Picton Gazette May 24 2012

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Proudly servIng PrInCe edward County sInCe 1830

The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

VOLUME 1 8 2 , N O . 2 1


thiS week

PEFHT project brings cardiac rehab home Local cattlemen launch drive to fund dedicated exercise centre adam bramburger Staff writer


PeCi athletes earn nine gold medals at Bay of Quinte meet Page 26


Dukes hopefuls square off to impress management Page 20


Basketball Panthers remember positive building year Page 36

When considering clinical studies about successful rehabilitation options for cardiac patients, Prince Edward Family Health Team physicians discovered a barrier to treatment. Dr. Phil Wattam, the head of the team's congestive heart failure clinic explained those studies indicate a lifechanging rehab program has much better results than medicine for improving heart health. The trouble was such programs only existed in larger centres like in Kingston or in Ottawa and many patients found access to be prohibitive. "There's a fairly high rate of cardiac disease in Prince Edward-Hastings," he said. "We've seen patients here who have had events — either a bypass, valve surgery, or a heart attack who would clearly benefit from structured cardiac rehab, but they just haven't been able to make the trip back to Kingston or elsewhere for this." The Family Health Team noticed that fact so they started envisioning what a program might look like here in the county. Wattam, clinical nurse co-ordinator Mary Stever, and family physician Steve Blanchard consulted with Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston and the Ottawa Heart Institute, who also offer a similar program, to mentor them along. Blanchard agreed his patients saw the need for

Looking back.......6 Weather.............6 Editorials.............7 Letters....................8 Sports....................26 Classifieds............30 Puzzles.................35 CaNaDa’S OLDeSt COMMUNitY NewSPaPer

such a program locally. "My experience personally is that very few of my patients, when offered the program who needed it were able to travel back and forth to Kingston twice a week for the 12 weeks to attend the program they were offered," he said. Last month, with help from the Prince Edward Fitness and Aquatics Centre (PEFAC), who offered space at its facility for reduced fee, Prince Edward Ambulatory Cardiac Health (PEACH) started under the direction of Blanchard, who filled in for the required physiothera-

pist, cardiac rehabilitation registered nurse Cathy Brose, and community planner Wanda Parks. Participants, including PEFHT executive director Duff Sprague, have been involved in a regimented and supervised exercise program over the past eight weeks. Brose said in that short time, they have seen strength, balance, and energy improvements with each participant. Many even attended a barbecue to formally launch the program Tuesday. Wattam said the program involves more than just exer-

cise, but also education about diet and control of blood pressure, lipids, or diabetes. The whole plan focuses on lifestyle changes. "It is well proven it will actually save lives, it improves the quality of life for participants and improves the chances of them getting back to their normal activities or work," he said. According to the PEFHT, the need for such a program is immense. Blanchard said in searching a database of local patients, they discovered more than 1,000 have suffered from some distinct

event or have some form of a coronary disease. It became evident quickly that this would become a major program and there is already a waiting list. With Blanchard filling in and PEFAC eagerly offering support, the program is off and running, but the PEFHT realized it would need more support. It needed funding for a dedicated physiotherapist and it also needed a secondary location with main-floor or elevator access and equipment to grow the program.

See HEART, page 37

County to close its water and wastewater office on Church Street Move to streamline operations will affect staff positions, net impact on labour force uncertain Chad Ibbotson


healthy start Prince Edward Cattlemen’s Association steer show co-chair Dr. John Hancock offers barbecued hamburgers to his partners in the Prince Edward Ambulatory Cardiac Health project, from left, Prince Edward Family Health team members, from left, Cathy Brose, Dr. Phil Wattam, Mary Stever, Dr. Greg Higgins, Duff Sprague, Dr. Steve Blanchard, and Wanda Parks at the launch of the cardiac rehab program Tuesday morning . (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Staff writer

A restructuring within the municipality's water and wastewater department will simultaneously look to provide sustainability and improve service. The municipality announced last week that it has taken its initial steps toward long-term sustainability within the corporation with the restructuring of the water and wastewater department. A May 18 press release

says the department is being restructured to “improve services for water and wastewater users as well as improve departmental organization to meet operational demands.” In order to make those improvements the release says the municipality will look to centralize county services, closing the water and wastewater office located at 37 Church Street in Picton. The release says the closure will affect staff.

P U L L - O U T


“A number of staff positions have been impacted by the realignment and the County is doing its utmost to provide support and assistance to all individuals involved,” the release says. “While some positions have been eliminated, others have been created and existing staff will have access to new and different employment opportunities.” Mayor Peter Mertens said at this point the municipality is uncertain if the process will eliminate

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any jobs. He said the focus of the exercise is to increase efficiency. “We're eliminating that building because very few people were there in any event,” he said. “The main reason for the reorganization is that we're splitting off water from wastewater. The people will require qualifications for the water or wastewater side of it. Up to this point we were hiring people needed to be certified in both disciplines.” He said this made find-


ing and hiring qualified staff extremely difficult. He said the change would make that process easier and could open up opportunities for people from Prince Edward County who have a background in either water or wastewater to apply for jobs, where in the past they would not have been considered. Mertens said the municipality will be looking to centralize services wherever possible.

See CLOSURE, page 37

I N S I D E !

120 HOUR



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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Social Notes Congratulations Sally & Thom VanCott on your th


Wedding Anniversary May 26, 2012

Love and Best Wishes from all Your Family!!

I could marry this girl


Forthcoming Marriage

Lawn Party

Rachel and Gordie Poff along with Jennifer and Brandon Thompson are proud to announce the forthcoming marriage of their parents April Leavitt, daughter of Gord and Gail Leavitt of Picton to Randy Thompson, son of Joanne and the late Dale Thompson of Picton. The wedding is to take place August 4, 2012. The reception to follow at the Elks Lodge 7:00pm-1:00am

Happy 90th Birthday Marion Townsend

Happy 30th Birthday Wendy Mack to be held on June 3, 2012 from 1-4pm on the front lawn at the home of Marion Townsend 144 Weese Rd Ameliasurgh Twp, Prince Edward County Bring lawn chair and best wishes.

IT WAS MAY 26, 2006... HUH?

“From the day we met, I knew That it’s Rock N’ Roll Heaven with you� Jackie Rea, I love you. Love, Pete

The 45-passenger Kawartha Voyageur came into the Picton Harbour before dusk Friday for one of the stops on a seven-day tour from Rosedale, at the high end of the Trent-Severn Waterway through the Quinte region to Kingston and the Thousand Islands. The riverboat features a full dining room, lounge, and double occupancy cabins. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Bylaw gives municipality chance to attract youth, save money

Early retirement incentive for County staff Chad Ibbotson

Staff writer

Municipal employees contemplating retirement will now have more reason to do so. On Tuesday council approved the creation of an early retirement incentive plan intended to encourage voluntary early retirement from the municipality with a reduced impact to their financial health and to “effectively manage staff replacement and succession planning for the municipality,� the report submitted to councillors says. The report says the bylaw provides an opportunity for some the municipality's longest serving employees to retire with the objective being to help the municipality achieve its fiscal responsibilities while reducing the finan-

cial impact of retirement on the employee. Employees who are eligible to receive an immediate Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) pension will be entitled to one per cent of their annual base salary per year of service. The incentive funds will be paid out over a four-year period in equal annual installments that will commence upon retirement. To be eligible for the incentive plan, employees must also apply at least three months prior to their proposed early retirement date, must be a permanent employee of the municipality and must be within 10 years of their normal retirement age. Approval of the applications will be at the full discretion of the municipality. Mayor Peter Mertens said there may be people working

for the municipality who have been there for many years, but aren't sure about retiring. He said this may help them decide. “They would like to retire but, for one reason or another, they haven't made up their mind yet,� he said. “This is a good incentive for them to do it sooner rather than later.� Mertens said this would also benefit the municipality because it give those who are already considering retirement a chance to do so while at the same time allowing younger employees to step up. “It's our most senior people and these are people that have been around the longest, they're the highest paid,� he said. “It opens up opportunities for younger people to step into positions and often at less money.�


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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Lots on display at annual Macaulay Lilac Festival Identification clinic a highlight at opening AdAm BrAmBurger Staff writer

There was plenty more than blossoms on display Saturday as Macaulay House kicked off the season at its annual Lilac Festival. Throughout the day, the grounds were turned into a treasure trove for those interested in time-honoured crafts and antiques. On the front lawn, members of the Cold Creek Wood Carvers showed off some of their finest work and created a number of wooden feathers to hand out to passersby. Across from them, artist -in-residence Judy Plomer showed off the vibrant colours of some of her paintings of lilacs, while Maia Heissler continued to dip her beeswax candles to the delight of guests, though maybe not herself since the warmth made it tough for the wax to dry. All around the grounds, artisans plied their wares for enthusiastic customers. In the stone room at the back of the historic house, members of the Prince Edward County Quilter’s Guild were busy selling raffle tickets for a handmade Victorian Rose Garden raffle quilt and sharing news of their upcoming show in a new venue at the Wellington and District Recreation Centre July 7-8. Past-president Jane Cunningham said she felt the festival was well worth

finding vAlue Hiistorian Derek Cooke examines

a piece brought to the Macaulay Heritage Park Lilac Festival Saturday to determine its period of origin and approximate value for park visitors. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

attending this year. “The venue is excellent. I really like the stone room for displaying quilts,� she said. “Traffic was a bit slower this morning, but it really picked up throughout the afternoon.� One of the most popular destinations for that traffic was Derek Cooke’s table. With an invitation from head curator Jennifer Lyons, Cook set up an antique identification clinic which allowed people to bring their cherished items or curiosities to be evaluated. “I try to tell them what they have, how to research it, and how to date it,� said Cooke, whose background includes 35 years in heritage

fields including time as a museum curator and experience evaluating pieces from the 18-20th Centuries. With the value of programs like the Antiques Roadshow, Cooke said a lot of people were interested in getting down to the basic financial value of pieces, but he said that’s not always easy to come by. “Value is not always financial,� he said. “An item can have value for family connections, memories, or local heritage.� Cooke said he enjoys hearing stories about items, noting each can give some insight about the families who had them or why they ended up in the region where


they reside. Often, he says, he’ll give people the best news he can about monetary value, listing the range they can expect, and he also directs them to the information he’s used in his research. He said the fact that he isn’t a dealer usually allows people to be more honest with him and if he finds he doesn’t know about an item, Cooke isn’t afraid to say so. Some of the more interesting items he saw included a novelty yes/no teddy bear from the 1920s, a half-model of a schooner used in shipbuilding in the Waupoos area, and a Beatles ticket saved from a Maple Leaf Gardens engagement. Cooke says he’s traveled to museums across Canada to offer clinics and he’s always found himself amazed by something there. “Recently in Yellowknife, I did a show and a couple items made my knees go weak,� he said. “They were objects related to the British military in the 1840s.� Among them was a writing set issued by Queen Victoria as well as some rare oil paintings. Cooke said he hopes to do more with local museums in the future. Meanwhile, for all the new attractions, volunteers reported a number of new faces — many from within the county — coming to look at the house itself. “It’s been very steady through the house all day,� said Friends of Macaulay Heritage Park chair Nancy Hezlep Woods, who was demonstrating bread baking. “ Lots of people have come in. We’ve had a great day.�

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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Structure of new community development commission receives approval Councillors Proctor, Shortt, Taste and PECCTAC reps, and three citizens at large to sit as newly constituted body Chad Ibbotson

Staff writer

Council has approved the creation of the community development department and has chosen the municipality's representatives for the community development commission. While the ultimate structure of the community development department will be addressed as part of the municipality's organizational review, the community development commission will consist of two councillors — Barbara Proctor and Terry Shortt — one member from Taste the County, one member from the Prince

with an opportunity for applications within the next two to three weeks,” he said. The commission, once constructed, will look to create collaborative partnerships in a leadership role and, with other local service providers will explore: The partners' mandates, roles and service delivery to interpret duplication, redundancy and gaps in local service support and delivery; create a strategic plan; decide on objectives and division of responsibilities and allocation of funding to eliminate duplication and gaps in community services and program delivery; and be the real estate arm of the municipality.

Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce and three additional members who will reflect the diversity of the community. Mayor Peter Mertens said the commission will make recommendations on the overall economic development strategy, but he said as of now the commission has a rough mandate with a lot of details yet to be fleshed out. He said the municipality would be releasing more information about the commission in the coming days and then will ask volunteers to submit applications for an opportunity to sit on the commission. “We hope to follow it up

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The commission would look to “foster and assess potential relationships and networks regionally, provincially and federally while maintaining an interest in global issues,” and would look to complete more work with the same amount of funding. The commission will also recommend municipal financial resources required for community development to council; recommend community and economic development policy, programming and action planning; explore opportunities to infuse financial stability into the county’s built heritage attractions, non-profit and volunteer organizations. Commission members will serve without remuneration and will not directly or indirectly receive any profit from the position. The commission will prepare an annual business plan/budget and will annually recommend council’s approval of the annual business plan and current year budget that will confirm the operating budget, the updated five-year capital program, the revenue budget, and associated fees and charges. While the creation of the department and commission was approved by a wide majority, a few councillors were concerned with both

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isn't a solution, but a way to get to the solution. “This is the vehicle to achieve the solution. What we've done is substantially slow down our movement forward in order to consult with as many people as possible, as many agencies as possible,” he said. “What the commission is going to do as part of it's mandate is create the plan.” Dewing said if the application process doesn't yield the type of diversity council is seeking for the commission, the next step would be to directly solicit members from specific areas. “I'm hoping that through the application process you will see a natural fit with certain people,” he said. “If that doesn't happen you have to go back to the drawing board and say I need someone from this sector or that sector.”

Council decided Tuesday evening to reinstate the budget for the Wellington Cemetery board after it was cut from the budget during deliberations in March. The Wellington Cemetery board had requested $6,000, but did not know they were required to make a deputation to council to say why the money was needed or what it would be used for. Cemetery board chair Paul Greer asked council at a May 10 committee-of-thewhole meeting to reinstate the money, saying the board had now idea they needed to make a deputation as it was common practice for them to receive the money without doing so. “Just after the budget was

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passed we realized our funding had been cut,” Greer said at the meeting. “One thing I want to make clear is Wellington Cemetery is owned by the municipality, but our board just helps oversee and manage what happens there as far as maintenance and care.” The board was asking for $6,000 after deciding that amount would be enough to complete the cemetery's obligations for the year. “In May we still feel that's the number that's going to get us through,” he said. “If we thought we needed to make a deputation we would have. I would have gladly come down and spoken to council. In the last few years we've never had to do that.”

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On Tuesday council, without much discussion, approved an over-expenditure in the community, hospital, tourism and council grants 2012 budget by the amount of the grant. Mayor Peter Mertens said it was important to replace the funding. “Had (the board) realized what was involved, had they realized what was happening, they would have been here to speak to it the first time around and clearly it wouldn't have been cut from the budget,” he said. “All we were doing today was doing what's right to restore it.” Mertens said the cemetery board is a volunteer group that works hard to maintain the cemetery and is able to do so, in many ways, at a lower cost than the municipality may be able to. “It would be really devastating to them to lose that money and council saw that, so there was very little discussion,” he said. “When you have cemeteries like Glenwood or Wellington that are being operated, managed, and looked after primarily by volunteers, who do a phenomenal job — that's what we should be encouraging.”



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the composition of the commission as well as the status of the overall strategic plan for economic development. Councillor Jamie Forrester said a year ago council asked for the strategic plan for economic development. “I have no problem with the commission and I think it's great to have all the local businesses work together, but it still doesn't address an economic plan,” he said. “…Where is my economic development plan we were promised last year?” Councillor Brian Marisett wanted to make sure every area of the county's economy is included equitably in the composition of the commission. “I want to ensure that all the pillars are represented,” he said. County CAO Merlin Dewing said the commission

tERRY shoRtt

Council restores Wellington cemetery funding

There is still time to enter a team. Pick up your team kit at Scotiabank in Picton or Wellington


baRb PRoCtoR

-Chad ibbotson, Staff

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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012













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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012


Looking back in the

Picton Gazette 80 years ago — 1932

■ Ontario’s premier, George S. Henry, confirmed he would be speaking at the gathering of a United Empire Loyalist pilgrimage to be held at Carrying Place on Dominion Day that July. ■ St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Picton was busy appointing committees and making plans to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 1933. The committees would be preparing to stage a weeklong celebration the following July. ■ One family was very lucky to avoid Victoria Day tragedy. Some youth were playing with firecrackers when they tied one to the tail of their pet collie. The firecracker ignited and exploded. Concerned her dog’s curly hair would catch on fire, a young girl was crying when her parents arrived and pulled the dog from their home. Neither the dog nor the house caught fire in the incident.

50 years ago — 1962

■ MPP Whitney Norris announced the technical addition proposed for PECI had been approved at Queen’s Park. Tenders for the project were to be called in June with hopes the addition would open in 1963. The federal and provincial governments agreed to finance the construction project in its entirety, and premier John Robarts boasted of the jobs that created. ■ Douglas Alkenbrack emerged as the candidate for the Prince Edward-Lennox Federal Progressive Conservatives as he beat fellow Napanee natives Clarence Milligan and George Tustin on the first ballot. Both Milligan and Tustin had served previously as MPs in the riding. .■ Rev. R.B. Deblois Wright, the rector at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church asked all members of his congregation to start bringing their Bibles to church. .

30 years ago — 1982

■ Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital chair Ted Rutter told guests at its 60th annual meeting that a $420,000 air conditioning project had been completed and the hospital board was about to turn its attention toward an expansion of the X-ray department. ■ While County councillors expressed satisfaction with the way their municipalities offer library services, they voted to investigate the formation of a County system, particularly give then prospect of a $25,000 provincial grant for the study. ■ County council and CUPE negotiators representing local roads workers came to terms on a contract offering about a 24per-cent wage hike over its two-year term.

10 years ago — 2002

■ Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Ernie Parsons took on a new role in Dalton McGuinty’s shadow cabinet as he became critic for the Ministry of Natural Resources. Parsons had some background with MNR issues including the Bay of Quinte walleye fishery and the Muscote Bay duck hunt, and also some resource management issues in the north. ■ The sand dunes and beach at the end of Bakker’s Road were to be restored under the direction of Quinte Conservation after a developer removed the dunes without proper permission. ■ Quinte Health Care was optimistic four physicians touring its facilities would sign on to practice medicine within the region. Two were family physicians.



25C 14C


Weekend WeATHeR fORecAST

24C 17C


23C 13C


22C 16C









There is no probability of precipitation projected in today's weather forecast.

There is no probability of precipitation projected in Friday’s weather forecast.

There is no probability of precipitation projected in Saturday’s weather forecast.

There is a high likelihood of rain showers projected in Sunday’s weather forecast.

*Based on Environment Canada data, used with permission.

Tennessee warblers rarely visit Tennessee

It is among the mid-May warbler arrivals at Prince Edward Point — not as early as those who flirt with late April, but not as late either as the mourning or blackpoll warblers that traditionally arrive during the latter part of the month. Sort of in between, although several showed up this spring as early as May 3. Those who keep track of migrant dates, already know that this was an unusual spring. Few migrants respected average arrival dates this spring and surprised many with their early appearances, some two weeks ahead of schedule. When the Tennessee warblers arrived early this month in the Point Traverse Woods, we didn’t have to see them to know they were here. We simply had to watch for any vibrating twigs and listen for a vibrant, energetic song. The Tennessee warbler arrives from Central America and northern South America with an energy that must be seen and heard to be appreciated. Its loud and determined staccato is delivered with such exuberance that the bird actually shakes from the effort, causing the leaves around it to tremble. We heard the first individual as we rounded a corner in the trail that winds its way through the prickly ash and ironwoods of the Point Traverse Woods. Its energetic “ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, swit swit, sitsit-sit-sit-sit-sit” is quite unlike the songs of any of the other 35 species of warblers that pass through this tip of Prince Edward County, and on a quiet morning, echoes through the trees, drowning out the songs of the rose-breasted grosbeaks and scarlet tanagers. It is a good

The ongoing fallout from a road rage incident west of Cobourg ended with a highrisk takedown at Sandbanks Sunday afternoon. Police report west of Cobourg, the suspects cut off a car, prompting its occupants to gesture toward them. In response, they threw garbage at that person. Worried, the party the police

thing that the bird has such a memorable song, for compared to the brilliant colours of our other warbler species, the Tennessee pales by comparison, looking more like a drab, olivegrey vireo. It is a specialist — a spruce budworm specialist to be exact, and it is on its way to the boreal forests where it will nest upon arrival. Its presence at Prince Edward Point is only temporary and the ones we saw have likely moved on by now. Incredibly, over 90 per cent of the global population of Tennessee warblers breeds in Canada’s boreal forests. The population there fluctuates as it is a specialty feeder during the nesting season, responding to periodic outbreaks of spruce budworm caterpillars, on which the species is a well-documented feeder. During budworm epidemics, populations of these little voracious budworm eaters may exceed 500 birds/100 hectares, although aerial spraying of chemical insecticides to control the insect

negatively impacts the survival and reproductive success of Tennessees. We are already familiar with another spruce budworm connoisseur, the evening grosbeak. No, sunflower seeds are not their favourite food. They relishes spruce budworms too, mainly to feed their young, and since there hasn’t been a major outbreak of spruce budworm since the 1970s, these bird feeder favourites have plummeted in numbers from the days when we used to have to buy sunflower seed by the bagful to satisfy the appetites of these huge birds. But, let’s get back to the Tennessee warbler. What is a bird with a name like that doing here in Prince Edward County every spring in the first place? Despite its misleading name, the Tennessee warbler neither breeds nor over-winters in the state of Tennessee. The bird was named by Alexander Wilson (his name crops up too in the naming of our Wilson’s snipe), in 1832, when he first discovered the bird, in Tennessee. Specimen collecting was popular back then, and he collected an individual which happened to be passing through the state midway in its migration between the tropical forests of Mexico and Central America and the Canadian boreal forest. Had it not first been discovered in Tennessee, the bird could well have been named the “coffee warbler,” for that is surely where if often overwinters, in the coffee plantations of Latin America. It was many years though, after the bird was named, that it was even known where the Tennessee warbler spent the summer. It wasn’t until the

early 1900s that nests were found in Canada, and we now know that its breeding range stretches right across boreal Canada, from British Columbia to New Brunswick. While its food preference is the spruce budworm caterpillar, the bird isn’t so specialized that it cannot resort to other foods. It does so very well, feeding during migration on other insects and spiders, and when in its wintering grounds, feasting on fruit and flower nectar. However, when on its breeding grounds, it’s the spruce budworm that is the caviar for a brief period each year. And before arriving there, we have the pleasure of listening to its energetic song during the last week or so of May as it works its way northward. Next year, in mid-May, be sure to check out any tree leaves that are vibrating. Behind those leaves, will be a bird who makes up for his unassuming appearance with energy and song. Thank you to those who attended our Spring Birding Festival last week. It is always great to see birders from across Ontario, as well as from other provinces and the northern U.S., joining us at this spectacular event which is now giving Point Pelee a run for its money. Nice to see author/naturalist/photographer Michael Runtz of the Kingston area so involved in the festival this year.

say is the victim pulled off Hwy 401 near Cobourg, only to be followed, where a heated altercation occurred. One of the suspects allegedly jumped on the victim’s car, while another, the driver, threatened to shoot with a concealed weapon hidden under his shirt. Friends of the suspects arrived at the off-ramp in a

third vehicle, allowing the victim to flee the scene and call police. A bulletin was put out to all area police forces with descriptions of the suspect vehicles from the incident. Before 5 p.m. Prince Edward OPP officers spotted the vehicles in the parking lot at Sandbanks and searched the park with the assistance of park wardens. The suspects were found

on the beach. Tactical officers conducted a high-risk takedown and found no guns. A Scarborough man faces assault, uttering threats and mischief charges. A second Scaborough man faces mischief charges, while a Toronto man faces a breach of recognizance charge following the incident.


For more information on today’s topic, please e-mail tsprague@kos.net or phone 613?476?5072. For more information on nature in the Quinte area, be sure to check out www.naturestuff.net .

Road rage incident on Hwy 401 leads to high-risk police manoeuvres at Sandbanks


EDITORIALS The Picton Gazette


THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012


OUr OPiniOn

‘ What we've done is substantially slow down our movement forward in order to consult with as many people and as many agencies as possible...What the commission is going to do as part of its mandate is create the plan.’ -P rince e dWard c ounty c hief a dministrative officer m erlin d eWing exPlaining community develoPment coalition isn ’ t an economic develoPment solution , but agent tasked With Working to create a Workable solution .’


the an

LiLacs and Lanterns Maia Heissler, of Frankford, shows off some of her pure beeswax candles in front of a backdrop of lilac bushes during the Macaulay Heritage Park’s opening weekend Lilac Festival. Heissler said many guests stopped to see her demonstration and learn more about her craft. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Awareness, strength in numbers helpful to eliminate hate

CALL it strength in numbers. Just hours after last week’s Gazette hit the streets with the horrible photo of the graffiti painted across the entrance of Lorraine McConnell’s home screaming “die dyke” several times, local residents took to social media to say that type of cowardly act isn’t welcome in this community and to offer McConnell support and help cleaning up her own home. While we’re certain that McConnell appreciated the backing, it’s almost certain that she would rather have not spread her news and been the subject of a story. No one should have to deal with such hatred or have to share that experience with those around her, those with empathy and those without. Given that she did have to deal with it, McConnell can be applauded for choosing not to deal with this most brutal, hate-filled crime on her own. Similarly, those residents on County Rd. 1 who had their peace shattered by having their homes defaced with less personal, albeit still hurtful messages, and those downtown business people who have also seen a rash of vulgarity painted on their property deserve applause and support for stepping forward and letting people become aware that something has happened here. Most forms of bullying, abuse, and hatred occur because the perpetrators believe they can elicit a reaction and because they believe they can get away with it because no one is going to step forward and end it because of fears of retaliation or ongoing torment. People in this community are showing that they aren’t afraid and they’re ready to stand up and ensure their home and community is a place where people can be free to live, just as they should be. Far too many such incidents have been shoved under the rug in communities around the world, and although attention can also bring about the possibility of copycat incidents, it is in that darkness which hatred blossoms and grows. Awareness is always a good first step to problem solving, but the challenge now is to build upon that awareness to start ensuring that such acts don’t take place again. That certainly isn’t a call for some sort of vigilante justice, but maybe it is time to consider neighbourhood watch groups, community policing, and similar initiatives, if not some kind of public database, which reveals that these types of scary incidents do indeed happen everywhere. Demonstrations, education events, and other public rallies to ensure that people feel safe and included would also be welcomed, even if only to show younger generations that bullying and hatred doesn’t have to be something they live with, it is something that can be limited in the future — and, to their credit, many schools today do a much better job sending that message than ever before, albeit in a seemingly larger, more ominous world. The bottom line is that we need people like McConnell and those who came to her support. By not staying silent, they are making a difference.


267 Main Street, Picton K0K 2T0 Telephone: 613-476-3201 Fax: 613-476-3464 Editorial e-mail: gazette@bellnet.ca Classifieds e-mail: gazetteclass@bellnet.ca Sales e-mail: inez@pictongazette.com Web site: www.pictongazette.com

The Picton Gazette is locally owned and operated. It is published every Thursday by The Picton Gazette Ltd.and distributed in Prince Edward County. For out-of-town subscription rates, please call 613-476-3201. All materials are protected by copyright. PAP. Registration No. 09250 Agreement No. 40005316

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Scott Johnston Sales Mgr.

