PIE catalog 2015 (JPY version)

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Prett y Impressive Entertaining 1



Erik Bruun

Finnish Graphic Designer Size: 257 x 182mm Pages: 224p (Full Color) + Supplementary Poster Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4663-9 Release Date: July 2015 Price: ÂĽ2,800


Born in 1926, Erik Bruun is an active graphic designer in Finland who won international respect for his wide variety of works such as logotypes, brand guidelines, posters, books, stamps and even Finnish banknotes. Often describing beautiful sceneries in Finland, he is also well known as a naturalist with deep love for his homeland filled with rich nature. This is the one-and-only treasured book which introduces a number of his works from his long career. A must-buy title not only for his fans but for those who admire Finnish design. Most pages include pictures only, but the introduction is available JPG/ENG bilingual.

Related Title

Olle Eksell 978-4-89444-547-5

→ P.25


New Titles


Comic Art


A Retrospective of Beloved and New Works by James Jean Size: 305 x 225mm Pages: 288p (Full Color) + Supplementary Poster Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4713-1 Release Date: September 2015 Price: 짜4,200


Born in 1978 as a Taiwanese-American, James Jean became one of the talented artists/illustrators in both commercial works and fine art gallery works. He contributed numerous works for cover visuals of American comics and he also did creative collaborative project with PRADA in 2007. This title is the long-awaited art collection of James Jean covering most his careers. With roughly one third of art works being first published such as CD album artworks of Linkin Park, this can be the treasured book for his fans all over the world. To celebrate the first release in Japan, endorsers are presented in bilingual by Takashi Murakami (contemporary artist) and Guillermo del Toro (film director).


New Titles


Japanese Culture


Cats by Kuniyoshi

2.indd _isi_00 12-144 ko_p1 eru_ne

Ukiyo-e Paper Book

116-11 7

Size: 257 x 182mm Pages: 152p (60 removable sheets + 16p / Full Color + 1C) Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4669-1 Release Date: July 2015 Price: ¥1,800


2015/ 14:28

Imagine the life of Edo, an old name of Tokyo, in the early modern period – there were many ‘Ukiyo-e’ shops which were dealing with various woodblock prints just like fashion snaps or entertaining magazines as we know them today. Each Ukiyo-e work was sold individually and people bought the beautifully printed sheets of paper to learn the up-to-date trend of the day and/or to enjoy the artworks by displaying them on the wall as interior decor. This art book features cats humorously and satirically depicted by UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi (1792-1892), an outstanding Ukiyo-e great master. 60 reproductive artworks can be removed easily, so that the title can provide the authentic fun of Ukiyo-e to the people today along with a handful creative ideas owing to the plain design on the back side. This is a must for Japanese art lovers, cat lovers as well as those who seek new impression of art.


Reversible design

2_mederu_neko_p32-51_isi_002.indd 36-37

4_mederu_neko_p86-111_isi_002.indd 100-101

2015/06/11 14:29

作品番号 作品名 版元 制作時期 所蔵

Though this series features cats and fish entwining to

No., Title, Size, Date, Collection

form text, for the pufferfish (fugu) illustration alone, unsurprisingly even the cats are keeping their distance

1 猫の当字 うなぎ 大判 伊場屋

from potential piscine poisoning. “Pufferfish” is

仙三郎 天保 14 年(1843) 和泉市

crammed with cats in captivating poses – including the


supple felines in the fu and closely curled duo forming

Cat Letters: Eel (Neko no ateji:

the dots on the character ku to make gu.

U n a g i ) , o b a n , c . 1 8 4 3 , Ku b o s o Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi 3 猫の当字 たこ 大判 伊場屋仙


三郎 天保 13 年(1842)頃 ギャラ




Cat Letters: Octopus (Neko no ateji:


Tako), oban, c. 1842, Gallery Beniya

笑えないのが、 「ぎ」の濁点。かなり苦みも含んだ、味わ


い深い作品と言えそうである。そして、 「う」の点の部分、 真横向きの猫は貴重な1匹である。いろいろな姿態を描い



わせがきれいに見える。 「こ(古) 」の字の複雑な形も、猫



In the “Cat Letters” series, cohorts of cats join forces


to form the names of their favorite fishy treats, in


impressive displays of feline flexibility. Here the


eels in question take part too, albeit in somewhat

The scarlet of the octopus mixed in here provides

contorted fashion. See how the cats throw themselves

an attractive contrast to the cats, whose own fur

so physically into the performance. The only part not

color combinations are equally delightful. Thanks to

to raise a smile is the dots on the gi. This could be

feline flexibility, the complex shape of the ko ( 古 )

de-scribed as a work of some depth, and not a little

is easily achieved, the wealth of movement in paws

acerbic. Note the side-on cat forming the top stroke of

especially noteworthy. The octopus framing the title

the u: a precious puss indeed. Kuniyoshi painted cats

unsurprisingly looks less than impressed.

in all kinds of poses, but this figure, akin to a side view of one of the stone lion-dogs found at Shinto shrines, is 4 流行猫の曲手まり 大判 川口

highly unusual.

屋宇兵衛 天保 12 年(1841) ギャ ラリー紅屋 Fashionable Cat Juggler with a Ball,

2 猫の当字 ふぐ 大判 伊場屋仙

oban, c. 1841, Gallery Beniya

三郎 天保 13 年(1842)頃 ギャラ

天保 12 年(1842) 、 「曲鞠」という曲芸

リー紅屋 Cat Letters: Pufferfish (Neko no


ateji: Fugu), oban, c. 1842, Gallery








グだけに、 さすがに猫たちも距離を置いているようだ。 「く」


は現代のひらがなではなく、 「具」をくずした当時のかな。 「ふ」を担当する猫たちのしなやかさ、 「く」の濁点を担う 2匹の体の丸め方など、魅惑の猫ポーズ満載である。

3_mederu_neko_p52-85_isi_002.indd 68-69

Here cats perform several of the kyokumari juggling tricks that were the talk of Edo town in 1842, including moving the ball on the body, and stepping on poles

2015/06/11 11:36

Cats in Ukiyo-e

Japanese Woodblock Print of UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi

This book is an art collection of Kuniyoshi’s works which is offering a feast of Kuniyoshi’s cats in all their myriad manifestations. 76 of Kuniyoshi’s dynamic and colorful Ukiyo-e in total are showcased in this book with detailed interpretations. 210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4287-7 ¥2,200



Japanese Culture


Beauty of Japanese Modernity in 1910s & 20s Size: 210 x 148mm Pages: 272p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4635-6 Price: ¥2,800

In the early twentieth century, from the Taisho era to the early Showa era, Japanese culture was very much influenced by Western art and design movement. Consequently, large numbers of kimono were produced in loud colors and patterns, aimed at the fashionable ‘modern girl’ consumer. Changes in silk production at this time created a plethora of a new silk – which is called “Meisen”, a reeled silk made from damaged cocoons. Meisen kimono were relatively cheap and tough, but attractive. This book introduces colorful and dynamic patterns of Meisen kimono categorized in patterns and motifs, that are very much different from authentic kimono patterns in former periods. Some paintings or illustrations depicting beautiful kimono girls are also shown in this book. Excellent book for kimono lovers and also will be a great reference for fashion and graphic designers. All pattern names and part of editorial contents are translated into English.

