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Column: More can and should be done

Too little, too few come together to show support, students need to step it up

Donny Urrutia / Roundup

About more than 300 Pierce College students marched out of their classes to Victory Boulevard back on March 14 to protest against the budget cuts.

The chants were carried from the Mall all the way to Victory Boulevard.

Pierce students seemed united marching out in the streets but it was a small crowd.

Why were there only about 300 students protesting when there are more than 20,000 students enrolled at Pierce?

Pierce is not united.

Sure, sure there were some professors supporting the students out there in the rally but, that doesn’t mean Pierce is united.

Where were the rest of the professors and staff members?

If we want our voice to be heard, we need to get the whole college involved.

We may say or think that the rally on March 14 was a success, but how much of an impact did it cause in congress?

Budget cuts don’t only affect students they also affect professors.

If we want to accomplish a goal and be taken into serious consideration by congress, it needs to be a collective effort.

But how serious are we about the budget cuts? Or how much do we care about our education?

A random poll was conducted around campus to see how many students were aware of the budget cuts and how many were registered to vote.

The poll showed 83 percent of the 90 students are aware of the budget cuts and 61 percent are registered to vote.

It’s good that mostly everyone is aware of the budget cuts but not everyone is registered to vote.

Students need to stop chanting and complaining and need to start taking action. Students could cry all they want but it isn’t going to change anything.

Until students begin taking serious action that’s when their voices will be heard.

There are great examples in history of people who did more than talk they also walked the walk.

Why not do something similar to what Caesar Chavez did when he united all campesinos (farm workers) to fight for their rights? Why not do something similar when they encouraged Americans to boycott grapes?

Pierce staff and faculty should refuse to work at least one day and students not attend school to demonstrate congress what a big difference students and professors can make. Demonstrate them that they depend on us!

The community college system has been and keeps on being affected by the budget cuts.

In 2009 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed bills raising the unit fee from $20 to $26. Now Gov. Jerry Brown signed bills on March 24 raising the unit fee from $26 to $36.

How much more are we going to take? Are you willing to lose your education?

Lets make a difference!

Show congress that we got the power to take them out! If you’re not registered to vote, what are you waiting for?

The faculty needs to be more supportive and back us up! Demonstrate students how much they really care about their education.

It’s time that our parents and the community become aware of this situation. Let’s get them involved and encourage them to join the cause.

Hands Across California is quickly approaching and will take place Sunday April 17.

The event unites California students; faculty, staff members and many others to form a human chain across California holding hands showing congress that we care about our education.

Join every community college that day by coming to Pierce on April 17 and show your support. Bring your parents and friends; it’s time to make history!

Remember that we are not the only affected ones by the budget cuts but also everyone around you.

Act now.

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