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youth & FAMILY activities
Tae Kwon Do (Karate)
Build self-discipline, agility, balance, strength and speed. Students are built from the inside out and must face strict standards for advancement including physical, mental and written tests. Learn Olympic style, traditional weapons and boxing training. This class is taught by career instructors with multiple years of experience.
Activity #
15703 15704 15705
Jan 4-29 Feb 1-26 March 1-29
6 - 7:00 pm
$45 /1st family member $35 /additional family member
Sprinker Recreation Center
The Great Elf Exploration
Santa’s enterprising elves have taken off on one last great escapade before “the big day” and have been spotted exploring the parks within our south region! We want to be sure that the elves make it back to Santa in time, and we need your help! If you see an elf in one of our parks, escort him or her back to Meridian Habitat Center Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm, and we’ll reward your efforts with a goody bag of treasures. Doggy elves will be placed in the off-leash dog park and along trails in the dog friendly parks. Returning doggy elves will earn a doggy-riffic goody bag.
Age Dates Days Times Fee Locations to Explore Location to Return Elves
all ages Nov 27 - Dec 18 Mon thru Fri 8 am - 4:00 pm FREE South Region Parks - see page 11 for park list Meridian Habitat Park
Take It Make It Experience
Running low on activities for you, your kids, or your family? Try one of our Take It Make It kits with everything needed to embark on something new! Each seasonal kit contains a feature craft project plus at-home activities such as science, art, creative thinking, and physical activities. Try one or all three of our Fall, Harvest, and Winter Holiday themed take home kits and be entered into a fun prize drawing.
When you have finished your Take IT Make IT activities, join us via Zoom for our Take It Make It Social Scene to show off your kit results, connect with other kit makers, learn about other fun family activities, and receive a second entry into the prize drawing. The prize drawing winner will be announced in each of the Zoom meetings. Activity # Age Dates Pick-up Kit Dates or by appointment Pick-up Kit times or by appointment Fee Registration Deadline Social Scene Zoom Pick up Kit Locations 15653 Harvest: Nov 3-Dec 9 Nov 13, 20, 30 Dec 9 Dec 10 The ESB or 15654 all ages Winter Holiday: Nov 3-Dec 29 Dec 11, 18, 20, 30 3 - 4:30 pm $5 Dec 29 Dec 30 Sprinker Recreation Center
No Sun Fun Run - 5K Fun Run/Walk Virtually!
The “No Sun Virtual Fun Run” invites you to run your race at your pace. Whether at home on the treadmill, on your favorite neighborhood trail or even a local park, the options are endless. This 5K event is non-competitive and welcomes all ages and abilities. A race log will be mailed just prior to the start of the event for you to mark your miles and return to Pierce County Parks! All pre-registered participants will receive a race bib. The first 125 registered also receive a race medal.
Activity # Age Virtual Run Dates Fee Registration Opens Registration Deadline Location
15687 all ages Jan 15 - 17 $20 Nov 16 January 3 Virtual - you choose. see pages 10-11 for a listing of parks and trails.
No Sun Fun Run - 5K Fun Run In Person!
Rain, hail, sleet, or snow, this non-competitive, chip-timed run takes place in all weather conditions. The beautifully forested 5K course is very flat and stroller friendly! We welcome all ages and abilities. Staggered start times and a virtual option help promote social distance. All pre-registered participants receive a race bib and the first 125 registered receive a race medal. No day of registration or T-shirts offered. Staggered Start Times - Advanced Runners: 8:00 am / 8:15am / 8:30 am / 8:45 am. Intermediate Runners & Walkers: 9:00 am / 9:15 am / 9:30 am / 9:45 am / 10 am / 10:15 am / 10:30 am / 10:45 am / 11 am. Be sure to choose your start time when registering.
Activity # Age Date Day Fee Registration Opens Registration Deadline Location
based on start time all ages Jan 16 Sat $20 Nov 16 January 3 Heritage Recreation Center
Sweetheart Stroll
Bring your sweetie(s) for an enchanted stroll through the lit trails at South Hill Park and along the trail. Tickets available online:
Age Date Day Time Fee Location
all ages Feb 13 Sat 5 - 8 pm TBD South Hill Community Park / Nathan Chapman Memorial Trail
Frontier Park Yard Sale
Don’t worry about the weather at this yard sale because it will be held in the horse barns! Free shopping admission! Discover great finds or sell your stuff by reserving a 10’ x 10’ horse stall in the barns. Space is limited. Register online or call 253-798-4049.
Activity # Age Date Day Time Fee Registration Opens Registration Deadline Location
pending all ages 18+ to sell TBD TBD 9 am - 3 pm $20/stall - limit 2 January 1 March Frontier Park

ADULT programs
Jazzercise - returning in January!
Strike, Fusion, Core, Strength, and Dance Mixx will leave you breathless, toned and coming back for more. Start working it... with Jazzercise! Classes will strictly adhere to current Safe Start requirements and will be limited to 10 students. Registration is required. Contact southhilljazzercise@yahoo.com for registration.
Age Dates Day
18+ Monthly Tue/Thur Sat No class: December 24, 26, 31
9:30 - 10:15 am and 6:00 - 6:45 pm 9:00 - 9:45 am
$15/single class $45/monthly membership $100/10 class pass
Meridian Habitat Park Auditorium
Pickleball - returning in January!
Join us for some fun and physical activity, in a safe, socially-distanced environment! We will offer 16 spaces per time block with a total of 4 courts in use. Pre-registration is required (for BOTH members AND non-members). To register with a membership or by phone, call 253-798-4199. Sign up online: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/2349/Drop-in-Programs
Dates Day
Dec 21 - March 31 Mon/Wed/Fri
8:00 - 9:30 am 9:45 - 11:15 am 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
$3/non-member $100/annual membership
Lakewood Community Center Gym
specialized recreation


Screen Time with Santa!
Make your personal reservation to chat with Santa and Mrs. Claus on ZOOM for 15 minutes per family. They have set aside four different dates especially for you. Each family will receive one special holiday packet and picture with Santa. Additional packets may be added for additional children on the good list for an additional $2 per packet. Packets will be mailed directly to you after your visit. *If you have a problem accessing your Zoom Appointment with Santa please call (253) 433-4104
Age Dates Day Time Fee
Dec 8 Tues all ages Dec 10 Dec 14 Thurs Mon 4:30 - 7:30 pm *$10/session $2/each additional packetDec 16 Wed

VIRTUAL Club Pierce
Let’s get together (virtually) and have some fun! Virtual Club Pierce is designed around the same principles of Club Pierce: volunteerism, life skills, socialization, and fun. Participants will take part in games, crafts, virtual field trips, and more. Access to an internet capable computer/laptop/tablet/cell phone provided by the participant’s parent/guardian is required for participation. All other required supplies will be provided and will need to be picked up from a Pierce County Parks community center on the Monday prior to Wednesday’s meeting. Please indicate your preferred community center (Lakewood Community Center, Meridian Habitat Community Center, or Sprinker Recreation Center) choice in the registration process.* DDA respite funding accepted; please list case manager’s name and contact information.
Activity #
15676 15677 15678
Dec 2 Dec 9 Dec 16
8:00 - 9:30 am 9:45 - 11:15 am 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
Registration Deadline
Nov 23 Dec 3 Dec 10
*$25 per participant per day