「桔梗に萩文様」 Kimono with Kikyo ni Hagi (Autumn Flower) Pattern 絹、絽、型捺染 Silk, gauze weave, stencil-printing

「港屋絵草紙店」竹久夢二 大正 3 年(1914) 宮城県立美術館蔵



Related Titles

Traditional Dyeing and Weaving in Japan

Summer Kimonos and the Colors of Japan



→ P.35

→ P.35


Hobby & Lifestyle

mt X 100 Writing and Crafting Papers Size: 148 x 210mm Pages: 216p (100 removable sheets + 16p / Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4696-7 Release Date: September 2015 Price: ¥1,680


The world-wide successful product, mt (masking tape or Japanese washi paper tape), is now featured in PIE’s 100 papers series! Colorful & cute designs are carefully selected from mt backlist and printed on various textured papers so that users can enjoy the endless combination of each design with using mt. This is an ideal paper book for craft lovers as well as mt fans all over the world.

100 Writing and Crafting Papers from Paris

100 Illustrated Papers for Writing and Crafting

This book contains 100 removable papers with Paris-influenced lovely illustations by 12 French artists. Some are stylish and others are cute and heartwarming. This title consists of a various papers: gloss, rough, craft paper, and so on. Readers can enjoy writing letters and crafting small things in various ways.

This book contains 100 removable papers with cute illustrations designed by 25 contemporary Japanese artists. This book consists of a various papers: gloss, rough, craft paper, and so on. So readers can enjoy writing letters and crafting such as making small envelopes or pochi-bukuro, a tiny bag for money gift.

148 x 210mm 216p (100 removable sheets + 16p / Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual April 2015 978-4-7562-4626-4 ¥1,680

148 x 210mm 216p (100 removable sheets + 16p / Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4451-2 ¥1,600

Designed by 12 French Artists



Designed by 25 contemporary Japanese artists

Hobby & Lifestyle

Sweet and Nostalgic Paper Craft Book Japanese Retro-Whimsy Patterns designed by Yonagadou Size: 297 x 210mm Pages: 160p (77 removable sheets + 6p / Full Color + 1C) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4641-7 Price: ¥1,700

This book includes 77 removable papers designed by Yonagadou, who is a wellknown product designer for her sweet and nostalgic patterns. All papers are double-face designed on various textured papers for crafting and writing. In addition, some cute examples of paper craft works are also included. Some pattern designs are selected by Yonagadou’s past works which were introduced in Modern Patterns of Japan while others are designed exclusively for this title inspired by Japanese classic tile designs and old-fashioned wrapping papers which were also introduced in the title Sweet and Nostalgic Designs in Japan. This is an ideal title for craft lovers and also impressive gift for those who is seeking something new. Graphic designers and textile designers may also be fond of the patterns in this book. Most pages are pictures only but the introduction is available in English.

Reversible design

Modern Patterns of Japan Sweet & Nostalgic

Sweet and Nostalgic Designs in Japan Handcrafts, Graphics, Architecture and More

This book presents a collection of patterns designed by Yonagadou, an artist who creates lovely and nostalgic patterns and products. The patterns from child kimonos, papers and packages are colorfully presented in this book.

Yonagadou, who is also the author of Modern Patterns of Japan, selects various Japanese traditional craft works such as Japanese candy wrapping papers, tiles, architecture, dolls, and even rituals, and visit the place of origins and meet with the craftsmen.

210 x 148mm 184p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-89444-819-3 ¥2,000

210 x 148mm 144p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4469-7 ¥1,600


Design NEW

Small Shop Graphics in Japan 87 Inspirational Design Ideas

Recently in Japan, shops that are small in size, but particular about their visual design are increasing. This book contains interior and exterior design of such small shops, as well as their graphic tools and simple floor maps. Good reference for interior/ graphic designers and shop owners. 300 x 224mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4681-3 August 2015 ¥3,900

Coffee Shop and Concept Store Designs From Interior to Tools

This title introduces independently-operated trendy shops in Japan such as zakka shops and café. Not only interior & exterior designs, but also their cutting-edge shop items or package designs are also featured. Excellent book for interior/graphic designers and tourists to Japan. 257 x 182mm 152p (144 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4625-7 ¥1,800

PARIS: Beautiful Designs on the Street Corner

Shop Interior, Wrapping Tools, Catalogues, and more

Every 2 or 4 pages introduces trendy shops in Paris with design concepts and plenty of photos showing interior designs, display ideas, and package designs. This title can be a good reference book for graphic designers and shop owners. Travellers in Paris may also like this title. 297 x 210mm 160p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4554-0 ¥3,800

Restaurant and Sweets Shop Designs

Promotional Tool Designs for Retails and Brands

Introducing interior, package and advertising designs of 40 independent restaurants and sweets shops throughout Japan.

Value of goods and brands depends on how to appeal to the customers and how to sell at the retail stores. This book features a tons of graphic tools which is successful in promotion.

From Interior to Tools

210 x 148mm 144p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4339-3 ¥1,800


306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4163-4 ¥9,800


Successful Before and After Designs in Local Communities Renewals to Activate the Regional Industry Size: 255 x 190mm Pages: 224p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese ISBN: 978-4-7562-4637-0 Release Date: May 2015 Price: 짜5,800


These days, there is a move to revitalize the regional industry in Japan by the power of design. Increasing sales of specialty by redesigning the package, appealing to tourists by renewal of the PR magazine, etc. This book contains such successful renewal cases of local products and services. By presenting visual before-andafter comparisons of the redesign projects, the readers will see how and why each case has succeeded in the renewal of the design.

Local Packaging Now

Best Package Designs of Local Products and Souvenirs

Recently, package designs of souvenirs and special local products in each region throughout Japan are remarkably improving. This book introduces such highly-selected package designs that have been a big hit. Good reference book for not only designers but also for people in tourism or local industries. 210 x 148mm 384p (320 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4449-9 짜3,800

Hot Local Designers Profiles

Hot Local Design

This book introduces around 120 designers and their works, such as package designs, pamphlets, ads, etc., for the branding of local products or for the promotion of regional tourism.

This book introduces successful advertisements and campaigns of local brands and governments, of which design and graphic tools help to vitalize their products and services. Good reference to study approach of marketing strategies for products and services.

257 x 182mm 240p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4367-6 짜5,800

306 x 230mm 232p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4325-6 짜14,000


Design NEW

Zoom In! The Soul of Design is in the Details Design that people feel attractive is made up of materials with inventive and clever ideas. This book focuses on the details of the cool graphic designs such as advertisements, posters, flyers, packages, brochures, and so on. The closed-up details are color, typography, and the process of the designs. 257×182mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4650-9 June 2015 ¥3,800

Designs that Grab Adults and Active Seniors’ Attention

Eye-catching and Creative Advertising Designs

This book features outstanding ad-designs that target ‘adults’ or ‘seniors’ who are now the leading consumer in Japan.

The most important aspect for ad-works is to capture audiences’ attention. In this title, ingenious and eye-catching examples stringently selected are included.

