One Endless Dream - A Tibute Book to The Cure

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ONE ENDLESS DREAM The Cure Tribute Book


One Endless Dream. A Foreword.

Dedicated to The Cure You are in our everyday lives. You talk to us, inspire us and continue to do so beautifully. We hope we can give something in return that will inspire you.

Some years ago, I became disillusioned with the way some The Cure forums and chat boards were run and how they were treating their members. So much so that I decided I wanted to create a forum that was friendly, interesting and free of fear that one day my access would be blocked, just because I disagreed with something. And so was born. A simple message board, populated by like-minded souls who chatted and shared The Cure experiences with each other. By 2007, the site had a name change to CURECONNECTIONS and, thanks to the 4Tour and tireless efforts from a small group of people, a whole almost new forum was born, both in style and in content. The membership and popularity grew enormously as we followed the band around the world. A team of close friends, the CURECONNECTIONS Crew helped me deliver to you what is the most advanced and safest The Cure forum on the web today and the work never stops. More refinements are always just around the corner. So watch out for those. I am a perfectionist, which means I want to have everything just right. For you. The community. The Cure means many things to many people. Their words and music bring forth emotions and images that are as diverse as their fan base. From love to hate. From innocence to lustful fantasy. From pain to pleasure. From happy to sad. There are a million more, but as this is just the foreword, we’ll let the rest of the book convey those. And convey them it will. Just as CURECONNECTIONS does each day. Within the covers of this volume, you have expressed how you see and feel The Cure’s work in a myriad of art forms. Photography, digital art, paints, collage, pencil and pastels and even words paint a vivid landscape that we can all recognise and all share time in. Each studio album has been stripped back to expose the beating heart of the animal inside it and us. Additionally, there is a collection of other inspirations. The inclusion of b-sides and band members put the finish on this piece perfectly. The result is nothing short of mind-blowing! My endless thanks go out to Skuld, blackemy and smitha for piecing together the contributions into a collection any The Cure fan would love to own. And more than that. To you. The members of CURECONNECTIONS. I truly thankyou for coming together and sharing your work and your love for this project and the forum. Seeing a project like this come to fruition reminds me why I started this forum and drives me to continue. Taking a line from A Forest, from London in 1992, “There’s a place we can go”. That place is CURECONNECTIONS. Christian “ceho” Hoffmann April 2010


THREE IMAGINARY BOYS_________________ page


SEVENTEEN SECONDS___________________ page 34 FAITH__________________________________ page 56 PORNOGRAPHY_________________________ page 74 THE TOP_______________________________ page 92 THE HEAD ON THE DOOR_ ______________ page 114 KISS ME KISS ME KISS ME_________________ page 136 DISINTEGRATION_______________________ page 172 WISH___________________________________ page 200 WILD MOOD SWINGS____________________ page 226 BLOODFLOWERS________________________ page 256 THE CURE______________________________ page 276 4:13 DREAM_____________________________ page 302 OTHER INSPIRATIONS___________________ page 330


01. 10.15 sturday night 02. Accuracy 03. Grinding halt 04. Another day 05. Object 06. Subway song 07. Foxy lady 08. Meathook 09. So what? 10. Fire in cairo 11. It’s not you 12. Three imaginary boys The debut album by The Cure is often described as a postpunk album, spare minimalistic and simple, but at the same well-constructed and sophisticated. It’s the first musical attempt of the band and they have just started the search for their own sound. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “Three Imaginary Boys was released in a very special period, it sounded really different and that’s its great strength. It was very... stripped, bare. Only what should be on the album is there. It was an album naked as a worm for that time and it surprised a lot of people.” (Robert Smith) PLAY THREE IMAGINARY BOYS LOUD and start.

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod incididunt utNIGHT labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim 10.15 tempor SATURDAY veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officia Technique: digital art deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim ACCURACY veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officia Technique: digital art deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt GRINDING HALTut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officiapainting, deseruntdigital mollitartanim id est laborum. Technique: drawing,

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ANOTHER DAY ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Technique: painting

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim OBJECT veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officiapainting, deseruntdigital mollitartanim id est laborum. Technique: drawing,

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod temporSONG incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim SUBWAY veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officiapainting, deseruntdigital mollitartanim id est laborum. Technique: drawing,

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim FOXYtempor LADY veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by lorretine in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Technique: collage


Joanna Gniady from Wroctaw, Poland Inspiration: My collage was inspired by The Cure’s cover for Jimi Hendrix song “Foxy Lady”.



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim MEATHOOK veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by LOT in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Technique: painting


Lotte van Wijngaarde from The Netherlands Inspiration: I believe the lyrics of The Cure are full of inspiration. I always dream one endless dream when I hear The Cure, because these lyrics are very visual. When I noticed that there will ne a tribute-book with art in it, I immediately began painting.



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim SO WHAT? veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officiapainting, deseruntdigital mollitartanim id est laborum. Technique: drawing,

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim FIRE tempor IN CAIRO veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by thehowlingwoman in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt IT’S NOT YOU ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by SCOTTM in culpa qui officiadigital deserunt Technique: drawing, art mollit anim id est laborum.


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL USA Inspiration: Robert performed this song a very few times during the Wish tour of 1992. This is a rough sketch of him during that era with a rendered smoky background which reminds me of the smoke and lights used during that tour.



One Endless Dream

Other Voices Faith, 1981

by smitha

picture with graphics (computer file)

Smitha Catarina Almeida, 24 years old from Portugal Inspiration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboreBOYS et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim THREE IMAGINARY veniam, quis nostrudBoys, exercitation Three Imaginary 1979ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt by GIOCAT in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Technique: pencil and ink on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Maybe that child is still looking for the moon to change his mind.



One Endless Dream


01. A reflection 02. Play for today 03. Secrets 04. In your house 05. Three 06. The final sound 07. A forest 08. M 09. At night 10. Seventeen seconds The second studio album, released only one year later shows how the bands’ sound developed in this short time. It’s said that in this record the typical Cure sound has its first appearance. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “It was produced in a very particular way, and again it sounded like nothing else at the time. At Seventeen Seconds, you cannot say that it is shaken by pop-songs. The album is a whole, the songs live with each other.” (Robert Smith) “Seventeen Seconds depicts the beginnings of a different pop fundamentally deleterious and amniotic, resolutely turned towards the absence of ego in favor of the recurrence of feeling. (…) Under its twilight pocket, The Cure have unwittingly opened a new kind, the new-wave, which would build its musicality and its mythology in interpreting virtually across the modesty of Seventeen Seconds” (Joseph Ghosn) PLAY SEVENTEEN SECONDS LOUD and start.

a reflection

Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by GIOCAT Technique: watercolour pencil on paper

Giocat from Italy

Inspiration: Each instrumental song can leave enough space to let weird figures come out.



One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by eveglider Technique: digital art

Eveglider from Poland

Inspiration: The drums in this song are like the rhythm of my heart, so when I was drumming and trying to imagine how I would feel to be in the place of this man, this association gave rise to my “play for today�



One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by D4AMick Technique: photo and digital art


Miklos Csemy from Prague Inspiration: Secrets...



