By Pien Geerlings
Concept, text, visual design, styling and photography by Pien Geerlings Models: Lisa Heijmans and Floor Geerlings
We are the people our parents warned us about. We are sorry for the inconvencie we may cost you, we are just trying to change the world. We do the opposite of what we were taught. We do not care for the opinions of others. We forget about the competition, we focus on ourselves. We embrace our dark side, pay attention to what makes us angry and use it to better ourselves. We expand our horizons. We leave home, we visit other places, welcome other cultures. We wander worldwide. We question everything and eventually follow our hearts.
00. INTRODUCTION We are picky with whom we give our energy to. We prefer to reserve our time, intensity and spirit exclusively to those who reflect sincerity. We don’t settle. We don’t finish crappy books. If we don’t like the menu, we leave the restaurant. If we are not on the path we wish we were, we get off it. We make broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. We have no time for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations. We don’t chase people, we attract them. We work hard, we are ourselves. We are the children of the revolution.
01. FASHION GONE ROGUE She does not bow for peer pressure. She pushes against prevailing behaviour, norms and attitudes. She attempts to have a large amount of influence on the course of events. Why be easy going when she can change the world? She acts independently, wayward from the usual. She is outrageous, abnormal, unusual, unexpected. This is her, going rogue.
02. FREE SPIRIT She lives according to her own beliefs, her own wishes, unconstrained by society’s conventions. She believes in the freedom of standing on your own path, the freedom of being who you are. She celebrates life and embraces authenticity. She laughs out loud and dances for no reason. She makes mistakes and creates new paths, she loves unconditionally and colors outside the lines. She smells the sea and feels the sky, she lets her soul and spirit fly.
03. MYSTERIOUS MADNESS Sometimes her eyes tell more of a story than her mouth. She will not share her secrets, her pains. The less she reveals, the more people wonder. Her thoughts are made of depths even the ocean couldn’t fathom. In a world where everyone is overexposed, she maintains a mystery.
She dresses for herself, she puts on her eyeliner for herself, she puts on her favorite lipstick for herself, she shows a bit of skin for herself. She wants to feel beautiful for herself. She never underestimates the power of self awareness. Give her the right lipstick and she can conquer the world.
05. BEAUTIFUL CHAOS She embraces the glorious mess that she has become. She is trying to make sense of this war in her head. She is the perfect fusion of good and evil, of light and darkness, a tornado of roses from the divine. She wants everything, and nothing in harmony. She is the designer of her own chaos.
06. A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE She is a good girl with bad habits. She has no idea of what she is doing, but she is loving it. She decided she wants to be a voice, not an echo, so that’s what she became. She is not afraid to do and say what others only dream about. Sure, people will look down on her, but in reality she does what everyone wants to do. She simply has enough guts to do so. People may think she is out of control, but the truth is she has a reason for why she acts they way she acts, she just doesn’t know it yet.
She dances to the songs in her head, she speaks with the rhythm of her heart, she loves from the depth of her soul. She settles into your thoughts, your breath, your veins. She has a profound impact on you, she inspires. Because no matter what she is going through, her soul won’t surrender.
08. REFINED REBEL She is a rebel with a purpose. She stands up for her own opinions despite what anyone else says. She is an inidvidual refusing to follow a crowd. She knows who she is and she does not compromise her individuality. She is a non-comformist and exhibits great independence in her thoughts and actions. She has a clue, a cause. She is a refined rebel.