250 x 200mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4598-4 ¥5,800

257 x 182mm 256p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4568-7 ¥3,800

Look at Me


Impressive Corporate Brochure Designs: Composition & Layout Corporate brochures are a great way of not only promoting the products and services of a company, but also its image as a whole. This book contains the latest designs of the corporate brochures that from the large companies to small businesses across Japan. It is an excellent resource book for graphic designers to draw inspiration from. 306 x 230mm 208p (192 in Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4661-5 August 2015 ¥12,000

Attractive Brochure Designs for Schools and Facilities This book features effective designed brochures, catalogs and pamphlets of various schools and facilities, all of which are succeeded in attracting their target. 306 x 224mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese, English in part 978-4-7562-4523-6 ¥9,800


Corporate Brochure Designs Cool brochures and annual reports for enterprises from many countries are presented in this single volume. Such practical information as size, format, contents, and the design concept is also included. 306 x 230mm 224p (Full Color) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4051-4 ¥12,000

Design NEW


Ideas of Effective Map Designs

In these days, there is a wide range of interactive and graphical maps in every media. Not only technical cartographers, but also graphic designers, web designers, researchers, or journalists have occasions to create maps. This book compiles a selection of visually inspiring maps, from simple map to detailed map. It is an ultimate collection of the map design. 257 x 182mm 340p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4649-3 June 2015 ¥5,800




!と目を引く落書きカバー 全寮制の学園で、女子高生たちがエキセントリッ クな日常を謳歌する 4 コマ作品。正面を真っ直

Book Designs for Japanese Comic Books

ぐ見据えた人物の顔のイラストを載せた本体に、 文字や模様を印刷したクリアカバーをかけて、 顔に落書きが書かれたように見せています。カ バーを外すとすっきりとしたイラストのみ。ゲ スい落書きに目が行ってしまうが、長いタイト ルをわざわざ顔に重ねるそのレイアウトも中々 大胆。

春になるとウズウズしちゃう 著者:藤村歩実 発行元:スクウェア・エニックス D:草野 剛


印刷:O P P フィルム+特色 2 色印刷(カバー)

In Japan, there is a massive market of Manga, the word for comics created in Japan. To survive in the competitive market, a number of publishers offer prospective book designers to design an unique and attractive manga book, so the design of manga book is evolving day by day. This title compiles such innovative book manga designs. Excellent reference for graphic designers and manga lovers.

本体表紙 クリアカバーを 外した本体表紙


物語に誘う美しい仕掛け ショコラをこよなく愛する紳士と悩める人々の 物語。スーツを着こなすオールバックの男とシ ンプルなタイトルロゴ。背景の模様は本体表紙 に印刷されており、半透明のカバーに上品に映 りこむ。そしてショコラの包み紙のような遊び

ダミーダミーダミーダミーダ ミーダミーダミーダミーダ ミーダミーダミーダミーダ ミーダミーダミー

紙(見返し)をめくると、ショコラの詰まったタ イトルページが現れます。読み手をスウィート & ビターな物語に誘う美しい仕掛けが素晴らし い 1 冊です。

その男、甘党につき 著者:えすとえむ 発行元:太田出版 D:t e r a c c o

用紙:N T ラシャ(カバー)/ ファンシーペーパー(見返し) 印刷:プロセス+特色ゴールド(カバー)/ 特色ゴールド(見返し)




地球を覆うリングシステムの窓を拭く少年の成 長を描く S F ファンタジー。主人公が逆さに描 かれたり、横位置に描かれたり、スペーシーな不 雰囲気を伝えるカバーは、見る者を作品世界へ と誘います。表 1 の折り返しから、表 4 の折り 返しまで、一枚の絵として描かれたカバーイラ ストは、タイトルロゴも相まって、全巻広げたく なること必至です。

土星マンション 著者:岩岡ヒサエ 発行元:小学館 D:葛西 恵 用紙:N T ラシャ(カバー)



257 x 182mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4691-2 September 2015 ¥2,900

Comic Mix Design

Graphic Design Trend in Japan: Advertising, Promotional Tool and Packaging featuring Comics and Animation

These days in Japan, manga/animation is used for advertisements, direct mails, brochures etc. This is because manga/ anime is the efficient media to allow people to understand complicated matters easily and to have a great impact. 285 x 220mm 160p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4599-1 ¥3,800

Character Design Now

Effective characters in advertisings, promotional tools, packages and logos

Designs with Extra Ideas To Be a Proposal-

based Graphic Designer

Characters in design can appeal to a mass audience effectively and can convey an essential message of products or services. This title presents practical ideas for designers how to make the most of a character’s power.

This title introduces practical and ingenious advertisements, such as DM, and package designs that designers added a twist to fulfill clients’ requirement.

250 x 200mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4522-9 ¥5,800

300 x 224mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4399-7 ¥3,800



Branding Today

Effective Branding Process to Create New Value

Branding is one of important aspects of any business. This title provides examples of successful branding in easy-to-follow terms with many visual ideas, and will reveal what is needed for increasing profits and leaving the competitors standing. 306 x 224mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4567-0 ¥9,800

Shop Image Graphics in Tokyo+

Shop Image Graphics in NY

About 90 unique shops and restaurants in Tokyo and their design-related works are precisely introduced in this book. A plenty of examples for shop images in Tokyo provide fresh ideas for professional designers and shop owners.

Loosely grouped under three categories of food, fashion and living, this book introduces retailers who in New York City have successfully created unified images that extend from store interior to graphic communications.

306 × 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4454-3 ¥9,800

306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4256-3 ¥9,800

Eye-Catching Composition and Layout

Show a Product Attractively in Graphic Design

Good page layout or page composition comes from the process of placing, and arranging text and graphics on the page. This is a collection of stunning flyer designs that will be great examples for designers to create a successful layout design.

This title introduces many attractive ad examples designed with products as main objects, and which bring big impacts to audience. Good reference book for designers as well as PR or marketing persons for their future projects.

257 x 182mm 336p (304 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4476-5 ¥3,800

257 x 182mm 336p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4576-2 ¥5,800

Service Business Graphics As the service business deals with an intangible product, it is important to convey the message effectively. This book collects service business graphics with chockfull of ideas that are successful to make consumer understand their “service”. 306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4439-0 ¥9,800


Attractive Flyer Designs The newspaper insert flyers are still one of the strong advertisements even though the internet advertising has grown recently. This book features tons of the examples of the flyers that use the colors effectively or well layouted. 306 x 230mm 256p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4283-9 ¥12,000


Less Colors, More Impact

Effective Designs with Limited Colors

Using less color on a graphic design brings a big impact. This title showcases many examples from Japan and abroad with simple colorings in various media such as poster, direct mail, pamphlet, editorial design, package design, etc. Each piece is accompanied by actual color tips with PANTONE or DIC numbers. 257 x 182mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4589-2 ¥3,800

Traditional French Color Palette

Traditional Colors in Italy

Portraits of Marie Antoinette, art pieces of Jean Cocteau and ‘Le Petit Prince’ etc… more than 300 beautiful color palettes in France are introduced in this title.

This title expounds the traditional colors in Italy which drives not only from Renaissance arts and architectures but from modern designs. The latest CMYK and RGB information are also availbale.

210 x 148mm 200p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4080-4 ¥2,800

210 x 148mm 200p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4360-7 ¥2,800

Girly Design Idea

Girly & Cute Craphics

This book showcases varieties of girly works that move women’s hearts. Rich examples of advertisements, posters, flyers, catalogs are categorized by images and the details that make the works look girly are closed up.

The girly image has been having unfailing power with great impact these days, which attract a broad range of audience. This title features current advertisements, catalogues, posters, shop cards, direct mail and logos.

250 x 200mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4610-3 ¥5,800

306 x 230mm 200p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4313-3 ¥9,800

Tokyo Fashion Graphics

60's Fashion Style

This title presents up-to-theminute promotional tools used f o r Ja pan’s hi gh-f as hi on brands. Focusing mainly on girls’ fashion in Tokyo, this book introduces visual tactics used in daily sales promotions and seasonal merchandising.

People may think of 60’s fashion as hippie or Mod fashions, but it is actually much more complicated and varied. Readers must reaffirm great tastes and spirit of 1960s and find ideas not only for their fashion but for graphic or textile designs.