One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by thehowlingwoman Technique: photo and digital art




One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by IWANNASHAGSIMON Technique: photo

Iwannashagsimon from USA

Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

THE FINAL SOUND Seventeen Seconds, 1980

by Ginger~Burton Technique: photo and digital art


Sam Walker-Smart from Cornwall, UK Inspiration: It’s an experimental picture I re-edited to fit the song. Follows the motif of passing on/dying, it’s a kind of visual representation of the process. The Final Sound obviously being the last thing you hear...



One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by STEVE Technique: text


from Hungary Inspiration: Inspired by The Cure and The Cure community.



One Endless Dream

Ever since I was a kid, I have liked forests. Not to the extent where I am at one with them & dance naked round open fires at midnight etc. Prolly something to do with camping in the New Forest every summer. They are so full of life & are the epitome of “surround sound”. Something is always moving. Almost watching you, as you become an amateur explorer, beating your path through the bracken. I first heard the song when The Cure appeared (looking somewhat like they had been pushed onto the stage forcibly by an evil record exec.) on TOTP & was bitten. I was taken straight back to the trees that fascinated me by their myriad shapes & the way they moved in the breeze by the effects carrying the mood of the song & knew I had connected with something that really was A Forest. Incarnations of this song (never the same one night after another) are something to behold & almost echo the way that forests also change with time. Growing this way, shrinking that way, but always changing from day to day & night to night. From the short, no frills versions of 81-83, to the vicious, angsty versions from 84-87 & then to the full blown “wig-out” epics that were played through the late 80’s into the mid 90’s, the song is legendary. So what is it that makes this magic? Its unpredictability is something that captures the witness. I am always asking, “how many agains?” or “will this guitar break make my heart beat faster?” It doesn’t matter either way. I’ll know it’s not the same as the one I listened to yesterday & so it always remains a pleasant surprise. Whatever happens. It can entail added verses, drawn out guitar breaks, just as a real forest can harbour lakes & rivers & all manner of living things. It effectively “lives”. Sometimes it is that vast tropical canopy that “we” seem to be intent on destroying & sometimes it’s that small wood where I’d build forts & fight with my mates when I was a kid. It can be frightening, as if being battered by a storm in the night, causing the trees to thrash about as if under attack from an invisible force. & it can be calm & inviting with the gentle sounds of birds singing & leaves fluttering in a light breeze. But every time, no matter how different from the last time, it IS A Forest. Layer after layer of intrigue, like the rings running through the trunk of a tree, all telling a story of the year that passed. I don’t think any song I have ever heard has so closely reflected nature in this way. Many have tried to imitate it, but none have come as close as this. It makes me almost forget the human element. Is it about chasing after something or someone that doesn’t exist? Being truly lost in body & mind? Or being too late to catch up with something or someone? Lyrically it’s ambiguous in that it could mean any of the above, adding another dimension to the already diverse fabric of the music. It may mean many things to many people. To me, it is a place we can go to. A place where being lost isn’t frightening. From the edge of the deep green sea, along fascination street & to the end of the world, there will always be A Forest. A piece of art that can make me forget who I am & whisk me away somewhere no-one else knows. & it does this again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & Again!


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by GIOCAT

Technique: pencil on paper

Giocat from Italy

Inspiration: It’s trapped in the light, the face looks at the past, it drowns in the light. What else?



One Endless Dream


Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by SKULD

Technique: digital art editing by skuld; photography by ceho


T창nia Flores from Lisbon & Bonn Inspiration: At night, in a stary sky with a full moon that makes the hours go by...



One Endless Dream

SEVENTEEN SECONDS Seventeen Seconds, 1980 by SMITHA Technique: digital art


Catarina Almeida from Oporto, Portugal Inspiration: Seventeen seconds, a measure of life



One Endless Dream

Faith 1981

01. Holy Hour 02. Primary 03. Other Voices 04. All Cats Are Grey 05. Funeral Party 06. Doubt 07. The Drowning Man 08. Faith Faith continued where Seventeen Seconds started, but it’s more self-contained than the previous album. Faith is an atmospheric and sombre album; the songs are dominated by the feelings of melancholia, isolation, despair and anger. But it also dealt with loneliness and the loss of innocence. It is often seen as the mid-point between Seventeen Seconds and Pornography – the so-called “Dark Trilogy” - and so it also set the mood for the following more aggressive album Pornography. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “Faith is an album of desecrated communion, crumbling cathedral. Listening to it is to listen to the live birth of gothic rock, seen here in its most pure acception: without frills, The Cure continue to build this, implicitly, their timeless portrait of ill-being, which will be fully completed with the next album as apocalypse interior.” (Joseph Ghosn) PLAY FAITH LOUD and start.

HOLY HOUR Faith, 1981

by KYOTOGIRL Technique: photo

KYOTOGIRL from Belgium

Inspiration: I was listening a lot to the Faith album when i took this picture. It was taken at a local cemetary and when i went there to visit some family graves, i decided to take my camera with me. I posted some photo’s on Cureconnections and a few members said they reminded them of Faith. This one matches perfect to the line ‘The sacrifice of penance’.



One Endless Dream

PRIMARY Faith, 1981 by SUES Technique: collage


Sues Seal from Sydney, Australia Inspiration: A song that’s been part of my life for most of my life...



One Endless Dream

OTHER VOICES Faith, 1981

by SMITHA Technique: digital art


Catarina Almeida from Oporto, Portugal Inspiration: “whisper your name/in an empty room...”



One Endless Dream


by Schneeflocke Technique: oil painting


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: What is the right shade of blue to picture the feelings I have while listening to this song? Maybe the blue of the deepest ocean? Or the blue of the clouded sky before a thunderstorm? Or simply the blue of a single teardrop? I donĂ­t know the colour of sadness, sorrow and loneliness or of solace and hope. But for me it has to be a shade of blue!



One Endless Dream

FUNERAL PARTY Faith, 1981 by SKULD Technique: photo


T창nia Flores from Lisbon & Bonn Inspiration: The solemn mood of the song.



One Endless Dream


Faith, 1981 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing, digital art

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


by FUCHSIA_groan Technique: photo


GaĂŽl Bourdarlons from Rennes, France



One Endless Dream


Faith, 1981 by dv50frompluto Technique: photo, digital art

dv50frompluto Frompluto from USA

Inspiration: I chose Faith because of the upheaval I’m having in my life. These struggles have challenged my views on life, my identity, on love, relationships, belief systems and practically all aspects of the human experience. My Bare body and lack of props are a literal translation of “I went away alone with nothing left but faith”. My wrists tied into the shape of a cross symbolize the loss of control I feel over my life. The shadow on the wall behind me represents the benevolent force that I feel pulled by against my will. The red dewey eye portrays tears and the powerful emotions of suffering. What I like best about my contribution for Faith is that leaves room for people to interpret it’s deeper meanings filtered through their own life experiences.



