3 minute read
Americans binge on happiness
Students’ perspective on Americans celebrating the death of Osama
Roundup Staff

It’s disrespectful; I feel people shouldn't be celebrating to the extent where they’re drinking and partying. I feel America is being immature about it. People are going to rebel because he died.
I don’t feel it’s right to celebrate, they shouldn’t celebrate they should be aware of what’s going to happen next – it’s going to get worst. There are probably a lot of angry people out there.

In Pakistan they were celebrating death. They finally got their revenge but their revenge isn't going to bring back their people. I don't think people should be celebrating. They shouldn't be lowering their standards to people they frown upon.
If you think about it, they'll probably think we're terrorists just like we think they're terrorists. It can go either way. I feel the whole celebrating thing America is setting us up for a bigger retaliation. It's just going keep going back and forth.

We’re still in a war troops aren’t pulling out. All the people who are terrorists are still terrorists. It’s going to make them mad. We’re still going to be conscious, now we’re expecting people to rebuttal.
It was a good victory. It made people feel like they got closure on the matter. It took Obama three years to do what Bush tried to do in eight years.

If they did get him…that’s good. I don’t think celebrating is going to resolve anything. Maybe this changes things, but who knows.
It’s hard to be optimistic about stopping terror, with something like this because they’re so deep. Even though we got rid of this asshole we have to look out for other people.

Where’s our humanity? It’s really ruff, it’s nice to know we did it. I personally feel we should have a moment of silence for the people who were killed or hurt in battle. It seems like we’re participating in an immoral act.
I don’t think it means anything really, there’s people still recruiting — even on American soil. Terrorism isn’t solely based in al Qaeda; it’s always going to be around when people use violence to get a message across.