306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4142-9 ¥9,800

189 x 149mm 416p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4291-4 ¥2,400


Design NEW

Japanese Font Library with Examples This book contains 350 types of Japanese fonts that are highlyselected from a lot of font suppliers. Especially for the popular 100 fonts, sample works using the fonts are included. 210 ×148 mm 432p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4590-8 May 2015 ¥3,800

Typography by Design Maestros

This is the latest yearbook of the typography designs juried b y J a p a n Ty p o g r a p h y Association. Great typography works, celebrating its 50th anniversary, are also included. An useful reference for all kinds of graphic designers. 297 x 210mm 272p (Full Color) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4619-6 ¥12,000

Logo Designs by Style

This title shows cool Japanese typographic designs by selected professional graphic designers. Readers can learn choice of typefaces, kerning, leading, bullets and formatting from the works.

Logo design is still an important topic for graphic designers. In this book, almost 1,000 logos are included. The works are categorized by style and taste of the design to be easy for designers to use as a reference.

285 x 220mm 160p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4540-3 ¥3,800

250 x 200mm 232p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4383-6 ¥5,800

Nihongo-Logo “Nihongo” means Japanese language. This book collects around 1,000 Japanese logos of the products, shops, corporations and more, designed with Hiragana & Katakana (both JPN characters), Chinese characters and calligraphy.

Calligraphy and Handwriting Logo Designs In the world of digitalization, calligraphy and handwriting letters can evoke a feeling of warmth. This book features a variety of unique logo designs of Japanese calligraphy and handwriting, grouped by the industries.

250 x 200mm 232p (184 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4013-2 ¥5,800

250 x 200mm 232p (24 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4089-7 ¥5,800

Ornament and Initial

Asian Creatives

This enthusiastic selection of typographic fonts and styles, from 17-20th century in Europe, traces the modern evolution of the printed letter. Also included are many examples of ornaments and decorations.

Designs and arts made by Asian designers have become a dynamic and hugely exciting sphere of interest universally. This book introduces over 150 Asian creators who are expected to gain attention in the upcoming generation.

265 x 190mm 362p (160 in Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4284-6 ¥3,800

257 x 186mm 320p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4438-3 ¥3,800

Beauty of Graphic Design, 17-20th Century


Applied Typography 25

150 Emerging Talents in Art, Design, Illustration and Photography


Too Cool to Throw Away Stunning Designs of Flyers, Leaflets, Freesheets and more

Advertising Design by Season

This book introduces welldesigned sales promotion tools that consumers will not throw away and feel that they want to keep at hand. The numerous examples will be an excellent reference.

It is very important to evoke the sense of season in the advertising, direct mail, catalog, etc. This book features the excellent works which express the sense of season using layouts, parts, and colors. The color palettes for each season are included.

300 x 224mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4464-2 ¥3,800

300 x 224mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4179-5 ¥3,800

Layout Style Series: Men’s Style

Layout Style Series: By Hand

As the sixth title of Layout Style Series, this book showcases variety of layouts with manly/bo yish/masculine designs. Not only the genre of fashion but also interior, culture, food magazines and brochures designs are featured.

This book showcases variety of the editorial designs with handmade tastes. The contents are classified into 3 categories; girly, natural, and stylish, and many ideas of typography, collage, illustration, and print technique are included.

250 x 190mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4508-3 ¥2,800

250 x 190mm 120p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4373-7 ¥2,800

Layout Style Series: Japan Style

Layout Style Series: Girly & Cute

As the third title of Layout Style Series, this book showcases modern and traditional Japanese style editorial designs. It is a good reference for editorial designers and students.

This book showcases variety of the editorial designs that are targeted to young girls and women consumers. Examples are mostly from trendy magazines in Japan. Good reference book for graphic and editorial designers.

250 x 190mm 120p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4240-2 ¥2,800

250 x 190mm 120p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4063-7 ¥2,800

Modern and Traditional

More Graphic Simplicity

Japanese-style designs are constantly evolving, mixing tradition with modernity. This title showcases both advanced and basic Japanesque designs sorted by the style of the works.

Concisely designed advertising that reflects a clear understanding of what elements are necessary and what elements are not, is effective for the visual communication between the designer and the viewer.

Japanesque Designs by Style

306 x 230mm 224p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4266-2 ¥14,000

306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4076-7 ¥9,800



More Designs of Paper Folding for POP-UP

Samples and Templates for Cards and Crafts Size: 190 x 162mm Pages: 15 POP-UP cards + 12p + DVD-ROM Bound: Hardbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4465-9 Price: ¥3,800

As the following title of The Art of Paper Folding for POP-UP, this new project contains more familiar pop-up objects such as flowers, grass, bubbles and even animals with simple cutting, folding and gluing techniques. The 15 pop-up works by Miyuki Yoshida, a paper construction designer, arouse readers’ creativity. All works are held together by two screws for easy removing and all templates are available in the attached DVDROM. Readers can produce their own pop-up works with referring some application examples which are also introduced in this book.

The Art of Paper Folding for POP-UP 30 removable sheets for greeting cards, ornaments, and more

30 pop-up sheets with abstract motifs are held together by two screws which not only for holding the book together but are easily removable. This title offers a feast of useful pop-ups that can be used as greeting cards, hangings, decorations or whatever your heart desires. 192 x 160mm 30 POP-UP cards + 4p Hardbound English 978-4-89444-686-1 ¥3,800

Keisuke Unosawa Paper Folding Designs This is the first comprehensive collection of design works by Keisuke Unosawa, whose representative project is the well-known pop-up greeting cards for The MOMA New York. All templates of his paper designs are available so that users can enjoy creating seasonal greeting cards or gift packages. 257 x 182mm 248p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4426-0 ¥3,800



New Encyclopedia of Paper-Folding Designs

Mix Collage Material Book (with CD-ROM)

A special collection focusing on “folding” as a form of graphic expression. All works are introduced with flat schematics (on CD-ROM) of their prefolded forms as reference.

Ready-to-Use materials of handmade style using pieces of paper, ribbons, buttons and patchwork quilts, etc. Various DIY ideas for wrapping and crafting are also included.

280 x 216mm 240p (160 in Color) Softbound + CD-ROM J/E bilingual 978-4-89444-271-9 ¥7,800

210 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + CD-ROM Japanese 978-4-7562-4052-1 ¥2,300

(with CD-ROM)

Paper & Cloth

Ready-to-Use Background Patterns (with DVD-ROM)

European Classical Ornaments and Frames (with CD-ROM)

This volume includes more than 300 paper and cloths patterns, such as antique paper, craft paper, notebook, label, tag and ribbon. The data format is JPEG and PNG, which are useful for both graphic and web designs.

Useful collection of European classical materials such as motifs, frames and typography, all of which are carefully selected for both private and professional use.

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4026-2 ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + CD-ROM Japanese 978-4-7562-4191-7 ¥2,800

Retro Designs of Japan

Paris Vintage Style Materials (with DVD-ROM)

Ready-to-Use Ornaments and Frames (with DVD-ROM)

This book includes small motifs, lines and frames, which are from the early to mid 20th century in Japan. All objects are elegant and useful for those who would love to have retro and vintage flavor.

All clip arts in this book are redesigned or collaged with using pieces of vintage papers as well as embroidery pattern papers, all of which were found in Paris.