One Endless Dream


01. One hundred years 02. Short term effect 03. The hanging garden 04. Siamese Twins 05. The figurehead 06. A strange day 07. Cold 08. Pornography “Pornography built upon the sound of The Cure’s previous two albums, Seventeen Seconds and Faith, yet made it louder and much more intense, whilst making the dark aspects of their music even more. (…) Robert Smith’s own descent into depression propelled their music toward such extremes, and in a prime example of the cliché that pain creates great art, the tension and unease that went into this album fueled its beautifully hideous flaming wreck.” (Tremble, 2006)

With its primal drumbeat soon accompanied by a chugging bass riff and hauntingly sparse guitar line The Figurehead is a true Cure track. Appearing on fan favorite and MTV proclaimed ‘Darkest Album Ever Made’ Pornography (1982), the song has for over 25 years remained a live staple and fine example of the bands early bleak, ambient sound. While Disintegration (1989) brought the group worldwide success using similar introspective themes and reverb laden instruments it’s The

The album sounds like the devil decided to release a compilation of the darkest, gloomiest tracks of all time. (Sputnick Music, 2005) “This fourth album of The Cure will be the broken mirror of a psyche in advanced stage of disintegration, but also the ultimate weapon of a trio who knows doomed to collapse.” (Richard Robert) PLAY PORNOGRAPHY LOUD and start.

ONE HUNDRED YEARS Pornography, 1982

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

SHORT TERM EFFECT Pornography, 1982

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

THE HANGING GARDEN Pornography, 1982 by GIOCAT Technique: watercolours on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: A kind of beauty. A make up on a mask and on a desire.



One Endless Dream

SIAMESE TWINS Pornography, 1982 by D4AMick Technique: digital art


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream

With its primal drumbeat soon accompanied by a chugging bass riff and hauntingly sparse guitar line The Figurehead is a true Cure track. Appearing on fan favorite and MTV proclaimed ‘Darkest Album Ever Made’ Pornography (1982),


the song has for over 25 years remained a live

Pornography, 1982

staple and fine example of the bands early

by Ginger~Burton

bleak, ambient sound. While Disintegration

Technique: text

(1989) brought the group worldwide success using similar introspective themes and reverb laden instruments it’s The Figurehead along with its


seven other brother and sister songs that brings

Sam Walker-Smart from Falmouth,Cornwall, UK

The Cures often emulated, but never bettered,

Inspiration: Being as The Cure’s early work if often the most crirically lauded I thought a review to describe why the song works musically a good choice.

visceral and memorable imagery to audiences ears. In the words of Smith himself “I will never be clean again” - SWS



One Endless Dream

A STRANGE DAY Pornography, 1982

by Schneeflocke Technique: photograph, oil pastel and pencil drawing


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: The happiest day or the end of the world? What does it mean? I really don’t know, it’s just too strange.



One Endless Dream


Pornography, 1982 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

PORNOGRAPHY Pornography, 1982 by FBXYMOX Technique: digital art


from Lisbon, Portugal



One Endless Dream

THE TOP 1984

01. Shake dog shake 02. Bird Mad Girl 03. Wailing wall 04. Give me it 05. Dressing up 06. The caterpillar 07. Piggy in the mirror 08. The empty world 09. Bananafishbones 10. The top The Top was the first studio album after the break in the band and Simon Gallup’s leaving. All was in transition and so this album marks a restart as well as a change in the music of the band. Robert Smith played most of the instruments himself (so it can also be seen as the closest thing to a real solo album we get so far) and he tried some new, sometimes strange, ideas. The sound is innovative, sometimes rough, sometimes poppy or psychedelic. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “The Top, soon renamed The Flop by the fans, will mark the first real artistic failure of The Cure on the length of an album.” (Christophe Conte) “As this harsh assessment indicates, Smith has at times been very cruel to the Top. He has also labeled it «self-indulgent», «totally demented» and even «fucking deranged». With the benefit of hindsight though, it comes up trumps. Indeed, if the Top were released now, its fantastical maelstrom of unique sounds and outlandish experiments would sound absolutely fresh and contemporary.” (Johnny Black) PLAY THE TOP LOUD and start.


by cats_n_cheese Technique: photo

cats_n_cheese Inspiration: I always hear in this song the lines “Your face I’ll never see you this way again I captured it so perfectly As if I knew you’d disappear away”



One Endless Dream

BIRD MAD GIRL The Top, 1984

by dv50frompluto Technique: photo and digital art


Frompluto and Madi from USA Inspiration: Roberta Spider Smith is a doll I worked with an artist on to customize to look Robert Smith-like. My plan is to create a book of photographs of Roberta that visually depict various The Cure song lyrics. In Bird Mad Girl, Roberta is sitting inside a bird cage brooding while the birds fly in and out at will. The bird outside the cage mocks her situation. In the photograph I depicted her girl-mad and pouting. The polar bear is her captivated and somewhat incongruous love interest.



One Endless Dream

WAILING WALL The Top, 1984

by Schneeflocke Technique: oil pastel drawing


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Believers of three religions live together in this place, Jerusalem, their Holy City. All of them search for the light in life, but instead they often only find darkness.



One Endless Dream

GIVE ME IT The Top, 1984

by IWANNASHAGSIMON Technique: photo


Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

DRESSING UP The Top, 1984

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clarke from USA



One Endless Dream


by KyotoGirl Technique: drawing

KyotoGirl from Belgium

Inspiration: This is a Cure song that always puts a smile on my face and I tried to create something that has the same effect on people.



One Endless Dream


by kittenasacat Technique: drawing


Rebecca from Gold Coast, Australia



One Endless Dream


by KyotoGirl Technique: photo

KyotoGirl from Belgium

Inspiration: I was browsing trough some of my photography work and found this very rigid photograph that reminded me of the music from The empty world.



One Endless Dream

BANANAFISHBONES The Top, 1984 by SMITHA Technique: digital art


Catarina Almeida from Oporto, Portugal Inspiration: The lyrics and the surreal atmosphere of the song.



One Endless Dream


The Top, 1984 by mariacomehome Technique: digital art

mariacomehome Maria DL from Italy

Inspiration: I love the sound of The Top... I imagine this huge insurmoutable top “This top is the place where nobody goes...�



One Endless Dream


01. Inbetween days 02. Kyoto song 03. The blood 04. Six different ways 05. Push 06. The baby screamS 07. Close to me 08. A night like this 09. Screw 10. Sinking “Lyrically, The Head on the Door continued to mine the dark despair of brokenhearted teen angst, and Smith’s dreamlike reflections of death-filled nightmares, disembodied heads, and screaming babies made his emotionally detached portraits of adolescent alienation vivid. (…) The Cure embraced an eclectic array of insistent, rhythmic grooves that ranged from the explosive Push to the flamenco-kissed flourishes of The Blood to the infectious, shimmering swirls of Inbetween Days. Elsewhere, the group reverted back to more ominous textures by slathering the mechanical chug of Kyoto Song with twinkling keyboards, but where the album-ending Sinking previously might have sounded claustrophobic, the ensemble’s new approach lent a more ethereal quality to its arrangement. In the end, The Head on the Door proved to be The Cure’s rebirth, and the concepts and ideas contained on the outing became the touchstones to which the collective returned for the duration of its career.” (The Music Box, 2006) “It’s really a collection of songs and not an album of mood. We wanted that every song was written and performed as a single, that each song could be heard out of context, or alongside other music. It is a much better way to work because every song is individually very strong, they have no connection between them.” (Robert Smith) PLAY THE HEAD ON THE DOOR LOUD and start.


