

Skyway Bridge in line for $40-million reconstruction


Cowboys, bulls and mud. The staples of rodeo were all on display this weekend in Picton for the first County Championship Rodeo. The event attracted about 1,500 spectators to the Picton Fairgrounds this weekend. The event was co-hosted by the Prince Edward Agriculture Society and the municipality and operated by the Rawhide Rodeo Company. Agricultural society president Larry Lounsberry said organizers couldn't be happier with the response the event received on Saturday and Sunday. “It was virtually a sellout on Saturday — we could have found a shoehorn and maybe stuck a few more in,” he said with a laugh. “We had a respectable crowd on Sunday.” Lounsberry said the sun was shining through most of the weekend and the weather was great for the rodeo. He said he public's response to the event has been encouraging. “Take a look on Facebook and places like that, we have not heard of one negative thing,” he said. “There's a lot of 'yee-haw' and 'are you


HANG ON Carl Bernier takes part in the bareback riding event at the first County Championship Rodeo in Picton on Sunday afternoon. More than 300 cowboys and cowgirls participated in the event, which was operated by Rawhide Rodeo. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

going to do it again?' Lounsberry said the society and the municipality will be analyzing the numbers from the weekend and, based on the results, will consider

bringing the event back. “I really do believe we'd love to participate again on it,” he said. Lounsberry said Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Todd

Smith played a great part in the weekend event, leading a team of Prince Edward County Dairy Producers to a first-place finish in the Farmers Olympics event on Satur-

day. Smith's group earned the top spot over Junior Farmers and poultry farmers teams.

See RODEO, page 10


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Get out and enjoy the County this weekend. Have a happy and safe civic holiday weekend!

See BRIDGE, page 30


Inside this week’s edition of the Gazette... OP/ED

Council heard Tuesday that public consultation for the Bay of Quinte Skyway Bridge Rehabilitation will begin next month and construction could begin as soon as 2018. Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) project manager Glenn Higgins outlined the options moving forward at Tuesday evening's council meeting. Higgins said the MTO retained consulting firm Morrison Hershfield to completed detail design work for 29 bridges across the ministry's eastern region in 2011. A review of the 50-year-old Skyway Bridge found major improvements to the entire superstructure are required. The 850-metre bridge has 17 spans of steel girders and a concrete deck. The bridge is showing signs of substantial deterioration to the steel girders, piers, and to the bridge deck. Additionally, the bridge doesn't meet current design standards including a minimum twoand-a-half-metre shoulder and traffic barriers.


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2 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

Build A New Life campaign attracting people looking to relocate County’s marketing strategy of sharing local success stories expected to lure millions of dollars worth of investment to municipality ADAM BRAMBURGER STAFF WRITER

The County has recognized one of its most tangible marketing assets is its people. On Tuesday, the municipality’s community development department formally celebrated the relaunch of its Build A New Life campaign, geared to luring people to relocate here. The campaign uses blogs, social media entries, live video and traditional advertising to draw traffic to a web site where they

can connect with staff. In a few short month since the soft launch, the department says it has received 60,000 web impressions with 10,823 viewing YouTube videos. Of those people, 14,400 have visited the web site and many have viewed multiple pages or downloaded content. According to community development director, Neil Carbone the potential investment attracted through the effort has been staggering.

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“From six or seven of the leads, in particular, we estimated potential investment — not to mention jobs — of $32 million,� he said, adding those leads are considered more than 50-per-cent probable. Speaking at a launch event at the Regent Theatre, Carbone said his department built the concept from a similar web site created by the former economic development department led by Dan Taylor. He said at the time, that site was at the cutting edge of marketing. His staff saw value in a recognized brand and a strategy that still rings true. “The idea of attracting people to the county to build a new life is the same now as it was then,� he said. “In doing that, we’re recognizing the best way to sell the county and to encourage people to come and get a sense they can succeed here is to have other people in the community do that for us,� he said. The web site was designed in collaboration with Vaughan Group and it features photos

Cou The

HUMAN CONNECTION The County’s community development director Neil Carbone explains Tuesday how the municipality is succeeding with a marketing campaign that centres on county residents’ own success stories. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

and stories of people who have come to Prince Edward County in pursuit of their dreams. Video stories, produced by community development officer Trevor Crowe, further bring the stories home


See MARKETING, page 21

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by adding first-person voices telling their own stories. “Credit is really due for our actors. The best thing in these videos is that nothing there was scripted,� Cabone said. “We literally sat down with these community pat-

ners and said ‘Talk about why you’re in Prince Edward County.’ They said it better than we could ever come up with or any creative agency could ever come up with.� Attracted by those real people and real success stories, some people elect to visit Prince Edward County — and Carbone said his department’s mantra is that every new resident or business starts with a visit. Once here, they can be sold on sense of place with the county’s beautiful geography, arts and culinary industries, and relaxed way of life. Before they arrive, however, potential transplants are able to download information about starting a business in the county, they’re able to share information about themselves on the site, and ask pertinent questions. The site is, then, a doorway for follow-up. Department staff may invite them to come to a Creative Rural Minds networking event to meet peers.

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JULY 28, 2016 3

The Picton Gazette

Three projects receive $10,000 in grants from Built Heritage Fund House of Falconer, Regent Theatre, QEMA selected ADAM BRAMBURGER STAFF WRITER

Three heritage landmarks will benefit from a collective $10,000 investment as part of the second pay out from the Prince Edward County Built Heritage Fund, the County Foundation Community (CCF) announced this week. This year’s call for applications for the Save The Day grants went out in mid-May. CCF funds administrator Jefferson Gilbert indicated representatives of more than a dozen projects applied for assistance to preserve local built heritage from monies collected during the annual Christmas in the County House Tour, which has taken place the past six years. Ultimately, a six-person committee decided to hand out its major $5,000 grant to Alex Fida for his restoration work at the House of Falconer on Walton Street. The Regent Theatre received $2,500 for masonry repairs to its exterior walls, while the Quinte Educational Museum and Archives received $2,500 to install a new roof at its Victoria Schoolhouse, located adjacent the Ameliasburgh Pioneer Village Museum. Grants committee member Marilyn Lauer said the committee had some fervent discussion about whether a private individual, like Fida, could benefit from the grants. Ultimately, she said some private projects were rejected because they were deemed to involve routine maintenance, but the chosen project was considered different. “The whole committee and our advisor (Gilbert) had some concerns about the possible backlash from the public over the granting of funds to a private individual. So we set a certain criteria,� she said. That criteria included importance to the whole community, work that wasn’t considered maintenance or aesthetic in nature, and project support from an organization with a charitable number. In Fida’s case, the Picton BIA stepped forward to champion his project. Lauer said his project has served the public interest. “If Alex Fida had not stepped up to rescue this iconic building in the heart of Picton, now a designated heritage district, we would still be looking at a derelict property. Our $5,000 grant is to Alex as the steward of this heritage building for the generations to follow.� Lauer said Fida’s application centred on work currently taking place to restore the kitchen wing and carriage house at the north end of the building, a project she estimated Fida is spending more than $250,000 to compete. “There’s considerable work involved. Basically, he’s starting from the ground up, taking it apart and putting it back together again,� Lauer said.

SAVING THE STRUCTURE Alex Fida received the Prince Edward County Built Heritage Fund’s Save The Day grant of $5,000 to help with his project to deconstruct and rebuild the carriage house at the House of Falconer (John Pepper Downes house) to its original 1840 specifications. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Fida said his crews carefully took apart every piece of the carriage house structure, which dates back to 1840, and catalogued each piece by number. Over the past three weeks, a team including restoration expert Kip Brisley has been repairing the original timber frame and structure. Next week, work will begin to level the back of the building. Foundation work

will follow and the carriage house will be reassembled in September. The windows and doors will be returned to their original positioning, the windows will be restored with wood and as much of the original glass as possible, and the building will be painted its original colour. On Tuesday, Fida said he was pleased with the progress made thus far.

“We were able to save about 80 per cent of the original building. There’s a few pieces we’ll have to replace completely. We almost have to do repairs to every single piece — it was being held up by the siding,� he said. “It was more or less what we expected. I think we’re a bit ahead of schedule. I think we were thinking it would take longer to do all the repairs.� Fida said he doesn’t have any preconceived notions for what he’ll do with the 1,200square foot area when it is completed. “I’m flexible right now to what the use will be. Once the building is up, I’m hoping we find the use that best matches the final outcome,� he said, adding he didn’t originally think of the pop-up shops and studios now in place. “I never imagined doing that originally when I bought it. It’s been a really organic process from the start. I’m just letting the project guide itself.� Asked about the grant, he said it was a bit of a surprise, but an appreciated one. “It’s really nice to have not only the moral support of the community, but the financial assistance. It’s a really big project. It’s a passion project, but it definitely does cost money and it’s nice to have some help.� Fida said he’s been encouraged to see the way the community has come to value built heritage in recent years and how that thrust has

brought new life into buildings. He said he’d be open to having the House of Falconer on the house tour in the future, also. Lauer said the success of the Regent speaks for itself as it is a Main Street landmark that is important to the community for a wide range for cultural events. She said it is important to have that heritage building protected. Regent Theatre chair Peter Blendell said the “most pressing thing� necessitating the theatre’s application was in places where the masonry

work was coming loose from the foundation of the building.� On the east side of the structure, Blendell said there is a serious crack in front of the theatre. On the west side, he noticed some masonry is beginning to crumble and it appeared to worsen during Main Street reconstruction. The chair said he believes left unattended, the condition would deteriorate over time and added public safety is also an important aspect.

See HERITAGE, page 21

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181st ANNUAL


Countdown to Fair

42 days

SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11

The 2016 Fair Book is now available at

The Picton Gazette, ¤¹Ă‚Â˜ÂŤÂ’ /Ă?¤Ă? ¤Ă? ÍÍèÚ èÚ Ă‚¹¤¹ ÂˆĂ‚Ăˆ Â˜Ă‚Ă‚ s ÂŞÂ˜ÂŤÂ˜ Â‘ÂˆĂ‚ĂˆÂ˜Ă–s¤¤ ¹‘‘ Â„Â˜Ă–ÂˆžĂ‚ˆ Â„Â˜Ă–Âˆ Ă–ÂˆžĂ‚ˆ ž ˆ s„ ÂˆĂœ Â˜ĂˆÂ˜ÂŤÂ’ ÂˆÂˆĂœĂœ Â˜ĂˆÂ˜ÂŤÂ’ ¤sĂ?Ă‚á ¤sĂ?Ă‚ Ă?Ă‚á ‘ˆsĂˆĂ?žÂ˜ÂŤÂ’ s„ sž¹Ă?„ ĂˆÂ–ÂˆÂˆ Ă—¹ž¤Â„Ăź Ă‚Ăˆ¹žÂ˜ÂˆĂ‚ ‘ž¹ª sž¹Ă?„ ĂˆÂ–Âˆ ÂąĂ?ÂŤĂˆžĂ? ÂąĂ?ÂŤĂˆžĂ?Ă? s„

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Colouring Section Adults, do you relieve stress with an adult colouring book? Enter your efforts into the Picton Fair adult colouring book competition. See the Fair Book, page 15 in print or online for more information.

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VENDORS WANTED • Commerial • Non-Profit • For Profit • New Ideas NEW THIS YEAR - Farmers Market - Saturday only Display & promote yourself For more information call Larry 613-707-5309

4 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

Glenwood geese have new home thanks to generous volunteer George Ceh built William and Kate new structure near Shadow Pond CHAD IBBOTSON STAFF WRITER

In the aftermath of the killing of Kate, one of Glenwood Cemetery's Chinese swan geese, there was an outpouring of community support. William, who was despondent following Kate's death, has a new mate now — also named Kate. One of the results of that community support was unveiled on Sunday afternoon at the cemetery — a new home for Shadow Pond's two full-time residents. Glenwood Cemetery volunteer board chair Sandra

Latchford said community members were very enthusiastic about Kate and William and wanted to ensure the animals had a proper home to stay in. She said county resident George Ceh offered to build a replacement. “He built a spectacular new home,” Latchford said. “George really did a great job, it's so phenomenal.” Latchford said the cemetery worked with Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee to ensure the home aligned with all the animals' needs. Not only does the home meet all of William and Kate's needs, it's complete

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with home-grade steel roofing, siding, flashing and eavestroughs which carry rainwater from the roof and into Shadow Pond. Ceh also built a new walkway over the pond's outflow. In recognition of Ceh's contributions, he was presented with a plaque bearing his name which will be installed on the enclosure. Fellow volunteer Mary Lazier Corbett was also presented a plaque on Sunday honouring her efforts to support the cemetery. Ceh said when he saw the previous enclosure had been tipped over, he volunteered to build a strong and stable replacement. “I built a foundation on it and everything,” he said. “I built everything in my garage and then brought it over here and put it up.” Ceh said he dug a trench by hand for the runoff from the eavestrough and built the enclosure with the same principles as a house. He said he's retired an enjoyed working on the projects. There's only one problem in his mind. “I don't know what's going to be my next job,” he said. The geese have been a popular addition since they were given to the cemetery 15 years ago. “People come every day to feed them and they sit and watch them up at the picnic

A SOLID STRUCTURE From left, Glenwood Cemetery board chair Sandra Latchford, resident

George Ceh, and cemetery manager Helma Oonk cut the ribbon on William and Kate’s new home. Ceh volunteered to build the new goose house for the popular animals. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

table,” said Latchford. “It helps make the cemetery more welcoming and friendly.” She said the pets bring a warmth to cemetery and add to its serene ambiance. Latchford said the new goose enclosure is just one part of an ongoing effort to restore the pond. The steep banks along the sides of the pond have been eroding and the cemetery has been fortifying the banks with large boulFOWL FRIENDS William and Kate take a leisurely swim with a ders. “It's going to be tricky to group of ducks during Sunday’s open house at Glenwood Cemedo it cost-effectively,” she tery. The Chinese swan geese are considered a great attraction to said. Latchford said the south- the cemetery’s Shadow Pond. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff) ern side of the pond is prob- lematic because of the steep and taking an interest in what we have here,” she said. “It's grade. “We can't get heavy equip- really a public place for ment in, so we're doing a lot everybody.” Whether a family member by hand,” she said. The dry weather has been is buried at the cemetery or an issue for the pond. The not, Latchford said the public pond is fed by an under- is welcome to visit and bike Your connection to construction professionals ground spring and Latchford or walk the grounds. She said This series of profiles will introduce the members of said one of the cemetery's pri- one of the board's goals is to orities for is to gain better shine a light on the cemetery the Association. For more information please visit control over the pond's out- as a community asset. the website: Glenwood's next event is flow so that water levels slated for Aug. 20 with Jazz in don't fall too low. She said the cemetery the Chapel. The Glenwood appreciates the all the help chapel will serve as a satellite from the public and thanked location for the Prince Edward County Jazz festival them for their support. “We appreciate the public with the performance schedhelping out and volunteering uled from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Prince Edward County Construction Association

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JULY 28, 2016 5

The Picton Gazette

Social Notes

Jack & Jill for

Donald Bartman & Larissa Wood Happy 18th Birthday Jacob Brennan

MOVING ON Bill Scott stands in front of Scott’s Store on Lake Street in Picton. The store officially changed owners this week after more than six decades in the Scott family. The building was originally located at the Picton fairgrounds. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

Scott’s Store sold after 64 years in same family Friends and family gather for nostalgic sendoff as Bill Scott retires from Lake Street shop CHAD IBBOTSON STAFF WRITER

After more than 60 years in the family, the keys to Scott's Store in Picton changed hands this week. Owner Bill Scott retired Wednesday, marking the end of an era for the family business which began humbly in 1952. For the past 64 years the business has been a popular stop for locals and for tourists on the way to campgrounds and the beach. On Saturday afternoon family, friends and wellwishers gathered behind the store for a nostalgic sendoff for Scott. He said it's somewhat bittersweet leaving the store and it's the people that he'll miss the most. “I'm not going to miss the paperwork … the people I'll miss — the regular folks I'll joke with, the people who always took the chance to come in and say hello.” Scott's sister Betty Lee recalled the store's beginnings. Their father was a member of town council at

the time and an effort was being made to clean up the Picton fairgrounds. Some buildings had to go and were offered to anyone who wanted to take them away. “Because my sister and I had a lemonade stand here, daddy thought 'well, my girls might like this,'” she said. “So he goes out to the farm and gets big tree logs and rolls the store up through Main Street and plops it on this piece of property.” Lee said the store opened in the summer of 1952 and was in operation summers only. In 1954 the store opened full time. “The rest is history,” Lee said. The store remained a family operation through the years. Scott had an early introduction to working at the store. When Scott's Store opened there was a canning factory just across the road. Scott recalls playing outside the store as a child and having some workers call him over to collect money for drinks. “Basically it's been my

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life,” he said. Scott said his mother was a solid force behind the store for years and kept it going. From about 1967 on, he said the store has been his fulltime job. “My dad started it as a hobby and it's become my full-time job,” he said. “Now it's just time to (step aside).” Looking back, Scott laughs at the state the old building was once in. The roof leaked badly and had to be covered in sheets of plastic. A string led drops of water from the ceiling to a bucket below. “Nobody knew it was leaking,” Scott laughed. In July 1990 the store was renovated. It closed for all of 15 minutes. “It started July 6 and finished Dec. 6 and only closed


for 15 minutes. The only reason that happened was they had a poor sidewalk,” he said. Scott said he's watched the county change and grow through the years. The surrounding industry faded and houses sprouted up, and traffic along County Rd. 10 grew exponentially. “We had the factory, the train tracks coming in and across the road was wider then and that was the big neighbourhood baseball park,” he said. “It's grown big time.” Scott said some will remember and think fondly his father's familiar greeting of “Howdy, Bub” at the store. Many more will remember Scott's own charm and wit. So long, Bub.

and congrats on your graduation from St. Theresa's and for being an Ontario Scholar and receiving 3 awards. Best of luck at Ottawa University. Love, Grandpa & Grandma Harley & Karen Guernsey

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Happy 97th Birthday Gerry Wheeler


Sarah Wanamaker

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Best Wishes from your family and friends. There will be an


to celebrate this occasion at the Publow House, King Street, Picton

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5ST KNOWN FACTS ABOUT 9 . 4 $i1ncludes H


Get your copy of Lennox and Addington Book at one of the following locations

• The Napanee Beaver 613-354-6641 • County of L&A Museum, Napanee • The Picton Gazette 613-476-3201 • Roblin Gas Bar, Roblin • Heritage Point Antiques & Gifts, Bath • Ellena’s Cafe, Napanee • Books & Company, Picton

• Novel Idea, Kingston • Chit Chat Cafe, Napanee • Marlene’s Mayhew Jewellers, Napanee • Wilton Cheese Factory, Odessa • Bergeron Estate Winery & Cider Co., Adolphustown • Rogues’ Hollow Antiques, Newburgh • The Old Conway General Store 8682 Loyalist Parkway

Written by Orland French Published by Mrs. Jean Morrison and The Napanee Beaver


Published In Canada


Opinions JULY 28, 2016

WEB TWITTER @gazettenews FACEBOOK /pictongazette

COMMENTARY IOC was correct to not make blanket decision to ban Russian athletes

ATHLETES from Canada and across the world are packing their bags this week to head to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to compete in this summer’s Olympic Games. They’ll be going there to do their best to uphold the motto “faster, higher, stronger” while setting personal bests and competing for medals. As they travel to South America, the excitement the athletes should rightly feel over their accomplishments is being overshadowed by a cloud harkening back to the Cold War-era. Many questions persist about what the Russians competitors did and did not know about a supposed statesanctioned cheating program, uncovered in an investigation led by a Canadian law professor from Western University, Richard McLaren. McLaren’s report raised alarms about how Russian officials were able to hold back lab samples showing evidence of doping dating back to 2011 and replace them with clean samples while their athletes prospered. This week, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided that despite the evidence presented, it would not ban Russia from the games, but instead it would leave decisions about athletes’ eligibility to individual sporting authorities. Media reports indicate more than 300 athletes have been disqualified nonetheless. While some would clamour for a more heavy-handed verdict from the IOC, this course appears appropriate. As it is, more than 300 athletes will not be able to compete.

By taking a full-scale ban off the table, the IOC has effectively swept accusations of discrimination aside as well. Athletes who are clean and who have adhered to their own sports’ governing standards will have their chance to shine. Those who, knowingly or not, cannot hold up to those lofty standards will face scrutiny and they may be exposed for their cheating. Those who have served their penalties for cheating in the past, but have proven they’re clean, however, should be able to participate. While some Russian athletes say individual sport bans may make the competition lesser in some way, their organization fully knew the rules and any just disqualifications are exactly that. A competition with the prestige of the Olympic Games should ideally involve the best of the best from among those who are abiding by the rules. It is, indeed, a tough pill to swallow for those athletes who trained in good faith for Rio knowing it may be their last or best opportunity to compete, but perhaps their experience will encourage whistleblowers in the future. One of the main lessons learned here, however — and it seems to be a lesson learned again and again at the Olympics, particularly in judged competitions — is to try to eliminate bias wherever possible. If independent, multinational anti-doping teams were able to control compliance testing from start to finish, there’d be fewer questions today to tarnish the idealism of the Games.


