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Complaints surface against Ag dean

Melody Soto / Roundup

A formal investigation into David E. Williams, associate dean of agriculture, concluded April 28 following complaints of disrespectful behavior by faculty and students.

The investigation was conducted by Sylvia Silva, compliance officer of Pierce College.

“Several allegations were made by faculty and students,” Silva said. “Written complaints were included and attached to the report.”

Written complaints turned into Silva by students stated that Williams has displayed disrespectful behavior on several occasions.

Statements regarding Trojan, a horse that died in the Equestrian Center, claim that Trojan was allowed to suffer prior to being euthanized, according to student, Siobhan Donnelly.

Increasing health problems in other horses, several cases having to do with William’s decision to remove their shoes, as well as maintenance and safety issues were also included in writing.

“The report was forwarded to the president of faculty union and the president of faculty grievances representative,” said Silva.

VET VISIT: (Left to right) Michael Clark DVM and associate dean of agriculture Dr. David E. Williams go over the paperwork regarding the euthanasia on Wednesday, April 13. The charge for the visit and procedure was about $175.
Devon Trammell / Roundup

Silva is not yet aware of any decision made regarding her investigation.

In response to a question of the horses being lame and not used for instruction on Wednesday, May 11, Williams said the allegations were inaccurate.

“These horses are in the best condition they have ever been; people compliment me all the time,” said Williams. “Go take pictures of the horses yourself.”

Betina Loudermilk, adjunct instructor of agriculture, was aware of the investigation, but not involved.

However, Loudermilk said that there are several maintenance issues that have become safety issues in the Equestrian Center, including weeds left to grow as high “as a person’s waist,” and arenas not being watered before use.

“It’s very hard to take a class when a horse wants to pull down constantly and eat the weeds, especially for new students,” said Loudermilk. “Sometimes four weeks pass without the arenas being prepped; it’s almost like riding on concrete.”

In addition, manure piling into mounds two to three feet in height are attracting flies, and wasted food is visible in the aisle ways that have been a problem since the horses were switched off of food cubes, according to Loudermilk.

“If you were to go to any instructional barn facility, you would not see the place look like this place does,” Loudermilk said. “We’ve never had our place look this terrible, ever.”

Williams made the decision to remove the horseshoes off all the horses. Several students and Loudermilk believe that this led to health problems in some of the horses.

“Not all horses need shoes, but some horses have preexisting conditions and need shoes,” Jayme Mills said.

Loudermilk, Mills and Tiffany Colohan also believe that if the horses’ shoes were going to be removed, the horses should have been given time to adjust from soreness that occurs as a result, prior to being ridden; especially the older horses.

“Dean Williams says we’re not veterinarians and can’t diagnose a horse, but a lot of us own horses or have taken pre-veterinary classes and know when something is wrong with a horse,” Jenn Stott said.

Trojan, a horse that was euthanized Wednesday, April 13, was a horse that had been lame this semester and was not used during the drill team class, according to Loudermilk who teaches the class.

A veterinarian attended Trojan the morning he showed symptoms of colic, but after the effects of the medication he was given wore off, Siobhan Donnelly called the veterinarian without authorization, once she saw that Trojan was left alone suffering and rolling on the ground for approximately two hours, she made the call.

“The horse was allowed to flip back and forth in pain,” Donnelly said.

Students like Donnelly, Helene Zinn and Julia Crisler felt ignored and lied to, according to official complaint documents.

TROJAN HELD: Agricultural technician Russ Shoten holds Trojan while Michael Clark DVM drains his stomach Wednesday, April 13.
Devon Trammell / Roundup

Wanting to be informed about what was happening to one of their favorite horses, they repeatedly questioned Williams without any answers, according to official documents.

When Williams was contacted for comment he was unable to provide anything further due to time constraints.

“Look at the farm and see its conditions,” said Le Shapiro, department chair of agriculture and natural resources. “That’s my comment.”

According to Williams’ faculty bio on the Pierce College agriculture website, he is a Certified Farrier. Williams recieved his certification from Oklahoma State Horeshoeing School.

A farrier is an expert in basic hoof care and some build their own horseshoes out of steel, according to Brandy Stewart, secretary at Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School.

“The veterinarian had no intention of coming back a second time,” Donnelly said. “Williams told the veterinarian on the phone that Trojan was resting peacefully, but that wasn’t true.”

Linda Howell is the only student allowed to board her horse in the Equestrian Center pens. Howell has a contract with LACCD, and her horse is used for instruction in advanced riding classes.

During the morning of Thursday, March 3, Howell was in her horse’s stall when Williams approached her and told her to fill out paperwork. The paper was a LACCD application for volunteer services, according to a log of events kept by Howell supporting the complaints and investigation.

An argument ensued from there according to Howell’s documents in which Howell admits to calling Williams a liar. Howell explains the conversation in her logs as she remembers it from that day. Williams “effectively blocked her in” to the stall making her uncomfortable and proceeded to “raise his voice.”

“I was visibly shaken after this,” Howell said. “Ever since that day, I am never alone at school.”

Howell filled out an incident report March 9 that was filed at the Pierce College Sheriff’s Station following the incident.

Donnelly witnessed the interaction between the two.

“He got in her face and yelled at her,” Donnelly said. “He told her if she didn’t sign paperwork, he was going to remove her from the property.”

Colohan has also observed Williams’ inappropriate behavior.

“I’ve seen him yell at Paddy Warner in front of her students on several occasions, and that’s disrespectful,” Colohan said. “As a dean, if he has a disagreement with a teacher there’s a way to discuss it in his office, but not in front of students.”

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