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Column: Forget private tutoring

The Center for Academic Success can provide all the help you need, for free

Madison Bell / Roundup

You’re sitting in class with 45 dreadful minutes left to go. You have no idea what the lecture is about. The teacher begins to ask questions. You either look the other direction, pretend like you’re intensely engaged in your notes, or you start shuffling through your belongings like you’re looking for something of extreme importance; your stomach drops as you hear your name being called for the answer.

At this point you have three options: You can pay for a tutor, which means you will have to sacrifice buying the latest pair of Nike shoes, you can do nothing because your social life is more important than passing the class, or you can go to the Center for Academic Success.

What is the Center for Academic Success? If you don’t already know, then shame on you. It’s a free tutoring center on campus offered to Pierce College students. Yes, that’s right, I said free. So that Forever 21 dress you have been lusting after is now within reach since you’ll be saving money on tutoring. Another perk of this center is that you can walk-in or make an appointment at your own convenience.

When it comes down to it, I am truly an advocate of this center. I was stuck in a statistics rut last semester, and I was sick of throwing a hundred dollars a week away on tutoring that wasn’t making a difference in my understanding of the subject.

The Center for Academic Success offers a center for math and general tutoring. The general tutoring center offers many different subjects that range from anatomy (skeletons included) to microbiology, and even Spanish.

Why waste another semester sitting in the same class all because you didn’t get the help you needed?

Not only do you have to pay for the units all over again, but you’re also partially to blame for the recent class-crashing epidemic.

It is hard enough to add into classes these days, and when students have to retake courses it only adds more fuel to the fire.

Do you really want to show off the same Forever 21 dresses over and over again? People do notice, so you repeat offenders should watch out.

I had never considered going into the Center for Academic Success because I figured a bunch of student tutors would not be able to help me; boy, was I wrong.

Math has never been my subject, but after going to the center not only did I pass the class, but I was pulling off A’s and B’s on every test. I even felt comfortable enough to help my fellow classmates with problems. I no longer felt ashamed when the teacher passed back tests.

I only wish I took advantage of this center sooner in my education.

I would have saved enough money to go on a serious shopping spree at Neiman Marcus.

These tutors may be students, but they know their stuff. Not only are they trained, but they also have to get an A in their relevant subject areas, along with being referred by their teacher.

The center serves approximately 4,000 students per semester, according to Kathleen Boddicker, director of the Center for Academic Success. Be one of the 4,000 students who are making a proactive approach to their education by getting involved with your academic future the smart way.

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