Gazette Volume 186, Week 30 267 Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-3201 Fax: 613-476-3464

Editorial e-mail: Classifieds e-mail: Advertising e-mail:

Jean Morrison Debbie McCann Publisher Business Manager

Karen Gyde Christine DeMille Classifieds Manager Classifieds


Scott Johnston Adam Bramburger Sales Manager Editor

Cheryl Weaver Advertising Sales

Jason Parks Reporter

Chad Ibbotson Reporter

HONOURED From left, MWO (Ret.) Frank Evans, on behalf of the Italian-Canadian community, presents Second World War veteran George Wright with a replica of

the Peace Through Valour memorial that opened in Nathan Philips Square in June. The memorial honours the contributions of the more than 93,000 Canadians, including Wright as a member of the Devil’s Brigade, who took part in the Italian Campaign.The sculpture is a map of the town of Ortona. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

Stories From Our Past 1926

n A Holstein bull broke loose from its owner after being taken into Picton from a Fish Lake farm to be shipped. The bull shattered a pane-glass window at the G.E. Fraser and Sons store before resting inside. n Federal Conservatives in Prince Edward-Lennox were to meet to decide their candidate for the upcoming election. It was expected incumbent MP John Hubbs would retain the nomination . n County residents were among the many staking claim to the estates of Thomas and Robert Edwards, who claimed they rightly owned much of Manhattan.


n Picton town council discussed possible bylaws it could enact to improve the parking situation downtown. The implementation of one-hour parking and the creation of a no-parking zone for deliveries were suggested. n Belleville men Alfie McCarthy and Harry Day said they landed a 17pound pike in Muscote Bay between Big Island and Huff’s Island. The big fish took 30 minutes to reel in. n With little rain in the area, the danger of grass fires spread. One such fire sparked on the McCormick farm near Lake on the Mountain. Firefighters managed to snuff out the fire with cedar bushes relatively easily.


n Fred Purficati was named the administrator of the Prince Edward Heights complex after 14 years with the Ministry of Community and Social Services. He said his first impressions of the site were positive. n Picton’s Canada Manpower office had a number of youth aged 14-17 registered for its “rent-a-kid” program, which provided employers labour for short-term projects. It was hoped youth would gain experience leading to more permanent work. n Bloomfield resident Bill Boultbee offered to start a house-watching service as a response to increasing complaints of vandalism.


n Community and social services minister David Tsubouchi announced the province’s plan to move 218 people with disabilities back into the community and close the Prince Edward Heights complex by March 31, 1999. n Prince Edward Association for Community Living executive director Brian Smith emphasized the economic importance of keeping the jobs and government expenditures for Prince Edward Heights within the local community once the facility shuts down. n Sandbanks Provincial Park was preparing to welcome 25 teams from across the province for the Lifesaving Society’s lifeguard championships.

Michelle Bowes Production Manager

Janice Daley Distribution

The Picton Gazette is locally owned and operated. It is published every Thursday by The Picton Gazette Ltd.and distributed in Prince Edward County. For out-of-town subscription rates, please call 613-476-3201. All materials are protected by copyright.


Credit is really due for our actors. The best thing in these videos is that nothing there was scripted. We literally sat down with these community partners and said ‘Talk about why you’re in Prince Edward County.’ They said it better than we could ever come up with or any creative agency could ever come up with. Neil CarboNe disCussiNg

the marketiNg value of CouNty resideNts shariNg their owN suCCess stories.



LOW A mix of sun and cloud is forecast with high

and afternoon 20humidity risk of thunderstorms.



24 LOW


A mix of sun and cloud is anticipated for Friday with no probability of precipitation.


26 LOW


A mix of sun and cloud is anticipated Saturday with no probability of precipitation.


27 LOW


A clear, sunny day is anticipated Sunday with no probability of precipitation.


The Picton Gazette welcomes letters to the editor of 500 words or less. The letters may be edited for clarity, legal ramifications, length or general taste at the editor’s discretion. We also reserve the right to refuse to publish submitted letters for the same reasons. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the Gazette, its publisher, or staff. Submitted items become property of the Gazette.

JULY 28, 2016 7

The Picton Gazette

Kellough to launch her latest mystery at Picton library OPP responds

This summer, the County Library is excited to host a diverse range of interactive events for all ages. In fact, fans of prolific local writer Janet Kellough should be sure to bookmark Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in their calendars for a visit to our Picton branch. Author of the very successful and popular Thaddeus Lewis series, Kellough will read from Wishful Seeing, the fifth and latest page-turner to feature the famous saddlebag preacher and sleuth. Besides being extremely entertaining, Kellough’s books are always meticulously researched. Wishful Seeing will appeal to mystery readers as well as local history and railroad buffs. The novel deals with the little-written-about period of Ontario’s history after the rebellions and prior to Confederation. There is much to be learned about this area’s social history during the mid-1800s. What events and circumstances led to our eventual birth as a country? Janet’s novels shed light on some of the critical actions our forebears took towards nationhood. To tempt the many who keenly anticipate the twists and turns of a Thaddeus Lewis adventure, Janet dropped a few tantalizing plot tidbits. It seems that in Wishful Seeing widower Thaddeus harbours a guilty attraction to a woman who just happens to be falsely accused of murder. Emerging as a character in her own right for the first time is none other than Martha, his fifteen-year-old granddaughter. With the assistance of young Martha, Thaddeus is determined to uncover the truth and help clear his beloved of the charges. Dundurn Press says of

to 84 calls over weekend


the newest instalment, “Wishful Seeing is a wellresearched and accurate portrayal of life in rural Ontario during the Victorian age. It deals with sexism and the legal system of 19th Century Canada.” The rolling hills of Northumberland County are the setting of Kellough’s latest work. Central to the story is the building of a railway between Cobourg and Peterborough. This rail line is expected to bring riches and figures largely in the conspiracy that unfolds. In an aside that is sure to intrigue local history buffs, Kellough notes that the section of rail line that originally spanned Rice Lake was destroyed by ice. The author’s extensive research unearths many interesting facts culled from history books, news reports and archives. Through the course of her research, Kellough shares that she borrowed many items from the County Library and also made use of our interlibrary loan service. If you’d like to look up citations noted in the Thaddeus Lewis book series, our local branch resource staff would be happy to assist you. And, if you’re interested in catching up before div-

NEW RELEASE Janet Kellough, seen here at a storytelling

event as part of this year’s Prince Edward County Authors Festival is set to release her fifth Thaddeus Lewis mystery, Wishful Seeing, published by Dundurn Press. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

ing into the latest instalment, all four previous titles can be borrowed from the library. In chronological order, the series includes: On the Head of a Pin, Sowing Poison, 47 Sorrows and The Burying Ground. David Pitt, Booklist, shares that “…the stories themselves would be entirely at home in contemporary-set mystery novels, which makes the series perfect for readers of historical mysteries and for those who are simply looking for a good yarn, regardless of when its set." Everyone is invited to join us at the Picton branch on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 6:30 p.m. to hear Kellough read, answer questions, enjoy some refreshments and perhaps learn some intriguing details from her next book that she tells me is almost complete. Books and Company will also be on site with copies of Wishful Seeing available to purchase or you can bor-

row a library copy.


Back by popular demand, the talented and vivacious Barefoot Players will perform “Once Upon a Forest,” an adaptation of three fairy tales that young and old alike are sure to enjoy. The first performance will take place at Benson Park in Picton at 10:30 a.m. (weather permitting) or in the library. Enjoy the second performance outside our Ameliasburgh branch at 2 p.m or inside at Ameliasburgh’s Town Hall (13 Coleman St.). Be sure to bring your lawn chair. Keep current on the many events happening all summer long at library branches by visiting our Facebook page or checking out the events calendar at

Last weekend was a busy one for the Prince Edward OPP detachment as its officers responded to 84 calls for service between 4 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Monday. Community services officer Const. Connor Durkin reports the incidents were wide ranging in nature. Investigations conducted range from Liquor Licence Act enforcement, domestic disturbances, noise complaints, traffic complaints and enforcement, and motor vehicle accidents. He also reported that officers conducted RIDE checks and bar patrols throughout the municipality. One of the more intriguing incidents of the weekend occurred in the early morning hours Monday when a male suspect was involved in two separate traffic incidents. At about 2:22 a.m. the 18-year-old Picton man was stopped on Ontario Street where officers determined he possessed a G1 licence, but was not accompanied by a fully licenced driver as required under the Highway Traffic Act. The man was issued a provincial offences notice. Several minutes later, the same officers observed the same man driving another vehicle, Durkin reported. The officers attempted to stop him again, but he failed to stop, instead colliding with a stop sign. The driver was charged with failure to stop, careless driving, and being an unaccompanied driver under the Highway Traffic Act. The man is to appear in Picton court Aug. 19. -Staff

What do water samples and services for seniors have in common?

People are creatures of habit. Hastings Prince Edward Public Health occupied the building at 74 King Street in Picton for over 30 years. Public Health is where people pick up water sample bottles, and drop off their full bottle of water to be tested. The health unit moved to another location and it seems that there are still many people unaware of that fact. If you bring your water sample to the 74 King Street location you’ll find the Community Care for Seniors agency. We’re happily settled into our new location. We’ve been here for about 6 months now. And it’s fully nine months since the health unit moved out! Don’t bring your sample into the Community Care office – a record day was when five different people came in with bottle in hand. If you do come in here we’ll ask you to volunteer. Maybe you should stop by anyway and get involved in helping seniors live at home!

INFO FOR SENIORS Debbie MacDonald Moynes

The web site of the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health states that “many residents rely on drilled, dug, or bored wells to supply water for drinking and other household uses. Groundwater is a shared resource that crosses property lines, and contamination from one well can put

other wells at risk. Test your well water for bacteria at least three times per year (spring, summer, and fall). Free testing of private water supplies for bacteria is available through your nearest Hastings Prince Edward Public Health office.” The place to take your water sample in Picton is in the Prince Edward Family Health Team offices at 35 Bridge St., Suite 1. You’ll find 35 Bridge St. at the bottom of the town hill, on your left, just as you vere to the left to go out toward the Glenora Ferry. The health unit will accept your water samples Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Their web site says that water samples are not accepted on Fridays. You can call the PHU at 613-966-5500 for more information or go to the web site at


The Community Care office will be closed for the Civic Holiday, Monday Aug. 1 reopening Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 9 a.m. Meals on Wheels will be delivered as usual.


The Thrift Shop at 153 Main Street in Picton will be open for the Civic Holiday, Monday, Aug. 1 from 1-4 p.m.


People donate amazing things to Community Care’s Thrift Shop and from time to time the volunteers hold a silent cuction. See the items on display at 153 Main St. in Picton starting Tuesday, Aug. 2 This auction closes at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13. All of the funds raised support programs for seniors in Prince Edward County.


As a special summer treat a local brother and sister duo will be performing following the meal. Seniors are welcome to attend the Seniors Luncheon Social in Picton at the Beck and Call at 252 Main St, Wednesday, Aug. 10. Community Care summer student, Jessica Harpell, and her brother Bradley Harpell will be playing an acoustic set. Enjoy old country favourites such as George Jones, Merle Haggard, Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline. Bill Grieve, the chef with Wheel House and Occasions Catering, is preparing homemade soup, fish and chips, vegetables, and fruit pie, coffee andtea, is for $10 per person. Reserve your place by the Tuesday prior at noon by calling 613-476-7493. This is a special event and only those seniors who have made a reservation can attend. Space is limited so call early.

8 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

County to continue involvement in Bay of Quinte Living Council for another year CHAD IBBOTSON STAFF WRITER

The County's Community and Economic Development Commission (CEDC) voted on Tuesday to continue to participate in the Bay of Quinte Living Council. The approved motion says the CEDC will continue mem-

bership on the Bay of Quinte Living Council (BQLC) for 2016-2017 at a cost of $12,629 plus HST. The cost was included in the 2016 municipal budget. A staff member with support from the chair or vice chair of the commission will also sit on the Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board

and Governance Task Team. Staff will also bring forward a follow-up report regarding the municipality's continued participation on the proposed Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board Prior to 2017 budget deliberations. A report from community development director Neil

Carbone presented to the commission Tuesday says the CEDC agreed to participate as a member of the BQLC for 2015-2016 on a trial basis. Earlier this year, however, the BQLC and Bay of Quinte Tourism Council voted to explore a merger of the organizations into a single regional marketing board at the end of

their fiscal years. In June, following a discussion about the issue, CEDC chair Bill Roberts explained there was some hesitancy on the part of the CEDC as it wasn't what the commission had agreed to participate in. Roberts said there were concerns with the new governance model and what







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changes might occur. Carbone said since that time he's met and discussed the concerns with representatives from the BQLC. Carbone recommended the CEDC follow through with its commitment with BQLC as plans for the balance of 2016-2017 wouldn't change. “Essentially because they were in the middle of their fiscal year with existing business plans, what they really proposed was a transitional period,” Carbone said. A transitional board will plan the merger while a task team will discuss the governance model for the new board. “Bay of Quinte Living and Bay of Quinte Tourism, operationally, would continue on with their existing business plans until the end of the fiscal year, until March 21, 2017,” he said. Carbone said staff had some apprehension about the changes as the municipality's original intention was not to get involved with Bay of Quinte Tourism. However, he said staff have confirmed BQLC will carry out its existing business plan for 20162017, so there will be no changes in their course of action. He said he's had some very positive recent meetings with staff representatives at BQLC regarding the next phase of the Immigration Portal and sat in on an initial governance task team meeting, where he said the discussion was very positive. “The discussion there was really about proper governance and eliminating some of those issues, not focusing on cash contributions and number of people sitting at the table instead of appointing experts to sit there and act in the interest of the broader region,” said Carbone. Carbone said it's still early and there will be a better sense of what changes might occur in the next few months and what the new regional marketing board could offer Prince Edward County. In the interim, the BQLC will continue to work on ongoing initiatives, Carbone said. He said the second phase of the Immigration Portal is underway now. “They've established the portal, put together a lot of the information and now they will be engaging in a lead generation campaign — a way of funnelling traffic to that portal and then generating leads to various agencies including economic development offices in the region,” he said. “We're still very much excited and optimistic about that, although we feel the second phase needs to happen in order to leverage what was put into the portal originally.” Carbone said BQLC will continue to undertake a number of different marketing projects focused not only on immigration, but also attraction of new residents and retirees. He said there's already been some positive benefits through participation in the portal, including some high-profile earned media about the region as a premier place to retire and vacation.

JULY 28, 2016 9

The Picton Gazette

WHATTAM’S COMMUNITY CALENDAR The Community Calendar is donated as a public service to our community by The Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main St., West, Picton (613-476-2450) SPACE IS AVAILABLE TO all non-profit groups or organizations that serve 'The County' ONLY. Calendar items can be faxed 476-3031, email or placed in drop box at the side door of the Funeral Home by Saturday at noon.

E-MAIL, & for community calendar,

56. Irish military organization 57. Felt ill 59. Larkin, Rose, Bench 60. Used to catch fish 61. Jewish spiritual leader 62. Andahuaylas Airport 63. Google development expert 64. Cheek

1. Blackbird (Scot.) 5. Part of (abbr.) 8. Large fish 11. Of urea 13. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano 14. Organized crime head 15. Bird genus 16. Curve 17. Greek sophist CLUES DOWN 18. Thick river fish 20. Negative 21. Young woman 1. Central European (French) river 22. Extra features 2. Actor Bana 25. Luckily 3. 20th letter of the 30. Pounced Hebrew alphabet 31. Congressman 4. Southeast Asian 32. 92543 ethnic group 33. Flemish names of 5. Celestial body Ypres 6. Investigator 38. Spherical body 7. Tangible 41. Imply 8. Type of television 43. Popular zombie TV 9. Opaque gems show 10. Portion 45. Drink 12. Carriage 48. Used to have 14. Women’s (Scottish) undergarment 49. Former hoopster 19. Of sound mind Heard 23. Mentally ill 50. California graffiti 24. Office skill artist 25. Follicle-stimulating 55. Managed hormone

26. An obligation to repay 27. Read-only memory 28. The lower end 29. Billy knew a girl from here 34. Not the beginning 35. He wrote “The Raven” 36. When you’ll get there 37. Celtics legend Auerbach 39. Making fun of 40. Made dim 41. Heston character El __ 42. Small integers 44. Unarmed combat



45. Made of wood 46. Rex and Sorenson to name two 47. Affixes 48. Wife of Zeus 51. Swiss river 52. Prejudice 53. Actor Idris 54. Runnin’ __: UNLV nickname 58. Criticize

sudoku Metro Creative Graphics LAST WEEK’S ANSWER

WHATTAM’S is proud to present…”Family Movie Day” at the Regent Theatre the last Sunday of each month at 2pm. JULY 31 presentation ‘Kung Fu Panda 3”. PICTON UNITED CHURCH COUNTY FOOD BANK: Food items that are needed are peanut butter, canned salmon, canned stew/chili, canned fruit, rice. All donations are gratefully accepted. Please drop off donations at the County Food Bank (12 Chapel St., Picton 476-8516), Fri. mornings 9-11:30. Or at the Picton United Church office (Tues. to Fri. mornings 9-11:45). Contact Leda 476-2109. LOYALIST HUMANE SOCIETY: Always in need of food, litter, cleaning supplies, paper products as well as kitten food canned & dry. ROTARY CASH CALENDAR WINNERS: June 7th Becca Pukancik, 14th Eleanor Kelly, 21st Bob Tuttle, 28thLois Reynolds. SONRISE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 2016 GOLF TOURNAMENT: Annual fundraising Golf Tournament to be held at the Picton Golf & Country Club Saturday August 27. 1pm Shot gun start, 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch, dinner contests & prizes. $100/person. We invite you to participate in this fundraiser for our school. Contact Brian Vanderniet to sign up at ARTS ON MAIN GALLERY: Announces its “Autumn Splendor Show” from August 10th to November 7th. A cooperative gallery of 25 local artists, together in one location at 223 Main St Picton, opposite the Regent Theatre. Open daily from 10-5. SATURDAY MORNING VICTORY KIDS PROGRAM: For 7-11 year olds from 10am-12 noon at the Naval Marine Archive. Six topics & ending August 13th. Donation $2 per session. or 476-1177. AMELIASBURGH THURSDAYS AT AMELIA’S TEA ROOM: Please join us for coffee, tea & conversation in Amelia’s Tea Room at Ameliasburgh Historical Village, 517 Cty Rd 19 Ameliasburgh. Everyone Welcome from 1:303:30pm every Thursday during the summer. CLIC PHOTO SHOW & SALE: The Best Photo Show in Eastern Ontario, July 23-August 7 at Books & Co., 289 Main St Picton. Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun & Holidays 10-5. Admission $4, 18 & under free. Join us for CLiC in the Evening, July 29 with Robert Bailey speaking on “Are There Any Negatives?” Admission $10. Refreshments & Door Prizes. Info Janice (Team CliC) 476-7249. YOGA CLASSES: Bloomfield Town Hall weekly throughout the summer. Classes run from 10-11am. Please bring your own mat if you can. Fee is $5/class. Generously sponsored by the Bloomfield Rec Committee. Everyone welcome. Info Hedy 393-3798. ELKS LODGE PICTON #326: Bingo Tuesdays 6:15pm. PEC SHUFFLEBOARD: PE Community Centre Rink Pad. League runs every Thursday starting at 1pm until August 25th. RC LEGION BR 78 PICTON: Bingo Wednesday’s 6:30pm. RC LEGION BR 78 PICTON: Saturday afternoons, pool games. AA: Meets every Wednesday 8pm Picton Hospital Boardroom. AL-ANON MEETINGS: (adults) Meets 8pm every Tuesday at Gilead Fellowship Church Picton. For persons affected by someone’s drinking. Info 1-866-951-3711. TOPS #4918: Take off Pounds Sensibly meets every Wednesday at the Anglican Church Hall in Picton. Weigh in 6:00-6:45pm & meeting starts at 6:45pm. Info Sheila 4762786.