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese 978-4-7562-4335-5 ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese 978-4-7562-4090-3 ¥2,800

Drawing and Handwriting Textures Ready-to-Use Frames and

Natural Style Materials

Background Patterns (with DVD-ROM)

Ready-to-Use Objects, Ornaments, and Background Patterns (with DVD-ROM)

This book is a clip art collection of softly-colored touch and heartwarming illustrations. Most are not concrete things but abstract patterns - such as stripes, dots, scratches, etc.

Eco-friendly and organic designed products/stores are now in mode. This is a resource book of layout materials that will be useful for designs that give people natural and organic images.

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4388-1 ¥2,400

257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4267-9 ¥2,800


Comic Art

More Heroes and Heroines

Japanese Video Game + Animation Illustration Size: 257 x 182mm Pages: 208p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4585-4 Price: ¥2,800

Following PIE’s former best seller title Heroes and Heroines, this is the most trendy and updated art collection of more than 50 prominent Japanese character deisngers in the field of video game and animation. The bilingual interview with Shirow Miwa, a multi-talented artist who designs RPG game Seventh Dragon 2020, is also included. This is the must-have book for Japanese video game & anime lovers as well as cosplay enthusiasts. <Featured Works / Designers> Girls and Panzer / Isao Sugimoto GUNDAM RECONGUISTA G / Kenichi Yoshida Kill la Kill / Sushio Attack on Titan / Kyoji Asano Persona 3 THE MOVIE / Keisuke Watabe METAL GEAR SOLID V:THE PHANTOM PAIN / Yoji Shinkawa etc.

Cool Japan Design

Inspired Graphics of Japanese Manga, Animation and Game



A Girl and Monsters' Night Parade

Growing the market of Japanese pop culture, there are more and more “well-designed” graphics. This book features book designs, ad designs, CD/DVD jacket designs, and novelty designs with Japanese manga, animation and video game characters.

Sawaki Takeyasu, the author of the book, is a popular Japanese game character designer of Devil May Cry series, El Shaddai and Okami. This book is his first picture book to be published and the exotic touch of his illustrations will also attract oriental art lovers.

257 x 182mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4257-0 ¥3,600

257 x 182mm 88p (Full color) Hardbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4352-2 ¥2,000

Comic Art

The Art of Grasshopper Manufacture Complete Collection of SUDA51: A Great Video Game Designer in Japan Size: 257 x 182mm Pages: 224p (192p in Color) Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4586-1 Release Date: May 2015 Price: ¥2,800


This is the one-and-only title of complete art works created by Grasshopper Manufacture, a Japanese video game developer. Grasshopper gained mainstream attention for their successful games such as Lollipop Chainsaw, Killer 7 and No More Heroes, etc. In addition, Grasshopper is going to release a longawaited new playstation®4 game titled LET IT DIE, which is also going to be booming in 2015. SUDA51, the renowned game director, designer, and CEO of Grasshopper, is also noted for his original and imaginative art works which made him well known internationally. This title introduces most major game designs of Grasshopper, covering main visuals of each game, package designs, sketches, model sheets and greeting card designs.


The World Beyond Your Imagination

Yoshitaka Amano is a multi-talented Japanese artist who is well known for his massively successful character designs of Final Fantasy series. This title displays more than 250 Amano’s entire works from the beginning of his career.

297 x 225mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English and Chinese 978-4-7562-4604-2 ¥2,700


Comic Art


OTOMO KATSUHIRO X GRAPHIC DESIGN Size: 364 x 257mm Pages: 176p (Full color) + Supplementary Poster Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4447-5 Price: ¥4,800

Otomo Katsuhiro is one of the most respected and influential Japanese artists/storytellers in the history of modern comics and animation. Akira, which is Otomo’s representative work, boasts astonishing power and visionary scope, with unsurpassed artistry. This book, as the second title of Otomo Katsuhiro published by PIE International, exclusively features more than 130 posters, all of which use Otomo’s great illustration works. Special bilingual (JPN/ENG) interview with Otomo and graphic designers is also included in the last 6 pages.

Japanese Erotica in Contemporary Art

Paintings, Illustrations, Dolls and more

This title is a comprehensive art collection of contemporary erotic arts in Japan covering more than 50 great and up-and-coming artists in various fields such as illustration, doll, contemporary art, comic/anime and so on. Bilingual (JPN/ENG) overview exposition of latest Japanese erotic art is also included. 257 x 186mm 320p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4495-6 ¥3,800

KATSUYA TERADA 10 Ten 10 Year Retrospective

Katsuya Terada is one of Japan’s most sought-after illustrators who is known as the character designer for the animated film, Blood: The Last Vampire. This book showcases 600 of his works in the recent decade which consist of mangas, illustrations, as well as preliminary sketches, production drawings. 210 x 148mm 328p (64p in 4 Color + 264p in 2 Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4376-8 ¥2,300


Art / Illustration


Renowned Masterpieces for Cat Lovers

This is a humorous collection of “catty” paintings which are parody of 124 famous painting of the world. Shu Yamamoto, who tells himself as a cat/art lover, transformed the masterpieces into his unique world with his insights into art and love for cats. The paintings are presented in the chronological order of the reference works. 208 x 148mm 288p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7630-1217-3 ¥2,200 Copyright: Shunichi (Shu) Yamamoto All Rights Reserved. Published by Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co., Ltd

Dreaming Girls

Art Collection of Macoto Takahashi

Macoto Takahashi (1934-) is a prominent artist well known for his illustration of gorgeous girls. The style of his illustrations is obviously influenced by Art Deco, and they are typical of Japanese manga drawings that are popular today. This is a treasured book for not only fans but “cosplay” girls as a great reference. 297 x 210mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4380-5 ¥3,200

HISUI SUGIURA A Pioneer of Japanese Graphic Design

Tadanori Yokoo: Complete Book Designs

Hisui Sugiura (1876-1965) was a key player of Japanese commercial art in the era of modernization. This book introduces most of his book design, poster design, as well as his great works of pattern designs.

Tadanori Yokoo, born in 1936, is one of the most successful and internationally recognized graphic designers and artists in Japan. This book is the first and only collection which covers all of his book designs in past 55 years.

257 x 182mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4389-8 ¥2,800

245 x 188mm 520p (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4281-5 ¥8,800

Olle Eksell

Hervé Morvan

This book collects about 400 outstanding graphic design works of Olle Eksell, one of the most respected and distinguished Swedish graphic designer in many fields.

Hervé Morvan (1917-1980) is a great French poster artist and designer who became wellknown for his advertising poster for Perrier in 1950. This collection contains around 280 of Morvan’s creations.

257 x 182mm 240p (224 in Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-89444-547-5 ¥3,800

210 x 148mm 268p (224 in color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-89444-840-7 ¥2,800

Swedish Graphic Designer

The Genius of French Poster Art



Avant-Garde Graphics in Russia Posters, Book Design, Children Books, Typography and more Size: 257 x 186mm Pages: 320p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4612-7 Release Date: April 2015 Price: ¥2,900


This title is a definitive graphic art collection of Russian avant-garde. Contents are widely various in the fields such as editorial design, book design, children books, typography, pattern graphics, poster creation, fashion and textiles and so on. In addition, energetic and dynamic works are to be shown in a stylish layout at every turn of the page – with mixture of sophisticated design by Reiko Harajo, a renowned book designer who is well known for her gorgeous book design of past PIE titles: George Barbier, William Morris and Harry Clarke. About 300 works in total are shown in this title accompanied by some columns.