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Adam Bramburger Editor

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Chad Ibbotson Reporter


THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Author to launch Laura Secord bio at Wellington library

The County of Prince Edward Public Library & Archives invites the community to the book launch for Peggy Dymond Leavey’s latest work Laura Secord; Heroine of the War of 1812. The event takes place this Sunday, May 27 at 2 p.m. in the meeting room downstairs at the Wellington Branch Library. Leavey, a well-known author of books for younger readers, is also the author of three non-fiction titles for adults, including The Movie Years – Trenton 1917-1934, Mary Pickford: Canada's Silent Siren, America's Sweetheart and this newest title about Laura Secord. Publisher Dundurn Press approached Leavey and asked if she would consider writing the biography following the author’s previous wellreceived work which featured film star Mary Pickford. “When they asked me if I'd be interested in writing a biography of Laura Secord,” says Leavey, “I knew I couldn't turn down the opportunity to work with Dundurn again.” The publisher explained that the book had to be written in six months in order to coincide with the first of the bicentennial celebrations of the War of 1812. “That sounded a little daunting at first,” she admits “but I'd said I was up to the challenge. And we made it!” In fact, the manuscript was written a little ahead of schedule. The subject of the book, Laura Secord, whose name often brings to mind chocolate and ice cream, is in fact the famous Canadian best known for warning British forces of an impending American attack that led to the British victory at the Battle of Beaver Dams. Secord is also one of few prominent females in history books. It was not, however, her obvious courage and perseverance that most intrigued the Leavey as she researched her new book. “Most fascinating for me was discovering details of the everyday life of this legendary heroine,” explains Leavey. “Not her heroism but the things that made her "real." For example, the author discovered that Secord


worked in a tavern when she first came to Upper Canada. She came from Massachusetts with her father, stepmother and younger siblings when she was 20, in 1795. “While he cleared land in the Thames Valley and built a house for the family, her father ran a tavern in the town of Queenston,” explains Leavey. “Everyone in the family old enough to work, helped out in the tavern. It was most likely there that Laura met James Secord, a shopkeeper from nearby St. Davids.” After the couple was married, they shared their home with James's store. The merchandise he sold was displayed in the front windows of the house. “Another example of the ordinary life of Laura Secord was how, when her seven children were grown, she hoped to get a job as caretaker of Brock's Monument at Queenston Heights. The position would require her to collect admission, act as tour guide, and sell refreshments. When someone else got the job, Laura was bitterly disappointed. “It's the little details like these, I think, that make her story interesting,” says the author. At the official book launch this Sunday, Peggy Dymond Leavey will talk briefly about the book, read a short excerpt from it and answer questions from the audience. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and the author will sign copies as well. Refreshments will be served. This is a free event and all are welcome.

Smith partners with Liberal to help real estate agents

With the help of a politician on the other side of the aisle at Queen’s Park, Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Todd Smith said he’s put forward a bill to help real estate agents do business. Seconded by Ottawa Centre Liberal Yasir Naqvi, Smith’s private member’s bill would effectively limit e-Commerce regulations that prevent real estate agents from using electronic signatures on agreements for sales, purchases and transfers of land. Smith said he hopes the bipartisan origins of the bill


will give it a chance to pass, helping realtors cut down red tape in their business. “Our regulations need to make sense and keep up with the advances we’re making in technology,” said Smith. “Here we had a piece of regulation that was holding back our real estate sector and it was time to remove it. When you have a common sense piece of law like this, it makes sense to work with the other parties and gain their support.” -Staff

The 1st Demorestville Brownies recently invited Prince Edward OPP community services officer Const. Kim Guthrie to speak with them about bicycle safety. Brown Owl Jennifer Wilson and Tawny Owl Darlene Gould requested Guthrie have a proactive talk with the troop about bicycle safety. On May 15, the girls learned about proper helmet fittings, hand signals, and safe riding rules. Each Brownie was also put through her paces on a mock street and intersection, where they had to negotiate their bicycles through a controlled course to demonstrate the knowledge she had learned. (Submitted photo)


Lilac Festival was well-run, enjoyable endeavour

I wish to share my delightful experience as a firsttime charity vendor at this year's Lilac Festival with your community of readers. I worked with Jennifer Lyons who competently answered every question I had so that I was properly prepared for this event. She answered every e-mail promptly and when I arrived on site at 7 a.m, she and her amazing staff of

volunteers had signs and tables for all vendors laid out around this expansive property. Everything was superbly organized and so many \knowledgeable volunteers were at the ready to represent our amazing museum to the public. I was so impressed by the museum volunteers who were dressed in costume cooking over the hearth and giving tours,

and by the women selling under-priced, scrumptious homemade goodies to tourists and local residents. The camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst all the vendors and participants was apparent to all visitors who left with wonderful plants, goodies, crafts and a respect for this group of local people who on a sunny long weekend were willing to share their belief that history matters.

I applaud this group of hard working individuals who made me feel so welcome. During this time of fiscal restraint, I certainly felt the small contribution that I was asked to make was most reasonable. I hope even more people will take advantage of this unique opportunity next year.

The Friends of Macaulay Heritage Park would like to thank everyone - visitor, demonstrator and vendor, who came to the May 19 Lilac day to help us kick off the 2012 museum season. This historic site continues to thrive because of the positive working relationships between the volunteers, staff, and students. Each individual has unique ideas and skills which when shared form

the base of a strong working group. This is true of all of the Museums of Prince Edward County and is one of the primary reasons the Museums have such an important place in our community. Thanks also to CountyLive, the Wellington Times and other media groups in the area who are working with us to promote and inform the public of the unique resources available to

all of us at Prince Edward County Museums. (Ameliasburgh Historical Village, Macaulay Heritage Park, Mariner's Park Museum, Rose House Museum and Wellington Heritage Museum) We encourage you to visit, and learn more about the development of this area which has welcomed so many and whose history is the foundation upon which our future is built.

Attending a special event at a museum is only one of many reasons to visit. Come and check out some of the revitalized and new exhibits at each site. You may be pleasantly surprised to find something that has a direct connection to you, your family, your generation.

Kathy Felkar Picton

Museums offer many good reasons to learn about past

Nancy Hezlep Woods Chair, Friends of Macaulay Heritage Park

Herons on the county’s south shore will be just fine

Jim McPherson wrote passionately about his concern over the dangers the county’s blue herons face from wpd’s proposed wind farm (“What will happen to the herons in the south?”, April 26). He predicts dire consequences and writes “Just imagine the effect that industrial wind turbines will have on a County heron’s life: almost certain deaths in their families.” His comment piqued my curiosity and stimulated me to look into the question “Do wind farms kill herons?”

The obvious place to start looking for answers seemed to be Wolfe Island. Eight species of heron appear on the list of birds found on Wolfe Island (http://www.wolfeisland.co m/mtbirdwatching/images /birdsofwolfeisland_04.pdf). Six of the eight have been known to breed in the Kingston area and include : great blue heron; green heron, black-crowned nightheron ( http://www.kingstonfieldnaturalists.org/checklists/ki ngstonbirds.pdf ).

A detailed analysis of the bird deaths attributable to the Wolfe Island wind farm can be found in the half yearly post-onstruction monitoring reports that Trans Alta is required to produce. I checked only the most recent four of these reports but found that in the two year period July 2009 to June 2011 not a single heron appears in the summary tables of bird fatalities by species. See for yourself at: http://www.transalta.com/ sites/default/files/PCFP_R eport5_Dec2011.pdf and

http://www.transalta.com/ facilities/plants-operation/wolfe-island/pastreports. While it seems a pity to let facts stand in the way of a good scare story, the fact that Wolfe Island wind turbines do not seem to be killing herons casts serious doubt on the dire threat of “almost certain deaths” that Jim fears. Jim and other heron fans (I am one of them) should feel reassured. Rob Williams Athol

The Picton Gazette welcomes letters to the editor of 500 words or less. The letters may be edited for clarity, legal ramifications, length or general taste at the editor’s discretion. We also reserve the right to refuse to publish submitted letters for the same reasons. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the Gazette, its publisher, or staff. Submitted items become the property of the Picton Gazette.


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

WHATTAM’S COMMUNITY CALENDAR The Community Calendar is donated as a public service to our community by The Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main St., West, Picton (613-476-2450)

SPACE IS AVAILABLE TO all non-profit groups or organizations that serve 'The County' ONLY. Calendar items can be faxed 476-3031, emailed whattamfh@sympatico.ca or placed in drop box at the side door of the Funeral Home by Monday at noon. WHATTAM'S is proud to present....'Free Family Movie Day' at the Regent Theatre the last Sunday of each month 2pm. Movie for Sun. May 28 is PiratesBand of Misfits. Enjoy!

SuCCESSoRS Mayor Peter Mertens and CAO Merlin Dewing congratulate the successful candidates for the new acting CAO program — corporate services and finance commissioner Susan Turnbull, public works commissioner Robert McAuley and treasurer James Hepburn on their inclusion in the program.. (Submitted photo)

Acting CAO pool announced County program trains staff for high-end positions Chad IbboTSoN

StAff wRiteR

The municipality's new acting chief administrative officer program got off the ground last week with the selection of the initiative's first candidates. Prince Edward County CAO Merlin Dewing announced late last week he has chosen the staff members who will participate in the program. The successful candidates are treasurer James Hepburn, public works commissioner Robert McAuley and corporate services and finance commissioner Susan Turnbull. The program's application process was open to all municipal employees. The new program will make sure that services and municipal business will continue unimpeded in the event that the CAO is away. A press release issue on May 18 said the new program is “intended to support a succession plan strategy and maintain the delivery of continuous customer service excellence during absences of the CAO.” Acting CAOs will be appointed for fixed time frames and during that time will have all the power and authority of the CAO, ensuring their ability to effectively manage staff, municipal operations and act on direction from council in a timely manner while the CAO is away. The press release says any additional cost to the municipality due to the program is minimal because acting CAO pay will apply only to the period that the appointments are in effect. “The program is intended to commence immediately with acting CAOs being appointed on an asneeded basis,” the release says. “Participants will also be assigned special projects throughout the year, which will be completed individually or as a group, and are specifically intended to provide advanced professional development oppor-

‘Succession planning is a primary component of corporate realignment.’


tunities.” Dewing said the candidates have already shown their capabilities in their time with the municipality. “The candidates selected for the acting CAO program have demonstrated administrative excellence since joining the team at the County of Prince Edward,” he said. Dewing said the program will benefit both the municipality and the candidates, who will gain valuable experience. “Their skills, experience, and dedication will provide the leadership necessary to ensure the acting CAO program serves its intended purpose — upholding continuity, authority and steady business flow in the absence of the CAO, while providing them with continuous learning and professional development opportunities,” he said. James Hepburn has been the municipality's treasurer since October 2008, where he has been responsible for financial reporting, budgeting, accounting and treasury. Before joining the County, Hepburn most recently held a position as a senior market analyst for Natural Resources Canada. A Queen's University graduate, Hepburn has spent most of his life in the county and has been actively involved in numerous local organizations. Joining the County in January 2009 was commissioner of corporate services and finance Susan Turnbull. Turnbull has worked with several municipal

governments including the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as director of finance and treasurer, City of Oshawa as director of financial planning and budgets and the Town of Richmond Hill as director of financial planning. Robert McAuley joined the municipality as commissioner of public works in November 2009. An engineer by trade, McAuley has also been an entrepreneur, consultant, has worked with both large and small private companies, and has been a senior municipal official for many years. McAuley has an extensive background in management with numerous companies and was director of planning and development for the Town of Innisfil. Mayor Peter Mertens said the program would play a significant part in the municipality's plans moving forward. “Succession planning is a primary component of corporate realignment and supports the County’s movement towards municipal sustainability,” he said. Mertens said recruiting for high level positions like the CAO and commissioners can be a difficult and exhaustive process that has the potential to become very costly. “Succession planning mitigates potential recruitment cost by increasing the number of qualified internal candidates and improving the probability of a suitable candidate being recruited locally,” Mertens said. “Council’s support of the acting CAO program demonstrates its commitment to effective, efficient, and sustainable municipal processes.” The release said succession planning wouldn't be “limited to the CAO position, as the corporation is dedicated to identifying and creating opportunities for employees to cultivate capacity from within.”

ROTARY CASH CALENDER WINNERS David Wakefield, Adam Botts, Karen Stanton, Stan Young, Roger Corbin, Geraldine Dyke. Congratulations. PECCS - Drop-off Kindergarten Readiness Kent Public School Tues June 5/12/19/26 1-3pm. Free program for children entering school this fall. Focus on developing childs socialization, listening & selfhelp skills. Info/registration 476-8142. PEC COMMUNITY CARE FOR SENIORS Volunteer Drivers Needed to escort seniors to medical appointments, essential shopping, etc. 4767493. ALBURY FRIENDSHIP GROUP - each Wed AM Quilts for sale Albury Church Rednersville Rd. Proceeds to local womens charities. SHOUT SISTER CHOIR - love to sing, relaxed atmosphere & repertoire of popular music. No auctions & no need to read music. Each Mon 7-9pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall parking in rear. Director Georgette Fry. www.shoutsisterchoir.ca. ARTS ON MAIN GALLERY - Summer show 223 Main St Picton. 476-5665. PICTON FOOD BANK in need canned fruit, veggies, cereals, kraft dinner, cookies, juice crystals, peanut butter, tuna. LOYALIST HUMANE SOCIETY - donations needed food, litter, cleaning supplies, paper products & dire need for kitten food canned and dry (some of our older or sick cats need the kitten food too). 476-4951. PEC ARTS COUNCIL - Dance Art in Motion 1st & 3rd Tues 6-8pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall bring water bottle $5/class. All welcome. Jutta 4766095/Myrna 476-4008. MAY 24 - AL-ANON - affected by someones drinking? each Thurs 10:30am St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall. 866-951-3711. MAY 25 - PICTON LEGION - BBQ hamburgers with trimmings $4 6-7. donations of chips/cheezies/pretzels/any snack food appreciated. Karaoke with Marcel Quenville 7-11pm in lounge. All welcome. MAY 25 - PECCS - St John Babysitting Course 9am-4pm 10 McFarland Court Picton. $40 12 yrs & older Register 476-8142. MAY 25 - PICTON LIBRARY - Toddler Dance Party 10am suggest 6-18 months. MAY 25 - BELLEVILLE CLUB 39 - Dance 8pm Belleville Fish & Game Hall to Big Band Starliters Orchestra. Singles/couples welcome. Members $10/non-members $12. Lunch. 392-9631/966-6596. MAY 25 - ALATEEN - 12-19 yrs affected by someones drinking each Fri 7:30pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall. 866-951-3711. MAY 25 - WELLINGTON LEGION - BBQ chicken breast/veggies/dessert/beverage $11.95. MAY 25 - PECMH AUXILIARY - Tag Day- support our Auxiliary! MAY 25 - PEC ROCK GEM & MINERAL CLUB - meeting 7:30-9:30pm Bloomfield Town Hall. All ages novice to pro. Field trips planned & show July 15 Crystal Palace. MAY 25-26 - COMMUNITY LIVING PE - Yard sale proceeds to communication devices & enhance community participation for individuals. MAY 26 - CONSECON LEGION - Adult Fishing Derby pike & pickerel $10. Info at Legion. MAY 26 - ST MARY MAGDALENE - Spring ?Tea 1-3pm Parish Hall. Reserve 476-7205/4766032. MAY 26 - COUNTY COMMUNITY RALLY Turbine talk (how it affects you), music, BBQ 36pm The Shed Milford. MAY 26 - WESLEY UNITED CHURCH MOUNTAIN VIEW - Yard Sale 9am-2pm baked goods/plants/many treasurers 44 Union Rd Mountain View. MAY 26 - PECI - Car Wash Picton Fire Hall to support PECI Boys Soccer team trip to OFSAA. $10. MAY 26 - HOSPICE PE - Benefit Dinner/Dance 5pm Highline Hall Wellington arena with The Reasons. Silent Auction/50/50 draw/loonie bag draw/fun auction of pies & cakes. Hosted by Wellington United Church. $25/person. Pat 3992960. MAY 26 - ST GREGORYS CATHOLIC WOMENS - Tea-zar 10am-3pm school gym. MAY 26 - PICTON LIBRARY - Quality used book sale 9:30am-2pm. MAY 26 - QUINTE EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM & ARCHIVES - summer craft sales book table $15 or 2/$15 lunch available supporting QEMA Childrens summer programs at Victoria Schoolhouse & ongoing Museum projects. Reserve Kathy 3933115. MAY 26 - SALVATION ARMY - Newfie Night

5:30pm with Jigs Dinner & down east entertainment. $15 Reserve 476-3159. MAY 27 - REACHING FOR RAINBOWS After School Program - Open house noon-2pm St Andrews Presbyterian Church Picton. MAY 27 - AMELIASBURGH WORKING GROUP - Fun hour of Zumba with Jen Crazy Carter & a bottle drive 2-3pm Town Gall. $10 water supplied. All proceeds to renos at hall. 9698228/969-8025. MAY 27 - WELLINGTON LIBRARY - Book launch - Laura Secord heroine of War 1812 by Peggy Dymond Leavey 2pm. MAY 27 - ST ANDREWS ANGLICAN CHURCH WELLINGTON - Roast Beef Supper 4-6pm Ameliasburgh Town Hall. Adults $12/6-11 yrs $5. 399-3082. MAY 28 - AL-ANON - affected by someones drinking? each Mon 7:30pm Gilead Fellowship Church. 866-951-3711. MAY 28 - PE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting 7:30pm Children's Aid 16 Macsteven Dr all welcome. 476-6154. MAY 28- AMELIASBURGH GARDEN CLUB Plant auction 7pm at Ameliasburgh Town Hall, refreshments, bring own mug, 968-5975. MAY 29 - TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly - each Tues weigh-in 9:30/meeting 10 am Emmanuel Baptist Church. Betty 476-3894. MAY 29 - NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - problem with drugs? each Tues 7pm Picton Hospital Board Room. 888-811-3887. MAY 29 - CONSECON LEGION - Turkey supper 4pm $10/plate Bid euchre to follow. All welcome MAY 29 - AL-ANON - affected by someones drinking? each Tues 8pm Gilead Fellowship Church. 866-951-3711. MAY 29 - PICTON LIBRARY - Chess Club - each Tues 1-4pm beginners welcome. 476-2729. MAY 30 - TOPS ON 4918 - each Wed weigh-in 5:45-6:50/meeting 7pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall. Gena 399-3461. MAY 30 - PEC RADIO CORP - AGM 7pm Books & Co upstairs. Member/no-members welcome come show your support. MAY 30 - PEC COMMUNITY CARE FOR SENIORS - Demorestville luncheon 12noon $10/person bring bowl, plate, cup, cutlery take out & delivery. Register 476-7493. MAY 30 - TOPS - meets each Wed 11am Free Methodist Church. 393-2819. MAY 30 - SALVATION ARMY - Loaves & Fishes BBQ Luncheon 12noon. No charge. MAY 30 - PEC HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting 7pm Picton Town Hall. Kim Katanik Kuris on Building A Pond. Mini Flower show/lending library/free refreshments. Elevator available. MAY 30 - QUINTE EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM/ ARCHIVES - Music Night Bill Sallans, Ralph & Ray, Terry Spilchen & Al Powis 7pm sharp Wellington Town Hall. Donations apprected for QEMAs summer childrens programs & ongoing projects. MAY 31 - AL-ANON - affected by someones drinking? each Thurs 10:30am St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall. 866-951-3711. MAY 31 - ST PHILIPS ANGLICAN CHURCH MILFORD- Pot luck Supper 6pm & Movie Secondhand Lions. Info on ROC. All welcome. JUNE 1 - ROSE HOUSE MUSEUM - 1812 Tea costumes encouraged not mandatory. Dainty sandwiches/sweets/lemonade/tea. Curators on talk of War of 1812 & impact on PEC. $10 RSVP 4765439. JUNE 1 - ALATEEN - teens 12-19 affected by someones drinking each Fri 7:30pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall. 866-951-3711. JUNE 1 - WELLINGTON ELKS - Roast beef dinner/elimination night 7pm draw to follow Allisionville Hall. $20/person cash prizes, grand prize $500. Dinner tickets limited. All welcome. JUNE 2 - BLOOMFIELD UNITED CHURCH Creations, crafts & collectible 9-4pm. come take a browse! JUNE 3 - PEFAC - County Kids of Steel Triathlon ages 3-17. Stephanie 476-7776. Volunteers needed. JUNE 3 - BURRS CEMETERY - Decoration day, donations gratefully accepted, tax receipts available. JUNE 5 - PEC ARTS COUNCIL - Dance Art in Motion 1st & 3rd Tues 6-8pm St Mary Magdalene Parish Hall bring water bottle $5/class. All welcome. Jutta 476-6095/Myrna 476-4008. JUNE 5-6 - MARYSBURGH MUMMERS - Oliver auditions 6pm Mt Tabor Playhouse Milford 5-15 yrs. Al 476-8553. JUNE 7 - ST PHILIPS ANGLICAN CHURCH MILFORD - Shennen's Dream 7pm by Dr Marlene Brant Castellano LLD officer of Order of Canada/Queens Jubilee Medalist on Justice & Equality for First Nations education. Free will offering for literacy. JUNE 8 - RELAY FOR LIFE - Picton fairgrounds. JUNE 12 - SALVATION ARMY - Joy Ministries BBQ Luncheon 12noon $7 Reserve 476-3159. JUNE 12-13 - MARYSBURGH MUMMERS Oliver auditions 6pm Mt Tabor Playhouse Milford 16 yrs & up. Al 476-8553.


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Del-Gatto carries on family’s old-world winemaking tradition at Cape Vessey

Fourth generation Pat Del-Gatto shows off some of his vintages at the tasting room of his Cape Vessey winery.. His great-grandfather owned a winery and produced wine in Italy. (Joe Hache/For The Gazette)



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Sold Fresh 500g pkg

Reg 5.99/pkg

NOW Spicy

POTATO WEDGE CUT NOW $4.99 5lb bag

Reg 6.99

Last week we visited The Grange where we explored the vast barrel room and impressive tasting room. This week we travel to the extreme western part of the county and visit Del-Gatto Estates winery where we encounter yet another unique tasting room. Del-Gatto Estates is family owned and operated, specializing in hybrid grape varieties. Pat Del-Gatto, a fourth generation winemaker, had a long deep-seated desire to own a vineyard and winery. His great greatgrandfather owned a winery in Italy and his grandfather had made wine. Tired of working in the city at a 9-5 job, Pat researched the idea of growing grapes and making wine. Eventually he and his wife, Heidi, gave up their jobs and moved to Prince Edward County where they had purchased a 74-acre property. Pat studied the climate, temperatures and geographical locations of British Columbia, Pelee Island and the Niagara regions. Considering the latitude and longitude of Prince Edward County, temperatures and agricultural history, he knew that this would be a viable location to grow grapes. Del-Gatto Estates is located in the most picturesque part of Cape Vessey, on the north side of County Rd. 8, in the heart of the fruit belt. The winery is a couple kilometers past the Rose House Museum. When you first arrive at the winery they will see a small building called "La Cantina" .... their very unique

Sippin’ in the county JOE HACHE

tasting room. Outside the tasting room you will see a picnic table, two wood wheelbarrows and colorful Adirondack-style chairs. The two front facing windows of the cottage-style tasting room have window boxes but on closer examination one will note that the windows do not have glass. This venture is truly a family affair. The vineyard was planted by hand, and is maintained by family. Pat’s parents decided to move to Prince Edward County in 2003 to stay close to their grandchildren and to help with the planting and maintenance of the vineyard. In the late winter, the family waits for a warm, sunny day and head out to do their first pruning – kids, thermoses of hot chocolate and coffee and the dog in tow. By the end of April, dehilling and pruning is com-

plete. They then wait for May’s anticipated bud break — that highly stressful moment of truth on the effects of winter’s unpredictable temperatures and snow cover. They carefully assess and train each vine according to its capability. They also take this early growing month to determine their spray schedule, what equipment needs a tune-up, what is required in the way of supplies and an action plan for the season. The summer months of June, July and August are whirlwinds of grass cutting, tying, hedging, spraying, weeding and constant inspection of each vine and its blossoming fruit. In late August/early September, they shift gears and concentrate on the fruit of the vine! Wasp traps are set up throughout the vineyard containing a special sweet mixture to keep the wasps and bees away from the grapes. They also lay down bird netting throughout the vineyard, and erect an electric fence around the perimeter to deter wildlife from scavenging the ripening fruit. By mid-September to mid- October, the grapes are ready for harvesting and they round up the family, armed with bushels and harvesting shears. Rain or shine…. or hail, they pick until it’s done. The final phase in the vineyard is to hill up the vines once again for winter, winterize the equipment and do a last clean up. Meanwhile, energies are transferred to taking

care of the fermenting wines throughout the winter, for next year’s spring release. There are currently over 6 acres of vines planted at DelGatto Estates. White varieties include: Geisenheim (GM322), Chardonnay, Traminette, Frontenac Gris and Seyval Blanc. Red varieties include: St. Croix, Leon Millot, Baco noir, and Frontenac. You may not have heard of some of these varieties, but they guarantee that once you have tried the wines, you will agree that there are indeed other complex and wonderfully enjoyable varieties available other than the mainstream Cabs, Merlots and Pinots. And on this point I can personally attest to that! Almost every time I visit the winery Pat is usually in the field! Their wines are truly hand planted, hand picked and hand crafted. While they now have specialized equipment to keep the weeds at bay; in their first years, they did everything with hand tools. Hand-hoeing still continues but they get a little help from their tractor and grape-hoe. They have indeed succeeded in bringing an authentic feel of Italy to southern Ontario and it is always a pleasure to take a drive over to see Pat and Heidi and enjoy a sip or two of their fine wine. -Joe Hache maintains an independent guide to local wineries at www.princeedwardcountywineries.com. Join him in the Gazette for a tour of county wineries.

Breaded & Seasoned



Great for Burgers, 1.5kg


Reg 12.99


2 for $7.00



1kg Bag


Bakery Fresh


NOW $3.99



Bavarian Creme Twist or Almond 425g each

NOW 2 for

VANILLA & ALMOND Ice Cream Cone 6x125ml


Chocolate Mousse in Milk Chocolate Cone 6x130ml


NOW $3.99ea

Frozen Dessert in a Milk Chocolate Cone 6x130ml

Reg 6.99ea

38 Cold Storage Rd., Picton 613-476-2171 MON-FRI 8AM-6PM, SAT 8AM-4PM

Worship 10:30am


Sunday, May 27 Noon - 2pm

Reaching for Rainbows Open House Come and see our vision in action. Consider being a sponsor or a volunteer Minister: Lynne Donovan Radio: 88.3 FM 31 King St. Picton 613 476-1167 www.standrewspicton.com

Rednersville Albury United Church 2681 Rednersville Rd. Minister: Rev. Katherine Irwin

Service and Sunday School 10am

Sermon: “Blown out of doors” Communion Service

Choir Director Louise Ford All are Welcome Chair lift equipped www.reach.net/alburychurch

FRIENDSHIP BLOOMFIELD UNITED CHURCH UNITED CHURCH Demorestville “Where Faith is Fun” 272 Main St., Bloomfield Minister: Rev. Lynn Watson

10:30am Morning Worship

Sermon: “All Fired Up!”

May 31 7pm - Wonder Cafe at Saylor House Topic: Christians behaving badly! June 10 10:30am - Outdoor Service and Sunday School Picnic at the Millpond in Bloomfield June 10th 2pm - Blessing the Animals at the Millpond in Bloomfield. Offering in support of Loyalist Humane Society

bloomfielduc@lks.net 613-393-2160


7 Church St., Picton, Ont. K0K 2T0


613-476-6276 Fax: 613-476-7293 stgregory@smypatico.ca www.stgregoryparish.ca

Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am and10:00am

Pentecost Sunday, May 27th at 11am Service & Sunday School



Minister: Rev. Dr. Hal Wilson

Sermon: “The Winds of God” Friendship Worship Band leading music today. Pot Luck Supper at 6pm on Monday, May 28th. All welcome! VBS registration is now open on the church website for kids 4-12 yrs old.

Organist & Choir Director: Mr. Ronald Laidlaw

613-403-4742 or 613-476-2020

Serving the Community for 218 years

Watch Rev. Kirby’s sermons on Search for: “Friendship United Church” Assistive Listening Devices available Rev. Kirby Breithaupt

princeedward.north@kos.net friendshipunitedchurch.org


Prince Edward South

South Bay Anniversary Service 10:30am

Guest Speaker: Judy Kent Potluck lunch to follow

No Service at Cherry Valley

10:30am Morning Worship VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME

Wellington Pentecostal Church

Rev. Polly Marks-Torrance Box 213 Wellington, Ontario K0K 3L0 613-399-2384 Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada




The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

St. Greg’s students link to ROM programming Toronto museum offers interactive learning sessions twice a week Jason parks Staff writer

Students in Susanne McKerral's Grade 3-4 class at St. Gregory Catholic School have been taking frequent trips to the Royal Ontario Museum — without leaving the comforts of their Owen Street classroom. Through a partnership between the ROM and Contact North, Ontario's Distance and Education Network, an innovative and interactive session is being hosted every Tuesday and Thursday where students and their instructor can be connected with a facilitator at the downtown Toronto museum. Petra Blain, a centre coordinator with Contact

North, said the sessions are open to any Grade 3, 4 or 5 class in Ontario and there is a new theme every month. In April, McKerral's students took in a one-hour session dealing with Medieval time while more recently, a session about rock and minerals was delivered via the information superhighway to their classroom. “It can be quite expensive for a class to go to the museum and through this program, once a month, students can take in an interactive and live session with the ROM,� Blain told the Gazette. “They gain new information and it also confirms what they have been taught and the students seem to really enjoy the atmosphere and the interactiveness.� Blain said the sessions are simple to set up and

while most classes use a Smartboard, the same information can be passed along with a lap top-projectormicrophone and speaker combination. McKerral believes the program is valuable in a number of ways. “The main message is that this program exposes children to different way to approach the same old information and tho think about it in a different way. It exposes them to experts in the field who are able to impress upon the students their knowledge,� McKerral said. McKerral's students said they enjoy the sessions and were eager to share the knowledge they had gained as a result. “My favourite part was when we found out the August birthstone (Peridot) is found on asteroids,� Ally

Careen said. “I like to see how rocks are formed,� added Jackson Fox. Nicholas Thomas said he enjoyed learning about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks “I liked seeing how the types of rocks changed over time and the way weather and climates have changed them,� said Bridget Finnegan. This year marks the second year the ROM and Contact North have hooked up to provide the sessions. In June, a session on Egypt will be offered and some sessions can be run in French for French language classes or French immersion facilities. For more information on the free sessions or services offered by Contact North, please visit www.elearnnetwork.ca.