JULY 28: BINGO IN THE COUNTY – Hosted by the Wellington District Lions Club. 6:45pm start, doors open 6pm in the Highline Hall, Wellington Community Centre. Join us for this weekly event for some fun, friendship & an entertaining evening. Call Betty Wight at 399-3105 for further info. Proceeds to local organizations. JULY 28: QUARTER MOON COFFEE HOUSE – Baxter Arts Centre, Bloomfield, 7:30pm sharp. Live open stage music, great mix of amateur & professional music styles. Free admission, donations accepted. JULY 29: CLiC PHOTO SHOW CLiC IN THE EVENING – With Robert Bailey speaking on “Are There Any Negatives?” at Books & Co., 289 Main St. Picton. Admission $10. Refreshments & Door Prizes. Info Janice (Team CLiC) 476-7249. JULY 29: CLASSIC ROCK FRIDAY – An orchestral pops concert combining a live rock band & the MPM Orchestra to support Music at Port Milford Summer School & Music Festival. 7:30pm at the Regent Theatre. JULY 30: CONSECON COMMUNITY DAY – An all day community festival, with excitement for the whole family. Car Boot Sale/Area-wide Garage Sales/ Charity Pancake Breakfast/Fire Truck & OPP Car/Free Wagon Rides/Petting Zoo/ Art Workshops & Demonstrations/Kids Soap Box Derby/ Pig Roast Dinner/Evening Street Dance to the Classic Rock n Roll sounds of “The Decades Band”. For info Janet 965-5698.

JULY 30: CONSECON DAYS UNITED CHURCH BAKE SALE – On the Church lawn 9:30 until baking is gone. Also some maple syrup, books & small items. JULY 30: CONSECON BR LIBRARY – Book Sale & kids activities 10am. JULY 30: BLOOMFIELD BR LIBRARY – Story time 10:30am. JULY 30: #415 AIRFORCE WING PICTON – Holding a fundraiser for the Air Cadets of #851 Sqn, Picton. Hosted by Sobey’s in the plaza from 11am until 2pm. Please help support, and fund, your local Air Cadet activities. JULY 30: MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES – The Tokai Quartet, 7:30pm at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church. Tickets available online or at the door. JULY 31: MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD SUNDAY STUDENT MATINEES – Students of MPM perform chamber, choral & orchestral works. 2PM “On the Deck” at Music at Port Milford, 89 Colliers Road, Milford. Free admission, donations appreciated. AUGUST 2: WEEKLY TUESDAY DROP IN KNIT & CHAT – Milford Br Library 10am-12 noon. AUGUST 2: CONCERTS IN THE PARK – Join us for a concert at the Wellington Park Gazebo by “Blu Zone & Janet Davies” at 6:30pm. Hotdogs & Pop/Water are available, (freewill donations accepted). Hosted by the Wellington District Lion’s Club, call Art Hewer 399-3846 for details. AUGUST 2: AL-ANON - Meets 8 pm at Gilead Fellowship Church, for persons affected by someone’s drinking. (1-866951-3711). AUGUST 3: WEDNESDAY EVENING FREE COMMUNITY MEAL – With Food Not Bombs in Benson Park. All welcome 5:30pm. In case of rain, move to the Picton Town Hall above the Fire Hall. AUGUST 4: WEEKLY THURSDAY THE HUB PLAYGROUP – Drop in 9:30-11am Picton Br Library. AUGUST 4: ALTERNATIVES FOR WOMEN – Drop-in information spot for Alternatives for Women services. Each Thursday 11am to noon, Wellington Library front side entrance. AUGUST 6: CREATIONS CRAFTS & COLLECTIBLES – Bloomfield United Church 9am-4pm. We have one-of-a-kind crafts & collectibles. Why not come take a browse! AUGUST 6: TEDDY BEAR PICNIC – Sponsored by the Ameliasburgh Ward 4 Recreation Committee at the Ameliasburgh Town Hall 1-3pm in The Maple Grove, weather permitting, rain option Town Hall. Bring your best friend Teddy or Stuffy. Crafts, Face Painting, Story Time, Other Kids Activities, Snacks & Teddy Bear hospital for over-loved Teddies & Stuffies. The County of Prince Edward Public Library & Archives is a co-participant along with our volunteers. AUGUST 6: FISH FRY ROSE HOUSE MUSEUM – 3333 County Rd 8, starting at 5pm. AUGUST 6: MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES – The Port Milford Faculty Ensemble, 7:30pm at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church. Tickets available online or at the door. AUGUST 7: MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD SUNDAY STUDENT MATINEES – Students of MPM perform chamber, choral & orchestral works. 2PM “On the Deck” at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church. Free admission, donations appreciated. AUGUST 7: FAMILY DAY AT MARINERS PARK MUSEUM – 2065 County Rd 13. Free admission, free hotdogs, games, vendors & a good family time. AUGUST 7: EELS EELS AND MORE EELS – An information session, presentation & first hand experiences by John Roebuck, 1pm at the Mariner’s Park Museum, 2065 Cty Rd 13. Everyone welcome as this is part of the Family Day Event featuring free Hot Dogs. AUGUST 8: BLOOD DONOR CLINIC – Picton Community Centre 2-8pm. Call 1-888-2 DONATE. AUGUST 10: SENIORS LUNCHEON SOCIAL PICTON – With entertainment at the Beck & Call at 252 Main St Picton. Enjoy old country music favorites. Reserve your place by the Tuesday prior at 12 noon by calling 476-7493. This is a special event & only seniors who have made a reservation can attend. Space is limited so call early. If you can’t come to the Beck & Call for this meal it can be delivered to housebound seniors who live in or near Picton. If you wish a take-out meal please advise when you register. Price is the same $10/person. AUGUST 11: BRIDGE FUNDRAISER – Wellington on the Lake Recreation Centre 1pm. Register before August 5 for a table of 4. Call Karen 399-2579 or Diane 399-1432. Admission $10. Prizes, refreshments, 50/50 draw. Proceeds to go to The Children’s Christmas Stocking Fund. AUGUST 11: QUARTER MOON COFFEE HOUSE – Baxter Arts Centre, Bloomfield, 7:30pm sharp. Live open stage music, great mix of amateur & professional music styles. Free admission, donations accepted. AUGUST 18: ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF HASTINGSPRINCE EDWARD - Presents the 2016 Eva Monroe Golf Tournament at the Picton Golf & Country Club. This is a 9 hole tournament with a shotgun start at 2pm. Dinner to follow in the Golf Club Grill. Registration forms may be picked up at the Picton Golf & Country Club or at the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward Picton office at 90 King St. Picton. Please call 476-2085 or 962-0892 for more info or visit

10 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

Rawhide features 300 participants from five countries RODEO, from page 1

VICE GRIP Bruno Roby participates in the bareback riding event during last weekend’s rodeo in Picton. Four contestants took part in the event on Sunday in front of the grandstands and a rowdy crowd of approximately 500. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

“That's just special, quite often you don't get to see your politicians and he did a mighty fine job,” Lounsberry said. He also offered kudos to all the volunteers who helped keep the event running smoothly and to County employees who worked the event. “I've never seen a bunch work harder,” he said. “They were responsive and you couldn't ask for any better group.” County manager of community centres, events and

marketing Lisa Lindsay said more than 1,000 people attended on Saturday and about 500 people made it out Sunday. “It was a really great turnout,” she said. Organizers met Wednesday for a rodeo wrap-up meeting. Lindsay say that debriefing will help the organizers see how well the event did, what worked, and what might need improvement. In the interim, the response seems very positive, she said. “The agricultural farming community were just ecstatic about this event and when

you look on the Rawhide Rodeo Facebook page there seems to be a lot of ratings of five out of five and people saying they would come again,” Lindsay said. The rodeo participants also seemed on board for a return. Lindsay said she received a message from Rawhide Rodeo indicating all the riders enjoyed the community and spectators. She said there were plenty of locals and visitors who saw the rodeo as a chance to get up close to the horses and other animals. She said one spectator noted that the last time she'd seen horses in

front of the Picton grandstand was in the 1960s. “It just seemed to be an opportunity to bring back some hometown heritage,” she said. Lindsay said Sunday attracted primarily a local crowd. She said if the event were to return, organizers would consider a FridaySaturday schedule rather than a Saturday-Sunday schedule in order to appeal to people visiting from out of town. The rodeo featured about 300 participants from the United States, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, and Canada.

Church Services this week


Sunday Services 10:30am with Pastor Larry Snider

Parish of Marysburgh Rev. Canon David Smith 613-929-2757

St. John’s

3207 County Road 8

PICTON GOSPEL HALL 3 McFarland Drive Sunday

Breaking of Bread 9:30am Sunday School/ Adult Bible Class 11:15am Gospel 7:00pm

Sunday Worship 9:00am St. Philip’s

Gilead Fellowship

44 St. Philips St. Milford

Sunday Worsip 11:00am

2 Downes Ave. Picton 613-476-2622

a Circle of Friends on a Quest to understand and to practice love that transforms. Rev. Richard Pitcher, Guest Preacher Music by Thomas Eric Dietzel


7 Church St., Picton, Ont. K0K 2T0

613-476-6276 Fax: 613-476-7293

Saturday Mass 5pm

Sunday Mass 8:30am and 10:00am St. Frances of Rome, Wellington 12:00pm

Ven. Charles Morris

Why not join us in celebrating the joy and wonder of life? We’re looking forward to seeing you here.

Sunday 9:00am, 10:30am Tuesday 8:00am Silent Prayer Wednesday 10:00am Right around the corner in your neighbourhood. 335 Main St., Picton

(Across from Shire Hall)


BLOOMFIELD UNITED CHURCH “Where Faith is Fun” 272 Main St., Bloomfield Minister: Maureen Ellison

Sunday, July 31st at 10:30am


All are Welcome - No Collection


Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Minister: Lynne Donovan 31 King St., Picton 613.476.6024 Sunday Worship 10:30 Radio 88.3 FM


Prayer and Bible Study 7:30pm

Guest Preacher: Robert Campbell



12 Chapel St. 613-476-6050 Minister: Rev. Richard Hamilton

Sunday, July 31st

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Worship Service 10:30am Service to be led by Rev. Ed. Bentley

Sermon: “Obedience Is For Dogs” Serving the Community for 222 years


Minister: Janelle Shaw

Worship Services 9:30am - South Bay 11:00am - Cherry Valley Charlie & Dorthy Vincent leading worship Sun. Aug. 7th - Black River Chapel Service, 9:30am

PRINCE EDWARD NORTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July 31st Combined Summer Worship Schedule

For July at Wesley United in Mountain View - 10am Acts 22: 15-16

You are to take his message everywhere, telling the whole world what you have seen and heard. And now, why delay? Get up and be baptized, and have your sins washed away, calling on the name of the Lord.

Rev. Kirby Breithaupt

C-613-403-4742 or H-613-476-2020 EVERYONE WELCOME COME VISIT WITH US!




GREAT LOCATION! $399,900 Century brick home built overlooking the town of Picton with beautiful views of Macaulay Mountain. Original character and charm inside and out! Totally renovated. MLS®550740076

ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage In de pendently Own ed and O perated

104 Ma i n S t r e e t , Pic t on T: 613. 476. 2700 | T F: 877.476.0 096 p ic t o n h o me s. co m Li v e Wh e r e Yo u Lo ve To Vi si t Tr ad emar k s o w ne d or c on tr o lle d by Th e C anad ian R e al Es tat e A ss oc iatio n. U sed un de r lic en ce .

E l iz a b e t h C r o m b i e

Tr a ce y Dic kso n*

S uz a nne Wh ite *

$137,000 buys you a cute 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with a view of South Bay. A cottage, vacation rental or quaint family home. Call Connie today. MLS 550900100 CONNIE GALLAGHER, Sutton Group Prince Edward Sales Rep County Realty Inc. Brokerage 98 Main Street, Picton, ON 613-476-7800

* Sa les Repr es en tati ve a nd Li cen se d A ss i s tan t to Eli z abe th Cr o mb ie, S ales R epr es e nta tiv e


MITCHELL CROSSROAD Newer Colorado bungalow situated on 10.3 acres, 5 minutes to Picton. A piece of paradise! 9` ceilings with vaulted in living room. Open concept hardwood and ceramic throughout! Double car garage insulated and drywalled. Two large bedrooms with ensuite on the main level. Large oversized windows throughout. This home is a pleasure to show. 10 x 10 deck off the dining area. Central air. $349,000 MLS 550880433

HERB PLIWISCHKIES, Sales Rep cell 613-921-7441 613-476-5399



PICTURE PERFECT IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY! This Immaculate home perched above Adolphus Reach has been rejuvenated with modern flare and care for the quality of the original architecture. Vibrant gardens, wrap around porch and fresh curb appeal are just the beginning. You’ll love the atmosphere as you explore the characters and hidden treasures of the home including a Den, Workshop/Studio, Sunroom and don’t forget the “Little House” too! This re-awaked century home is beyond compare. $549,000 MLS 550860199

Call ROB PLOMER, Sales Rep or KATE VADER, Sales Rep 613-471-1708

2373 COUNTY ROAD 1 Stunning views of vineyards and fields from your pool and deck. Spacious family home with huge garage for all your toys! $439,900. MLS 550350113 BILL RORABECK, Sales Rep 613-476-2100


65 ACRES OF VACANT LAND Enjoy 65+ Acres of cleared land and bush ideally located between Picton and Belleville. Mature bush lot of mixed hardwood & softwood. Stream with Spring fed pond meanders through. Wonderful piece of property for new home construction, recreational activities, hunting or farming. Prime fertile soil for Vineyard. Enjoy the open space, deer, turkey and wild life on this scenic property. $119,900 MLS 550480106


* Sales Reps ** Unlicensed Assistant


613-476-2100 or


Fabulous Brick family home. 3+ bedrooms on a quiet cul-de-sac street only a few minutes walk to Brighton public school, high school (ENSS), parks, arena and downtown shops. New flooring in open concept living room, hall and foyer. Bright lower level doubles your living space with a large family room, new flooring, new 3 piece bath and a 4th bedroom. Lots of storage. Easy to maintain exterior and fenced yard with back deck off the kitchen. Quick Possession possible. $249,800 MLS 511660167

SHANNON WARR-HUNTER, Broker KEN ARSENEAULT, Sales Rep 613-471-1708

With eastern exposure on the Bay of Quinte, this private waterfront lot to be severed is nothing short of stunning. Prime waterfront with level and clean shoreline. Ideal for fishing, swimming and other recreational water activities. Owner will install a well and new survey. 550410249 KEVIN GALE, Sales Rep 613-476-1874 H. 613-242-7295 C.



`The Bloomfield” model features open concept with centre island facing into the great room and large porch with plenty of oversize windows allows for natural light, cross ventilation and glorious views of the surrounding environmental protected zone, great for birding and privacy. $280,000 MLS 558100075 Call LORI SLIK, Sales Rep 613-847-2349

D L O S , D L O S , D L SO VILLAGE OF WELLINGTON Build your home on this lot. Mixed subdivision in area of nice homes. Close to schools, parks and beach. Lot is 49.5 ft x 121 ft with all municipal services available. MLS® QR21507174 GEORGE REID, Broker 613-399-2134


uinte Isle® Real Estate Inc. Brokerage

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Cute and affordable 2 bedroom cottage with amazing waterviews of Adolphus Reach. Excellent investment opportunity or great weekend getaway! Located just past beautiful Lake on the Mountain. $148,000 MLS 550870055 Call GAIL FORCHT, Broker or CAREY LEWANDOSKI, Sales Rep. Office: 613-471-1708


WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL AMENITIES 3 bedrooms plus potential for in-law suite in lower level. Large bright living room, dining room, eatin kitchen, Florida room, master bedroom with 2 pc ensuite, 2 more bedrooms, plus 2 bedrooms and recroom in lower level. Newer gas furnace, central air, ashphalt shingles approx 8 yrs old, newer windows, 200 amp panel breakers. Parking for 6 cars on surfaced drive. Call to view this on PIN 550660038 Asking $299,000

SHARON ARMITAGE, Broker of Record 613-399-2134


uinte Isle® Real Estate Inc. Brokerage


On the edge of Picton sporting a large lot and beautiful gardens, this 3 bedroom 2 bath split level brick & aluminum home boasts central air, gleaming hardwood floors, new windows and a great open concept kitchen/dining/living room. Beautiful decor and well maintained. Just move in your things and away you go! $229,900 MLS QR21503354 Call MARK GARDINER, Sales Rep Office: 613-476-2700 Cell:613-391-5588


CONSECON LAKE AREA Fantastic spot to build a new home in a central County location. This property offers almost 6 acres of treed land with 400 feet of road frontage and a dug well. Choose the right location for your home – private setting amongst the trees or less private close to the road. $99,500 MLS 550250284

CHRISTINE & COLIN HENDEN, Broker & Sales Rep Tel: 613-922-2251


Beautiful ptivate, wooded 2.9 acre waterfront lot on Muscote Bay. A Naturalist`s paradise with an abundance of mature trees and wildlife and over 200 Feet `untouched` Muscote Bay shoreline to enjoy. Build your dream home here! This private property shares a private road with two other waterfront properties - one a full time home, and a seasonal cottage next door. This lovely property is the the one on the right and has a sign at the gravel entrance. $299,000 MLS 550090253

Call MARY JANE MILLS, Broker 613-476-7400 613-921-0028

RE/12 f THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016


The Picton Gazette

Elizabeth Crombie* Tracey Dickson* Suzanne White*

ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage*

*Sales Representative

Inde pendently Own ed and O perated

104 M ain Street, Street, Picton, Picton, O 104 Main ON N K0K K0K 2T0 2T0

F Fully ully mob mobile....working ile....working triple triple duty duty for for our our customers! customers!

61 3.476.2700 | 877.476.0096 613.476.2700 877.476.0096 p

Live Where You Love To Visit Trad em a rk s owned owned or or c ont rolled by by The The C a n adia n Real Real E state Trademarks controlled Canadian Estate A ssociat ion . Used Used u n d er llicence. icence. Association. under


O Our ur goal goal iis s to provide provide the t he b best est service ser vice tthrough hrough exceptional exceptional communication, communication, strong st ro n g n negotiation egotiation s skills, kills , ta targeted rgeted marketing marketing and an d e extensive xtensive market market knowledge. knowledge. W We e believe believe tthat hat everyone ever yone iis s to b be e treated treated like like rroyalty. oyalty. We We b believe elieve tthat h at w we eh have ave a rresponsibility es po n si bilit y to o our ur c customers ustomers to k keep eep learning. l e a rn i n g . W We ea appreciate ppreciate your your b business usiness - past pa st a and nd present. p rese nt . W We e are a re n never ever too too busy busy ffor or a any ny o off y your our rreal eal estate estate n needs eed s a and nd we we welcome welcome referrals. r e f e r ra l s .



EAST LAKE $1,800,000 12 acres with 800 feet of waterfront and 800 ft of road frontage. Custom designed bungalow with walk out basement. Solar energy. MLS®550760164

BIG ISLAND SOUTH ROAD $615,000 Built in 1870 this home is picture perfect Prince Edward County farmhouse. Many original architectural details have been preserved. MLS®550400054

WELCOME HOME! $259,000 Charming 3 bedroom home offers more space than meets the eye! Large family room to the rear with 3 bedrooms upstairs and lots of storage. Great barn & workshop. MLS®550750055

PRINYERS COVE $168,800 Level 75 feet waterfront lot with sand and pebble beach. Beautiful sunsets, partially cleared. MLS®550960147

320 MAIN ST BLOOMFIELD $333,000 Completely renovated 2 bedroom, 2 bath home located in great artisan village. Huge corner lot with detached garage. MLS®550490197

TRADITIONAL FARM HOME $459,999 Victorian 100+ year old brick beauty with extraordinary architectural details and exceptionally delightful and generous space. Sunset views overlooking East Lake and minutes to Sandbanks beaches. MLS®550780139

COMMERCIAL LOT $185,000 High traffic area between Picton and Bloomfield on north side of highway. Well, septic system, parital foundation on 1.85 acre lot. Environmental assessment has been done. MLS®550490336

MOORE LANE $169,000 Well treed 2 acre parcel of land on Salmon Point offering 20 feet of waterfront on Athol Bay. MLS®550520164

NATURE'S PARADISE $179,900 Build your designer home on this natural marshland waterfront overlooking Muscote Bay. 9.6 acres, seasonal creek. Great fishing! MLS®550090274

PRINYERS COVE $199,900 Well treed waterfront with beautiful views. Ideal for swimming, boating and fishing! 145 ft of shoreline .75 acre. MLS®550960137

SALMON POINT - QUINTE ISLE $189,900 Enjoy the beauty of this adult lifestyle in 1000 acre park in a lovely wooded private section of Quinte Isle Campark. A nice walk to Lake Ontario, lagoon and water park. MLS®QR163227

AN ARCHITECT`S DELIGHT $264,000 A choice lot at the east end of Sheba`s Island. A beautiful view with a channel to West Lake and the Sandbanks. MLS®550510677

SHEBA'S ISLAND $89,000 Come to Prince Edward County and Sheba`s Island to buy the property on which to build your new home. Lots of trees for privacy. Come and take a look! MLS®550510615


BELLEVILLE BUNGALOW $284,999 Designer home with everything done! Owners ready to move! Immediate possession! Great location in popular Montrose area. MLS®404230278



COMMERCIAL VENTURE $139,900 For sale in downtown Picton is a very popular restaurant serving creative home cooked choices. 28 seat restaurant is located in a historic mixed use condo building. MLS®QR160843





SMITHS BAY $399,000 Enjoy this easy maintenance property with direct waterfront for the summer or all year round! Features walk out basement, paved drive, attached garage and all brick exterior. MLS®550860357



Marc Ouellette Sales Rep


Colin Henden Sales Rep


Tony Scott Sales Rep


THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 f RE/13

The Picton Gazette

Ideally located within walking distance of all town amenities this beautifully restored century home has a blend of old world charm and new modern conveniences. It`s warm, welcoming and comfortable. Featuring a main floor master bedroom with ensuite and a large country kitchen. Three additional bedrooms upstairs as well as a rec room for guests completes the package - but wait there`s more. In addition to three bay garages, there is a separate in-law (B&B) apartment with private entry. 24 hours notice please. $649,000 MLS 550620103

1 Lake Street, 304 Main Street, PICTON, ON WELLINGTON,ON 613.476.5900 613.399.5900 or Toll Free 1.855.330.5900 Toll Free 1.888.217.0166 A donation is made to the Picton hospital from every sale!


