PIE International 2020 Fall Winter Catalogue

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PIE International 2020 Fall & Winter



New Titles / Art

Aubrey Beardsley:

The Fin-de-Siècle Magician of Light and Darkness Author: Hiroshi Unno Size: 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm Pages: 240 pages (Full color) Binding: Flexibound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5288-3 Language: English Release Date: August 4 2020 Price: $39.95/£29.99/¥2,800 *Already Available in Asia/Australia *This edition is not available in Italy

Aubrey Beardsley, a shooting star who vanished into fin de siècle darkness. This 240-page book, Aubrey Beardsley: The Fin-de-Siècle Magician of Light and Darkness, reveals the core of the artist Aubrey Beardsley through more than 180 of his art works, compiled under the supervision of Hiroshi Unno, a critic and a writer who has contributed to many books on the fin-desiècle. Aubrey Beardsley was an illustrator who was best known for his drawings in black ink filled with erotic and decadent features. He was born in Brighton, England on August 21, 1872. The Victorian era in which Aubrey lived was gripped by a strict, rigid, conservative morality. The society was male dominated and forced women to be modest. However, in Brighton, which developed into a seaside resort for the upper classes full of entertainment, people were relieved from such strictness. Brighton was also a breeding ground of a sense of liberty in all things, and sexuality was no exception. When the Beardsley family moved to London, Aubrey was able to develop his talent by interacting with Edward Burne-Jones, Oscar Wilde, and William Morris, the artists that colored this period. Aubrey began to offer his illustrations to many literary and theatrical outlets. The most famous examples are his illustrations for Oscar Wilde’s Salome, Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales of Edgar Allan Poe, “Alibaba and the Forty Thieves” from One Thousand and One Nights, the French magazine The Yellow Book, and the play Lysistrata. The illustrations for these literary and theatrical artworks had also been drawn by many other illustrators, but Aubrey’s work was totally different from anyone else’s. The seductive motifs that he drew, using only black ink, such as a woman with a fearless smile, a gentleman with disdainful contempt, and figures with extremely exaggerated genitals, all express Aubrey’s incomparable talent for grasping the chaos and unsettled atmosphere of the period. The rebellious nature and imagery of his illustrations were often controversial. People even called him “the Devil’s younger brother”. But there is no doubt that he was a star of the age, which is evident from the many influential illustrators who came after him who were influenced by Aubrey’s work, such as Harry Clarke, Alastair, John Austin, Kay Nielsen and George Barbier. How did the rebellious, yet refined, monochrome artworks drawn by “the Devil’s younger brother” come about? Was his life simply the art itself? This book is a gem that presents the artwork that is most identified with “Beardsley” himself, revealing both the artist and the idea, through his life and his masterpieces.

The Great "Ballets Russes" and Modern Art 978-4-7562-5287-6

→ P. 32


New Titles / Art


New Titles / Japanese Art

Decorative Japanese Painting: The Rinpa Aesthetic in Japanese Art Size: 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm Pages: 304 pages (272 pages in color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5311-8 Language: J/E Bilingual Release Date: November 3 2020 Price: $35.00/£27.50/¥2,900 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

Revel in the brilliant world of Rinpa, the origin of Japanese decoration and the aesthetic consciousness the world has fallen in love with. Because of its innovative composition and design pattern, the Rinpa school, one of the historical schools in Japanese painting established in 17th-century Kyoto by Hon’ami Kōetsu and Tawaraya Sōtatsu and passed on to Ogata Kōrin, Ogata Kenzan and Sakai Hōitsu, still maintains a huge influence on the modern art and design scene. This book explores the history of Rinpa from its birth, evolution and rebirth in modern times through carefully selected artworks of important figures in Rinpa history, including many national treasures and important cultural properties. Immerse yourself in the world of Rinpa. This is the DNA of the modern Japanese art and design.

Elegance in Japanese Art 978-4-7562-5064-3

→ P. 29


New Titles / Japanese Art


New Titles / Japanese Art

Birds of Edo:

A Guide to Classical Japanese Birds

Kazuhiko Tajima

Size: 7.1 × 10.1"/180 × 257 mm Pages: 224 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5339-2 Language: J/E Bilingual Release Date: December 1 2020 Price: $39.95/£27.50/¥2,800 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

Admire exquisite birds from an eminent Edo-period nature field guide. As a sequel to Flowers of Edo, we are pleased to present Birds of Edo. Of all the illustrated encyclopedias of flora and fauna from the Edo period, Baien-Kinpu which was compiled by Baien Mouri, a samurai and a scholar of herbal medicine, was said to be the most outstanding nature field guide in terms of its realistic depiction and its beautiful and sensitive brushwork. We have carefully selected 86 images from Baien-Kinpu, supplemented with explanatory text on the origins of each bird’s Japanese name, classification and scientific name, along with information on Japanese literature in which these birds appear. The lively and radiant birds beloved by the people in the Edo period, now return to life in the Reiwa era! As in the previous book, this title is designed in landscape format, enabling the illustrations to be clearly seen in a single page. Art direction is by Kazuhiko Tajima, who designed our bestselling title Bonsai (9784756248299).

カ ワ セ ミ


翡 翠

ブッポウソウ目カワセミ科カワセミ属。学名は Alcedo atthis 。 ヨーロッパから東 南 アジアにか け て広く分 布。 全 長 は 約 17cm。 背は青系、 腹はオレンジ系の 色 彩。 和 名カワセミ の由来は青い鳥を意味する奈良時 代の古語「そに」が「そ

魚 狗

(Soni Sobi)



翡 翠


魚 師

川 雀

(Gyoshi) (Kawasuzume)

び」「せび」「せみ」へと変化し、川辺に生息することから 名 付けられたという。 奈良時 代には「 そにとり」 とも呼 ば れ、 『 古事 記 』 に「 そにとりの青き御 衣」 を詠 んだ 歌があ るが、 「 そにとりの」 は青の枕 詞になっている。 室町 時 代 からは「ひすい」とも呼ばれるようになり、この鳥名が宝石 の名に転用された。江戸時 代には「しょに」「そな」「しょ うびん」 等 の 異 名 や 方 言 名 が 100 以 上もあ ったという。 Coraciiformes Alcedinidae Alcedo. Binomial name: Alcedo atthis . Common Kingfishers are widely distributed from Europe to Southeast Asia. They typically measure roughly 17 cm. Their Japanese name, “kawasemi,”is said to come from“soni,”a word used in the Nara era (710‒784) that mea nt “ blue bird.” Over time “soni ”cha nged to “sobi,”“sebi,” and then “semi.” Because they live near rivers, which are called“kawa”in Japanese, they came to be called“kawasemi.”During the Muromachi era (1336 ‒1573), they were also called “hisui,” which also came to be used as the Japanese name for“jade.”

Common Kingfisher


ウ ソ


スズメ目アトリ科ウソ属。 学名は Pyrrhula pyrrhula 。 ヨー ロッパからアジア北部に分布 する。 全 長は 約 16 cm。 雄は 明るい灰色と黒色、頬から喉にかけて濃いピンク色。雌は

鷽 鳥


琴 弾 鳥

鷽 姫

照 鷽

(Usohime) (Teriuso)


雨 鷽


ピンク色の部 分はなく、 体は褐 色をおびる。 口笛のような 「フィッ」という柔らかい声で鳴く。ウソの名は、古い言葉で 口笛を吹くという意味の「うそぶく」が 語源とされる。鎌 倉 時 代からこの名で知られ、雄は美しいので「てりうそ」、雌 や幼鳥は地味なので「あまうそ」と呼ばれた。 「あま」は「照 り」 に対して「 雨」 という意 味。 両 方合 わ せて「 てりふり どり」とも呼ばれた。ここからウソの雄が 鳴けば 晴れ、雌 が 鳴けば 雨が 降るという俗 信が生まれたといわれている。


Eurasian Bullfinch

Passeriformes Fringillidae Pyrrhula. Binomial name: Pyrrhula pyrrhula . Eurasian Bullfinches are found from Europe to northern Asia. They typically measure roughly 16 cm. Males are a light gray and black, with deep pink cheeks and throats. Females have brown bodies. They have a gentle, whistling call that sounds like“fi.”Their Japanese name,“uso,”is believed to come from the old word“usobuku,”meaning“whistling.”The males are beautiful, so they were called“teriuso,”or“brightly shining‘uso’ ,”while the females and chicks are plainly colored, so they were called“amauso,”or“rain‘uso’ .”