Second Terroir Run in Hillier this Sunday

This Sunday, there might be more winery traffic than normal in Hillier — and a fair number will be on foot. To coincide with Saturday’s Terroir celebration, local food enthusiasts Rebecca LeHeup and Andrew Mackenzie will be hosting their second annual Terroir Run on a 10.9 km trek, starting at the Old Third and moving down Closson, Benway, and Greer roads before finishing at Norman Hardie Winery. Other wineries along the route include Lacey Estates, Closson Chase, the Grange of Prince Edward, Karlo Estates, Lift Haus, Hinterland, Rosehall Run and Casa Dea. LeHeup said last spring, she and Mackenzie were looking for a run after noticing the Ottawa halfmarathon was sold out and they happened to be drink-

ing county wine at the time. Thinking of the possibilities, they decided to rush and put together a fun run. Last year, in just over a month, they attracted 32 runners. This year, it appears the run will grow substantially. “We set a target 100 runners and we’re well on our way to achieving that,� said LeHeup late last week. “We want to grow manageably

and not get too big.� Included in a $75 registration is a t-shirt, passes for complimentary tastings at participating wineries, a and a lunch featuring woodfire pizza and a spring greens salad prepared by Cynthia Peters using Vicki’s Veggies. Runners can register at www.terroirrun.com LeHeup said the event is intended to be a mixture of

Linked in These Grade 3/4 students at St. Gregory’

Catholic School have been electronically linked to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto where facilitators can give them additional material to supplement their classwork. (Jason Parks/Gazette staff)

sports tourism and culinary tourism with participants urged to make it a weekend with Terroir and visits to county restaurants and B&Bs also. So far, 96 per cent of registered runners are from out of town. -Staff


The Prince Edward Corrections Advisory Board

32nd Annual General Meeting Thursday, June 7, 2012 at the Picton Royal Legion Our agency is dedicated to provide quality programming which lends a helping hand to both adult and young offenders in our community to make positive changes.

5:00pm Social Hour 6:00pm Dinner $15 / person Guest Speaker Joanne Hurley, LL.B.,

Industrial - Commercial - Residential


Partner at Hurley & Williams

All are welcome!




RSVP by June 1, 2012 Contact Kerry at 613-476-3033

MHSN: Three Doors Down Peer Support Centre Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-2:30am THURSDAY CLOSED












333 Main Street, Picton


613-471-1347 WALKING GROUP 10AM




Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9am - 2:30pm

Village Awakening! “Spring Cleaning� The Pioneer Way!

Saturday, May 26 • 10am-4:30pm



Watch the village come to life after a long winter’s nap. Costumed villagers will use green methods for cleaning. Amelia’s Tea Room will be serving a Heritage Food Menu & Refreshments 10am-3 pm.

Ameliasburgh Historical Museum & Pioneer Village 517 County Road 19 Ameliasburgh 613-968-9678


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Five-time Juno Award winner Boyd reinventing herself on small-town tour Picton stop tomorrow part of famed guitarist’s comeback AdAm BrAmBurger Staff writer

Though her career as a classical guitarist afforded her a chance to travel the world, meet royalty, and pack famous opera houses, Liona Boyd says she still fondly remembers her small-town beginnings. The five-time Juno Award winner and Order of Canada honouree so fondly remembers the

reception towns like Picton gave her that she’s eager to tour them as she tries to reinvent herself musically. “I really enjoyed the little towns, there wasn’t as much pressure coming on stage,” she said. “There’s a special, intimate feeling playing in little churches in front of a couple hundred people, you can make eye contact and share moments with the audience.” Previously in her music

STAY ALERT PULL OVER. Please Yield the Right of Way to Emergency Vehicles A message from the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund


career, Boyd had everything going for her. She graduated from the University of Toronto in 1972 and won the Canadian National Music Competition. Following that, she opened for the likes of Gordon Lightfoot and Tracy Chapman and studied under some fine classical guitarists in Europe before developing her own headline performances. “I had for many years an amazing career,” she said. “I played every major city in the world, travelled across Canada many times, and played for every head of state,” she recalled. Then, in 2003, disaster struck. Boyd was diagnosed with musician’s focal dystonia, a neurological condition she explains that after much repetition, the brain fails to communicate with the hands in the same way, which essentially halted her ability to continue with her livelihood. It took her some time to come to grips with the condition and she actually divorced and moved several times around the United States a bit. Eventually, Boyd decided she wasn’t going to give up her music. “I decided I wasn’t going to take that as an answer,” she recalled. “I asked questions and I had to develop a new technique and retrain myself,” she said. She also decided that after not singing for much of her professional career

The White Pines of the County

guitAr greAt Before being diagnosed with musician’s focal dystonia, Liona Boyd traveled around the world playing classical guitar. She had to retrain herself to play, but now she’s touring again and singing. She’ll play in Picton tomorrow. (Submitted photo)

that she was going to become a singer. “I had talked to people and they said I was a beautiful singer, but I had always felt I was too shy to sing,” she recalled.

During her comeback, it just felt right. Last year, with her ailing father dying Boyd returned to Toronto and she found a new appreciation for Canada and for the second chance she had

A Community Rally! It’s Now or Never

White pine trees are our heritage. In the early 1800’s, the old growth pines were decimated for use outside Come together to our Open House: Canada. Now, it is happening again. The White Pines May 26, 3:00-6:00 pm industrial turbine project (by wpd) in threatens to ravage THE SHED, Mount Tabor, Milford South Marysburgh/Athol, with profits again going Find out how industrial turbines would affect you, your overseas. The 29 turbines, each more than 500% higher than the old pine trees, would: reduce property values and saleability of your home, destroy tourism, kill birds and destroy animal habitat, make people sick, and increase electricity rates throughout Ontario.

family, your livelihood, your property value, the wildlife and habitat BBQ Live Music- Openhearts Society, Rocky Roberts & More Get a sign for your lawn

Protect Our County - Be Informed

Get your lawn sign at the Rally, or, see www.ccsage.wordpress.com Donations will be gratefully accepted to cover costs: CCSAGE, Box 173, Milford K0K2P0, re: Naturally Green

to play music. She put together a new album she plans to release this fall and started a tour, one that will bring her to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Boyd will be performing with classical guitarist and Spanish folk singer Michael Savona. She said the majority of her portion of the performance will be songs inspired by her homecoming off the CD: The Return... To Canada with Love. She said one of the tracks is called “Little Towns” referring to some of the places who supported her, and another “Aurora Borealis” that features 120 different production tracks. Boyd said she’s as excited for this music as anything she performed earlier in her career, going as far as suggesting the new beginning was the “best thing that ever happened” to her. “I know I have touched people’s hearts with this album,” she said. “It’s the most exciting, ambitious, “tug-at-the-heartstrings” music I’ve done.” She indicated she hopes that people who came out to see her the last time she visited Picton in her career will return to tomorrow’s show, and also hopeful they’ll bring their children so that they might share in the experience. Boyd said she’d be willing to share stories with fans and to sign any items they bring to the show.

Spring starts here

May Pruning





The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Photo cards can make seniors’ lives easier Festival to feature Canadian talent

The Ontario Photo Card is now available at 85 Service Ontario centres across Ontario. It will be offered at all of the province's nearly 300 Service Ontario centres by the end of 2012. The Ontario Photo Card makes it easier for Ontarians without a driver's licence to travel, open a bank account and perform any other activities that require official photo ID. Almost 40,000 people have applied for the Ontario Photo Card since July 2011. There are 1.5 million Ontarians who don’t drive. The Ontario Photo Card is government-issued photo identification that allows non-drivers aged 16 years of age and over to access government, financial or business services that require proof of identity. Getting a card is voluntary and the cost for this card is $35. It’s valid for five years from the date of issue. To apply for an Ontario Photo Card, you must be a non-driving resident of Ontario, 16 years of age and over. If you have a driver’s licence, you must surrender your driver’s licence in order to apply for a photo card. Your driver’s licence will be cancelled. Before you visit a Service Ontario centre that offers the Ontario Photo Card, you will be required to provide valid original identity documents that prove legal name, date of birth, and signature.



Acceptable identification includes a birth certificate, passport, citizenship card and permanent resident card. For a full listing of acceptable identification check the website shown below. The closest Service Ontario centre that offers the Ontario Photo Card is the Centre at 1650 Bath Road in Kingston. Read more about it on this web site, www.ontario.ca Search for Ontario Photo Card.


Seniors will gather for good food and conversation at Community Care’s Seniors Luncheon Social in Demorestville on May 30 at noon.


In partnership with Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Prince Edward Community Care can arrange for your mail courier en route to keep a watchful eye on your home to help keep you safe. This service is free, offering added safety and security to those living in the country. To participate in this service, call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493.

Quinte’s Isle hosts bluegrass June 8-10 SEAN TOMLINSON

Staff writer

Quinte's Isle Bluegrass Celebration's fourth rendition will have a distinctly Canadian flavour. This year the festival will be featuring only Canadian talent, with bands like Hard Ryde, the Tebworth Brothers, Grassland and many more. For four years the organizers of the annual celebration have been preaching the virtues of bluegrass. For celebration co-founder and organizer Melissa Sherman it's a passion that started with a fishing trip to Prince Edward County. As composer and manager of Canadian bluegrass band Hard Ryde, Sherman said she fell in love with the county when the band stopped here to go fishing. She said her love of bluegrass and newfound enjoyment of Prince Edward County led to the creation of the event with Hard Ryde member Doug DeBoer and, ultimately, to their move to the county. “We've both been playing bluegrass since we were very young and we're very old now,� Sherman laughed. “We moved here because of the festival, we moved here to show people we were seri-


Come and learn about our approach to about our approach to enriching the lives enriching the lives of vulnerable girls. of vulnerable girls. Consider becoming a sponsor becoming a sponsor OR OR a a Ride volunteer. For The Girls� Consider volunteer: CMCCome Chapterand 088 Picton learn

present 1st Annual


Wheel House and Occasions Catering is preparing homemade soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls and butter, and carrot cake for dessert, all topped off with coffee and tea for $10 per person. Reserve your place by the Tuesday prior at 12 noon by calling 613-4767493. Seniors are asked to bring their own soup bowl, plate, cup and cutlery to cut down on cleanup by the volunteers. If you can’t come to the hall for this meal it can be delivered to shut-in seniors who live near the location. If you wish to have a take-out meal please advise when you register. The price is the same for take out and eat in.

Poker Run

Sunday, May 27,

May 27, noonnoon - 2 pm. - 2pm King9St. Picton Saturday31 June 31 King St. Picton

All proceeds in support Sunday of

ous. We fell in love with the county as a band.� She said bluegrass is a small genre of music and it's tough to find in Canada. She said her goal was to change that and the best option was to inspire others to love it as well. “We're trying to get out to younger generations because it's a wonderful type of music,� she said. She said upon creating the event there was some resistance. “People in the county just didn't know who we were or why we wanted to do this,� she said. “Now it's great, there are a lot of what I call 'closet bluegrass lovers.'� She says even though there are a lot of those closet bluegrass lovers, she said there aren't many places they can go to enjoy the music. Another reason for the creation of the event.

She said about an average of 80 trailers come out for the weekend event, but she said she's hoping for a stronger contingent of local visitors. Each year the festival holds a silent auction with proceeds going to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation. She said even though the festival still operates in the red — with the funding coming out of organizers' pockets — she said it's important to give something back to the community. “We've been giving them a cheque for the past three years and it's climbing,� she said. “This is where we were brought to do it all and we love what the county has to offer. If you put that together with the love of our music it's pretty perfect.� The celebration takes place from June 8-10 at Quinte's Isle Campark.

Workshops Worksh Wor ork or kshops hops Instructors Daniel and David Vaughan


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Buffet Breakfast - 8am - $8

613-476-1167 www.reachingforrainbows.com Minimun $20 donation per bike & driver www.reachingforrainbows.com plus $10 per passenger BBQ end of Ride This is a rain or shine event

For details call 613.476.359

A Junk & Disorderly Sale June 2 8am-2pm 127 Main St., Picton Rain or Shine

Thank you Belleville, Quinte “The Country� & Eastern Ontario We now offer one of the LARGEST FACTORY DIRECT COLLECTIONS OF HANDCRAFTED CANADIAN MENNONITE FURNITURE in EASTERN ONTARIO Heirloom pieces are crafted from wormy & clear maple, flat & 1/4 cut oak, rustic & rough sawn pine & cherry.

WILLI FIDA CULINARY BURSARY applicaĆ&#x;ons are now being accepted! BEDROOMS




There are lots of great items for the sale. Donations have been received from many different homes from all over the County. We have glass, china, pottery, antiques, linens, books, magazines, CDs, etc.... and much more! Proceeds go to the

PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY GREEN TRUST, a registered charity in the County


And, if it rains on June 2, we’ll continue the sale on June 3.


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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Owners: Barry & Melissa Baldwin, Melbar Farms Buyer: Ken Morton, Deerhaven Farm Equipment

May 26 - District 8 Ontario Sheep Marketing Association Farm Tour, Dana Vader, 786 Kelly Road, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward County, 1 pm – All sheep producers welcome. For more information contact Debi at debistoness@gmail.com June 7 - Hastings Federation of Agriculture Monthly Meeting, Thurlow Community Centre, 516 Harmony Road, Hastings, 8:00 pm - Contact Judy Hagerman 613-473-4444 / jlhagerman@sympatico.ca

June 7 - Prince Edward Winegrowers Association Executive Meeting, Huff Estates Boardroom, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. For more information call 613-921-7100 or email info@thecountywines.com June 7 - Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA) Inc. Annual Ontario Conference - "Current & Connected" Quality Inn & Suites, Woodstock. For more information visit www.cafanet.com, or contact CAFA by email info@cafanet.com

June 7 - Farm & Food Care Ontario presents Dr. Temple Grandin, International Animal Welfare Specialist, Mississauga. Tickets for the event are $80 per person and are available online at www.livingartscentre.ca or by calling 1-888-306-6000. For more information contact Kelly Daynard, Communications Manager, Farm & Food Care Ontario 519-837-1326 x224 / kelly@farmfoodcare.org


Bus: 613-395-3883 1-800-465-9297 Fax: 613-395-2652

Parts Sales & Service

McKeown Motor Sales




PRICE RANGE SALES TO 100-150 lbs 1.20 - 1.90 2.00 150-400 lbs 1.00 - 1.82 1.9250 STOCKER: 400-600lbs 1.10 - 1.90 2.05 STEERS: 600-800lbs 1.25 - 1.65 1.66 800-1000lbs 1.07 - 1.32 1.4050 STOCKER: 400-600 lbs 1.01 - 1.50 1.6250 HEIFERS: 600-800 lbs .95 - 1.50 1.55 COWS: .58 - .92 .9350 BULLS: .87 - 1.09 1.1150 HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS: $1450 FRESH COWS: PIGS: 25-35 lbs: $55 - 60 35-50 lbs: $45-62.50 SHOATS: LAMBS: 45-65 lbs - 2.05 - 2.47 2.65 65-85 lbs - 2.05 - 2.35 2.40 85-100 lbs - 1.72 - 1.97 2.00 KID GOATS: $50 -115 NANNYS & BILLIES: $70 - $180 TOP STOCKER STEER: 400-600 lbs: 7 av 585 lbs @ 1.75, Brad Nelson, Warsaw 600-800 lbs: 3 av 685 lbs @ 164.50, Brad Nelson, Warsaw TOP STOCKER HEIFER: 5 av 505 lbs @ 162.50, Clarence Gee, Erinsville TOP CALF: 100-150 lbs: 120 lbs @ 2.00, VanGrootheest Farms, Bloomfield TOP CALF: 150-400 lbs: 245 lbs @ 192.50, Kevin & Norm Harrison, Madoc TOP COW: 1475 lbs @ 93.50, Winston Baker, Madoc TOP SPRINGER: $1450, Kevin Dunk, Campbellford TOP PIGS: 26 lbs @ $60, Owen Harder, Stirling TOP LAMBS: 75 lbs @ 2.40, Dale Rosborough, Demorestville

The Ag & Rural Update is an electronic bulletin that is produced weekly by staff at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food, (OMAF), Brighton Resource Centre. It is distributed free to subscribers. Not all of the information used in this farm calendar is supplied by the electronic bulletin.

June 13 - Northumberland Cattlemen’s Association Monthly Meeting, Warkworth Heritage Centre, Warkworth, 8 pm – Contact Bonnie Wilson, Secretary, email nca.cattle@gmail.com

June 21 to 23 - 4-H Conference Market Sen$e – Application Deadline May 17th, 2012 Kemptville. For full details visit http://www.4-hontario.ca/youth/opportunities/conferences/default.aspx

June 14 - Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture Meeting, O.P.P. Office Boardroom, County Rd. 1, (Schoharie Road), Picton, 7:30 pm – All Welcome! Contact Patti Stacey at 613-476-3842 / pat.stacey@sympatico.ca

Ontario is working with producers to assess the damage, determine the implications and develop strategies to help farmers cope. Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ted McMeekin, toured a Beamsville orchard today to see firsthand the weather damage affecting Ontario's apple and tender fruit crops. Ontario’s Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ted McMeekin discussed frost damage to apple and tender fruit orchards while touring Mountainview Orchards near Beamsville. (LtoR) Rich Feenstra, orchard owner and Ted McMeekin. Early estimates suggest widespread damage to the Ontario apple crop as a result of frost hitting trees already in blossom. Other crops that are reporting significant damage include pears, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums. Apple orchards in Georgian Bay and Southwestern Ontario are expected to suffer the greatest damage. The full extent of the province-wide impact will be known in coming weeks. Ontario offers a number of business support programs available to producers to help offset any losses. Supporting our farmers and agricultural industry is part of the McGuinty government's plan to create jobs, grow the economy and provide Ontario families with healthy, local food. QUICK FACTS · Ontario accounts for 40 per cent of all the apples grown in Canada. · Ontario's apple crop has an annual farm gate value of $63 million. · Ontario's tender fruit crops have an annual farm gate value of $40 million.

June 13 & 14 - Earlton Farm Show

June 16 - Farmer to Farmer Workshop - Growing Asparagus Domestically and Commercially, J & B Asparagus (Jack and Betty Ketcheson), Quinte West, 9.30 am to 12 noon – This workshop is aimed at people who would like to grow asparagus. For more information, contact Louise Livingstone 613-3954388 / louise@tubb.ca.

June 17 - Farm and Food Care Ontario Annual General Meeting, Waterloo. For more information visit http://www.farmfoodcare.org/index.php/news/agm2012 June 18 - 2012 Ontario Forage Masters Program Deadline for local Soil and Crop Improvement Associations to register participants in the http://www.ontariosoilcrop.org/en/aboutoscia/ontario _forage_master.htm

GRAIN PRICES FOB Trenton as quoted by

TRENTON GRAIN Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CORN $235.00/t 2012 CROP CORN $180.00/t 2012 CROP WHEAT $230.00/t SOYBEANS $490.00/t 2012 CROP SOYBEANS $450.00/t


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476-6597 RR 2 Picton

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896 Bell Blvd. West Belleville, Ontario (613) 962-5021 www.deerhaven.ca





Reserve Champion - Owners: Nathan & Sara Beth Krentz, Rockbottom Farms. Buyer: Tom Dmytar, MacEwen Fuels


Residential and Farm Wiring Farm Generator Sales and Service R.R. 3, Picton 476-4700


Chain Link Panels with Gate Reg $429 Now $29997 SAVE $130 99

38 Cold Storage Rd., Picton 613-476-2171 Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat. 8am-4pm

Century 21

Sales Representatives

Jason, Kevin & Sandy Young


Lanthorn Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage

thefamilyteam@gmail.com Full Service Family Team www.pec.on.ca/young


BALER TWINE IN STOCK 179 Talbot St. Picton 613-476-7507 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm

new listing

north marysBurgh farm Includes newer brick bungalow with finished lower level. Main farm has 105 acres, 25 acres mixed woods, balance in cash crops presently leased. Adjacent 159 acres also available. Call us for details. $469,000 mls 2123668 christine & colin henden, Broker & sales rep tel: 613-922-2251 www.christinehenden.com QUINTE LTD., BROKERAGE colinhenden@remax.net

This executive brick and stone bungalow is situated on a 2.2 acre lot facing south with 200ft waterfront on Lake Ontario. The home was custom-built in 2002 and features elegant stone fireplace, vaulted ceilings, open concept centre hall plan, four bedrooms, a gourmet kitchen with granite counter-tops, beautiful cabinetry, a spacious master suite with five pc ensuite and walk in closet plus walk-out large patio decks overlooking the lake with a two-car garage, plus 1,100 sq ft of new finished space with wall-to-wall broadloom carpeting in the lower level. 8ft ceilings in the lower level with poured concrete walls. $1,250,000 mls 2122612

Call CHUCK SLIK, Broker 613-471-1708 www.chestnutpark.com

The Picton Gazette

ofHOMES Prince Edward County’s


SERVING THE COUNTY FOR OVER 14 YEARS thursday, may 24, 2012

elegant regency spacious stone cottage (1830-1840 rumoured to have been built for Lord Lonsdale) Main level oversized recessed windows. Living room with grand high ceilings & original fireplace, main floor Master with fireplace. Country kitchen cabinetry thought to be from the Lonsdale General store. Chrome and cast iron cooking stove plus a sitting area. Studio with exposed beams offers many opportunities. 2nd floor loft with 2 bdrms, a family area plus 3 pce bath. Secluded pastoral setting along-side Fisher Creek with 5.7 acres. Last house on a quiet lane. $638,000 mls 2123195

call gail forcht, Broker office: 613-471-1708 cell: 613-961-9587 www.homeinthecounty.com

open house

open house sat may 26th 2-4 pm

new listing 21 PHOTOS

421 main st, Bloomfield 2+ bedroom bungalow on municipal water. Freshly painted with new flooring. Upgraded windows, roof shingles (2009), and gas furnace (1997). Full basement. Move right in!!! $179,000 mls 2123647 call BeV skidmore, Broker 613-476-2100 email: skidmore2100@yahoo.ca lanthorn real estate ltd., Brokerage* *INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED www.bevskidmore.com

Great starter bungalow in Picton. 3 bedrooms. C/A. Fenced yard with deck. Maintenance free exterior. Carport. Full basement with workshop potential. Needs cosmetics. Close to Harbour & downtown. $179,000 mls 2122816 herB pliwischkies, sales rep cell 613-921-7441 QUINTE LTD., BROKERAGE 613-476-5399 613-476-5900

open house

sat may 26th 1-3 pm


pennsylVania colonial reproduction 3 BDRM home in quiet location brings a fresh approach to gracious living. Elegantly wrapped on two sides with enclosed verandah featuring porcelain flooring and providing filtered water views. Main floor family room with wood burning fireplace for cozy evenings. Formal dining & living room for those special occasions. Stunning master bedroom with 5 piece ensuite. Just steps away from waterfront and boat launch. Close to Trenton & 401. $379,000 mls 2121572

lanthorn real estate ltd., Brokerage* *INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED

call carol Brough, sales rep 613-476-2100 or carolbroughc21@hotmail.com

10 south st picton The open concept living/dining area has newer laminate flooring and is nice and bright with large bay window and sliding glass doors to the low maintenance fenced backyard. 3 bedrooms and bath up, plus a rec room on the lower level to spread out in. This well maintained home is on a quiet street in a nice area close to Rotary Park. Some upgrades include a new roof in 2008, vinyl windows and exterior doors in 2009, and gas furnace and central air in 2009! The major stuff is done - just move right in! $212,500 mls 2121945 call mary Jane mills, Broker 613-476-5900 mills2@sympatico.ca QUINTE LTD., BROKERAGE www.maryjanemills.com


The premium lot on Pirates Cove Lane, over looking breath taking South Bay. Dock, beach, raft great for swimming, launch your boat right there! Roast weenies and marshmellows in the fire pit. 39ft Mallard trailer with a huge 38`x8` Sunroom. Ye be warned don`t miss out on this one...ARRRRR! $227,600 call mark gardiner, sales rep office: 613-476-2700 cell:613-391-5588 mbgardiner@yahoo.com

new listing

steps from picton harBour 1.5 storey home has been extensively renovated. Open concept kitchen/living/dining area accented by the ambiance of a propane fireplace. Massive loft bedroom. Home sits on a large town lot with detached garage/workshop. Two tiered patio allows private area for relaxing. Additional building currently serves as storage area, but could be easily converted to a guest bunkie. Ideal as a weekend retreat or summer rental. $219,900 mls 2123595


keVin gale, sales rep cell 613-476-1874 h. 613-242-7295 c. kevingale@remax.net

sun may 27th 2-4 pm

county rd 49 to county rd 15 to hint lane #17 Thinking of retiring to the county? Not quite ready to build? Bay of Quinte waterfront at the Telegraph Narrows. Hint Lane off County Rd 15 with easy access from Hwy 401 and 49. Large lot with drilled well, hydro, zoned for residential use. Landscaping is done, extensive decking at shore. Property has two 35 ft Citation trailers with decking. Perfect retreat while you are waiting to build your dream home. Call for more details. Asking $199,900 mls® 2120805 george reid, ® Broker 613-399-2134 Real Estate Inc. Brokerage quinteisle.com

29 washBurn st picton $196,000 No Stress Here! Completely renovated move in ready in downtown Picton this 2 storey, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home is waiting for new owners. Charming starter home or retirement spot. Large patio deck at rear. mls® 2121893 call eliZaBeth cromBie, sales rep 613-476-2700 or toll free 1-877-476-0096 www.pictonhomes.com

130` waterfront lot convenient to Belleville and Picton. Nice homes in area. Road is in to the property. Well priced at $169,000. Easy water access. Good fishing area. mls 2120209 herB pliwischkies, sales rep cell 613-921-7441 QUINTE LTD., BROKERAGE 613-476-5399 613-476-5900

Private waterfront property on Lake Consecon. Generous sized lot with an open concept backsplit. Waterfront is a naturalist` dream. 3 bdrms up and a large Recreation/Family room on the lower level. Newer deck across the back of the house for those summer barbeques. Many upgrades from windows to new roof and a Hot Tub. Great location, close to the 401, Trenton, Belleville and Picton. North Beach close by. $360,000 mls 2121142 call gail forcht, Broker office: 613-471-1708 cell: 613-961-9587 www.homeinthecounty.com

historic century old $335,000 2 bedroom century home on Milford Mill Pond surrounded by conservation land overlooking historic Scotts Mill. Enjoy the sound of the waterfall from your 50 ft deck. 2 level 24' X 32' garage would also make a great studio. Insulated & heated bunkie 10 'X 30'. mls® 2123630 call eliZaBeth cromBie, sales rep 613-476-2700 or toll free 1-877-476-0096 www.pictonhomes.com

waterfront cottage Approx 250 feet beautiful waterfront cottage on East Lake. West facing for fantastic sunsets, great swimming, boating, fishing & birdwatching. 4 Bdrms, 2 bathrooms, pine floors throughout with many upgrades. Great family cottage! www.77lakeavenuelane.com $249,000 mls 2123363 call teal BaVerstock, sales rep 613-476-2100 or teal.baverstock@century21.ca lanthorn real estate ltd., Brokerage* *INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED www.tealbaverstock.com


uinte Isle

new price

new listing

open house

new listing

sat may 26th 1-3 pm

1824 north Big island rd Views of Bay of Quinte. Elevated ranch bung on 8+ ac of land. Approx 1,500 sq ft of living space plus full finished basement. Features 3 bedrms on main level & 2 on lower level, large family rm with fireplace, large eat in kitchen with lots of oak cupboards, bright living rm. Attached 2 car garage with inside entry plus oversized garage workshop. Call to view. mls® 2121684 sharon armitage, ® Broker of record 613-399-2134 Real Estate Inc. Brokerage quinteisle.com


uinte Isle


Picton century home with views of Yacht Club and Picton Bay. Extensively renovated and tastefully decorated. 3 bedroom, F/P, C/A, New High Effec gas furnace. New hardwood floors upstairs and walnut stained pine floors downstairs. The kitchen is out of a magazine and flows nicely to a formal dining area. Spacious Living room with Eco fireplace, finished off with sliding patio doors to the deck/bbq. area. Those summer evenings will be enjoyed watching the boats enter into the Picton Harbour, or simply enjoy the multitude of perenials in your private back yard. A Must See !! $279,000 mls 2122286


herB pliwischkies, sales rep cell 613-921-7441 613-476-5399

RE/16 f THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012


Build your home today! This building lot sits on the shores of West lake with an inlet to dock your boat and easy access to the Sandbanks Provincial Park on West lake. Only minutes to Wellington with the amenities of a town with the atmosphere of a quaint village. The area boasts a golf course only 10 minutes away, cafes, exquisite dining and many wineries in the area. The lot is situated amongst many executive homes and has a well in place. This is an opportunity waiting for you here in the heart of Prince Edward County! $229,900 MLS 2123359 Lori Slik*

Catherine Deluce, President and C.E.O. is pleased to announce that Peter Lynch has joined Chestnut Park Picton office 613-471-1708.


