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Studying for finals
Whether putting together a daily study schedule or cramming at the last minute for finals, Pierce students do not have much time.
Finals are set to start taking place Tuesday, May 29 through Monday, June 4 at the regular class meeting times.
There are various ways to facilitate studying and get a better understanding of the concepts according to www.usnews.com
Tips for Studying:
1. “ Shed some commitments”
– It might be hard to say no, but avoiding unnecessary social gatherings to study may higher the chances of just a passing grade to a higher grade in the course. Also advice for student workers, cutting down the hours you work during finals may help you concentrate more, and ease the stress of having to cram.
2. “ Triage your study time”
– Students shouldn’t spend the same amount of time studying for all their exams, instead they should place them in order of difficulty and spend more time on the ones they know least of to the ones they understand more.
3. “Study in groups”
- Study with classmates who understand the material well enough to help you with questions.
Keeping in mind that it isn’t time for socializing may help reduce the time spent studying alone, allowing you to
Aurora Ramirez aramirez.roundupnews@gmail.com
have more time for other courses.
Students who study ahead of time usually feel more confident when the day of their final arrives, and don’t feel as stressed or anxious while taking their test.
I myself have been a victim of cramming endless chapters of information in a night or two, and the results at times have been rewarding and in others not so much, causing me to reconsider my study habits. In a study provided by www. hubpages.com, students who do not attend class regularly, fail to take down notes, and have poor time management, usually do worse in the course than those who follow their syllabus or guidelines provided by the professor.
Make a change this semester and set yourselves a study schedule that fits your daily routine, whether it is a few minutes throughout your day or an hour or two to studying for your examinations may help your final grade improve.
to be a letter.
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