2 minute read

Column: Going too far (Con)

Use of pepper spray not needed for a peaceful protest

Kevin Reynolds / Roundup

The use of Pepper spray on student protestors at University of California, Davis (UC Davis) was unacceptable behavior from police officers on campus.

I personally am against the protests popping up all around the country.

However, I am not against the right for people to do so, I only wish those who do have a clearer idea of what can be done to accomplish what they want.

The actions taken by police officers at UC Davis was unnecessary and clearly the wrong choice.

When the campus police arrived students were sitting with their arms locked refusing to leave.

The police decided to open fire with Pepper spray on the peaceful protestors.

To bring violence against peaceful protestors is never the answer. The police not only could have turned the scene violent with their own action but they brought more attention to the protestors.

There were so many other ways the police could have handled this situation without violence. For instance they could have turned on the sprinklers and just soaked them out.

Instead these men and women, who are supposed to protect people, knowingly, and intentionally brought violence of a sort, to a peaceful protest.

It is no longer a matter of whether the protestors had a point or if there were breaking any laws now the only issue is that these officers abused their power.

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