Flowers of Edo:

A Guide to Classical Japanese Flowers

なんてん Nanten

南天 南天燭

Sacred bamboo

日本の中部以南の本州・四国・九州、中国に分布する、メギ科の常緑 低木。学名は Nandina domestica で、属名 Nandina は和名ナンテン、 種小名 domestica は「その土地でできた」という意味。枝先に白い小花 を多数付ける。秋から冬にかけて葉が美しく紅葉し、赤い小さな実が なる。日本には古くに中国から渡来した。和名ナンテンの由来は、漢名 「南天竹」「南天燭」「南天竺」の「南天」から。ナンテンという音が 「難転」に通じることから厄除けの木、縁起のよい木とされ、安産祈 願や武士が出陣の前に床の間に飾って勝利を祈願した。桃山時代には 花材として、江戸時代になると一般的な庭木となり、多数の園芸品種







が生まれた。漢方では葉を南天葉といい扁桃炎に、実を南天実といい 咳止めとして用いる。花言葉は「良き家庭」「私の愛は増すばかり」。 Found in Japan in central and southern Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, as well as in China. Berberidaceae. Evergreen shrub. The sacred bamboo's scientific name is Nandina domestica . Its genus, Nandina , comes from its Japanese name, "nanten." Its specific epithet, domestica, means "from that land." It has numerous small white flowers on the ends of its branches. During fall, it has beautiful red leaves and small red fruits. In traditional Japanese medicine, its leaves are called "nantenyo" and are used to treat tonsillitis. Its fruit is called "nantenjitsu" and is used to stop coughing. The flowers symbolize good households and "my love only grows."

Honzou-zufu, which was published in 1828 by Kanen Iwasaki, was the first Japanese botanical encyclopedia with color. It contained 2000 plants, which were sketched, colored and classified into categories. Because most of the volumes were transcribed, many existing illustrations were low in quality. But we have carefully selected the best 100 illustrations from the Honzou-zufu and breathed new life into this historical botanical art book. 7.1 × 10.1"/180 × 257 mm 224 pp.(Full color) Softbound 978-4-7562-5188-6 J/E Bilingual $39.95/£27.50/¥2,800


New Titles / Japanese Art


New Titles / Japanese Art


The Traditional Townhouses of Kyoto Size: 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm Pages: 224 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5302-6 Language: J/E Bilingual Release Date: September 1 2020 Price: $29.95/£22.99/¥2,900 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

The definitive book on machiya showcasing their traditional appearance and recent transformation explained in bilingual text. From private residences to renovated properties operating as businesses, this book introduces everything you need to know about Machiya, also including never-before-seen cultural properties, with detailed and accessible commentary in bilingual text. Machiya are traditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan and typified in the historical capital of Kyoto. Machiya in Kyoto have kept their traditional architectural form and community, creating a historic and traditional cultural atmosphere that attracts many tourist from all around the world. Machiya have become valuable cultural heritage, as many machiya have disappeared and have been replaced by modern houses. In this book readers can see and feel the ideas and wisdom of the people in Kyoto, who made full use of machiya design and the architectural characteristics of that optimize space and practicality, while keeping within the tradition. This book will not only be a perfect architectural reference book but also a great photography book to enjoy the delicate beauty of Japan.

Japanese Gardens 978-4-7562-5217-3

→ P. 30


New Titles / Japanese Art


New Titles / Photography

Gateway to Another World

The Real-life World of Fantasy Games and Animations Author: Mysterious solo brigade Shimizu Daisuke Size: 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm Pages: 144 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5337-8 Language: Japanese Release Date: October 6 2020 Price: $29.95/£22.99/¥1,850 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

The real-life fantasy world discovered by Mysterious solo brigade Shimizu Daisuke the inhabitant of online games. Every time a child watches animation, plays a role playing game, or reads fantasy novels, he imagines that he actually exists in the world of those movies, games, or books and deserves to be part of it. This kind of excitement that people experienced in their childhood remains in their heart even when they become adults. This book proves that those fantasy worlds do not exist only in our imagination but actually exist in our real world: a huge tree in an enchanted forest, a witch’s magic shop, lodging where you can save your playing data, the remains of an ancient city that waits the last boss…etc. Mysterious solo brigade Shimizu Daisuke, the author of this book, has been an inhabitant of the world of online games. His ability to capture the real-life scenery as if it were fantasy world is created by insatiable desire for exploration of imaginary worlds in real-life. Shimizu Daisuke travels all over the world looking for thrilling moments in which he can feel his fantasy world as an actual place. You will surely be fascinated experiencing reallife fantasy worlds through Shimizu Daisuke’s eyes. Perhaps you’ll start looking for your own?


New Titles / Photography


New Titles / Comic Art


Shirow Miwa Design Archives (Updated English Edition) Author: Shirow Miwa Size: 9.1 × 7.2"/232 × 182 mm Pages: 304 pages (192 pages in color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5296-8 Language: English Release Date: September 1 2020 Price: $39.95/£29.99/¥2,500 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

The long-awaited ultimate illustration collection of Shirow Miwa, known as the author of manga DOGS, takes us deep into the core of his imagination! Characters from the game Fate / Grand Order, Saber/Sigurd and Lancer/Brynhild are now included in this updated English edition! Shirow Miwa, the Japanese manga artist and illustrator, is best known for the manga series DOGS and RWBY, but has also contributed to visual works such as the 7th Dragon 2020 and Fate/Grand Order games, and the animated films Kiznaiver and JOKER GAME. In his career as a manga artist and an illustrator, Miwa has drawn a range of edgy characters from ancient people with animal ears, summoned beasts and superhero-like aliens, to true bad boys wearing glasses, pretty girls riding robots, a mysterious priest, samurai in sailor uniforms, brutal twins, a macho butler, a hot final boss and many more… How were these distinctive characters created? Where does Miwa’s imagination come from? What was he thinking while he was working on each of these stunning visual works? Delving into the core of Shirow Miwa’s imagination, this book will fascinate those in the animation and gaming industries with its treasured rough sketches, character model sheets, and visual illustrations. Included at the end is Shirow Miwa’s own commentary on each manga, game, and animations, which he wrote as part of each work’s creative team. This additional material gives readers insight into his creative process and thinking and allows them to witness the moment of birth of each of his mysterious yet attractive characters. This book is an updated English edition of Gadgetry Shirow Miwa Design Achieves, which was originally published in Japan. The cover image has been redesigned to feature Saber/Sigurd and Lancer/Brynhild from the game Fate/Grand Order. This edition also showcases new character model sheets of Saber/Sigurd, which will surely satisfy the fans of Shirow Miwa hoping to collect all of his artworks.

[Artist Profile] Shirow Miwa is a Japanese manga artist and illustrator. He is well known for his manga DOGS / BULLETS & CARNAGE which is serialized in the manga magazine ULTRA JUMP. He has also contributed to games and animation works such as 7th DRAGON 2020 / 7th DRAGON 2020-Ⅱ, Kiznaiver, JOKER GAME, Fire Emblem: Smash Brethren 3, and worked on Fate /Grand Order as a character designer. His success as an illustrator seems unlimited. He also works as a member of online creative unit supercell.

More Heroes and Heroines 978-4-7562-4585-4

→ P. 24


New Titles / Comic Art


New Titles / Comic Art

Zawa Zawa

Treasured Art Works of Ashley Wood Author: Ashley Wood Size: 8.7 × 7.2"/220 × 182 mm Pages: 224 pages (192 pages in color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4656-1 Language: J/E Bilingual Release Date: August 4 2020 Price: $35.00/£24.99/¥2,800 *Already Available in Europe, Asia, and Australia

Soldiers! Girls! Robots! The awardwinning Australian illustrator Ashley Wood’s first art book is now officially available in North America. This comprehensive collection of the best of Ashley Wood’s works covers nearly 400 “treasured” art works in a range of media, from his oil paintings, sketches and drawings, to his package and figurine designs. These works have either been unpublished or have only been available in previous exhibition catalogues. Inspired by Osamu Tezuka (the legendary Japanese manga artist) and Nobuyoshi Araki (the Japanese photographer), Wood is in constant motion developing new epic stories and expanding universes populated with his designs and creations for toy lines, comics, videogames, film, and music. He continues to evolve and inspire many new artists. This is a must-have book for hardcore Ashley Wood fans around the world. About Ashley Wood’s digital oil paintings: First he draws a sketch with a thick black marker. Then he scans the sketch and draws it digitally. Then he prints it out on a large canvas and does the oil painting on top of the print-out. After scanning the oil painting, he adjusts the details digitally. He does this several times until he feels the art work is finished. This combination of oil painting and digital drawing is the foundation of his iconic style and is respected from many artists around the world.

[Artist Profile] Born in 1971, Ashley Wood is an internationally acclaimed Australian painter, designer, art director, and comic book artist. He started his career working with Marvel, DC and Image Comics and then moved on working mainly with IDW Publishing. Works such as the digital comic Metal Gear Solid 2: Bande Dessinée and the game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty earned him popularity in the gaming industry. Wood co-founded a toy company called ThreeA based in Hong Kong that produced many world-famous figurines. Since 2008, he has designed hundreds of original toys, characters, robots, books, and apparel. He has created many iconic worlds, stories and characters, such as the Popbot series, the World War Robot series, Lore, Automatic Kafka, Zombies vs Robots, Spawn Book of the Dead and more.