The Head On The Door, 1985 by IWANNASHAGSIMON Technique: photo


Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by D4AMick Technique: photo


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by thecupcakegeisha Technique: digital art


from Cottonwood, California, USA Inspiration: I was inspired by Victorian era silhouettes of husbands and wives. The concept of the piece was Victorian marriage & romance given a modern polyamorous twist.



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by GIOCAT Technique: photo

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Like strawberries and cream is the only way to be. The sweet side of the pain, the coming back to who you really are. Deliciously frightened, pushing away fears and leaving space to pleasure.



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by FBXYMOX Technique: digital art


from Lisbon, Portugal



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by Ginger~Burton Technique: digital art


Sam Walker-Smart from Cornwall, UK Inspiration: A photo. Wanted to do something fun, inspired by the second Close To Me video.



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by GIOCAT Technique: mixed technique on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: The light that raises in the last embrace before saying goodbye is the light of the moon, of a never ending night that is going to end. It goes dark, but the glance before leaving is untold, just the music can tell its intensity.



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by D4AMick Technique: drawing


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream


The Head On The Door, 1985 by Schneeflocke Technique: pencil drawing


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: I seem to drown in all my sorrow and more and more..



One Endless Dream


01. The kiss 02. CATCH 03. TORTURE 04. IF ONLY TONIGHT WE COULD SLEEP 05. WHY CAN’T I BE YOU 06. HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE 07. The SNAKEPIT 08. JUST LIKE HEAVEN 09. All I want 10. Hot hot hot!!! 11. One more time 12. Like cockatoos 13. Icing sugar 14. The perfect girl 15. A thousand hours 16. Shiver and shake 17. Fight Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me doesn’t appear as consistent as some of the previous Cure albums; on the contrary it combines many facets of the band’s musical spectrum on one (double) album. So it comes that the mood on this album changes dramatically from one song to another: From dark to dreamy, from aggressive to cheerful, from pop to psychedelic. One reason for that could be that this time all band members were involved in the song writing, so that a more democratic atmosphere dominated. The result was 18 very different songs – each song for a different mood. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “In a few seconds we go from total euphoria to severe languor. A duality probably disturbing to the ears of lovers of Pornography, but that goes well to the English and their eclectic audience.” (Caroline Halazy) PLAY KISS ME KISS ME KISS ME LOUD and start.


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by Hiro&Kirsty Technique: photo and digital art


Hiro Photography & Violetta from Berlin



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by SKULD Technique: digital art


T창nia Flores from Lisbon & Bonn Inspiration: The screams and torment described by the lyric.



One Endless Dream

IF ONLY TONIGHT WE COULD SLEEP Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by Schneeflocke Technique: watercolour painting


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: For one single moment together with you, I would even overcome the end of the world.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: digital art

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987

by KyotoGirl & scottm Technique: text and digital art

KyotoGirl & scottm from Belgium & USA

Inspiration: One of the hardest songs to capture...Bittersweet lyrics combined with the most sparkling, energetic music. I took inspiration in both the music and Scott’s interpretation of the song. I think our styles worked well together for this song.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by KissingCrimson Technique: drawing

KissingCrimson from Melbourne, Australia

Inspiration: By travelling through dreams and reality with The Cure. Perverse desires, fear, dreams and paint.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by dv50frompluto Technique: photo

dv50frompluto Drompluto from USA

Inspiration: My daughter Madeline took this picture of me holding our dog a while back. She was experimenting by shooting photographs with key lighting while the subjects and the camera moved simultaneously. I find the lyric “Iwant to hold you like a dog� and the song All I Want to have a menacing feel. The love and the longing repeatedly expressed in these words seems to cross the fine line between deep love and desire and an obsessive possessiveness and need. I chose this photo because of the blur of the subjects and the tight hold I have an the dog. To visually express the mood of a distorted love relationship, I edited the photo in several layers to intensify the glaing look in my eye and to make it look like an abstract painting. Strangely, the dog ran away the day I submited this photograph and has yet to return.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by GIOCAT Technique: pencil on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Three lightning strikes, three ways of changing in the sign of madness, the most sane way of living. With sunglasses in the night, of course. ĂŤCause the lightning strikes rarely happen during the day.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by Hiro&Kirsty Technique: photo and digital art


Hiro Photography & Violetta from Berlin



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by SCOTTM Technique: digital art


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, Florida, USA Inspiration: A girl stands in consternation, confused that the ground could be ripped so quickly from beneath her feet, and scared because she doesn’t know what to do next within a wake of broken promises. Reds, purples, yellows and black are the colors I associate with this song. I use a digital mosaic to try to make a meaningful picture out of them.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: digital art

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by love_cat Technique: photo


Anna from Krakow, Poland Inspiration: These are the landscapes that accompamied me at the time when I was listening to A Thousand Hours a lot.



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by thehowlingwoman Technique: digital art

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, 1987 by KittenasaCat Technique: painting


Rebecca from Gold Coast, Australia



One Endless Dream


01. Plainsong 02. Pictures of you 03. Closedown 04. Lovesong 05. Last dance 06. Lullaby 07. Fascination street 08. Prayers for rain 09. The same deep water as you 10. Disintegration 11. Homesick 12. Untitled “Disintegration hangs together beautifully, creating and sustaining a mood of thoroughly selfabsorbed gloom. If, as Smith has hinted, the Cure itself is about to disintegrate, this is a worthy summation.” (Rolling Stone, 1989) “Emotion pending, The Cure makes what seems to be a great piece of art. Then, all of a sudden it hits you: I’m going to cry! Yes it does have an effect of that stature on certain ears. Maybe it will be yours?” (Sputnik Music, 2006) “Surreal symbiosis between the most opaque darkness and the deepest despair. Disintegration hypnotizes everything.” (Éléonore Colin) PLAY DISINTEGRATION LOUD and start.


Disintegration, 1989 by SCOTTM Technique: water colour pencils


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: I went with this theme because the crash of music within the opening of Plainsong reminds me of pervasive cathedral organs and the sort of sacred mood they generate. Musing on the cold of the dead and on the end of the world also make me think of churches.



One Endless Dream

PICTURES OF YOU Disintegration, 1989

by dv50frompluto Technique: photo and text

dv50frompluto Frompluto from USA

Inspiration: I was inspired by a chain of unusual events that related to Pictures Of You. The watermark in the background is a photograph that I took of my daughter the day we returned home from her father’s memorial service. In it is she playing her father’s guitar and wearing his trademark hat. These are the only two possessions she has from him. I drew and cut out The Cure figures as a visual reference to my comparison in the text of people in photographs to “paper doll figures”.



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by LOVE_CAT Technique: photo


Anna from Krakow, Poland Inspiration: The colours I associate with Closedown and the mood of the song...



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by kyotogirl Technique: digital art

kyotogirl from Belgium

Inspiration: One of the first Cure songs I discovered. A beautiful lovesong about giving each other wings. It took me some time to discover the whispered bit was ‘Fly me to the moon’. On that line i based my drawing and i thought it would be a nice idea to use cats, because Robert often uses animals in his lyrics (caterpillars, spiders, cats, birds, tigers,...)