Peter was raised in the County and brings with him a wealth of sales experience.

Almost New In-Town Living! This 3 bedroom unit offers a large master bedroom with 4-piece ensuite and walkout to your patio. Main floor laundry. Bright living room and eating area. Partly finished lower level with bedroom, bathroom and additional family ideal for guests. This home is perfectly suited for the retiree or new home buyers. Steps away from downtown! Katherine Model. $248,000 MLS 2120052 Gail Forcht**

ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS! Looking for a place to live for 6 months of the year? Then check out this turn key mobile located close to Sandbanks Provincial Park. This 2 bedroom + sunroom, bright living room & kitchen and a separate workshop with hydro is the place for you! Also can be used year round. Site large enough to park your RV for the summer. $45,000 MLS 2120882 Ann Cooper*

Location, Location, Location! This three bedroom home is located on one of the most sought after streets in Picton, Hill Street. The home has a newer roof, windows and has a single detached garage. The house has the bones to work with to make this house a gem. This is a great opportunity to buy overlooking the harbour and the park on a quiet, neighbourly street. Book your appointment today! $249,900 MLS 2123384 Lori Slik*






Beautiful Country Lot in an ideal location, only 15 minutes to Highway 401 or 5 minutes to Picton. Set on a quietly travelled road, enjoy your privacy with these 22 acres of level farmland. Additional acreage available a short distance up the road. $88,000 MLS 2123603 Sarah Scott*



MILFORD MILLPOND! Charm and character right on the Milford millpond! This early post-and-beam home offers three bedrooms, upgraded mechanicals and a delightful country kitchen leading to a large deck. Utterly charming decor, new roof, main floor bath and laundry area. A rare opportunity to find a waterfront property under $300,000! $264,000 MLS 2121947 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*



MOTIVATED SELLERS! This is a great starter home with a new kitchen, mud room with laundry facilities, all new flooring throughout, new ceramic tile in bathroom. French doors off kitchen to a spacious back yard, with new 21` above ground pool with deck. A single detached garage with work shop and plenty of room to store garden equipment and the toys. Don`t miss this totally renovated home from top to bottom! Close to school and only 10 minutes from Picton. Seller is open to offers, and are flexible in closing, bring your offer today. $159,900 MLS 2120184 Lori Slik*

A beautiful 121 acres in the Black River Valley. This property offers pasture/workable land, forest and a field with young trees planted. Magnificent views as you look down from the lane on the ridge for miles to the water. Walking distance to the Cheese factory. 10 minutes to Picton. Dug well on property. A grand place to build and /or farm in this scenic area. Walking trails and lanes on property. Taxes to be assessed. Opportunity to own additional 14 acres/barn/century home with in law apart. on the Black River with a pond across the road. $269,000 MLS 2120032 Gail Forcht**



Spacious 2 bdrm condo perched on the top floor of ‘The Loyalist’ building! Featuring open concept living with cathederal ceilings and north facing exposure this opportunity in the Westwinds is not to be overlooked. The unit was upgraded with a balcony enclosure for three season use and is accessible from the living area and large master bedroom (with private ensuite and walk in closet). In suite laundry completes this easy to manage residence. The unit includes one indoor parking spot and a storage locker conveniently located down the hall. Wheelchair accessible and within walking distance to all town amenities look no further than this great opportunity! $229,000 MLS 2123312 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

Double Unit in Rosemary Court! The townhome offers the space you didn`t want to give up!Generous sized foyer. This 2 bedroom unit offers a spacious master bedroom with 3 piece ensuite, walk in shower and his/her walk-in closets. Double attached garage with inside entry. Bright and open concept Kitchen, eating area and living room with walkout to your patio.Neutral colours and like new. Main floor laundry. An unspoiled lower level allowing your imagination to run free! This home is perfectly suited for the retiree or new home buyers, steps away from downtown! A garage bay for both of you. $299,000 MLS 2122121 Gail Forcht** & Sarah Scott*




Betty Burns*

Ann Cooper*

Gail Forcht**

Catherine Deluce Pres. & CEO Broker of Record

Laurie Gruer*


WAUPOOS/CRESSY: A GEM TO BE POLISHED! Charming original farmhouse on 3 acres with spectacular views of Lake Ontario - and your own small beach, too! Farmhouse has excellent proportions, double staircase and a deck over the water. Needs restoration to make it a true jewel! Outstanding opportunity to make this your County home! $279,000 MLS 2123641 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone* & Monica Klingenberg*


South Bay pristine Waterfront. Very private and quiet location with southeast exposure, nicely treed lot. Three bedroom mobile - fully furnished plus all appliances. Off the grid with solar panel and diesel generator plus a windmill. No hydro bills, low taxes, great clean clear water for swimming, plus dock and boat launch. 100 ft of beach - a beautiful spot! $185,000 2122545 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*


Liz Monica Jones* Klingenberg*

* Sales Representative

Peter Lynch*

Rob Plomer*

Duane Russell**

Sarah Scott*

Sam Simone*

Chuck Slik** ** Broker

Lori Slik*

Kate Vader*

Richard Stewart LLB

Vise President Legal Counsel

Toronto - Head Office

Barry VanZoeren*

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 f RE/17


Century 1910 home sits on a quiet street overlooking a large park and only one block from downtown Picton. This home has been updated with keeping the architectural charm - Douglas Fir flooring, main floor sunroom with French doors off the dining room. A second floor enclosed balcony off two bedrooms with views of the park. Dry basement with partially insulated music room and laundry room. Detached garage with extra depth for storage, garden shed and backyard deck with mature trees and fenced-in yard. $299,000 MLS 2117570 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*





attention.What a fabulous home for B&B or duplex as it was in a former life.Looking for the home to entertain?This is it! Formal dining room with hardwood floors tin ceiling to accommodate entertaining and family occasions. Large Bay window in the living room. Large Country kitchen with island and family room. Generous sized Laundry room offers 2nd kitchen option with sink and counter space already in place. Perfect for a studio/hobby room. EXCLUSIVE Gail Forcht**


CLASSIC FIELDSTONE CENTURY HOME Circa 1864. 2.69 acre atop `Pancake` hill with stunning surrounding views. Was certified organic farm for 13 yrs. and for the past 2 a certified biodynamic farm. One acre of garden has been nurtured and produced wonderful crops. Another acre is a generous sized building for the chickens and their free ranging. 800 sq. ft. garage being used as a workshop with a studio and loft on the upper level. Upgrades throughout the property include a new metal roof (11), windows (10), solar hot water system (06) and newer electrical. Charming home and property is situated on a quiet road between Stirling, Tweed and Belleville. For someone who is looking for the ultimate garden this is it! $368,000 MLS 2121274 Gail Forcht**



HIDDEN TREASURE IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY! Located on Goodman Crescent just off Morrison Point Road the property faces north with tranquil views over Smith`s Bay. Currently used as a family summer retreat this 3 bedroom dwelling can be lived in year round if so desired. Boating, Fishing, Swimming are all on your doorstep in this cozy private community. A three season sunroom and expansive deck overlooking the grounds make it easy to entertain, relax and unwind. Well maintained and filled with character this is a unique opportunity not to be missed. $334,900 MLS 2123108 Rob Plomer* & Kate Vader*

Unique waterfront property on Picton Harbour, fantastic views, beautiful fully treed lot with hardwood trees close to Picton. A great living room with vaulted ceilings, glass doors to a wide deck makes for excellent entertaining. Dining and kitchen areas are open concept, with beautiful hardwood floors and a sweeping staircase lead to a balcony and master bedroom with a 4pc bath. The walkout level features a family room with gas stove, built-in shelves and patio doors. There`s a hobby room, a work room and lots of storage! $390,000 MLS 2120711 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*

Custom Built Home in a beautifully treed setting and over 5 acres to enjoy! This 4 bedroom home sits well back from the road only 10 minutes from Picton and 10 minutes to the 401 for easy commuting. The home itself boast high ceilings, many windows allowing for bright natural light and an open conpect kitchen and eating area. Enjoy your privacy with the deck right off of the kitchen. Lower level family room with walkout. $338,000 MLS 2123323 Gail Forcht**

OPPORTUNITY RIGHT ON THE EDGE OF PICTON! This 4+ acre parcel includes a big, bright century farmhouse now completely upgraded. Newer kitchen, main floor laundry, main floor master and large 4-piece bath, huge reception rooms plus four bedrooms upstairs! Outside, a 40’ x 60’ quonset hut and a large 2-storey block building offer huge potential for a home-based business. Reinvent yourself here in this perfect live/work situation! $399,000 MLS 2122840 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Big classic red brick Victorian three blocks from Main Street! Full of character and natural light and impeccably-maintained throughout. Pine floors, wood-burning fireplace and charming staircase. Three oversized bedrooms, main floor laundry and two-piece bath. Outstanding value for one of Picton's prettiest homes! $339,000 MLS 2123109 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone* & Monica Klingenberg*

PLEASANT GARDENS Incredible home situated in the heart of the County between Picton, Bloomfield and Belleville. Modern curb appeal. Interior layout brings the outdoors in. Great for active daily living and entertaining. Central flow through kitchen with natural light, great room, enclosed porch overlooking the pool area. This cottage-like residence has many upgrades to the infrastructure including geo-thermal, metal roof and spray foam insulation. Private decks overlook the grounds. You will be pleasantly surprised. $419,000 MLS 2122347 Kate Vader* & Rob Plomer*

Country living at its finest! This custom family home is close to downtown Bloomfield and local public school. Large front veranda of yester years and grand foyer makes a welcoming entrance with ceramic tile, lovely staircase and powder room. Open concept layout, with custom kitchen open to the formal living room, dining area with French doors to the deck and pool area. The 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home has a master bedroom with ensuite, main floor media room with French doors to deck and pool area. Full finished basement with bar, fireplace and area for billiard table. Hard wood floors throughout. Attached double garage with inside entry, 2 garden sheds, and plenty of parking. Buy a lifestyle, call to make your appointment. $349,000 MLS 2122598 Lori Slik*

In the quaint village of Wellington, here is an opportunity to own your own business or give your current business great exposure. With over 1500 square feet of space, an half acre lot on municipal services and zoning highway commercial with a diversity of options allowed for a variety of commercial opportunities(see documents). Wellington is one of the hot spots to be in the summer months with walking distance to a public beach on Lake Ontario, harbour, restaurants, cafes and artesian boutiques. This a great opportunity to work in Prince Edward County and live the dream. $425,000 MLS 2122792 Lori Slik*





Gail Forcht**

Catherine Deluce Pres. & CEO Broker of Record

Laurie Gruer*





Ann Cooper*



Betty Burns*


www.asenseofplace.ca Perfect opportunity for your own business in the heart of the village! Handsome century house with four bedrooms, den and family room. Spectacular salt-water pool on a huge fenced lot! Be open in time for summer! $314,000 MLS 2121771 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*


This Colorado style home is only 10 years old with over 28 acres zoned agricultural for the ability to have a small hobby farm. The home is situated back off the road with a small horse barn and a detached 24` x 30` building with hydro. The kitchen, dining and living area is all open concept with vaulted ceilings and garden doors to the deck. The basement has a large family room with a woodstove, large windows, 4pc. bath and two extra bedrooms. This home has all the opportunity to live the dream in the Country, only minutes from the many wineries and 10 minutes South of Trenton. Book your appointment today! $364,900 2121396 Lori Slik*

Liz Monica Jones* Klingenberg*

* Sales Representative

Peter Lynch*

Rob Plomer*

Duane Russell**

Sarah Scott*

Sam Simone*

Chuck Slik** ** Broker

Lori Slik*

Kate Vader*

Richard Stewart LLB

Vise President Legal Counsel

Toronto - Head Office

Barry VanZoeren*

RE/18 f THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012


PARTRIDGE HOLLOW: Don’t be deceived by the Victorian curb appeal… This hip-urban retreat is loaded with traits of the homes original structure and brilliant touches of trendy rustic design. Colours pop almost every amazing feature and each room stands out with its own style in this 3 Bdrm Plus Den & Studio home including large windows that flow with natural light. Upon entering the home your senses of charm will be ignited as every room welcomes you to a relaxing and laid back atmosphere. Outside the home you are greeted to 13 acres of beautiful green space and gardens. A mixture of softwood/hardwood forest and trails lead you to areas filled with Sugarbush to be tapped. A short leisurely walk (even barefoot) offers you North Beach Provincial Park and a winery. $432,000 MLS 2123548 Kate Vader* & Rob Plomer*

A STUNNING CUSTOM GEM ON THE SHORES OF LAKE ONTARIO! This meticulously-designed home features exemplary finishes and classic proportions, and takes full advantage of its extremely private setting at the end of a four-season road. Radiant in-floor heating, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and several walk-outs. Wraparound verandah and pergola. Optional main floor master plus three more bedrooms and office. Your ideal waterfront retreat in The County! $719,000 MLS 2122885 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone* & Monica Klingenberg*

CALLING ALL ARTISTS, DESIGNERS & ENTREPRENEURS! Two for the price of one! Spectacular "loft" renovation of a commercial building into a unique residence with heated concrete floors, working garage door wall, cantilevered bedroom and excellent live/work space. Adjoining it is a solid 3-bedroom house with many mechanical upgrades. Live in one; work in the other - or live in one; rent the other! Single garage and very private courtyard garden, too! $459,000 MLS 2122026 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*

SPECTACULAR OFF-GRID MASTERPIECE! Bay of Quinte Waterfront on 10 acres features impeccably-designed “green” home featured in magazines and on TV. Radiant floors, three bedrooms with ensuites, lots of natural light, its own wind tower and complete privacy. An absolutely oneof-a-kind opportunity just 10 minutes from the 401. Hurry for this one! $769,000 MLS 2121779 Laurie Gruer*, Sam Simone*, Monica Klingenberg*

Custom built brick home with beautifully landscaped yard and a gentle slope down to your waterfront. Located on the outskirts of Picton, this home is just a short walk to the Golf Course, Medical Centre and Restaurants. Open concept kitchen, eating area and family room have a spacious walk-out deck and large patio doors to allow for the beautiful water views. Belvedere offers a wonderful master bedroom with an abundance of light with ensuite. 2 bdrms on main level with 4 pce bath. Formal living room and diningroom with french doors. Wrap around porch overlooking a stone wall. Lower level is dry walled and waiting for your finishing touches! Truly a wonderful home you must see! $478,000 MLS 2116409 Gail Forcht**


Spacious Waterfront home with views of the Sand Dunes! Brick home with attached double garage, boasting a gas fireplace up and down. Lower level walkout with steps to a great dock and swimmable water as well as great boating. Kitchen offers lots of space and cupboards plus a JennAir stove. Family & Friends will want to visit you here! 3 Bedrooms on mail level and 2 down. Master bedroom overlooks the water with an ensuite. Finished lower level family room. Formal dining area. Close to the Sandbanks Provincial Park. $580,000 MLS 2122455 Gail Forcht**

Waterfront with sandy shore and 5 Acres overlooking Waupoos Island. Impeccable 1830s Stone home with a 2nd storey early addition plus a more recent architecturally designed great room, master and lower rec-room professionally designed. Yesteryear charm with completely updated and modern conveniences. Spacious Master bedroom with large windows and balcony overlooking the vista of tended dwarf apple trees and strawberries which reduces maintenance. Spa ensuite and generous walk-in closet. The integrity of the original character is displayed with the deeply recessed window sills, wide baseboard, and tall ceilings. Centre hall plan. Care & attention to retain on the interior some of the original stone exterior. Luxury & modern touches with skylights, wrap around maintenance free deck, newer windows and a kitchen designed for entertaining. The luxury of generous space but easy to maintain. Breezeway and a double attached garage. Pride of ownership is evident throughout. Dock at shore. $825,000 MLS 2120904 Gail Forcht**

HAWKS RIDGE FARM Beautiful 4 BDRM century home among 25 acres of green space on Morrison Point Road. Hobby farmers delight! Original architecture, softwood pine in almost every room. Detached Studio with exposed wood beams and large vista windows. 3 Stall barn with fenced in electro braid yard, ready to accommodate horses and livestock. The property has been pesticide free for 24 years. A property in a vibrant community that must be seen in person to truly feel the essence. $645,000 MLS 2123597 Kate Vader* & Rob Plomer*

SPECTACULAR FAMILY COMPOUND ON SHEBA’S ISLAND! Three bedroom main house, two-bedroom guest house plus waterside studio/bunkie! Hundreds of feet of waterfront including sandy beach, dock, and long spit of land reaching into West Lake. House features vaulted ceilings, full-length sunroom, and wonderful entertaining areas, including spa and sauna. Weekends were made for a house like this! Triple garage, and enviable privacy. $969,000 MLS 2122724 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*

Outstanding location and beautiful custom built home on Sheba`s Island. Charming setting with fabulous sunsets and close to Sandbanks. Good swimming and fishing. Everything is in first class condition. 3400 sq ft of living space. $675,000 MLS 2121659 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*

STONE MILLS HOUSE A historical treasure at the gateway to Prince Edward County! This unforgettable 1812 residence is remarkable for its private waterfront setting on the Adolphus Reach, its character-filled interior and its location just minutes from Picton. Set among the stone mill buildings at Glenora, this was the childhood home of Sir John A. MacDonald – and now it could be yours! Gracious reception rooms, radiant in-floor heating, four bedrooms including a private master suite. Several walk-outs to terraces and stone patios plus separate coach house. $1,095,000 MLS 2122839 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone *

High profile location in the heart of downtown Picton. Zoned Commercial Core, 8 parking spaces, one of the best income properties available. Statements are available. Consists of 4 apartments and 3 stores. The main commercial unit is approximately 2000 sq. feet, basement is high and dry with 7 storage lockers. The entire building has been updated and is in good condition. Lot size to be verified. Frontage on 2 streets, 182 Main St. and 14 Elizabeth St. Lots of room for storage units expansion. All 7 units have seperate hydro/heat meters. $679,000 MLS 2114412 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*

LOOKING FOR COMPLETE PRIVACY ON BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT? This beautiful stone residence offers impeccable design and quality on 11+ acres of spectacular land, minutes from Picton and from the 401. Vaulted ceilings, distinctive poplar plank floors, an outstanding master suite with a private terrace, plus remarkable views from every window! Don't miss the waterside gazebo and entertainment terrace! Moor your boat at the dock and watch the sailboats drift by on Long Reach. This is a historical home of the future! $1,199,000 MLS 2122218 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*





With sprawling lawns, wonderful views, and a wraparound verandah, this classic Picton manor is ready for your touch! Beautiful double parlours, pine floors, a main floor family room and five bedrooms – plus pool, double garage and four baths. Easy stroll to shops and restaurants! Bring the kids – and make this your home in the County! $795,000 MLS 2122801 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*











Betty Burns*

Ann Cooper*

Gail Forcht**

Catherine Deluce Pres. & CEO Broker of Record

Laurie Gruer*

Liz Monica Jones* Klingenberg*

* Sales Representative

Peter Lynch*

Rob Plomer*

Duane Russell**

Sarah Scott*

Sam Simone*

Chuck Slik** ** Broker

Lori Slik*

Kate Vader*

Richard Stewart LLB

Vise President Legal Counsel

Toronto - Head Office

Barry VanZoeren*

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 f RE/19


Plan No. SHSW00078


VICTORIAN GRACE 6 Talbot Street, Picton


Otto Buikema

Off: 613-476-3144 Fax: 613-476-2562 Cell: 613-967-9319 981 Cty Rd 8, Picton


Feel free to visit our website - www.ottocarpentry.com



Renovations, Additions Soffit, Fascia, Siding ERIC HELMER 613-476-4945


Hennessy Home Finishing & Contracting



Water proof sheet vinyl for decks, picnic tables or a flat roof

Bruce Hennessy 399-3793 Cell 613-827-3793 bruceh@sympatico.ca

The amazing turret/gazebo porch on this lovely home has an authentic Victorian flavor. Exceptional details accent this classic look. The bedroom on the first level offers a Juliet balcony, which adds appeal both inside and outside. A two-sided fireplace warms both this room and the main living space. Upstairs, the master suite features a walk-in closet and a private bath with dual sinks. Another suite rests up here as well. First Floor: 840 sq. ft. Second Floor: 757 sq. ft. Total: 1,597 sq. ft.

To see more details on this plan, visit www.selectfloorplans.ca/dfl and enter the plan number above. Use advanced search features to browse thousands of other home designs, including bungalow, twostorey, multi-level, and cottage country homes. Order blueprints online or call 1-800-663-6739 for more information on how to order and modify plans.

Second Floor

First Floor

BAY OF QUINTE CUSTOM ESTATE! Impeccably-designed and meticulously-finished residence on 2 acres with private harbour for your boat! 4 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, 5 baths and triple garage. Extensive terraces and huge screened atrium. Your own gym and media room, too! Excellent location on Rednersville Road! $1,795,000 MLS 2123136 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*

WELCOME TO GLENLOCKE FARMS! Idyllic country estate on 1,100 feet of South Bay waterfront! This spectacular property sits on 21+ remarkably private acres just minutes from Picton in the heart of Prince Edward County. Picturesque 3.5-acre vineyard, dock, marine railway and bucolic red barn. The sprawling house features spectacular reception rooms, a chef's kitchen, main floor master suite plus four guest rooms. One of the County's premier properties! $1,895,000, MLS 2122664 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*

Waupoos Marina offers many opportunities. Situated on over nine acres with 638 feet of pristine waterfront, plus a 600 x 550 ft water lot with 132 docks, which could be expanded to 200 docks, with water and power. Plus four two-bedroom insulated/heated cottages and a great three-bedroom house on the waterfront with two bathrooms, separate living area, sunroom and dining room. Updated water purification system. A building with washrooms and showers, hot tub, and laundry facilities. A total of 15 buildings on site lots of boat storage with 18 ft clearance. A marine mechanic is on site, gas and diesel pumps. 3 meter, Two Phase power - Phase 1 and Phase 11 environmental assessment has been completed and given a clean bill of health. $1,800,000 MLS 2122635 Chuck Slik** & Lori Slik*




This grand 5.5 acre estate on the Bay of Quinte is unmatched in terms of architectural integrity. Scale or quality of finishes - all on professionally landscaped grounds set back from the road. The waterfront of over 560` offers a protected & private harbour for your boat, stone seawalls & a private pebble beach. A separate 3-bay carriage house provides office space and outstanding accommodation for guests! $1,950,000 MLS 2122400 Laurie Gruer* & Sam Simone*


Betty Burns*

Ann Cooper*

Gail Forcht**

Catherine Deluce Pres. & CEO Broker of Record

Laurie Gruer*


Liz Monica Jones* Klingenberg*

* Sales Representative

Peter Lynch*

Rob Plomer*

Duane Russell**

Sarah Scott*

Sam Simone*

Chuck Slik** ** Broker

Lori Slik*

Kate Vader*

Richard Stewart LLB

Vise President Legal Counsel

Toronto - Head Office

Barry VanZoeren*

RE/20 f THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

THE PICTON GAZETTE 1 Lake Street, PICTON, ON 613.476.5900

Colin Henden

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.922.2251 colinhenden@remax.net



Christine Henden


Cell: 613.967.9305 ChristineHenden.com

Mary Jane Mills


Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.921.0028 mills2@sympatico.ca

Marc Ouellette Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.849.8864 marc@remaxquinte.com www.rightonthemarc.ca

Tony Scott Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.503-0046 tony@remaxpec.ca

Colleen Green Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.476.6553 colleen.green@sympatico.ca Twitter: @ColleenGreenatR Website: www.colleengreenpicton.com

Ted Surridge

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5170 Office: 613.399.5900 Email: teds@kos.net


Lovely 2.9 acre partially wooded building lot with new blasted well. MlS 2121963 Mary Jane MillS


1366 sq.ft. Hillier Model in Wellington on the Lake. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. MlS 2122730 ted SurridGe



CAFÉ BUSINESS. Great Picton location one block from free parking in historical building. Seats 20+. MLS 2123459 ChriStine & Colin henden


130 ft. waterfront lot, convenient to Picton/Belleville. Easy water access. MlS 2120209 herb PliwiSChKieS



3 bdrm country bungalow with 3 generous bdrms, newer laminate flooring. Eat-in kitchen with breakfast bar. MLS 2116642 Mary Jane MillS


A beautifully renovated home, relax with all the modern comforts & some subtle hints of yesteryear. MLS 2123145 tony SCott


304 Main Street, WELLINGTON,ON 613.399.5900 or Toll Free 1.888.217.0166


Semi-detached 3 bed, 2 bath home located in McCauley Village w/ open verandah on front and side. MLS 2123365 ted SurridGe & ron norton


CLOSE TO SANDBANKS! Pretty lot fronting on the Outlet River with 3 bedroom/1 bath mobile home & bunkie. MLS 2123527 ChriStine & Colin henden


Low carrying costs! Renovated downtown 2 bdrm or 1 bdrm + den condo in the heart of Picton. MLS 2120031 debbie MCKinney

Lovely 3 bdrm, walking distance to downtown on a quiet street with private yard. MlS 2123125 Colleen Green & MarC ouellette

Spacious 2 bdrm main floor condo with upgrades, fresh paint and new flooring. MlS 2121608 donna & niCK hawryluK

4 bdrms, 1 acre, 1 minute to downtown Picton! Very clean brick home on the edge of town. MlS 2122202 tony SCott





Ron Norton Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5900 ronnorton@bellnet.ca

Veronica Norton Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5900 veronicanorton@bellnet.ca

Nick Hawryluk

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.476.4920 Cell: 613.922.6205 nickh@remax.net

Sales Rep.

Donna Hawryluk

Sales Rep.

Great rental investment cottage. 3 beds, 2 baths. Walk to beach and all amenities. Completely updated. MLS 2121718 MarC ouellette & Colleen Green


Park like setting close to town on 47 acres. 1100 sq.ft. back split with 1+2 bdrms. 30 workable acres. MLS 2123192 tony SCott

3 bdrms up, 2 bdrms down, has in-law suite potential. 3 baths. Private location on outskirts of Picton. MLS 2123135 tony SCott


PROSPECT ST. PICTON. In-law suite, separate entrance. Living room, fireplace. Fenced, in-ground pool. MLS 2121863 ChriStine & Colin henden

35.8 acres with 2 small barns and a greenhouse, located on Danforth Rd and fronting on Loyalist Parkway. MLS 2123301 ted SurridGe & ron norton


1060 sq.ft. Rosemary Lane condo. Open concept main floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. MlS 2120248 herb PliwiSChKieS

Family living at its best! Offers formal dining room, breakfast area in the great sized kitchen and a cozy sunken living room with fireplace. MLS 2121204

ron & veroniCa norton


FabulouS view 5 ac woods, 300 ft.

waterfront on Long Reach. Great building spot on Lyons Rd. off Hwy#49. MLS 2121717

ChriStine & Colin henden

Tel: 613.476.4920 Cell: 613.922.6205 donnah@remax.net

Herb Pliwischkies Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5399 Cell: 613.921.7441





Spectacular views from this great family cottage on Lake Consecon! MlS 2120722 ron & veroniCa norton

Original character mixed with modern updates! Hardwood floors and trim throughout the main level, with tin ceilings in the den. MLS 2120828

Keep your options open with this one! Could be B&B, retirement residence or a great family home! MLS 2122954 ron & veroniCa norton

3 bedroom, 2 bath immaculate Picton century home. Walkout to patio with 3 tiered deck, salt water pool. MLS 2117354 herb PliwiSChKieS





ron & veroniCa norton

Debbie McKinney Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.885.1485 debbie@remaxquinte.com

Kevin Gale Sales Rep.

