2 minute read

Column: Let's keep our dignity

Dan Cromar / Roundup

Here we are. 2011. Ten years after the horrible events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Ten years later, and we’ve finally killed the man responsible.

What a glorious national victory. We’ve proven that we’re resilient, strong and persistent in our endeavors, not just to the rest of the world, but to ourselves as well.

In these hard times, it’s so good for us to know that we can be unified by this event, and not turn it into a giant national pissing contest.

What’s that?...Really?...Over what?...Oh, for the love of...

Yeah, that’s right. We’re ruining our nation’s strongest moment in years over a few damn photographs.

Now, there are two reasons anyone would want to have the death photos of Osama bin Laden released: proof and vengeance.

The proof one is the one that really grabs me. This is literally a bunch of people screaming up to the president “SCREENSHOT OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.”

I’m well aware that there are plenty of people out there who don’t exactly have a ton of faith in our federal government. Things haven’t exactly been all roses lately, so that’s understandable.

But I have a really hard time believing that said government would have the nerve, nay, the balls to fake the death of one of the most sought after fugitives on the planet and expect to get away with it.

How long does anyone really think it would take for bin Laden to pop his head out of whatever hole he’s “really” hiding in and go “Hey guys, still kickin! And plotting!”

Oh, and there’s that tiny issue of the new head of al Qaeda confirming bin Laden’s death.

Yeah. That’s right. The group who would benefit most from making our government look like a bunch of lying idiots has admitted that our government is not a bunch of lying idiots.

The ONLY scenario where the government could actually be lying about this that I can wrap my head around would be that we actually took bin Laden alive.

And if that’s the case, then please, continue lying.

Yeah, that’s right.

I’d rather be lied to about that then have every psychotic extremist on the planet kicking down our door trying to claim him.

The other part of the issue, however, is admittedly a little more complex.

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