New Titles / Comic Art


New Titles / Comic Art

Fashion Illustration Outfit of the day

Size: 9.5 × 6.5"/240 × 165 mm Pages: 192 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5306-4 Language: Japanese, some English Release Date: October 6 2020 Price: $29.95/£25.00/¥2,000 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

Cool and stylish, an illustrated fashion guide. A brand new way to find your own best looks. Fashion illustration is a new genre in the Japanese illustration scene, offering the most up-to-date, modern and practical styles for everyday. This book introduces 40 up-and-coming illustrators from Japan who are becoming popular on social media, including DaisukeRichard, the author of KIKANETSU (9784756251046) published in June 2019. Filled with loads of cool, stylish coordinations and color patterns, this guide offers a whole new way for discovering new trends in fashion. Find your own outfit of the day!


Girls Illustration



→ P. 22

→ P. 24


Backlist / Comic Art

KATSUYA TERADA REAL SIZE Author: Katsuya Terada Size: 11.9 × 6.9"/302 × 176 mm Pages: 202 pp. (Full color/186 pages in color) Binding: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5187-9 Price: $49.95/£35.00/¥3,600

Collection of amazing one-shot drawings using only a black marker by the “Doodle King” Katsuya Terada. This is the definitive collection of Katsuya Terada’s black marker artworks, which have been displayed at his exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and including illustrations from his live drawing events. Containing over 150 illustrations, each work is displayed at 16% of the original to show the whole artwork, along with the original size showing part of the artwork but revealing the detail and sensitivity of Terada’s work.

16% of the original

original size

KATSUYA TERADA 10 Ten 10 Year Retrospective

Katsuya Terada is one of the most sought-after illustrators in Japan. This title is a catalogue for his exhibition held at Kyoto Japan (2013) which contains most of the works featured in the exhibition such as mangas, illustrations, as well as preliminary sketches, production drawings, that are around 600 pieces. It will be an ultimate book for Terada’s fans, illustrators and manga artists. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 328 pp.(64 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4376-8 $39.95/£24.00/¥2,300



Tokyo Sweet Gwendoline

This title showcases a collaboration of three great masters of erotic art, Hajime Sorayama, Rockin’ Jelly Bean and Katsuya Terada, whom mutually influenced and cultivated one another’s work. This title will no doubt be a treasured book for erotic art lovers and the fans of these artists.

Four years since the the publication of Pussycat! Kill! Kill! Kill!. The world famous masters of erotic art reunites. With a nod to fetish photographer John Willie and his legendary fetish magazine Bizarre, which established the aesthetic of modern bondage, these three legends express bondage fetish fantasy worlds in their own style.

14.3 × 10.1"/364 × 257 mm 72 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-309-92022-1 $54.00/£35.00 Publisher: editions treville

14.3 × 10.1"/364 × 257 mm 72 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese,some English 978-4-309-92156-3 $49.95/£37.50 Publisher: editions treville

Backlist / Comic Art

The Art of Baron Yoshimoto This is the new ground of Gekiga artist Baron Yoshimoto. This book introduces 120 artworks from his entire career. For the first time ever, this book collects Yoshimoto’s works from the 1980s, and works from Yoshimoto’s live drawing event done in collaboration with Katsuya Terada are showcased, as well. A rare and important interview with Katsuya Terada is included as a special feature. 11.6 × 8.2"/297 × 210 mm 184 pp. (4C・144P/1C・40P) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5171-8 $49.95/£40.00/¥3,400


A Retrospective of Beloved and New Works by James Jean

Born in 1978 as a Taiwanese-American, James Jean became one of the talented artists/illustrators creating both commercial works and fine art gallery works. This title is the long-awaited art collection of James Jean covering most of his career. To celebrate the first release in Japan, endorsements are presented in bilingual text by Takashi Murakami (contemporary artist) and Guillermo del Toro (film director). 12.2 × 9.1"/305 × 225 mm 288 pp. (Full color) + Supplementary Poster Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4713-1 $45.00/£35.00/¥4,200

CANNABIS WORKS 2 Tatsuyuki Tanaka Art Book Tatsuyuki Tanaka (1965-) is a Japanese animation director and illustrator. He also works under the name of CANNABIS, is a sought-after Japanese animator and illustrator, who worked for the legendary animation AKIRA. This book collects much of his work from 2003 to 2016, and showcases his recent illustrations for books, magazines and record covers, as well as key art for the Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2015. 7.2 × 10.1"/182 × 257 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Hardbound J/E bilingual 978-4-8354-5359-0 $39.95/£27.50




20 POSTERS -Reprints of Classic Posters-

Otomo Katsuhiro is one of the most respected and influential Japanese artists/storytellers in the history of modern comics and animation. This book exclusively features more than 130 posters, all of which use Otomo’s great illustration works.

20 reprints of posters from AKIRA, STEAMBOY and more! Handpicked by Otomo-Sensei himself, the collection contains eighteen 508×359mm size color prints and two 1016×712mm size color prints folded in four, in a specially designed envelope folder.

14.3 × 10.3"/364 × 257 mm 176 pp. (Full color) + Supplementary Poster Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4447-5 $69.00/£43.00/¥4,800

20.2 × 14.3"/515 × 364 mm Eighteen 508 × 359 mm color posters, Two 1016 × 712 mm color posters J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4977-7 $49.95/£35.00/¥3,600


Backlist / Comic Art


ILya Kuvshinov Illustration Works Author: Ilya Kuvshinov Size: 9.3 × 7.4"/235 × 188 mm Pages: 224 pp.(Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5235-7 Language: J/E Bilingual Price: $29.95/£22.99/¥2,300

The second original illustration artwork collection of Ilya Kuvshinov! After the success of Momentary, Ilya has gained popularity and has done some exhibitions and commercial works. One of the most prestigious jobs Ilya was offered was as the character and visual designer for the anime The Wonderland (directed by Keiichi Hara) and Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. This talented illustrator now has 1.7 million followers worldwide on Instagram, and is established as an influencer of other illustrators around the world. This book collects over 300 new artworks the artist posted on social media and some of Ilya’s commercial artworks.

MOMENTARY: The Art of Ilya Kuvshinov Ilya Kuvshinov is a Russian illustrator best known for animation character design of The Wonderland and Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045, but Ilya started influencing people long before that by showing the artworks on Instagram, Twitter and other social media. This 200page book is Ilya’s first art collection that showcases the illustrations in a squared format, which preserves the format that Ilya’s artworks first appeared on Instagram. Readers will surely enjoy seeing a fascinating combination of cute girls with large, manga-influenced eyes and soulful Japanese landscape illustrations. 7.7 × 7.4"/195 × 188 mm 192 pp. (176 pp. in color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4875-6 $29.95/£22.99/¥1,980

THE ART OF POSUKA DEMIZU Posuka Demizu is a rising star among manga artists whose new title, The Promised Neverland, created with co-author Kaiu Shirai, is currently running in the manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan.

8.7 × 7.2"/220 × 182 mm 192 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4876-3 $29.95/£22.99/¥2,400


Backlist / Comic Art

SUSHIO THE IDOL Author: SUSHIO Size: 10.1 × 8.3"/257 × 210 mm Pages: 304 pp.(Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5061-2 Language: English Price: $45.00/£35.00/¥3,200

The long-awaited first commercial collection of today’s most talented animator! Sushio is a Japanese animator and illustrator who started his career at studio Gainax working for their world-famous TV animation series Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995). After drawing animation for many renowned anime series and movies he did the character design of the internationally big hit anime series Kill La Kill. This book features notable works from Kill La Kill, Gurren Lagann and his illustrations of AKIRA: two original illustrations depicting the imaginary postAKIRA world, which was officially approved by Katsuhiro Otomo himself, and two illustrations taken from Otomo’s tribute book.

B: The Beginning Artworks B the Beginning is a Japanese animation series produced by Production I.G and directed by Kazuto Nakazawa which started on March 2018 on Netflix. This dream collaboration between Production I.G, Kazuto Nakazawa and Netflix was a big success that boosted their popularity among international market. This book collects never-before-seen production materials from the film such as character model sheets and story boards. 8.3 × 11.7"/210 × 297 mm 192 pp.(Full color) Softbound English 978-4-7562-5186-2 $45.00/£35.00/¥3,200

PERSONA 5 the Animation: The Artworks Persona 5: the Animation is an anime television series based on an internationally acclaimed roleplaying video game Persona 5 which has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and a combined 9 million copies across all series. This is a complete collection of material, giving fans detailed behind-the-scenes look such as character profiles, visual illustrations (including never-before-seen illustrations) and exclusive interview with the director Masashi Ishihama. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 272 pp.(Full color) Softbound English 978-4-7562-5212-8 $39.95/£29.99/¥2,600


Backlist / Comic Art

The Art of Yogisya:

Fantasy Illustrations from an Enchanted Bookshop

This book is a collection of Yogisya’s imaginary book cover illustrations of classic fairy tales by Andersen and Grimm, novels by Shakespeare, One Thousand and One Nights, tales from folklore and even an opera. This book contains all artworks from the web series but also some original illustrations as additional special content. Immerse yourself in Yogisya’s unique, delicate, deep, beautiful and bewitching artworks. 10.1 × 7.4"/257 × 187 mm 128 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4990-6 $29.95/£22.99/¥2,200


Art collection of nekosuke

The long-awaited illustration collection by Nekosuke. Nekosuke is one of the most popular illustrators on social media in Japan. The atmosphere of corrupt beauty and the sense of decadence in Nekosuke’s artworks have made the illustrator an instant internet sensation with more than 90,000 followers on Twitter. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4957-9 $29.95/£22.99/¥2,200


The Art of DaisukeRichard

DaisukeRichard is a Japanese illustrator who has 190K followers on Twitter and 180K followers on Instagram. This is his first artwork collection showcasing over 170 artworks, including neverbefore - seen original artworks, remakes of already published artworks, and rough sketches. 8.7 × 7.1"/220 × 182 mm 160 pp. (152 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5104-6 $29.95/£22.99/¥1,980


The Art of Koyamori

This is the first art collection by the young Canadian artist/illustrator Koyamori. Over the years, she has gained attention through regularly sharing her fascinating illustrations on her Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter accounts as maruti_bitamin.