Res: 613.476.1874 Cell: 613.242.7295 kevingale@remax.net

SITTING ON A KNOLL with view of Bay on 5.75 acres. Tip top condition, well maintained, tasteful décor. MLS 2123226 ChriStine & Colin henden

Fully renovated, furnished & equipped 4 season cottage sitting on 92 ft of crystal clear Adolphus Reach waterfront. MLS 2122219

tony SCott

Gorgeous South Bay 1.7 acre 3 bdrm with sandy waterfront. MlS 2122223 Colleen Green & MarC ouellette

3 bdrm hillside bungalow between Picton & Belleville near Mountain View. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. MLS 2123196/2123022 Kevin Gale

Bringing Buyers from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and across Canada to Vendors in the County!

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 f RE/21


1 Lake Street, PICTON, ON 613.476.5900

Colin Henden

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.922.2251 colinhenden@remax.net



Christine Henden


Cell: 613.967.9305 ChristineHenden.com

Mary Jane Mills


Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.921.0028 mills2@sympatico.ca

Marc Ouellette Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.849.8864 marc@remaxquinte.com www.rightonthemarc.ca

Tony Scott


Beautiful country home. Everything you have been dreaming about is here! MLS 2123547 RON & VERONICA NORTON


Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.503-0046 tony@remaxpec.ca

End of East Lake, 2 bdrm, 1 bath home. Walkout to deck & pool. Completely renovated in 2009. MLS 2120939 Kevin Gale

Colleen Green Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.476.6553 colleen.green@sympatico.ca Twitter: @ColleenGreenatR Website: www.colleengreenpicton.com

Ted Surridge

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5170 Office: 613.399.5900 Email: teds@kos.net



4+ bdrms, 3 baths w/self-contained 2 bdrm apartment, near Sandbanks beach. MLS 2107193 TONY SCOTT


ACKERMAN ST. PICTON Perfect emptynesters home with room for guests. Seller is willing to negotiate!! MLS 2116063 CHRISTINE & COLIN HENDEN



Custom built Hickory Home with 3 bdrms and 3 baths. Nicely sized in-town lot in area of fine homes. MLS 2122038 MARY JANE MILLS



CENTURY DR. PICTON. Beautifully appointed classic bungalow. Mature landscaped lot, main-floor living plus fully finished basement. MLS 2123271



304 Main Street, WELLINGTON,ON 613.399.5900 or Toll Free 1.888.217.0166


Unique 2 bdrm log home nestled on a nice deep waterfront lot on the Bay of Quinte. MLS 2123120 KEVIN GALE


A great opportunity on a 3 & 3/4 acre lot with home, detached garage and 8500 sq.ft. of green house. MLS 2121781/2121784/2121790



Renovated 1870’s farmhouse complete with full workshop & garage sitting on 2 ac overlooking Lake Ontario in Cressy. MLS 2117369

ACREAGE WITH WATERFRONT. 23+ ac & 600 ft frontage East Lake. 2 mins from Sandbanks, 10 mins from Picton or Bloomfield. MLS 2121681

Stunning inside and out! Beautiful brick bungalow sitting on a 3 acre waterfront lot on Rednersville Rd. MLS 2120189 RON & VERONICA NORTON

80 ft. clean level Bay of Quinte shoreline. Large living room has walkout to waterfront. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. MLS 2121519 KEVIN GALE







Ron Norton Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5900 ronnorton@bellnet.ca

Veronica Norton Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.399.5900 veronicanorton@bellnet.ca

Nick Hawryluk

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.476.4920 Cell: 613.922.6205 nickh@remax.net


Sales Rep.

Donna Hawryluk

Sales Rep.

Tel: 613.476.4920 Cell: 613.922.6205 donnah@remax.net

Herb Pliwischkies Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5399 Cell: 613.921.7441

1800’s farmhouse with barn and machine shed comes with 27 acres. 6 bdrms, 1 bath. MLS 2120688/2120700 KEVIN GALE

PICTON. Walk to downtown. Gracious, solid-brick, completely restored from walls in. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. MLS 2121995 CHRISTINE & COLIN HENDEN

4 bdrm, 2 bath cape cod style home overlooking Long Reach. Multi level decking at rear of home. MLS 2120845 TONY SCOTT


4 bdrm century farmhouse has been meticulously renovated. 100 acres farmland. Deck overlooking land & pond. MLS 2122301 KEVIN GALE

Bringing Buyers from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and across Canada to Vendors in the County! Debbie McKinney Sales Rep

Tel: 613.476.5900 Cell: 613.885.1485 debbie@remaxquinte.com

Kevin Gale Sales Rep.

Res: 613.476.1874 Cell: 613.242.7295 kevingale@remax.net

Main floor master, finished basement, lovely gardens walking to Main St. See virtual tour www.rightonthemarc.ca. MLS 2122099 MARC OUELLETTE


Stunning 360 degree views from this renovated Lake on the Mountain bungalow. Inground pool. MLS 2122328 HERB PLIWISCHKIES


1870’s 5 bdrm farmhouse, 3700 sq.ft. living space, inground pool, cabana, wet bar & screened in sitting room. MLS 2121472 TONY SCOTT

SPECTACULAR 8 ACRES! Lovely cottage, road to shore, dramatic escarpment views, new build site. MLS 2121559 CHRISTINE & COLIN HENDEN


Penthouse condo offers luxury living. 2 bdrms, 2 baths. Private rooftop terrace. MLS 2121049 COLLEEN GREEN

Don‘t let spring showers stop you from searching for that perfect home, look weekly in Prince Edward County

Showcase of Homes


Busy, well maintained carwash. Be your own boss! MLS 2123569 DONNA & NICK HAWRYLUK

RE/22 f THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 GAS BAR/ CONVENIENCE STORE 1368 County Road 12

Sutton Group


Located on County Road 12, on the way to Sandbanks Provincial Park, this busy convenience store and gas bar features the following: two gas bars, a kitchen area, and exterior serving windows. For the owner, or as an additional rental income, this property also includes an onsite mobile home behind the store. This is an excellent location that attracts local campers that may be looking for fuel, supplies, and a light meal while staying at a nearby campsite. Please visit www.tambostore.com $299,000 MLS 2121166


Dreaming of owning and operating a B&B in beautiful Prince Edward County? This Century home is located on Main Street in the heart of Bloomfield. Original millwork, hardwood and pine flooring. Extensive renovations include a gourmet quality kitchen with center island/granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, high ceilings, completed by current owner; newer central air conditioning, and high efficiency gas furnace, electrical upgraded/ceramic bathrooms and two guest sitting rooms, windows have custom designed shades. Property sits on approximately 4 acres. Please visit www.87mainst.com $389,900 MLS 2121817 To schedule a showing please call Joy Humphrey @ 613-967-2100

26 ACRES CLOSE TO 401 Highway 49


Prince Edward County Realty Inc. Brokerage 98 Main Street, Picton, ON Phone 613-476-7800


17 ONTARIO ST. SAT. MAY 26 & SUN. MAY 27 1-3PM $159,900 Are you still renting? Why is 12423 LOYALIST PKWY that? Please SAT. MAY 26 1-3PM consider: 3+1 $285,900 Do you want.... Waterview without bdrms, 2 baths, attached garage with entry the cost of waterfront? Municipal water, but into the home, beautiful yard, plus more! in the country? Formal & recreational living Come and talk to me people, as my friend on 2 levels? Many upgrades, including new Martha Stewart would say, This is a good shingles and air conditioning in 2011, hot tub thing!! BE THERE OR BE and woodburning stove. SQUARE! MLS® 2123491 MLS® 2117385





Make a difference!



Come and build your dream home in beautiful Prince Edward County! 2.4 acres of land with approximately 350` waterfront on the Bay of Quinte. Two road frontages available, access to property off County Road 15 (150` frontage). Additional driveway may be installed. Existing barn on property with concrete floors and hydro. Dug well on property. Property is treed with some clear sections. Easy access to the 401. Please visit www.11ckimballlane.com $219,000 MLS 2122529

Tom McEvoy

The gateway to beautiful Prince Edward County! This 26 acre triangular shaped lot boasts 2200 feet of road frontage on Highway 49. Easy access to the 401. Please visit www.highway49forsale.com $99,000 MLS 2122531

264 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Z2 Office: 613-967-2100 tom.mcevoy@century21.ca www.tommcevoy.ca

MAY 27 1 - 4PM 3019 COUNTY ROAD 10 WELLINGTON ON THE LAKE For those who know, Banbury Model with gourmet white kitchen, fancy ensuite, south deck, double garage, full basement, Reduced $324,000. Quick Possession. MLS 2121052

Own Milford area's history with this century home loaded with charm and the work has been done all located on a manicured lot over looking Milford Pond. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths main floor family room. Early Possession. $334,900 MLS 2116348


Sales Rep Direct: 613-920-5984 Office: 613-966-9400 cdeleon@exitrealtygroup.ca

JimWait Sales Rep.

Q u i n t e L t d . B r o k e ra g e

Darlene Eldridge Broker

Working with Buyers locally, from Toronto, Ottawa and the World! W NE ICE USE NE 2 R P N HO Y JU M E A OP URD 3:30P T 2A S Two bedrooms,


a spacious den and an artists studio allow loads of space for gentle living. Shows like an interior designer has been at work. 8 JASPER AVE French doors, beautiful fixtures, lovely hardwood and a bright, cheery feel grace this home. Fenced yard with extensive low maintenance landscaping. So many upgrades and a full height unfinished basement too! MLS 2120648

Easy access waterfront, and 245ft of it! This year-round home on Hay Bay offers 667B SOUTH SHORE RD outstanding boating, fishing and swimming. Beautiful new kitchen, open concept dining/living room leading to expansive deck with screened gazebo. Detached double and single garages. A perfect getaway or vacation rental investment property. MLS 2121654



R OME 4-BRY H T UN O C This move-in ready, renovated home is set on 2.5 acres in a location central to Picton and Belleville. Full baths on both levels with many new vinyl windows & pleasant paint colours. Wraparound front porch and walkout from the dining room to a deck makes it easy to BBQ and enjoy views. Two outbuildings allow you to seize the opportunity for a home-based business. MLS 2121709


Q u i n t e L t d . B r o k e ra g e


$99,900 Waterfront Building Lot with Large Pole Barn

2121624 2121625 2121679 2121906

$114,500 $115,000 $115,900 $119,500

5+ Acre Building Lot with Well & Survey 5+ Acre Building Lot with Well & Survey

E RIC KE T P W LA N NE AST FRO E TER WA Unique opportunity to own a 2-sty home with sandy beach on East Lake across from Sandbanks Provincial Park. Four bedrooms, two baths (one with 2-person jacuzzi) and main floor laundry. Open concept kitchen/living room with oak cupboards and floors and large island! Seawall with boat ramp and in ground sprinklers too. Boat house features over-height garage doors and 2nd storey with skylights and deck. Enjoy lazy summer days boating, fishing & swimming with family. www.88outletroad.com. MLS 2122711

$474,900 ME HO E AT EST

2120572 $199,000 Waterfront Building Lot on Adolphus Reach 2121024 $219,000 Waterfront Building Lot on Long Point 2120262 $1,275,000 Vineyard with 241 Acres NEW PRICE!

Set on 115 acres, this 4000sq.ft home has many features. Lovingly restored, the home flows graciously through main floor living and dining rooms to a spectacular cook's kitchen. With an AGA stove and Miele appliances, plus ample counter and cupboard space, entertaining will be a breeze. Gorgeous fireplaces, open spaces, and sunrooms overlooking landscaped grounds. www.3327countyroad8.com. MLS 2121623

Vacant Land


Lake Ontario Waterfront Lot Deeded Access Waterfront Lot with Well & Survey

O : 6 1 3 - 4 76 - 5 9 0 0 C : 6 1 3 - 8 4 8 - 6 4 3 3 j i m . wa i t @ r e m a x . n e t w w w. l o v e p r i n c e e d wa r d c o u n t y. c o m

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 f RE/23


102 Main Street, Picton & 298 Main Street, Wellington

The Gold Standard in Prince Edward County

Lanthorn Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage*

*Independently owned & operated

$40,000 MLS 2116117

$194,900 OPEN HOUSE

$279,900 OPEN HOUSE



MLS 2121045

Sunday, May 27 2-4pm 49 Old Portage Road

• cheRRy vaLLey aRea • 1 acRe LeveL LOt • Paved yeaR ROund ROad • vieW Of eaSt Lake • neWeR hOMeS neaRBy • caLL fOR detaiLS

$175,000 MLS 2122200


• 4 BedROOM 2 StORey • neWeR ROOf and WindOWS • haRdWOOd fLOORS • MacauLay viLLage • LaRge fenced Back yaRd • BackS On cOnSeRvatiOn aRea

$399,900 MLS 2122268

58 cty Rd 18, cheRRy vaLLey

SuB-diviSiOn BuiLding LOt

• executive SuB-diviSiOn • 2+ acRe LOt With WateR acceSS hugh jackson • undeR gROund SeRviceS • MatuRe tReeS Broker • eaSy acceSS tO PictOn, naPanee h.jackson@sympatico.ca www.bayofquintehomes.com • Paved yeaR ROund ROad

teal Baverstock

• BeautifuL centuRy hOMeOn quiet StReet in caRRying PLace • uPdated WiRing, MOStLy RenOvated 3 BdRM, 1 Bath hOMe With ORiginaL featuReS and chaRM • neW WindOWS thROughOut, neW hOt WateR tank • WaLking diStance tO Many aMenitieS incLuding teal.baverstock@century21.ca PuBLic WateR acceSS. • MuRRay canaL, BOat Launch, 401 and tRentOn www.tealbaverstock.com aLL neaRBy!

Sales Rep


• 1 1/2 StORey W/ 2+ BdRMS & 2 BathS • cathedRaL ceiLingS in Living ROOM, haRdWd thROughOut, natuRaL gaS, centRaL aiR • fuLL PaRtiaLLy finiShed BSMt With WaLk Out, fROnt PORch and Back deck • in-LaW Suite POtentiaL • Stunning MatuRe cOuntRy LOt juSt On the OutSkiRtS Of BLOOMfieLS'S WeSt end MLS 2114706

MLS 2122802

$529,900 MLS 2121224



• centuRy hOMe ciRca 1860 • heaRt Of WeLLingtOn • cORe cOMMeRciaL zOning • fuLLy uPgRade tO cOdeS • 3 unitS, MuLtiPLe uSe • LOOking fOR OffeRS!!!



2012 MOdeL iS heRe

• 2 BedROOMS/ den • 2 fuLL BathS • BuiLt tO cSa StandaRdS • natuRaL gaS heat, hWt, aPPLiance • WaLk tO Main StReet • vieW MOdeL hOMe SOOn

$159,900 MLS 2122100

jason, kevin & Sandy young

jason, kevin & Sandy young Sales Reps.

www.pec.on.ca/young thefamilyteam@gmail.com

Sales Reps.


Live, RetiRe, vacatiOn & enjOy

www.pec.on.ca/young thefamilyteam@gmail.com

Paul gentile

• BLOOMfieLd BungaLOW • neWeR 4 Pc. BathROOM • haRdWOOd & ceRaMic fLOORS • gaS heat, centRaL aiR • Many uPgRadeS, MOve in • detached gaRage

$314,900 OPEN HOUSE MLS 2121786


MLS 2122268

• LaRge LOt incLuding hOuSe & BaRn/StudiO • BRight, RenOvated centuRy hOMe • 3 fLOORS, LOtS Of LOft SPace • Red Pine fLOORS, ORiginaL tin and Bead • ideaL fOR an aRtiSt and StudiO, WORkShOP BOaRd ceiLingS • MOdeRn cOnvenienceS and tOucheS OR cOnveRt it tO a gueSt hOuSe • in the heaRt Of the cOunty • incOMe PROducing vacatiOn/RetiReMent • cLOSe tO ShOPPing, PictOn hOSPitaL, PROPeRty SandBankS, WineRieS, antique ShOPS • StReet text LiSting infO inStantLy: text gOLd116 tO #33344 gaLLeRieS and gReat ReStauRantS MLS 2117307

Pat Benson Moore

Sun, May 27 1:30-3pm 21 Main Street Picton

`the Reid hOuSe`

• BuiLt in 1860. OffeRS ORiginaLity tO cOnvenience • StateLy 4 BedROOM BRick hOMe On LOyaLiSt PkWy • centRaL haLL PLan deSign, gReat B&B POtentiaL • ORiginaL featuReS thROughOut: Pine & haRdWOOd fLOORS, Wide MOuLdingS & BaSeBOaRdS • 2 StaiRcaSeS, BaLcOny On the uPPeR LeveL pat.bensonmoore@century21.ca • cOach hOuSe With a LOft cOMPLete the PictuRe • Make yOuR dReaM Of cOunty Living a ReaLity

Sales Rep.



vacant Land



• in tOWn BungaLOW • 2 BedROOMS, fuLL Bath • natuRaL gaS heat • detached gaRage/WORkShOP • LaRge LOt, ROOM tO exPand • quiet StReet in PictOn


• 2.28 ac, SOPhiaSBuRgh $24,900 2117435 • 3 ac, 1197 keLLy Rd. $49,900 2114698 • PictOn BLdg LOt 58'x90' $79,900 2123095 • 25 ac. SOPhiaSBuRgh $109,900 2121337 • WateRfROnt 1.5 ac. $175,000 2114706 • 90 ac, cROWeS Rd. $189,900 2115061

$879,900 MLS 2120474

525 feet Of Lake OntaRiO

• PLuS a fantaStic StOne hOMe With OveR 3000 SquaRe feet Of Living SPace

• gReat aRchitechuRaL detaiLS, vauLted ceiLing, hand heWn StOne fLOOR tO ceiLing fiRePLace, gLeaMing haRdWOOd

thROughOut and exPanSive ROWS Of gLaSS at the WateR Side

• gOuRMet kitchen, thRee BathROOMS and One POWdeR ROOM With iMPORted caBinetRy

• SePaRate, PRivate BOnuS ROOM With enSuite • attached tWO caR PLuS gaRage With PLentifuL StORage • PRivate, WeLL BuiLt and WeLL Maintained - exceLLent vaLue

$219,000 MLS 2122503

MLS 2121131



MLS 2113759

4 acRe BuiLding LOt

• centRaL LOcatiOn • neaRLy 1,000 ft ROad fROntage • gOOd WeLL inStaLLed • SOMe excavating StaRted


Steven Sensenstein

WeSt Lake WateRfROnt

carol Brough

Sales Rep.


• Newer bungalow, oak hardwood flooring • Kitchen features ceramic flooring, lots of cupboards and counter space plus breakfast bar • Cathedral ceiling, wall of windows overlooking West Lake with views of the sand dunes. • Full finished basement, walk-out to patio & waterfront • Perfect spot to operate a chartering boat, run a B&B, or rent out weekly during the summer


Sales Rep

MLS 2122555

www.century21.ca/ steven.sensenstein

MLS 2115813



• StaRteR hOMe, quiet ROad • 3 BedROOM BungaLOW • neW ROOf juSt inStaLLed • neWeR WindOWS & eaveS • POOL & SPaciOuS Back yaRd • PinecReSt SchOOL diStRict

jason, kevin & Sandy young Sales Reps.

www.pec.on.ca/young thefamilyteam@gmail.com

Bev Skidmore Broker

www.bevskidmore.com skidmore2100@yahoo.ca

WateRfROnt BuiLding LOt

• incRediBLe vieWS OveR PRince edWaRd Bay • veRy quiet LOcatiOn • gORgeOuS SunSetS • neaR LittLe BLuff • cLOSe tO BiRd SanctuaRy

$1,600,000 MLS 2115169

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$249,000 Century 2 storey brick home in Picton within walking distance to all amenities. This attractive solid built home has a gracious foyer, open & screened in porch, lovely sized rooms, hardwood floors, main floor laundry, attached one car garage. Immediate possession. Renovation costs available at office. MLS® 2120014

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$675,000 This custom built brick home offers 2 homes under one roof with separate in-law suite. Excellent neighbourhood for year round enjoyment for the retiree or family who want all the amenities nearby. The property boasts a large dock, boathouse, wooden bulkhead, upper and lower decks, a great workshop which could become a studio, attached 2 car garage and high efficiency wood burning fireplace in lower level family room. MLS® 2121659

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$179,000 This little gem has over 1,100 sq ft of living space with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Family room on lower level which opens to a fenced back yard with property facing Rotary Park & a short walk to Millennium Trail. Includes appliances. MLS® 2122486


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$849,000 Elegant custom designed waterfront home features main floor cathedreal ceilings, solar heat solarium, formal dining room, modern kitchen. 4 bedrooms all have views of the lake, master bath has sauna. Spacious living area with lots of natural light. Natural steps to Lake Ontario with 100 ft of amazing waterfront. MLS® 2120599



$325,000 Charming bungalow on edge of town with short walk to both public and high schools. Compact yet plenty of space to entertain. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on main level with 2 bedrooms and family room on lower. Totally landscaped back yard with pool, hot tub and outside shower makes for your own private Shangri-la! MLS® 2115512


$399,000 Pretty as a picture on Main Street and minutes from everything downtown. This 2 storey brick home boasts 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, gleaming wood floors, main floor bedroom. Extensively resotred with original details intact. Beautiful front entrance to welcome guests. Windowed veranda provides sunny sitting area. MLS® 2110035



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THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 f RE/25

The Inspectors Corner


A central air conditioning system can provide years of satisfactory cooling with relatively little maintenance. However, a seasonal start-up check and periodic maintenance is recommended. The amount of do-it-yourself air conditioning maintenance a homeowner can do is limited. However, there are a few steps that can help the system operate trouble-free and minimize the potential for consequential damage. Ensuring adequate airflow is perhaps the most important homeowner responsibility. Following manufacturer instructions, homeowners can generally: • Clean or replace the filter(s)

regularly (furnace). • Keep leaves and other debris off the condensing (outdoor) unit. • Keep the condensing coils clean by (very) carefully brushing and hosing them. • Keep shrubs and other plant growth that might obstruct airflow at least 18 inches away from the condenser. • Maintain insulation on ductwork in unconditioned areas if any. • Check the condensate drain for any sign of blockage or leakage. Water should be dripping from the end of this drain line when the unit is running. If no dripping is noted, check at the indoor unit for

tioning technician. A welltrained professional can provide a thorough pre-season or maintenance evaluation and servicing as needed. Insufficiently trained service technicians forsake proper diagnostic procedures and often only perform stop-gap measures to keep a unit going. Such short-sightedness can have a drastic effect on other components leading to consequential failure of the entire system. At a minimum, a technician should: • Check that the system contains the correct amount of refrigerant. • Test for refrigerant leaks. • Check for and seal duct leak-

Wayne Fulton is a local home inspector and can be reached at 613-354-9547


any signs of leakage. • Keep room input and return registers clear of furniture or other obstructions.

If your air conditioner needs more than the regular maintenance described here, consult a qualified air condi-

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age. • Clean the blower components. • Measure airflow through the evaporator coil. • Verify the correct electric control sequence. • Inspect electric terminals, clean and tighten connections. • Oil motors and check belts for tightness and wear. • Check the condensate system for backup or leakage. • Check operating temperatures and pressures. • Check the accuracy of the thermostat. These simple steps can help extend the life of the unit and make your home more comfortable this summer.


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Small PECI athletic contingent shows well at area track-and-field meet with fourth overall finish

Panthers haul nine gold medals from Bay of Quinte JASon pArkS

Staff writer

The gold standard for PECI track and field has been set as the local high school track and field team enjoyed its most prolific day in history on Wednesday. Six PECI athletes ran, jumped and threw their way to nine gold medals at the Bay of Quinte Track and Field championships. If the Bay of Quinte Invitational earlier this month was a dress rehearsal and Wednesday's meet was the first performance, the Panthers delivered as intended. The big winner of the day for PECI was Cole Norton who claimed three gold medals in the disciplines of long jump (5.78 m), triple jump (11.18 m) and the 100 m sprint (11.76). Meanwhile, first-year senior Courtney Wilson picked up a pair of top finishes, winning the shot put (9.99 m) and discus (32.71 m) events. Finally, single gold medals went to Brad Reid (senior boys long jump-5.75 m), Mitch Reid (junior boys 200 m -24.42 m), Amanda Whalen (junior girls high jump-1.35 m) and Graysen St. Pierre (midget boys

ATop Their fieldS From left, PECI athletes Mitch Reid, Amanda Whalen, Courtney Wilson, Graysen St. Pierre, Cole Norton, Brad Reid all came back from the Bay of Quinte track-and-field meet at Mary Anne Sills Park in Belleville last week with gold medals. The Panthers will participate in the COSSA meet today.. (Jason Parks/Gazette staff)

javelin-34.91 m) “It was a special day individually for our athletes but it was a great day for the team overall,” PECI track-and-field coach Beth Nicholls said. “We couldn't be happier with the results.” PECI, a school without a

track and only rudimentary throwing and jumping facilities, wound up finishing fourth overall. While the contingent of Panthers had small in numbers when compared to track superpower East Northumberland or some other larger Belleville

schools, 34 of 39 athletes performed well enough to move on to the Central Ontario championships today, also taking place at Mary Anne Sills Park in Belleville. PECI's solid finish overall was helped not only by the gold-medal finishes but

also several podium finishes: ■ Along with wining gold in the javelin, St. Pierre has a silver finish in the 400 m dash (59.48) and a bronze in the discus (31.65 m). ■ Mitch Reid had a pair of silvers in the high jump (1.70 m) and long jump

(5.53 m). ■ Junior Cailey Jones picked up a silver in the junior girls discus (20.66 m) and 800 m (2.44:34). ■ Fellow Junior Amanda Ostrander earned a silver in the 100 m (13.99) and chipped in with a fourth in the 200 m (28.88). ■ Seniors Dylan Ostroskie (third in 3,000 m-10:55.80), Mitch Spencer (2nd Javelin-40.74 m), Stacy Williams (second in Javelin-27.84 m) all had solid outings as did midgets Hannah Smith (second in 800 m-2:37.80) and Amber Miller (third in triple jump-9.39 m). ■ Juniors Wes Stakes (second in 3,000 m - 10:01.36) and Emily Arnold (third in high jump - 1.30 m) also made it to the podium. Nicholls agreed with the solid results from the younger students, the track and field culture at PECI is growing in leaps and bounds...and sprints and throws too. “A lot of Grade 9s from last season have really stuck with it this season and excelled at the Junior level and there's a great crop of midgets picking up where the juniors left off,” Nicholls said.

Dukes lock up top forward prospects at spring training camp Abrams building team on youthful talent and work ethic AdAm BrAmBurger

Staff writer

geTTing STArTed Dukes hopefuls and Napanee natives Nolan Powers (with puck) and Luc Brown pass behind their own net to start a breakout during the first session of scrimmages Saturday morning at Essroc Arena. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

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Youth will be served on the Wellington Dukes next fall, but coach and general manager Marty Abrams said that development is nothing for fans to be alarmed about. Saturday and Sunday, the Dukes' brass put about 120 prospects through their paces in two-a-day scrimmage sessions in hopes of filling out the roster. After finding a few pieces he likes, Abrams said he's starting to get a vision of the team he'll ice for 2012-2013. "It's shaping up like the typical Wellington Dukes team we've always had," he said. "There will be a lot of young players here, but that's not all that different than the RBC Cup team two years ago. We had three or four 20 year olds and we'll probably be around that this year." The long-time bench boss said traditionally, county

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‘There will be a lot of young players here, but that’s not all that different from the RBC Cup team...’


hockey fans have warmly received teams that work hard and compete for the name on the front of their sweaters. Among Abrams' highlights for the weekend was the notion that the returning players he does have coming back dressed a competed hard along with the hopefuls. "The vets came back with a good frame of mind," he said. "We had a pretty good season last year, we were

pleased with the regular season and just ran into a hot Kingston team that did some good things after us. We had some time to reflect and I can tell they're ready to play." That said, the look will be quite different with 52-goalscorer Darcy Murphy, gritty hometown leader Cam Yuill, and Simon Bessette among the graduates from the forward ranks, while defensive stalwarts Elliott Richardson and David Pratt head to the CIS ranks this fall. Wellington's first major salvo to replace that core group came with the signing of two promising forwards Abrams said really stood out over the weekend. Jake Marchment, who just turned 17 this weekend, of the Clarington Midget AAA Toros, and Mike Soucier, also 17, of the Mississauga AAA Midget Rebels committed to skate at Essroc Arena.

