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Column: Occupy Pierce? (Con)

Occupying East Los Angeles College just serves as another pointless rally that will have no results

Gina Gutierrez / Roundup

Oh great, another occupy camp.

Pierce should not follow in the footsteps of East Los Angeles College and form an occupy movement.

First and foremost, I understand the message behind the movement loud and clear, but I have trouble seeing as how one huge slumber party will change anything. The efforts of the protestors need to be directed toward a more productive outlet.

The movement has been going on for months now and it seems like the only thing the protests have accomplished is creating even more dislike towards the police, and further isolating themselves from the world.

Hmm, something about that does not seem right to me.

I understand the frustration from the protestors and agree that something needs to change, but I do not believe forming new camps will help. How about forming a game plan? How about communicating like adults? How about actually making a difference?

I am not sure what the occupy movement is even about anymore.

Somewhere down the line, the camps lost track of what is important.

Now, it seems like it turned into a “We Hate the Police” movement.

Whatever happened to the main message? Maybe the banks would take it more seriously if there weren’t stories of protestors peeing on police officers.

I am interested to see how long the student protesters at East Los Angeles College camp will last since the school is actually allowing them to stay there until their deadline which is Jan. 1 and see if they get kicked out.

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