Harry Clarke

An Imaginative Genius in Illustrations and Stained-glass Arts

Harry Clarke was an Irish stained-glass artist and book illustrator. This book introduces his works by beautiful print and with detailed explanations. It is a musthave treasured book for the fan of ‘The Golden Age of Illustration’ (1880’s 1920’s). 257 x 186mm 288p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4509-0 ¥2,800

Back in Stock

William Morris Father of

George Barbier

William Morris was an English textile designer, and an artist. His flower patterns are wellknown worldwide, but his other design works such as editorial design including in this book are also worth watching.

George Barbier is one of the great French illustrators. He is famous for his elegant art deco works that were influenced by orientalism and Parisian couture. This book is a perfect reference for both fashion and graphic designers as well as a beautiful gift.

Modern Design and Pattern

257 x 186mm 296p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4336-2 ¥2,800


Master of Art Deco

257 x 182mm 296p (288 in Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4144-3 ¥2,800


Northern European Folk Tale and Mythological Illustration* This book beautifully introduces Northern European folk tales and myth illustrations. A blond haired princess, fairy troll, Vikings, bravery and warmth, humor and introspective depiction – It will be a treasured book for the ones who love the illustrations in Northern Europe style, and also a good gift for someone who demands for inspiration. 257 x 186mm 288p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4692-9 September 2015 ¥2,900

Russian Children's Book Illustrations and Fairy Tales*

Czech Children's Book Illustrations*

Russian old children’s books are full of humorous animal characters and strange magical episodes. This book showcases 270 illustrations from those Russian children’s books.

This title introduces Czech children’s book illustrations and fairy tales richly and beautifully. With beautiful illustrations, loveable characters such as Dášenka and Krtek, – this book is an absolute collection of Czech children’s book illustrations.

257 x 186mm 296p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4293-8 ¥2,800

257 x 186mm 304p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4577-9 ¥2,800

Fantastical Illustrations of Fairy Tales*

Fairy Tales in Old Books*

This title presents beautiful illustrations from Western fairy tales of 19-20 century. They were illustrated by renowned artists of many countries, therefore, various drawing touches and styles can be seen in this collection.

This book showcases illustrations and book designs from antique books in 19-20th century. All illustrations in this book are introduced with the original stories so that readers can recall their memories of childhood.

257 x 186mm 272p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4133-7 ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 282p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4277-8 ¥2,800

Postcard Book of Animals in Fairy Tales*

Icon of Europe*

This title presents 24 postcards with beautiful illustrations of adorable animals from Western fairy tales. Most illustrations were drawn in 19-20 century by renowned artists from UK, USA, Denmark, Czech and Russia.

This title focuses on European myths and legends. Not only Greek and Romanian myths but also Nordic and Celtic legends, gothic horrors and fantasies with many icons in the last part of 19th century are featured.

160 x 120mm 16p + 24 Postcards (Full Color) Hardbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4410-9 ¥1,380

Mythology, Legend, Fairy Tales

257 x 186mm 300p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4401-7 ¥2,800

*Exclusive titles for Asia. 27

Hobby & Lifestyle

Design Ideas for Handmade Textile & Fabric Size: 210 x 148mm Pages: 144p + 8 sample papers (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese ISBN: 978-4-7562-4617-2 Release Date: June 2015 Price: ¥1,800


This book introduces 10 Japanese fabric designers and their handmade works, all of which provide natural and heartwarming impressions to those who take them in hands. Their works are designed by traditional methods such as woodblock printing, clay dying, hand stitches and so on, with an essence of trendy lifestyle. This book is not only showcasing the designers’ collection but featuring the indepth look at their techniques. It is a must-have reference book for textile designers, who seek new impressions. Category title and techniques are available in English.

A New Trend in Letterpress Printing Letterpress printing attracts edgy designers and artists for its retro-flavored design. This title showcases various examples of the letterpress design from USA, UK and Japan such as greeting cards, package designs, flyers etc. 210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4571-7 ¥1,900

EUROPE PAPER COLLECTION Europe is the gold mine of fine paper products. Some cutting-edge creators release a variety of unique works while some traditional factories have been producing classic stationeries for years. This title covers wide range of paper products produced in UK, France, Italy and Scandinavian countries, and features not only the products themselves but the stories behind. 210 x 148mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4463-5 ¥1,900


Hobby & Lifestyle

Cute Paper Crafts Collection

Cute Paper Stuff Collection

Sho wcasing various pa per products designed by hot and professional designers and illustrators. A plenty of ideas for graphic designers as well as DIY paper craft lovers are available in this book.

This title provides practical ideas for creative Zine, DM, shopcard as well as basic knowledge of printing.

210 x 148mm 128p + 16 sample papers Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4340-9 ¥1,800

210 x 148mm 128p + 10 sample papers Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4317-1 ¥1,800

Paris Romantic Vintage Design *Exclusive title for Asia

The Design of IIDA KASATEN

Paris in the era of Art Nouveauit is the peak time for romantic designs using variety of botanical patterns and motifs. This title contains a rich collection of romantic and vintage designs dated back to around 1900s.

IIDA KASATEN is a Japanese umbrella producer which uses their originally designed textile, handles and ribs. This title introduces the stories and techniques behind their products as well as their latest works.

210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4427-7 ¥2,200

210 x 148mm 128+8 sample papers (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4481-9 ¥1,680

ARABIA: Ceramic Collection from Finland

Lovely Folk Craft in a Northern Europe Life

ARABIA is a Finnish ceramics brand, founded in 1873. It specializes in kitchenware and tableware with beautiful colors and designs. This title shows those collection as well as their brand history.

Showcasing traditional folk arts and handicrafts in Scandinavia where winter lasts long and people love to stay at home. Many items such as wood curving horse ‘dalahäst’ and white birch basket are intoduced in this title.

190 x 148mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4446-8 ¥1,600

210 x 148mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 987-4-7562-4514-4 ¥1,800

Folk Arts in French Daily Life

Folk Arts in Russian Daily Life

Introducing provincial folkarts and utensils such as bowls for café au lait, linen tea towels, embroidered items etc. Useful information of ‘Marché’ is also available.

Introducing various designs of Matryoshka dolls (Russian nesting dolls), potteries, patchworks, knittings etc. which add a nice touch to Russian daily life.

210 x 148mm 144p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4468-0 ¥1,800

210 x 148mm 144p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4444-4 ¥1,800


SOU・SOU Collection

SOU・SOU Textile Design Collection 380 Patterns from Kyoto Size: 210 x 148mm Pages: 224p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4620-2 Release Date: May 2015 Price: ¥1,900


This is the one-and-only book which covers all textile patterns of SOU・SOU, a Japanese brand which has created clothing and household items under the concept of ‘modern designs based on Japanese tradition’. Katsuji Wakisaka, a textile designer of SOU・SOU, has produced many patterns with bold and dynamic colorings since the foundation of the brand in 2002, and his unique designs released every year now attracts people internationally. This book showcases beautiful designs with English name respectively, and at the same time unveils the concepts or hidden stories of each pattern. Wakisaka’s idea sources, rough sketches and many products using SOU・SOU textile are also featured. All pattern names are available in English.

SOU・SOU was founded in 2002 and has created original textiles for clothing and household items under the concept of ‘modern designs based on Japanese tradition’. The gentle and lovable patterns of Katsuji Wakisaka, a textile designer of SOU・SOU, originated from his life in Kyoto and some traditional Japanese cotton textiles such as Ise-momen, Takashima-chijimi and Kurume-gasuri. All SOU・SOU products are made in Japan with using domestic materials and the fact helps the Japanese take another look at their homeland. SOU・SOU, a brand that fits naturally into Japanese heart, now presents a new aspect of traditional Japanese culture to all over the world.