See DUKES, page 27


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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Marchment, Soucier both heavily recruited before committing to Dukes

DUKES, from page 26

Marchment, whose father Wayne previously coached the Dukes and more recently guided division rival Cobourg, was a player the Dukes had coveted for some time. "He's a player who came to camp last year and he was very capable. We would have kept him had our 16-year-old cards not been filled," said Abrams. "He has a big body, he's good around the net and he makes great decisions. He wants to be a Duke and there's a history with his family that's all positive. He'd go through a wall to win and you can't say enough about him." The right-winger Marchment, who measures in at 6'3, 200 lb, was a sixthround draft choice of the OHL Brampton Battalion in 2011, but he has chosen to go the NCAA route, where he has already been offered a full scholarship from Canisius College in Buffalo. The Dukes' association with Soucier doesn't run as deep, though there's no mistaking the team had interest in the Sarnia Sting's seventh round pick a year ago. Abrams said the heavily-recruited left winger was almost locked in with another junior team. "It came out of nowhere. Mike Soucier has been recruited by every Junior A club in Ontario and in B.C. and everywhere in between," he said. "He was looking to play in Newmarket, but when (coach) Brian Perrin left, they were not as comfortable with the situation."

Standing hiS ground Goaltender Mike Brogee, of Stirling, slides across his goalmouth to prevent this chance during scrimmage play in Wellington this weekend. The Dukes had six teams of prospects vying for their interest. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff) The Dukes worked fast. Having already talked to Soucier's family, they invited them to come to Wellington and see the community. It didn't take long for a commitment to follow, and Abrams said local fans won't need a lot of time to feel the impact Soucier can offer the team. "He's an electrifying player. Every time he's on the ice, he makes something happen," he said. "He will be able to step into a prominent role immediately." After a 132-point season in the competitive GTHL, Abrams conceded Soucier may be counted on to pick


up some of the slack for Murphy's departure, but he said the speedster plays his own game and will likely be someone others will be compared to in future years. Soucier has also committed to play in the NCAA with the Bemidji State Beavers in Minnesota. Abrams said given the two players' pedigree and their exposure to Junior A programs across Canada, it speaks well for the Wellington program both families decided to entrust the Dukes with the develop-

ment of those two players. While Wellington signed two high-profile forwards, Abrams seems pleased to look at a committee approach on the blueline, mixing in some youth and experience. "We're pleased with local recruits like Jacob Hetherington, Nolan Powers, and Riley McGuire, as well as Zach Bishop who we signed from Victory Honda" he said. "We'll surround them with guys like Austin Broadhurst, Kyle Paat, and Kevin Swales. Give them a couple of

months and they'll have a really good second half." Abrams said in the 2010 run, the Dukes got some good hockey from vets like Curtis Leonard and Brandon McIntosh, but contributions across the board carried them to a championship. Two other players who caught Abrams' eyes over the weekend likely won't arrive in Wellington until September, if at all. A pair of 16-year-old 2012 Belleville Bulls picks, fourth-rounder Chad Heffernan, a centre from Peterborough, and sixth-rounder Hayden Lavigne, a goaltender with the Toronto Young Nationals accounted well for themselves with their play. "First and foremost, they'll go to Belleville and we won't know that scenario until after Labour Day weekend," he said. "With Heffernan, I'd be stunned if he found his

way to back Wellington this year." The Dukes can take two 16 year olds on their roster. There was no shortage of local talent competing for those spots either with Quinte Red Devils like Luc Brown, Grant Fry, Jordan Cannons, Josh Lasher, Matt Loveys, and Jacob Panetta involved in the weekend's action. Wellington's main camp will take place in August. of Plum Hollow Inc.

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Organizer estimated more than 1,000 people. turned up at the Loch Sloy Business Park on Saturday to watch the Armdrop Drag Racing season opener. The alternative to street racing allows people to bring running cars and trucks to race them. The event also featured a show-and-shine for classic cars and motorcycles. (Adam Bamburger/Gazette staff)


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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Carrying Place driver Weese pinches in to drive in unfamiliar sprint class Racer pulls double duty in Brighton CHAD IBBOTSON

Staff writer

A county racer got the thrill of a lifetime over the weekend when she suited up to race behind the wheel of a 700-horsepower sprint car. Carrying Place native Caley Weese was the beneficiary of fate on Saturday night at Brighton Speedway. With 50-year racing veteran Dick Mahoney sidelined after a recent eye surgery, Weese was tapped to sit behind the wheel of the number 79 car — her first time driving a sprint. Sprint cars are highpowered race cars designed primarily for running on short oval or circular dirt or paved tracks. Sprints can speed up to an excess of 230 km/h on some tracks and are known as one of dirt racing's most exciting and volatile race cars. While she is no stranger to the racetrack, Weese admitted it was nerve-racking getting behind the wheel of a winged sprint car with the Southern Ontario Sprints for the first time. “I was definitely scared,” said Weese. “But it was an opportunity too exciting to pass up. Dick Mahoney and his crew were amazing. They had a lot to teach me in a short

period of time.” Weese's anticipation was high as she informed her race team's Facebook followers she would be racing in both the sprints and in her usual pro late model category. It proved to be an exciting night, as despite the nerves Weese was able to manage an impressive 11th place finish in the 18car field and took third in her usual ride — the number 77 car. The 25-year-old driver used her nervous energy, learning the ins and outs of the fastest cars on dirt. The sprints are a lot different than the late model Weese races weekly. Even getting started is different as the sprints start by getting pushed by a 'push truck.' However, with some encouragement an reassurance from the crew, Weese entered the car confident



SprINTINg TO THe fINISH Carrying Place native and stock car racer Caley Weese says she wouldn’t hesitate to get behind the wheel of a sprint car again after getting her first taste of the high horsepowermachines over the weekend at Brighton Speedway . (Submitted Photo)


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and hit the track for the first time with a handful of other cars in a practice hot lap session. “The driving style is completely different in a sprint car,” said Weese. “There is a 300-horsepower increase from my late model, but somehow I felt surprisingly comfortable.”

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To find out more about the Weese Racing Team visit Weese Racing #77 on Facebook or www.weeseracing.com.

Smitty’s Warehouse Operation BEST ST





“I love racing my late model, but there’s no way I would turn down the opportunity to race a sprint car again,” said Weese.

r r




Mahoney will be looking to make a quick return to the driver's seat and, with any luck and a quick recovery, could return by the SOS Sprint Car Series' next visit to Brighton Speedway on June 16th. However if Mahoney is unable to go, Weese said she will gladly offer her services again.








WAYNE 613-968-7663





ESTIM EARL 613-393-3217

Serving Prince Edward County




CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES AND INFORMATION CLASSIFIED ADS: $5.49 for 15 words or less. 12¢ each additional word. BIRTHS MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS: 15¢ each word, minimum $8.50 (50 words)


2008 JOHN DEERE 115 Lawn Tractor with a 42" cut 4700. 2 Push mowers $50 each. 2 whipper snippers $35 each call 613-476-6926. 42" MURRAY Riding Lawnmower, 5 yrs old Brigs & Stratton motor 17.5hop 613-399-2146. A HUGE Stash of 100% Quilter's Cotton must be liquidated. Collections from 2002 to 2011 by top manufacturers such as Kaufman, Andover, Hoffman, Marcus Bros., Moda, RJR, etc. in 1 to 3 yard cuts. $6.00 per yard. Call 613-471-1560 in Picton. AUTOMOTIVE "CHIP" KEYS including programming. Also kelyless remotes for many vehicles. By appointment. Prince Edward Locksmith 147 Union St. Picton 613476-3382 BAR FRIDGE. Kenmore, 6.25 cu. ft. Black, like new, barely used, asking $150 613-725-7900.

County Traders We Purchase Estates Furniture & Antiques BUY, SELL, TRADE 39 Stanley Street Bloomfield, Ontario MON.-TUES. CLOSED Wed. - Sat. 10am-4pm Sun. 12noon -4pm

613-393-9993 888-905-9993

CRAFTSMAN LAWNMOWER 38" cut, $650. Phone 613-476-3411 DIRECT & Dishnet TV Satellite, America's top 250 channels, HBO, TMC, Encore, Fox, Stars, Showtime, many more 613-848-1049, 10am-9pm. JOHN DEERE 1209 Haybine 9'cut 613-399-2146.

SCHOHARIE BARGAIN BARN Second hand furniture 992 Cty Rd 1 (Picton) Hours Open: Fri. 10am-5pm Sat. 10am-4pm Sun. 10am-4pm (Closed Mon.-Thur.)


LARGE WHITE Tom Turkey $20, red hens $3 each, bantam hens $3 each, roosters $3-$5 each. Rob 613-354-0253, cell 613-217-9755. MEN'S L.H. Golf Clubs, Wilson Hyperspeed, D, 3W, 5W, 4H, 5SW, P. includes stand bag, pullcart, travel cover. $100. 613-476-1453 QUEEN SIZE solid brass headboard frame, box spring, mattress & cover $150 613-476-6406.

CEDAR SOURCE LUMBER CO. Specializing in Western Red Cedar & Fir

1x8 WRC tight knot bevel 70¢ / linear ft 1x10 S1S2E WRC boads 90¢ / linear ft 1x12 S1S2E WRC boards $1.00 / linear ft 1x8 WRC tight knot channel ideal for privacy fence, 6ft lengths $4.25 each 1x10 WRC tight knot bevel, 6ft STK 70¢ / linear ft 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 2x6 Clear Western Red Cedar $2/linear ft. Cedar Shaving $1/Bag


Clear Fir, some beams Lots of clear WRC rough for craftsman 1x2 to 2x12 Trucks arriving weekly with new inventory Open Tues-Sat, 10-5 or by appointment

6 Stanley Street Bloomfield

613-393-5757 Cell: 760-333-6275

Ask for Terry patsplaceantiques@gmail.com


TOM TURKEY Bronze preferrably but will accept other breeds, also pair of Slate Turkeys. Rob 613354-0253, cell 613-217-9755.


2012 Spring Savings Sale! Factory incentives up to $1,400 or Trade out discounts up to $1,500 on the purchase of an E-classic.

Your local CENTRAL BOILER DEALER FRANKFORD, ON 613.398.1611 BANCROFT, ON 613.332.1613

Check us out on Facebook




Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers, 3 mos. old & up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridge's $100. & up.


At the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Big selection to choose from.


For good used appliances in working order or not but no junk please. VISA & MASTERCARD accepted. We have our own financing also. Shop at our competitors & then come see for yourself quality at low prices. Open evenings 7 days a week. We Deliver.


ART RESTORATIONS. Oil paintings professionally cleaned and repaired. Art appraisals. www.chrisgeraldwilliams.ca 613476-5454 PROFESSIONAL FURNITURE refinishing and restoration. Antiques bought and sold. Free pick-up and delivery. Butler Creek Antiques, Schoharie Rd. 613-476-1142.


2011 HAY, Alfalfa mix, 3x3x7 bales. First cut $45., second cut $50.. Murray and Dean Head, 613476-6446

The Picton Gazette

C LASSIFIEDS Ph. 613-476-3201 - Fax 613-476-3464 Email: gazetteclass@bellnet.ca THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 - 30

DEATHS - $21.00; FOUND, BEREAVED - No charge Box Replies $5.00; EXTRA $1.50 charge for billed ads. EXTRA $5.00 charge for a HEADING COMBINATION RATES available for The Picton Gazette and The Napanee Beaver


750 BUSHELS oats for sale, old crop, $3,600. Murray and Dean Head, 613-476-6446 ASP CONTRACTORS. Airless spray painting and power washing farm cottages, houses, factories, fences, tanks. Corn, glass and sand blasting. New steel roofs installed. Roofs screwnailed and boards replaced, eavestroughs and gutter guards installed. Fully Insured. Call George 1-800-5891375 or cell 613-827-8485. BARN REPAIRS, steel roofs repaired or replaced, barn boards replaced, beam repairs, sliding doors, eavestroughs, screwnailing, painting, sandblasting, etc. Call John, 613-392-2569. CUSTOM BALE wrapping. Round or square bales. 613-328-6087 HAY, CLEAN small squares, $3/bale. Phone 613-393-5078 HORSE MANURE mixed with black loam, excellent for gardens $90 delivered (1/2 ton truck) or $50 you pick up 613-476-6474. WANTED: PASTURE for 20 head of cattle. Must have good fences and water. Phone 613-399-5143


2 RESCUED calico kittens need loving home, 6 wks old, beautiful markings, first shots and deworming done 613-476-7983. FOUND: Typical off black County cat, short haired, big yellow eyes, smart and friendly, small and appears to be about two years old. Showed up at 2005 County Rd 7 approximately 3 weeks ago. Was very thin but is now back to normal weight. Enjoys being petted now she/he is used to me. I would love to be able to return it to its proper home. Please call Jenny 613-4767520 and we will try to arrange the best possibility of viewing. QUINTE PET Minders. Loving care for your pets in their own home. Daily visits, also overnights and vacation stays. 613-476-6265


1999 HONDA ODYSSEY Van as is, $500 613-476-4844. 2003 DODGE Caravan, 188K, power windows, locks, cruise, air, DVD player, very nice condition, $4,495 plus tax, price includes safety, e-tested and a powertrain warranty. Call Joe at Lightfoot Motors 613-813-5401 or 613-4765881, 314 Lake St. Picton. AUTO PARTS, new and used, auto and truck parts, we buy scrap metals. cars and trucks wanted. 816 Goodyear Road, Napanee. Call Parts-A-Plenty Inc. 613-2422326 1-888-689-1795. Yes, we have tires.



BLACK 2001 Grand Am GT, V6, 168,000kms, very good condition. $3,200 certified. 613-476-6474 CARS AND trucks wanted for scrap or recycling, we buy scrap metal, free pickup or you bring in. Mike 613-561-8845 or Dan 613929-7572 or 800-890-4075 ext 122 evenings.


15 FOOT Saugeen ultra-lite canoe made by Bluewater Canoe Co. Excellent condition. $1200. 613-476-5634 1962 18ft GREW Cruiser Lap Strake Mahogany interior. 4 cylinder 60hp, Volvo Penta inboard. 2nd owner (stored for 20 years). Excellent condition for restoration. $5,000 Brad 613-373-2227 BOAT TOP repair & replace zippers, screens, windows, seats. Call Weldon 613-885-6871.

COMMERCIAL FOR RENT 6,500 sq.ft industrial space for rent. Clear span, in-floor heating, truck door, large parking area. Available May 1st. Reasonable rent.


STORE FOR rent downtown, about 800 square feet, ideal for professional like accountant, hairdresser, law office or retail. 613476-7980 TWO UNITS 900sq.ft. near hospital for lease, ideal heathcare-related use. Parking. May 1. 613-476-7054

Two prime retail stores on Main Street 1250 and 3600 sq.ft Reasonable rent.

613.476.1266 FOR RENT

1 BEDROOM furnished apartment long/short term rental 613-471-1360. 1 BEDROOM apartment, quiet residential area suitable for senior or professional, includes fridge /stove, dishwasher and utilities. $770 monthly. 613-476-7980 2 BEDROOM main floor apartment available June 1st. $920 monthly includes utilities. First/last and references required. Call 613476-7265 for a viewing and to fill out an application. 3 BEDROOM townhouses $875 plus hydro. Phone 613-966-9079 39 PITT ST. Unit B, very nice all upgraded, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage, $875 plus hydro & water, available July 1 call Jeff 613-849-8933. FURNISHED 1 bedroom on Picton Harbour, walk downtown, long or short term rental, all inclusive. 613476-7980 FURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment in our home in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County. Utilities, satellite, etc including. Telephone extra. $700 monthly. 613-969-8196


Bachelor Apt. available! Quiet area on the Bay Appliances, laundry Super on site


SHORT TERM ACCOMODATIONS. Beautiful furnished 1 & 2 bed. units until May, one block away from downtown Picton, view at thefexnix.ca or call 613-391-1441. STORAGE, U store it, U lock it Cassidy Storage, lowest rates, heated, dry, clean, from $29.99 monthly. Downtown Picton. 613476-7980 To place your Classified Ad Call 613-476-3201


Providing professional service with care, dignity and personal attention to all details surrounding the loss of a loved one. 2 Centre Street, Picton Robert C. Osborne 476-5571 Funeral Director NOTE: Report errors immediately. The Picton Gazette will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: Tuesday at 4:00pm



ATTENTION FARMERS Wanted acreage 50-100+ acres with/without house. Preferably with a pond. Direct purchase from owner. Flexible closing

613-476-3513 WANTED

MINT AND used postage stamps, covers, post cards, coins and paper money. Call Bob 613-967-2118. WANTED USED Windows in very good condition, all sizes. 613-920-9385.


WILL Buy Scrap Vehicles Metals and Appliances


613-476-2994 or 613-242-0117


Lyle’s Computers System Building & Repairs


66 Main Street Picton lylescomputers@hotmail.com www.lylescomputers.com

Freelance IT

Computer Services Upgrade & Repair Network Solutions “Home & Business” Factory Imaging Data Recovery Virus Removal Wireless Setup Internet/Email Printer Sharing “On-site Service” Pickup & Return Ph: (613) 779-7530 www.freelance-it.ca


ARE YOU looking for a daycare provider for the summer break? We've got room! Located just 5mins outside of Picton, call Sharon for more information or to schedule a visit 613-476-2597.


Network Partner of Mortgage Intelligence

Craig Dick Mortgage Agent

1 613-968-6439 ext 22 Tel: cdickrun@cogeco.ca www.mortgagesapproved.ca Brokerage Brokerage #12179 #10287


A DINNER PARTY? Luncheon, banquets, party platters, hor d'oeuvres. Call Sheila Brushey Catering 613-393-5021. A SPRING day is the time to get flower beds cleaned and mulched, gardens rototilled, eavetroughs cleaned, trees trimmed, pruning, yard work done, get rid of unwanted trash. Half ton truck available. No job too small. For reasonable rates call Paul 613393-5021. ABSOLUTE HOME and Property Maintenance. Free estimates, seniors rate, quality service. Call 613920-0681 AFFORDABLE MAINTENANCE Services, interior/exterior carpentry and painting. Decks and sheds. Bob, 613-476-4789


Scrap Metal & Scrap Cars & Electronics - TV’s, Computers, etc. Appliances

We buy & sell


CHAPPY'S. We'll do almost anything! Moving, dump runs of brush, grass cutting. Garage and basement cleaning. Ph 613-476-2994 or 613-242-0117 or Jenny 613243-7204. DECKS, new or enlarged. Free quotes, photos & references. Call Bill any time at 613-476-4286. FREE PICKUP of scrap metal and appliances, vehicles 613-9203178. GRASS CUTTING SERVING Prince Edward County, good rates, quality service, large & small jobs, using John Deere Zero turn mower. Call Paul for free estimate 1-855-399-1100 tollfree. Fully insured. HANDYMAN For Hire: affordable home repair and improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall, decks, sheds, lawn maintenance and cleanup, or just about anything else you need done. Contact Frank at 613-476-8741 or louderwheeler@sympatico.ca HOME CARE.Personal Support Worker. Over 15 years experience in the field. Current first aid and CPR along with contineing education. Looking to carry out individual specialized care needs to enhance daily living. Offering duties such as light housekeeping, meal preparation, outings, appointments, companionship,and high quality personal care. Let's make a difference today.Together. Call Sarah 613-243-5045. HOUSEKEEPING. One time clean or whatever you need 613-3931357. VALLEY LAWNCARE. ATTENTION Home & Cottage owners on and around East Lake. I am based on East Lake and would be pleased to quote on your lawncare needs. Call Wayne 613-922-7138.


TATTOOS FOR the summer! Make your appointment at The Added Touch, 613-476-2327


ANGELO'S RESTAURANT. Now hiring servers, busers, dishwashers, and take-out cashiers. Call 613-476-3289 or drop off resume at 79 Main Street to Megan Hutton, Wednesday to Sunday. BE YOUR own boss & work from home. Looking for serious & dedicated people. Get started NOW! Call Anne @ 1-877-775-9724.

JOIN THE Subway Team in a fun, fast paced environment. competitive wages. Applicant must be available to work days, evenings nad weekends. Experience an asset but not a must. Drop resume to 166 Main Street Picton.


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

hElP WantEd

card of thanks

Following my recent stay in Prince Edward Memorial Hospital I wish to thank and commend the Emergency group, hospital staff for the excellent treatment I recieved. The removal of these services from this area would be criminal in my view. Yours D.A. Butcher Picton.

•Ideal for Students & Seniors •Receive your own pay cheque! •Great exercise •Once a week delivery •Weekends Off

Call Janice 613-476-3082 comInG EvEnts


The Prince Edward County Diamond Jubilee Committee will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll, the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne.

The Carboot Sale, one of the many events of the day, taking place Saturday June 16th at the Wellington and District Community Centre featuring outstanding entertainment, live performances, special guests and commemorative displays, Diamond Jubilee Tea Room, free anniversary cake, and capping-off the day from 8:00 pm until midnight enjoy the Diamond Jubilee "Fifties Dance" with light refreshments.

A 10 foot by 10 foot site in the Community Centre Parking Lot $15.00 for the day. Contact: Bill McMahon (613) 394-9914 or email bmcmahon@bellnet.ca

knIGhts of colUmBUs "County Music Jamboree", June 2, St. Gregory's School gym. Dinner 6pm, show 7:00pm. $12 for dinner and show, $6 show only. Open microphone. 613-476-3902

saturday may 26 10:30am - 3:30pm Holiday Inn,Trenton

STAMP & COIN FAIRS 99 Glen Miller Rd. just south of 401, Interchange 526



Sunday, May 27th Serving 4pm - 7pm $10 per person

613-476-2342 166 County Rd 6 *No Reservations

lost and foUnd

• Keys with a ‘Nicbos’ keytag • Boy’s wallet found at Picton Fair • Lady’s black reading glasses • Silver & red glasses • House key on square brown leather key tag • Ford keys in Benson Park • Lady’s bracelet • Keys with “PANOMEC” Keytag • Silver earring

To claim come to

267 Main St. Picton

The Picton Gazette

BUsInEss sErvIcEs


Stump Grinding Tree Trimming and Removal Brush Chipping Lot Clearing Cabling & Bracing Fully Insured 15 years Experience


COOKE, Wallace, Jr.

In loving memory of my husband, Wally, who passed away May 30, 1996. Beyond my smile there lies a tear, For the husband I lost, and loved so dear. Wherever I am or whatever I do, Always dear Wally, I’m thinking of you. Though the tears in my eyes may glisten, And my face is not always sad, There is never a night or a morning, That I do not think of the husband I had. Only those who have loved know how I feel, At times it seems like my heart will never heal. When I look at your picture you seem to smile and say, “ Your broken heart will heal I know, when we’re together again someday.” Always loved and remembered by wife Cathy.

doUGhErtY, Barrie. Passed away five years ago, May 23, 2007 Down a road thats calm and peaceful Guided by God's loving hand He has gone upon a journey To a distant, brighter land. And although our hearts are heavy With sorrow we still bear, It helps to bring us comfort Knowing he is happy there. There's an open gate at the end of the road And there is a light we cannot see Our father claims His own Beyond the gate, our loved ones Find happiness and rest And there is comforter in the thought That a loving God knows best. Loving wife Emma Dougherty doUGhErtY- Barrie (Grandpa) May 23, 2007. It's hard to believe It's been 5 years, Since you were called away Your memory will stay In our hearts, With every passing day. We will see you Again some day, and Hear the words you used to speak "Come here wee little grasshopper And give Grandpa a kiss on the cheek" Love all your grasshoppers, Amanda, Brittany, Megan, Jenn, Ashley, Caitlin, Brad, Jeff and William.

Glenn Guernsey









renovations - additions siding - decks Painting - floors Phone 613-393-2819 613-393-1196 Book for spring!


June 14, 1935-May 23, 2007 At the table with his radio and smokes He’d sit for hours telling jokes. He loved to tell stories of days gone by, which sometimes brought a tear to his eye. With “mouth-organ” in hand and a “tap dance” too, He sure knew how to entertain you! Sadly he is missed and not a day goes by, I don’t think of my father. He was one heck of a guy! Love Janet

doUGhErtY- Barrie. In memory of a dear dad. May 23, 2007. It's been 5 years since you've been gone, But in our hearts you still live on, Our family chain is broken, And nothing is the same, We mention your name, And speak of you often, God bless you... You are not forgotten. Love Barb & Gord.


dUrWard, In loving memory of our niece Leanne who left us 25 years ago, May 29th, 1987. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper so you'll hear, We will always love and miss you. And wish that you were here. Sweet and lasting memories Are all we have of you, We will keep them tucked away Until our lives are through. It isn't what we write, It isn't what we say, It's how we feel deep inside As we think of you today. The years may pass, but still you stay As near and dear as yesterday. Love, Uncle Kent and Aunt Kathie dUrWard, Leanne. In loving memory of my dear granddaughter, Leanne Louise, who left us 25 years ago on May 29th, 1987. If I could write a story It would be the greatest ever told Of a kind and loving granddaughter Who had a heart of gold. If I could write a million pages I would still be unable to say, Just how much I love and miss her Every single day. Always loved and remembered by Grama Durward. dUrWard, Leanne. In loving memory of dear niece, Leanne Louise, who left us 25 years ago on May 29th, 1987. No words we write could ever say How sad and empty we feel today The angels came for you Much sooner than we planned Although we have tried to understand. A thousand words won't bring you back We know because we have tried, Neither will a thousand tears, We know because we have cried. Always loved and remembered by Uncle Al and Aunt Lisa. dUrWard-Leanne Louise in loving memory of our dear daughter, sister and aunt who passed May 29,1987. Forever in our hearts Always on our minds Thank the Lord above For our special time Thoughts of you are ever near. Love Dad, Mom, sister & brotherin-law Lori & Mike, nephew Mitchell. JarvIs, Helen. Passed away May 25, 2010. God looked in Heaven's garden And found a special place For you to rest among the flowers He knew you loved so much. Loved and forever in our memories, daughters Gail and Brenda and all her grandchildren. shEllEY, Ken. In loving memory of Ken, who passed away May 28, 2003. It's been 9 years Since God called you away And we who loved you most Miss you more each day. Loving and remembering you always, Mabel, Rick, Ron and Cheryl and families.


a mEmorIal cElEBratInG the life of Eleanor Patton, Sunday, May 27th, 12-4pm at the Sand Bar, Isaiah Tubbs Resort. Her daugthers Fiona and Isabelle Patton invite you to join them in an afternoon of laughter, song and story telling.

Bosma, Geert

Peacefully at Quinte Health Care Prince Edward County Memorial, on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012, Geert Bosma, of South Bay, at the age of 85. Beloved husband of Ena. Loving father of Tina and her husband Hank Hiddink of Bloomfield, Albert and his partner Theresa of Belleville, Rebecca and her husband Dale Insley of South Bay and the late Gertie Wierstra. Dear father-in-law of Ed Wierstra. Loved brother of Gerben, Ritske and the late Petrus, Klaske and Johannas. Much loved grandpa to his 9 grandchildren and his 7 great grandchildren. Mr. Bosma is resting at The Whattam Funeral home, 33 Main Street, Picton, ON. Funeral Service will be held at. Bethany Christian Reformed Church, Bloomfield, on Thursday, May 24th at 10:30 A.M. Pastor Kasey VanderVeen officiating. Interment Cherry Valley Cemetery. If desired, donations to Prince Edward Co. Memorial Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. Friends were invited to call on Wednesday evening from 6 till 8pm. Online donations and condolences at www.whattamfuneralhome.com

Whattam Funeral Home

fakEs, leslie

At H.J. McFarland Memorial Home, on Monday, February 20th, 2012, Leslie Fakes, at the age of 90. Beloved husband of the late Margaret "Peggy". Loving father of Patricia and her husband Joe VanHaarlem of R.R. 2 Picton and Donald and his wife Dianne of Markham. Much loved grandfather of Ryan and Joan Palad. Dear brother of the late Doreen Tunney. Lovingly remembered by cousin John and Peta Wheeler of Australia. A Graveside Service will be held at Glenwood Cemetery, Picton on Friday, June1st at 11:00am. Padre Stan Whitehouse officiating. After the interment a Celebration of Leslie's life will take place at the Picton Legion. If desired, donations to The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation or H.J. McFarland Memorial Home Resident's Fund would be appreciated by the family. Online donations and condolences at www.whattamfuneralhome.com

frEY, Walter h.

