1 minute read

Secretary's Note!

Tanner Ngo (Secretary)



I wanted to thank you all for being super supportive and active in the club. For the first weeks of September, so many of you guys attended the general meetings, which was awesome! As a club, we raised about $65 for PTP and earned 100 service hours On top of that, we gave each other some valuable tips about promoting a healthier lifestyle on our social media accounts <33 Moreover, our amazing VP of Service and class reps organized a point system called "Honeycombs", which you can gain points by attending general meetings, fundraisers, and other events, and use them to attend a lit party near the end of the term For next month, October, we have a couple of large events for you all to look forward to: FRN and Relay For Life!! FRN is a major spirit battle where all the key club's in the district compete in at six flags. Relay for Life is a collab with ARK and ACS where we will be attending a volunteering event which raises money for cancer research. Again, thank you heroes for being dedicated to the club and congratulations for a successful month of September!!

Stay warm, Tanner Ngo

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