n a f o e c n a t r o p e r m i u h e c h o T r b e v i t effec n for your desig iness Bus
Introduction – Brochure Design
A brochure is simply a mean of communication which acts as a solid marketing tool for your business.
You can summarise all your important information at one point and target your audience.
Your audience will get all the relevant inputs about the products and services you are offering to them.
A compelling and attractive brochure design will help you in reaching your target market as it will gain their attention.
Brochure Design - Checklist
Set a well-defined Purpose ●
Before designing your brochure, you should determine the primary message you want to convey.
You should also focus on who will be your target audience and what reaction you are expecting from them.
After getting answer to all these questions, you will be in a better position to decide on your content for brochure.
Never forget to add your contact details in your brochure as it will help your audience to locate you.
Brochure Design - Checklist
Plan the structure before
Get the clear idea about the structure you are planning to have for your brochure.
Whether you are going to have a single-fold, bi-fold or tri-fold brochure, better decide on your layout beforehand.
Plan about the sequence of pages and your cover page with images and content that will be used in it.
Proper synchronization is very important for brochure designing as it helps you putting right thing at the right place.
Brochure Design - Checklist
Style of writing matters ●
You should remember that writing for brochure is completely different from writing for magazines, journals and web.
As it will usually be distributed to people passing so your content has to be short and crisp to gain their attention.
Use prompting language which will drive your readers to perform action and go for your products or services.
Always go for a content proofread before the final print to avoid any spelling and grammar errors.
Brochure Design - Checklist
Use proper colour-combination ●
Always go for the right set of colours so that your brochure stand out among others present in the market.
Usually your readers are more fascinated with the colours than the plain text used in the brochure.
Use colours wisely and avoid using bright colours which will deviate the attention of your readers from the content in your brochure.
Use colours which complement the content in your brochure.
Use a proper background colour which will make your text clearly visible.
Who we are
Smartinfosys.net is a leading website development and corporate branding company that has been on the scene since 2001.
Our tagline "Empowering People and Business" well expresses our mission of providing highly functional & affordable websites & PHP based web applications to empower personal and business processes.
No matter what stage of development your business, we've been there!
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