Commercial store front located in the beautiful historic downtown of Picton, a prime location with high visibility and traffic. The building is a large open space of approx. 3600 sq. feet with 2 bathrooms, high suspended ceilings. There are 11 dedicated parking stalls on this corner lot. Ideal for retail of all kinds, fast service restaurant etc. Please call listing representative for more details. $15 MLS QR165482

GLENORA ROAD – Just outside of Picton Town Limits with municipal water, sitting on a knoll with seasonal view of Picton Bay. Well maintained custom-built home featuring over 3,500 sq. ft. of living space on 2 levels & private, treed back yard. $299,000 MLS 550740150

CHRISTIAN ROAD – Centrally located, convenient for commuting to Belleville or Picton. Features 2.6 acres of property, circular driveway, partly renovated side-split home with wrap-around deck. $219,000 MLS 550090154

WAUPOOS – Situated on a knoll with a panoramic view of Prince Edward Bay. 3.73 acres & over 650 ft. of road frontage. County homestead with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus attached original carriage house – ideal for studio/gallery, workshop or conversion to separate suite. $429,900 MLS 550860336

MORGAN ROAD – North of Bloomfield. Great starter home, situated on a large country lot overlooking fields. Low maintenance, upscale finishes, newer bathroom and kitchen, propane furnace, CENTRAL AIR, full basement (ready to be finished) & 1.5 car garage. $189,000 MLS 550350181

Fully updated 2 bedroom home on quiet street in Picton. Enjoy low monthly costs and stay close to all that downtown has to offer including shopping, parks, theatre and restaurants. $199,900 MLS 550650345

Impressive quality built executive home less than five minutes from Picton. Built on a knoll overlooking a pastoral setting of 18 acres, this home is professionally landscaped and boasts a backyard oasis for your family`s enjoyment. Inside, you`ll be comforted by elegant finishes throughout the 3500 sq.ft. of living space. This one is truly for the distinctive buyer! By appointment only. Virtual tour online! $639,000 MLS 550580068

Simply Stunning Century Home W/ All of The Modern Amenities You Can Imagine, Carefully Renovated & Restored Throughout.Custom Country Eat-In Kitchen, 2 Luxurious Bathrooms. South Facing Waterfront Views Of Adolphus Reach W/ Private Dock. Mature Trees & Vegetable Garden. Sunroom, Workshop, Porch & 50Yr Shingles. Visit Virtual Tour for More Info. $1,097,000 MLS 451050084

10 minutes to Picton & Bloomfield, 15 minutes to Belleville. Offers 3 bedrooms, and views into the backyard from the kitchen & dining areas. Enjoy a spacious deck, oversized 2 car attached garage and the lowered cost of living that a 1,200sq.ft. brick home can offer. Many upgrades and a fabulous well. $259,000 MLS 550480078

Ron Norton Sales Rep


Christine Henden Broker


Colleen Green Sales Rep


Veronica Norton Sales Rep


Great property, great location. Walk to shopping, restaurants, theatre and the harbour. Originally built for the rail road Station Master the home sets on a large in town lot. $219,000 MLS 550660033

MORGAN ROAD – North of Bloomfield. Great starter home, situated on a large country lot overlooking fields. Low maintenance, upscale finishes, newer bathroom and kitchen, propane furnace, CENTRAL AIR, full basement (ready to be finished) & 1.5 car garage. $189,000 MLS 550350181

CLOSE TO NORTHPORT – Appealing brick bungalow located close to Northport’s Municipal Park and public access to the Bay of Quinte. Features all laminate floors, two bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, living room & bath on main floor and a full, ready-to-befinished basement with certified wood stove. Fridge, stove & dishwasher included $175,000 MLS 550420176

Wonderful building lot on a quiet country road approx. 8 minutes from Picton. A great place to build your country retreat and close to amenities, beaches, wineries, etc. $44,900 MLS 550830139

JANE ST. in PICTON – Charming Victorian located within easy walking distance to downtown. 3+ bedrooms, formal living & dining rooms, family room, 4 & 2 pce. baths. Spacious , private back yard with deck. $410,000 MLS 550610055

Set on a knoll, this solid 3 bedroom home with hardwood flooring, recent roof and upgraded windows throughout. A 2-double door garage makes for a great workshop. All of this, 5 minutes from Picton set on 1 acre corner lot overlooking East Lake. A wonderful setting for a young family or someone needing a large workshop/garage. $215,000 MLS 550820104

EAST LAKE – Upscale cottage located in Sandbanks Summer Village, 80 acre waterfront resort, with endless recreational amenities for you to enjoy. Two year old, full-equipped, cottage with sunroom & deck, two bedrooms plus loft, 4-pce. bath & open concept kitchen, living & dining. $249,000 MLS 558100061

Sandy beach, endless water views and privacy are what you will find at this wonderful property with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. With 295 ft. of a fine sand beach you will have plenty of room for family and guests. The water is clean and inviting. Only 15 minutes from Picton. Come see what you`re missing!. $645,000 MLS 550880331

Circa 1873 completely renovated home is ready for your personal touch. Located in a quiet neighbourhood with mature trees surrounding the back yard and just steps to St. Gregory school. Wiring, plumbing, windows, outside walls insulated and the original floors stripped and looking fabulous! It has all been done here! Move in and enjoy! $205,000 MLS 550730094

RE/14 f THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016


The Picton Gazette



Our Subdivision is called VILLAGE CIRCLE It is on Picton Heights where we’re BUILDING NEW 3 bedroom homes starting at only $253,900.


Beautifully updated bungalow within walking distance of all of Picton`s amenities. This 2 bedroom/1 bathroom house is move in ready and the perfect property for a first time homebuyer or empty nester. The house features an updated mud room, spacious kitchen and living room, large bathroom with washer and dryer hookups, 2 comfortable bedrooms and a great office space with ample storage. Beautifully decorated and a pleasure to show. Upgrades include air conditioning, newer hot water tank and windows, single car garage and Kangaroo roof. $189,000. MLS 550730015

Sales Rep 613-503-2128

Re/Max Quinte Ltd, Brokerage

We also have 2, 3 & 4 bedroom REMODELED HOMES for only $188,900.

Find your new home in The

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Picton Gazette


Visit our 6 Nery Ave. OPEN HOUSE 10-2 Saturdays & Sundays. Or by appointment call (905) 885-9597

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Representing both buyer and seller on the same deal is legal in Ontario but “you can’t serve two masters at the same time”. By representing only buyers, I provide unbiased advice in your best interests without compromise or qualification. Call 613-503-0027 or email if you, your family or friends are considering buying in the County.


home for a young family in Sophiasburgh Central School district. This three bedroom home is bright and sunny with large windows and a huge kitchen that has great potential for more cupboards. The three bedrooms up are a good size with closets, one of which has original wood wainscoting and two with tongue and groove wood ceilings. All on a large lot backing onto North Street - perfect for additional parking or perhaps a future garage. The roof is approximately five years old and the water tank and pressure system new in 2015. A great opportunity for first-time buyersand investors. MLS 550420095

We give our Buyers a 25% commission rebate when they purchase a home listed with another company on MLS! (For example – if we earn $4000 working for you to buy your new property, we give you a cheque for $1,000 after the deal has closed, upon receipt of commission payment from the Listing Brokerage.)

Contact us today for more information

Construction has already started on this 1351 sqft 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home in Prince Edward County! Just outside of the Village of Consecon, close to the 401 and Weller`s Bay, this open concept backsplit bungalow has a 3 piece master bedroom ensuite bath and walk in closet, 2 additional bedrooms, main bath and open concept kitchen/dining and livingroom area. Plus a 2 car garage with inside entry and a full unfinished basement for great storage or room to expand. Make this home yours with the flooring, finishes and colours you want as per builder`s samples.HST is included in the purchase price.Minutes to the beach and wineries and in C.M.L public school district - a great family home! $325,000 MLS QR163941


Treat Hull & Associates Ltd. Brokerage Treat Hull, Broker of Record



2069 Cty Rd 9, Napanee 2.4 Acres 3 BR Stone Bungalow w 210 ft level WF Bay Of Quinte $774,900

75 Trumble Ln 6.4 Acres 5 BR Bungalow Royal Home R2000 380 ft WF on Picton Bay $674,000



613-476-7400 613-921-0028 320 Mitchells Crossroad 3 BR, Cathedral Ceilings, Granite Counters & Pool $319,900

ProAlliance Realty Brokerage


Bungalow near town



249 Staples Ln 13.5 Prime Ag Acres 7.5 Farmed 3 BR Open Concept Perch Cove Natural Shoreline $396,000

Sandra Foreman* 613 403-1466

Geoff Church** 613 920-2700


Bungalow near town

48 Mitchells Crossroad 4 BR, Open Concept Wrap around Deck $309,000

Commercial Building plus 3 BR Home near town Surrounded by Parkland Incredible Zoning $395,000



cell 613-848-4403

THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 f RE/15

The Picton Gazette


cell 613-921-7441



REDNERSVILLE WATERFRONT 175’ of pristine shoreline, minutes from Belleville, 6 bdrms 4 1/2 baths, ideal property for family compound. This home has been totally remodelled and rebuilt from top to bottom. Asking $979,000 MLS 550130114

STUNNING WATERFRONT BUNGALOW This home has it all!! Located on 320’+ of waterfront, close to Belleville. For the discriminating buyer – this home has it all including a guest bunkie at the water’s edge. List price $1,299,000 MLS 550070330

VAGABOND COVE COTTAGES, SMITH BAY 400’+ of waterfront on 4.2 acres featuring 6 cottages and a spacious main house. A piece of paradise. $889,000 MLS 550880327


CAPTAINS LANE WATERFRONT 3.2 acres and 176’ of level shoreline in one of the County’s most prestigeous areas. Build your dream home here, severances possible. $529,000 MLS 550880307

LONG POINT WATERFRONT 187’ of unspoiled shoreline. Drive a little, save alot! This property is located 25 min. from Picton in a very quiet area. Park like setting. Priced to sell at $379,000 MLS 550910139

DOWNTOWN WAUPOOS 5 acres with 400’ canal front giving access to Smith’s Bay. New Price $179,000. Exclusive area. 2nd lot available an additional 5 acres for $269,000 MLS 550880282D


SUCCESSFUL SUMMER RENTAL New price $249,000. This summer is rental is booked solid through to mid September. MLS 550700008

DELUXE CONDO IN POPULAR ROSEMARY LANE Close to 3000sf of living space. A pleasure to show! $359,000 MLS 558070011



Renovations, Additions Soffit, Fascia, Siding ERIC HELMER 613-476-4945


PICTON OUTSKIRTS Spectacular open concept with full finished basement. 3000sf of finished living space. You will be proud to call this place your home! New Price $449,000 MLS 550560227

GREAT FAMILY HOME Colorado Bungalow located between Wellington & Belleville. Completely rebuilt & beautifully finished. 5 bedrooms for the growing family. Asking $339,000 MLS 550360055

12.5 ACRE BUILDING LOT This excellent building is located on Talbot St. on the outskirts of Picton. Can be bought as a lot or will build to suit. There are few lots left in the County. Call Herb for more details. $119,000 MLS 550600308

Home of the Week DESIGN FOR LIVING


Plan No. SHSW002703


Here’s a beautiful cottage with outdoor living on two levels. An open layout makes it easy to move around and interact with family and friends. Everyone will love gathering around Plan No. SHSW002703 the living room’s cozy fireplace and the kitchen’s cooktop island, which is complete OUTDOOR LIVING ON BOTH LEVELS with seating. Front and back porches on the first level and a patio downstairs extend living space outdoors. On the main level, the master First Floor: 832 sq. ft. Lower Level: 832 sq. ft. bedroom accesses a full, luxurious bathroom Total: 1,664 sq. ft. Plan No. SHSW002703 with a corner tub and separate shower. Downstairs, two more bedrooms have use of OUTDOOR LIVING ON BOTH LEVELS another full bath. The family room down here offers another fireplace and plenty of light First Floor: 832 sq. ft. Lower Level: 832 sq. ft. through two sets of windows. Total: 1,664 sq. ft. First Floor: 832 sq. ft. Lower Level: 832 sq. ft. Total: 1,664 sq. ft. ©Copyright Select Home Designs. All rights reserved

6 Talbot Street, Picton

©Copyright Select Home Designs. All rights reserved

Otto Buikema

Off: 613-476-3144 Fax: 613-476-2562 Cell: 613-967-9319 981 Cty Rd 8, Picton

Feel free to visit our website -

Want to do business in Napanee/Deseronto markets? Call your Picton Gazette sales rep. at 476-3201 today to book your advertisement.

For more details on this plan, visit and enter the plan number above. Use advanced search features to browse thousands of other home designs, including bungalow, two-storey, multi-level, and cottage country homes. Order blueprints online or call 1-800-663-6739 for more information on how to order and modify plans.

Lower Level

First Floor

RE/16 f THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016


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THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 f RE/17


The Picton Gazette

This residential building lot is just over an acre on a pastoral road in the northern part of Prince Edward County. Only 8 minutes to Hwy 401, and easy access to Belleville and Napanee, what a wonderful place to build a new home. Foster is a well-maintained gravel road and there are a few lovely homes already in the area. The lot itself is nicely treed and level, and sports a wire fence across the front already. Overlooking a row of trees, you can have lots of privacy yet still only be 10 minutes to groceries, fuel, restaurants, live entertainment and both Prince Edward Collegiate Institute and Sophiasburgh schools. $26,900 MLS 550420385 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

Perfect level building lot in a fantastic community. Public boatlaunch, park and beach steps away. Only minutes from wineries, cider company, farm stands, restaurants, marinas, cheese factories. $28,000 MLS 550960095 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

Beautifully treed 2.98 acre private building lot. Steps to Lakeon-the-Mountain. Minutes to Picton and Glenora Ferry. Peaceful and quiet Mountain Road. $95,000 MLS 550740176 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

Build your dream home on this 2.86 acre lot on Smokes Point Road - minutes to the 401, County wineries and events, and the conveniences of Trenton. Enjoy the waterviews and sunsets over Weller`s Bay. Recently tested dug well with excellent flow rate - and don`t forget the public boat launch down the road, too! $99,000 MLS 550170165


Great opportunity to build your dream home with spectacular views! 4.8 picturesque acres close to Picton or Long Point beaches. Ideal for those who appreciate nature, wildlife and great birding! One-ofa-kind ... $119,000 MLS 550800122

Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Last chance to be a part of “Prince Edward WHOPPERTUNITY! 11 acres of beautiful Landing”, an enclave of luxury homes on sloping land with 303 feet on County Road Picton Bay! 1.5 acre waterfront lot features 7 and 124 feet of sandy beach on the Adol- an elevated building site and a gentle slope phus Reach! Charming access by right-of- to the appealing shoreline. Wonderful views way leads to this hidden, private site, ideal of the Yacht Club, the bay, and the sailboats for your beachfront cottages. Dug-well al- drifting by. Municipal water, sewers and natready in place. Start your County dreams ural gas. Build here and be part of this vibrant town! $289,000 MLS 550720230 here! $215,000 MLS 550860401

This is an excellent waterfront lot on the south shore of East lake. Boasting an amazing view of the water, this level building lot shares a driveway with the adjacent lot. You can walk to Sandbanks Provincial Park and you are less than 15 minutes to Picton and all amenities. $125,000 MLS 550760422 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*


This in-town lot is set in the quaint community of Fawcettville, only a short walk to downtown, and near the hospital, Youth Park and fairgrounds. Level, with elevated parking, it`s partially fenced and offers a fair amount of privacy. Municipal services are at the lot and it`s an affordable opportunity to build a new home in a good location. There is a mobile home on the property being sold `as is` with no warranties or representations. Treat as vacant land. $59,000 MLS 550580031 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

This is a level lot in the heart of the Village of Milford. With commercial zoning and residential uses available, this lot offers many opportunities. This lot is walking distance to the Millpond, Mt. Tabor Playhouse, dining, and only a few minutes to a garden centre and auto repair shop. This property is priced to sell! $32,000 MLS 550890107 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

This lot is ready to build on, cleared waterfront lot on the Adolphus Reach. Level lot with a rolling slope to the water`s edge. Clear, walk in swimmable shoreline that is ideal for a dock, come build your dream home today! $160,000 MLS 550960300 Lori Slik*

107 acres of vacant land suitable for home site with lots of privacy includes meadows and woods. A real getaway property. The west lot, no survey. $174,000 MLS 550830148 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

This is an amazing opportunity to purchase a newer home at a completely affordable price. Includes newer appliances, window coverings and even has central air conditioning. Features a fenced back yard with storage shed and deck. Minutes to downtown Picton. $174,900 MLS 550740344 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

Nestled on a mature lot, in a good neighbourhood, is this solid three bedroom bungalow. The generous master bedroom has a full ensuite with access to the main hall. Open concept kitchen/living/dining rooms. A sun porch allows you to sit at the front of the house and enjoy being part of the community. $219,900 MLS 550640027 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

In the heart of Picton, walk to a myriad of cultural events, gourmet restaurants, shops, harbour and theatre. Picton`s upcoming condo development, `The Townhomes on King`, offers access to all of this while living in a lovely Art Deco style building. This 710 square foot unit offers one bedroom which is tucked away from the open concept kitchen/dining/living room. The 3-pc bath features a corner shower and a bright window. A utility room has space for a stacking washer and dryer too! Your purchase includes access to 1100sqft of common room and exercise room in the adjacent condominium building. $231,000 MLS QR165350 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*


Elevated building lot close to Lake on the Mountain with water views. At the corner of Malloy Lane and County Road 7 - plus deeded water access to launch your boat or swim in Adolphus Reach. Hydro at the road. Entrance would be easiest from County Road 7. $130,000 MLS 550860135 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*

PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! Immaculate beautifully refinished 4 bedroom home, gorgeous custom made kitchen cabinets. This home has been extensively renovated with quality finishes, freshly painted as well. Beautifully landscaped all around with stone finishing borders. New deck on back with gazebo included. New front deck with wood & rod iron. Hardwood and ceramic flooring throughout. There is a portable carport cover at back as well as 2 quality sheds that can be included. Must be seen to be appreciated! Just move in all the work has been done for you! $189,500 MLS 550740287 Peter Lynch*

This three-bedroom bungalow is situated only minutes from Picton. Mature trees, 3+ acres with walking trails, a pond and an abundance of birds and wildlife grace this picturesque property. The home has had significant upgrades in the past ten years, including windows, roof, washroom, laundry, flooring and electrical service. The woodstove provides an economical source of heat in winter with back-up electric baseboards. An excellent well supplies plenty of water and the softener and UV light ensure high quality. The single-car garage is long and has an additional workshop on the side. The paved driveway offers plenty of parking. An amazing barn on the property is in great condition. The master bedroom has a walk-in closet and walkout to a patio overlooking the rear yard. This home suits first-time buyers, seniors or investors. $219,000 MLS 550830070 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

HIDDEN TREASURE IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY! This eye-catching century home with a welcoming floor plan features 3 bedrooms (optional main floor bdrm/office) / 2 bath and hardwood flooring radiant against natural light. Fall in love with the intimate feel and rejuvenated care for the original architecture. Modern upgrades include a propane furnace, on-demand hot water and central air! Spend time in the gardens or pursuing hobbies in the separate workshop. This stunning ‘turn-key’ century home is waiting for you! $235,000 MLS 550070703 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