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by GIOCAT Technique: photo

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: And this was the last picture I took of the last year. A nice coincidence. The girl is almost gone away, raising the stairs, the woman stands, waiting in a freeze smile. What happens in the youth is gone forever and raises just in memory.



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by GINGER~BURTON Technique: photo


Sam Walker-Smart from Cornwall, UK Inspiration: One of my favorite songs. Snow storm was the perfect time to capture the dreamy quality of the song.



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by TheCupcakeGeisha Technique: photo

TheCupcakeGeisha from Cottonwood, California Inspiration: Simply put, the video.



One Endless Dream

fascination street Disintegration, 1989

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

PRAYERS FOR RAIN Disintegration, 1989

by dv50frompluto Technique: photo

dv50frompluto Frompluto from USA

Inspiration: In the photograph I wanted to symbolically represent an oppressive relationship. I chose black and white to represent the drabness of a stale relationship. The soft flowing dress weighted down by the gritty dirt represents the beauty of a relationship gone sour. The dryness of the soil symbolizes the need for rain, for release. The four dead roses lying at her side represent love, faith, harmony and dreams. As she reaches for the living red rose of hope at her side her outstretched arm and the severe arch of her body symbolize the intensity of her struggle. Taken at night, the starkness of the lighting emphasizes feeling lost and alone.



One Endless Dream

THE SAME DEEP WATER AS YOU Disintegration, 1989

by Schneeflocke Technique: digital art


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Can’t you see I try? Swimming the same deep water as you is hard



One Endless Dream

DISINTEGRATION Disintegration, 1989 by Atmosphere Technique: photo


Atmosphere & M51 from Edinburgh, UK Inspiration: I wanted to portrait what I think is the cause of the Disintegration, rather than the effects, i.e. the contrast between what people/society want us to be and what we actually are and desire to be (of course I am not saying anything new here - I’ve read my share of Freud and I guess it shows). In my picture, there is an over-the-top beautiful lacy mask on the surface; a scared human being behind it, almost shocked and taken by surprise by the sudden realization that the game is not worth playing anymore; and there is also a liminar space between the mask and the eye, where identity is ambiguous and polarized, and where, effectively, the disintegration of the self takes place.



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by GINGER~BURTON Technique: photo


Sam Walker-Smart from Cornwall, UK Inspiration: I feel a very strong connection to this song and it’s themes and jumped at the chance to visualize it.



One Endless Dream


Disintegration, 1989 by wildmoodswings Technique: drawing


Leah Christine from Kansas City, MO Inspiration: The Cure has been a great part of my life. Their music makes me feel like no other. The passion I feel when I listen to them is something I can’t explain. I think Robert Smith is an amazing poetic genius who inspires my art.



One Endless Dream

WISH 1992

01. Open 02. High 03. Apart 04. From the edge of the deep green sea 05. Wendy time 06. Doing the unstuck 07. Friday I’m in love 08. Trust 09. A letter to Elise 10. Cut 11. To wish impossible things 12. End “This outstanding album, like all the Cure’s best music, runs on its own brash logic, making a virtue of its emotional polarities.” (Rolling Stone, 1992) “The Cure had tried to be more discreet, but the pearl “Disintegration” has shone a thousand lights. Enigmatic title for this powerful album of overproduced production. Because of its intensity and due to the theme lovers present everywhere, obsessively, “Wish” is akin to an opera. This play sometimes tragic, sometimes happy, has all the ingredients.” (David Fargier) “Granted, the sound of the record, with its jangling guitars and simple arrangements, is more immediately accessible than the epic gloom of Disintegration, but nearly every song finds Robert Smith wracked with depression. Unfortunately, the even-handed production makes the record sound very similar, so it is less compelling than it might have been, but there are a handful of gems that make the record worthwhile” (Stephen Thomas Erlewine) PLAY WISH LOUD and start.


Wish, 1992 by KYOTOGIRL Technique: digital art

KYOTOGIRL from Belgium

Inspiration: I based it upon this specific lyric from the song: And I’m starting to laugh Like an animal in pain And I’ve got blood on my hands And I’ve got hands in my brain And the first short retch Leaves me gasping for more And I stagger over screaming On my way to the floor And I’m back on my back With the lights and the lies in my eyes And the colour and the music’s too loud And my head’s all the wrong size So here I go Here I go again... I tried to capture the vision Robert must have had here. All the shapes and colours blurring, the blood dripping and everything blending together.



One Endless Dream


Wish, 1992 by KittenasaCat Technique: drawing


Rebecca from Gold Coast, Australia



One Endless Dream


Wish, 1992 by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: photo


Inspiration: Because everytime I listen to this song I find myself in the same position of the girl in the painting...



One Endless Dream


by GIOCAT Technique: pencil on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Slips her dress like a flag to the floor Beauty is often undressed.



One Endless Dream

WENDY TIME Wish, 1992

by D4AMick Technique: photo


Miklos Csemy from Prague Inspiration: ...”it doesn’t touch me at all”...



One Endless Dream


by GIOCAT Technique: watercolour on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Turn everything red and the dream is complete. It’s a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye. Weird how this song inspired me the moment of breathing deep. Of letting yourself go to life. The moment in which life seems to end.



One Endless Dream

FRIDAY I’M IN LOVE Wish, 1992 by ALEX Technique: drawing


Alex from Poland Inspiration: Horses are my passion and love - they have feelings like we have and can fall in love on some crazy friday.



One Endless Dream


Wish, 1992 by Hiro&Kirsty Technique: photo


Hiro Photography & Violetta from Berlin



One Endless Dream


by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing and digital art

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Wish, 1992 by SCOTTM Technique: colored pencils with a lot of experimentation with digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: It’s how you feel when you depend on something you know is no good for you.



One Endless Dream


by EVEGLIDER Technique: drawing

EVEGLIDER from Poland

Inspiration: Listening to “To Wish Impossible Things” I have a permanent image in my mind, something like this drawing, which is created by some memories of one starry night.



One Endless Dream


Wish, 1992 by GIOCAT Technique: pencil on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: An attempt to find a way not to lie anymore. Need to hide your face for a while to do it.



One Endless Dream


01. Want 02. Club America 03. This is a lie 04. The 13th 05. Strange attraction 06. Mint car 07. Jupiter crash 08. Round and round and round 09. Gone! 10. Numb 11. Return 12. Trap 13. Treasure 14. Bare “As the title suggests, there’s a vast array of textures and emotions on Wild Mood Swings, from the woozy mariachi lounge horns of The 13th to the perfect pop of Mint Car and the monolithic dirge of Want. (…) the variety of sounds and strength of performance offers enough surprises to make Wild Mood Swings more than just another Cure record.” (All Music Guide, 1996) “Puzzle work, Wild Mood Swings is punctuated with failed refrains, with musical greatness, with poorly controlled joys, with assumed yelling. (..) To love this album, we’ve got to let it go, not to look at the Cure as a group of melancholy sets exclusively, unbreakable spiritual reflections. Anyone who has accompanied our moods of teen had a right to his dose of fun.” (Caroline Halazy) PLAY WILD MOOD SWINGS LOUD and start.


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by Hiro&Kirsty Technique: photo


Hiro Photography & Violetta from Berlin



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by D4AMICK Technique: photo


Miklos Csemy from Prague Inspiration: Sensational dazzling...