Peacefully at Quinte Health Care Belleville General, on Monday, May 14th, 2012, Walter H. Frey, of Belleville, formerly of Picton, Toronto and Montreal, at the age of 82. Beloved husband of Irene. Loving father of Tony and his wife Wendy of Pickering and Elizabeth and her husband Bill of Vancouver, B.C. Dear brother of Rudolph, Regula and Martha all of Switzerland. A much loved pappa to Brian and Eric. A Memorial Service for Walter was held at The Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main Street, Picton on Friday, May 18th at 2 pm. Reverend Lynne Donovan officiated. Cremation. If desired, donations to Quinte Conservation would be appreciated by the family. (Cheques only, please). Friends were invited to call on Friday from 1pm till the time of service at 2pm. Online donations and condolences at www.whattamfuneralhome.com

Whattam Funeral Home

Woodcox, Gerald Everett


hYatt, m. ann

Peacefully at the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital, Picton on Friday, May 18th, 2012. M. Ann Hyatt of Picton in her 72nd year. Beloved wife of the late Lowell Hyatt. Loving mother of Mark (Brenda), Heather (Peter) Hagerman and predeceased by her son Stinson. Dear Nan to Randy (Carly), Jody (Pete), Joe, Tara (Ryan) and Jennifer (Darius) and Nanalan to Ian, Alex, Jack and Cali. Survived by her sister Jane (Bruce) Perry and her many nieces and nephews. As per Ann's request there will be no Funeral Service. Friends are invited to gather to celebrate Ann's life on Saturday, June 9th from 1-4pm at the home of Mark and Brenda Hyatt. Memorial doantions to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to the Ainsworth Funeral Home, 288 Noxon Avenue, Wellington 613-399-3177. Online donations and condolences at www.ainsworthfuneralhome.com


fErGUson, robert (Bob) clayton

Peacefully, surrounded by his family at Quinte Health Care Belleville General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 16th, 2012, Robert (Bob) Clayton Ferguson, of Cherry Valley, at the age of 67. Beloved husband of Bonny. Loved father of Candy of Cherry Valley, Cheryl and her fiancee Allen of Picton and Michael and his fiancee Christina of Picton. Dear brother of Garry, Sandra, Debbie, Susie and the late Douglas. Proud pa and poppy of Jared, McKenzie and Justin. In keeping with Bob’s wishes, there will be no service or visitation. Creamation. If desired, donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family and may be left at the funeral home. (Cheques only please). Arrangements entrusted to the Whattam Funeral Home, 33 Main Street Picton, ON. www.whattamfuneralhome.com

Whattam Funeral Home

passed away peacefully on May 14, 2012 at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital in Picton at the age of 75. Gerald is survived by his beloved companion Gloria; by his children: Alan (& Ann) Woodcox, Kathryn (& Mike) DeGrace, Robert (& Anita) Woodcox, MaryJo (& Tony) Falcao, Denis (& Kristine) Woodcox and Wayne (& Lori) Woodcox, by his 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, by his mother, Muriel (Bowers) Jensen and by his siblings: Doug (& Kay) Woodcox, Betty (& Gerald) Irvin, Murray Woodcox, Diane (& Mike) Miedema, Gary Jensen and Brenda Mathers. Gerald was predeceased by his father, Samuel and by his sister, Dorothy. Funeral arrangements entrusted to the Baragar Funeral Home. Cremation has taken place at Elmwood Crematorium in Corbyville with private interment of cremains at a later date.

card of thanks

The Sophiasburgh Over Sixty Club would like to recognize Conner Verhoog who presented the club with a very generous donation from his bake sale in memory of his grandparents Edith & Ron Roblin as part of a school project to give back to the community. Thank you Conner, you are a very thoughtful young man!




NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of DORIS RUTH STOW, late of the Town of Picton in the County of Prince Edward, who died on or about the 29th day of March, 2012, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustees on or before the 27th day of June, 2012; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Picton, this 16th day of May 2012. Jennifer Stow and Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company, Estate Trustees, by the Solicitors, HURLEY & WILLIAMS LLP 199 Main Street, Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0 Att: Christopher D.L. Williams 613-476-3241

THURSDAY, May 24, 2012


All persons having claims as creditors against the estate of Donald McGinnis, late of Picton On, who died Dec 10, 2011 are required to file proof of same with me on or before Jun 15, 2012.

After that date I will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which I have had notice. Alan McGinnis 13320 Loyalist Pkwy. Picton ON K0K 2T0

Request for Quotation REQ-2012-PW-023 Wastewater/Storm Sewer Cleaning and Video Inspection Quotations should be submitted in a sealed envelope and will be received by the Clerk’s Department, 3rd Floor, 332 Main Street, Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0 until: 2:00pm (local time) June 5th, 2012 Quotation documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Department at the above address between 8:30am to 4:30pm local time, Monday to Friday. All projects out for competition have been posted on the County’s internet website: www.pecounty.on.ca The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation and also reserves the right to accept any tender other than the lowest quotation.



The H.J. McFarland Home is non-profit long term care facility located on the outskirts of Picton, Ontario in beautiful Prince Edward County. Our philosophy of care is one that recognizes the individuality of each resident and where all staff, family members and community partners are valued and respected for their contributions to resident care. Our Human Resources Department is currently accepting applications for the temporary part time position of Activation Aide. Reporting to the Resident Services Manager, this position is responsible for the planning, organizing and implementation of meaningful programs for the Residents of the Home in collaboration with volunteers, families and other staff members. The Activation Aide will also participate in the development of the Resident’s care plan by recommending appropriate activities based on assessments and program evaluations. The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications: • Grade 12 diploma or equivalent, with successful completion of a Post secondary education in Recreation & Leisure Studies, Therapeutic Recreation, Kinesiology or related discipline • Innovative resident-focused approach to programming • Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment Capable of working within legislated standards and guidelines • Ability to exercise respect, tact, diplomacy, and good judgement in all matters relating to Resident care • Knowledge and training under the Occupational Health and Safety Act • Excellent written and oral communication and problem solving skills • Proof of satisfactory Vulnerable Sector Screening check The current salary range for this part time position is $18.04 to $18.82 per hour, plus 14% in lieu of benefits and 4% in lieu of vacation as per the CAW Local 830 collective agreement. Please direct your application prior to 4:00 pm on June 8, 2012 to: Human Resources Shire Hall, Lower Level careers@pecounty.on.ca We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We are an equal opportunity employer. The personal information being collected will be used in accordance with The Municipal Act and The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and shall only be used in the selection of a suitable candidate.


Sale 6:30pm Viewing 5:00pm Consignments, Antique and Tool Sale

662 Cty. Rd. #12 3.5 kms south west of Bloomfield at Koopmans Auction Centre

See web page for pictures www.koopmansauctionservices.com Always accepting good clean consignment for upcoming sales. We also conduct home, farm, and commercial sales onsite. For your entire auction needs, call Auctioneer: Gerald Koopmans 613-393-1732.


Prince Edward Child Care Services

Summer Job Postings

Position 1: 3 Summer Day Camp Site Coordinators $14.00/hr. Summer Contract 3 locations: Picton, Wellington and Ameliasburgh Position 2: 3 Summer Day Camp Program Staff $11.00/hr. Summer Contract 3 locations: Picton, Wellington and Ameliasburgh

Prince Edward Child Care Services will be offering a new Summer Day Camp for 6-12 year olds taking place in 3 locations: Picton, Wellington and Ameliasburgh.

The Day Camp Site Coordinator will be responsible for the program planning, curriculum, and the over all operation of the Day Camp Site. The Coordinator will play a lead role in program delivery. The successful candidate must: • enjoy working with the 6-12 year old age group; • be a graduate of or, have completed first year of ECE or Child and Youth Worker Program at a Community Collage • Current First Aid and CPR certification • be comfortable taking on planning, administrative and supervisor duties; • be able to work independently; • be flexible. • current RLSS National certification or Bronze Cross certification a definite asset The Day Camp Program Staff will assist the Site Coordinator with the overall operation of the program site. The Day Camp Staff will implement the program plans and be directly responsible for supervision of participants. The successful candidate must: • enjoy working with the 6-12 year old age group; • must have completed first year of ECE or Child and Youth Worker Program at a Community College • current First Aid and CPR certification • work well in a team; • be able to work independently and; • be flexible • current RLSS National certification or Bronze Cross a definite asset

Please e-mail your resume and a cover letter outlining your interest and site preference to the Executive Director by June 1st, 2012. Interviews will be held June 4th and 5th. Summer Staff training day is set for June 10. All summer Staff must attend scheduled training as a condition of employment Tamara Kleinschmidt Executive Director edpeccs@kos.net

Enjoy working with people? Looking for new challenges? Want to make a difference?

The Picton Gazette is looking for an

ADVERTISING SALES REP Established list with lots of potential growth

Commissions, car allowance Send your resume! Fax 613-476-3464

Email: advertise@pictongazette.com 267 Main St, Picton K0K 2T0


AT 10:00am AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, SHEEP & SHEEP EQUIP. FOR SHARON RATTRAY, HARROWSMITH ON SITE Directions: From Hwy. 401 take Wilton Rd. exit north to Yarker. In the village of Yarker turn east at the gas station & follow approx. 4 Kms. To Portland – Camden Boundary Road. Go north to Bradford Road. Turn east & follow to sale site at 5016 Bradford Road.(Watch for signs). Zetor 5245 4Wd tractor/ cab & Hardy 55 ST loader, Zetor 6245 4WD tractor/ cab (1700 hrs.), John Deere L118 22 HP 42 inch cut riding lawnmower/ bagger, 489 9 ft. haybine/ floating head, Massey Ferguson 5 bar side delivery rake, New Holland 268 square baler/ thrower, Hydraulic bale stoker, NH 268 square baler for parts, 2 bale thrower wagons, Massey Ferguson 1440 round baler, Homemade big round bale wagon, Hay & grain elevator on undercarriage, MF # 82 3 pth 3 furrow plough, MF # 43 3 pth 3 furrow plough, MF 3 pth set of discs, International 16 run seed drill/ grass box, Cockshutt seed drill (parts), 12 ft. heavy duty reversible chain harrows, 3 drum field roller, Spreadmaster model 2120 single axle manure spreader, Trail type cultivator, cement mixer/ motor, 3 pth 6 ft. scraper blade, 12 volt cyclone seeder, 3 pth cyclone seeder, Bumper hitch sheep hauling trailer, 3 utility trailers, wood wagon, Chain link fence, posts, gates & tubing, Electric fence supplies including, wire, fencers, stakes, insulators etc., 3 poly storage tanks/ extensions, Small hopper bottom poly tank, 3 “multimobiles” (parts), Dakota & ranger truck caps, Qty. cedar rails, qty. cement blocks, marble slabs, Wagon running gear, Electric gas pump, fuel tank, railroad jack, 2 acetylene carts, qty. of rough & dressed lumber, 13 trusses, new gooseneck ball hitch. Large qty. of shop tools including Automotive hoist, Craftsman radial arm saw, Mastercraft planer, Mastercraft scroll saw, Campbell Hausfeld air compressor, Rockwell beaver jointer, Delta belt & face sander, Job mate table top drill press, delta band saw, Router, qty. of hand & power tools, electrical & plumbing hardware, wrenches, tool cabinet, welder & numerous other shop smalls, fence stretchers, “T” bar stakes, forks, shovels & farm hardware. 50 plus sheep which are Katadhin & crossbred ewes with dorper cross lambs. Sheep supplies including sheep shears, heat lamps, water heaters, mineral feeder, feed bins, Mar Weld single sided hay & grain sheep feeder, walk through hay & grain sheep feeder, 5 collapsible hay feeders, Lamb creep feeder, Mar Weld working chute & crowding tub for sheep, Hoof trimming tilt table, Small animal scales, sheep box, round bale sheep feeder & numerous other sheep related smalls. This is a large farm sale with a large number of tools not listed. See my web site for detailed list and photos. AUCTIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN TREVERTON www.dougjarrellauctions.com Terms: Cash, Debit, Visa, MC or cheque/ID Lunch available Owner and/or auctioneer not responsible in case of accident


10:30 A.M. HERITAGE ESTATE AUCTION SALE IDLE ACRES FARM (NAPANEE) 2 - COLLECTOR TRACTORS, ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES, HORSE DRAWN FARM IMPLEMENTS, 10 WALKING PLOUGHS, GARDEN SEEDERS, ETC. SOME HOUSEHOLD ESTATE OF THE LATE MR. VERNON AMEY Held on Site, Approx. 5 Miles South West of Napanee, Ont. From 401 Exit 579 (Hwy. #41) South Through 7 Sets of Lights, West on River Rd to Sale Site #1467 River Rd. 1955 Ford “600" Restored Tractor; 1953-54 Ford Jubilee Tractor (Original Farm Tractor); Both Tractors are in Good Condition. Only Used a Few Times Estate Pull Type Sprayer Approx. 15 Gal.; 10 - 12 Walking Plows - Graham & Bird (Stirling), Oneanta Plough #16 No. V.141876, Wilkinson 4A; J. Flery #13 (Arora), Cockshutt #15, Side Hill Plough, Dead Furrow Plough, Early Nova Scotia Plough (needs restoring), Potato Plough with Shakker, Potato Plough with Finns, Beat Plough, 2 - 2 Furrow Walking Ploughs (Cockshutt/Ward) K10 #2 W Co.; Straw Cutter (made by J. M. Walker Co. Belleville, ON); 2 - Root Pulpers/Mangal Choppers (Maxwell/Cockshutt); Massey Harris Dump Rake; Hay Tedder; Belt Driven Buzz Saw; One Way Disc; tamdem Double Disc; Unusual Horse Drawn Cockshutt Mower (needs some work); Steel Wheel Wagon (WA64 Pat. 1857) (needs work); New Big 4 Mower; 8 Hand Push Garden Seeders/Drills/Planters, Iron Age, New Model, Erecka 5 (Just to name a few); Several Corn Scufflers; Potato Hillers Etc.; Mounted Part of Propellor from Aeroplane that Crashed where Milligans Farm is today (from war time); Several Tin Toys (Dump Truck, Train Engine, Metal Steam Engine Etc.); Early Local Church Pew (Gretna Church North Fred.); Very Early Set of Skates; Wooden Decoys; Several Types of Lanterns; Johnson Sea Horse Outboard 10 H.P. (Sold by John Porter, Odessa); Collection of Antique Tools/Wrenches of All Types; Collection of Augers; Collection of Gun/Shell Reloading Equipment; Collection of Hammers/Jacks; Cross Cut Saws (1 almost 7'); Butter Box; Several Child Hand Sleighs; Cockshutt Wheel Barrel; Early Bicycle; Cream Separator; 80 lb. Milk Can; 2 Beam Scales; Several Horse Collars; Fanning Mill; Surge Milker Pump; Several Milker Pails; Early Washing Machine; Only a Partial Listing HOUSEHOLD - Walnut Buffet; Chest of Drawers; 3 Chest Type Freezers (White) 1 Apartment Size; Professional Nordick Exercising Machine; Quantity of House Hold Smalls, Many Other Pcs. This Farm Idle Acres is the original farm and has been in the Amey Family for several generations. Many of these items are from this farm. His collection was used as an outside display for all to see how Agriculture progressed over time. Mr. Amey loved telling people where it came from and who originally owned it. All verbal announcements takes precedence over any written matter.

For Pictures & Updates www.daveasniderauctionservice.ca TERMS OF SALE: CASH/INTERAC/OR CHEQUE WITH ID LUNCH: L&A 4H Beef Club


Owner and or Auctioneer will not be held responsible for any accident on or about property day of sale



The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, May 24, 2012


At 6:00pm tWILIGHt AUCtION SALE OF GOAtS & GOAt EQUIPMENt FOR PEtER & DAWN FLEMING, StOCO FOLLOWED BY A LARGE QUANtItY OF HORSE tACK DOUG JARRELL SALES ARENA, BELLEVILLE Goats: There are approximately 20 Nubian, Alpine & Boer cross nannies all with boer sired kids. A mature Boer buck & 3 yearling Boer billies also sell. This is a dewormed & vaccinated herd with hoof trimming all done. A real nice group of young does with well started kids. Approx. 60 head sell. 2 square bale feeders, 2 heated water pails, hand held scales, feeding bottles, feed buckets, books & more. Horse tack: Mennonite style buggy on rubber, Swiss made Courbette Co. Husar Fels Bach Ag English saddle # 8019224, Australian Outback western stock saddle, Springtree English saddle, wall mount folding saddle racks, saddle stand, leather & nylon halters, saddle blankets, new foal feeder, wall mount hay racks, hay baskets, assorted bridles etc., leg wraps, horse blankets, brushes & curry combs, salt block holders, leather chaps, feed buckets & scoops, harness bells & many more pieces. Most of these items are in new condition. All smalls will sell first, then the herd of goats. New Consignment added: 10-15 Ewes. Please note the day & time of this sale See my web site for detailed list & photos. AUCtIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL  & BEN tREVERtON 613-969-1033 www.dougjarrellauctions.com

BRIGHTON ESTATE AUCTIONS Antique & Collector’s Auction

Sunday, May 27 - Preview 9:30 a.m. Auction 10:00 a.m. Auction to start outside @ 10am to include furniture; bicycles; tools; 100’s of job lots of household items, books, pictures & collectables. Regular Auction to commence @ 11am to include large selection of Glass & China; Silver & Silver Plate; Oriental Items; Books, Collector’s Items; Paintings & Watercolours. Oak Furniture; Beds, Chest of Drawers; Oriental Carpets + Upholstered Furniture. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9-10 AM Large Warehouse Yard Sale at back of building of estate items Our Regular Indoor Yard Sale: Sunday @ 9:30 am David Simmons: Auctioneer & Appraiser Looking for quality estates or single items for upcoming auctions www.brightonestateauctions.com 101 Applewood Drive, Brighton, Ont. K0K 1H0 Phone 1-613-475-6223


at 1 p.m. ANTIQUE, MODERN, COLLECTABLES, CARPENTER TOOLS, FISHING EQUIPMENT & GUNS AUCTION SALE At the Palace Building Fair Grounds, York St., Napanee From the home of the late Wayne Waddingham of Kingston and the home of Ruth Grose of Napanee FEATURING: Gibbard; Moorecroft vase; Omega Serger; guns; quantity of fishing rods & reels; tackle; downriggers; carpenter tools ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Very old china cabinet buffet; smoker; blanket box with original hinges; buffet; 2 settees (1 needs upholstering); church pew; quantity of agateware; vintage stuffed toys including Curious George & Paddington Bear FURNITURE: Cherry Gibbard dining room suite - table, 6 chairs, buffet hutch (Chantilly); Lazyboy double recliner chesterfield (hunter green in excellent condition); wicker rocking chair; new patio table, chairs & umbrella; queen size bed, box & matt. in excellent condition; child’s rocker CHINA & GLASS: Moorecroft vase; figurines; depression; crystal; old Fiesta ware; set of bowls; 2 Lladro figurines; 1 Michael Doulton signed Doulton; Pollyanna #2965; boxes of unknowns; COLLECTABLES: 40’s & 50’s beer tray collection; weather vane; Speed Away hand sleigh; ship’s brass porthole mirror; very old tin Froyjoy Ice Cream Truck; Bud Light beer light (working); hand puppets; 2 old Tonka trucks; marbles; Hess vehicles; metal photos in album; several older dinky toys; Allstate electric train No. 9631 in original box; collectable fruit jars including “The Diamond Nova Scotia”. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Child’s electric guitar with amp; Yamaha electric guitar with amp; Nova flat top with case; violin & case; Marxophone; Holton trumpet & case; Fender guitar case; 2 antique mandolins in cases GUNS: Higgins model 20-12GA shotgun; The Marlin Model 336-3030 rifle; Squires Bingham model 16R 22 long shot rifle; very old black powder rifle (London); pellet rifle; BB pistol TOOLS & LAWN EQUIPMENT: Craftsman 12” tilt head band saw; 13” drill press; biscuit joiner; mortising drill press; heavy duty power router; plunge router; 2 dremels; chop saw; Delta 12 1/2 x 6” planer; Craftsman router & table; 10” table saw; 2 belt sanders; dual bench grinder; 2 gal air compressor; Rigid shop vac; hole saw kit; wood carving tools; glass grinder & glass; 2 battery charges; tarps; H.D. jack; 4’ & 6’ stepladders; small lawn & garden trailer; Lawnboy lawnmower & Toro self-propelling electric start lawnmower; Ryobi weedeater with extension; deep/shallow well jet pump (as new); several small hand tools; 2 buggy wheels & 2 steel wheels; (docks ??) FISHING EQUIPMENT: Several rods & reels; Red Wolf; Courtland; 2 Daiwa Sealine 47H; Ryobi; 2 Shamano TR100 & TR200; Penn; Shakespeare 1956 Trueblue; Big John & Walker downriggers; Eagle Depth Fish Finder; Flambeau fishing tackle box (full); several other trays of tackle; hip waders; extra large & large tall snow & survival suits; life jackets; OTHER: Omega 4 thread serger sewing machine (like new); large quantity of sewing notions & craft supplies including fabrics, books & magazines; exercise ball; electric tread mill; deer hide; NEW grill for Ford 2007 Ranger Truck ORDER OF SALE: Smalls - 1 p.m.; fishing related items - 4 p.m.; guns & musical - approx. 5 p.m. followed by furniture. This auction offers an excellent selection of wood related tools and fishing related items. An all around interesting sale - one not to be missed. VIEWING SALE DAY ONLY - 12 noon - Canteen available NO BUYERS PREMIUM - Very Partial Listing Terms: Cash, Interac, Visa, MasterCard only For pictures - www.lambertauctions.ca Next Auction - L&A Interval House Goods & Services Napanee Lions Hall - May 31, 2012 Next Regular Auction - June 12, 2012 at the Palace Napanee Fair Grounds NEIL LAMBERT, AUCTIONEER Napanee 613-354-3406 e-mail Sally1@KOS.net


At 10:30AM AUCtION SALE - MRS. JEAN WHAttAM 18 GROVE StREEt, PICtON, ONtARIO 1 block SOUtH of Main Street at LCBO onto Lake Street (Co Rd 10) and turn EASt onto West Mary Street for 2 blocks to Ontario Street and turn SOUtH to Grove Street. Antique combination china cabinet/ sideboard with faux oak finish, antique walnut hall stand, McAdoo apartment size piano, antique drop front secretary, antique mahogany étagère, antique side table with single drawer, antique flat to the wall kitchen cupboard, antique drop leaf table, antique wicker fernery, antique parlour tables, antique treadle sewing machine, electric sewing machine, antique sideboard, antique washstands, antique press back chairs, antique brass bed, press back high chair, antique organ stool, antique oak dresser, antique side tables, antique walnut trimmed chesterfield, blanket box, storage chests, 3 piece bedroom suite, oil lamps, Ginger bread clocks, mantle clock, quantity of antique glass and china, cups and saucers, hand painted china, garden tools, numerous other articles from an old Prince Edward County home. tERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCtIONEER NOt RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENt OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCtIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www.sullivanauctions.com for photos


At 5:00pm AUCtION SALE DOUG JARRELL SALES ARENA, BELLEVILLE A sale of a large variety of smalls & collectibles. Allis Chalmers 416 garden tractor with snowblower & mower (needs work), Ariens ST724 snow blower, Royal Doultons “Southern Belle” HN 2229, “Pantalettes” HN 1362, “Miss Demure” HN 1402, “Sophie” HN 2833, “Fair Maiden” HN 2211, “Christmas Time” HN 2110, Antique hanging cranberry hall lamp, Birk’s Sterling silver 5 piece dresser set, old hat pins, qty. of glass & china, Qty. of costume jewelry, a collection of old area post cards, 2 antique hall tables, Antique ice sleigh in excellent condition, antique rocker, Antique “HI YO Silver commemorative guitar, small cupboard, old wooden boxes, cheese & butter boxes, milk crates, old child’s sled, oil bottles, pie stand, wrought iron pieces, copper & brass, old prints & frames, old books & many more interesting pieces. See my web site for detailed list & photos. See my web site for detailed list & photos. AUCtIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN tREVERtON 613-969-1033 www.dougjarrellauctions.com


At 9:30am AUCtION SALE FOR KEItH & tHE EStAtE OF NANCY HARRISON, ROSLIN, ONt. ON SItE Directions: Follow Hwy. 37 north to just south of Roslin. turn east on to Leslie Road & follow to first farm on right (34 Leslie Rd.) Kenmore fridge, Frigidaire stove, Kenmore chest freezer, Kenmore washer & dryer, Kenmore microwave, water cooler, Oak antique single pedestal dining table/7 leaves & 4 chairs, Antique oak sideboard, Oak china cabinet, double pedestal desk, 6 chicken coop style chairs, captain’s chair, set of 4 maple chairs, Antique tongue & groove cupboard (painted), Chesterfield & chair, Electric reclining chair, Dynex DVD combination 17” flat screen TV, 3 book cases, Imperial Loyalist single bed, hi boy chest, chest/ mirror & matching writing desk & chair, Oak ¾ bed, dresser/ tilt beveled glass mirror & washstand, set of twin beds, Peerless bed & matching chest of drawers, dresser/ mirror, Single bed with memory foam mattress, library table, double bed with matching dresser/ mirror & chest of drawers, night stand, single pedestal desk, several antique washstands, dresser/ tilt mirror, “D” end table, high chair, antique slat back child’s rocker, press back child’s chair, cabinet model sewing machine, antique oak 4 shelf book case, hall tree, computer desk, 2 cedar chests, round table, oak rocker, 3 white wardrobes, Rubbermaid wooden cupboard, Sanyo sound system, 3 air conditioners, A large qty. of antique glass & china including cranberry, blue willow, BMP, corelle, wall pocket, crock, coal oil lamps, electrified oil lamp, tea pot, collector plates, cream & sugar, mantle clock, cuckoo clock, 3 top hats, hat box, 8 place setting of “King’s Plate flatware in chest, “Elmer Fudd” cast book ends, miniature sad iron, old tea tins, wooden ware, sewing baskets, jars of old buttons, 40’s era prom dresses, skeleton keys, wool blankets, fabric, “The Home Knowledge Atlas” 1898, Big Little books, old books, table top radios, old prints & frames, antique floor lamp, table lamps, wash set pieces, Redpath sugar box, board games, office supplies, cast register, copper boiler, cream can, sap buckets, child’s sled & wagon, Roblin Dairy milk crate, qty. of silver plate, small kitchen appliances, enamel pieces, Sears dehumidifier, Master Chef barbeque& many more pieces of antique glass & china. Tradesman compound mitre saw new in box, Mastercraft work station, Troy Bilt rear tine tiller, Stihl 026 chain saw, Stihl straight shaft weed eater, Stihl HS45 hedge trimmer, chain hoist, Delta 10” table saw, wooden work bench, Nautilus power pack, shop vac, garden swing, lawn furniture, old windows, new pressure tank, push mower, Agri fab 125 spreader, Lawn roller, 2 section set of drags & evener bar, 4 wheeler snow blade (like new), animal cages, cattle clippers, old hay fork, rods & reels, 2 live animal traps, qty. of cedar posts and cedar fence rails, large qty. of scrap metal & numerous other items. 2005 Ford 500 5 passenger car with 3.0L 4V V6 Duratec engine, CVt transmission, silver frost CLRCt metallic in colour, with only 52,000 kms. Sells as is. See my web site for detailed list and photos. AUCtIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN tREVERtON www.dougjarrellauctions.com terms: Cash, Debit, Visa, MC or Cheque/ID Lunch available Owner and/or auctioneer not responsible in case of accident


At 10:30AM AUCtION SALE - ANNE GREENAWAY/ DAN DYEtt 2665 NORtHPORt ROAD (CO RD 15), R.R.# 2 PICtON, ONt. turn WESt off Highway # 49 at South side of Skyway Bridge onto County Road # 15 (Northport Road) for 1 mile. 1986 Formula F-18 18 ft fiberglass bow rider pleasure boat with 305 Chev Merc cruiser, on Calkins boat trailer- excellent condition; Harley Davidson 4 wheel golf cart, EZ Go gas powered golf cart, 14 ft Misty River aluminum fishing boat, Mercury 20 hp outboard motor, 1996 Polaris 760 cc Sea Doo and trailer, Kubota F2400E self propelled commercial grass cutter with front mount 60” mower deck, zero turn capabilities, hydrostatic drive and ROPS- good running condition; 2005 Husqvarna walk behind commercial mower – good running condition; Craftsman 11hp riding lawn mower, Roper Garden master riding lawn mower, 1994 Dodge Ram 4×4 pick up truck –270,000kms, running condition – sells as is; 36 ft pipe bale elevator with electric motor, Craftsman radial arm saw, Hardwood work bench, Craftsman radial drill press, Craftsman 12” bandsaw, delta 1” sander,shop vac,Ford Ranger truck tires, bicycles, dining table and chairs, stereo system, wing chair, decorator prints, everyday dishes. tERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCtIONEER NOt RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENt OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCtIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www.sullivanauctions.com for photos


