1 minute read

Ten tips for surviving and passing your final exams

planet. This means I have to dedicate most of my studying time on just math. Try to make more time for subjects that are harder for you and spend less time on the class you feel are easiest. This way, you’ll most likely get good grades on all your finals equally.

Make a study plan or agenda.


Plan your entire week around studying by writing down a list of things you need to do and study for. This will keep you organized and less stressed out because you know exactly what will be going on the whole week. An agenda can prevent you from forgetting an assignment you have to turn in or a study guide you had to review. It can also prevent you from pulling an all-nighter or missing a deadline.

Find the perfect place to study

Whether it’s the library on or off campus or your comfortable and quiet room, find the perfect place for you. Being in the right environment and being focused with out any interruptions is key when it comes to studying for that big test. Open spaces are a great place to study to keep your mind open and ready to be filled with useful exam information.

Form a study group.

Get a few friends from class to join in on a study

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