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by Schneeflocke Technique: watercolour drawing


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Mirrors not always show us the truth. Sometimes they only reflect our desires, hopes or simply illusions.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by dv50frompluto Technique: collage

dv50frompluto Frompluto from USA

Inspiration: This was a fun page to create. My inspiration came from The 13th Video. The title “things are not always what they seem” is derived from the confusion in Robert’s eyes as he wakes in a strange motel room and sees what he thinks is a beautiful woman with him. There are obvious and inferred references to the lyrics throughout the page. I wanted to remain the amusing tongue-in-cheek quality of the video through the unexpected used of color and the faces on the bee and the snake. Upon careful inspection you will find other subtitles. For example, I intentionally confused “The 13th” by placing the numbers on the page upside down and using a only portion od them. I guess you could say with a quick look The 13th ears a PG rating but a closer look reveals a more adult message.



One Endless Dream

STRANGE ATTRACTION Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me throught difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... And my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude...



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by Hollylicious Technique: digital art

Hollylicious from Atlantic, Canada

Inspiration: My love for The Cure.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by scottm Technique: drawing


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL USA Inspiration: This is a scene suggested to me by the lyrics of Jupiter Crash. I tried to retain a little of the surreslism that I usually associate with the overlap of romance and astronomy, both in dreams and stories. I think of yellous, blues and black when I think of this song so I tried to use a lot of them.



One Endless Dream

ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by SMITHA Technique: digital art


Catarina Almeida from Oporto, Portugal Inspiration: A spiral of nonsense. Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by GIOCAT Technique: photo and pen

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: Green, blue, grey. I know how it is waking up and feeling coloured this way. But those are also the colours of the world turning. And this song turns everything to jazz, an improvisation, a patchwork of swing. Maybe to get living has got to do with it.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by KissingCrimson Technique: photo

KissingCrimson from Melbourne, Australia

Inspiration: By travelling through dreams and reality with The Cure. The Cure’s music colors my dreams, paints my soul and is etched inside me, it makes me feel human when I am numb.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by LOT Technique: drawing


Lotte van Wijngaarde from The Netherlands Inspiration: I believe the lyrics of The Cure are full of inspiration. I always dream one endless dream when I hear The Cure, because these lyrics are very visual. When I noticed that there will be a tribute-book with art in it, I immediately began painting.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me throught difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... And my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude...



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by EVEGLIDER Technique: photo

EVEGLIDER from Poland

Inspiration: An inspiration to do this artwork was one June bright morning when my friend told me about her feelings for “Treasure”, with such heartfelt green eyes - since then I appreciate this song very much and I just tried to keep this moment in the image.



One Endless Dream


Wild Mood Swings, 1996 by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


01. Out of this world 02. Watching me fall 03. Where the birds always sing 04. Maybe someday 05. The last days of summer 06. There is no if... 07. The loudest sound 08. 39 09. Bloodflowers “Bloodflowers continually looks to the band’s past. The opening number, “Out of This World,” threatens to retread 1989’s “Pictures of You” as a spacey farewell. But unlike its predecessor, “Out of This World” is passionless and without direction and the Billy Joel-ish piano plinking around the corners is distracting. “Watching Me Fall” features some of Smith’s best lyrical fatalism (“The night is always young,” he bays) and tense cymbal work, but its multilayered arrangement sounds dated. The album’s soft, chewy center, five songs’ worth, never varies in rhythm or pace and depends mostly on hard strumming for propulsion. “Where the Birds Always Sing” has no tune at all, just traces of one you’ve heard before (in “Why Can’t I Be You”). Only “39” has the incendiary grandness of the old Cure, with berserk guitar lines and drumbeats resounding from a bottomless pit. But Smith sings his own epitaph in his haunted voice: “The fire is almost out.” (Rolling Stone, 2003) “The Cure deeply embroiled in endless songs (between seven and eleven minutes), collections of bushy arpeggios, clumps of compacted and complex sounds scaring the most tenacious ears. The texts of Robert Smith leave them also the gentle shores of the romance to compromise with the dark side of depression, illustrating the pathological loneliness and metaphysical torments through a vocabulary skillfully chosen in the lexicon of a perfect suicidal.” (Marc Besse) PLAY BLOODFLOWERS LOUD and start.

OUT OF THIS WORLD Bloodflowers, 2000 by KYOTOGIRL Technique: digital art

KYOTOGIRL from Belgium

Inspiration: This song got played on the radio a few times and led me into buying Bloodflowers. One of Roberts favorite themes, escapism, appears in this song. I was inspired by the title, but also by the fact Robert used ‘we’ a lot in the lyrics (when we think back...). I combined these two inspirations for my work and kept it as simple as possible.



One Endless Dream

WATCHING ME FALL Bloodflowers, 2000 by KYOTOGIRL Technique: photo

KYOTOGIRL from Belgium

Inspiration: Bloodflowers was my first Cure album and this was the song i instantly fell in love with. The theme, disintegrating, falling, just sucked me right in. Finally someone understood how i felt! I’ll always remember the hours i spent listening to this song over and over again...I wanted to approach this song in a very personal way, because to me, it’s a very personal song. They often say the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. Well, here’s mine.



One Endless Dream


by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

MAYBE SOMEDAY Bloodflowers, 2000 by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream

THE LAST DAY OF SUMMER Bloodflowers, 2000

by FUCHSIA_GROAN Technique: photo


Gaîl Bourdarlons from Rennes, France



One Endless Dream

THERE IS NO IF... Bloodflowers, 2000

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: When I have a listen to this song there are those colors and this image of Robert in my heart. The meaning of this song is what I mean with word LOVE... THERE IS NO IF...



One Endless Dream

THE LOUDEST SOUND Bloodflowers, 2000

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


Bloodflowers, 2000 by schneeflocke Technique: digital art


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Why should you stop with something you love to do? Even if you feel you reached the end, some of the fire will always be left.



One Endless Dream

BLOODFLOWERS Bloodflowers, 2000

by Schneeflocke Technique: photograph of a painting on snow


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Nothing is as pure as driven snow and not even love. But it is just as fleeting.



One Endless Dream


01. Lost 02. Labyrinth 03. Before three 04. The end of the world 05. Anniversary 06. Us or them 07. Alt.end 08. (I don’t know what’s going) On 09. Taking off 10. Never 11. The promise 12. Going nowhere The self titled The Cure album was the first studio album with their label Geffen and with it the band tried to break new ground. Nevertheless something of the previous material can be recognized in the new songs, something of every Cure era seems to be represented. As some former albums it contains different moods and musical styles. In general, sounds more rocky and rough than the previous Bloodflowers. But it also contains pop moments as well as songs full of melancholia. The Cure is for sure one of the most discussed albums of the band, but as a relatively “new” album it still holds lots of things to discover. (Schneeflocke & Kirsty) “Alternately pop, psychedelic and atmospheric, The Cure is an album with angular faces, full of bumps, in which the voice of Smith yesterday pasty finds its original grain, its shrill and grating sounding.” (Richard Robert) PLAY THE CURE LOUD and start.


The Cure, 2004 by giocat Technique: graphite on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: This drawing was born from a mistake. While I was erasing what I didnĂ­t like anymore, another face came out from a mist. To be lost for me means the need to let a new part of yourself come out.