A great place to raise family with deeded water access and boat launch on Hay Bay. Only 20 minutes to Napanee, this home features a lovely yard with shed and garden boxes for that person with a green thumb. Many updates including steel roof, propane furnace, kitchen and bathrooms, back deck, and recently paved drive with hydraulic concrete topper. Laundry on Main Level. Large kitchen with plenty of storage and eating area. Formal dining room can also be a family room. Lower level has recreation with wood stove, storage area, family room and bedroom. $259,900 MLS 451020465 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*


Ken Arseneault Sales Representative

Betty Burns

Office Manager Sales Representative

Mark Davis

Sales Representative

Darlene Eldridge Broker

Delightful 1.5 storey, 3 BR Century Cottage on spacious lot in amongst manicured lawns of Picton’s golf course. Drive sheds at rear of a rustic barn, as well as an earlier potter’s studio making it perfect for a small gallery. $268,000 MLS 550710059 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*


Gail Forcht Broker

Laurie Gruer

Sales Representative

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Carey Lewandoski Sales Representative

Peter Lynch

Sales Representative

Chris Kapches

LLB, President & CEO, Broker of Record

Rob Plomer

Sales Representative

Monica Klingenberg Sales Representative

Richard Stewart

Sam Simone

Sales Representative

LLB, LLM, Vice-President, Legal Counsel, Sales Representative

Old is new again in this renovated turn-of-the-century home with two additions. Wellmaintained, you will be the first to put a dish in the new Hampton Bay kitchen cupboards, and a cozy propane fireplace in this room will keep you warm in winter! Featuring an open-concept kitchen/dining area, spacious living-room, with two bedrooms on the main floor and another upstairs. A main-floor five-piece bath and an additional four-piece bath upstairs offers excellent convenience. There are beautiful breezes and it`s very peaceful. Walk to Sandbanks Provincial Park and only 15 minutes to Picton`s shops, dining and theatre. $269,000 MLS 550780069 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

Lori Slik

Sales Representative

Kate Vader

Sales Representative

Jim Wait

Sales Representative

Shannon Warr-Hunter Broker

43 Main Street, Picton ON K0K 2T0

Office: 613.471.1708 Toll Free: 1.877.471.1708

RE/18 f THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016

Outstanding value on the edge of Picton! Appealing side split offers gleaming oak hardwood floors, excellent principal rooms, a generous lower level family room, master bedroom with renovated 3-piece ensuite bath, plus three additional bedrooms and two additional full bathrooms. Large outdoor deck overlooking the spacious back yard and charming gazebo for summer dinner parties. Don’t forget the attached double-car garage, too! Great opportunity for a family or a couple. $285,000 MLS 550640093 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Historic 1876 brick Victorian home in the heart of Milford - offering 6+bedrooms in a traditional centre hall plan, lovely double door foyer, craftsman mouldings and some original light fixtures - plus the Milford Emporium (original two-story `Frontier Style` General store) to run your own business! Zoning allows for retail, antique shop, small cafe or restaurant in the emporium plus the residence, which currently operates as a seasonal B&B. Lovely Perennial gardens. Some hard work and imagination will bring this Milford Beauty to life. $299,500 MLS 550890098 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*

Great location, minutes to Picton with over 100 acres. The home has updated electrical and windows. Detached 6 car garage. Bathroom up and down, original staircase, newer kitchen and metal roof. Lots of space to play! $324,800 MLS 550850143 Gail Forcht**& Carey Lewandoski*

Set on 8 acre, this newer home is tucked into a cutaway in the trees. Main floor living with bright, spacious rooms. The massive family room is an excellent place to entertain friends and family, and could easily be converted into additional bedrooms or living areas as it suits you. Radiant in-floor heating, powered by propane, is efficient and warm. Tall ceilings and open concept kitchen/dining/living rooms contribute to the feelings of spaciousness and light. BBQ and relax on the 40 x 16 foot deck, conveniently placed right off the kitchen area. Take a stroll through your own private walking trails. 5 minutes to Picton, 15 minutes to Sandbanks Provincial Park. $349,000 MLS 550880371 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*



The Picton Gazette

Very elegant, magazine-quality Victorian just steps from Picton’s shops and services. High ceilings, exquisite trim and mouldings, huge family kitchen. Beautiful lot with creek running through it! Fourth bedroom or den on the main floor, too! $399,000 MLS 550650136 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Brick, 3 BR home in Wellington, with room for B & B, in law suite or a family that likes space. Family room with gas fireplace, deck, gazebo with hot tub, and lovely gardens. Spacious finished rec room. Many recent upgrades. $400,000 MLS 550270319 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

This classic two-storey brick home has been grandstanding on Main Street Bloomfield since 1867. The original part of the home features a large living room and adjoining dining room. The kitchen has a walkout to a lovely deck. A family room with separate entrance boasts a lovely natural gas fireplace. The newer main floor master bedroom suite has a full bath and a deck for enjoying a private coffee in the morning. There is an unfinished attic space that would be an amazing child’s playroom! This property backs onto parkland and gives a rural feel while being in the heart of this boutique village. Currently operating as a B&B, many contents are available to enable a turnkey purchase. $465,000 MLS 550490022 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

Residential - Development opportunity in downtown Picton, on the `town hill`, with views over the Picton Bay. Walking distance to all amenities, restaurants and shopping. This is an ideal location for a retail/condo development, or bring your vision! Full town services to the lots and zoning is Core Commercial-very flexible. $499,000 MLS 550690036 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

This high visibility highway location in the heart of Prince Edward County offers an unparalleled opportunity to an investor! Solid building has been fully updated to accommodate the needs of today`s restaurateur, including accessibility, fire suppression and water supply/potability. A transferable liquor licence application is almost complete. Featuring two entrances for patron flow, outdoor seating on a deck through patio doors and plenty of paved parking. There are two updated washrooms on the main floor. The second story is a perfect office space. An additional gazebo/lean to would make an excellent outdoor seating area or spot for retail or large groups. Lighting in the parking lot has hydro on the pole. The gas hot water tank and forced air furnace are in good condition, and the grease trap meets all codes. This property is unique and well suited to many uses. $525,000 MLS 550550288 Darlene Eldridge**, Jim Wait*, Mark Davis*

Contemporary Energy Efficient design - This custom home overlooks vineyards and farmland. Attention to detail and impeccable finishes throughout. Vaulted ceilings, incredible natural light, hardwood and polished concrete floors, gourmet kitchen, cedar deck and patio, plus so much more! 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind modern gem. $549,000 MLS 550250087 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*

This impeccably-executed modern home sits on a charming cul-de-sac in the hamlet of Rosehall. Its lush, naturalized lot is bordered by a small creek on the north side and by an environmentally-protected tract at the front. Perfect for “DWELL” magazine fans, the house offers exquisite lines and finishes, limestone and pine floors and 12’ ceilings. Superb master suite separate from guest spaces. Great chef’s kitchen and huge entertaining space. Rare and beautiful! $549,000 MLS 550240187 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Great downtown building with fabulous visible retail space plus income from 7 apartments. Off street parking for tenants. Double front windows for merchandising. Busy foot traffic on `The sunny side of the street`. Proven location for a successful retail business (25+ years). Apartments: 6 one-bedroom units, 1-two bedroom unit plus large retail storefront with full lower level. Tenants pay own utilities except water/sewer. Building has new roof and newer propane furnace for retail space. $565,000 MLS 550620004 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*

Beautiful 4 BR Century Home on one of the largest residential lots in Picton. Large principal rooms, 12 foot tin ceilings, gleaming patterned hardwood floors, wood detailing and pocket doors. Plus separate 1 bedroom suite w/private access. $598,000 MLS 550560214 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

1870’s ‘Wilbeth Cottage’ as featured in the `Settler`s Dream. Magnificent foyer, 6 BRs, tin ceilings, pocket doors and incredible millwork. New heating system, drive shed, and centrally located between Wellington and Bloomfield. $599,000 MLS 550510166 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

This classic “Arts & Crafts” beauty in the heart of Picton’s best neighbourhood has not been available for many years – but this is your opportunity! Gracious centre-hall plan features exquisite wood trim, distinctive stained glass, and generous spaces. Four bedrooms, library, and unforgettable reception rooms! Updated mechanicals and recent salt water plunge pool. Outstanding outbuildings for vehicles and hobbies! $659,000 MLS 55059009 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

This 150 acre farm was a former canning days tomato farm, known for its fantastic soils and proximity to water. Newer blasted well with great water supply. On the property is an 8.3 acre established vineyard, planted in 2001, 2002 and is being leased/farmed by a renowned award winning local winery. This land has excellent moderating influence from nearby water bodies, which protects from frost when threatens further inland. Beautiful large barn in good repair with 200 amp hydro service. The workable cash crop acreage is currently leased to local farmer. Please contact listing agent for complete package of information. Asking $699,900 MLS 550240107 Lori Slik*

Picture-perfect 10-year old home just a stroll from Main Street! Three bedrooms, two baths, and a fully-finished lower level. Stunning great room with vaulted ceiling, hardwood floors, and a chef’s kitchen. Mature, manicured garden and a large patio and gazebo for al-fresco entertaining. Just move in! $369,000 MLS 550650141 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

A historical gem (circa 1802) now refurbished, for life in 2016! Featured in “The Settler’s Dream”, the Cronk/Brooks/Vincent House is full of exquisite architectural detail and distinctive finishes and it offers generous, versatile spaces on two levels including a cozy main floor family room, an unforgettable screened summer room, large reception areas and five bedrooms. Special bonus: deeded access to Bay of Quinte waterfront just minutes away! $619,000 MLS 550420367 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Ken Arseneault Sales Representative

Betty Burns

Office Manager Sales Representative

Mark Davis

Sales Representative

Pettit House, Circa 1840. 2 acre lot 2/natural shore on West Lake. Brick 3 BR home w/large principal rooms, wood fireplace, pine floors and original built-ins. Attached original drive shed and separate garage w/loft. $648,000 MLS 550510439 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

Darlene Eldridge Broker


Gail Forcht Broker

Laurie Gruer

Sales Representative

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Carey Lewandoski Sales Representative

Peter Lynch

Sales Representative

Chris Kapches

LLB, President & CEO, Broker of Record

Rob Plomer

Sales Representative

Monica Klingenberg Sales Representative

Richard Stewart

Sam Simone

Sales Representative

LLB, LLM, Vice-President, Legal Counsel, Sales Representative

Nestled in the core of Prince Edward County and within walking distance to all of Picton`s amenities, this exceptional condo unit has all the finishes and features you would ever need with 1,675 square feet of living space. Don’t miss out! $455,000 MLS 558090003 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

Lori Slik

Sales Representative

Kate Vader

Sales Representative

Jim Wait

Sales Representative

Shannon Warr-Hunter Broker

43 Main Street, Picton ON K0K 2T0

Office: 613.471.1708 Toll Free: 1.877.471.1708


THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 f RE/19

The Picton Gazette

A much-admired County landmark in the heart of Picton! This impeccably restored Colonial Revival classic is featured in `The Settler`s Dream` and other publications. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, exquisite period detail, two staircases and splendid entrance hall with fireplace, expansive verandahs and balconies and a recently-built carriage house. Unique opportunity! $896,000 MLS 550590004 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Custom 'two homes in one!' on 36.5 acres featuring bright open-concept living, recessed lighting, tray ceilings, cathedral great room, propane fireplace with elegant maple floors throughout. Spectacular kitchen with maple custom cabinetry, fabulous island and quartz counters. Spa-like Master suite. Double garage with epoxy-sealed flooring & bonus lower level workshop. The 2-bed in-law suite has a gorgeous kitchen, in-floor heat and in-suite laundry. The walkout lower level with wood burning fireplace is great to create a rec/media room, or bar. This property would be perfect for horses or a hobby farm. See virtual tour at $898,000 MLS 403130255 Shannon Warr-Hunter**, Ken Arseneault*

A spectacular private estate property right on Lake Ontario! Three levels of fullyrenovated living space, large outdoor terraces and patios, beautiful spaces and finishes all situated in a grove of mature trees and on sprawling lawns. Lower level could be completely separate living quarters. Perfect for a multi-generational situation! $979,000 MLS 550960410 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Outstanding live/work opportunity in Prince Edward County! Bustling marina with 31 slips, 8 moorings, clubhouse with 3 bathrooms, store and lounge area. 175` of shoreline in sheltered cove. 6-year old house has operated as a B&B. 4 bedroom suites, wonderful entertaining areas, state-of-the-art mechanicals. Also perfect as a great family retreat! $995,000 MLS QR163298 & QR163300 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

A stunning custom-built home on 24+ private acres on the shore of Lake Ontario! This executive residence enjoys 200’ of pebble/sandy beach and takes advantage of its private setting. Open concept living spaces, chef’s kitchen, main floor master suite plus 3 additional second-level bedroom suites, and a separate family room/office area with its own staircase. Screened-in porch, hardwood floors, main level radiant in-floor heating, and several walk-outs to outdoor entertaining areas. Your ideal waterfront retreat in the County! $1,100,000. MLS 550800085 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

PEACEFUL PERFECTION IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY - Spanning over 1200 feet of Waterfront on East Lake with 80 acres of privacy, this majestic three-bedroom retreat benefits from endless pastoral views, architecture reminiscent of the history in the region and an exceptionally tranquil setting. There’s only so much waterfront to be found in The County - Don’t miss out on this Stellar Opportunity! $1,175,000 MLS 550760088 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

STONE RIDGE ESTATE combines elegance, luxury, top-level amenities, and a welcoming environment for private and agri-tourism aspirations. Every inch has been thoughtfully designed and meticulously cared for, built with quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. The caliber extends to an eye-catching secondary building, adaptable to diverse lifestyle needs and ventures - what a memorable destination point this would be at the core of Prince Edward County's Wine country! $1,249,000 MLS 550580074 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

Stunning Equestrian Estate Property on 173 acres with 15 acres of paddocks with 3&4 strand braided electric fencing, multiple run-in sheds, barn and 85 X 180 outdoor sand arena. 2400 sq.ft. modern stable with hydro, 6 removable stalls, tack room and wash bay. Stable is a federally approved quarantine facility. $1,350,000 MLS 403370060 Gail Forcht** & Carey Lewandoski*

Much-admired Waupoos farm on 80 acres right on Lake Ontario! Beautifully-renovated 1867 red brick farmhouse, handsome barn plus a charming cottage on the shoreline. Recent septic and dug well. Main house features cathedral ceilings, extensive decks and large screened porch. Main floor library and laundry. Incomparable family retreat! $1,595,000 MLS 550860404 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Elegant and welcoming, the Merrill Inn has on several occasions been named one of the top 25 small hotels in Canada - and no wonder! Impeccably-updated and meticulously-maintained, its thirteen rooms offer private ensuite baths, and its fiftyseat restaurant and patio is one of the County`s busiest. Classic 1878 Victorian on 1.07 acres with parking for 24 cars. Substantial upgrades and renovations since 2002. Beautiful reception areas and exquisite detail throughout. Situated among other impressive historical buildings on Picton`s Main Street. Impressive financials available with signed confidentiality agreement. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! $2,600,000 MLS QR21500909 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

THE REDNER HOUSE c.1840 - Rejuvenated with modern flare and care for the quality of the original architecture! Re-landscaped yard and fresh curb appeal are just the beginning. This reawakened "Settler's Dream" is beyond compare and one of the finest offerings in Prince Edward County! $1,495,000 MLS 550130266 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

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Sports JULY 28, 2016

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Dukes’ Burnie plays his way onto NHL draft watch list Freshman forward draws interest from Central Scouting JASON PARKS STAFF WRITER

For the first time since 2011, a Wellington Duke product finds himself on the NHL Central Scouting draft watch list. Midhurst native Tyler Burnie put together a tremendous rookie campaign for the club in 2015-2016, potting 16 goals and adding 17 helpers for 33 points in 50 games. A true freshman at 16 years of age, Burnie developed into a key contributor for the Duke club, playing in all situations and being a valuable piece to the Wellington penalty kill unit which tied for second in shorthanded goals (11) during the most recent campaign. The 6'3”, 183 lbs left-handed shooting attacker earned a two game promotion to the Kingston Frontenacs during Wellington's Christmas break in 2015 and didn't disappoint the Fronts brass, scoring a goal in his first OHL game. Burnie was one of five Ontario Junior Hockey League players to make the NHL draft watch list and the first Duke since Brian Bunnett landed on the list prior to the 2010-2011 season. Dukes coach and general manager Marty Abrams said the organization was very happy although not surprised at the news Burnie had drawn the attention of NHL scouts. During Wellington's post season where he added a handful of points in eight contests, a number of NHL clubs including the Los Angeles Kings took note of the rangy pivot. “When you come into our league and play the minutes he did and developed the way he did and you couple that with his size and his skill set, good things are going to happen,” Abrams told the Gazette. “We're very proud of Tyler. He had injuries in his OHL draft year when he was playing for Barrie AAA and to bounce back like this, we're thrilled for him and this news is a feather in our cap as well.” Through his first 20 games, Burnie showed some glimmer of what was to come in certain

A BURNING DESIRE Wellington Dukes forward Tyler Burnie was one of five OJHL players named to the NHL Central Scouting draft watch list Monday. The Midhurst native is expected to play for the Kingston Frontenacs this season. (Jason Parks/Gazette staff)

situations on certain nights but was a matter of getting comfortable to the speed and physicality of junior hockey. “He was acclimatizing himself to the speed and pace,” Abrams said of Burnie's start in Wellington. “It's a big adjustment moving away to a new place, a new school and a billet family but he got comfortable in his surroundings and the amount of minutes we were giving him.” Despite picking up just seven points in his first two dozen games for so, Burnie really began to flourish on the penalty kill and that confidence bled into other facets of his game. During an 11-game stretch from early December until mid-January, Burnie had 18 points.

“He did a little bit of every- lar team never stopped surthing and evolved into a very prising us,” Abrams said. critical player,” Abrams said. “This year's team was a lot younger when compared to last year but there was a great PRODUCTIVE commitment to work ethic CHOWDER CUP and they never quit.” Among those standing out In other Dukes news, Abrams in Boston was local 16-yearwas enthused by the perform- old Scoley Dow. ance of the spring developA 2015 Mississauga Steelmental team at the 2016 John heads draft pick, Dow comes to Cunniff Chowder Cup in Wellington via the prestigious Boston earlier this month. Hill Academy in Toronto. With a 3-1-0 record A former member of the through four preliminary starry 1999-birth year Quinte games, the club qualified for Red Devils, Dow will attend play on Sunday where they OHL camp later this summer won a pair of playoff games but if his major junior plans before eventually bowing out. fall through, he will be suiting “Anytime you get the up in Wellington for the chance to play on Sunday, it upcoming season. means you've had a great “He was awesome,” tournament and this particu- Abrams enthused. “He was a

real difference maker for us all weekend.” Dow would be part of a rather Quinte-centric Wellington roster next season and that's not a bad thing considering the quality hockey players the Red Devil program has been producing.


The reliance on local talent will also come into play as Wellington continues to have issues recruiting billet families for the upcoming season. Abrams calculates that the hockey club is down around eight sleeping spaces for the upcoming season and the organization is in a real

pinch for homes to locate outof- town players. In order to have a great junior hockey organization, you need two things — corporate and fan support and billets,” Abrams said. “It becomes tougher every year and we are getting to the point where we can't pull it off. We are getting close to that point now.” In years prior, the Dukes were able to habitate most if not all of their players in the village with little difficulty, Currently, the club has expanded its scope to include all corners of Prince Edward County and the city of Belleville in order to have players safely accommodated. Dan Stasko has taken on the role of billet co-ordinator for the club and Abrams added that anyone that is considering taking on a player for the upcoming to season to get in contact with either person. “We can cut through a lot of misinformation and explain the what-ifs,” Abrams explained. “A lot of people ask about winter vacations and leaving the player at home for a week and we have a solution where the player can stay at another billet residence for a short period of time. That question comes up a lot.” The club is hosting a fundraising dance Aug. 5 night as Peter Rea and the Reasons will preform at Highline Hall. Doors open at 7 p.m. and there will be live music from 8 p.m. To 12 a.m.. There will be a cash bar, light refreshments, a 50/50 draw, and raffle prizes. Advance tickets are $20 each or two for $35. Contact associate coach Ryan Woodward at for more information or to book tickets. Finally, it's with great sadness this column mentions the passing of Wellington goal judge Don Hook earlier this month. Whether it was to talk about an exciting goal mouth scramble or to find out how the perch were biting on Hay Bay, the longtime West Lake resident always had time to chat during the intermissions. Hook will be missed at Essroc Arena this season.