At 10:30AM AUCtION SALE - JOHN AND MARIA PIEPER 130 BAILEY DRIVE, R.R. 2 COLBORNE, ONt. turn WESt off Highway # 49 at South side of Skyway Bridge onto County Road # 15 (Northport Road) for 1 mile. Kubota 12,000 pound Super Series KX 161 – 2 mini hole with rubber tracks, 10 foot digging depth capabilities, hydrostatic drive, 24” bucket and mechanical thumb, 3000 hours-good running condition; 2004 70 XT skid steer loader with material bucket-good condition; ‘ skid steer snow blade, 5’ skid steer tooth bucket, skid steer pallet forks, skid steer U-blade tree transplanting spade, skid steer transplanting boom, Bradco 6’ 3500 pound vibratory smooth drum packer with skid steer hook up, Massey Ferguson 165 diesel tractor-good running condition; International trail type 8’ tandem disc, 2 furrow plow, Farmall Super A gas tractor with attached scuffler-good running condition; Oscar 236 stationary sawmill with electric start-17 hp Vinguard gas engine with extra blades-like new; Wallenstein BX 42 3 point hitch PTO continuous self-feeding wood chipper with hydraulic controls; 1986 Kawasaki 4 x 4 300cc ATV with front winch, 4’ ATV snow blade, 3 point hitch FAZA PTO cement mixer-like new; 2 wheel estate sprayer with 15 gallon stainless steel tank and 7 ft boom, single axle trailer with 300 gallons poly water tank with Honda 5.5 hp gas engine pump, Land Pride 6’ Brillion style 3 point hitch seeder, Bueller 3 point hitch 7’ PTO finishing mower, single axle hand crafted dump trailer with electric hoist, hydraulic wood splitter, hand crafted 12’ PTO powered wood lathe Honda 5 hp water pump with several roles of fabric water hose, water sprinkler heads, irrigation parts, Pacer gas powered water pump, quantity of black piping, Miller portable 250 CD.DC welder power source/wire feeder; Miller portable Bobcat 225G cc/cv. acdc welder-8000 W generator, Coleman PowerMate portable air compressor, Makita metal chop saw, plate compactor with 5 hp gas engine, House of Tools RF 35 radial drill on portable cart, Budgit 3/8 ton pneumatic chain hoist, diamond blade stone cutting tub saw, Delta 18” surface Sander, Makita 12” single surface planer with attached 6” jointer, surveyors CM 24 spirit level, Rugby 100 surveyors single plane laser, Craftsman 10” radial arm saw, DeWalt 10” table saw, Canwood industrial 3 ft belt sander, Rockwell Delta band saw, lay out table, parts washer, 2 door steel storage cabinet, roller stand, power tools, hand tools, hardware, chains, come- a longs, 50 gallon stainless steel sap with lower wood stove, sap buckets, quantity of cut/split firewood, BUILDING-to be removed; 30′ x 60′ HiQual coverall style building-4 years old. Numerous other articles tERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCtIONEER NOt RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENt OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCtIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www.sullivanauctions.com for photos


At 1:00PM AUCtION SALE - REAL EStAtE FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCtION - CADDYS REStAURANt AND PUB 970 HIGHWAY # 37, CORBYVILLE, ONt. 3 miles NORtH of Belleville on Highway # 37. SELLING SUBJECt tO A REASONABLE RESERVE At 1PM. Long time restaurant property with squared timber and field stone exterior. Interior is made up of 4 dining areas with propane field stone fireplaces, bar area with fireplace, hardwood floors and pine ceilings, commercial kitchen area, storage and utility rooms, staging area, ladies and men’s washrooms. A covered drive in drop off area located at entrance to building with large parking area. Property is located on a high traffic highway. Chattels of restaurant will be sold starting at 11:00 am June 13th. tERMS- $20,000.00 deposit made payable by certified cheque made payable to Robert Sullivan and Sons Auctioneers Ltd - balance due in 30 days. VIEWING- by appointment only-contact Pauline 613-399-5466 or 613-922-8910 Detailed information available at www.sullivanauctions.com (select real estate listings) tERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCtIONEER NOt RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENt OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCtIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082 www.sullivanauctions.com for photos


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Garage/Yard Sale Guide QUALITY BOOK SALE


Saturday, May 26 9:30am - 2:00pm presented by

The Friends of the Picton Library donations accepted

Saturday, May 26 8am FUNDRAISER YARD SALE & BAKE SALE H.J. McFarland Memorial Home All proceeds will support quality of life improvement

RELAY FOR LIFE YARD SALE Saturday, May 26 8am - 2pm 116 Mary St. West Picton


45 Ferguson Street Picton Saturday, May 26 8am - 12 noon

603 County Rd 49 Picton

tote boxes, power tools, golf clubs and stuff


Picton Kinettes

GARAGE SALE Sat. May 26th 9am - 1pm

ANTIQUES: coal bucket & coal shuttle, cane bottom rocking chair, 4-legged claw foot organ stool. COLLECTIBLES: Hot Wheels, amethyst glassware, Bunnykin plate, teapot, 2 qt crock. OTHER: computer desk, adult fold-up bicycle, wrought iron & glass gallery stands, tools, toolboxes. AND MUCH MORE!

8 Jasper Ave.

3 blocks north of Main, off Barker, 1 street in from Downes

YARD SALE Saturday, May 26 7am - Noon

26 Centre Street Good Stuff Good Prices!


YARD SALE & BAKE SALE Saturday, May 26 382 Main St. Picton

(across from skate park)

7am - 1pm

Come out & support a great cause!

YARD SALE Sat. May 26 8am - 1pm 7 Paul St.

Alzheimer Parking Lot


Fri, May 25 Sat, May 26 Sun, May 27 1142 Cty. Rd. 8 Picton



(Previously unseen items)

51 King Street, Picton

Friday, May 25 9:30am - 4pm Sat. May 26 9am - 1pm Antiques, rattan dining set, vanity, baby cradle, lamps, trunks, carpets, and garden planting items.



Rent a table for $15. or 2/$25. to sell your crafts, jewellery, antiques, china, toys, movies, knitting. Call Kathy at 613-393-3115 to reserve your table. LUNCH AVAILABLE *CLIP AND POST ON FRIDGE*

Sat. May 26 Sat. June 23 Sat. July 21 Sat. Aug. 18

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

5 FAMILY YARD SALE May 25 & 26

10 Rogers St. 8am

Junk & Disorderly


June 2, 8am - 2pm 127 Main Street, Picton Rain or Shine

This will be the biggest sale of the year, with something for everyone. We have donations from all over the County. Proceeds go to the PEC GREEN TRUST, a reg. charity.


Sat. May 26 8am 1261 Ridge Road Workshop, House, Boat Stuff

Raining? In the barn!


Friday, May 25 Saturday, May 26 8am - 2pm #29 Elizabeth St. Fundraiser for Community Living Prince Edward. Proceeds towards purchasing augmentative communication devices for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Furniture, Household Items, Workshop Equipment, Office Furiture, etc.

YARD SALE 19 King Street

Saturday, May 26 Antiques, Baby & Kids Items, Housewares

8am - 2pm

YARD SALE Saturday, May 26

62 Consecon St. Wellington Windows, pine shelving, household articles

GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 26 Rain or Shine Rosemary Court

The townhouses of Rosemary Court (1st left off Cold Storage Rd) are holding a Garage Sale on Saturday, May 26 starting 8:30am. Parking on Cold Storage Rd. or Main Street.

YARD SALE 10 Wellington St. Bloomfield Sat. & Sun. 8:30am - 1:30pm LOTS & LOTS & LOTS Like New Lemonade & Bake Goods too


Saturday, May 26

14 Spring Street 8am



The Picton Gazette

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

— This week’s crossword —



1. One point E of due S 4. Picture border 7. Having negative qualities 10. Inner surface of the hand 12. Spanish appetizers 14. Large burrowing rodent of S and C Am. 15. A profane state 16. Sharp narrow mountain ridge 17. Cain and __ 18. Tranquil, calm 20. Removes writing 22. A Mississippi tributary 23. Exactly suitable 24. Extended blockade 26. Encomium

29. Dreaming eye movement 30. Principle vein 35. Japanese apricot 36. ___ Speedwagon: band 37. Fish eggs 38. Ethiopian capital 43. Considerate care 44. Units of loudness 45. Yemen capital 48. Body fluid circulation tube 49. Actress Lupino 50. Gets up 53. Moved contrary to the current 56. Stretched tight 57. Dark brownish black 59. Syrian goat hair fabrics 61. One of the Great Lakes

62. Gull-like jaegers 63. Taps gently 64. Hamilton's bill 65. One point N of due E 66. No (Scottish) CLUES DOWN

1. Seaport (abbr.) 2. Bleats 3. Czech and German River 4. Female horse 5. Large tailless primate 6. Modern London gallery 7. Baseball's Ruth 8. Breezes through 9. Decaliter 11. Genus uria 12. Built for two 13. Mexican men's shawl 14. Pale & soft in color 19. Records the brain's electric currents 21. Three banded armadillo 24. Plant germ 25. Relating to imides 27. Main artery 28. City in north-central Zambia 29. Royal Military Academy 31. Shape of a sphere 32. Earl Grey or Orange Pekoe 33. Fireplace shelf 34. Old world, new

— Horoscopes —

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, financial constraints could delay the start of a new project that you have wanted to do for quite a while. Don't fall into despair; you just may have to save a little longer. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, learn all the facts before you get pulled into gossip. Otherwise you may become part of the problem of disseminating the wrong type of information. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, though you are naturally intuitive, this week you may have a burst of purely psychic energy that cannot be ignored. You may find vivid dreams are part of the deal. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you are feeling very passionate and you have deep and rich emotions this week. It is all about developing an even more solid relationship with your partner. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Don't feel tempted to give anyone a pep talk, Leo. You may just be wasting your time. The person you have in mind might not be too receptive to advice. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, thoughts of love and romance could distract you and make it hard to do your job. Don't be tempted to spend all the time on the phone.


LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You have an inherent ability to read a person's thoughts and motives, Libra. You may find that people's feelings simply jump out toward you. This ability could be taxing, though. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Emotional issues with a family member could leave you seeking an escape route, Scorpio. This may be just what you need to clear your mind and get back on track. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you are feeling less inhibited this week, which may lead to a loose tongue. Try not to offend because you aren't thinking things through but operating on impulse. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, stress on the job could have you thinking about quitting. But a look at your finances may tell you this isn't a wise idea at the time. Stick with it for a little while longer. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Mistakes from the past could come back to haunt you, Aquarius. For a few days you may be low on self- confidence. Lie low if you don't trust your judgement just yet. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, though you're usually physically active, this week you can benefit from just taking a small break. Focus on recharging.

Sudoku #1 5 1 3 8 8 6 7 9 9 4 2 5 2 7 8 3 1 3 9 2 4 5 6 1 3 2 4 6 6 8 5 7 7 9 1 4 Sudoku #3 5 2 1 3 7 6 3 5 4 8 9 2 39. Request attendance 40. Oceans 1 7 8 9 41. Determine the 3 9court 5 1 costs of 2 4 6 7 42. Digressions 9 3 7 4 46. Form a sum 8 5 2 6 47. Greek river nymphs 6 1 4 8

2 9 5 3 1 7 6 8 1 4 6 8 7 5 2 9 3 9 5 7 2 9 3 1 4 5 3 6 8 2

Sudoku #2 8 2 4 1 9 6 7 5 1 3 5 8 6 1 3 2 4 7 2 9 5 8 9 6 3 9 1 4 7 5 6 3 2 4 8 7

7 6 8 8 1 2 9 4 7 50. 6 Swiss 1 5 3river 2 51. 4 Laying 6 3 5 waste 52. Japanese rice beer 6 8 4 7 2 53. Ardor 3 5 8 1 9 54. Israel's 1st UN 1 2 5 8 6 delegate 9 7 3 4 1 55. Aba ____ 5 3 9 2 7

Sudoku #4 8 5 3 6 7 1 4 2 9 2 1 6 5 4 9 3 7 8 7 4 9 8 2 3 5 6 1 Honeymoon 56. 3 Vietnamese 8 2 4 1 6 9 5 7 offensive 1 6 4 9 5 7 2 8 3 58. 9 7Slang 5 2 term 3 8 for 1 4 man 6 or boy 4 3 1 7 6 2 8 9 5 60. Point midway 6 2 8 1 9 5 7 3 4 between S and SE 5 9 7 3 8 4 6 1 2

7 6 4 2 3 1 9 5 6 4 8 7 1 8




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© 2008 KrazyDad.com

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2 8 7

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The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

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PECI basketball celebrates upbeat season

We are Do It Yourself friendly as well as supplying contractors

With a breakthrough year for the boys’ teams and some positive rebuilding for the girls, the PECI basketball program had much to celebrate at its year-end banquet last Wednesday. This school year, the Panthers saw a few firsts — a COSSA silver medal for the senior boys, two graduates playing post-secondary ball, increased participation in regional and provincial programs, and four teams playing at least 15 games each. The boys program experienced much of the excitement however. “Over the past three seasons, our girls program has led the way with our boys struggling to break through,” said program co-ordinator and coach Rob Garden. “This year, however, the boys teams emerged as a powerhouse in the Bay of Quinte.” Both teams found their way to COSSA and with only a small group of graduating players, next year appears bright. To have that kind of team success takes a number of individual contributions and those were highlighted in awards presented at the banquet at the Picton Golf and Country Club. Senior boys coach Ernie Macmillan called his team the best he’s had in eight years of coaching at PECI and that comes attached with promise, considering only three will graduate. He said his most valuable player was someone who “when it came to the last part of the game and we needed to score points and step up a bit, he stepped up,” the team’s top scorer Taylor Reddick. The senior team’s most dedicated player was another who could take games over on his own, but was lost early in the year to a serious eye injury — a bad break Garden said may have meant a title for the team. Mark Mitchell showed his poise, however, supporting his teammates and working hard. He was cleared this week to practice and is expected to be a leader on the team. The seniors’ best defensive player was also a key cog in their offence, but Morgan Johnson did some of his best work pulling balls off the glass and standing his ground in the lane against some strong competitors. “He was the backstop of our defence. He took a lot of charges against bigger, stronger, older players and pulled down rebounds at big times in the games,” said Macmillan. The senior team’s most improved player was one who was pressed into a difficult role when Mitchell went down with injury as he instantly became the starting point guard. Macmillan said Scott McQuaid did that job admirably for a first-year senior and he got a lot of learning in for next year. Lastly, for the COSSA silver medalists, forward Matt Gallo earned rookie of the year honours, given for his improvement throughout the season as he learned the senior game, got tougher, and started to put some more points on the board.

senior stArs At front, from left, Sarah Stanton, Erin O’Brien, Maggie Dorenberg,

Courtney Wilson, Emily Clark, Alyssa VanRossum, and at back, from left, Matt Gallo, Scott McQuaid, Morgan Johnson, Taylor Reddick, and Mark Mitchell shared in the season-ending awards for the PECI senior basketball teams last Wednesday. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Junior Achievers From left, Blaine Swackhammer, Danielle Willis, Ben Wilson,

Cailey Jones, Kyle Gould, Melissa Paradis, Bob Wilson, Melissa Corbin and Brad Wells shared in the season-ending awards for the PECI junior basketball teams presented at the program’s banquet last week. Brittany Payne was not present. (Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)

Junior coach Landan Burns-Kealey said his squad might have surprised many, but not himself and fellow coaches Andrew Wentworth and Bryan Wilson. That’s because they showed up from the start of the season with the right attitude. That will to work was embodied in most improved player Blaine Swackhammer, whom Burns-Kealey said was often looking to coaches to learn how he could improve himself to help the team. Burns-Kealey added the Panthers had a really exciting group of Grade 9 players, which made selecting just one rookie of the year tough, but the nod went to Ben Wilson , who was a regular contributor at both ends. Burns-Kealey said the juniors might not have had the success they had, save the efforts of their most defensive player who shut down key scorers on a lot of the other teams — sometimes breaking his own glasses in the process. “Without him some of the results may have been very different,” the coach said of Brad Wells. The team’s most dedicated award went to sharp shooter Kyle Gould, whom BurnsKealey said was ready to go in every practice and game, giving the team a lift when it needed one. While Gould and Wells both could have earned a stake in a most valuable player award, the juniors were lucky enough to have another dominant player who could score, defend, and lead in all situations. Bob Wilson showed his worth with his play and earned the award. On the girls’ side, it truly was a building year. The junior side had just four returnees and the seniors lost a handful of fifth-year players from the previous year, including the

likes of Niki van Haarlem, now of the Guelph Gryphons, Paige Smith of the Seneca Sting and her talented twin Katrina. The Panthers ended up losing five games by four points or less, where experience would have made the difference. With only captain Sarah Stanton graduating, however, hopes are bright for a team that is projecting to be very deep and a title contender in 2012-2013. For the team awards, Garden said the seniors’ most valuable player was one of the most true athletes he’s ever seen, with a passion few can match, calling Erin O’Brien “the heart and soul of PECI girls basketball.” The most dedicated players for the Panthers, Emily Clark and Maggie Dorenberg also show incredible commitment to the program as they’ve worked hard in practice and in games over the past three years to improve. The team’s awards took on a strange quirk this year as Courtney Wilson earned senior rookie of the year honours for a second time. “She won because it is her first year as a true senior,” said Garden. “She took charge for us in all situations.” The Panthers’ most improved player, Alyssa Van Rossum, is one Garden said has the ability to be a dominant force when she’s motivated to be, while Stanton earned defensive player of the year honours as she was “maybe not biggest or strongest person on the court but fearless in all situations,” according to Garden. The junior girls had a mix of Grade 10 players who really understood the defensive game, coupled with some electric offence from Grade 9s. Garden said one thing they all shared was an all-out nature

to never give up. “These girls never took their feet off the gas pedal and that will set them up for success in the years to come,” Garden said. The team’s most valuable player was Melissa Paradis, whom Garden said could be counted on to have the ball in her hand and the willingness to take chances late. “She led us on and off the court,” he said. The Panthers’ rookie of the year was a player Garden said could be counted on to attack the basket with reckless abandon, who showed no signs of intimidation at all. That was Danielle Willis. Since the team bought in well defensively, it was hard to single one player out, but the junior recipient had the same tenacious qualities for a smaller player that Stanton exhibited at the senior level. Garden said Melissa Corbin always gave her best. Katie McKinley and Hannah Smith received extra mention for their dedication despite injuries, though Cailey Jones received most dedicated player accolades for the extra work she put into her game outside regular practice hours. Brittany Payne rounded out that team’s awards as most improved, transforming from a shy player into a tenacious Panther. Garden said overall, his goal is to see some trophies at next year’s banquet, but that must come with work. “Don’t be satisfied with second place. Michael Jordan once said, ‘Great teams are made in the winter, but great players are made in the summer,’” he said. “I challenge you to improve your game over the next three months... your work and effort will determine whether we make it happen or not..”


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

Payments, Rehab program already has waiting list mal health researcher ‘What a great inquiries HEART, from page 1 Bioniche Life Sciences, and boost it is to the Hyland Seeds to help reach any luck to be able $50,000. More funding to find health-system fundto shift to Without whole area that the will come from directly from ing for that physiotherapist, that steer show at the basically offers PEFHT reached out to County Fair this Sept. 8. the South East Community other sites the so much for There, the full proceeds Care Access Centre (CCAC)




$10,000 for Sick Kids in Toronto and there was some talk about finding a local cause. Through discussions with the PEFHT, they found a fit and also a larger challenge. "I just had to go back to the group and say we need to raise $50,000 instead of $10,000. My approach is to go for 50 and hope we raise 100. This is just an exciting program. Having this in Prince Edward County, what a great boost it is to this whole area that basically offers so much for everyone." The association has already brought some of its long-time partners and sponsors on board for the campaign, like the accounting firm Wilkinson and Company, human and ani-

Reid Fuels

from one dedicated steer will go to the campaign, while a percentage from all steer sales will also be retained. Meanwhile, several other benefits are planned. There will be a beef dinner at the Prince Edward Community Centre July 14 and a gala four-course dinner at Casa Dea Winery Aug. 11. Hancock said the Cattlemen were unanimous in wanting to support the venture. Sprague was delighted to meet with the Cattlemen’s Association and recognize the CCAC for their efforts on Tuesday. "This is a chance to recognize some very important community partners for their help in a program that has been identified as something we really need," he said. "When I first started to get money for this program, I didn't know I was going to be in the first cardiac rehab group, but I am, and I appreciate the efforts they have all made to keep me healthy and keep me going."



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To what extent we don't know,� he said. “If we have a function that happens over multiple disciplines and we're able to centralize that function in one place, then certainly that's one of the things we're going to be looking at.� County CAO Merlin Dewing has been spearheading the municipality's efforts to get on a path toward sustainability since his hiring last year. “We recognize and value our dedicated and knowledgeable water and wastewater staff. Working together we can all look forward to a more effective, efficient and stable operation,� Dewing said in last week's release. “We all recognize that as a public service corporation, council and the public expect us to provide and demonstrate value for every dollar.� The release says the “corporate realignment process is designed to achieve corporate sustainability and is not limited to organizational changes.� “It will also involve finding efficiencies for the corporation by refining core business processes such as council meeting procedures and processes, procurement policies, and financial management,� the release says. Effective July 3 water and wastewater accounts, bills and payment inquiries must be directed to Shire Hall and new connection and water meter inquires must be directed to the County offices at the Edward Building.

who offered to supply physiotherapy. Jacqueline Redmond, that organization's CEO said in a release, her organization was pleased to partner to assist a vulnerable group. "It is important that patients receive timely care closer to home sooner following a cardiac event, "she said. Meanwhile, for the secondary location, the PEFHT received a big assist from the Prince Edward Cattlemen's Association, which wanted to grasp hold of a large community project to celebrate its 10th steer show this summer. The cattlemen took it upon themselves to lead a fundraising drive to bring in the $50,000 needed to outfit the site — which the PEFHT is already in discussions to finalize. Local veterinarian and steer show co-chair Dr. John Hancock said one of the association's members, Craig Carson, suggested raising

Box office 613.476.8416 ext 28 or 1.877.411.4761


The 6th Annual County Kids of Steel Triathalon will be held at the Prince Edward Fitness and Aquatic Centre on Sunday, June 3, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon


CLOSURE, from page 1


There will be some lane restrictions on the bicycle portion of the race route.Volunteers and OPP will assist with the safe entry and exit to all businesses and side street. Thank you for your community support. For more information please contact Race Directors. Race/Crew Volunteers needed - Register at PEFAC or www.pefac.ca Come out and help us cheer on our County Kids of Steel


The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012



The Canadian Coin Association will be coming to the great city of Picton next week! They’re interested in all those coins you’ve kept stored away for the occasion that you would look into them! Well, that occasion has arrived. Bring your coins to The Canadian Coin Association, and have one of their numismatic professionals assess their current market value in the collectible market, FOR FREE! Canadian and American coins minted before 1968, can fetch significant prices with international collectors based on; condition, collectability, and metal content. Because they represent a large database of collectors on an international level, they are able to make on the spot purchases on their behalf! This week, you could be turning that old jar of coins into a vacation! While in Vancouver, British Columbia, CCA was able to offer $79,000 for an 1893 Morgan Silver dollar minted in San Francisco. This specific coin is highly sought after in uncirculated condition, mainly because not many were minted in San Francisco that year. Collectors are willing to invest top dollar in order to add this gem, and other coins of its kind, to their collections. Recently, they were able to offer $30,000 for a Canadian twenty cent piece from 1858. Why? Because the collector, from Austria, had everything but that ONE coin for his series of 17th century Canadian coins and was willing to pay top prices to complete his set. Those two stories are just the tip of the iceberg for their coin experts. A silver dollar from 1948 can fetch anywhere from $500 to $13,000 based on it’s condition. Collectors are eagerly looking for pre 1968 proof sets, coins with specific mint marks, coins from specific years and international gold coins. Don’t even get them started on the 1921 Canadian fifty cent piece! Coins are their middle name. For a fee of $0 (that’s right, its free), you can bring that coffee tin full of coins to our educated team of numismatist’s, and find out if you’ve been harbouring a very well kept secret!

bullion assessment in their services. The Canadian Coin Association is able to make offers for your scrap silver. Old tea sets, stamp collections from the Franklin Mint, and silver bars, are all examples of items that could be purchased on the spot! It’s a bullion boom, and everybody’s winning! CCA’s International collectors are also seeking gold coins from around the world. Maple Leafs, British Sovereigns, Kruggerands, Double Eagle gold coins and Gold Francs, are all examples of gold coins they are looking for on behalf of our collectors. Because of their success within the numismatic community, they are also able to offer maximum value on all other gold as well. With the gold market at over $1500, all of your broken gold, scrap gold, jewellery, even dental gold, can be turned into quite the fist full of dollars.


What are you waiting for? Bring your coins and bullion into our numismatic professionals to have them evaluated. You just may end up having some fun, and walking out with enough for that vacation.


1921 George V Nickel

1916c Sovereign

1948 MS-62 Canadian Silver Dollar was recently purchased

1921 VF-20 Canadian George V Nickel was recently purchased

1916c VF-20 British Sovereign was recently purchased

for $2,300

for $9,350

for $14,700

Even common coins can have a significantly higher value than their currency due to their silver content. Silver dollars, fifty cent pieces, quarters, dimes, even nickels are garnering maximum value. With the silver market higher than it’s been in thirty years, it’s definitely the best time to turn old coins into a healthy pay day! Because they have the time and space to do so, they have included



HOW IT WORKS: Gather up all of your gold and silver coins, as well as any silver and gold jewelry you may have laying around. Bring all of your items to one of the Canadian Coin Association events, free of charge! Have all of your items evaluated, on the spot, completely free! No appointment necessary! Receive a cheque on the spot for items of interest.

ITEMS ITEM MS WE PURCHASE: PURCH HASE: COINS COINS All Canadian coins dated prior, Al l C anadian co ins d ated 1967 aand nd p rio or, aall ll Americ i an co ins d ated 1964 aand nd p rior, aass w ell American coins dated prior, well as ra re co ins aand nd en tire co llections. IInterested nter e ested as rare coins entire collections. purrchasing p ennies, nic kels, dim es, q uarters, in purchasing pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half do ollars, aand nd do llars half dollars, dollars



Gold aand nd si lver jjewelry, ewelry, aass w ell aass ggold old b ullion, Gold silver well bullion, diamond rrings ings (lo ose di amonds aass w ell), l diamond (loose diamonds well), bracelets, l eearrings, arrings, aall ll ggem em sstones, tones, sscrap craap ggold, old, bracelets, all b roken jjewellery ewellery et c. all broken etc.

INVESTMENT IN VESTMENT GOLD Al l C anadian M aple Leafs, Leafs, P anda co llections, All Canadian Maple Panda collections, Gold B ars, E agles, B uffalos, K rugerrands et c. Gold Bars, Eagles, Buffalos, Krugerrands etc.


PLATINUM PL ATINUM Anything made made of of platinum platinum Anything


MONEY PPAPER APER MON EY A ll denominations denominations m ade before beffore 1934 19934 All made

COINS GOLD COIN S IIncludes ncludees aall ll ggold old co ins, p rivate ggold, old, ggold old d bars, bars, et c. coins, private etc.


Includ des ttea ea ssets, ets ccutlery, ets, utlery, p lates, es b owls, s ttrays, rays, ys Includes plates, bowls, candlee h olders, b roken jjewelry, ewelry, et c. candle holders, broken etc.

*(Gold and Silver jewelry, Bullion, Coins with silver content)*



1948 MS-65 Canadian Half Dollar was recently purchased for $1,850

1953 MS-65 Elizabeth Half Dollar was recently purchased for $1,100


1964 SP-67 Canadian Silver Quarter was recently purchased for $400

1939 SP-65 Canadian Silver Dollar was recently purchased for $1,500

1954 MS-65 Canadian Dime was recently purchased for $110

FOR GENERAL INQUIRIES PLEASE CALL: 1-800-746-0902 www.CanadianCoinAssociation.com

1917 SP-67 Canadian Silver Quarter was recently purchased for $850



The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012





1939 SILVER DOLLAR SP-65 UP TO $1,500



UP TO $2,500

UP TO $55,000








UP TO $110

UP TO $75,000



UP TO $7,500

UP TO $3,500

UP TO $400

UP TO $850

























UP TO $3,000






UP TO $3,000


UP TO $2,250


UP TO $9,500







May 29th - June 2nd Tuesday-Friday: 9:00AM - 6:00PM

Saturday: 9:00AM - 4:30PM

PICTON PICTON Isaiah Resortt & C Conference Isaia ah Tubbs Tubbs Resor onference Centre Cen ntre 1642 1642 County County Road Road 12, 12 2, Picton, Picton, ON. K0K 2T0 0 Directions: directly County Road Dir e tions: LLocated ec ocated dir ectly on C ounty R oad d 12, Sheba’s Island.. southeast of SSheba ’s Island





The Picton Gazette THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012










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