7.7 × 7.4"/195 × 188 mm 192 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5121-3 $29.95/£22.99/¥1,980


Backlist / Comic Art

The Art of Munashichi Munashichi is an illustrator who became popular drawing steampunk-like fantasy world with an overwhelming fineness and detail. Munashichi is well known in the anime/gaming industry for the concept artwork for the anime television series P r i n c e s s P r i n c i p a l s . T h i s b o o k i n cl u d e s Munashichi’s past illustration works, concept images for games and anime series, original works and newly drawn illustrations just for this book. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 224 pp.(200 pp. in color) Softbound J/E Bilingual 978-4-7562-5219-7 $35.00/£27.50/¥2,200

2017/04/27 パイ インターナショナル 背景画集 カバー 海外版

再校 2


Everyday Scenes from a Parallel World Background Illustrations and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works

This is a first collection of background scenery illustrations featuring 40 illustrators and animators. The illustrations depicts nostalgic scenes which is familiar to Japanese but the scenery is totally imaginary. 9.8 × 10.2"/250 × 260 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4958-6 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,600

Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World Background Illustrations and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works

Follow up to Everyday Scenes From a Parallel World, this book features the work of some of the most in-demand and up-and-coming artists working in anime and manga today, placing the emphasis on illustrations featuring fantasy world. 9.8 × 10.2"/250 × 260 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4966-1 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,600

Retrospective Scenes from a Sentimental World Background Illustrations and Scenes by Up-and-coming Creators

This third book in the background illustration series takes us on a sentimental journey. Featuring 33 artists who are quickly gaining popularity on social media in Japan (including 13 creators who have been newly added for this book), we guarantee that this book will touch readers’ heartstrings and will inspire all kinds of artists and comic illustration fans. 9.8 × 10.2"/250 × 260 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5149-7 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,600


Backlist / Comic Art

A Bouquet of a Thousand Flowers ART OF SENBON UMISHIMA

This fascinating art collection showcases the illustrated works of the illustrator, animator and manga artist, Senbon Umishima, including the artist’s anime characters, landscapes, and selections from her own original manga stories. 10.1 × 7.4"/257 × 189 mm 192 pp. (160 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4988-3 $35.00/£25.00/¥2,400

Girls Illustration

A cutting-edge Moe art book of girls,for girls.

This is the ultimate art collection book for anyone who loves cute /kawaii fashion, delicious sweets, dreamy doll houses, fluffy animals, beautiful flowers, and fairy tales. Using supremely feminine themes and motifs, twenty-nine Japanese illustrators, who are all quickly gaining popularity on social media. 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 160 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5198-5 $29.95/£22.99/¥2,200

Romantic Princess Style

A Collection of Art by Macoto Takahashi

Illustrations that bring back the romance of fairytale maidens and princesses from childhood. A new book from a legendary artist Macoto Takahashi, who is known as one of the artists who has created romantic images of female characters with big eyes adorned with roses, ribbons, stars, etc., gives his thoughts on his works and reveals the history and stories behind his illustrations. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 176 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4964-7 $29.95/£19.99/¥1,800

More Heroes and Heroines

Japanese Video Game + Animation Illustration

Follow up to the bestseller Heroes and Heroines, this is an another art collection of more than 50 prominent Japanese character deisngers in the field of video game and animation. This is the must-have book for Japanese video game & anime lovers, as well as cosplay enthusiasts. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4585-4 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,800



N/A in US, CA

Most Updated Boys Illustrations from Japanese Comics and Games

This title is the art collection of bishonen, the “beautiful boys” featured in comics and video games that are popular among teenage “Fujoshi” or "Yaoi"(“Boys’ Love”/BL) female fans. The art works showcased in this collection are by 79 popular comic artists and illustrators, with bilingual profiles included for each. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 192 pp.(Full color) Softbound J/E Bilingual 978-4-7562-4722-3 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,400

Backlist / Cookery

The World of Nobu Author: Nobuyuki Matsuhisa Size: 9.0 × 11.0"/228 × 280 mm Pages: 416 pp.(Full color) Binding: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5147-3 Language: English Price: $70.00/£50.00/¥7,500

This book is both a celebration of Nobu’s long personal journey to becoming a global sensation and an introduction to the world of the next generation of Nobu chefs. Ever since Nobu opened his first restaurant, Matsuhisa, in Beverly Hills in 1987, he has worked with many wonderful chefs. Now there are 56 restaurants and hotels across five continents serving dishes by chefs who continue to develop their expertise and innovative menus. This book introduces these talented chefs working across all Nobu restaurants and hotels and showcases their signature dishes while also presenting Nobu’s own signature dishes and including his personal and professional history. This book is without a doubt the best and most complete book about Nobu and the world he has created. This is the World of Nobu.

nobu’s Vegetarian Cookbook Author: Nobuyuki Matsuhisa Size: 10.5 × 8.6"/267 × 218 mm Pages: 176 pp.(Full color) Binding: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-89444-905-3 Language: English Price: $39.95/£25.00/¥4,200

Nobu’s restaurants are known the world over for the quality of their ingredients and for the skill and originality with which the food is prepared and presented. In this book, Nobu focus on vegetable dishes. The master chef shares his expertise and deep knowledge of Japanese cuisine in sixty recipes that showcase vegetables in all their variety. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on fine and healthy Japanese dining. Nobu uses a wide range of cooking techniques, from marinating and pickling to steaming, roasting, boiling, frying, grating, etc., to bring out the full flavors and textures of the vegetables. He also introduces tofu and yuba, both traditional Japanese ingredients made from soybeans, and offers ten recipes for vegetable sweets and fifteen for cocktails.


Backlist / Japanese Art

Once more unto the breach:

Samurai Warriors and Heroes in Ukiyo-e Masterpieces Size: 9.0 × 7.2"/228 × 182 mm Pages: 240 pp.(Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5283-8 Language: J/E Bilingual Price: $29.95/£25.00/¥2,200

Samurai warriors and heroes illustrated by the greatest ukiyo-e masters! The follow-up to the bestselling title Something Wicked from Japan, we proudly present you this book full of great samurai warriors and heroes in Ukiyo-e masterpieces. This book showcases various samurai warriors and heroes, including the Genji and Heike clans, samurai warriors of the Sengoku period, the swordsman and poet Miyamoto Musashi, Jiraiya, Forty-seven Ronin, the Chinese hero Guan-Yu, and more. All the illustrations are by legendary ukiyo-e artists such as Hokusai, Hiroshige, and Kuniyoshi. Vigorous and powerful characters illustrated in vibrant and dynamic compositions are simply overwhelming and stunningly beautiful.

Something Wicked from Japan: Ghosts, Demons & Yokai in Ukiyo-e Masterpieces Japanese folklore is a goldmine of terrifying supernatural Yokai monsters, demons, phantoms. A large number of Ukiyo-e woodblock printings created in Edo period (1603-1868) depict these monstrous beings in the illustrations of popular folk tales and horror stories. 9.0 × 7.2"/ 228 ×182mm 240 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4810-7 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,200

Cats in Ukiyo-e

Japanese Woodblock Print of UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi

More than any other Japanese artist, Kuniyoshi depicted cats humorously and satirically, with great accuracy and careful observation. This collection of Kuniyoshi’s works of cats will attract ukiyo-e lovers, cat lovers, and also provide valuable inspiration to designers or illustrators. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 192 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4287-7 $29.95/£20.00/¥2,200


Backlist / Japanese Art

Cats by Kuniyoshi Suprise! by Kuniyoshi Animals by Kuniyoshi Ukiyo-e Paper Book

Size: 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm Pages: 152 pp. (60 removable sheets + 32 pp. ) (Full color + Back side 1C) Binding: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4669-1(Cats), 978-4-7562-4689-9(Surprise!), 978-4-7562-4759-9(Animals) Price: $29.95/£19.99/¥1,800 Publisher: Daifukushorin

During the Edo period, fashion snaps and entertainment magazines came in the form of Ukiyo-e. Cats by Kuniyoshi, Surprise! by Kuniyoshi and Animals by Kuniyoshi showcases some of the most famous woodblock prints by the outstanding Ukiyo-e master, Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861). 60 prints are all removable. You can frame it, use it as a wrapping paper, Enjoy this Ukiyo-e paper book however you wish.