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JULY 28, 2016 21

The Picton Gazette

QEMA to put new roof on Victoria Schoolhouse HERITAGE, from page 3

The grant will allow for a contractor to analyze the severity of the damage and proceed with repairs. Blendell said the total cost for the project is probably more substantial than the grant would provide, however, the support would help leverage other funds. “It’s very good news, we’re especially grateful,� he said. “Not only is it significant to have local support, there’s a federal government program that offers matching funds for organizations like the Regent Theatre. We have applied. We’re hoping with their generous grant, we will be able to leverage additional money.� Blendell said the Regent Theatre Foundation also started its annual membership

drive this week with sponsorship packages ranging from $20 to $1,000. Funds raised from that campaign may help with building maintenance. Lauer said the other $2,500 recipient, QEMA, has created a real hub in the north of the county, inviting the public to tour the schoolhouse and learn about what it was like to attend a one-room schoolhouse. Similar to last year’s grant for the White Chapel, Lauer said the important roofing project would have been deferred if the grant didn’t materialize. “It’s an ideal time,� she said. “They have a number of volunteers and access to materials, labour, and expertise.� QEMA curator Jennifer Sommer said the museum’s board has planned to replace

the tin roof with a new steel roof that will appear authentic, like the original tin roof that was on the building when it was moved to its current site 11 years ago. The steel will not be painted, so it will have a heritage appearance. Sommer said the observance of leaks and rusting necessitated the work, which must be completed by November. To facilitate the project, one contractor has offered his services in kind, while another gave a great deal on the steel. She said QEMA has funds in its budget to cover the balance of the job and it hopes to replenish those funds with a gala in November. Though QEMA applied for funds to do some painting, too, Sommer was pleased

with the grant. “We’re just really thankful they considered our project. We’re eternally grateful we won’t have any leaks or damage to artifacts.� Lauer said the committee members are pleased the house tour funds are finally being put back into the community after the fund was dedicated as a response to the demolition of Picton’s former Methodist church in 2010. “We’re really excited because it demonstrates its a worthwhile cause to support every December. The money is going to preserve local heritage,� she said. “Tourists don’t come here to look at falling-down buildings. I don’t think we really want to see them in our community either.�

Growth potential forces County to study its capacity MARKETING, from page 2

They may refer them to partners specializing in funding or advising like the Small Business Centre or the Prince Edward-Lennox and Addington Community Futures Development Corporation (PELA CFDC). Ultimately, relationships are formed and a target can feel a community opening before them. Craig Desjardins, the executive director at PELA CFDC, says the approach is working. His organization has had its busiest first quarter this year in its 29-year history. Part of that is due to the Upper Canada Equity Fund, the only venture capital fund of its kind in rural Canada. Desjardins said he often finds himself in places like Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal talking to young entrepreneurs, many in the tech sector. Ultimately, he said those people are looking for a connection to the community they will choose to live in. “It’s one thing for me to say I’ll give you a $500,000 investment in your company to move to our community, but that’s only money,� he said. “These are people moving from urban centre, bringing their families here. To be able to have something with them that tells a story of people, that’s critical to getting them down. Once they’re down here, we can close them.� Carbone agreed with Desjardins description that business is “brisk� this year, noting there’s a lot of excitement and optimism in people inquiring which is driving growth potential. Mayor Robert Quaiff

remembered back in 2011 when the County began looking at the community development model to address sustainability. He said councillors were told the county is different. Instead of focusing on industrial jobs and factories, the strategy was to look at entrepreneurs, artesian producers, and intellectual exporters. In recent years, he said there’s been a shift from solely attracting retirees to a younger demographic. “What we’re seeing now, much to our pleasure, is young families deciding to make their homes here and take that entrepreneurial chance to say they’re going to start something. It’s something we haven’t seen in quite some time.� Quaiff called Carbone an “energizer bunny� and said his team and Desjardins’ team at PELA CFDC are always on the go, marketing, trying ideas, and making deals. The efforts have spurred investment to attract residents, forcing the municipality to consider at items like high-speed Internet connections, parks and family amenities. The mayor indicated the success has created a positive problem for the County. “You’re really pushing us to the maximum because now, for the first time in a long time, Prince Edward County is addressing capacity con-

cerns. Concerns like we don’t have enough housing units, we don’t have enough affordable housing units, we may not have enough sewer and

water capacity‌ We’re looking at huge investment down the road simply because we’re moving progress forward. It’s an exciting time, it really is.�


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JULY 28, 2016

Local photographer Wilkinson first in visible world colour category at CLiC More than 200 people attended seventh annual show’s opening ceremony Friday to get first glimpse at creative entries from across region CHAD IBBOTSON STAFF WRITER

There was just something about the man that exuded loneliness. That's how Tara Wilkinson describes her feelings leading up to the capture of her award-winning photograph, “In the Light of Loneliness.” Wilkinson's photo took home first place in the visible world colour category in the Capturing Life in Camera (CLiC)

eastern Ontario photo show. The presentation was made before an enthusiastic crowd at Books & Company’s Lipson Room. Wilkinson, a former corporate communications professional and co-owner of Love Nest Studio Gallery, said she was in shock following the announcement. Wilkinson was actually on the CLiC committee a few years ago. Wilkinson's pho-

MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD Chamber Music Festival & Summer School Prince Edward County, Ontario Afiara String Quartet Saturday, July 16, 7:30 pm Ensemble Made in Canada Saturday, July 23, 7:30 pm Tokai String Quartet Saturday, July 30, 7:30 pm MPM Artist Faculty Saturday, August 6, 7:30 pm

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>/s ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĂƌůĞLJ ZŽŽŵ WƵď :ƵůLJ Ϯϴ͗ ƌŽŽŬĞĚ tŽŽĚ :ƵůLJ Ϯϵ͗ ^ƚĞǀĞ tŝůŬŝŶƐŽŶ :ƵůLJ ϯϬ ͗ :ĞŶŶŝƐ :ƵůLJ ϯϭ͗ :ĞŶŶŝƐ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϯ͗ <ŝƚĐŚĞŶ WĂƌƚLJ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϰ͗ DĂƌŬ DĐ'ƌĞĞǀLJ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϱ͗ dŽŵ >ĞŝŐŚƚŽŶ Θ ŽŶƌĂĚ <ŝƉƉůŝŶŐ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϲ͗ dŽŵ >ĞŝŐŚƚŽŶ Θ ŽŶƌĂĚ <ŝƉƉůŝŶŐ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϳ͗ ZŝĐŬ ,ŽĚŐƐŽŶ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϭϬ͗ ^ĞǀĞŶƚŚ dŽǁŶ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϭϭ͗ Ăƌů ŝdžŽŶ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϭϮ͗ Ăƌů ŝdžŽŶ

TheWaringHouse ϲϭϯͲϰϳϲͲϳϰϵϮ ͬ ϴϬϬͲϲϮϭͲϰϵϱϲ ǁĂƌŝŶŐŚŽƵƐĞ͘ĐŽŵ

tography had received several honourable mentions in past CliC shows. She said every year she tries a little more and every year the bar at the how gets raised. “This show is stunning, I looked around tonight and thought 'this is spectacular,'” she said. “For my picture to make it through 420 shots that were submitted — to get this — is just wow, I'm in awe.” The photo captures an elderly man dressed all in black, his head hung low. The windows of the building in the background each seem to tell their own story, each reflecting different aspects of the inverse scenery. The winning photograph was taken last year in Venice, Italy. Wilkinson and her husband, fellow artist Andrew Csafordi, had honeymooned in Italy and decided to return to celebrate both their birthdays and their wedding

anniversary. “It was a very special trip, it was a very hot day and it was oppressive,” she said. “This gentleman was walking quietly through a square … and all I could feel was this loneliness coming off of him and the building around him was, graphically, very interesting.” Wilkinson said when she's shooting, she looks for something that will evoke emotion. “He just touched me,” she said. The shot Wilkinson says she had to get was ultimately selected by judges Mike World, Norm Ullock, and George Gordon based on composition, technical merit, and aesthetic presentation. Wilkinson has a history in photography spanning 40 years. She won her first camera from the Toronto Star while working for the paper

as a courier as an 11 year old. Her father was a photo finisher and growing up she was allowed to shoot as many photos as she wanted. She worked on the yearbook in high school and utilized her photography skills while working in corporate communications. “Photography has been a big part of my life,” she said. CLiC co-chair Margaret

Liddon estimated over 200 people attended Friday's opening night ceremony. She said organizers were very pleased with the response. Liddon said Wilkinson was one of the first few people to get involved in the photo show when it began seven years ago.

See PHOTOS, page 23

JULY 28, 2016 23

The Picton Gazette

Robotic milking system on display

The future is here when it comes to technological advances in agriculture. And the above statement isn't indicative of the arrival of a place in time where technology is available to make life on the farm a little bit easier. It means that technology is helping a new county farmer manage and milk his dairy herd much easier. Prince Edward County's second robotic milking system is fully operational at the farm of Lee and Mal Nurse at 1606 Danforth Rd. in Hillier.

Nurseland Farms will be open to visitors tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to display its Lely system. For most people that are a few generations removed from farm life, midday might not seem like the opportune time to see milking activities but the dairying life has been altered drastically with the advent of the robotic system. Some cows in the Nurse's 67-head herd will milk up to five times a day.

-Jason Parks, Staff


PICK YOUR OWN OR READY-PICKED ALSO PICKED RASPBERRIES MOVING IMAGE County resident Tara Wilkinson took home first place in the visible world colour category at the Capturing Life in

Camera (CLiC) eastern Ontario photo show for her image “In the Light of Loneliness” at last Friday’s gala. (Chad Ibbotson/Gazette staff)

Madoc’s Judith Bain captures Doug Boult Award See BYPASS, page 22

Liddon said Wilkinson has taken home about four honorable mention awards through the years and is a very committed member of the arts community in Prince Edward County. “Tara's photo is welldeserving,” she said. This year's Doug Boult Award for best in show went to Judith Bain of Madoc for her image “Glacier, Iceland.” “It was a pretty awesome image, it was well-processed and well put together,” she said. “It was a good choice on the judges' part.” People flocked to the photo show in its opening weekend, Liddon said. Overall, she said it's a great show that seems to get better every year. “Sunday is usually our busy day and Sunday was really busy,” she said. “We had a lot of positive comments, people really liked it.” Award winners in the student/emerging category were: First place, “Felicity” by Ryan Bush; second place, “Celia” by Ryan Bush; third

place, “Ice Volcanoes” by Britney Pasion. Award winners in the altered reality category were: First place, “Musical Gehry” by Sylvie Flynn; second place, “Seymour” by James Cameron Smith; third place, “The Light Within” by Susi Walters. Award winners in the visible world monochrome category were: First place, “Pointe and Reach” by Roy

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Whiddon; second place, “Stair Rail to Track 3” by Stuart Morley; third place, “60 Absolute Avenue 3” by Bill Hornbostel. Award winners in the visible world colour category were: First place, “In the Light of Loneliness” by Tara Wilkinson; second place, “Waiting for Spring” by Donna Edmonds; third place, “Watchers” by Mark Bartkiw.

CLiC continues until Aug. 7 and is open Monday to Saturday 10–6 p.m. and Sunday 10–5 p.m. The people's choice award will be presented on Sunday, Aug. 7 at 2:30 p.m.

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24 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

Liatris, Russian sage, soapwort, yarrow among plants that prefer dry conditions

Someone told me the other day that we are having our ‘20-year drought’ this year. Whatever the time span is between serious droughts, they are always difficult to live through and much more so for those whose livelihoods depend on reasonable rainfalls. By now, not only are crops seriously affected, but also the functioning of many of the County wells. While we did have rain this past Monday, in my area at least, it was about half of what would be needed in a week given normal

J. H. Anderson

rainfall patterns. It was not enough to bring back crops after a period of serious drought. We have learned over the years that whilst drought is hard on old trees and wellestablished shrubs and perennials, most of them will survive because of the depth of their root systems. Anything that was already frail and those that are relatively new are more at risk. Only you can evaluate whether you have the water resources to save anything and what that will be. Putting out water for

birds, butterflies and even other fauna, depending on the area that you live in, can help save their lives. Bees and butterflies need shallow dishes of water with rocks and pebbles to perch on. There are bird feeders that hold water instead of bird feed. Recently I have been watering the plants for two sets of absent neighbours. In one case this consisted of a bed of newly planted perennial herbs and in the other pots on a porch, some shaded and some not. Some of the pots held tomato

plants or herbs. Certainly none of these would have survived without water when left for more than two weeks. The bed in the other garden, which had been thoroughly watered and mulched, needed water at the end of the second week because the plants were so new. The pots in the open area needed water, at a minimum, every second day. Outdoor pots of any kind are certainly a luxury in a drought. So amidst all of the very dry plants and brown lawns, it was a pleasure to

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July 31 - 35th Annual Peterborough County Cattlemen's BBQ, 3pm-10pm at Robson Acres – 1679 Zion Line Millbrook, Cavan Monaghan Township. Full Course Canadian Beef Dinner – All you can eat. Activities begin at 3:00pm; Dinner 5:00 to 6:30pm. Entertainment -- Live music by Stockdale Central, 4H Calf Competition, Door Prizes, Silent & Live Auctions, Kids Games and visit our “Make it Ontario Beef” Tent. Adults ($18); Children 5-12 ($7); Children under 5 (free). To purchase tickets: Andy (705-652-8990), Garnet (705-652-0092), Larry (705-652-3596), Louise (705-295-4757), Director,,

Diversified agri-food sector to drive northern growth

July 14 - By Mark Kunkel, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Northern Ontario is one of agriculture’s biggest untapped opportunities.

Climate change, improved land drainage, new crop varieties and the use of innovative technologies like precision agriculture and row covers are all leading to the rise of productive farmland in northern Ontario. Generally considered the area north of Lake Huron, northern Ontario holds tremendous growth potential for the agri-food sector. The Ontario government recognized the promise in this region with its 2011 Growth Plan for Northern Ontario – a plan to guide decision making until 2036. Agri-food is one of 11 existing and emerging priority economic sectors identified in the growth plan and is the focus of a new strategy to develop an agriculture, aquaculture and food processing sector strategy for northern Ontario. Development of this new sector would build the capacity for greater agricultural services and bring more opportunities for value added commodities. The northern strategy also aligns with the Premier’s 2013 agri-food growth challenge and the Premier’s 2014 mandate letter to OMAFRA to explore opportunities to develop agriculture in northern Ontario. Expanding agriculture, aquaculture and food processing in northern Ontario brings unique opportunities for farmers to look for new, innovative approaches to food, fibre and biofuel production. Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recently submitted an Environmental Bill of Rights discussion paper on northern expansion opportunities. OFA has long been a supporter of expanding Ontario’s agri-food sector in northern Ontario. Our recommendations include investments in broadband and infrastructure, releasing user-friendly soil maps, increasing availability of Crown land and enhancing agricultural research. OFA’s recommendations for growth in northern Ontario reflect our vision for all of Ontario agriculture – to increase connectivity, promote an economically robust agri-food system and support OFA members in their efforts to maintain and expand their agricultural operations in Ontario. OFA will provide feedback on the detailed strategy for northern Ontario that the government is expected to release later this year. A strategy for northern Ontario has the potential to benefit all OFA members by strengthening our entire industry and promoting economic development in agriculture. Ontario’s biggest growth opportunity is agriculture and our sights are set on northern Ontario.

see the number of different butterflies that were gathering around the Liatris spicata plants in one neighbour’s butterfly garden. While other plants were blooming there as well, it was these flowers that were attracting the most butterflies and at least five different kinds. Liatris are best purchased as plants or grown from a bulb rather than seeds as germination is erratic and slow. They have long tubular spiky blooms covered by small flowers and these were a rosy purple. They are a drought tolerant plant. They will bloom for a couple of months and range from two to three feet in height depending on the cultivar. I had grown them in previous gardens but not here though that is about to change. There are a number of other plants that prefer dry sites as opposed to those that are overly wet, a problem that rarely occurs here. Some are well known, such as the various coneflower cultivars or Russian sage. Among the less well known, at least to me, is soapwort, Saponaria officinalis, which is said to bloom all summer long. It does well in poor soil in hot sunny locations and is said to have a spicysweet fragrance according to Lois Hole in her book that deals with her choice of the 100 best perennials. It spreads by suckering, not unlike the less invasive loosestrife varieties, so must be restrained by cutting back on the spread of the plant. There are also trailing varieties for rock gardens or planters. Yarrow, Achillea miilefolium, is a drought tolerant plant that I do grow. It is very hardy and survived well even in a badly overgrown somewhat dry bed.


It is blooming now and with some deadheading will continue to bloom into the fall. There is a lovely cultivar with deep yellow blooms, although the plants I have currently are vivid pink and replaced a plant with soft pink blooms that was accidentally removed as a weed, by someone assisting me, because of the foliage similarity to queen Anne’s lace. It ranges from twelve to thirty inches tall and can be grown in partial shade to full sun. In this heat people need to take care of themselves as well and stay hydrated. Unlike some of the plants previously mentioned we do not do well remaining for long periods of time in hot dry locations! And even the best of the drought tolerant plants cannot survive forever without water.

Send your gardening questions to Like us on Facebook - Prince Edward County Master Gardeners, follow us on Twitter - PEC Master Gardeners and check out our web site -

Bay of Quinte’s Newest Flea Market

240 Main Street, Deseronto

613.396.2819 OPEN WEEKENDS 10AM-5PM

Storage Units Available

JULY 28, 2016 25

The Picton Gazette



WATER BREAK Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff, Members of Council and cyclists tak-

ing part in the 18th annual Friends for Life Toronto People with AIDS Foundation bike tour take a break at the Glenora Ferry port Monday. (Jason Parks/Gazette staff)

Friends For Life bike tour rolls through Over 200 cyclists take on 600-km tour to help those living with HIV/AIDS JASON PARKS STAFF WRITER

For nearly two decades, the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation Friends for Life cycling tour has have been supporting Canada's largest direct support service provider for people living with HIV/AIDS. During the Prince Edward County leg of the six-day, Toronto-to-Montreal tour Monday, over 200 cyclists and tour support staff were offered a warm handshake and a cold bottle of water from municipal officials. Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff and councillors including Gord Fox, Steve Ferguson and Jim Dunlop were at the Glenora ferry dock wishing those passing through the island community well on their journey of hope and support of those living with HIV/AIDS in Canada's largest city. “Any chance you can put on a friendly face and welcome people to Prince Edward County, you need to take that opportunity,” Quaiff told the Gazette. “I've always said if we can get you here once, we will get you back.” Thankfully for the cyclists on Tuesday, traversing Prince Edward County involved sticking along Loyalist Parkway and they weren't tasked with exiting the municipality via County Rd. 49. If that were the case, some of the riders would still be trying to get out of potholes on Ontario's worst road. “The People With AIDS organizers have been doing this event 18 years and this leg is one of the portions most of the cyclists really enjoy because of the natural beauty and the water front from Picton to Adulphustown,” Quaiff said. The 600 km trek serves as the sustaining fundraiser for the People With AIDS foundation in their efforts in providing critical services and support to individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto. According to tour organizers, People With AIDS engages people living with HIV/AIDS in enhancing their health and well-being through practical and therapeutic support services and broader social change, and inspires them to live into their

CYCLING FOR A CAUSE Over 200 cyclists cruised through Prince Edward County on Monday as part of a 600 km fundraising tour between Toronto and Montreal.The Toronto PWA was hoping to raise $1 million this year. (Jason Parks/Gazette staff)

dreams and discoveries. People With AIDS aims to enhance awareness, resilience, strength and knowledge among the members of its immediate community and in the broader social world. Bruce Mayhew was taking part in the Friends for Life rally for the 16th straight year. He started participating in 2000 because he had friends that had been impacted by HIV/AIDS and this tour was a way to support them. But as the title of the tour suggests, Mayhew made new friends each and every year and discovered how the organization can have an impact with those afflicted by the disease. Now serving as a Toronto PWA Foundation board member, Mayhew explained how group can help people whether they are newly diagnosed, are struggling with the day-to-day or are in need of extra support. It's also about partnering with other social services and community groups to ensure all needs are met. “That's what PWA is about, in many ways it's a 911 of sorts for those that are having the challenge of having been just identified as being diagnosed,” Mayhew said. “ It's also about partnerships with other organizations within the City of Toronto so that there is duplication but everyone is getting the help and support they need at the right time.” Raising funds and raising awareness is just two aspects of the Friends for Life tour. Mayhew said People With AIDS hopes to help people understand that “AIDS isn't this awful big bear” and the disease can be managed. “We want to be sure we

can reach out to the communities between here and Montreal and help people living with the disease feel empowered,” he added. Another long time participant that spoke to the media Monday afternoon while waiting for the ferry was 11time tour veteran Jeff Stevenson. Stevenson said he took part in honour of some friends who have passed away from the disease and to help the People With AIDS. “I know people that rely on the support that the Toronto People With AIDS provides. There's a lot of young people that are given the news and think they are at the end of the rope it's great there's an agency that can give them assistance and help them on their journey,” Stevenson said. The stigma that was attached to HIV/AIDS and the death sentence that a diagnosis brought when the tour started have mostly dissipated thanks to advances in modern medicine. Stevenson explained people can move forward and live a normal, healthy life. “The was a stigma attached to it because it's a sexually transmitted disease but it's like any other disease like cancer or diabetes,” Stevenson said. “That awareness has been very beneficial.” Stevenson said the greetings from the mayor and municipal councillors “meant a lot” to those pedalling Monday. Quaiff's only regret was that it was cold water he was handing out at the foot of the ferry docks. “Next year we should have bottles of wine or craft beer to hand out,” the mayor quipped.