SOU・SOU Collection Back in Stock

Katsuji Wakisaka: Japanese Textile Designer

Marimekko, SOUSOU and 10,000 Postcards to His Wife

This book showcases many works of Katsuji Wakisaka, who is the first Japanese designer to work for Marimekko, and is a good reference for designers, textile lovers and t h o s e w h o l i k e Fi n n i s h a n d m o d e r n Japanese designs. 210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4268-6 ¥2,200

SOU・SOU PAPER BOOK All square pages are removable and beautifully designed for your creative works: writing, folding, cutting and decorating… enjoy papers in various ways! All papers have some marks on the reverse side to show how to fold the papers to create such shapes as tiny boxes or small envelopes.

182 x 190mm 96p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4472-7 ¥1,600

SOU・SOU Notebook Size: 210 x 148mm (A5) Pages: 64p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Price: ¥420

To make everyday life more beautiful, all covers of this notebook collection are designed from beautiful textile designs of Katsuji Wakisaka. Thick papers are used enough to prevent writings on the reverse side of each page from bleeding through. Chrysanthemum Burst

SO SU U (10 numbers)





Dots and Stripes

Plum Trees





• Saddle-stitched bound using colorful threads • Beautiful colors of inside cover • Using Japanese fine paper • Two types of notebooks:




Scandinavian Design Collection

Maija Isola

art, fabric, marimekko Size: 210 x 148mm Pages: 160p (Full color) Bound: Softbound Language: English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4366-9 Price: ¥2,400

Maija Isola (1927–2001) was the textile designer hired by Marimekko. Her most famous print, Unikko, has become the most recognizable icon of the Marimekko Company. Most of the contents of this book are her textile works but also her lifestyle is featured. This is a valuable title for all sort of designers, textile lovers, those who are interested in Scandinavian designs, and by all means for Marimekko fans all over the world.

Finnish Designers at Home 12 Inspiring Lifestyles

This book introduces lifestyle and the interior design of twelve Finnish designers by visiting their home. Some pages also feature their recent works, so that readers can link such creative works to their home, where is full of inspirations. Designers’ profiles are available in English. 257 x 182mm 144p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4594-6 ¥1,800


Finland Design by Great Masters Alvar Aalto, Maija Isola, Kaj Franck, Oiva Toikka… Finland boasts renowned great masters. This title features more than 10 professionals, and at the same time, introduces their works and lives in the field of architecture, craft, textile, furniture, graphic design etc.

210 x 148mm 160p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4587-8 May 2015 ¥2,000


Scandinavian Design Collection

Yurio Seki’s Designs and Patterns This is the second comprehensive collection of Scandinavian-influenced design works by Yurio Seki, and it also features her extensive design works collaborated with Japanese craftsmen. The tutorial pages of her craftworks will help craft-lovers make their own works. 210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound English 978-4-7562-4502-1 ¥2,200

Yurio Seki’s Scandinavian Design PAPER BOOK All square pages are removable and beautifully designed for your creative works: writing, folding, cutting and decorating… enjoy papers in various ways! All papers have some marks on the reverse side to show how to fold the papers to create such shapes as tiny boxes or small envelopes. 182 x 190mm 96p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4473-4 ¥1,600

Yurio Seki’s Scandinavian Design Notebook Size: 210 x 148mm (A5) Pages: 64p Bound: Softbound Price: ¥380

To make everyday life more beautiful, all covers of this notebook collection are originally designed by Yurio Seki. Thick papers with high-quality are used for its interior pages enough to prevent writings on the reverse side of each page from bleeding through. forest












• Saddle-stitched bound using colorful threads • Beautiful colors of inside cover • Using Japanese fine paper • Three types of notebooks:





Japanese Culture

Japanese Woodblock Paper Designs The Isetatsu Collection of Edo Chiyogami Size: 210 x 148mm Pages: 208p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese, some English ISBN: 978-4-7562-4544-1 Release Date: September 2015 Price: ¥2,200


This is the comprehensive design collection of Isetatsu – an ‘Edo Chiyogami’ brand with a variety of beautiful and unique patterns. Chiyogami, Japanese traditional square papers, itself can be traced to Japanese ancient courtly culture, but it was going to be one of good souvenirs in Edo, the old name of Tokyo in 17-19 century, with a wide variation of designs and became to spread throughout Japan. Now Chiyogami is used for many ways in Japan: origami crafting, interior decoration, wrapping paper and so on. This book introduces many designs from their collection with simple bilingual explanations in part. Many beautiful photos are also featured as the hints for the decoration and crafting with using Edo Chiyogami. Not only the people who are interested in Japanese culture but also graphic designers or illustrators may like this book.

The Art of Japanese Dyeing Patterns Kamawanu Collection of Tenugui: Japanese Cotton Cloth

This is the comprehensive design collection of K amawanu – a Japanese brand of Tenugui, pieces of cotton cloth with a variety of beautiful dyeing patterns. This book showcases more than 300 designs with JPN/ENG explanations, as well as some useful ideas for Tenugui usage. 210 x 148mm 200p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4510-6 ¥2,200


Japanese Culture

Traditional Japanese Patterns and Motifs Many motifs in use today’s Japan originated in Asian countries, however, they have been adapted to Japanese tastes over a long period of history. The traditional motifs presented in this book offer a host of inspiring designs and an insight into a long-sustained, living tradition at the core of Japanese culture. 210 x 148mm 196p (176 in Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4424-6 ¥2,800

Back in Stock

Traditional Japanese Stencil Patterns (with DVD-ROM)


1600 images of Ise Katagami from Isetan Mitsukoshi collection

Renowned sushi chef Kazuo Nagayama’s own personal recipes are presented here with exquisitely photographed painstaking art. Sushi is arranged by season reflecting the availability of the main ingredients.

This book introduces traditional Japanese stencil patterns, named “Isekatagami”, which is said to be initially created 1000 years ago. A precious resource for textile and fashion professionals. 240 x 176mm 362p (4 Color / 2 Color) Softbound with plastic jacket + DVD-ROM + small booklet J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4330-0 ¥3,600

210 x 140mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4134-4 ¥2,000

Traditional Dyeing and Weaving in Japan

Summer Kimonos and the Colors of Japan

A fashion director, Sachiko Ito, introduces local techniques of dyeing and weaving throughout Japan. A must-have reference for kimono lovers and textile designers.

This book features motifs and colors depicted in summer kimonos and obis. Patterns of flowers and grasses, insects, fish, in addition to daring colors and delicate embroidery, have been brought in these kimonos to the level of art. 264 x 157mm 232p (224 in Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-89444-531-4 ¥2,800

245 x 182mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4127-6 ¥2,800

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Traditional Japanese Color Palette

nobu’s Vegetarian Cookbook

This is a sister book of The Traditional Colors of Japan, and focuses on the beauty of Japanese traditional color combination. It explores the aesthetic of color combination in traditional Japanese art works.

In this first cookbook by nobu to focus on vegetable dishes, the master chef shares his expertise and deep knowledge of Japanese cuisine in sixty recipes that showcase vegetables in all their variety.