Animals by Kuniyoshi

Reversible design

Cats by Kuniyoshi

Suprise! by Kuniyoshi

Yokai Storyland

Illustrated Books from the YUMOTO Koichi Collection


七月 あなばた祭。化物のあ いだでは穴参りといっ て穴の端に笹をたてる のが慣例だ。

閻王祭。閻王とは地獄 の閻魔のこと。 「閻王様は囃すことが嫌 いだ。吠えるのが好き だ。さっさと吠えろ。 」


「よし、 わかった。きゃぁ

Instead of Tanabata, Anabata Festival is held: the Evening of Holes. Monsters observe the custom of “visiting holes” : they place bamboo leaves in the bottom of holes.

きゃぁ。キィキィ コ ンコン ニャアニャア ワンワンワンワン」

In response to great demand from readers wanting to know more details about the meaning, background and stories behind each illustration, this time we have focused on collecting Yokai story books and manga.They are all accompanied by full translations and notes to make the content of the manga more accessible to readers.

June Festival of the King of Hell (Enma). Enma is the ruler of Hell (Yama in Sanskrit).

“His Majesty hates the racket at festivals. But he likes barking. Let's make some noise.”

“You got it. Eee, eee! Screech, screech! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kakakow! Meow, meow! Woof woof woof woof!”

く く

六月 えんわうまつり えんわおとは えんまの事だ えんわおさまは はやすがきらひ ほへるがすきだ さつさと ほへるさ どつこいがてんだ き やァ きィ こん にやァ わん

く く くく

七月 あなばたまつり ばけもの なかまでは あなまへりとて あな てる事れい なり のはたへ ささをた



10.1 × 7.1"/257 × 182 mm 224 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5122-0 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,400

Yokai Wonderland

Yokai Museum

Follow up to Yokai Museum, another breathtakingly comprehensive collection of Japanese art featuring yokai. Revealing Japanese history and culture as you’ve never seen it before, and will enthrall Japanese art lovers, existing fans of yokai, and those who are new to these fascinating supernatural creatures alike.

Yokai are a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese folklore. Yokai have attracted artists and have been a common theme in artworks until the present day because of their unique forms and their mysterious behaviors. This book is a visual collection of art works of Yokai in Japan since the Edo period (1603-1868).

10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 256 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4973-9 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,900

10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 288 pp. (272 pp. in color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4337-9 $39.95/£24.00/¥2,800

More from YUMOTO Koichi Collection: Supernatural Beings in Japanese Art

The Art of Japanese Supernatural Beings from YUMOTO Koichi Collection


Backlist / Japanese Art

Hokusai Manga Size: 12.0 × 8.3 × 2.3"/304 × 210 × 58 mm Pages: 696 pp. (2&3 Special colors) Binding: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4069-9 Price: $59.00/£45.00/¥5,800 *This edition is not available in France, Italy, China

Hokusai Manga, the 15-volume collection of sketches by Katsushika Hokusai revived as a supreme art masterpiece. Hokusai Manga is a 15-volume collection of sketches drawn by Katsushika Hokusai, a Japanese Ukiyo-e artist from the Edo period who is best known as the author of the Ukiyo-e series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, a collection that includes the internationally iconic print, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa”. It is featuring various subjects including scenes from ordinary people’s lives, animals, plants, landscapes, supernatural demons and monsters, which, taken together, serves as a reference book of drawing. Hokusai’s imagination and his talent for capturing the details of objects that is evident in Hokusai Manga came to the attention of European artists such as Manet, Monet, and Degas. This 700-page book not only collects these products of Hokusai’s incomparable talent, but also showcases them in a highly effective way through the refined design of Kazuya Takaoka, the art director of our bestselling Japanese art collections Hell in Japanese Art, Wagashi, and Sushi.

Hell in Japanese Art This art book showcases a wide collection of depictions of ‘Hell’ in Japanese art from the 12th century to the 19th century, focusing primary on works designated as Japanese National Treasures or Important Culture Properties. This volume also features 19th century woodblock printed edition of Ojoyoshu (The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land). 12.0 × 8.3"/304 × 210 mm 592 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4923-4 $75.00/£55.00/¥5,900


The Pre-History of Japanese Comics

This title features foundational works of manga dating from the 17th to the early 20th century and presented in chronological order. A great resource for graphic designers and comic book artists. Ukiyo-e works by Kuniyoshi, Hokusai and Yoshitoshi Tsukioka, are also included. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 280 pp. (240 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4357-7 $39.95/£22.00/¥2,800


Backlist / Japanese Art

Understanding Japanese Buddhist Sculpture through Visual Comparison Size: 9.5 × 6.5"/ 240× 165 mm Pages: 128 pp.(Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5238-8 Language: J/E Bilingual Price: $25.00/£19.99/¥1,700

A beginner’s guide to appreciating Buddha statues from a whole new perspective. This book is an introductory guide to help you familiarize yourself with Buddhist sculpture, and the basic principal behind the book is understanding Buddhist sculpture through visual comparison. Avoiding explanations of Buddhist iconography, sculptural techniques, and the cultural and historical background of the works, this book aims to help you cultivate the ability to fully observe the expressiveness of Buddhist sculpture. By applying the steps and way of viewing recommended in this book, the impressions you have gained with your own eyes will leave a deeper impression in your mind, allowing you to make new discoveries each time you view a Buddhist statue, and also to deepen your appreciation. Armed with this book, you’ll find yourself consulting only the most basic information required as your own knowledge expands and you are guided to a more profound understanding of the world of Buddhist sculpture.

Buddhas in the Palm of Your Hand This handy pocket-sized hardcover book is a collection of passages from Buddhist scripture, Japanese prayers and poetry concerning human affliction and suffering written by past generations. These passages are shown together with 46 images of Buddhist icons such as statues, clay molded reliefs decorated interiors of temples, miniature pagodas, pagoda-shaped reliquaries and woodblock prints. 7.4 × 5.0"/188 × 128 mm 96 pp. (Full color) Hardbound J/E Bilingual 978-4-7562-5169-5 $19.95/£14.99/¥1,500

Elegance in Japanese Art Edo Rinpa Bird and Flower Painting

The Rinpa school is one of the historical schools in Japanese painting established in 17th century Kyoto. This book showcases not only the most popular works of the EdoRinpa style but also features unique and innovative works showing how Rinpa style has been passed on to the modern painters. 10.2 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 240 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5064-3 $39.95/£29.99/¥2,900


Backlist / Japanese Art

Japanese Gardens: Kyoto Size: 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm Pages: 224 pp.(176 pages in color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5217-3 Language: J/E Bilingual Price: $29.95/£22.99/¥2,200

98 Breathtakingly stunning Japanese gardens you must visit in Kyoto. The gardens of Kyoto featured in this book are a spectacular example of this peerless art form and collectively form a distinctive aspect of Japanese cultural heritage. This book introduces the soul of Kyoto, the Japanese garden, in an unbroken continuity from the Heian period until today. Addressing their variations through the sub-categories of temple gardens, gardens of the Imperial Family and aristocratic households, and urban courtyard and other gardens, this book offers an insight into the compelling fascination that the beauty and philosophical depth of these gardens inspire.

Bonsai Bonsai is the art of growing miniature potted trees. It is a true art form that requires special techniques. This is a collection of exquisite photographs of bonsai tree artworks by Kunio Kobayashi, director of Shunkaen Bonsai Museum. Arranged by month, this reprint edition features many seasonal examples of these exquisite miniature trees throughout the year, now in a more compact and economical format. 8.3 × 6"/210 × 152 mm 288 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4829-9 $39.95/£29.99/¥2,800



This book introduces the beauty of Wagashi, categorizing each type by month and by season, offering insights into the seasonal aspect of each creation. Readers will learn how each confectionery’s concept and deep meaning are closely tied to the ephemeral tastes and sights that characterize the four seasons of Japan.

Sushi is known both as an internationally-beloved delicacy and a Japanese treasure. Renowned sushi chef Kazuo Nagayama’s own personal recipes are presented here with exquisitely photographed painstaking art. Sushi is arranged by season reflecting the availability of the main ingredients.