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STRaW fOR sale in the windrow or baled. Fosterholm Farms, 613968-0096 TWO ChaROLaIS bulls for sale/rent, starting at $2,200; 500lb round bales, horse quality, $50ea. 613-476-8495


dOG SITTING in my home, large exercise yard, personalized care for your pampered pooch. Call Karen. 613-399-5682.


GENTLE TOuCh GROOMING & TRAINING offering at home services for dogs, cats, and other small animals. Contact Richelle 613-920-2326. quINTE pET Minders. Loving care for your pets in their own home. Daily visits also overnights and vacation stays. 613-476-6265




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1991 GMC diesel 4x4 1500 H.D., cruise control, power windows, power locks, 2 new batteries, new alt., no rust, original paint, good tires. Phone 613-476-5137 GREaT VEhICLES for under $5000 call Joe Lightfoot Motors. Our vehicles come saftied, e-tested, warranty and have at least a half tank of gas. Call for appointment 613-813-5401, 314 Cty Rd. 10 (Cherry Valley Road).

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ExCELLENT CuRB appeal with crosswalk, big store front window, bathroom, deck and so much more. 74 Main Street, across from Metro. Call John at Maw’s for details 613-393-1485 OffICE SpaCE on Main St. Picton: private entrance at rear of building, over 1000sf, 3 large offices, storage room, kitchenette and washroom, $830/m incl. all utilities with A/C and parking space. 613-476-4085 or


2 BEdROOM 2nd floor apartment of a house recently remodelled, in Picton, available September 1 $995+ water/sewer, includes heat, parking, front yard, no appliances included. Low maintenance 613476-8052.

The Picton Gazette

C LASSIFIEDS Ph. 613-476-3201 - Fax 613-476-3464 Email: THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 - 26

DEATHS, OBITUARIES - $24.00, with Picture $34.00; FOUND - No charge Box Replies $7.00; EXTRA $1.50 charge for billed ads. EXTRA $5.00 charge for a HEADING COMBINATION RATES available for The Picton Gazette and The Napanee Beaver


2 BEdROOM large luxurious furnished loft apartment above Arts on Main, 223 Main Street, 5 appliances, references $1100 plus hydro. No Smokers. No pets. 613476-3666. 2 BEdROOM, 2 BATH, new modular home, yard, deck and storage, landscaped, secure seniors location, blocks from Main St. $1150 mo. + utilities. 613-885-1307. faIRWay apaRTMENTS, 5 Spring 2 bedroom apartStreet, ments, $995 all inclusive First, last and references required. Call 613438-1611 LOfT SuITE on second floor of Main St. building. Available Sept.1. $695 monthly all inclusive. A/C hydro charge extra. Parking available. First/last month’s rent plus references required. No dogs. email or 613476-4085 ROOM TO Rent. Two blocks from Main Street Picton in a very nice home, $500 monthly. Phone 613847-3159 SuITaBLE fOR senior. Room and board. Furnished 1 bedroom in family home. All on one level, no stairs. Available now, $800 monthly includes all utilities plus meals and laundry. Call 613-476-3061 WaTERfRONT 1 BEdROOM, suitable for single person, heat/hydro included $900 monthly, Adolphustown/Glenora Ferry area, non-smk, no pets. 613-985-2630.


I haVE a wish, one that I’m not willing to give up on. I would like to live in half a house or a portion of a house, it doesn’t have to be big, but I would prefer one level (no stairs) if possible and I would lolve a fenced in yard, that would be great. I am a mature lady and I work full time in Picton, so I would like to live there. Please make my wish come true. 613-393-2915. PS Non smoker


MINT aNd used postage stamps, covers, post cards, coins and paper money. Call Bob, 613-967-2118 WaNTEd STaNdING Timber, hard and soft wood. Also looking for field boulders 613-968-5182.

WaNTEd TO Buy WILL Buy Scrap

Vehicles, Metals and Appliances picked up free and will do moving, dump runs of brush, eavestrough cleaning, lawn cutting, garage & basement cleaning



a SuMMER day is the time to clean eavestroughs, get yard work done, get rid of unwanted trash, trees trimmed, pruning and any other jobs. Half ton truck available. No job too small. For reasonable rates call Paul, 613-393-5021


Rubbish Removal Scrap Metal & Scrap Cars & Electronics - TV’s, Computers, etc. Appliances

Call for pick up


GRaSS CuTTING Serving Prince Edward County, Quinte West, good rates, quality service, large & small jobs, using John Deere Zero turn mower. Call Paul for free estimate, 613-654-1401. Fully insured. We show up! hOuSEkEEpING, Caregiving, cooking, laundry. I can make it easier for you to stay in your own home. Give me a call at 613-920-8393.


Catering. Buffet lunches, dinners and banquets. Sandwich trays, hors d’oeuvres and homemade dessert trays.


WaLLpapERING & paINTING. Alec Lunn. 613-476-6265


BaRTENdERS RCL#78, picton

is looking for Part-time Bartenders to work days, evenings & weekends. Must have Smartserv. Resumes will be accepted at The Legion or email

CERTIfIEd pSW accepting clients. 10 years experience specializing in personal home care, respite, meal preparation, light housekeeping, shopping. Respectfully Yours, T. Conners, 613-743-2010 MaW’S ORChaRd is looking for apple and grape harvest workers full time seasonal work is available from Sept to Nov. Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm min. wage. Call 613393-1485 or send your resume

613-476-2994 or 613-242-0117


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Have a question...


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SIMpLE CREMaTION $1,695 + hST Includes transfer from local place of death (20 km), required documentation, transfer to crematorium, cremation casket and urn, cremation fee and Coroner’s cremation certificate.



Hicks Funeral Home and Cremation Centre - providing full range of services to our community. Locally owned and operated. 2 Centre Street, Picton 476-5571 Robert C. Osborne Funeral Director NOTE: Report errors immediately. The Picton Gazette will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: Tuesday at 12 noon


MaW’S ORChaRd is looking for tasting room attendanees. Must have Smart Serve and available to work weekends. Call 613-393-1485 or send your resume ESTaTE: Successful REaL Real Estate team in Prince Edward County seeks licensed assistant. Must have excellent communication skills, be organized, self-motivated and detail-oriented. A great opportunity to grow with the business. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send resumes to: TaxI dRIVERS wanted. Ladies welcome to apply. Must have clean driving abstract, day and nighttime shifts. Also part time Mechanic. Call 613-476-7678 or 613-476-5863.

CaRdS Of ThaNkS

A very big thank you to the Bethesda Women’s Circle and the Fish Lake Road Community for collecting for us. It was very much appreciated as we start our lives together. Thanks so much! Robert & Mary Brown. The family of the late Donald Hook of Bloomfield would like to thank the First Response and Ambulance attendants for their quick response and care. Thank you to family and friends for their prayers, words of condolence, cards, donations and food. A special thanks to the West Lake Ladies Aid and Free Methodist women for providing the lunch and to Don Walcott and Jack Shepherd for their words. Also to Don’s coworkers at Whattams for their guidance and compassion.


LONG haIREd tabby cat, Lake St. Grey, White chest and legs, fluffy tail- very friendly. 885-4391


NEW ThaddEuS Lewis “Wishful Seeing” Kellough signing at Books & Co., July 30th, 11-4pm. Reading at Picton Library August 2nd, 6:30pm.


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Dining out never tasted so good! Community Living Prince Edward has teamed up with portabella for the ultimate night out!

Enjoy dining at portabella (265 Main Street Picton) throughout the months of July and August and support Community Living Prince Edward by donating $1.00 or $2.00 with your bill. With your support, proceeds from this fundraising event will go towards purchasing augmentative communication devices for children and adults with an intellectual disability. Community Living Prince Edward would like to thank portabella and all their patrons for their participation in our fundraising event and for supporting Community Living Prince Edward.

West Lake Community Church Welcomes all to our Annual

Corn Roast

Saturday, July 30, 2016 • 6:00 pm County Road 12 Local Corn, Hot Dogs & Hamburgers, Pie, Fruit & Cookies

Cost: Donation Only Bring your own Lawn Chair Proceeds to Sonrise Christian Academy Student Sponsorship Fund


288B Main St. Bloomfield Custom Cakes Artificial Flower Arrangements



SteVenSOn, John Edward. in loving memory of our father, John Edward Stevenson, who passed away July 24, 2007. Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Love always and forever Dad, your family.

dorothy Olive langridge

who passed away July 25, 2011. Loving wife of Fred. Loved mother of Bill and his partner Candy of Marlbank and Dan and his wife Annette of Picton. Dear sister of Henry Stacey of Kingston. Much loved Gramma and Nana of Cally, Cody, Sarah and Shannon. We think of you in silence And often speak your name But all we have are memories And your picture in a frame But now we know you walk beside us And when our life is through I pray that God will take our hand And lead us straight to you. Loved and always remembered by Fred and family


baxteR, alan edgar

Passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital on tuesday July 19th, 2016. Alan Baxter, of Bloomfield, at the age of 96. Beloved husband of the late Doris Baxter (nee Scott). Loved father of Lindley and his wife iris of Ottawa and Jean and her husband Peter Barber of Oakville. Proud grandpa of Khatrina, Chrissie, Scott and Julia. Dear brother of the late Arthur, brotherin-law of Blanche Baxter of Dunsford, ON and uncle who will be fondly remembered by his nieces, nephews and their families. Funeral Service was held at the Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main Street, Picton on Friday July 22nd at 2:30 p.m. Ms. Maureen Ellison officiated. interment to follow at Glenwood Cemetery. if desired, donations to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation would be appreciated. Friends were invited to call on Friday afternoon from 1:30 p.m. until the time of the service.

Whattam Funeral Home


ChaSe, harry wallace

peacefully at trenton Memorial Hospital surrounded by family on Wednesday, July 20th, 2016. Harry Chase of Carrying Place in his 94th year. Beloved husband of Jean (Moreland) Chase. Loving father of Brenda (Paul) Lohnes of trenton, Jane (Gerry) Garvey of Fenelon Falls, Cecil (Susan) Chase of Peterborough and Ross (late Mary) Chase of Consecon. Ever remembered grandfather of eight and great-grandfather of many. Survived by sister Marion (late Max) Eagles of trenton. Predeceased by his parents Ross and Florence (Hayes) Chase and brother Stuart Chase. Arrangements entrusted to the Rushnell Funeral Centre (613-392-2111). A Family graveside service was held at the Carrying Place Cemetery Annex. Memorial Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, or a Charity of your Choice would be greatly appreciated by the family. Online Condolences at

haRVey, angie lynn

Suddenly in Kingston, surrounded by family, on tuesday July 19th, 2016. Angie Harvey (nee Frost) of North Marysburgh, former owner of Heritage Hall & Catering, at the age of 41. Beloved wife of Paul and mom of Michael and Caleb. Loved daughter of Dennis & Bonnie Frost of Athol and granddaughter of Reta Pringle. Adored sister of Amie Lewis (Evan), Laura Sweet (Gilles), Ruth Sweet, Glenn Day (Donna) and sister-in-law of tera (Jamie Pounder), tim Harvey (Jen), Matt Harvey (Catherine) and the late tom. A loving aunt of Emilie, Emerson, Kirsten, Ashley, Ada, Amber, Brandon, Sierra, Hailey, Cheyenne, Aaron, Ryan and terrence, daughter-in-law of Laverne & Darlene Bailey and terry Harvey and cousin of many. Angie rested at the Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main Street, Picton. Memorial Service was held at Picton United Church on Monday July 25th at 2:00 p.m. the Reverend Audrey Whitney officiated. if desired, donations in trust for Michael and Caleb would be appreciated by the family. Friends were invited to call on Sunday afternoon at the funeral home from 1 until 3 p.m.

Whattam Funeral Home

lOVe, dorothy Muriel “G G�

passed away in her 99th year peacefully surrounded by her entire loving family. Dorothy was a longtime employee of Masons Department Store on Main Street in Picton. She was born in Peterborough England to Arthur and Muriel Ayres February 15, 1917. Dorothy immigrated to Canada with baby Dianne in arms to join her husband the late Neil G. Love (BP Ltd) in 1946. An avid knitter, voracious mystery reader and artist with a creative soul Dorothy was devoted to her family. Loving mother of Dianne Jenkins (the late Richard Jenkins, ted) of Brampton, the late Glenn Douglas Love and Patricia LoveForester (Robert Forester). Grandmother to Stephanie Jenkins-Moss (terry) of Cambridge, Kari Loveimasaka (Ryuji) of Scarborough and Lindsey Love-Forester of toronto. Great Grandmother to Michaela, Madison and Luka. Dorothy was an animal lover but cats held a special place in her heart. Â Â A donation if desired to an animal rescue organization of your choice would be appreciated. t.t.F.N. Mom

The Picton Gazette


latZ p.eng., henry peter

Passed away peacefully at the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital on Wednesday July 20, 2016. Henry Latz, formerly of Bolton, at the age of 85. Beloved husband of the late Waltraud (Valerie) Margot AnnaMinna Rothhardt. Dear father of Heidemaria Hill (Peter) of tamworth and Christina Bell of Burlington. Proud grandfather to Alexandra (timothy), Joseph (Kirstin), Cassandra, Lauren and Rachel and greatgrandfather to Christian, Gillian, Luca, Kegan and Peyton. Mr. Latz rested at the Hicks Funeral Home, 2 Centre Street, Picton. Memorial Service was held in the Chapel on Saturday July 23 at 11 am. followed by interment at Quaker Cemetery. the Reverend Rob Weisner officiated. Prince Edward Lodge #18 A.F. & A.M. service was held at 10:30 am. Memorial donations to the Masonic Lodge would be appreciated. the family received friends on Saturday morning from 9:30 am. until service time. FUNERAL HOME & CREMAtiON CENtRE

613-476-5571 Â

SIbbItt, John

Suddenly at Picton Hospital, July 18, 2016. John Sibbitt, born March 9,1943 in Marion Bridge, Cape Breton at the age of 73. Beloved husband of Leslie. Step father to Michael and Daniel. Missed by cherished friends Jim, Sharon and Jay Crowells. Honouring John’s wishes there will not be a service. Donations to the charity of choice in lieu of flowers. Deep appreciation for the amazing care from the first responders and Picton Hospital Emergency nurses and doctors.


Donald Hook was born in Picton on April 8, 1936. He is survived by his wife Lynn of almost 53 years, a daughter, a son, 7 grandchildren, 1 great grandson and 4 step great grandchildren, his “Little Brother� Jeremy and an extended family. He worked at GM in Oshawa for 30 years and had been retired for 33 years. He and Lynn owned Donlynn trailer Park at West Lake for 10 years and then travelled extensively in North America and visited a cousin in England. He hunted and fished and enjoyed his retirement up untli the last hour.


SCanlOn, Ron Â

Passed away unexpectedly at home on July 21, 2016, at the age of 62. Son of the late Joan Scanlon. Loving husband of Laura Steele for 16 years. Cherished dad of Jason (Shannon), Craig (Emma) and Brian. treasured grandpa of Allie, Blake and Avery. Ron was the oldest of 5 boys, Wayne, Paul (Anne), Kenny (Nadine) and Bobby (Holly). He will be greatly missed by his mother-inlaw Sylvia Watson. Ron retired after 33 years as a Correctional Officer at Millhaven institution. He was an Executive Member at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 280 and at the Briar Fox Golf Club. Family and friends were received at McGlade Funeral Home, on Sunday, July 24th between the hours of 7pm-9pm. Funeral Service was held on Monday, July 25th at 1pm in the Funeral Home. Cremation will follow. For those who wish, memorial donations may be made to the Lennox and Addington SPCA in memory of Ron. Online condolences may be made at in the care of McGlade Funeral Home, 78 Centre Street, Deseronto, ON 613-396-2310


JULY 28, 2016 27


nOtICe tO CRedItORS and OtheRS

All claims against the estate of Simon Vincent, late of the Town of Picton in the Municipality of the County of Prince Edward, who died on or about the 3rd day of March, 2016, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee on or before the 30th day of October, 2016; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed.

The Picton Gazette wishes all their readers a safe and enjoyable

DATED at Belleville this 18th day of July, 2016.

Jennifer Anne Vincent, Estate Trustee, by her Solicitors, PRETSELL DAVIES THOMPSON BENTON LLP 118 Dundas Street East Belleville, ON K8N 1C4 Attention: Michael J. Pretsell 613-967-9930

help wanted

Manufacturing – Plant Technician – Full-time Belleville, Ontario – Rolling Start Dates Job # MFG00005233 Our Belleville manufacturing site is seeking highly motivated, reliable and flexible individuals with a commitment to safety and total quality to be part of our diverse operating teams. Technicians are required to learn how to operate, adjust, changeover and maintain high-speed equipment on a rotating shift schedule. These entry-level positions require strong trouble-shooting skills, the ability to solve complex problems and analyze data using information technology systems. Technicians must be able to work well individually and as part of a self-directed work team handling multiple priorities in an ever-changing environment. Strong interpersonal skills and effective written and verbal communication skills are essential. Candidates must also be willing to be trained on fork trucks, as operating a fork truck (once trained) is required for this position. Technicians are paid a competitive starting rate with applicable shift premiums. Shift schedules are: 7 day/12 hour, days and nights; rapid rotation; receiving an average of 42 hours/week. Requirements: t $BOEJEBUFT NVTU IBWF B NJOJNVN (SBEF FEVDBUJPO PS FRVJWBMFOU t 1PTU TFDPOEBSZ FEVDBUJPO BOE PS SFMBUFE NFDIBOJDBM FMFDUSJDBM FYQFSJFODF BSF EFýOJUF assets. t &OTVSF ZPV BSF JODMVEJOH ZPVS EFUBJMFE FEVDBUJPO BOE XPSL FYQFSJFODF JO ZPVS SFTVNF t &NQMPZNFOU PQQPSUVOJUJFT XJMM CF DPOEJUJPOBM VQPO UIF SFTVMUT PG B CBDLHSPVOE DIFDL There will be rolling start dates throughout the year, so please apply today via to job # MFG00005233. If you require a medical or disability related accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please email to provide your contact information. 1 ( 5BMFOU 4VQQMZ TUBGG XJMM DPOUBDU ZPV XJUIJO XFFL

28 JULY 28, 2016


The Picton Gazette

We are looking for a self-motivated, results driven individual to sell display ad space and pre-printed inserts for our community newspapers. • Entrepreneurial spirit • Creativity • Accountability will aid your success.

This position will service an established account list, but candiate will be expected to develop new business working out of our Picton office.

Commission based renumeration. Car allowance available.

Please send resume and cover letter to

Plant Production Associate – 2 Year Contract Belleville, Ontario Job # MFG00005235 Our Belleville manufacturing site is seeking highly motivated, reliable and flexible individuals with a commitment to safety and total quality to be a part of our diverse operating teams. Production associates are required to learn to operate high-speed equipment and operate fork trucks, handling many products including chemicals in a safe environment on a rotating shift schedule. These positions are on a 2 year renewable contract. Production associates must be able to work well individually and as part of a self-directed team handling multiple priorities in an ever-changing environment. Production associates are paid a locally competitive temporary compensation package including benefits. Shift schedules are: 7 day/12 hour, days and nights; rapid rotation; receiving an average of 42 hours/week. Requirements: t &OTVSF ZPV JODMVEF ZPVS EFUBJMFE FEVDBUJPO BOE XPSL FYQFSJFODF JO ZPVS SFTVNF t &NQMPZNFOU PQQPSUVOJUJFT XJMM CF DPOEJUJPOBM VQPO UIF SFTVMUT PG B CBDLHSPVOE DIFDL There will be rolling start dates throughout the year, so please apply today via www.pgcareers. com to job # MFG00005235. If you require a medical or disability related accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please email to provide your contact information. P&G Talent Supply staff will contact you within 1 week.

Manufacturing – Site Utilities/ Facilities/ Construction Project Leader – Full-time Belleville, Ontario – Immediate Need

Our continued growth has created new opportunities in our Brockville and Prescott facilities. We are locally owned and operated, offer a history of a stable work environment with regular working hours, flexible vacation schedules and opportunities for advancement.