210 x 148mm 192p (176 in Color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4114-6 ¥2,800

267 x 218mm 176p (Full Color) Hardbound English 978-4-89444-905-3 ¥4,200


Japanese Culture


Aesthetics of Japanese Erotic Art by Ukiyo-e Masters Size: 304 x 210mm Pages: 592p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4368-3 Price: ¥6,800

Shunga portrays the erotic expression of a couple with pleasures and pains, and the beauty of their body with the finest Japanese woodblock print technique. It is a type of Ukiyo-e, which was especially all the range among people in Edo period (17-19th century). Almost all Ukiyo-e artists made shunga at some point in their careers. This big book of 592 pages features various Shunga works by masters of Ukiyo-e artists such as Hokusai Katsushika, Utamaro Kitagawa, Kuniyoshi Utagawa, Kiyonaga Torii, and others. This title also includes columns and interviews by Japanese Shunga specialists which bring new discoveries to overseas readers. As the long-waited title following to our successful Hokusai Manga, the magic by Kazuya Takaoka, art director, made this book one-of-a-kind Shunga collection with sophisticated book design.

Hokusai Manga “Hokusai Manga” is one of the masterpieces by Katsushika Hokusai, a master of Ukiyo-e artist. He depicts ordinary people’s lives, animals, plants, landscapes and human figures to historical and supernatural, even demon and monsters, as if it were visual encyclopedia, which amount to 15 volumes.

304 x 210mm 696p (2&3 Special Colors) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4069-9 ¥5,800


Japanese Culture

Yokai Museum

The Art of Japanese Supernatural Beings from YUMOTO Koichi Collection

Yokai are a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese folklore. Yokai have attracted the artists and have been a common theme in art works until these days because of their unique forms and their mysterious behaviors. This book is a visual collection of art works of Yokai in Japan since the Edo period (1603-1868). 257 x 182mm 288p (272 in Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4337-9 ¥2,800



Shunga, a type of Ukiyo-e, portrays the erotic expression between men and women with pleasures and pains, and the beauty of their body. This book features works from the Edo, including Utamaro and Hokusai.

Rimpa, a major art movements of Ja panese painting, was founded in Kyoto in the 17th century. Rimpa has a rich decorative style with backgrounds with gold leaf, based on the classical Yamato-e style.

Japanese Erotic Art

Decorative Japanese Paintings

210 x 148mm 400p (210 in Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-89444-802-5

210 x 148mm 400p (200 in Color) Softbound

J/E bilingual 978-4-89444-898-8



Japanese Style Materials

Ready-to-Use Objects, Lines, Frames and Background Patterns (with DVD-ROM)

This is a resource book of traditional Japanese motifs, paper, textiles and patterns which are redesigned to suit modern designs. Users can take them into their works when they need fresh, Asian inspiration. 150 x 148mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM Japanese 978-4-7562-4431-4 ¥2,000

Katachi Katachi - a Japanese sacred geometry -, such as paper, wood, bamboo, fiber, clay, metal and stone. This book showcases about 600 pieces of the natural feeling and sense of beauty that Japanese people have been cultivating and passing on over the years. 151 x 105mm 480p (B/W) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4157-3


A Japanese Botanist’s 17th Century Sketchbook: Spring Flowers

A Japanese Botanist’s 17th Century Sketchbook: Autumn Flowers

257 x 182mm 260p (160 in Color) Softbound 978-4-89444-836-0 Japanese, some English ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 242p (140 in Color) Softbound 978-4-89444-837-7 Japanese, some English ¥2,800

This title is a collection of flower sketches by Shigekata Kanoh, a Japanese illustrator in 17th century. All works are rough and simple, which is what makes it so interesting tasteful. Beautiful flowers with Japanese traditional colors will attract botanical art fans and flower lovers. This book also includes line drawings, so that readers can practice their own painting.



Storefronts around the World Size: 150 x 150 mm Pages: 192p (Full Color) Bound: Softbound Language: Japanese ISBN: 978-4-7562-4647-9 Release Date: April 2015 Price: ¥1,800


This handy-size photography book will take you anywhere in the world – more than 150 handpicked photos from all over the world are introducing various storefronts and window displays; a stylish café in France, an ice cream shop in the U.S., a souvenir shop in Morocco, a grocery shop in Taiwan, and so on. It serves as a good reference book for illustrators, or people who are aiming to open up their own stores.

Beautiful Windows around the World

New Edition: Houses in the World

Brick window with beautiful flowers, simple wooden window of a Japanese house – this book showcases photographs of beautifully designed windows around the world, taken by Bernhard M. Schmid.

A house pulled straight from a European picture book, functional Asian house – in this book, photographs of 188 houses from 40 countries, taken by Bernhard M. Schmid, are showcased.

150 x 150mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4569-4 ¥1,800

150 x 150mm 200p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4149-8 ¥1,800

Architectural Masterpieces in the World

Beautiful Library in the World

This handy photography book introduces architectural masterpieces around the world such as the chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp by Le Corbusier, Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright, and so on.

100 beautiful and unique libraries in the world such as Melk Monastery Library in Austria, the National Library in China and so on, are showcased in a handysize photography book.

180 x 150mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4497-0 ¥1,800


180 x 150mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4583-0 ¥1,800


Beautiful Buttons

Costume in the World

This handy-size photography book introduces about 750 beautiful buttons collected mainly from Europe and some from Japan by F r e n c h c o l l e c t o r, E r i c Hebert.

164 beautiful and gorgeous costumes are collected from more than 60 countries in the world. This is a very best reference book of world costume.

150 x 160mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4595-3 ¥1,600

150 x 150 mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4150-4 ¥1,800

Beautiful Birds in the World

Beautiful Owls in the World

Enjoy your own bird sanctuary on hand! This handy-size title showcases a number of beautiful photos featuring colorful and adorable wild birds, as treasures in rich nature. This is a wonderful gift book for birds lovers.

Not just an encyclopedia, but a very best book to introduce various species of owls and their unique expressions in a handy-size photography book. Some are beautiful, noble and mysterious others are cute and mischievous.

150 x 150 mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4311-9 ¥1,800

150 x 150 mm 160p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4512-0 ¥1,500

Oto-chan, a Rosyfaced Lovebird

MAKIBA: Cute Farm Animals

A handy-size photography book featuring a rosy-faced lovebird, Oto-chan. Her lovely behaviors make everyone smile and happy.

Smiling sheep, sleeping goats, laughing pigs, kissing horses, jumping rabbits…, various cute farm animals are appeared in this book.

148 x 192mm 112p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4498-7 ¥1,200

148 x 192mm 112p (Full Color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4467-3 ¥1,400



A collection of photographs in the ’60s of Japan by Kishin Shinoyama, at once a monograph on the artist but also an accurate portrayal of a time and place. More than 400 photographs are presented.

More than 130 masterpieces from Kishin’s numerous works all of which feature ‘PEOPLE’ and present the ‘Power of Photography’.

308 x 236mm 400p (B/W) Hardbound

297 x 225mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4290-7 ¥2,500

J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4077-4 ¥7,800


Basic Information PIE International + PIE BOOKS is based in Tokyo, was established in 1985. We started publishing specializing books for graphic designers, and have expanded our area to wide-range, putting importance on the quality of visual image as below; 1. Graphic Design 2. Advertising 3. Art&Japanese Culture (Traditional and contemporary) 4. Photography 5. Children’s book 6. Comic / Manga / Anime Art 7. Hobby&Lifestyle

Our Mission Our goal is to publish sweet and fresh books that keep you entertained. Enjoy our Pretty Impressive Entertaining (=PIE) books!

P stands for Pretty I stands for Impressive stands for Entertaining E

For more information about the distribution of our books, please contact international@piebooks.com.

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PIE International Inc. 2-32-4, Minami-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0005 JAPAN TEL: +81-3-5395-4818 FAX: +81-3-5395-4830 E-mail: international@piebooks.com URL: http://www.pie.co.jp/english facebook: piebooks Cover Illustration by Erik Bruun


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