2 minute read

Vice President of Service's Note!


This past month was sorta kinda hectic with finals week and holidays right around the corner, but I am super proud of each and every one of you that continued on volunteering! It's refreshing that we're in a new semester and I hope you all will continue serving our community and making our school proud :) ) December was a time of stress, tension, and fear but at the same time, a lot of excitement, joy, and relief, as many of us had the opportunity to visit loved ones over our break! (I know I did :D) Even though the break is over, please please please continue to stay healthy and safe! I can't stress this enough! The last thing I want is for you or anyone you know or love, to be affected by this virus. With that being said, please wash your hands, get tested, and the booster shot is becoming more available so get vaxxed! Despite our term slowly coming to an end soon, I hope I can make some last-minute memories with as many of you as I can and I hope you guys KEYp on serving!


Your favorite PHHS VP of Service,

Sokunthea Mau

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