8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 388 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4974-6 $45.00/£35.00/¥3,800

8.3 × 5.6"/210 × 140 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4134-4 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,000

The Art of Japanese Confectionery


Backlist / Japanese Art


Beauty of Japanese Modernity in 1910s & 20s

This book introduces colorful and dynamic patterns of Meisen kimono, categorized by pattern and motif, that are very much different from authentic kimono patterns in former periods. Excellent book for kimono lovers and also will be a great reference for fashion and graphic designers. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 272 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4635-6 $39.95/£24.00/¥2,800

Kimono and the Colors of Japan (New Printing Edition) This distinctive volume reveals a unique antique kimono collection through various delicate Japanese colors and their use in kimono. Colors such as “coconut brown,” “horizon blue,” “cupid pink,” and “lamp black” suggest the ways in which Japanese textile artists perceive colors. 10.4 × 6.2"/264 × 157 mm 240 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5018-6 $35.00/£25.00/¥2,800 *This edition is not available in Italy

Traditional Japanese Patterns and Motifs Many motifs in use today in Japan originated in Asian countries.However, they have been adapted to Japanese tastes over a long period of history. The traditional motifs presented in this book offer a host of inspiring designs and an insight into a long-sustained, living tradition at the core of Japanese culture. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 196 pp. (176 pp. in color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4424-6 $39.00/£25.00/¥2,800

The Traditional Colors of Japan

Traditional Japanese Color Palette

This book is a distinctive encyclopedia of Japanese traditional colors. This book presents 250 Japanese colors from paintings, crafts, textiles and performing arts, and explanations of their names and CMYK/RGB data.

This is a companion to The Traditional Colors of Japan, and focuses on the beauty of Japanese traditional color combinations. It explores the aesthetics of color combination in traditional Japanese art works.

8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 192 pp. (176 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4100-9 $34.00/£20.00/¥2,800

8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 192 pp. (176 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4114-6 $34.00/£20.00/¥2,800


Backlist / Art

The Great "Ballets Russes" and Modern Art: The World of Fascinating Art and Design inTheatrical Art





レ・シルフィード Les Sy l p h i d e s


b a l l e t s


b a l l e t s

Author: Hiroshi Unno Size: 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm Pages: 400 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5287-6 Language: J/E Bilingual Release Date: December 1 2020 Price: $49.95/£40.00/¥3,800

Les Sylphides

*Cover Image Not Final

全1幕のロマンティックな夢想的情景 初演:1906 年4月2日、マリンスキー劇場で《ショピニアーナ》 として初演。    「バレエ・リュス」 初演は1909 年6月2日、シャトレ劇場 (パリ) 。 監督:セルゲイ・グリゴリエフ 音楽:フレデリック・ショパン原曲、アレクサンドル・グラズノフ、イーゴリ・ストラヴィンスキー、    セルゲイ・タネーエフ、アナトリー・リャードフ、ニコライ・ソコロフ編曲 指揮:ニコライ・チェレプニン  振付:ミハイル・フォーキン 美術:アレクサンドル・ブノワ  衣裳:アレクサンドル・ブノワ 主演:アンナ・パヴロワ、アレクサンドラ・バルディナ、タマーラ・カルサーヴィナ、    ワツラフ・ニジンスキー


あらすじ  月明かりの森の中、詩人が空気の精であるシルフィードたちと戯れ踊り明 かす。



Les Sylphides

b a l l e t s


r u s s e s


r u s s e s

しかしやはりパヴロワはすばらしかった。彼女はまさにシルフ (空気の精) のように軽やかに舞った。幕が上がると、ニ ジンスキーの両側にパヴロワとカルサーヴィナが立ち頭をニジンスキーの肩にもたせている。古いスタート新しいスター



b a l l e t s

ルフィード》 びパヴロワをヴァレンティン・セローフが描いたものであった。それなのに最近の公演に間に合わず、ディアギ レフもやきもきしていた。しかしパヴロワが不在でもニジンスキー、カルサーヴィナという新しいスターが生まれていた。

Les Sylphides

b a l l e t s

何しろ1909 年のロシア・シーズンのバレエ・リュス公演は、パヴロワが看板となるはずだったから、ポスターも、 《レ・シ

r u s s e s

1909 年6月2日、パリのシャトレ劇場で上演された。 「バレエ・リュス」がパリ・デビューした5月19日からの公演に間に 合わなかったアンナ・パヴロワがやっと到着して、このバレエに登場した。


b a l l e t s


ショパンのピアノ曲のイメージをもとにつくられたバレエで、筋のない、純粋バレエ、抽象バレエの先駆といわれる。 フォーキンの実験的バレエである。舞台デザインはブノワである。ノンストップで、流れるように踊りつづけるので、バレ リーナにとってはとてもきついダンスであるという。

r u s s e s

This is the origin of modern art and fashion. A collection of fascinating art and design from the Ballets Russes.

アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、 インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/ amanaimages

《レ・シルフィード》は基本的レパートリーとなり、ディアギレフのバレエ・リュスでずっと踊られた。ブノワの舞台デザイ 全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ

ンがそのまま使われていたが、1926 年、ジョルジュ・ブランクがデザインした、新しい《レ・シルフィード》 が上演された。

アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages



r u s s e s

r u s s e s 全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages


全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages

アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages






1 91 0

シェエラザード Schéhérazade


b a l l e t s


b a l l e t s


あらすじ シャリアール王のハーレム。王が狩りで留

全1幕の舞踊劇 初演:1910 年6月4日、パリ・オペラ座 監督:セルゲイ・グリゴリエフ 台本:アレクサンドル・ブノワ    ( 『千夜一夜物語』 より) 音楽:ニコライ・リムスキー =コルサコフ 指揮:ニコライ・チェレプニン 振付:ミハイル・フォーキン

舞台全景 アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、 インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/ amanaimages

美術:レオン・バクスト 衣裳:レオン・バクスト 主演:イダ・ルビンシュタイン、    ワツラフ・ニジンスキー、    アレクシス・ブルガーコフ

守にしている間に、彼の愛妾ゾベイダをと 女奴隷たちは宦官長にすりより、男奴隷部 屋の鍵を手に入れる。女奴隷たちは男奴 隷たちを解放し、逢瀬を楽しむ。ゾベイダも 「金の奴隷」との逢瀬を楽しむ。そこへシャ リアール王が帰還し、後宮の女たちの不義 密通がばれてしまう。王はあらかじめ弟か ら女たちの不貞について聞いていたため、 今回の狩りでの外出はそれを調べるための ものであった。王は「金の奴隷」を含む男 奴隷をみな殺しにする。ゾベイダは悲嘆の


《カルナヴァル》 (P000-000) のシンプルな背景に対し、バクストはこちらでは豪華な装飾を萬開させた。オレンジ色の

宮廷の女たちと奴隷たちがくりひろげるオージー(無礼講の狂宴) のシーンではフォーキンの群舞の振付のすさまじい 動きが観客の息を飲ませた。振付と無意識の動きの境界がなくなったようであった。  もちろんそれを今見ることはできない。しかしレオン・バクストの絵が《シェエラザード》のバレエ世界を不滅のものと ラザード》 で、画家、音楽家、振付師の完全な融合をなしとげたといっている。  そして《シェエラザード》においてニジンスキーはバレエ・リュスの1つの特徴であった、性の境界をこえてゆく、両性的 な妖精というイメージを確立する。イダ・ルビンシュタインも両性的であり、男性中心の王の世界を、金の奴隷とともに

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王を裏切って金の奴隷と浮気をする王妃ゾベイダはイダ・ルビンシュタイン、金の奴隷はニジンスキーである。イダはも ちろん踊らず、たった1つのポーズで舞台を支配し、ニジンスキーは喜々として飛びまわっていた。

して私たちに伝えてくれる。グリゴリエフは『ディアギレフ・バレエ年代記 1909-1929』 (1953) で、ディアギレフは《シェエ


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1910 年のレパートリーの目玉は《シェエラザード》 であった。アラビアンナイトの世界である。 《クレオパトラ》 (P000000) の二番煎じの東洋趣味だろうと思った観客も圧倒され、オリエンタル・ブームがファッションにまで及んだ。

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In the early 20th century, Ballets Russes (Russian Ballet), a Russian itinerant ballet company based in Paris and founded by a Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev, created a worldwide sensation. They brought innovation to the performing arts industry not just with music and choreography but also with scenography and costumes designed by Picasso, Matisse and Chanel. They pioneered an integrated approach to the performing arts in pursuit of the “ideal work of art” and made a huge impact on modern art. Accompanied by rich commentary and focusing mainly on Ballets Russes, this book introduces various beautiful designs from the performing arts from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.

転倒させようとするのだ。 《シェエラザード》 に魅惑された観客は世界の終末におののいていたのかもしれない。 全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages



全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages

全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages

全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages

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r u s s e s

全1幕3場のパントマイム・バレエ アレクサンドル・ブノワ画 / 1907年 / H60 ×W44cm / 鉛筆、クレヨン、インク、テンペラ、紙 / Given by Sir Max Rayne/ Victoria & Albert Museum, London/amanaimages


The Art of Decadence:

European Fantasy Art of the Fin-de-Siècle

This book presents historically important art works spanning from the 19th century to Surrealism, including notable European illustrators. Each chapter showcases such art works, grouping them by stylistic category or artistic movement. This collection also explores the theme of the femme fatale through representations of Sirens, mermaids and witches, and so on. Author: Hiroshi Unno 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 400 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4841-1 $49.95/£35.00/¥3,800


Backlist / Art

The World of Mucha:

A Journey to Two Fairylands: Paris and Czech Author: Hiroshi Unno Size: 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm Pages: 360 pp. (Full color) Binding: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4789-6 Price: $39.95/£27.50/¥3,000

This book is the very best collection of Mucha’s characteristic works, covering his entire career, from his beginnings in Paris to his final days in Czech after four years in the United States. His most representative works are featured, not only in the field of fine art but also in editorial design and graphic design. As a special feature, this book introduces more typography and package design works compared to other publications on Mucha’s work. And of course, Mucha’s masterpiece the ‘Slav Epic’ is also covered in detail, along with an interpretation and its historical background.