Job # MFG00005236 The purpose of this role is to provide leadership and technical expertise to the Site Utilities, Facilities and Construction project teams. The Belleville site is undergoing a large expansion over the upcoming years and this role will be pivotal in leading some of these expansion efforts. Important responsibilities: This role will be responsible to lead all steps in the EWP process for all utilities and facilities projects. This role will have responsibility to develop and implement the site services master plan and implement the overall site master plan. This role will be responsible for the success criteria (safety/cost/schedule/quality) for all UFC projects. This role will be responsible to ensure that the construction TIR = 0 and to ensure continual improvement to the site construction safety program. Important responsibilities for this role will be - Development and implementation of EWP/IM processes to the site Utilities project organization - Technical design reviews for utilities and facilities projects - Leadership and master planning (resource leveling) of the site construction projects - Constructability review improvements for all constructions - Construction spending pattern improvements - Specifying project objectives and plans including delineation of scope, budgeting, scheduling, setting performance requirements, and selecting project participants. - Maximizing the resource efficiency through procurement of labor, materials and equipment. - Implementing various operations through proper coordination and control of planning, design, estimating, contracting and construction in the entire process Facilities/Utilities project scorecard development and maintenance - Site services master plan reviews, capital and expense forecasting and cross charging Job Qualification 1: University degree, bachelor’s level or above, is required. Job Qualification 2: Leadership - Demonstrated ability to lead multifunctional groups of people at all levels both through direct and indirect reporting. Job Qualification 3: Safety - Demonstrated ability to continually improve a safety program with demonstrated results. Job Qualification 4: Technical Expertise - The successful candidate will have technical expertise in the design and construction of site facilities/utilities systems. The candidate will possess an engineering background with demonstrated knowledge of infrastructure projects. An engineering degree or relevant experience is required Job Qualification 5: Quality - The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience in implementing projects with quality control mechanisms. Job Qualification 6: Work Processes - The success candidate will have demonstrated success with the delivery of projects using work process improvements. Job Qualification 7: Priority Setting - The candidate will have demonstrated experience and results in setting priorities in a fast paced environment to deliver all goals on time. Ensure you include your detailed education and work experience in your resume. Employment opportunities will be conditional upon the results of a background check. There will be rolling start dates throughout the year, so please apply today via www.pgcareers. com to job # MFG00005236. If you require a medical or disability related accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please email to provide your contact information. P&G Talent Supply staff will contact you within 1 week.

MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR Northern Cables Inc. is currently recruiting for a Maintenance Coordinator support our manufacturing operations. Candidates will preferably be a post-secondary education in a technical field along with at least 510 years’ experience managing maintenance operations in an industrial facility. Critical Skills: x Familiarity with basic manufacturing principles such as productivity and quality standards, scrap reduction, delivery performance and material usage x Responsibility for coordinating new equipment installs / equipment upgrades x Ability to guide and assist maintenance support for Electrical and Mechanical Trades x Responsibility for development, documentation creation and maintenance of preventative Maintenance programs. x A role in new product / process development assistance x Responsibility for assistance with Safety, Quality and Productivity initiatives x Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal x Flexibility in scheduled work hours x The ability to train and coach employees x An exemplary work ethic, attitude and attendance history INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS Northern Cables Inc. is currently recruiting for a licensed or registered apprentice electrician as well as a licensed millwright/mechanic to support its growing business. Excellent communication skills (both verbal and written) and the ability to train and coach employees are necessary. Base wage to $61,900/yr. This position requires flexible working hours and rotating shifts. MANUFACTURING WORKERS Northern Cables Inc. is currently recruiting for factory production workers for our Brockville and Prescott facilities with medium/heavy manufacturing experience. Applicants must have general math and English skills. Training provided to suitable candidates. Full time hours, base salary $45200 - $47600 per year.

Interested candidates are invited to submit resumes to: Northern Cables Inc. P.O. Box 1564 - 50 California Avenue Brockville, Ontario - K6V 6E6 Fax (613) 345-3147 Email: Website:

LOCAL NEWS TIP? No phone calls please

Please call The Gazette, 613-476-3201

The Picton Gazette


The County of Prince Edward Public Library has an opening for a

Student Page

August 9th to September 3rd, 35 hours per week evenings and weekends Thereafter until November 12th the successful candidate must be available: Tuesdays 4-7 and Saturdays 10-4. Must have transportation or the ability to travel to branches. Rate of Pay: $11.25/hour

Please email resume to bsweet@peclibrary. org or mail to CEO, The County of Prince Edward Public Library 208 Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0

We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We are an equal opportunity employer and support applicants with disabilities. Accommodations are available upon request throughout the recruitment process. Please email your request to or call 613-476-5962.

3RD ANNUAL SISTER’S STUFF AND COLLECTIBLES SALE Friday, July 29, 8am-4pm Saturday, July 30, 8am-1pm

236 County Road 5 Dishes, Pyrex, linens, advertising posters, old radios, house and garden furniture, ironware, oil cans, tools, wooden boxes, mow ladders, canoes, Laser sailboat with trailer, dinghy and other assorted items

YARD SALE Friday & Saturday July 29th & 30th 8am - 3pm

AT 10:30 A.M. AUCTION SALE FOR STEWART AND PAT SCRIVER 1096 MOIRA ROAD, R.R.# 2 STIRLING, ONT 13 miles north of Belleville on Highway 62 and turn east onto Moira Road for 2 miles. ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLES including antique walnut drop front secretary desk with pigeon holes and 3 lower drawers, antique 2 drawer drop leaf side table, primitive rocker, antique side table, Ottawa Valley table and 4 chairs, Child’s antique doll stroller, Victorian sewing box, antique Billard cue holder, Oriental round gate leg table, Ewald Rentz folk art carvings, folk art pieces including carvings, tramp art, sewing stand, picture frames, cutlery boxes, church models; several textiles including quilts, coverlets, linens; Oriental area carpets, store display dye box, vintage Stief toy, child’s dress form, cast iron pieces including school house bell, advertising pieces, fireplace cookware, miniatures, toys, decorative boot scraper, pots, book press, ornaments; tin toys, advertising tins, vintage and tin type photos, tin candelabra, epergne, burl bowls, treenware, wooden hay fork, stoneware, Bennington style sponge ware, ironstone, crystal, press glass, kitchenwares, commercial Popscicle mold, tin lanterns, Art Deco pieces, Mexican leather and wood chairs, stain glass window, games boards, native collectibles including baskets, baby carrier with beaded baby bag,artwork; snowshoes, duck decoys, art pottery, costume jewelry, pocket watch, 14KT Benrus mens watch, marble clock, Billingsley Rose Dinnerware, wolf and bear rug, hunting knives, firearms (PAL-required), Mossberg12 ga bolt action, Enfield 303 Sporterized, 22 Ace, Stihl gas powered trimmer, numerous other articles. TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www. for photos


AT 5:00 P.M. AUCTION SALE DOUG JARRELL SALES ARENA, BELLEVILLE Dining room table/ 2 leaves , 4 chairs & matching hutch, sideboard, chesterfield & matching chair, fold down secretary, leather reclining sectional & 2 matching swivel tub chairs, coffee & 3 end tables, Panasonic 32 inch flat screen TV & stand, washstand, chair & stool, glider rocker, queen size bedstead, hi boy chest, dresser/mirror & night table, 3 stacking tables, Stromberg & Carlson antique cabinet radio, framed oval mirror, wash set pieces, glass & china. Carnival vase, Lagostina set of pots & pans, brass, prints, floor & table lamps, collectibles, shop & garden tools and numerous other pieces. See my web site for detailed list & photos. DOUG JARRELL AUCTIONS 613-969-1033


AT 10:30 A.M. AUCTION SALE FOR ESTATE OF BOBBY ADAIR 82 BUSH LANE, CONSECON, ONT. 8 miles SOUTH of Trenton on Highway 33 and turn EAST onto Lakeside Drive at Consecon for 2 miles and turn SOUTH onto Bush Lane. EQUIPMENT: International 2400 industrial diesel tractor with International 2050 front end loader and International 3122 back hoe attachment-good running condition; Case 430 L diesel tractor with front end loader-running condition- needs repair; McCormick Farmall “Super C” gas tractor with row crop front end and rear attached fork lift-running condition; Bush Hog 3 point hitch 5 ft rotary mower, 3 point hitch 6 ft rotovator, 3 point hitch 6 ft single auger snow blower,; single axle utility trailer, VEHICLE 2004 Ford F150 4 x 4 with crew cab, 5.4 Triton engine, automatic, truck-cap, leather seats-180,000 kms-selling as is-running condition; RECREATION AND TOOLS-2004 Yamaha “Grizzly” 4 x 4 ATV with blade-2000 HRS-good running condition; new ATV rubber tracks-never used; Lund 16 ft “Rebel” aluminum fishing boat with consul, seats, Mercury 30hp outboard and trailer; Jiffy gas powered ice auger, 12 ft aluminum fishing boat, fishing tackle, Minn Kota trolling motor, Stihl 036 chainsaw, Onan portable generator-4000 W with electric start on trailer; Mastercraft mitre saw, Rigid shop Vac, pedestal grinder, stacking tool chest, portable air compressor, multi purpose tripod lift, power tools, hand tools, stainless steel rolling cart, hand operated pallet truck, storage cupboards, floor jacks, jack stands, Echo flower bed tiller, Craftsman snow blower, Columbia rear tine garden tiller with Honda engine-like new; Hanson estate sprayer, yard aerator, garden supplies, FIREARMS-(PAL REQUIRED) Remington Wingmaster Model 870 12 gauge, JC Higgins Model 20 12 beach, Enfield 303 bolt; ammunition, survival suit, cross bow with Millet scope, numerous other articles. TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www. for photos

OLD GEEZER CLEARANCE Power tools, small generator, exercise bikes, bike trailer, large dog crate, cat carrier, garden tools, movies/books, chairs, misc. household items, bargain original work

Rain or Shine

Rain Date: August 6th

Sat. July 30th 9am - 2pm 3 & 5 Corey St. Bloomfield




Sat. July 30th 8am 926 Chuckery Hill Rd

1261 Ridge Road RR1 Picton Saturday, July 30th 8am Everything must go! Complete workshop, boating gear, antiques, furniture, housewares, gardening tools, books, craft supplies.



Sat. July 30th

43 Washburn St. Saturday, July 30th 8am till ?

69 Bridge St. Picton


213 Oram Rd.

Sat. July 30th 8am - 5pm

8am - 4pm

14837 Loyalist Pkwy Bloomfield Sat. July 30 - 8am

2 homes. One moving, one with Vintage finds. Furniture and other treasures.

(behind house) Rain or Shine



Small petting zoo so bring the kids


76 King St.

Lots of new stuff added


No Early Bird’s please


Antiques - rockers, parlour table, Raymond sewing machine, hand carved table, wringer washer unit, doll carriage with porcelain doll, king size pin wheel bedspread. Some folk art, Christmas decor, large variety of top quality yarn, unique refurbished items, 2 wooden Adirondack chairs like new, wrought iron rooster weather vane. Some kitchen cookware like new. Some up cycled items.

(Lake on the Mountain) Hunting clothing, camping equipment, tent and air mattress, tools, patio lounge chair, small appliances, dishes, bone china, clothing, shoes, purses, computer monitor and keyboard, sheets, bedspreads, towels, antique tables, lamps and much more.

YARD SALE Sat. & Sun. July 30th & 31st Rain or Shine

9am - 4pm 11300c Loyalist Parkway Glenora Road (3 houses before ferry) Household items, dishes, glassware, linens, books, clothes, odds & ends, etc.

JULY 28, 2016 29


Antiques & Collectibles

Saturday, July 30th 10am - 3pm

Unit 10A Loch-Sloy Business Park

Church Street, Picton Motor and sail marine supplies model sailing ships, acoustic & electric guitars, scuba equipment, secretary desk, walkie talkies, bamboo fishing poles and paintable furniture

Dealers Welcome Call for appointment John 613-827-7624

3 FAMILY YARD SALE Sat. & Sun. July 30th & 31st 472 Cty. Rd. 8 Lots of coloured glass, furniture, antiques & retro No reasonable offers refused Must Sell

YARD SALE Sat. July 30th 8am 15 Inkerman Ave.

YARD SALE BAKE SALE Sat. July 30th 8am - 2pm at Abundant Life Pentecostal Church 13356 Loyalist Parkway (across from Canadian Tire)

Have treasures to get rid of but not enough for a yard sale? Book a table for $5.00 at the Mariner's Park Museum

FAMILY DAY YARD SALE Sunday, August 7th 8am - 1pm For more info call 613-476-8392

30 JULY 28, 2016

The Picton Gazette

Councillors concerned about economic impact of prolonged closure PEFC planning BRIDGE, from page 1

“When we started work on the Skyway Bridge, we discovered it's going to require a little more than just a little bit of rehabilitation, it's going to need some strategic rehabilitation,” Higgins said. “… Given its age, it's obviously reaching the end of its serviceable life as it currently stands.” Higgins said public consultation sessions are scheduled for Aug. 17 and 18 at the Tyendinaga Mohawk Community Centre and the Prince Edward Community Centre. Both information sessions will run from 5–8 p.m. Higgins said a second round of public consultation will take place in fall or winter of this year.

He said there is an “extremely aggressive” timeline of completing the environmental assessment process by this winter and seeking approval for the preferred option from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change in early 2017. “Assuming that it is accepted, it will be at least one year of detail design work on this bridge to make sure we can fit those pieces together with a very aggressive schedule of having construction begin — pending approval and sign-off of various budgets — in the spring of 2018,” Higgins said. A feasibility study was undertaken in 2015 to explore various ways to replace the superstructure. An ongoing environmental assessment is

• affordable full and partial dentures • affordable mini-implant service • same-day relines and repairs • implant retained dentures • custom mouth guards

expected to build on the feasibility study and include public and agency input on a preferred rehabilitation alternative. The feasibility study outlined five different options. The first was a full closure of both lanes of the bridge for the duration of construction. This option would see the bridge construction last an estimated two years and would require a full detour for all traffic. The estimated cost of the option was $40 million. The second option presented was a partial closure of one lane during construction. With this option, northbound traffic would be detoured to the Norris Whitney Bridge, but the bridge would remain open to all southbound traffic. The closure would reverse following completion of the north-

bound side. This option was also estimated to cost $40 million, but would carry a risk of stretching into a three-year construction duration. The third option would see a similar scenario as the second option, but one lane would alternate between northbound and southbound traffic using traffic signals and queuing at either end of the bridge. This option was estimated to cost the same as the previous two options and would also risk a three-year construction duration. Estimated delays ranged from 11–20 minutes, Higgins said. Higgins presented this third option with a pair of sub-options that would see the closure happen in sections. Under these options estimated delays would be reduced to between one and six minutes, but the estimated cost and duration of the

LOU ANGELIDIS DD P: 613-476-7070 F: 613-476-5050

78 Main St, Picton


WATERFRONT 2 STOREY GETAWAY Upper level is a two-car garage. Lower level is 645 sq. feet of living area. Needs some finishing to make it a four seasons retreat. Building is on leased land, which is only $600.00 yearly. 100 feet of very private waterfront, with great fishing. Located 15 miles from Picton and the Sandbanks. Priced for quick sale at $99,000. All agents welcome. Call owner 613-438-7890

construction would increase to three to five years. Two other alternatives won't be carried forward from the feasibility study due to complexity, cost and risk, Higgins said. That includes an option which would see both lanes of traffic remain open during construction at significantly higher cost — about 35–50 per cent more expensive, said Higgins. The other eliminated option involved constructing a new bridge on an adjacent alignment. Higgins said this would bring high environmental and property impacts and could carry a price tag 200–300 per cent above the projected $40-million cost of the first three options. Under all the options, Higgins said no construction would occur in the winter months and the bridge would be fully open. Higgins said the MTO will work with the public to find the best possible option and by no means has any decision been made. Council raised several concerns, including the impacts to emergency services and the economy that could result from any prolonged bridge closure. Mayor Robert Quaiff said the bridge is part of a critical economic corridor for the county. “If you take a look at the traffic count between July and August, you're looking at 250,000 people,” he said. “That's why I'm stressing the importance of County Rd. 49 being one of the most important economic arteries coming in and out of Prince Edward County.” The ministry expects to have a website for the project — — online in the near future.

its free youth flying program Aug. 20

The youth of Prince Edward County will be taking to the skies later next month. The Prince Edward Flying Club (PEFC) is hosting its annual free kids program Saturday, Aug. 20 (Rain date Aug. 21), at the Picton Airport. The start time is 9 a.m. The PEFC is a member of the Canadian Owners Pilots Association (COPA) a group that encourages young people aged 8 to 17 years to explore aviation. Through this national COPA for Kids initiative, young aviators take part in a brief ground school, walk around a plane, and enjoy a flight that includes start-up, take-off, cruising, landing and shut down. The entire program is about an hour-and-a-half to two hours long. All COPA pilots are licensed by Transport Canada, and their aircraft is registered by Transport Canada. Prince Edward Flying Club represents personal aviation at the local level. Any young person interested in participating in this free event must pre-register by contacting Jacqui Burley of Loch-Sloy Holdings at 613-476-3064. Registration forms are available at the main office of the Loch-Sloy Business Park, 343 County Rd. 22. Completed forms are due by no later than Aug. 12 and enrolment is limited to 20 participants. -Jason Parks, Staff

JULY 28, 2016 31

The Picton Gazette


Make the most of your summer with these great items. They are great for a road trip across Ontario or a perfect meal with family and friends on the patio. Make sure you enjoy every moment. Find your summer at Metro.




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For recipes and menu ideas, visit 8


32 JULY 28, 2016





Cowan Roofing

• Framing • New Construction • Home Renovation and Repair • Decks and Fencing • Roofing

Call for free estimate Joe Valleau

Ph: 613-962-3234 Cell: 613-921-6768


General Construction Renovations Additions Concrete Siding

Terry Cowan 613-476-2525


BILT4U “cause it is”

•Renovations •Sheds/Decks •Kitchens •Hardwood/Laminate Flooring •Ceramic Tile •Bathrooms 25 years experience Insured Fred Hancock



• Retaining Walls • Septic Systems • Backhoe & Dozer Work • Mini Excavator • Trucking • Topsoil • Mulch • Gravel

56 MAIN ST. PICTON PHONE: 613-476-2446 FAX: 613-476-5272

613-813-4147 613-476-6940

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Septic Systems Trucking Excavators Dozer & Skid Steer Grading Gravel-Sand-Top Soil

613.920.3178 613.476.1187


NOW OFFERING DISPOSAL SERVICES Full Disposal Roofing Materials, Remodeling Debris & Garbage Multiple Bin Sizes Locally owned & operated

613-476-9962 JUNK REMOVAL

County Clean Up Crew Basement, Garage, Attic, Barn Whole House or Property Lawn Cutting, Aerating, Rolling and Trimming No job too small Estate Clean Out Down-sizing Tenant leave you a mess Call Dave 343-261-7756 Senior, veteran & disabled persons discounts.


Is your “honey-do” list out of control?

All minor repairs inside and out. Lights, toilets & sinks, walls, floors, decks & fences.

Over 25 years experience CALL JIM M. cell: 343-263-0656


Home Finishing & Contracting FULLY INSURED


Bruce Hennessy

613-399-3793 613-827-3793 Cell

Drywall, Trim & Paint James Stacey Carpentry Free Estimates

613-827-5201 Email:





McCann Heating & Cooling

SERVING: Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Agricultural • Bulk Markets • Small cylinder exchange program

Owner/Operator Jerry McCann

24 Hour Emergency Service

4003 County Rd. 9 Napanee, Ontario K7R 3K8

1-877-544-3335 613-544-3335 ROOFING

Skilled Labourer bScrap Steel Removal b


Unit #1 - 1525 John Counter Blvd. Kingston


PAINT GUY Robert Cole


New & Renovated Home Painting

Insured & Licensed Tel 613-354-5512 Cell 613-572-5071




Todd Gilbert








Crushed Gravel - Screenings - Septic Stone - Sand Fill Screened Masonry, Concrete & Filter Media Sand Portland, Masonry Type “N” & “S” Cement • Cement Blocks & Brick Poured Walls & Floor Finishing Available Excavator - Backhoe - Dozer Rentals • Septic System Installations ~ SERVICES OF A.C.I. TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE ~ “Providing quality products & service since 1947”


• Framing • Concrete Floors • Stone Work • Additions & Garages • Siding & Decks 30 Years Experience





Construction Co.



RYTE GUYS COMPUTERS We service computers. We sell new and used computers. If you can't get to us we can come to you! We also carry accessories that have a lifetime warranty.

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Call Mandy or Jamie Home: 613-476-6960 Cell: 613-503-0266




• Wood, Gas, Pellet, Electric • Stoves, Fireplaces & Accessories • Sales, Service, Installations • Free Estimates • Chimney Sweeps

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County’s Largest Fireplace Showroom

124 Main St., Picton



Wayne Cronk Painting Wayne Cronk Painting 613-476-5863 20 Years Serving Prince Edward County

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