One Endless Dream

LABYRINTH The Cure, 2004

by Schneeflocke Technique: photo


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: It seems like the same, but it isn’t. Something is different ñ black is white, left is right. It’s just an illusion.



One Endless Dream

BEFORE THREE The Cure, 2004 by CURETC Technique: photo


Aaron Law from Coventry, England Inspiration: It made me think of a diary, writing of happy times, sad times and remembering. Before Three is a great song and portrayed in my mind as a remembrance of times gone by.



One Endless Dream


by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: drawing




One Endless Dream

ANNIVERSARY The Cure, 2004

by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream

US OR THEM The Cure, 2004

by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream


The Cure, 2004 by iwannashagsimon Technique: photo

iwannashagsimon iwannashagsimon from USA

Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream


by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream

TAKING OFF The Cure, 2004

by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream


The Cure, 2004 by iwannashagsimon Technique: photo

iwannashagsimon from USA

Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

THE PROMISE The Cure, 2004

by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream

GOING NOWHERE The Cure, 2004

by Hiro&Kirsty Technique: photo


Hiro Photography & Violetta from Berlin



One Endless Dream

4:13 DREAM 2008

01. Underneath the stars 02. The only one 03. The reasonS why 04. Freakshow 05. Sirensong 06. The real snow white 07. The hungry ghost 08. Switch 09. The perfect boy 10. This. Here and now. With you 11. Sleep when I’m dead 12. The scream 13. It’s over “You’ve got what I want,” Robert Smith sings through fat, strangling-vine guitars in “The Real Snow White,” his wan chirp finally collapsing in a long, falling yowl. It is classic, inconsolable Smith — with a twist. On the verge of 50 and leading a double-guitar gnarly-glam version of the Cure, Smith sounds less like a lovesick prince in 4:13 Dream’s looping-riff viscera and swallow-you-whole echo, and more like the avenging middle-aged Roger Waters on Pink Floyd’s Animals. There is none of the rag-doll bounce of the Cure’s late-Eighties hits. The guitar overture in “Underneath the Stars” is closer to electric Neil Young than fey gloom. There are no evident hooks in “The Scream,” just dirty surge and Smith’s yelping rage. His dreaming ends, of course, with the usual defeat, in “It’s Over.” But along the way, his fury is its own relief.” (Rolling Stone, 2008) “The Cure still sound like The Cure; and the fact that they’ve always been multi-faceted, even contradictory—capable of swinging from despair to euphoria within a single track—has become their saving grace. 4:13 Dream touches on every shade of the band’s signature spectrum: there are flecks of minimal post-punk, swathes of goth-pop psychedelia, stabs of heavy-metal-tinged barbarism, and a brace of love songs with ominous undercurrents.” (April Long) PLAY 4:13 DREAM LOUD and start.


by Schneeflocke Technique: watercolour painting


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Together as one In each others arms So near and so far Forever as now Underneath the stars



One Endless Dream

THE ONLY ONE 4:13 Dream, 2008 by D4AMICK Technique: photo


Miklos Csemy from Prague Inspiration: ...And you blow me a kiss...



One Endless Dream

THE REASONS WHY 4:13 Dream, 2008 by GIOCAT Technique: photo

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: I found the true reality in the beautiful infinity of paper stars hanging on the ceiling of a Cure Party in Berlin. Later I was just looking at the floor. But this is another song.



One Endless Dream

FREAKSHOW 4:13 Dream, 2008

by cats_n_cheese Technique: digital art

cats_n_cheese from England

Inspiration: About II years ago I was in a damaging and abusive relationship and a lot of nights I lost myself in the music of The Cure. I also drew this picture, nightmares on paper, today, it still represents the freakshow that my life seemed to be back then. That was a freakshow and I was screaming... Now, I have a new name for my drawing, thanks to 4:13 Dream.



One Endless Dream


4:13 Dream, 2008 by GIOCAT Technique: watercolour on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: The Siren remains alone, floating in the memory, fluid like water. You’re tempted to come back to her. But you just remember her way of singing. If you gave your life to her, you would have lost yourself. The same old game, love in vain.



One Endless Dream

THE REAL SNOW WHITE 4:13 Dream, 2008

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream

THE HUNGRY GHOST 4:13 Dream, 2008 by D4AMICK Technique: digital art


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream


4:13 Dream, 2008 by SMITHA Technique: digital art


Catarina Almeida from Oporto, Portugal Inspiration: The roughness and the electric glares that embody this “urbanistic� song.



One Endless Dream

THE PERFECT BOY 4:13 Dream, 2008

by iwannashagsimon Technique: collage

iwannashagsimon from USA

Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

THIS. HERE AND NOW. WITH YOU 4:13 Dream, 2008

by iwannashagsimon Technique: photo

iwannashagsimon from USA

Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

SLEEP WHEN I’M DEAD 4:13 Dream, 2008 by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream

THE SCREAM 4:13 Dream, 2008

by thehowlingwoman Technique: drawing

thehowlingwoman Karen Clark from USA



One Endless Dream


4:13 Dream, 2008 by SCOTTM Technique: colored pencils with some digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: To cure the stagnation, you push your life into high octane overdrive. You live your life faster than thought; faster than memory. Upkeep and downtime are forgotten and your creations collapse in the wake of a rush to the next ìhighî whatever form that takes. You only feel the guilt and the shame when you slow down. So you donít slow down. Until you burn out and it all catches up with you; weeks, months, maybe years of decadence all at once for your consideration. You just want it to stop.



One Endless Dream

TRUTH (for Wendy Time) “I have to tell you something“ he says to her ”for I´m afraid I cannot hide it away any more or any

Off To Sleep Somewhere inside It pulls me apart The feeling that I

OTHER INSPIRATIONS 01. A boy I never knew 02. A chain of flowers 03. A pink dream 04. Boys don’t cry 05. Charlotte sometimes 06. Coming up 07. Descent 08. Down under 09. Fake 10. Fear of ghosts 11. Forever/All mine/ All I have to do is kill her 12. Halo 13. Happy the man 14. Just one kiss 15. NY trip 16. Ocean 17. Off to sleep 18. Play 19. Porl 20. Robert Smith 21. Robert Smith 22. Robert Smith 23. Robert Smith

24. Robert Smith 25. Robert Smith 26. Robert Smith 27. Robert Smith 28. Robert Smith 29. Robert Smith 30. Robert Smith 31. Robert Smith 32. Robert Smith 33. Robert Smith 34. Robert Smith 35. The big hand 36. The Cure 37. The Cure 38. The Cure 39. The exploding boy 40. The walk 41. This twilight garden 42. This morning 43. Throw your foot 44. To the sky 45. Truth 46. Truth, goodness and beauty


A BOY I NEVER KNEW Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: digital art


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: I got this idea to take a photo I had of my son Neil, and make a sort of spirit out of him. At the time, he was rolling a train on my back. Now it looks like heís got his arm around me, even if he isnít really there. Iím so grateful that I know him.



One Endless Dream

A CHAIN OF FLOWERS Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: digital art


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: This song reminds me of someone who fell asleep in something like a Faerie Ring long ago and never woke up. That’s why the strange picture.