William Morris: Father of Modern Design and Pattern Texitile, Book & Editorial Designs and More

William Morris was an English textile designer and an artist. His flower patterns are wellknown worldwide, but his other design works, such as editorial design included in this book are also worth seeing. Author: Hiroshi Unno 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 296 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4336-2 $38.00/£24.00/¥2,800

Beautiful Book Designs

From the Middle Ages to the Mid 20th Century

This is a complete collection of over 100 ‘Beautiful Books’ in the world, printed with high quality. This is a perfect treasury book for book lovers and those who love Western classic culture. You can actually see these ‘Beautiful Book’ to mention few at Pierpont Morgan Library (New York), Library of Congress (Washington, DC). Author: Hiroshi Unno 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 312 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4704-9 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,900


Backlist / Art

The Art of Fantasy, Sci-fi and Steampunk Author: Hiroshi Unno Size: 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm Pages: 360 pp. (Full color) Binding: Softbound Language: J/E bilingual ISBN: 978-4-7562-4975-3 Price: $49.95/£35.00/¥3,200

The Award Winning Book

This book describes the history of fantasy art from Romanticism in the 18th century to the modern era by exploring the masterpieces of fantasy artist; William Blake, John Martin, Albert Robida, Jules Gabriel Verne, H.G. Welles and more. It also shows illustration from science fiction and fantasy novels such as Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, poems and stories by Edgar Allan Poe, mystery novels by Agatha Christie, and more contemporary fantasy novelists.

A Thousand and One Nights

The Art of Folklore, Literature, Poetry, Fashion & Book Design of the Islamic World

From the 18th to the early 20th century, various European editions of middle Eastern literature and poetry, including Arabian Nights and Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, were published that included imaginative illustrations by notable European illustrators such as Kai Nielsen, Edmund Durac and others. This book is a visual art collection of the world featured in such European illustrations. Author: Hiroshi Unno 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 296 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4816-9 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,900

Harry Clarke

An Imaginative Genius in Illustrations and Stained-glass Arts

Harry Clarke was an Irish stained -glass artist and book illustrator. Born in Dublin in 1889, he studied stained glass at the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art and he did a number of great works throughout his life. This book introduces his works by beautiful print and with detailed explanations. Author: Hiroshi Unno 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 288 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4509-0 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,800


Backlist / Art

The World of Aquirax Uno's Fantasy Illustrations

N/A in US, CA

Akira Uno (1934-), also known as Aquirax Uno, is a Japanese illustrator and graphic designer. His work has been variously characterized as Japanese underground art, erotic art and pop art. This art book focuses on Uno’s “fantastical illustrations”, drawn from his previous works on book illustrations and book designs in particular. 10.1 × 7.3"/257 × 186 mm 280 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4776-6 £32.50/¥3,200

French Antique Textile:

N/A in US, CA

Collections Made and Imported by Mulhouse, Toiles de Jouy and Souleiado

In the late 17th century, Europeans enjoyed a boom of imported Indian textiles. In some places in France, producers learned the process of making these beautiful printed textiles, eventually adding original patterns and becoming domestic production hubs themselves. Most patterns in this book were produced in the early era of production in France, but some are selected from the latest collections available today. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 224 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4754-4 £22.50/¥2,300

A Victorian Flower Album In the Victorian Era, one father sketched wild flowers in the hills of Oxfordshire, making notes and observations for each flower for his daughters. This title is a compilation of those charming sketches. You will find heartwarming hand-drawn flowers that still grow wild in many places today, along with a detailed glossary including each flower’s botanical name. 7.2 × 8.9"/182 × 226 mm 136 pp.(120 pp in color) Hardbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5060-5 $29.95/£19.99/¥2,000

Christian Boltanski

Animitas - Les ames qui murmurent

An official catalog of Christian Boltanski’s first solo exhibition, held in Tokyo 2016. Christian Boltanski is a contemporary French Conceptual artist. Throughout his career, he has revived memories filtered out in the course of history, presenting the lives (existences) and deaths (extinctions) of anonymous individuals and of groups whose history is fading. 11.4 × 8.3"/290 × 210 mm 100 pp.(Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4861-9 $29.95/£29.99/¥2,500

The Art of the Dinosaur Illustrations by the Top Paleoartists in the World 8.3 × 11.7"/210 × 297 mm 200 pp. (Full color) Hardbound English 978-4-7562-4922-7 $49.95/£35.00/¥3,500

This book is a collection of dinosaur illustrations by the most technicallly and aesthetically accomplished 9 paleoartists working today. These astonishing images of dinosaurs will overturn our conventional ideas about them.


Backlist / Design

Alain Grée

Erik Bruun

Alain Grée(1936-) is a French illustrator, author and graphic designer. More than 200 art works are showcased in this very first art collection.

Erik Bruun (1926-) is a graphic designer in Finland. This is the one-and-only treasured book which introduces a number of his works from his long career.

10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 224 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4748-3 $39.95/£24.99/¥2,800

10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 224 pp. (Full color) + Supplementary Poster Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4663-9 $39.95/£24.99/¥2,800

Works by the French Illustrator from the 1960s-70s

Finnish Graphic Designer

Philippe Weisbecker Works in Progress Philippe Weisbecker is an artist and illustrator who currently divides his time between Paris and Barcelona, but who has spent most of his career in New York working with publications like The New York Times. From Weisbecker’s half a century of work, this book collects approximately 700 artworks, including never-before-seen rare pieces. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 568 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4981-4 $110.00/£85.00/¥6,800

Shop Renovation Graphics

N/A in US, CA

This book showcases around 90 visual examples of unique and diverse shop renovations. These properties have been successfully restored to create a new impression and add value to the local area. Each shop is introduced through simple floor plans, before-and-after photos of facades and key design elements. 11.8 × 8.8"/300 × 224 mm 176 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4834-3 £35.00/¥3,900


N/A in US, CA

Office Renovation Graphics Creating new value by renovating, remodeling and restoring existing offices

Productive work comes from a creative workplace environment! This second title in the Renovation Graphics series showcases those creative and unconventional renovations of offices. This book is the best inspirational reference book for professional graphic designers, space designers, and architectural designers. 11.8 × 8.8"/300 × 224 mm 176 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5123-7 $45.00/£35.00/¥3,990

Fancy Pop Design

Beautiful Designs on the Street Corner

London’s most stylish designs, as featured in the city’s cutting-edge shops & restaurants. This book introduces a curated selection of approximately 63 shops from the cosmopolitan city of London. Each shop’s distinctive ideas for branding & interior design offer a new take on high-impact design for graphic designers, shop owners and anyone seeking fresh inspiration. 11.7 × 8.3"/297 × 210 mm 160 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4786-5 £29.99/¥3,800


Many modern designs have been influenced by designs from the 1980s. This title showcases about 200 items, including posters, CDs, fashion, book covers, packaging for cosmetics and sweets and more. Although the designs remind us of the 80s, they have definitely been upgraded to something fresh and modern. All designers in this titles are young, talented, up-and-coming artists from over the world.Japanese landscape illustrations. 10.0 × 7.5"/255 × 190 mm 224 pp. (192 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4894-7 $49.95/£37.50/¥3,900

Backlist / Design

Graphic Design as a Marketing Tool Store Cards, Brochures and Flyers from Stylish Local Shops & Boutiques

Unlike the big chain stores, stylish local shops like bakeries and variety stores have a unique and exceptional originality to their marketing tools that attracts many people. This book collects those small paper printed marketing materials, which professionals of graphic design would definitely want to refer to for inspiration and to improve their sense and skills as a graphic designer. 10.0 × 7.5"/255 × 190 mm 240 pp.(Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5223-4 $39.95/£29.99/¥3,600

Gotta Have It!:

N/A in US, CA

The Best Packaging Designs of Hit Products

Decoration Graphics

Packaging design has a big impact on consumer awareness and product sales, and fresh and inspiring designs are often the key factor that makes a product a hit. This 384-page volume showcases some of the most eye-catching packaging designs from successful products. With this book, packaging designers will surely find inspiration for their own designs.

Decorative ruffled borders, unique frames, and background patterns create extra visual impact for an audience. This book showcases over 200 useful decoration ideas in graphic design. This varied selection of design ideas can be used to create any advertising and marketing material, including flyers, posters, labels, and packages.

8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 384 pp.(327 pp. in color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4825-1 £35.00/¥3,900

10.0 × 7.5"/255 × 190 mm 224 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4978-4 $49.95/£37.50/¥3,900

Captivating Forms: Structural Package Design in Japan Captivating package designs are based on innovative ideas. Discover the secrets of how to use paper folding design tricks to create high-impact packaging. This book is the best inspirational reference book for package designers, artists and others seeking to create captivating packages. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 224 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5167-1 $65.00/£50.00/¥5,900

More Designs of Paper Folding for POP-UP

The Art of Paper Folding for Pop-Up

As the follow-up title of The Art of Paper Folding for POP-UP, this new project contains more familiar popup objects with simple cutting, folding and gluing techniques. The 15 pop-up works by Miyuki Yoshida, a paper construction designer, stimulate readers’ creativity. All templates are available in the attached DVD-ROM.

This is more than a book. Thirty pop-up sheets held together by two screws which not only hold the book together in a visually unique package but are also easily removable, offer a feast of useful popups that can be used as greeting cards, hangings, decorations, or whatever your heart desires.

7.5 × 6.3'/190 × 160 mm 15 POP-UP cards + 12 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E Bilingual 978-4-7562-4465-9 $43.00/£29.99/¥3,800"

7.6 × 6.3'/192 × 160 mm 30 POP-UP cards + 4pp. (Full color) Hardbound J/E Bilingual 978-4-89444-686-1 $39.95/£24.99


Backlist / Photography


N/A in US, CA

Orie Ichihashi is a Japanese photographer who continues to capture the current state of various cities with a unique sense of distance. Eight years since her last work, this new title collects all new and original photos from Ichihashi’s visits to anonymous towns. 8.1 × 11.7"/205 × 297 mm 136 pp.(Full color) Hardbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-4999-9 £40.00/¥3,700

Silent World

Beautiful Ruins of a Vanishing World

This is a never-before-seen photography book compiling breathtakingly beautiful ruins of the world in their silent surroundings. All photos in this collection, which has been 3 years in the making are by Yuto Yamada, a graphic designer and photographer who now lives in Berlin. 11.7 × 8.3"/298 × 210 mm 192 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5000-1 $39.95/£27.50/¥2,500

Mika Ninagawa -Into Fiction/RealityThis fascinating photography collection contains carefully selected pieces from Ninagawa’s photography collections, such as Everlasting flowers, Portraits of the time, The days were beautiful, and trans-kyoto. This book also includes 3 special interviews with curators of art museums and organizations. 11.2 × 8.7"/285 × 220 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-5095-7 $39.95/£29.99/¥2,778

Paris Bouquets A photography book of gorgeous bouquets by an acclaimed Japanese flower artist. All the photos were taken in Paris. You can feel the beauty of the four seasons in Paris from the 150 photos included in this book. This artistic, glamorous, and chic flower arrangement book is unlike any you have seen before and makes the perfect gift. 10.1 × 7.2"/257 × 182 mm 192 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese, some English 978-4-7562-5180-0 $32.00/£25.00/¥2,400


Backlist / Pets

Shiba Inu Ryuji Size: 5.9 × 5.9'/150 × 150 mm Pages: 104 pages (Full color) Binding: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5379-8 Language: English Release Date: December 1 2020 Price: $12.95/£9.99/¥1,200 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

Your neighbor Ryuji brings you smiles!! Ryuji is a Shiba Inu that lives with his family in a peaceful village in Japan. His family decided to keep him as a guard dog but he smiles, he gets happy, grumpy, excited, …etc. He shows many different expressions every day. He is now much more than just a guard dog…he’s a part of the family and a local celebrity in his village. Ryuji’s smile has even touched hearts outside of Japan. When his family started to post his pictures on Instagram, Ryuji’s smile suddenly spread across the sea, earning him more than 318K followers all over the world. Readers can now imagine that Ryuji is their own neighbor smiling back at them. Why not let Ryuji brighten your day?

Cat Whiskers Tiny Nose! Fluffy chubby whiskers! Follow up to the bestselling book Cat Paws, come this book that will 100% drive all cat lovers crazy (again!). This time it’s a photo book full of cat whiskers! This book collects pictures from 35 cats on Instagram and Twitter with variety of cute angles and situations. This book will again melt your heart with tons of purrrrfectly cute pictures. 5.9 × 5.9"/150 × 150 mm 88 pp.(Full color) Hardbound English 978-4-7562-5222-7 $12.95/£9.99/¥920

Cat Paws Paws! Paws! Paws! Full of cat paws. This is a collection of more than 40 cats from cat lover’s Instagram, Twitter, and blogs. Filled with tons of cute angle shots, this book will surely melt your heart.

5.9 × 5.9"/150 × 150 mm 88 pp.(Full color) Hardbound English 978-4-7562-5081-0 $12.95/£9.99/¥920


Backlist / Craft

Mushroom Postcards Size: 6.3 × 4.7"/160 × 120 mm Pages: 24 removable postcards+16 pages (Full color) Binding: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5380-4 Language: English Release Date: December 1 2020 Price: $19.99/£15.99/¥1,380

The best-selling postcard book of Mushrooms is now available in an English edition!! The Postcard Book of Mushrooms, published by PIE International in 2013, with its beautiful botanical illustrations of mushrooms and fungi drawn by European and Japanese naturalists in 18th to 19th century, attracted not only mushroom lovers but also general art fans. These drawings are useful as a research reference but can also be appreciated as fantastic artworks. This new edition features a new cover image and contents in English, making it more familiar and attractive for mushroom and art fans overseas.

*Cover Image Not Final

100 Writing & Crafting Papers of Mushrooms This book features an all-time favorite botanical motif: mushrooms! All 100 pages are removable and each paper has various textures. This book is irresistible for anyone who loves adorable things and makes a unique gift for people who are looking for something different. 5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-4953-1 $29.95/£22.99/¥1,680

100 Papers with Classical Floral Patterns

100 Writing and Crafting Papers – Beautiful Floral Patterns

5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm 216 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5037-7 $29.95/£18.99/¥1,800

5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5185-5 $29.95/£22.99/¥1,600

This book is a collection of carefully selected rare and antique European illustrations, from classic botanical art to floral calligraphy and frames. The beauty of the European floral art in the collection makes this book a perfect gift. All 100 pages are removable and each pattern is printed on a variety of textured papers. 12 pages full color.


This new title in the 100 Papers Series features 100 beautiful floral patterns designed by 20 Japanese illustrators. You can tear each page and use it in a variety of fun and creative ways. Why not “send” flowers to someone special? This book makes the perfect gift and is sure to inspire craft lovers, gardeners, and letter writers alike to add floral touches to everyday life.

Backlist / Craft

Season Paper Collection -100 Writing & Crafting Papers Author: Season Paper Collection Size: 5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm Pages: 216 pages (Full color) Binding: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-5316-3 Language: Japanese Release Date: December 1 2020 Price: $29.95/£22.50/¥1,800 *Already Available in Asia/Australia

The second book in the 100 Papers series by Season Paper Collection, the popular stationery brand from Paris, collecting their most up-to-date designs. Following their first collection, this second book from Season Paper Collection gathers together an even wider variety of new and original designs using flower, animal and landscape motifs. There are 50 pairs of different designs with different textures. As with other titles in the 100 Papers series, you can use these papers not only as a writing paper but also to fold, cut, paste, frame and decorate with. Use them however you like!

100 Papers with Japanese Seasonal Flowers Winter camellia, spring sakura (cherry blossoms) and magnolia…the delicate Japanese sensibility formed by the transition of four seasons. This book is a collection of Japanese seasonal flower illustrations drawn in a refined brush work technique. All 100 pages are removable and each makes excellent letter paper to express any message. 8.3 × 5.8"/210 × 148 mm 216 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5155-8 $29.95/£19.99/¥1,800

100 Papers with Japanese Patterns:

mt - 100 Writing and Crafting Papers 2

Designed by 12 Japanese Artists 5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm 216 pp. (Full color) Softbound J/E bilingual 978-4-7562-4758-2 $29.95/£18.99/¥1,680

This book contains 100 removable papers with Japanese classical & modern patterns designed by 12 artists and paper brands. Various designs are printed on four types of paper, including glossy, rough, recycled and craft paper, so that users can enjoy coordinating each paper with various writing and crafting projects.

5.8 × 8.3"/148 × 210 mm 208 pp. (Full color) Softbound Japanese 978-4-7562-5077-3 $29.95/£19.99/¥1,680

The “mt” brand has gained a worldwide following over the past ten years. This title offers a unique look at “mt” designs through a combination of new and classic “mt” patterns created by iyamadesign. they have produced 200 new designs that feature on 100 writing and crafting papers in celebration of the “mt” brand’s 10th anniversary.


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Cover Art from: Aubrey Beardsley (front) Gadgetry (back)



©Shirow Miwa/SHUEISHA

PIE International 2020 Fall & Winter

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