One Endless Dream

A PINK DREAM Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: Rio sunrise sucking on a straw!



One Endless Dream

BOYS DON’T CRY Other Inspirations by GIOCAT Technique: pencil on paper

GIOCAT from Italy

Inspiration: I wanted to change the proportions that there are in video of the song. A change of perspective in the same mirroring, where the child inside is more important. Boys don’t cry, but maybe men do?



One Endless Dream

CHARLOTTE SOMETIMES Other Inspirations by D4AMICK Technique: digital art


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: oil pastel


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: yeah it’s a big night emotional kill, and she’s thrilling me!



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: digital art




One Endless Dream

DOWN UNDER Other Inspirations by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by SKULD Technique: digital art


Tânia Flores from Lisbon & Bonn Inspiration: The figurative fake wings, “I just throw my arms out as I fall”.



One Endless Dream

FEAR OF GHOSTS Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils with some digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: When the future brings only remnants of the past and life becomes a pattern of manic depressive hopes and inevitable failures, you destroy everything that makes you what you are and slip into the half fantasy, half nightmare of the new you. The further you go, the easier it gets, but you feel a little lost. And the remnants of your life remain. Taunting and luring you back to the comfort, back to the pattern, even if it is a pattern of despondence.



One Endless Dream


by Schneeflocke Technique: watercolour illustration with calligraphy


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Forever stands out from all other The Cure songs: It has never been released on an album and is played only live on concerts, every time in a different way - different music, lyrics, meaning and mood 単 and all improvised. Every version is unique. Representative I have chosen three of my favourite versions (Forever in Lievin 1992, All Mine in London 1982 and the well-known version All I have to do is kill her in Paris 1982) and I have tried to capture their unique mood. (A special thanks to Simon and Charlie for finding out the lyrics.)



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA



One Endless Dream

HAPPY THE MAN Other Inspirations

by Schneeflocke Technique: watercolour painting


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: Who was that standing in the rain? Happy the man with the face that smiles!



One Endless Dream

JUST ONE KISS Other Inspirations by KYOTOGIRL Technique: drawing

KYOTOGIRL from Belgium

Inspiration: My favorite B-side! The lyrics sound very dreamy, but the music has a dangerous feel to it. Just like a kiss should be. A moment of danger, excitement and oh so dreamy... That specific moment i tried to capture in a charcoal drawing.



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by B-FLOWER Technique: drawing


Olga from Moscow, Russian Federation Inspiration: Hard to tell, seems The Cure has always been here, in my heart, helped me through difficult situations, so I just needed to give something back... The Cure inspires me in so many ways... and my childish pictures are the way to express my love and gratitude.



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils with some digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA



One Endless Dream

Off To Sleep

OFF TO SLEEP Other Inspirations by D4AMICK Technique: text


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream

Somewhere inside It pulls me apart The feeling that I Have told you a lie I don’t say I’m sorry And I don’t say I’m not And I don’t say I’m happy And I don’t say it’s right And I don’t say I know How to make you understand Somewhere deep down It twists me around The knowledge that I Have changed in your eyes I don’t say I’m sorry And I don’t say I’m not And I don’t say I’m happy And I don’t say I’m proud And I don’t say I know How to make you understand


Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils with some digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: One of my favorite songs from the Wish sessions; this is a drawing done with watercolor pencils with some digital effects added.



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: drawing




One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by MARIACOMEHOME Technique: drawing


Inspiration: The Cure’s music is the only thing that keeps me alive, day after day. They inspire me every step I take and make me grow up filling my heart with love. These images are dedicated to them: The Best Band In The World.



One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by THEHOWLINGHWOMAN Technique: drawing




One Endless Dream

ROBERT SMITH Other Inspirations

by SHAKING*LIKE*MILK Technique: painting


Gabriele Zamastil from Vienna, Austria Inspiration: The result of a sunny summer afternoon painting outside, listening to my favorite band.



One Endless Dream

THE BIG HAND Other Inspirations by SKULD Technique: photo


T창nia Flores from Lisbon & Bonn



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: drawing




One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: drawing




One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by HONEYLILBEAR Technique: watercolour


Garance Cogitore Parker from United Kingdom Inspiration: I made this watercolor in two hours, proor to queue at the “Fnac� record store at the Opera in Paris like hundreds of fans. The Cure were giving a signing and when my turn came, Robert signed it... However for reasons unknown to me, he signed the back of the poster.This was 1996, the day before their gig in Paris - Beroy-



One Endless Dream

THE EXPLODING BOY Other Inspirations

by andrewmadinc Technique: painting and digital art


(AN)drew madic / uB aStuff of (R)evo industries from USA



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by THEHOWLINGWOMAN Technique: photo




One Endless Dream

This Twilight Garden Other Inspirations

by Schneeflocke Technique: oil painting


Nicole Kothe from Germany Inspiration: This twilight garden turns into a world where dreams are real. One special moment, bright and warm, in a place to forget all sorrow. That could be my h(e)aven.



One Endless Dream

THIS MORNING Other Inspirations by EVEGLIDER Technique: photo

EVEGLIDER from Poland

Inspiration: One day the winter behing my window reminded me “This Morning”.



One Endless Dream

throw your foot Other Inspirations by SCOTTM Technique: water-color pencils with some digital effects


Scott McClenaghan from Tarpon Springs, FL, USA Inspiration: I don’t know. It’s a fun song and I was just trying to have that much fun with a silly charcoal drawing.



One Endless Dream


Other Inspirations by IWANNASHAGSIMON Technique: photo


Inspiration: Love and respect for The Cure and their music.



One Endless Dream

TRUTH (for Wendy Time)


Other Inspirations by D4AMICK Technique: text


Miklos Csemy from Prague



One Endless Dream

“I have to tell you something“ he says to her ”for I´m afraid I cannot hide it away any more or any longer You and me and all those years Were just fun I never meant to hurt you never thought it would go this far Thought we could remain friends Once and for all the time But something went wrong And maybe it was you Or maybe it was me But one of us did it first Looked or kissed the way friends never do The way it should have never been And I was too weak to say, to do Anything To protect me and you from this Rendezvous I´m sorry but I never loved you Although there were thousands of times I wished to When you smiled... or whispered my name Or last night... Please forgive me that I kissed the way friends never do Forgive me I pulled you into all this Because I never wanted to.“ He doesn’t know what else to say Wishes to do more, to bring her heaven, to make her smile, but she just cries...

Truth Goodness And Beauty Other Inspirations by EVEGLIDER Technique: photo

EVEGLIDER from Poland

Inspiration: This is a woman lost in time, who is conscious of her vanity, waiting for something that she can’t name, but could be it...



One Endless Dream

One Endless Dream is an idea that was conceived at CURECONNECTIONS. All the artwork is owned by the creators themselves. CURECONNECTIONS is not responsible for any violation of copyright. CURECONNECTIONS is owned by Christian “ceho” Hoffmann Cover and foreword art by Tânia Flores Graphic design by Emanuela Ercoli Do not sell Do not use any artwork or photos without permission of the owner Do not use the cureconnections logo without the permission of the owner

Printed in April 2010 at Marvel Adv, Italy.

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